Journal of Environmental Protection, 2011, 2, 435-444
doi: 10.4236/jep.2011.24050 Published Online June 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JEP
Ground Water in Certain Sites in Egypt and Its
Treatments Using a New Modified Ion Exchange
Characterization of Water and Modified Ion Exchange
Nariman H. Kamel1, AlSaid M. Sayyah2, Ahmed A. Abdel-aal1
1Radiation Protection Department, Nuclear Research Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo, Egypt. 2Faculty of Science at Beni-Suef
University, Beni Suef, Egypt.
Received January 12th, 2011; revised February 22nd, 2011; accepted March 29th, 2011.
The present work is a comprehensive of drinking water quality. Eleven groundwater samples were taken from various
rural regions of Egypt, the groundwater samples were investigated for chemical, radiometric and heavy metals analyses,
the major cations including; sodium (
a), potassium (K
), calcium (2
) and ma gnesium () ions species, the
major anions of chloride (
), sulphate (2
), nitrite (2
), phosphate (3
). Radiometric analyses in water
expressed as the gross alpha and beta activity concentrations, heavy metals analyses including arsenic (3
), lead
(), cobalt (), manganese (), iron (
Pb 2
Co 2
Mn 3
) and cadmium (2
) ions. The groundwater samples were
found to contain high concentrations of heavy metals than the limited values of the world health organization (WHO).
Heavy metals speciation were performed using MinteqA2 geochemical code. A modified exchange resin was prepared
by polymerization of the condensed dioxalayl p-sulphanilamide with phenol, this ion exchange resin was examined by
the different techniques such as; x-ray diffraction, infra red spectra (IR), and electronic microscopic, it was found a
good adsor bent material th at used for the reductio n of heavy metals fro m contaminated groundwat er s am pl es .
Keywords: Ion Exchange, Groundwater, Heavy Metals, Sorpt i on
1. Introduction
Heavy metals and radionuclides can enter into surface
and groundwater from a variety sources, Water pollution
is thus a consumpolitan problem that need urgent atten-
tion [1-4]. large amount of heavy metals and radionu-
clides can introduced into water body through untreated
and treated liquid wastes. The origin of heavy metals
contamination in drinking water lies in the illegal dis-
posal of industrial effluents, which eventually find their
way into underground aquifers. It is expected that con-
centration of heavy metals in drinking water will increase
and their removal will be needed a great effort in future.
Various treatment have been employed to reduce heavy
metals from aqueous solutions. Conventional techniques
usually involve application of various process such as
precipitation, filtration solvent extraction and ion ex-
change [5]. Cation exchange resin is to be useful for the
removal small concentrations of heavy metals from
aqueous solutions. A number of investigators have been
used ion exchange materials for the removal of inorganic
metal ions such as Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd and Ni from aqueous
solutions [5-8]. The purpose of the present study is to
give characterization of groundwater samples at certain
region in Egypt, and to clean up these contaminated
groundwater samples that may be used for human con-
sumer by using a synthetic ion exchange resin.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Chemicals and Apparatus
All chemical reagents are used in the experimental work
are analytical grade. Inductive couple plasma, atomic
emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) apparatus (France) is
installed at the chemical laboratory, Second Research
Reactor, Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt. Low back-
Ground Water in Certain Sites in Egypt and Its Treatments Using a New Modified Ion Exchange Resin
ground alpha and beta detector (Sophine) apparatus is
obtained from Germany, it was used for the measure-
ments of gross alpha and beta activity concentrations in
the groundwater samples. The infra-red measurements
were carried out using Schimatzu FTIR-430 Jasco spec-
trometer (Japan) with KBr disk technique.
2.2. Sampling
The groundwater samples (1-11) are taken from different
locations sited parallel to Ismailia canal water stream,
and near to the Atomic Energy Authority of Egypt. Fig-
ure 1 Shows the site locations of the groundwater sam-
2.3. Chemical Analyses
The groundwater samples are chemically analyzed for
the major cations, Na+, K+, Ca2+and Mg2+, major anions
Cl, SO42-, NO3, NO2, PO43–, and HCO3 and heavy
metals. Co2+, Cd2+, Fe2+, Pb2+, Mn2+ and As3+. Concentra-
tions of Na+, K+ ions were determined by flam photome-
ter, Ca2, Mg2+ ion concentrations and alkalinity were
determined by the titration method. The major anions of
Cl, SO42– ions species were determined using turbidi-
metry method. PO43–, NO2 and NO3 were also deter-
mined using colourmietric method [9]. All heavy metals
concentrations were analyzed using inductive coupled
plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES).
Figure 1. The site location of the groundwater samples with
the code no. (1-11). Note: AEA is the Atomic Energy Au-
thority. 1. Shibin Al-Qanater. 2. Kafr Hamza. 3. Seriaqos. 4.
Masaken Abu-Zabal. 5. Menia Shiha. 6. Tal Bani-Tamim. 7.
Al-Sahafa. 8. Al-Khanka. 9. El-Munyer. 10. Arab Guhaina.
11. Shebin Al-Qanater 2.
2.4. Radiometric Analyses
The groundwater samples were analyzed for the gross
alpha (
), and gross beta (
) activity concentrations (Bq/l),
these analyses are determined using low background al-
pha and beta spectroscopy.
2.5. The Modified Ion Exchange Resin
The modified ion exchange resin is prepared in the cur-
rent study by polymerization of the condensed dioxalayl
p-sulphanilamide with phenol, excess of formaldehyde
aqueous solution was inserted drop by drop to complete
the chemical reaction. The former complex compound is
prepared by the reaction of oxalic acid with sulphanilic
acid using Dean and Stark apparatus (Figure 2). The
following procedures (a & b) are used to prepare this
cation exchange resin.
2.5.1. A-Preparation of Dioxaloyl Para
Dioxaloyl para sulphanilamide is prepared using Dean
and Stark apparatus, oxalic acid (2 mole) and sulphanilic
acid (1 mole) are introduced in the dean and stark appa-
ratus using xylene as a reaction medium. Water produced
from condensation reaction of carboxylic group (from
oxalic acid) and amino group (from sulphanilic acid) are
collected in side tube in the dean and stark apparatus.
After the collection of th e physical quantity of water, the
reaction was stopped and the solid material was formed.
This reacting product was separated, filtrated from xy-
lene, dried in an oven at 140˚C to remove traces of xy-
lene then, it washed with warm distilled water at 40˚C to
remove the unreacted oxalic acid. Finally, this product is
dried in an oven at 70˚C till a constant weight was given
Figure 2. The dean and stark apparatus.
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Ground Water in Certain Sites in Egypt and Its Treatments Using a New Modified Ion Exchange Resin
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JEP
0.1 M NaOH and HCl aqueous solutions, the exchange-
able ions (meq/g) are plotted as a function of the differ-
ent pH values [9].
The dry solid material was recrystallized from distilled
water and dried (c.f. Scheme 1).
2.5.2. B-Preparation of the Modified Phenolic Resin
2.6.2. IR, XRD and SEM 13.6 g of the produced crystalline solid was added to 300 ml
of acetic acid, this mixture was stirred well by a glass
rod. 25 g of phenol was added to the mixture then 30 ml
of concentrated H2SO4 aqueous solution was followed by
addition 67.5 g formaldehyde to the previouse mixture
drop wisely. t he mixt ur e (e xo t h er mic re ac tion) was l e f t to
gain the room temperature. The produced solid was fil-
tered and washed repeatedly to attain pH 7. The solid
phase was separated, dried at 110˚C, grinded and sieved,
the desired grain size distribution was given as adsorbent
for the sorption experiments.
Approximately 1.0 mg of the modified ion exchange
resin sample was used for pellet preparation with 60 mg
KBr, then thermal treatment of the pellets was heated in
an oven at 80˚C for 24 hours to reduce the humidity con-
tent in the sample are carried out to prevent the overlap-
ping between water and carboxyl group bands in the
spectrum. X-ray diffraction pattern of the prepared ion
exchange resin as well as electronic microscopic were
also examined
2.7. Sorption Experiments
2.6. Identification of the Modified Ion Exchange
Resin A known weight (0.01 to 0.2 g) of the dry synthetic ion
exchange sample was shaken at 180 rpm with a constant
volume (50 ml) of the natural groundwater sample in
100 ml polyethylene bottles. After 24 hours, an equilib-
rium was attained, the solid phase was separated from the
aqueous phase by centrifugation at 180 rpm for 30 minutes.
The aqueous phase of each sample was filtered and ana-
lyzed for heavy metals such as, As, Cd, Cr, Co, Fe, Mn,
and Pb using ICP-AES. The metal ion removal expressed
The modified ion exchange resin solid material is charac-
terized by different techniques such as Fourier Transform
Infra Red (IR) Spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and Scan-
ning Electron Microscope
2.6.1. Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)
The cation exchange capacity of the modified ion ex-
change resin was determined by titration method using
Scheme 1. The modified ion exchange resin is prepared by the condensation of Dioxalayl-P-Sulphanimide with phenol.
Ground Water in Certain Sites in Egypt and Its Treatments Using a New Modified Ion Exchange Resin
as ppb, (where, 1 ppb = 1/1000 ppm). Concentrations of
the metal ion in solution and that adsorbed on the solid
phase are calculated as follows:
m (1)
and the adsorption percentage is given as:
Adsorption(%) 100
Where, q is the amount of the metal adsorbed (mg/g), Co
is the initial metal ion concentrations, Caq. is the final
aqueous cation concentration (mg/l), V is the solution
volume by liter and m is the mass of the metal adsorb-
ent (g).
3. Results and Discussions
3.1. The Modified Ion Exchange Resin
The prepared ion exchange resin has the specific surface
area 5.2 m2/g, hydrogen ion concentrations (pH) is 6.8,
the specific density is 1.3 m3/g and the specific cation
exchange capacities values are 1.1 and 3.0 meq/g, that
corresponding to the t wo fun cti onal carbox yl ic –COOH–
and –SO3H– active groups.
The Infra red absorption bands are given in Figure 3,
and their assignment are summarized in Table 1, the
results show that strong absorption band appeared at
686 cm–1, it could be attributed to the bending deforma-
tion of SO2 group. The absorption band was found at
835 cm–1 may be attributed to the multisubstituted ben-
zene ring (C-H group) out of the phase deformation. The
strong absorption band appearing at 1423 cm–1 is due to
the symmetric stretching vibrations for CH2 group, other
strong absorption band appearing at 1601 cm–1 could be
attributed to the symmetric stretching vibr ation for C = C
in benzene ring. The strong absorption band appearing at
1631 cm–1 is due to stretching vibration of the carbonyl
group in region of (N – C = O) group. The medium ab-
sorption band at 1732 cm–1 is due to stretching vibration
of the carbonyl group in free carboxylic group. The
broad band appearing at 3300 to 2648 cm–1 is due to the
overlap of OH group at the sulphonic and ca rb oxylic acid
X-ray diffraction pattern indicated that the modified
ion exchange resin is represented by the major amor-
phous structure mixed with a small portion of the crystal-
line structure. The electron microscopy pictures is given
in Figures 4 and 5, The Scanning electron microscope of
the bulk modified ion exchange resin is given in Figure
4, while Figure 5 gives the sector of this ion exchange
resin, the scanning electron microscope are generally use d
to detect the topography of the resin grain surface and the
molecules orientation in the space. From these Figures, it
is clear that the prepared ion exchange resin has a micro
tubular structure.
3.2. Groundwater Samples
3.2.1. Physical and Chemical Parameters
The physical and chemical parameters of the ground-
water samples are given in Table 2. Conductivity is the
ability of the water to conduct an electrical current, it is
directly proportional to the total dissolved solids (TDS)
and is an indirect measure of the ion concentration.
Figure 3. The infra red spectra of the modified ion exchange
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Ground Water in Certain Sites in Egypt and Its Treatments Using a New Modified Ion Exchange Resin439
Table 1. The peak assignment for each wave number (cm–1) of the IR spectrum at the modified ion exchange resin.
Wave number (cm–1) Peak assignment
686s Bending deformation of SO2 group
835s CH out of plane bending for multisubstituted benzene ring
1009s, 1035s, 1167s and 1246s Symmetric Stretching for C-O group
1423s Symmetric stretching for CH2 group
1601s Symmetric stretching f or C = C group in benzene ring
Symmetric stretching for C = O group in group
1732s Symmetric stretching for C = O group in carboxylic group
3300s Symmetric stretching for OH group in phenolic ring, Sulphonic and carboxylic group
Figure 4. Scanning electron microscope of the bulk modi-
fied ion exchange resin.
Figure 5. Scanning electron microscope sector of the modi-
fied ion exchange resin.
Table 2. The physical parameters of the groundwater sam-
ples (1-11).
Physical parameters
Sample No.
pH Conductivity
1 7.5 385 1.54 222
2 7.5 735 3.17 426
3 7.5 536 2.07 311
4 7.5 676 1.02 392
5 7.6 1441 8.56 836
6 7.5 1171 5.39 679
7 7.5 525 2.35 305
8 7.6 1215 2.17 705
9 7.6 1587 0.68 920
10 7.6 380 2.49 223
11 7.6 300 2.3 250
High concentrations values of the TDS at the ground-
water samples No. 5, 6, 8 and 9 indicated by the high salt
storage content at these area of the investigated samples
These results may also indicated by the releasing of indus-
trial wastes pollution at the area of these samples. The pH
varied from 7.5 to 7.6. Concentrations of the major cations,
(Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+), and anions (F, Cl, 3
, 3
, 2
, and ) are given in Table 3.
Concentrations of the cations and anions in meq/l of the
groundwater represented in Figures 6 and 7. Concentra-
tions of the major cationic species are found to decrease
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JEP
Ground Water in Certain Sites in Egypt and Its Treatments Using a New Modified Ion Exchange Resin
Table 3. The major cations, anions and the charge balance error (%) of the groundwater samples.
ClF NO3 2
NO 3
Ca2+ Mg2+ K+ Na+
Well no. (mg/l)
Err. (%)
1 38.2 0.32 0.24 0.01 0.01 31.7 134.0 22.4 11.4 3.6 21.6 –4.06
2 76.0 0.38 0.06 0.68 0.02 33.6 270.0 59.9 21.3 3.6 25.6 –2.64
3 30.0 0.44 0.034 0.18 0.07 9.0 254.0 35.3 17.8 2.5 21.3 –2.95
4 44.0 0.41 5.60 0.01 0.20 68.9 238.0 57.7 14.2 5.2 23.9 –4.34
5 138.0 0.55 0.12 0.43 0.13 221.7 451.2 75.7 29.4 7.3 122.8 –1.54
6 157 0.19 0.73 0.01 0.05 81.90 366.0 77.6 26.3 5.7 66.5 –4.28
7 32.8 0.27 0.26 0.01 0.10 31.20 224.0 47.8 13.25 9.4 20.1 –1.92
8 128.0 0.68 26.89 0.06 0.92 188.5 344.0 80.4 80.4 14.9 59.4 0.08
9 157.0 0.97 2.38 2.18 0.22 421.2 380.0 84.3 27.9 18.7 83.2 –3.73
10 39.0 0.46 0.35 0.03 0.15 31.85 130.0 1.1 116.1 22.8 446.1 1.48
11 32 0.32 0.35 0.03 0.17 30.0 132.2 1.2 88 9.2 40 –1.3
Groundwater samples
Cation concentrations ( meq/l)
Figure 6. Cations concentrations (meq/l) of the groundwater
sample (1-11). :K, : Na, : Ca and, :Mg ions species.
Groundwater samples
Anions cncentrations (meq/l)
Figure 7. Anions concentrations (meq/l) of the groundwater
sample (1-11). :Cl, : , : .
in the following order: Na > Ca > Mg > and K. The ma-
jor cations species are sodium, and calcium ions species.
these cations may be assumed found as bicarbonates
mixed with the minor sulphate ions species.
The quality of the water was determined from the
charge balance error (%) factor, this factor was calcu-
lated from the major cations and anions analyses as fol-
lows [11]:
The charge balance error (%) =
equivalent of cations equivalent of anions100
equival ent of cations equivalent of anions
If the charge balance calculated value is less than 5%,
the quality of the analysis is considered in the acceptable
range. these calculations required conversion factor from
(mg/l) unit into (meq/l) unit. (Conversion factors from
(mg/l) × A = meq/l, where A is the molar volume =
molecular weight
, this factor depending on the ionic
charge and the molecular weight of the ion). The charge
balance error factor of the groundwater samples are given
between 1.48 % and 4.34 %, which are with in of accept-
able range. Concentrations of the heavy metals (As, Cd,
Co, Cr, Fe, Mn, and Pb,) at the groundwater samples are
also given in Table 4, the ions concentrations are com-
pared with the standard guideline values of the world
health organizati on [10].
Most of the groundwater samples are found to have a
higher concentrations values of , , As, Cd, Co, Pb,
Mn and Fe ions species than was reported by the stan-
dard guideline limit values of the WHO [10], these re-
sults indicated by the releasing of pollutions in the form
of bicarbonates, sulphates and/or arsenate ions species
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Ground Water in Certain Sites in Egypt and Its Treatments Using a New Modified Ion Exchange Resin 441
Table 4. Concentrations of heavy metals (mg/l) in the groundwater samples.
Heavy Metals Concentration (mg/l)
Al As Cd Co Cr Fe Mn Pb Si V
1 0.39 0.24 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.08 0.11 0.09 1.66 ND
2 0.11 0.23 0.03 0.01 ND 0.61 0.31 0.11 15.32 0.01
3 0.09 0.24 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.42 0.47 0.10 13.46 0.01
4 0.09 0.23 0.01 0.02 ND 0.27 0.01 0.11 6.67 0.01
5 0.12 0.24 0.03 0.04 ND 0.64 0.31 0.29 13.52 0.01
6 0.16 0.23 0.04 0.02 ND 0.78 0.511 0.13 19.85 0.01
7 0.09 0.24 0.02 0.01 ND 0.87 0.14 0.30 11.64 0.01
8 0.09 0.24 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.45 0.29 0.28 9.28 0.02
9 0.09 0.24 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.08 0.10 0.14 13.30 0.06
10 0.31 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.007 0.08 ND 0.23 12.91 0.06
11 0.32 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.07 0.07 0.01 0.30 12.91 0.06
ND = not detected
3.2.2. Radiometric Study
Gross alpha and gross beta activity concentrations values
at the groundwater samples are summarized in Table 6.
Gross alpha activity values are found between 0.02 and
0.50 Bq/l, these values are lower than the critical detec-
tion limit value (0.5 Bq/l) that estimated by the WHO
(2004). The groundwater samples have a high gross beta
activity concentrations values which are lower than the
maximum permitted values (1.0 Bq/l). An increasing in
the gross beta activities values at all of the groundwater
samples is related to the fact of increasing the natural
potassium content at the samples (40K is emitted beta
3.2.3. Speciation of Heavy Metals in the Groundwater
The groundwater samples (1-11) are found to contain
high concentrations of Pb, Co, Mn and Cd ionic species,
concentrations ranges of those elements are compared
with the standard guideline of drinking water values.
Table 5 gives the heavy metals ranges at the groundwa-
ter samples (1-11) and the limit value of the WHO
(2004). Most of the groundwater samples contain low
concentrations of the gross alpha and beta activity con-
centrations. Cadmium range 0.01 - 0.35 ppm, arsenic
from 0.23 to 0.24 mg/l, lead 0.137 - 0.295 ppm and cobalt
0.150 - 0.93 ppm. Chromium range 0.004 - 0.017 mg/l is
lower than the permissible limit value 0.10 mg/l. Ge ne ral ly ,
the increases of heavy metals concentrations in the
groundwater might be attributed to the direct input from
different sources untreated and treated industrial
liquid wastes and dust containing car exhaust, these met-
als may be diffused from the pollutants to the soil sur-
faces and water, then it settled in the groundwater re-
sources [11]. The species of those ions that dissolved in
the groundwater may be expressed as both free and com-
plex compound ions species. Those ions species are cal-
culated at the fixed pH value 7.6 using geochemical code
Visual MinteqA2 version 2.3. the minimum and the
maximum ions concentrations are used in those calcula-
tions are given in Table 5. Table 7 gives the species of the
heavy metal ions percentage at the minimum ions concen-
trations and, Table 8 gives these species at high ions con-
centrations, from these Tables, it can be stated that:
At the low ions concentrations, low ionic strength, the
major of 45.32% 2
Cd(SO) and 46.68% 2
62.53% 3
, 99.89 FeF3, 98.15% 2
Pb(CO )
49.30% 2
, and 37.7 Pb(SO4), 31.88% MnCO3,
and 48.43% MnCl3 ions species
At the high ions concentrations the major of 99.80%
Cd(SO ), 90.06% CoSO4, 72.38% 42
Fe(SO )
90.65% 3
ions species are formed at the high
ions species.
The removal of those heavy metals ions by the modi-
fied ion exchange resin was carried out. Table 9 gives
the removal percentage. Similar results are observed at
all groundwater samples. Figure 8 gives concentrations
of the heavy metals ions before and after contacted with
the groundwater sample 4. All arsenic ions are removed,
decreasing in the heavy metal ions concentrations values
are observed after contact of the groundwater samples
with the modifi ed ion exchange resin sample for 24 hours.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JEP
Ground Water in Certain Sites in Egypt and Its Treatments Using a New Modified Ion Exchange Resin
Table 5. The concentrations ranges of the ionic species at the groundwater samples and the standard guideline of drinking
Parameter Standard guideline (mg/l) Conc. (mg/l) The parameters in the groundwater samples (1- 11)
F 2.0 0.20 - 1.00
Cl 300 30.0 - 138.0
HCO 250 130 - 451.2
SO 300 9.0 - 421.2
As 0.01 0.23 - 0.24
Cd 0.01 0.01 - 0.35
Co Nil 0.15 - 0.93
Cr 0.10 0.004 - 0.017
Pb Nil 0.137 - 0.295
Mn 0.05 0.10 - 0.51
Fe 0.3 0.027 - 0.90
N <10 0.10 - 26.9
Table 6. The gross alpha and beta activity concentrations values (Bq/l) of the groundwater samples (1-11).
Gross beta (Bq/l) Gross alpha (Bq/l) Well No.
0.08 0.17 1
0.44 0.52 2
0.03 0.34 3
0.64 Nil 4
0.19 0.17 5
0.16 Nil 6
0.01 Nil 7
0.01 Nil 8
0.17 Nil 9
0.27 0.17 10
0.01 0.10 11
Table 7. Speciation of heavy metals of the groundwater samples at the fixed ph value 7.6 and ionic strength <4 using
MinteqA2 code version 2.3.
Metal Component metal %
Cd 0.043% CdCl
, 7.39% , 0.15% CdSO 4, 45.32%
CdCl 2
Cd(SO )
0.21% , 46.68%
CdCO 2
Co 0.029% CoF+, 0.025% CoCl+, 16.10% CoSO4, 21.31% CoCO3 and 62.53% 3
Fe 0.105% 2
and 99.89 FeF3
Pb 0.36% 3
, 1.16% , 0.173 Pb(SO4), 98.15%
PbCl 2
, 0.124% PbCO 3 and 0.021
Mn 9.12 MnHCO3+, 31.88% MnCO 3, 0.021% MnF+, 48.43% 3
, 2.34% MnCl2, 0.03% MnCl+ and 8.17% MnSO4
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Ground Water in Certain Sites in Egypt and Its Treatments Using a New Modified Ion Exchange Resin443
Table 8. Speciation of heavy metals of the groundwater samples at the fixed ph value 7.6 and ionic strength >4 using
MinteqA2 code version 2.3.
Metal Component metal %
Cd 0.15% CdCl2, 99.80% , and 0.046%
Cd(SO) 2
Cd(CO )
Co 0.013%CoCl+, 90 .06% CoSO4, 2.52% CoCO3 and 7.41% 3
Fe 0.84% , 0.032% , 27% FeF3 and 72.38%
Fe( OH )
Fe(SO )
Pb 0.012% PbCl2, 3.34% , 49.30%
, 37.7 Pb(SO4), 9.59% 2
, and 0.012% Pb CO3
Mn 0.179 , 0.627% MnCO3, 90.65%
, 0.961% MnCl2, and 7.58% MnSO4
Table 9. the percentage of ions removal by the modified ion exchange resin.
Removal %
Sample Code No. As Cd Cr Co Fe Mn Pb
1 95.91 96.95 88.48 76.77 79.15 89.72 88.46
2 99.96 93.47 Nil Nil 85.52 52.14 92.96
3 99.60 99.65 96.95 92.84 66.73 84.10 99.17
4 95.94 87.56 Nil Nil 96.33 69.95 93.58
5 95.78 98.83 Nil Nil 82.09 49.01 95.22
6 96.10 91.54 Nil Nil 84.23 30.71 88.64
7 94.96 98.41 Nil Nil 55.06 71.46 83.02
8 95.84 98.40 87.05 86.93 33.56 31.17 76.07
9 96.03 97.75 86.64 49.12 75.37 42.13 97.08
10 95.95 92.89 11.71 73.09 70.91 94.54 97.20
11 93.94 92.82 20.17 72.17 78.14 89.88 85.37
Figure 8. Conc. of As, Cd, Cr, Co, Fe, Mn, Pb and V (ppb) ionic species at the groundwater sample No. (11), where is
after and is after using the syntheticion exchange material.
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Ground Water in Certain Sites in Egypt and Its Treatments Using a New Modified Ion Exchange Resin
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JEP
Concentrations o f the metal ions are not decreased by the
same rate, it depend on many factors such as selectivity
and the different in electro-negative charges of the at-
tracting forces between the ions species that dissolved in
water and the surface of the solid content of ion ex-
change resin. The results are with an agreement of other
investigations [12,13], many factors are affecting the metal
removal percentage by the ion exchange resin, these in-
Competing ions, the removal of heavy metals de-
creased by increasing of competing ions in the ground-
water samples.
The ion exchange resin is preferred to the cation has a
high valance state, arsenate ions species are com-
pletely removed from all groundwater.
Among ions having the same charge, sorption process
is preferred for the ions have the smallest hydrated
diameter such as lead ions Therefore, the removal of
heavy metals decreased by the following order: Pb2+
> Cd2+ > Co2+ > Fe2+ > and Mn2+ The results are with
an agreement of that reported [14].
4. Conclusions
This research is concerning with the water quality, a
modified dioxaloyl-para-sulphanilamide ion exchange
resin was prepared in the laboratory is characterized by
the, infra red spectra, x-ray diffraction and electronic
microscopic, the cation exchange capacity and specific
surface area are also performed. Speciation of heavy
metals such as ; Cr, Cd, Co, As, Mn, Fe and Pb in ground-
water samples were performed using visual MinteqA2
geochemical code version 2.3. This modified ion ex-
change resin was found to be a good adsorbent that used
for heavy metal removal from groundwater samples.
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