Engineering, 2011, 3, 452-460
doi:10.4236/eng.2011.35052 Published Online May 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. ENG
Thin-Walled Tube Extension by Rigid Curved Punch
Rostislav I. Nepershin
Plastic Deformation Systems Department, Moscow State University of Technology STANKIN”,
Moscow, Russia
Received February 22, 2011; revised March 16, 2011; accepted March 31, 2011
Computer model is developed for non-steady and steady-state process of thin-walled tube extension by the
rigid punch with curved profile. Rigid-plastic membrane shell theory with quadratic yield criterion is used.
Tube material normal anisotropy, work hardening, wall thickness variation and friction effects are considered.
FORTRAN programs of the model predict distributions of the thickness, meridian stress, yield stress and
pressure along curved generator of deformed tube and the tube extension force versus punch displacement
relation. Model predictions are correlated with experimental data.
Keywords: Tube Extension, Rigid-Plastic Membrane Shell, Curved Rigid Punch, Normal Anisotropy, Work
Hardening, Wall Thickness Variation
1. Introduction
Thin-walled tube extension by rigid punch with curved
generator can be used for forming of specified profiles at
the tube ends defined by its function in machine design.
Approximate analysis of the thin-walled tube extension
by rigid punch is constrained, mainly, by conical form
with approximate yield criterion of isotropic material,
approximate wall thickness variation and work hardening
effect [1-4]. Practical technology of the tube extension
by cone punch reveals curved generators forming at tran-
sition regions from cone to cylinder parts of the tube
[2-4], which are difficult to control. But curved generator
can be specified by hydro- or aerodynamic parameters of
the tube profile. Thin-walled metal tube can reveals
normal anisotropy induced by cold rolling technology
with the result of stress-strain and wall thickness effects
during tube extension. So, development of computer
model of the tube extension process by rigid punch with
curved generator and material normal anisotropy consid-
eration, deems, is important engineering problem.
Simulation of non-steady tube plastic forming by the
finite element method (FEM) is limited by difficult
problem of large matrix Equations accurate solution for
nonlinear plastic material model with work hardening
effect, stress-strain relations, variable shell thickness and
curved tool boundary. Nonlinear plastic problem in
commercial FEM codes is treated as non-linear elasticity
or viscous solid without finite yield stress, with the result
of non-accurate stress state calculations. More accurate
simulation of thin-walled tube plastic forming, deems,
should be made by correct numerical solution of ordinary
differential Equation derived from exact equilibrium
Equations of membrane rigid-plastic thin-walled shell
model with Mises yield criterion, including work hard-
ening and normal anisotropy effects. This approach was
used successfully for non-steady models of plastic shells
drawing, which good correlated with experiments [5-8],
and for thin-walled tube reduction by matrix with curved
profiles [9].
Presented model of the thin-walled tube extension by
rigid punch with curved generator is based on membrane
theory of the rigid-plastic shell of revolution, with mate-
rial normal anisotropy, work hardening, wall thickness
variation and friction effects included. FORTRAN pro-
grams are written for numerical solution of the problem
differential Equations. Numerical results of computer
simulation are given for the S- mode cosine, double cir-
cular and cone-circular punch profiles. Presented model
for cosine punch profile and related model [9] for the
tube reduction by curved matrix are reasonable corre-
lated with experimental data.
2. Problem Formulation
Scheme of the thin-walled tube extension by the punch
with curved generator is shown in Figure 1. Cylindrical
co-ordinates r, z, θ are related with fixed punch, while
the tube is moved in positive z direction. The punch
curved profile is specified by differentiable function r = r
(z) on the axial length H0 with continues tangent angle
, defined by derivative ddrz = tg
. The S- mode
profile is considered with continues conjunction with
cylinder surfaces of the tube with inner radius r0 at the
point A, and the punch with maximal radius R0 at the
point C. The angle
= 0 at the points A and C, and
α at the maximum point ddz
= 0. The profile curva-
ture available should satisfy condition of continues
punch-tube contact with positive pressure p, defined by
solution of differential equilibrium Equation with plastic
yield criterion.
Plastic forming of the tube is generated by axial dis-
placement s of the tube rigid part with initial wall thick-
ness h0. Displacement s defines deformed tube segment
AB. If s = l0 then point B of the tube edge is coincided
with the final punch profile point C, where the tube plas-
tic strain increase is stopped. Tube extension process is
non-steady at the displacement interval 0 s l0 with
the plastic strain increase and the wall thickness h de-
crease on the curved tube segment AB. If s l0 then
steady-state extension process begins, with accuracy of
friction effect defined by slip of cylindrical tube segment
with radius R0 on the punch surface.
Tube extension ratio 00Rris constrained by the limit
plastic strain ep* of tension in circular direction θ of the
tube front edge which leads to local increase of the plas-
tic strain followed by fracture of the tube edge. The ep*
value is defined by material work hardening behavior
[10]. Limit ratio00Rr, defined by the plastic strain ep*,
is 1.2-1.3 for high plastic steel tube extension by cone
punch [1,4]. Increase of the metal plasticity by heat of
the deformed tube leads to essential increase of extension
ratio [4]. In the case of tube extension at elevated tem-
peratures the ideal plastic material model can be used
with the yield stress estimation for mean strain rate and
temperature values.
Second constraint of the limit tube extension ratio is
buckling of thin-walled initial tube induced by com-
pression meridional stress σA at the section z = 0. De-
tailed experimental investigations of cylindrical tube
buckling are given in Refs [11,12]. Approximate esti-
mations of the critical relation AS
for the tube ex-
tension by cone punch are given in Ref [4]. Critical
buckling ratio of the tube can be increased essentially
by kinematical constraints of the tube wall in tube ex-
tension die design [4].
3. Stress—Strain Relations
In the case of thin-walled tube extension deformed mate-
rial element of the tube middle surface is loaded by
membrane principal stresses σ1 = σθ > 0 in circular direc-
tion θ, σ2 =
< 0 in meridian direction tangent to the
punch profile, and σ3 = 0 in normal direction to the
punch profile. Generalized Mises yield criterion for the
principal stresses in the case of normal anisotropy in di-
rection of the tube wall thickness can be written as fol-
lows [7]
 
 
Coefficient of normal anisotropy a is ratio of the width
to thickness plastic strains defined by axial tension of
sheet metal specimen [10]. Material yield stress σs is de-
fined by accumulated plastic strain ep using work hard-
ening relation
 (2)
Plastic flow rule associated with the yield criterion (1)
defines increments of the plastic strains in
and θ di-
Accumulated effective plastic strain increment d
defined by the
and de
increments using plastic
incompressibility condition
d dddd
e eeee
Substitution relation deθ = drr and Equation (3) into
Equation (4) defines dep as the function of the stress state
and circular plastic strain increment
 (5)
Plastic incompressibility condition and Equation (3)
define differential relation for the wall thickness versus
circular plastic strain increment and stress state coeffi-
cient c
 dr
At the tube edge B (Figure 1) we have
= 0, c =
–(1 )aa
, and wall thickness is found by integration of
Equation (6)
exp ln
hh arh
Extension process can be used to form of short ring
with initial dimensions r0, h0, l0 to final dimensions R0, h,
l, with the wall thickness h defined by Equation (7)
exp ln
hh aRh
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Copyright © 2011 SciRes. ENG
and length l defined by constant volume condition
00 0
hr h
hR h
Stress equilibrium Equations considered below will be
solved using the yield criterion (1) to write positive cir-
cular stress σθ as the function of meridian stress
yield stress σs
aa a
 
4. Tube Stress State
Stress state of deformed tube is calculated using mem-
brane theory of the rigid-plastic shell with yield criterion
(1), work hardening (2), wall thickness variation (6) and
Coulomb’s friction coefficient f at the punch contact
boundary specified by its generator. The shell element
equilibrium equation in normal direction to the shell
middle surface defines relation of the normal pressure p
versus stresses σφ, σθ and the shell curvatures
If punch generator is specified by the function r = r(z)
then curvature radii are defined by the Equations
 
 ,d
tg z
2cos 2
From Equation (11) it is follows, that contact pressure
p is positive if
If inequality (14) is not satisfied, then the tube is de-
parted from the punch profile, and curved free boundary
of the tube is generated. Stress state of extended tube
satisfies inequalities
> 0 and
< 0. Hence, the
inequality (14) is defined by the tube stress state, values
and signs of the punch profile radii R1 and R2.
Tube stress state should satisfy equilibrium Equation
in meridian direction to the middle surface, which for the
case of variable wall thickness and Coulomb’s contact
friction is written as follows:
dd sin
dh pf
rhr h
 
 
 (15)
Substitution Equations (10) and (11) into Equation (15)
gives differential Equation for the meridian stress
with specified distributions of the h and σs on the tube
middle surface.
If the punch profile is specified by the Equation r = r
(z) with continues curvature radii defined by Equations
(12) and (13), then integration of Equation (15) can be
performed using z variable. In this case Equation (15)
can be written in the form:
tg fh
  
where σθ and R1 are defined by Equations (10) and (12).
If concave and convex punch profile segments are speci-
fied by circles radii r1 and r2 , then variable
is rea-
sonable for integration of Equation (15). Using relations
dr = r1sin
, dr = r2sin
and Equation (11),
differential Equation (15) can be written in the forms as
Equation (17) on the concave profile segment, and Equa-
tion (18) on the convex profile segment.
If the punch profile is cone, conjugated with circles
radii r1 and r2, then Equations (17) and (18) are used on
the curved profiles, while the length l of cone generator,
inclined at the angle α to the z axis, is used for integra-
tion of Equation (15), which takes the form:
dsin1 dsincos
 
Simulation of non-steady tube extension by rigid
punch is performed by numerical integration of Equa-
tions (16)-(19) by second order Runge method with
specified punch profile, and the tube front edge B mov-
ing from the point A to the point C (Figure 1). Integra-
tions are performed along the profile from the point B,
where the boundary conditions are specified
0,,ln22 ,
sp pBB
eerh rh
 
sinsincos ,
 
 
 
and thickness hB is defined by Equation (7), to the point
A , using distributions of the h, ep and σs known for pre-
vious position of the point B, which is coincided with the
point A at the initial process stage. Effective plastic strain
increments dep are calculated from Equations (3) and (5)
with material points displacements to the neighbouring
nodes of the tube segment AB. Summering of the effec-
tive plastic strain of material points and calculations of
the σs and h from Equations (2), (6), define distributions
of the σs and h for the next process stage. Calculations of
non-steady stages are terminated when the point B is
coincided with the point C, and steady-state tube exten-
sion begins.
Displacement s of initial tube is related with the edge
point B position and wall thickness distribution by inte-
gral incompressibility condition
00 0
Extension force P versus s is defined by maximum
compression stress σA(s) =
(s) at the point A , which
is found by integration of Equations (16)-(19) when
point B is moving from the point A to the point C.
00 0
Psr hhs
FORTRAN programs are written for computer simula-
tion of the tube extension from initial radius r0 to the
final radius R0 with three punch profiles specified on the
length H0 of the z axis (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Tube extension by the rigid curved punch.
5. Punch Profiles
Cosine profile is specified by the function
Rr z
rr H
 
0 z H0 (23)
First and second derivatives of the function (23),
which defines the tangent angle
and curvature radius
R1 by Equation (12), are as follows
πsin π
Rr z
 
 
 
Equations (23)-(25) are used for numerical integration
of Equation (16) with constant step dz =
0–1HN ,
where N is number of nodes on the punch profile.
Double circular profile is specified by circle radii r1
on the concave and r2 on the convex segments with tan-
gent angle α at the bend point. The profile parameters r1,
r2 and α satisfy the following relations
12 0
(1cos) rrR r
12 0
sinrr H
The angle α is found from Equations (26) and (27) in
the form
sin 1
If radius r1 is specified and satisfy the inequality
, (29)
then radius r2 can be found from Equation (27), and vice
versa. So, double circular punch profile is defined by the
parameters H0, R0, r0 and r1 or r2. The profile
co-ordinates are specified in parametric form versus tan-
gent angle
01 1
1cos ,sin,0rr rzr
  (30)
On the concave segment, and
02 02
1cos ,sin,0rR rzHr
  (31)
On the convex segment. Equations (30) and (31) are
used for numerical integration of Equations (17) and (18)
with constant step d
, where N is nodes num-
ber on the each circular profile.
Cone profile with circular conjunctions is specified by
radii r1 and r2 on the curved concave and convex seg-
ments, length L and angle α of the cone segment. The
values r1, r2, L, α are related with H0, R0, r0 by the Equa-
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. ENG
 
12 00
1cos sinrrLR r
  (32)
12 0
sin cosrrL H
If the angle α satisfy inequality
, (34)
then L and radii sum are found from Equations (32) and
00 0
 
 (36)
So, cone punch profile with circular conjunctions is
defined by H0, R0, r0, α and radius r1 or r2. Co-ordinates
of the profile are specified in parametric form versus
by Equations (30) and (31) on the curved segments, and
versus l on the cone segment
01 1
1 cossin,sincos ,rr rlzrl
 
0lL (37)
Equations (30), (31) are used for numerical integration
of Equations (17) and (18) with step d
and nodes
number N1 on the each curved segment. Equations (37)
are used for numerical integration of Equation (19) on
the cone segment with step dl =2LN , where N2 is nodes
number on the cone profile segment.
6. Numerical Results
Numerical results are presented for the tube extension
simulations from initial radius r0 = 30 mm with wall thick-
ness h0 = 1 mm to final radius R0 = 40 mm by three curved
punch profiles on the length H0 = 25 mm. Tube material is
low carbon steel with initial yield stress σ0 = 300 N/mm2
and work hardening parameters C = 1.27, n = 0.672.
Cosine punch profile, defined by Equation (23), has
continues curvature variation with radii r1 = r
2 = 12.67
mm at the points z = 0 and z = H0 and tangent angle α =
0.561 at the middle bend point. Double circular profile is
specified by radii r1 = 15.0 mm, r2 = 21.25 mm and α =
0.761 at the bend point. Cone profile with circular con-
jugations is specified by r1 = 12.0 mm, r2 = 14.22 mm, α =
0.5 and L = 14.16 mm of cone segment.
Force P versus displacement s relations are shown in
Figure 2 for three punch profiles with a =1 and f = 0.1,
up to the steady state tube extension onset. Relations P(s)
are S-mode curves with Pmax values 28.06, 27.91, 27.83
kN at the final s values l0 = 28.75, 30.33, 29.94 mm for
(a) cosine, (b) double circular and (c) cone with circular
conjunctions punch profiles. Close Pmax values are ex-
plained by equal length H0, extension ratio 00
close curvature radii of the curved punch profile seg-
Distributions of accumulated effective plastic strain ep,
meridian stress 0
, contact pressure0s
, wall
thickness 0
hh and yield stress 00
Rralong deformed
tube generator at the final extension stage are shown in
Figure 3 for (a) cosine, (b) double circular and (c) cone
with circular conjunctions punch profiles. Values ep, h/h0,
and 0
at the front tube edge z = H0, where
= 0, are defined by the final radius R0 for all punch
profiles, with ep = 0.282, 0
hh = 0.868, 0s
= 1.543
and 0
= 3.31·10–2. Distributions of ep,0
hh ,
are constrained by specified initial and final val-
ues, and are close for three punch profiles considered.
Contact pressure 0
distributions are essentially
Figure 2. Extension force P versus displacement s for (a)
cosine; (b) double circular and (c) cone with circular con-
junctions punch profiles.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. ENG
different for considered punch profiles. In the case of
cosine profile (Figure 3(a)) radius R1 on meridian plane
and pressure p
0 are continues. Minimal pressure
value 2.68·10–2 is at the profile bend point with increase
of the pressure to maximal value 6.18·10–2 at the point z
= 0 on concave profile segment. In the case of double
circular profile (Figure 3(b)) there is pressure discon-
tinues change from 1.23·10–2 to 4.19·10–2 at the profile
bend point, as the result the value and sign discontinuity
of radius R1 in Equation (11). In the case of cone with
circular conjunctions profile (Figure 3(c)) radius R1 is
discontinues at the points of cone conjunction with con-
Figure 3. Distributions of plastic strain ep, meridian stress
, wall thickness0
hh , yield stress 0s
and con-
tact pressure p
0along the tube generator for (a) cosine,
(b) double circular and (c) cone with circular conjunctions
punch profiles.
cave and convex profile segments, where minimal pres-
sures are 2.46·10–2 and 2.45·10–2. Pressure values are
decreased on convex profile segments with small com-
pression stress
and decrease of circular stress σθ ,
as can see in Equation (11). But modules of negative
radius R1 are large on convex profile segments, with the
result of positive pressure p along all profiles without
deviation of deformed tube from the punch contact
Distributions of compressive meridian stress 0
along profiles are continues increased curves with
maximal values 0.488, 0.485 and 0.484 at the point z = 0
for profiles (a), (b) and (c) accordingly. Effect of differ-
ent pressure distributions on the
and other variables
is negligible, because pressure and friction coefficient in
Equations (15)-(19) are small. Increase of anisotropy
coefficient a from 1 to 2 leads to increase of minimal
wall thickness of the tube front edge, defined by Equa-
tion (8), at 4.2%; with decrease of maximal compression
stress max
and tube extension force Pmax at 0.7% for
considered punch profiles.
Friction effect on maximal compression meridian stress
and extension force P values is given in Table 1 for
isotropic tube extension to the final radius R0 and three
punch profiles (a), (b) and (c) considered above. Increase
of the friction coefficient f from 0 to 0.15 leads to increase
of maximal
and P values at 42% for all punch pro-
files, with a small difference of the profiles lengths.
7. Experiments
Experimental verification of the thin-walled tube exten-
sion theory has been performed using device for sequen-
tial thin-walled rings extension by the punch with
S-mode curved profile shown in Figure 4 [13]. First ring
4 with initial dimensions L0, h0, d0 is fixed in support 3
groove (left side in Figure 4). Punch 2 pushed by the rod
1, and first ring is extended up to the middle of the punch
Table 1. Friction and punch profile effects on maximal val-
ues of the meridian stress and extension force.
0. 0.05 0.1 0.15
cosine profile
0 0.382 0.434 0.488 0.543
P, kN 21.95 24.98 28.06 31.19
double circular profile
0 0.377 0.431 0.485 0.541
P, kN 21.67 24.77 27.91 31.11
cone with circular conjunctions profile
0 0.378 0.431 0.484 0.538
P, kN 21.75 24.77 27.83 30.94
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. ENG
profile (right side in Figure 4). Second ring 5 is fixed in
support 3. During second stroke of the punch ring 5 is
extended to the middle of the punch profile, and ring 4 is
extended to the upper end of the punch. Then ring 6 is
fixed in support 3 followed by the punch third stroke,
and first ring 4 is pushed from the punch with final di-
mensions L, h, d.
Dimensions L0, h0, d0 of specimens for extension by
the punch were obtained by the rings reduction through
the matrix with S-mode profile shown in Figure 5 [14]
and used for verification of the thin-walled tube reduc-
tion model [9]. First ring 4 with initial dimensions L0, h0,
d0 is fixed in cylindrical part of the matrix with diameter
d0 and pushed to the middle of the matrix profile by the
punch 1. Second ring 5 is fixed in the matrix and pushed
to the middle of the matrix by second stroke of the punch,
while first ring is pushed to the end of the matrix profile.
Finally, ring 6 is fixed in the matrix followed by its
pushing to the middle of the matrix, ring 5 is pushed to
the end of the matrix during third punch stroke, and first
ring 4 is pushed out of the matrix with final dimensions L,
h, d.
Extension of reduced rings by the curved punch was
used to increase plastic strain and properties of the rings.
Samples for reduction and extension experiments with
dimensions d0 = 39.9 mm, h0 = 1.98 mm, L 0 = 17.3 mm
Figure 4. Device for sequential rings extension by curved
punch. 1-push rod, 2-punch, 3-support, 4-6-extended rings.
Figure 5. Device for sequential rings reduction by curved
matrix. 1-punch, 2-matrix, 3-support, 4-6-reduced rings.
(Figure 5) were turned from hot rolled tube of carbon
steel St 3 (Russian metallurgy standard). Work hardening
curve σs (ep) was found by compression tests of short
ring specimens, turned from the tube, by lubricated
smooth flat dies. Material parameters of the approxima-
tion (2) are σ0 = 3202
Hmm , C = 1.8 and n = 0.4. Iso-
tropic material is assumed, with a = 1 in Equations
Cosine profiles (23) were used for the matrix and
punch manufactured on machine tool with digital control
program, followed by the heat treatment for specified
hardness. Profile (23) parameters are R0 = 18 mm, r0 =
13.74 mm, H0 = 30mm for the punch (Figure 4), and R0
= 20 mm, r0 = 16 mm, H0 = 30 mm for the matrix (Fig-
ure 5). Reduction and extension experiments were per-
formed on standard hydraulic testing machine with
bough the force and displacement control. Ring speci-
mens, punch and matrix profiles were lubricated by
oil-graphite suspension. Coulomb’s friction coefficient f
for the tool roughness with lubrication was assumed in
the range 0.05-0.08.
Comparison of predicted relations P(s) for the rings
reduction by curved cosine matrix [9] with experimental
data is shown in Figure 6. Non-steady and steady state
experimental data are reasonable correlated with pre-
dicted relations in the range of possible Coulomb’s fric-
tion coefficient values. Predicted final ring dimensions
after reduction [9,14] h = 2.26 mm, L = 19.5 mm are
good correlated with measured dimensions h = 2.3 mm,
L = 19.3 mm of the reduced rings.
Device for the rings extension by the curved cosine
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. ENG
punch (Figure 4) has been manufactured several months
later after rings reduction device with the result of re-
duced work hardening effect relaxation. Comparison of
predicted relations P(s) for the reduced rings extension
by the curved cosine punch of the present model with
experimental data is shown in Figure 7. Non-steady ex-
perimental data are good correlated with the model in the
range 0.05-0.08 of the friction coefficient f. First ring
extension to the middle of the punch profile is close to
predicted curve with f = 0.08, while further two rings
extension to the end of the punch profile is close to pre-
dicted curve with f = 0.05. Predicted final ring dimen-
sions after extension h = 2 mm, L = 17.24 mm are good
correlated with measured dimensions h = 1.95 mm, L =
17.3 mm of the final rings.
8. Conclusions
Model of thin-walled tube extension by curved rigid
punch based on membrane rigid-plastic theory are de-
veloped by numerical solution of differential Equations
along specified curved punch generator with considera-
tion of material normal anisotropy, work hardening,
contact friction and wall thickness variation, defined by
generalized Mises flow rule.
FORTRAN programs of the model predict extension
force versus displacement and distributions of effective
plastic strain, yield stress, meridian stress and contact
pressure along the tube generator at specified punch or
tube displacement up to steady state process beginning.
Positive contact pressure, defined by specified S-mode
punch profiles, is essential condition for the tube forming
without deviation from contact boundary with the punch.
Numerical examples of mild steel tube extension by
S-mode cosine, double circular and cone with circular
conjunctions punch profiles for extension ratio 00
Figure 6. Predicted (solid lines) and experimental
(—non-steady, —steady state) relations P(s) for
thin-walled rings reduction by curved cosine matrix.
Figure 7. Predicted (solid lines) and experimental (
non-steady, —steady state ) relations P(s) for thin-walled
rings extension by curved cosine punch.
1.3 with normal anisotropy variation from 1 to 2 show
increase of minimal thickness of the tube front edge at
4.2% with decrease of maximal extension force at 0.7%.
Increase of the friction coefficient from 0 to 0.15 leads to
drastic growth of extension force and maximal compres-
sion meridian stress, which can be constrained by the
tube buckling.
Models of thin-walled tube extension by curved punch
and thin-walled tube reduction by curved matrix [9] are
used in patents [13,14] for thin-walled rings plastic form-
ing. Predicted force-displacement relations and dimen-
sions of thin-walled carbon steel rings forming by lubri-
cated matrix and punch are reasonable correlated with
experimental data.
9. References
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[2] E. A. Popov, “Basis of Sheet Stamping Theory,” Mashi-
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ogy and Automation of Sheet Stamping,” Baumann Uni-
versity Press, Moscow, 2003.
[4] Ju. A. Averkiev and A. Ju. Averkiev, “Cold Stamping
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Shtampovochnoe Proizvodstvo: Obrabotka Materialov
Davleniem, No. 6, 2008, pp. 31-36.
[6] R. I. Nepershin, “Simulation of thin-Walled Axisymmet-
rical Shell Drawing with Flat Flange (Continuation),”
Kuznechno-Shtampovochnoe Proizvodstvo: Obrabotka
Materialov Davleniem, No.7, 2008, pp. 34-40.
[7] R. I. Nepershin, “Simulation of Thin-Walled Axisymmet-
rical Shell Drawing by Complex Form Punch with Nor-
mal Anisotropy and work hardening of Workpiece Mate-
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. ENG
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. ENG
rial Consideration,” Kuznechno-Shtampovochnoe Proiz-
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10. Notation
ro minimal punch radius and initial tube inner radius (mm)
Ro maximal punch radius and final tube inner radius (mm)
ho initial thickness of the tube wall (mm)
h variable thickness of the tube wall (mm)
s tube displacement relative the fixed punch (mm)
lo final tube displacement at the end of non-steady process (mm)
f Coulomb’s friction coefficient
r, z, θ cylindrical co-ordinates
Ho length of curved punch profile along the z axis (mm)
P tube extension force (kN)
R1 curvature radius of the tube middle surface on meridian plane (mm)
R2 curvature radius of the tube middle surface on normal plane (mm)
tangent angle of the punch profile and tube middle surface with the z axis
σ0 initial yield stress of the tube material (2
Hmm )
ep accumulated effective plastic strain
σs yield stress of the tube material defined by ep (2
Hmm )
a normal anisotropy parameter—relation of the width to thickness plastic strains measured during
tension test of the sheet specimen
σ1, σ2 membrane principal stresses
meridian stress of the tube middle surface element
σθ circular stress of the tube middle surface element
p normal pressure on the punch profile
τ friction stress on the punch profile