Vol.3, No.5, 276-287 (2011)
opyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Va riables associated with suicide ideation an d plans in a
Japanese population
Takuya Hasegaw a1*, Chiyoe Murata1, Tatsuya Noda1, Tomoko Takabayashi2,
Takashi Ninomiya2, Shin ya Hayasaka1, Toshiyuki Ojima1
1Department of Community Health and Preventive Medicine, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Hamamatsu, Japan;
*Corresponding Author: hasetaku07172000@gmail.com
2Hamamatsu City Mental Health and Welfare Center, Hamamatsu, Japan.
Received 22 March 2011; revised 20 April 2011; accepted 26 April 2011.
The purpose of our study was to clarify vari-
ables associated with suicide ideat ion and p lan s
in a Japanese population. We conducted a ran-
dom-sampling survey on mental health and sui-
cide using a self-administered questionnaire for
Hamamatsu City residents aged 15 - 79 years
between May and June, 2008. This included
questions about gender, age, outpatient treat-
ment, alcohol problems, depression, living ar-
rangements, marital status, annual family in-
come, industry types as well as suicide ideation
and plans. The correlation between these vari-
ables and suicide ideation or plans was then
analyzed with multiple logistic regression an aly-
sis by gender. A total of 1051 responded to this
questionnaire (response rate, 53.9%). Variables
statistically associated with suicide ideation in
males included alcohol problems, depression,
lower annual family income, and accommoda-
tions/eating/drinking services, while in females,
the variables were younger age, outpatient
treatment, depression, living alone, being single,
being separated, lower annual family income,
accommodations/eating/drinking services and
unemployment. On the other hand, variables
statistically associated with suicide plans in
males were younger age, alcohol problems, de-
pression, and lower annual family income, while
in females they were younger age, alcohol
problems, depression, being separated, lower
annual family income, manufacturing, and ac-
commodations/eating/drinking services. Except
for industry types, variables associated with
suicide ideation or plans were consistent with
previous studies. The reason why workers en-
gaging in manufacturing, or accommodations/
eating/drinking services were more likely to
have suicide ideation or plans may be attributed
to the structures and/or stresses unique to
those industries.
Keywords: Suicide Ideation; Suicide Plans;
Suicide is a serious public health problem not only in
Japan but also internationally. Every year, approximately
one million people die of suicide; the suicide rate in the
world is 16.0 per 100,000 as of 2000 [1]. In Japanese, it
was less than 20.0 per year until 1997, but it increased
drastically, exceeding 25.0 in 1998. Since then, it is re-
portedly around 25.0 [2]. In light of this situation, “the
Basic Act on Suicide Prevention” was approved in June
in Japan, 2006, and “the General Policies of Compre-
hensive Measures against Suicide” were formulated in
June, 2007 to urge local governments to adopt measures
for suicide prevention [2]. However, despite these meas-
ures, the Japanese suicide rate has not decreased. In
2008, suicide was the seventh leading cause of death in
Japan [3]. According to data from the World Health Or-
ganization (WHO) in 2009, Japan has one of the world’s
highest suicide rates [4].
Suicide involves multiple and interacting causes among
genetic, psychological, marital, environmental, sociocul-
tural and economical factors. Risk factors for completed
suicide have been reported to involve males, older age,
serotonin dysfunction, mental disorders such as depres-
sion or schizophrenia, alcohol problems, drug abuse, low
social class, poor employment status, low income, low
education, separation as in those widowed or divorced,
lack of social support or certain religious beliefs [5-13].
In addition, types of industries with a high suicide rate
have been reported in agriculture/forestry, mining, con-
T. Hasegawa et al. / Health 3 (2011) 276-287
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
struction, business/repair services, and transport/pro-
duction [14-21]. Suicide-correlated behaviors include
suicide ideation (thoughts of harming or killing oneself),
suicide plans (specific plans to do so) and suicide at-
tempts (non-fatal self-inflicted destructive acts with an
explicit or implied intent to die). Though suicide-corre-
lated behaviors do not necessarily end in completed sui-
cide, it is regarded as an important precursor [22,23].
Because, as with schizophrenia, a stress-vulnerability
model can be applied to the suicide process, the multiple
factors mentioned above precede this process, whereas
suicide plans are preceded by suicide ideation and the
suicide acts in turn are preceded by suicide plans [24].
About 12% of those with suicide ideation attempted sui-
cide [25]. Furthermore, they committed suicide attempts
6.09 times more frequently than those without suicide
ideation [25]. Such attempts are one of the most impor-
tant predictors of completed suicide, since 10% - 15% of
those attempting suicide have reportedly gone through
with it [26,27].
Several studies have mentioned risk factors for sui-
cide-correlated behaviors, some of which reported that
most of them were the same as the factors for completed
suicide. For example, mental problems including de-
pression or drug abuse, separation, poor employment
status, low income or low education have been reported
as risk factors for suicide-correlated behaviors [7,13,
28-35]. However, some factors such as gender or age
have been reported to exert various effects on specific
suicide-correlated behaviors. For example, such behav-
iors are more common worldwide among females or the
young, while completed suicide is more common among
males and the elderly, though these tendencies do not
necessarily apply to all countries or regions [36].
Some local governments have developed various
measures for suicide prevention, one of which is to make
appropriate intervention for those with suicide-correlated
behaviors. Using a self-administered questionnaire, we
conducted a random-sampling survey of suicide-corre-
lated behaviors, particularly suicide ideation or plans,
among Hamamatsu City residents. The aim of our study
was to clarify risk factors associated with suicide idea-
tion and plans in a Japanese population.
2.1. Subjects
We had to establish measures for a City-wide suicide
preventive strategy. That was followed by the General
Policies of Comprehensive Measures against Suicide. To
grasp the actual situation of suicidality in Hamamatsu
City, a cross-sectional investigation was conducted by
the City. We cooperated in sampling the subjects and
preparing the survey questionnaire, the data from which
were used in our study. Between May and June, 2008,
self-administered questionnaires were mailed to a sam-
ple of 1950 Hamamatsu City residents aged 15 - 79 years,
selected by stratified random sampling based on their
gender, age and ward. Among them, a total of 1051 re-
sponded (response rate, 53.9%). After excluding 142
subjects for incomplete data, the remaining 909 (401
males and 508 females) were analyzed. The study objec-
tives were explained to the subjects via a form distrib-
uted at the time of the survey; only subjects who agreed
to participate in this survey responded. The survey data
were anonymously collected by Hamamatsu City and
kept confidential, making individual identification im-
2.2. Measures
2.2.1. Suicide Ideation or Plans
The relevant responses in this category were elicited
by a questionnaire used in the Multisite Intervention
Study on Suicidal Behavior (SUPRE-MISS) that WHO
was conducted as part of a global suicide prevention
program in eight countries [37]. The following question
was used to assess suicide ideation: “Have you ever
thought about committing suicide in the last twelve
months?”, followed by two choices: “yes” or “no”. The
following question was used to assess suicide plans:
“Have you ever made plans for committing suicide?”,
followed by two choices: “yes” or “no”.
2.2.2. Alcohol Problems
Alcohol problems were assessed using a Japanese-
translated CAGE (C, Cut down; A, Annoyed; G, Guilty;
E, Eye-opener) questionnaire, followed by 2 choices:
“yes” or “no” [38,39]. Those who responded in the af-
firmative two or more times were considered positive
(having alcohol problems).
2.2.3. Depression
Depression was assessed with a Japanese-translated
CES-D (Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression
Scale), followed by 4 choices: “0”, “1”, “2” or “3” [40].
Those with a total of sixteen or more points were con-
sidered positive (depressed).
2.2.4. Other Variables
Furthermore, this questionnaire items included gender,
age, outpatient treatment, living arrangements, marital
status, annual family income and industry types. Age
was categorized into 3 variables: “39 yrs or less,” “40 - 59
years,” or “60 years or more.” Outpatient treatment was
denoted by a single item question “Do you receive
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Table 1. Prevalence of suicide ideation and plans (N = 909).
Males Females
N Suicide IdeationSuicide PlansN Suicide Ideation Suicide Plans
Total 401 7.5 11.0 508 9.1 19.1
39 133 9.0 17.3 188 12.2 25.0
40 - 59 141 8.5 9.2 193 9.8 21.2
60 127 4.7 6.3 127 3.1 7.1
Outpatient Treatment
No 229 7.0 11.8 280 5.7 19.6
Yes 172 8.1 9.9 228 13.2 18.4
Alcohol Problems
Negative 337 6.2 9.8 487 8.6 17.5
Positive 64 14.1 17.2 21 19.0 57.1
Negative 296 2.4 7.4 347 3.2 13.5
Positive 105 21.9 21.0 161 21.7 31.1
Living Arrangements
Living with Someone Else 371 8.1 11.6 474 7.8 18.4
Living Alone 30 0.0 3.3 34 26.5 29.4
Marital Status
Married 291 7.2 10.3 362 5.2 16.0
Single 92 8.7 13.0 100 17.0 22.0
Separated 18 5.6 11.1 46
21.7 37.0
Annual Family Income (Yen/Year)
1 999 999 29 17.2 13.8 39 25.6 25.6
2 000 000 - 6 999 999 231 7.4 12.1 282 5.3 17.0
7 000 000 112 4.5 6.3 117 11.1 16.2
Unknown 29 10.3 17.2 70 11.4 28.6
Industry Types
Construction 25 12.0 8.0 16 12.5 18.8
Manufacturing 113 6.2 11.5 65 9.2 33.8
Wholesale/Retail Trade 20 10.0 20.0 37 2.7 10.8
Accommodations/Eating/Drinking Services 3 66.7 33.3 20 20.0 35.0
Medical/Health Care and Welfare 8 0.0 12.5 55 9.1 23.6
Government 23 4.3 13.0 11 18.2 27.3
Other Services 38 7.9 5.3 42 9.5 26.2
Others 78 3.8 7.7 51 9.8 15.7
Housewife/Househusband 1 0.0 0.0 132 3.8 10.6
Student 19 21.1 15.8 31 9.7 16.1
Unemployment 73 6.8 12.3 48 18.8 14.6
T. Hasegawa et al. / Health 3 (2011) 276-287
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
treatment at a hospital, clinic, or acupuncture/acupres-
sure clinic due to disease?”, followed by two choices:
“yes” or “no”. Living arrangements were categorized
into 2 variables: “living with someone else” or “living
alone”. Marital status was categorized into 3 variables:
“married”, “single” or “separated (widow/widower or
divorced)”. Annual family income in yen was catego-
rized into 4 variables: “1,999,999 or less”, “2,000,000 to
6,999,999”, “7,000,000 or more” or “unknown”. Indus-
try types were categorized into the following 20 vari-
ables: “agriculture/forestry,” “fisheries,” “mining and
quarrying of stone and gravel”, “construction”, “manu-
facturing”, “electricity/gas/heat supply/ water”, “infor-
mation/communications”, “transport/postal activities”,
“wholesale/retail trade”, “finance/insurance”, “real es-
tate/rental and leasing goods”, “accommodations/ eat-
ing/drinking services”, “medical/health care and wel-
fare”, “education/learning support”, “government”, “other
services”, “other”, “housewife/househusband”, “student”
or “unemployment”. At analysis, because the total num-
ber of male or female subjects were 15 or less, the fol-
lowing industries were included in “others”; “agricul-
ture/forestry”, “fisheries”, “mining and quarrying of
stone and gravel”, “electricity/gas/heat supply/water”,
“information/communications”, “transport/postal activi-
ties”, “finance/insurance”, “real estate/rental and leasing
goods”, “education/learning support” and “other”.
2.3. Data Analysis
Descriptive epidemiological statistics were used to
compute the number and percentage of subjects with
suicide ideation or plans by each variable. The correla-
tion between each variable and suicide ideation or plans
was analyzed with logistic regression models by gender
after adjustments only for age in years (Model 1), and
age in years with outpatient treatment, alcohol problems,
depression, living arrangements, marital status, annual
family income and industry types (Model 2). Odds ratio
(OR), 95% confidence interval (95% CI) and P value
were calculated. Used as reference groups were subjects
aged 60 years or more with no outpatient treatment, no
alcohol problems, no depression, lived with someone else,
were married, engaged in wholesale/retail trade, or whose
annual family income was 7,000,000 or more. P values
of 0.05 or less were considered to be statistically sig-
nificant. All statistical calculations were performed with
SPSS for Windows, version 17.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago).
Table 1 shows the descriptive epidemiological char-
acteristics of our study subjects with suicide ideation or
plans. Among them, 8.4% (7.5% of males and 9.1% of
females) or 15.5% (11.0% of males and 19.1% of fe-
males) had suicide ideation or plans, respectively. The
younger both males and females were, the more likely
they were to have suicide ideation or plans. Females who
had outpatient treatment were more likely to have sui-
cide ideation than those who did not. Both males and
females with alcohol problems were more likely to have
suicide ideation or plans than those without such prob-
lems. Depression showed the same tendency. A lower
percentage of males who were living alone had suicide
ideation or plans than those living with someone else,
though a higher percentage of females living alone had
suicide ideation or plans than those living with someone
else. Females who were separated were more likely to
have suicide ideation or plans. The lower the income
males had, the more they were likely to have suicide
ideation or plans while the lower the income females had,
the more they were likely to only have suicide plans.
Among industry types, both males and females engaging
in accommodations/eating/drinking services showed the
highest percentage of suicide ideators or planners. Re-
garding gender difference, there was no statistical dif-
ference in suicide ideation (Model 1, OR: 1.18, 95% CI:
0.73 - 1.91, Model 2, OR: 0.99, 95% CI: 0.54 - 1.83),
though statistically more females than males had suicide
plans (Model 1, OR: 1.83, 95% CI: 1.24 - 2.69, Model 2,
OR: 2.16, 95% CI: 1.36 - 3.46) (data not shown).
Table 2 shows the results of logistic regression analy-
sis for variables associated with suicide ideation in males.
Statistically significant variables associated with suicide
ideation in both Models were depression and an annual
family income of 1,999,999 or less. Alcohol problems
and accommodations/eating/drinking services showed
statistical significance only in Model 1.
Table 3 shows the results of logistic regression analy-
sis for variables associated with suicide ideation in fe-
males. Statistically significant variables associated with
suicide ideation in both Models were 39 yrs or less, 40 -
59 yrs, outpatient treatment, depression and being sepa-
rated. Statistically significant variables associated with
suicide ideation only in Model 1 were living alone, being
single, an annual family income of 1,999,999 or less,
accommodations/eating/drinking services and unemploy-
Table 4 shows the results of logistic regression analy-
sis for variables associated with suicide plans in males.
Statistically significant variables associated with suicide
plans in both Models were 39 years or less, alcohol
problems and depression. A statistically significant vari-
able associated with suicide plans only in Model 1 was
an annual family income of 1,999,999 or less.
Table 5 shows the results of logistic regression analy-
sis for variables associated wi h suicide plans in females. t
T. Hasegawa et al. / Health 3 (2011) 276-287
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 2. Logistic regression analysis for variables associated with suicide ideation in males (N = 401).
Variables Model 1 P value OR(95%CI)*Model 2 P value
39 2.00 (0.73 - 5.50) 0.179 3.16 (0.57 - 17.55) 0.187
40 - 59 1.88 (0.68 - 5.16) 0.223 2.77 (0.62 - 12.30) 0.180
60 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Outpatient Treatment
No 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Yes 1.54 (0.69-3.40) 0.291 1.50 (0.57-3.96) 0.416
Alcohol Problems
Negative 1 (reference) 1(reference)
Positive 2.62 (1.13 - 6.08) 0.025 2.79 (0.93 - 8.39) 0.067
Negative 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Positive 11.39 (4.70 - 27.62) < 0.001 11.54 (4.31 - 30.92) < 0.001
Living Arrangements
Living with Someone else 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Living Alone ** **
Marital Status
Married 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Single 0.97 (0.36 - 2.59) 0.948 0.69 (0.15 - 3.08) 0.624
Separated 0.76 (0.10 - 6.00) 0.790 2.44 (0.19 - 31.39) 0.495
Annual Family Income (Yen/year)
1 999 999 8.22 (1.94 - 34.95) 0.004 6.56 (1.02 - 42.17) 0.047
2 000 000 - 6 999 999 1.92 (0.68 - 5.40) 0.216 1.08 (0.31 - 3.75) 0.908
7 000 000 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Unknown 2.21 (0.47 - 10.40) 0.317 1.37 (0.21 - 9.01) 0.741
Industry Types
Construction 1.31 (0.19 - 8.86) 0.781 1.40 (0.14 - 13.90) 0.774
Manufacturing 0.60 (0.11 - 3.14) 0.544 0.84 (0.11 - 6.32) 0.865
Wholesale/Retail Trade 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Accommodations/Eating/Drinking Services 20.82 (1.15 - 375.73)0.040 19.65 (0.84 - 461.06) 0.064
Medical/Health Care and Welfare ** **
Government 0.40 (0.03 - 4.89) 0.475 0.78 (0.05 - 13.24) 0.863
Other Services 0.78 (0.12 - 5.14) 0.797 0.92 (0.10 - 8.72) 0.945
Others 0.39 (0.06 - 2.55) 0.327 0.45 (0.05 - 4.22) 0.487
Housewife/Househusband ** **
Student 2.30 (0.35 - 15.14) 0.387 3.64 (0.28 - 47.49) 0.324
Unemployment 1.03 (0.16 - 6.53) 0.973 0.63 (0.06 - 6.93) 0.704
Model 1: Adjusted for age in years; Model 2: Adjusted for age in years, outpatient treatment, alcohol problems, depression, living arrangements, marital status,
annual family income and industry types; *OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; **There were no such subjects.
T. Hasegawa et al. / Health 3 (2011) 276-287
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 3. Logistic regression analysis for variables associated with suicide ideation in females (N = 508).
Variables Model 1 P value OR(95%CI)*Model 2 P value
39 4.29 (1.45 - 12.71) 0.009 12.31 (2.45 - 61.81) 0.002
40 - 59 3.36 (1.12 - 10.11) 0.031 10.01 (2.28 - 43.86) 0.002
60 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Outpatient Treatment
No 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Yes 3.44 (1.78 - 6.65) < 0.001 2.62 (1.21 - 5.67) 0.014
Alcohol problems
Negative 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Positive 2.05 (0.66 - 6.44) 0.217 0.77 (0.18 - 3.33) 0.722
Negative 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Positive 8.51 (4.13 - 17.55) < 0.001 6.38 (2.85 - 14.28) < 0.001
Living Arrangements
Living with Someone else 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Living Alone 4.48 (1.91 - 10.52) 0.001 1.22 (0.36 - 4.19) 0.752
Marital Status
Married 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Single 2.94 (1.30 - 6.64) 0.009 2.39 (0.79 - 7.26) 0.124
Separated 6.95 (2.83 - 17.03) < 0.001 3.56 (1.03 - 12.25) 0.045
Annual family income (Yen/year)
1 999 999 4.23 (1.59 - 11.28) 0.004 1.50 (0.40 - 5.59) 0.545
2 000 000 - 6 999 999 0.54 (0.24 - 1.18) 0.122 0.42 (0.17 - 1.05) 0.064
7 000 000 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Unknown 0.88 (0.33 - 2.38) 0.807 0.34 (0.10 - 1.15) 0.082
Industry Types
Construction 4.58 (0.38 - 55.30) 0.231 3.07 (0.22 - 43.55) 0.408
Manufacturing 3.48 (0.40 - 30.72) 0.261 2.37 (0.24 - 23.43) 0.462
Wholesale/Retail Trade 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Accommodations/Eating/Drinking Services 10.26 (1.04 - 101.47)0.046 4.74 (0.40 - 56.55) 0.218
Medical/Health Care and Welfare 3.10 (0.35 - 27.94) 0.312 1.60 (0.15 - 16.71) 0.696
Government 6.25 (0.50 - 77.50) 0.154 2.31 (0.16 - 33.46) 0.539
Other Services 3.50 (0.37 - 33.11) 0.274 2.42 (0.22 - 26.70) 0.470
Others 3.99 (0.44 - 36.12) 0.218 3.12 (0.30 - 31.96) 0.339
Housewife/Househusband 1.52 (0.17 - 13.58) 0.708 2.42 (0.24 - 24.66) 0.458
Student 2.65 (0.25 - 28.31) 0.420 0.96 (0.08 - 11.94) 0.973
Unemployment 15.76 (1.80 - 138.36)0.013 7.58 (0.73 - 78.66) 0.090
Model 1: Adjusted for age in years; Model 2: Adjusted for age in years, outpatient treatment, alcohol problems, depression, living arrangements, marital status,
nnual family income and industry types; *OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval. a
T. Hasegawa et al. / Health 3 (2011) 276-287
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/Openly accessible at
Statistically significant variables associated with suicide
plans in both Models were 39 years or less, 40 - 59 years,
alcohol problems, depression, being separated, and
manufacturing. Statistically significant variables associ-
ated with suicide plans only in Model 1 were an annual
family income of 1,999,999 or less and accommoda-
tions/eating/drinking services.
To the best of knowledge, this study is the first to in-
vestigate the factors associated with suicide ideation and
plans in a Japanese population after consideration of
multiple factors.
The response rate in this study was 53.9%. This was
almost the same rate as in the previous Japanese study
(response rate, 58.4%) [41]. The present study showed
that the prevalence of suicide ideation and plans was 8.4
and 15.5%, respectively. Bertolote et al. reported that
with the SUPRE-MISS protocol the prevalence of sui-
cide-correlated behaviors varied widely among different
countries [37]. They reported that the prevalence of sui-
cide ideation and plans in a general population was 2.6%
- 25.4% and 1.1% - 15.6%, respectively [37]. In contrast,
Scocco et al. reported that the prevalence of suicide
ideation and plans in an Italian population was 3.0% and
0.7%, respectively [13]. In Japanese studies, Ono et al.
reported that the prevalence of suicide ideation and plans
in Japan was 10.9% and 2.1%, respectively [41]. The
prevalence of suicide plans in our study was higher than
in previous studies. In general, the prevalence of suicide
ideation was higher than that of suicide plans, whereas
our study showed that the prevalence of suicide ideation
was lower.
The possible reason for that discrepancy may be that
subjects were supposed to first answer a question about
suicide ideation in the last twelve months, followed by a
question about lifetime suicide plans in our study, sug-
gesting that there might be some subjects who misun-
derstood the second question as one about lifetime sui-
cide ideation. The questionnaire used in the SUPRE-
MISS protocol included several questions about lifetime
suicide ideation or plans, the first time he or she seri-
ously entertained suicide ideation or plans, suicide idea-
tion or plans in the last twelve months, and the last time
when he or she seriously considered suicide ideation or
plans; all of them were supposed to be asked in the order
above. In addition, in the studies mentioned above, sub-
jects were directly interviewed, but not asked to respond
to a self-administered questionnaire, and responses in
regard to suicide ideation or plans differed slightly from
our questions. Thus, it may not be appropriate to com-
pare our study to their protocol, though the prevalence of
suicide ideation in our study was generally consistent
with that in previous studies.
Though there was no statistical gender difference with
suicide ideation in our study, females were more likely
to have made suicide plans than males. Most studies
reported that the prevalence of suicide ideation in fe-
males was higher than in males, though that might vary
by countries or regions [36]. Scocco et al. reported that
in Italy the prevalence of suicide plans among females
was higher than in males [13]. In Japanese studies, Ono
et al. found no gender difference in the prevalence of
suicide ideation or plans [41]. This discrepancy may be
due to the difference of subjects and investigation year
between our study and previous studies.
The factors associated with suicide ideation were al-
cohol problems, depression and lower annual family
income in males, and younger age, outpatient treatment,
depression, living alone, being single, being separated
and lower annual family income in females. These re-
sults are consistent with those in previous studies show-
ing risk factors associated with suicide ideation [13,29,
30,32-35,41-43]. Variables associated with suicide plans
showed the same tendency. Although few studies men-
tioned risk factors associated with suicide plans, Scocco
et al. reported that in an Italian population risk factors
associated with suicide plans were female, alcohol prob-
lems and depression, and that the younger the subjects
were, the more likely they were to have suicide plans,
though not statistically significant [13]. Suicide and sui-
cide-correlated behaviors are mainly brought out by de-
pression. Depression results from multiple factors in-
cluding biological, psychosocial and existential, eco-
nomical, and marital factors. Alcohol problems, lower
income, having diseases, loneliness from such as living
alone, being single or being separated are main causes of
depression, bringing out suicidal thoughts.
Since work is one of the most important human activi-
ties, it has a major impact on human suicidality. Numer-
ous studies have mentioned the correlation between oc-
cupation or industry and completed suicide [14-21,
44-61]. Thus, suicide-correlated behaviors may be re-
lated to them. In our study, industry types statistically
associated with suicide ideation were accommodations/
eating/drinking services in males, and accommodations/
eating/drinking services and unemployment in females.
On the other hand, while there were no industry types
statistically associated with suicide plans in males,
manufacturing and accommodations/eating/drinking
services were associated with suicide plans in females.
Only a few studies have addressed the correlation between
unemployment and suicide ideation [31,33]. However, to
our knowledge, no previous studies have examined the
correlation between industry types and suicide-correlated
behaviors. The reasons why orkers engaged in manu- w
T. Hasegawa et al. / Health 3 (2011) 276-287
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 4. Logistic regression analysis for variables associated with suicide plans in males (N = 401).
Variables Model 1 P Value OR (95%CI)*Model 2 P Value
39 3.11 (1.34 - 7.24) 0.009 6.19 (1.77 - 21.63) 0.004
40 - 59 1.51 (0.61 - 3.77) 0.377 2.38 (0.75 - 7.49) 0.139
60 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Outpatient Treatment
No 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Yes 1.12 (0.56 - 2.24) 0.745 1.01 (0.48 - 2.14) 0.976
Alcohol Problems
Negative 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Positive 2.19 (1.02 - 4.68) 0.044 2.67 (1.11 - 6.46) 0.029
Negative 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Positive 3.06 (1.60 - 5.85) 0.001 2.98 (1.47 - 6.00) 0.002
Living Arrangements
Living with Someone Else 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Living Alone 0.23 (0.03 - 1.78) 0.160 0.20 (0.02 - 1.83) 0.156
Marital Status
Married 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Single 0.70 (0.31 - 1.58) 0.387 0.78 (0.28 - 2.22) 0.648
Separated 1.21 (0.26 - 5.65) 0.806 2.47 (0.39 - 15.61) 0.338
Annual Family Income (Yen/Year)
1 999 999 4.21 (1.04 - 17.06) 0.044 2.64 (0.55 - 12.73) 0.227
2 000 000 - 6 999 999 2.21 (0.92 - 5.30) 0.075 1.85 (0.73 - 4.72) 0.197
7 000 000 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Unknown 2.17 (0.61 - 7.71) 0.233 1.83 (0.44 - 7.59) 0.408
Industry Types
Construction 0.44 (0.07 - 2.80) 0.386 0.41 (0.06 - 2.94) 0.372
Manufacturing 0.59 (0.17 - 2.08) 0.409 0.82 (0.19 - 3.45) 0.782
Wholesale/Retail Trade 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Accommodations/Eating/Drinking Services 3.82 (0.25 - 57.84) 0.334 3.43 (0.20 - 58.52) 0.395
Medical/Health Care and Welfare 0.75 (0.07 - 8.40) 0.816 1.53 (0.12 - 19.66) 0.746
Government 0.79 (0.15 - 4.22) 0.779 1.17 (0.18 - 7.65) 0.873
Other Services 0.23 (0.04 - 1.43) 0.116 0.26 (0.04 - 1.85) 0.178
Others 0.40 (0.10 - 1.62) 0.199 0.48 (0.10 - 2.27) 0.358
Housewife/Househusband ** **
Student 0.48 (0.09 - 2.60) 0.397 0.77 (0.10 - 5.80) 0.802
Unemployment 1.30 (0.31 - 5.51) 0.721 1.50 (0.27 - 8.23) 0.641
Model 1: Adjusted for age in years; Model 2: Adjusted for age in years, outpatient treatment, alcohol problems, depression, living arrangements, marital status,
annual family income and industry types; *OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; **There were no such subjects.
T. Hasegawa et al. / Health 3 (2011) 276-287
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 5. Logistic regression analysis for variables associated with suicide plans in females (N = 508).
Variables Model 1 P value OR(95%CI)*Model 2 P Value
39 4.37 (2.06 - 9.29) < 0.001 5.89 (2.26 - 15.31) < 0.001
40 - 59 3.54 (1.65 - 7.57) 0.001 4.60 (1.90 - 11.16) 0.001
60 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Outpatient Treatment
No 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Yes 1.20 (0.75 - 1.91) 0.453 1.01 (0.60 - 1.72) 0.963
Alcohol Problems
Negative 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Positive 5.24 (2.12 - 12.97) < 0.001 5.07 (1.74 - 14.83) 0.003
Negative 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Positive 2.79 (1.75 - 4.46) <0.001 2.35 (1.39 - 3.99) 0.002
Living Arrangements
Living with Someone else 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Living Alone 1.93 (0.87 - 4.27) 0.105 0.79 (0.27 - 2.33) 0.673
Marital Status
Married 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Single 0.91 (0.49 - 1.69) 0.767 0.64 (0.29 - 1.44) 0.282
Separated 4.96 (2.35 - 10.47) < 0.001 3.74 (1.47 - 9.56) 0.006
Annual Family Income (Yen/Year)
1 999 999 2.67 (1.07 - 6.64) 0.035 1.55 (0.51 - 4.74) 0.442
2 000 000 - 6 999 999 1.32 (0.73 - 2.40) 0.357 1.40 (0.72 - 2.73) 0.316
7 000 000 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Unknown 1.99 (0.93 - 4.24) 0.075 1.92 (0.80 - 4.63) 0.144
Industry types
Construction 1.70 (0.33 - 8.81) 0.527 0.98 (0.15 - 6.38) 0.986
Manufacturing 4.17 (1.28 - 13.61) 0.018 4.92 (1.33 - 18.15) 0.017
Wholesale/Retail Trade 1 (reference) 1 (reference)
Accommodations/Eating/Drinking Services 5.08 (1.23 - 20.98) 0.025 3.17 (0.65 - 15.50) 0.154
Medical/Health Care and Welfare 2.23 (0.66 - 7.57) 0.197 3.04 (0.79 - 11.61) 0.105
Government 2.45 (0.45 - 13.33) 0.300 1.89 (0.31 - 11.34) 0.488
Other Services 2.75 (0.78 - 9.67) 0.115 3.30 (0.82 - 13.20) 0.092
Others 1.55 (0.42 - 5.68) 0.509 1.90 (0.46 - 7.79) 0.375
Housewife/Househusband 1.04 (0.32 - 3.42) 0.952 1.32 (0.35 - 4.94) 0.678
Student 1.10 (0.26 - 4.75) 0.897 1.28 (0.25 - 6.48) 0.767
Unemployment 2.23 (0.57 - 8.69) 0.247 1.60 (0.35 - 7.38) 0.545
Model 1: Adjusted for age in years; Model 2: Adjusted for age in years, outpatient treatment, alcohol problems, depression, living arrangements, marital status,
nnual family income and industry types; *OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval. a
T. Hasegawa et al. / Health 3 (2011) 276-287
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
facturing or accommodations/eating/drinking services
were that they were more likely to have suicidal ideation
or plans due to the structures and/or physical and mental
stresses specific to such industries. The major stressors
on manufacturing workers are reported to be offensive
physical, chemical and ergonomic factors in the working
environment, low job control, high job demands, bur-
densome patterns such as shift work, unstable working
hours and overtime work, income pay inadequate for
hours worked, sudden changes in work schedules, few
opportunities to develop their abilities and techniques,
monotonous operations, role ambiguity, lack of social
support from their boss or colleagues, unstable status
such as irregular employment, restructuring, sudden
transfer or relocation, and few opportunities to partici-
pate in their companies’ administration and management
[62]. On the other hand, stressors on workers in accom-
modations/eating/drinking services are also reported to
be various work patterns, shift work, low income, hard
and long working hours, long standing time, exposure to
unpleasant food odors, and increased opportunities to
reward for various demands from customers with dif-
ferent values [63]. These stresses may be related to de-
pression, bringing out suicidal thoughts.
Openly accessible at
Several limitations should be considered when inter-
preting these results. First, a cross-sectional design used
in our study does not necessarily demonstrate that the
variables associated with suicide ideation or plans are
causal factors. Second, a small sample size calls for cau-
tious interpretation of the results, since a type 2 error
cannot be excluded. Third, this questionnaire does not
include the onset age of suicide ideation or plans and
time since the onset of suicide ideation or plans. Fourth,
our study did not assess several important mental condi-
tions such as schizophrenia or borderline personality
disorder because it proved very difficult to judge these
diseases only from a self-administered questionnaire.
Despite these limitations, our study shed light on multi-
ple risk factors associated with suicide ideation/plans
among a Japanese population.
In conclusion, alcohol problems, depression, inade-
quate annual family income and accommodations/eating/
drinking services in males, and younger age, outpatient
treatment, depression, living alone, being single, being
separated, insufficient annual family income, accommo-
dations/eating/drinking services and unemployment in
females may be factors statistically associated with sui-
cide ideation. On the other hand, younger age, alcohol
problems, depression and inadequate annual family in-
come in males, and younger age, alcohol problems, de-
pression, being separated, lower annual family income,
manufacturing and accommodations/eating/drinking ser-
vices in females may be factors associated with suicide
plans. It is important to consider these factors in devel-
oping anti-suicidal measures to prevent suicide ideation
or plans from escalating into suicidal attempts or com-
The authors would like to express their sincere appreciation to all
the participants in our study.
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