I. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2008, 2, 105-206
Published Online May 2008 in SciRes (http://www.SRPublishing.org/journal/ijcns/).
Copyright © 2008 SciRes. I. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2008, 2, 105-206
Analysis of Lifetime of Large Wireless Sensor Networks
Based on Multiple Battery Levels
Ruihua ZHANG1, Zhiping JIA1, Dongfeng YUAN2
1 School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, P.R.China
2 School of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, P.R.China
E-mail: 1ruihua_zhang@sdu.edu.cn
Due to the limited transmission range, data sensed by each sensor has to be forwarded in a multi-hop fashion
before being delivered to the sink. The sensors closer to the sink have to forward comparatively more
messages than sensors at the periphery of the networkand will deplete their batteries earlier. Besides the
loss of the sensing capabilities of the nodes close to the sink, a more serious consequence of the death of the
first tier of sensor nodes is the loss of connectivity between the nodes at the periphery of the network and the
sink; it makes the wireless networks expire. To alleviate this undesired effect and maximize the useful
lifetime of the network, we investigate the energy consumption of different tiers and the effect of multiple
battery levels, and demonstrate an attractively simple scheme to redistribute the total energy budget in
multiple battery levels by data traffic load. We show by theoretical analysis, as well as simulation, that this
substantially improves the network lifetime.
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks, Energy Efficient, Network Lifetime, Battery Level
1. Introduction
Sensor network applications have recently become of
significant interest due to cheap single-chip transceivers
and micro-controllers. Because sensor nodes are battery-
powered, and their operational lifetime should be
maximized, one of the most important design criteria for
this type of network is energy efficiency.
Confirming the importance of the problem, many
aspects of the problem have been extensively studied [1–
4]. Medium access control (MAC) layer techniques [2]
[3] aim to conserve battery energy by turning the
receiver off whenever it is not needed. It is clear that the
energy problem cannot be completely solved at any one
single layer [4].
The motivation for our work stems from the
observation that in a sensor network, the sensor nodes
closer to the sink have to relay more packets than the
ones at the periphery of the network. We assume that
this increase in workload results in an increase in energy
consumption, the nodes close to the sink will die first,
leading to a premature loss of connectivity in the sensor
network. To alleviate this undesirable effect, we study
the energy consumption of different tiers, and
demonstrate a scheme to redistribute the total energy
budget for the sensor network, the lifetime of the
network can be significantly improved over the case
where all sensors have a uniform lifetime. The optimal
solution is formulated theoretically and validated via
About this problem, in [5–9], non-uniform node
deployment is exploited as an alternative manner to get
over the effect of non-uniform energy depletion. The
basic concept is that different node densities are
assigned to different sub-regions trying to balance the
communication load of each sub-region. Some works
specifically consider the scenario for concentric sub-
regions (rings); the node density of a ring is determined
based on the number of hops to the sink, which is
roughly approximated to be the same for all locations in
a ring in [5–7]. In [8], the imbalanced energy utilization
of a WSN was analyzed based on the hop counts, and
the authors accordingly proposed a non-uniform node
distribution depending on the hop-count to improve the
long-term connectivity. In [9], the energy-hole problem
was discussed in a more general form for a rectangular
sensing area with multiple data sinks at different
Copyright © 2008 SciRes. I. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2008, 2, 105-206
locations. Another approach, heterogeneous deployment,
overcomes the communication load unbalance problem
by using two types of sensors, low energy sensors and
high energy sensors, to construct a hierarchical network
structure [10]. However, this scheme raises the
deployment and implementation complexity and cannot
be easily applied.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.
First we present the network model and the energy
consumption model in Section 2. Section 3 provides a
mathematical formulation that attempts to estimate the
average lifetime of a sensor network and analyzes the
design problems. We provide the simulation results in
section 4. We conclude the paper with a summary and
discussion of future work in Section 5.
2. Energy Consumption Model
Energy consumption models of the radio illustrated by
Figure 1. In [11] a model for radio energy consumption
is given for energy per bit single hop (eb) as:
eee=+ (1)
tx tate
=+ (1-1)
K bitsK bits
Figure 1. Radio energy consumption model
where etx and erx are the transmitter and receiver energy
consumptions per bit, respectively, ete is the energy per
bit needed by the transmitter electronics, eta is the energy
needed to successfully transmit one bit over one meter, d
is the distance from transmitter to receiver and
is a
constant which depends on the attenuation the signal
will suffer in that environment.
Consider a circular sensing field with the radius RL
meters, a total of N sensor nodes are uniformly
distributed within the field. The sink node is in the
center of the field. The transmission radius R of the
sensor nodes assumed to be fixed. We divide the sensing
field into T tiers, T=ceiling (RL /R). Figure 2 shows the
“doughnut-like” distribution of nodes [9]. In such a
circular field, consider the set of nodes close to the sink
at the center that can communicate directly with it. We
refer to these one-hop neighbors of the sink as the first
tier of nodes. Similarly, the two-hop neighbors of the
sink will be the second tier of nodes, etc. It is clear that
the first tier nodes relay the largest amount of data
pockets and will die first. If the spatial distribution of
nodes is close to uniform, then the traffic load is equally
distributed spatially. Each first tier node will relay
roughly the same amount of traffic, and all first tier
nodes will die at times very close to each other, after the
network is first put into operation. Once all of the first
tier nodes are dead, no other node will be able to send
data to the sink, and the lifetime of the network will be
Figure 2. Sensing field
We assume that sensed data is collected in a periodic
manner; this period (interval P seconds) consists of the
sensing of the data and the transmission of one packet
containing the data sensed to the sink. We assume that
each sensor has a constant amount of raw data pocket (bs
bits) to sense and send in interval P.
3. Analysis and Numerical Results
3.1. Estimation of Network Lifetime
We define tier i as the set of the nodes that can reach the
sink in i hops (1iT
). We consider the energy budget
E as the main cost function, Ei is the sum of the energy
available at the nodes of tier i, so
Ni is the number of nodes at tier i. With the
assumption of a uniform density:
((21)) /
NiNT=− (3)
Fi is the total number of data packets, they are relayed
to the sink by all nodes at tier i; each data packet is
generated by one sensor node at tiers i+1…T.
22 2
(( ))/
=− =−
Copyright © 2008 SciRes. I. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2008, 2, 105-206
In tier i, nodes relay all data pockets generated by
nodes at tiers ()
ijT<≤ , and nodes at i tier generate and
send all data pockets , let Erelay and Egen denote their
energy consumed, respectively; es is the energy spent
sensing per bit; bs is data pocket size. So we get the
relation with energy consumption and time t.
irelay gen
(/ )
tpFbe= (5-2)
(/ )()
eni sstx
tpNbe e=+
sbs tx
tNb eTieei
= (5)
Li is the lifetime of the nodes at tier i, it can be
determined by considering the energy consumption.
Using (5), we can get:
(()(2 1)())
sb stx
bTieie e
In accordance with all the above considerations, we
define the lifetime of the network as the minimum of the
lifetimes of its tiers:
min i
= (7)
In this case, each node will start with the same energy,
namely E/N; then, the energy at each tier is
(2 1)
== (8)
Hence, (6) becomes
beNb ee
Since the term (T2-i2)/(2i-1) is monotonously
decreasing with i for1iT≤≤ , Li the lifetime of tier i is
monotonously increasing with i. In other words, the
lifetime of the network L is equal to the lifetime of the
first tier:
== −+ +
It is obvious that when the lifetime of the first tier has
expired, the whole network has expired; the nodes in
other tiers have still remaining energy. Using (8) and (9),
the residual energy of other tiers Erest:
[(2 1)]
Tiei ee
=−− −++
The above equations can also help us determine a
reasonable energy allocation for all nodes. One possible
criterion is to let the all tiers have the same-targeted
lifetime. Thus by balancing energy allocation, by using
(2) and (6), we can maximize the network lifetime for a
given fixed amount of energy E.
12 T
=⋅⋅⋅= (12)
So we get the relation:
Tiei ee
EE Teee
Using (2) and (12), we get the relation:
132 2
(( 1))
(43)/ 6()
=−−+ +
If we allocate the energies at different tiers according
as (13) and (14), we can maximize the network lifetime;
all tiers’ energies will be depleted at the same time.
3.2. Design Problems
From the above, how to allocate the energies in different
tiers is practical importance to the network designers. A
reasonable alternative problem specification would
provide, instead of the total budget E, the uniform
battery level bu for each node. In that case, the lifetime
of the network would be independent of the total number
of nodes N. The only topology relevant quantity would
be the number of tiers T. It will be useful in nodes
energy allocation.
According to (10), it is obvious that when the lifetime
of the first tier and, therefore, the whole network has
expired, the nodes in other tiers have still not expended
their battery energy. The energy consumption for nodes
at different tiers can be easily obtained from a
consideration of (10) and (11). The hypothetical lifetime
of tier i is Li; but, it is actually expending energy for only
the lifetime L of the network. After that, communication
stops, and there is no more expenditure of energy. Thus,
the ratio of battery energy i
bactually consumed by a
node in tier i to the uniform battery level bu that it started
with is:
=== −++
We call the ratios Ci the ideal allocation ratios,
because ideally each node would be allocated only the
amount of battery it would actually consume during the
lifetime. The farther out a node, the lower the fraction Ci
of its battery that it has consumed. The unconsumed
energy is wastage of the total energy budget. The broad
design goal is to redistribute this energy budget non-
uniformly so as to increase the lifetime of the whole
Copyright © 2008 SciRes. I. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2008, 2, 105-206
3.2.1. Problem 1
In many practice applications, a designer would have
several known battery capacities to choose from e.g.,
AAA, AA, C and D. Then, the following problem can be
Given k available battery levels b1>b2>…>bk>0,
assign the battery level for each tier of nodes in a sensor
network, such that the total battery budget E is
minimized subject to maximizing the lifetime L of the
Two alternative flavors of the above problem can be
articulated: (a) all nodes in any given tier are constrained
to be assigned the same battery level, and (b) different
nodes of the same tier can be assigned different battery
levels. Thus, we are required to obtain one unique
battery level bi for tier i in Problem A; every node in this
tier should be assigned this battery level. For problem B,
we can provide more than one battery level for each tier
accompanied by the proportions of the total number of
nodes in that tier that should be assigned each battery
Below, we address problem 1A first.
The maximum network lifetime is obtained when all
nodes have the maximum battery level b1. Thus, the first
tier of nodes should have batteries of capacity b1, and the
maximum lifetime of the network will be
Lb= (16)
where, by Li(b) we denote the lifetime of tier i (given by
(6)) if each node in tier i initially has a battery capacity b.
The same maximum lifetime as in (16) may be
obtained with a lower budget by assigning lower battery
levels to nodes in the higher tiers (in tiers i with 1<i<T);
however, if the next smallest capacity size is too small,
then the lifetime of the network would be reduced
because nodes in higher tiers will deplete their batteries
before the nodes in the first tier.
Given b1, the ideal level of battery that each node of
tier i should have is obviously Cib1, where Ci is the ideal
allocation ratios given by (15), so that tier i will have
exactly the same lifetime as tier 1. In short, for each tier i,
in order to maximize the lifetime of the network and
then conditionally minimize the total battery budget, we
need to make sure that we assign the battery size bj to
tier i such that bj+1<Cib1<bj. If the ideal level is less than
the minimum provided battery level bk, then that
minimum level must be used in that tier instead; in this
case some battery will indeed remain unconsumed at the
end of the lifetime.
Now, if we consider problem 1B, we have the added
flexibility of mixing the provided battery levels. First,
we pick the highest battery level b1 for tier 1 as before:
this maximizes the network lifetime. Now we predict the
ideal battery levels for each tier i as before using (15);
but now, instead of picking the next highest available
level from the available ones, we aim at attaining this
ideal level exactly as the effective battery level by
mixing the two provided battery levels in the appropriate
ratio. In case the desired battery level is exactly equal to
one of the provided battery levels, no mixing is needed.
How to mix the same tier nodes with the different
battery levels? Usually, we would provide two battery
levels to a tier. If we pick battery level b1 for tier 1, the
ideal level of battery that each node of tier i should have
been Cib1. We pick two battery levels bi and bi-1 for tier i
from available battery levels such that b
i<Cib1<bi-1. If
we specified proportions f1 and f2 for the two levels with
f1+f2=1, then the effective battery level of tier i would be
given by bif1+bi-1f2, such that,
1121ii i
= (17)
So we get the relation:
Cb b
3.2.2. Problem 2
In the above problem, minimizing the battery budget is a
secondary goal of the optimal design. It is also possible
that the battery budget may be strictly a constraint for
the design. If the total cost of the batteries used for a
particular network is upper bounded by a total battery
budget E and the battery capacities are fixed and given,
we can formulate the following problem:
Given k available battery levels b1>b2>…>bk>0, and
a total energy budget E, assign the battery level for each
tier of nodes in a sensor network, such that the total
lifetime L of the network is maximized.
As with Problem 1, we can conceive of two alternate
problems, Problems 2A and 2B, in which the nodes in
any tier are constrained to have the same battery level, or
mixing is allowed, respectively.
We consider Problem 2A first.
As the solution to Problem 1A, we assign the battery
levels at different tiers with the maximum lifetime
unconstrained by total battery budget. Assume that Li(bj)
is pre-computed lifetime for each tier i and each battery
level bj. Initialize “current network lifetime” Lc to L1(b1).
Whenever the total batteryij
becomes less than or
equal to the battery budget E, the algorithm is terminated.
If the current total battery exceeds E, repeatedly
perform the following. Find the tier i such that the
difference LcLi(
+1) is minimized. The tier iwill be
assigned the next lower battery level from the one it is
currently assigned, that will result in the minimum
reduction of the lifetime. Note that this minimum
Copyright © 2008 SciRes. I. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2008, 2, 105-206
difference may well be zero at some iteration. Increment
the current level for tier i by 1 and the update the
network current lifetime to the new lifetime of tier i.
Recalculate the total battery used. When the total battery
first falls below the budget E, the algorithm will stop
with an optimal solution.
Problem 2B turns out to be a modification of Problem
1B, where the total battery budget E is now a hard
constraint. Accordingly, we take the following approach
to solve it: first solve Problem 1B on the same
parameters, ignoring the battery budget. If the total
battery budget Et of this solution does not exceed E, then
this is the desired solution. If instead Et>E, then obtain a
new set of effective battery levels for each tier by scaling
the battery levels by a factor of E/Et: these are the new
desired battery levels. A special case arises when some
of these new desired battery levels are less than the
minimum provided battery level bk. In this case the
battery levels for the inner tiers have to be reduced to
allow the outer tiers to have battery level b
k, further
reducing the lifetime.
In considering these problems, any such algorithm
would be executed not by the nodes themselves but
offline during network design. In all realistic cases of
deployment, most nodes will have positions in the
appropriate annular regions, but some randomness will
be introduced; lifetime will be then somewhat reduced
from that achieved in the ideal case, but the ideal
lifetime is a good indicator of actual lifetime in such
4. Simulation Results
To validate the results presented in the previous section,
we decided to simulate the wireless sensor network in
several scenarios. For simplicity reasons, we will assume
that perfect scheduling is achieved at the MAC layer and
routing layer. Any two nodes at a distance less than the
transmission radius can communicate with no errors; any
nodes at a distance larger than the transmission radius
cannot communicate. We considered a network of N =
500 nodes, which corresponds to a five-hop route for the
peripheral nodes (T=5), we assume that the total energy
of the network is bounded by E=40000 joules in each
case. Each node generates one data packet every minute;
the size of pocket is 1024 bits.
Table 1. Simulation parameters
Parameter Value
Transmitter circuitry, ete 2.34 µЈ/bit
Receiver circuitry, erx 2.34 µЈ/bit
Transmit one bit over one meter, eta 7.8 nЈ/bit/m2
Sensing energy per bit, es 1.75µЈ/bit
Bits sense per sensor, bs 1024bits
Table1 shows the values of the parameters in this
sample circuit and the propagation environment [12].
Base Case
Figure 3. The energy consumption at defferent tiers
Figure 4. The residual energies at different tiers
Figure 5. The allocating energies ratio at different tiers
with maximizing the network lifetime
Using (5), we get Figure 3. It depicts the energy
consumption at different tiers, because the first tiers
relay the most data pockets, and consume the maximum
energies. The energy consumption of the second tier, the
third tier … the fifth tier is ordinal decrease. The energy
Copyright © 2008 SciRes. I. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2008, 2, 105-206
consumption of the fifth tier is the minimum; nodes at
the fifth tier don’t relay other data pockets. If each node
will start with the same energy (namely E/N), nodes at
the first tier depleted their energies full out. Though
nodes at other tiers have the residual energies, but their
data pockets can’t be relay to the sink, the network
becomes disconnected; the lifetime of the network is the
end. Using (11), we get Figure 4. The residual energies
at different tiers aren’t the same. The residual energies at
fifth tier are the most; the residual energies at second tier
are the least. For maximizing the network lifetime for a
given fixed amount of energy E, we will balance energy
allocation at different tiers. Using (13), we get Figure 5.
It depicts the allocating energies ratio at different tiers. If
we allocate the energies at different tiers according as
the radio with Figure 5, we can maximize the network
lifetime; all tiers’ energies will be depleted at the same
time. In the same parameters case, the network lifetime
is 226.8427 seconds and 1494.8 seconds by the two
energy allocation schemes, respectively. The lifetime of
the network can be significantly improved.
4.2. The Effect of Multiple Battery Levels
On the assumption that we can provide 5 battery levels,
they are 5178mAh, 2000 mAh, 1000 mAh, 500 mAh,
250 mAh, respectively.
For the base case, each node will be assigned with the
same battery level 5178 mAh, the whole networks
energy budget is 7767J.
For the problem 1A and maximizing network lifetime,
the first tier of nodes should have batteries of capacity
5178mAh. According to the ideal allocation ratios Ci,
the second tier, the third tier, the fourth tier, the fifth tier
of nodes should have batteries of capacity 1656 mAh,
868.7 mAh, 472.1 mAh, 205.7 mAh, respectively, but as
available battery levels limit, they have batteries of
capacity 2000 mAh, 1000 mAh, 500 mAh, 250 mAh in
application, respectively. Temporality, the whole
networks energy budget is 1315.7J.
For the problem 1B and two battery levels,
uniformity, the first tier of nodes should have batteries
of capacity 5178mAh. Using formula (18) and (19), the
optimum is achieved when 66% of the nodes have 2000
mAh batteries, and 34% of the nodes have batteries with
1000 mAh capacity in the second tier; 74% of the nodes
have 1000 mAh batteries, and 26% of the nodes have
batteries with 500 mAh capacity in the third tier; 89% of
the nodes have 500 mAh batteries, and 11% of the nodes
have batteries with 250 mAh capacity in the fourth tier;
All nodes have 250 mAh batteries capacity in the fifth
tier. Temporality, the whole networks energy budget is
Using above battery deployment and the parameters
in table 1, we can get figure 6 and Figure 7. They show
the network lifetime of the different tiers. As can be seen,
in three deployment schemes, the first tier lifetime is the
shortest with 7.341 P intervals, so the whole networks
lifetime is 7.341 P intervals. In base case deployment
scheme, energy efficiency is 15.2%; there is much
residual energy at different four tiers when the whole
network has expired. In question 1A deployment scheme,
energy efficiency is 89.6%. But available battery levels
limit, there are some residual energies at different tiers
when the whole networks has expired. In question 1B
deployment scheme, energy efficiency is 98%. From the
curve of question 1B, we can know the lifetime of nodes
in the first, the second, the third, the forth is the same.
Namely, the four tiers energy all has expired when the
networks lifetime has expired.
Figure 6. The lifetime compare between the three schemes
There is some residual energy in fifth tier. Because
available battery levels limit, we can’t deploy the ideal
appropriate battery level. If offering more battery levels,
we can win the energy efficiency with 100%. All nodes
in the different tiers have expired at the same time.
Just from the lifetime of networks, the problem 1B
deployment scheme is ideality, but calculating the
proportion of the mixing nodes is slightly complex. In
the practice application, we can select one of the two
Figure 7. The lifetime compare between the two schemes
Copyright © 2008 SciRes. I. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2008, 2, 105-206
The network lifetime is further increased if more than
two battery levels are considered, as seen in Figure 8.
According to the scheme in problem 2, battery levels
were used for the simulation. The same total energy
budget 4000J was used for each simulation. Figure 8
show that the network lifetime will increase with the
increase in the number of battery levels. In the same
energy budget, the network lifetime with different
battery levels will increase 188%, 356%, 487%, 559%
relative to one with one battery level, respectively. This
indicates that most of the increase in the lifetime of the
network can be achieved with a relatively more number
of battery levels.
Figure 8. The increase in network lifetime with the increase
in the battery levels by the same energy budget at each
battery level
4.3. Dependency on Number of Nodes
According to the scheme in problem 2, battery levels
were used for the simulation. The same total energy
budget 4000J was used for each simulation. Figure 9
shows the dependency of the network lifetime on the
initial number of nodes. The density of the network was
kept constant, so the area of the network was
proportionally increased with the number of nodes.
Figure 9. Dependency of the network lifetime on the initial
number of nodes for three battery levels (constant density)
The lifetime of the network decreases with the
increase in the initial number of nodes. This is expected,
as we already know a larger number of tiers results in
more battery wastage.
4.4. Dependency on Node Density
In this section, we study the effect of increasing the
density of the network on the lifetime of the network,
while keeping the network size constant. Figure 10
shows the dependency of the network lifetime on the
node density. As can be seen in Figure 10, the node
density has no influence on the network lifetime as long
as it remains uniform. The reason is that the number of
nodes in each tier will increase in the same proportion
with the node density; hence, the number of load flows
carried by each node does not change. The lifetime of
the network remains constant even if the density of the
network doubles or triples.
Figure 10. Dependency of the network lifetime on the
network density for three battery levels (constant network
5. Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper, we have addressed a problem expected to
occur in large, multi-hop wireless sensor networks. The
nodes closer to the sink will die before the nodes at the
periphery of the network. The main disadvantage of the
expiration of the nodes close to the sink is that the
network becomes disconnected while most of the nodes
still have a considerable amount of energy left. To
alleviate this undesirable effect, we proposed an energy
allocation scheme, allocating different energy at
different tiers by traffic. With this strategy, we have
shown that the lifetime of the network can be
significantly improved. Future work would explore
similar issues, but MAC protocol will be considered.
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