Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2011, 4, 253-258
doi:10.4236/jsea.2011.44028 Published Online April 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA
Application of Genetic Algorithm for Computing a
Global 3D Scene Exploration
Oana Livia Apostu, Karim Tamine
Xlim Laboratory, Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Limoges, Limoges, France.
Email: {oana.livia, karim.tamine}
Received March 15th, 2011; revised April 7th, 2011; accepted April 10th, 2011.
This paper is dedicated to virtual world exploration techniques, which have to help a human being to understand a 3D
scene. A new method to compute a global view of a scene is presented in the paper. The global view of a scene is deter-
mined by a goodset off points of view. This method is based on a genetic algorithm. The good set of points of view
is used to compute a camera path around the scene.
Keywords: Genetic Algorithm, Global Virtual World Exploration
1. Introduction
In the recent years, the concept of virtual world has
evolved and become more and more important. As a con-
sequence, one of the most important problems that were
raised consists in developing fast and accurate techniques
for a good exploration and understanding of these virtual
The purpose of a virtual world exploration in computer
graphics is to permit a human being, a user, to acquire
enough information in order to better understand the en-
vironment he or she is faced with. This is done by guid-
ing a virtual camera using an automatically computed
path, depending on the nature of the world. The trajec-
tory of the virtual camera is usually obtained using a set
of “good” po ints of view that are either predetermined or
calculated during the actual movement. This is directly
connected to the notion of viewpoint qua lity, which plays
an important role in path computation and therefore in
scene understa nding.
There are two classes of methods for a virtual world
1) Global exploration class, where the camera remains
outside the world to be explored.
2) Local exploration class, where the camera moves
inside a scene and becomes a part of the scene.
Global exploration is used in acquiring a general
knowledge of the scene, whereas local exploration be-
comes necessary if further insight of the world is needed.
On the other hand, we can explore a virtual world in
two different modes:
1) Real time online exploration, where the virtual
world is visited for the first time and the path of the
camera is determined in real time, in an incremental
2) Offline exploration, where the camera path is
pre-computed in a preliminary step. This means that the
virtual world is found and analysed by the program
guiding the camera, in order to determine interesting
points of view and the paths linking these points. When
necessary, the camera will explore the world, following
the already determined path. In this mode, it is less im-
portant to use fast techniques in order to determine the
camera path.
In this paper we are mainly concerned with obtaining a
set of optimal viewpoints, for of an offline exploration.
We remain in the context of global virtual world explora-
tion, where the camera is outside the scene. We propose
a new method which employs genetic algorithms in order
to evolve a given set of viewpoints into another that of-
fers a better view of the scene. We shall also try to pro-
pose a new definition of quality of a given set of view-
The paper is organized in the following manner: in
Section 2 we review related works, Section 3 details the
definition of the quality of a set of viewpoints, Section 4
takes a closer look at how genetic algorithms are used in
our implementation, Section 5 presents some of the re-
sults we achieved, and finally, in Section 6 a conclusion
is given with a brief description of future works.
Application of Genetic Algorithm for Computing a Global 3D Scene Exploration
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA
2. Background
2.1. Static Explorations
The first works on visual scene understanding were pub-
lished at the end of years 1980. Thus, Kamada et al. [1]
proposed a fast method to compute a viewpoint that
minimizes the degenerated edges of a scene.
Colin [2] has proposed a method initially developed
for the scenes modeled by octrees. The aim of the me-
thod was to compute a good point of view for an octree.
The method uses the principle of “direct approximate
computation” to compute a good direction of view.
Plemenos [3] proposed an iterative method of auto-
matic viewpoint calculation. The scene is placed at the
center of a sphere, whose surface represents all the pos-
sible points of view. The sphere is divided into eight
spherical triangles and the best one is chosen according
to the view qualities of the vertices of a triangle. Then
the selected spherical triangle is recursively subdivided.
The best vertex is chosen to be the best point of view at
the end of the process. The heuristic considers a view-
point to be good if it gives a high amount of details and it
minimizes the maximum angle deviation between the
direction of view and the normals to the faces.
Sbert and Vasquez [4,5] introduced an information
theory-based approach to estimate the quality of a view-
point. This quality is computed as a viewpoint entropy
p is the viewpoint.
Nf is the number o f fa ce s of the scene
Ai is the projected area of the face number i
At is the total area of the projection.
A0 is the projected area of ba ckground in open scenes.
2.2. Dynamic Exploration
A single good point of view is generally not enough for
complex scenes, and even a list of good vi ewpoints does
not allow the user to understand a scene, as frequent
changes of viewpoint may confuse him. To avoid this
problem, virtual world exploration methods were pro-
Plemenos and Dorme [6-8] proposed a method, where
a virtual camera moves in real time on the surface of a
sphere surrounding the virtual world. The exploration is
online; the scene is being examined in incremental man-
ner during the observation. All the polygons of the vir-
tual world are taken into account at each step of the ex-
ploration. The method is based on the following heuris-
wc is the weight of the current camera position,
vc is the viewpoint complexity of the scene from the
camera’s current position,
pc is the path traced by the camera from the starting
point to the current position,
dc is the distance from the starting point to the current
In order to avoid fast returns of the camera to the
starting position, the importance of a viewpoint is made
inversely proportional to the camera path from the start-
ing to the current position. Also , for a smooth movement
of the camera, only three new viewpoints are considered
while computing the next po sition.
Vasquez [4] proposed an exploration method that is
similar to the previous one. The difference is that the
next viewpoint is chosen in dependence of the entropy
(see Equation (1)) and the number of faces not yet visited.
To evaluate the qualities of the next three possible posi-
tions, they multiply the viewpoint entropy of each point
by the number of new faces that appear with respect to a
set of faces already visited. In the case where none of the
three possible viewpoints show a new face, they choose
the one lying furthest from the initial pos ition.
In many cases, the online exploration is not necessary
because there is enough time to pre-compute interesting
points of view for a virtual world and even interesting
trajectories. Thus Jaubert [9] and Sokolov et al. [10] pro-
posed an offline exploration method based on the pre-
computing of a minimal set of good viewpoints.
In [11,12] image-based techniques are used to control
the camera motions in a changing virtual world.
For more details, a state of the art paper on virtual
world global exploration techniques is available [12],
whereas viewpoint quality criteria and estimation tech-
niques are presented in [13].
3. Quality of a Set of Viewpoints
3.1. Definition
Here we shall present a new heuristic using new defini-
tions of viewpoint quality. Since we place our work in
the context of ‘parisien method’ of genetic algorithms
[14], each viewpoint is regarded as part of a group, and
not as an individual. We define the view quality, or the
amount of the scene visible from a set of viewpoints, as a
relation between all the poin ts in the set.
First of all, we consider that each viewpoint has a cer-
tain visibility of each one of the polygons composing the
scene. We use the following notation:
Application of Genetic Algorithm for Computing a Global 3D Scene Exploration
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA
VP(i) is the visibility information the viewpoint P has
of the polygon number i.
Next, we define the view quality of the group of
viewpoint s, n oted VP, in respect to a scene S, as follows:
 
n is the total number of polygons
m is the total number of viewpoints
VPi(j) is the visibility information the viewpoint i has
of the polygon j
The first advantage of our approach is that each view-
point contributes to the quality of the group only with its
strongest visibility information. A viewpoint can fail to
see several faces of the model, but manage to have a very
good view of one or two polygons. The given definition
ensures that the point in question will bring to the group
exactly the relevant information.
Moreover, in the contex t of the gen etic algorith ms, this
definition will allow the elimination of the weakest ele-
ments of the group, without altering the general view
quality of the scene. This means that we can easily select
and keep only those viewpoints that provide the best vi-
sibility information. This will be further explained in
Section 4.2.
3.2. Viewpoint Visibility Computation
In order to calculate the visibility of each polygo n from a
given viewpoint, we use a ray-tracing algorithm. A num-
ber of rays are traced between the viewpoint and each
polygon. If all the rays reach the destination polygon
without intersecting other po lygons, than th e viewpo in t is
considered to have a complete visibility of the polygon.
If none of the rays reach their destination, the polygon is
hidden for the viewpoint. If some of the rays reach the
polygon, their number is expressed as a proportion of the
total of the rays that have been traced.
The number of considered rays depends on the surface
of the destination polygon. A bigger surface will require
more rays, whereas a smaller one can be analyzed with
only a few. Moreover, the destination points on the poly-
gon’s surface are part of a uniform distribution [10].
4. Genetic Algorithms
4.1. General Guidelines
First of all, let us suppose that there is an unkn own scene,
and the user would like to get a general comprehension
of its structure. Since we are in the context of exploring
the exterior of a scene, it is reasonable to restrict the
space of possible viewpoints to a surrounding sphere.
Therefore, the scene is placed in the center of the sphere,
whose surface represe nt s all the p o s si b l e points of vi ew.
The first step of our algorithm is to choose a random
distribution of distinct viewpoints situated on the sur-
rounding sphere. Since we are interested in evolving a set
of points into an optimal one, we place no conditions on
the initial set. This is considered as the start population.
This population is optimized through a series of ge-
netic operations (selection, crossover and mutation). Af-
ter each “cycle of life”, the weakest individuals are being
eliminated from the set. The number of viewpoints is
permitted to increase or decrease up to certain limits, and
will stop evolving after a predefined number of opera-
tions. Moreover, the process also stops if no improve-
ment has been achieved after a certain number of itera-
tions. The general routin e is summarized in Algorithm 1.
Each step of the genetic algorithm is explained in the
following sections.
4.2. Selection of a Breeding Population
In order to decide which viewpoints will be affected by
the genetic operators, we use a fitness proportionate se-
lection, also known as roulette-wheel selection. A fitness
function is used to associate a probability of selection
with each viewpoint. In this current implementation, the
fitness function is based on two parameters: the number
of polygons that a viewpoint is capable of seeing, par-
tially or completely, and the total amount of surface of
the scene visible from the viewpoint.
The first parameter has the advantage of being an ex-
act value, since it counts the visible polygons. Neverthe-
less, a partially visible polygon can be one that is visible
only as far as 1%, and therefore less significant than one
Algorithm 1: Evolution of a set of viewpoints
1: procedure Evolve(scene S, set of viewpoints VP)
2: begin
3: iterations 0
4: bad_iterations 0
5: while (iterations < max_iterations) and (bad_iterations <
max_bad_iterations) do
6: begin
7: //Start a new cycle of life
8: //Eliminate the weakest individuals, in order to obtain a
breeding population
9: eliminate_weakest(new_VP)
10: old_quality Q(S, VP)
11: //Perform a genetic operation (crossover, mutation)
12: new_VP genetic_operation(VP)
13: new_quality Q(S, new_VP)
14: //Test the new view quality
15: if (new_quality > old_quality) then
16: begin
17: VP new_VP
18: bad_iterations -1
19: end if
20: end while
21: end
Application of Genetic Algorithm for Computing a Global 3D Scene Exploration
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA
with a higher visibility. On the other hand, the second
parameter gives an estimation of the amount of visible
surface, but suffers from being an approximation, and not
an exact value.
In this context, it would be interesting to find new cri-
terion of fitness evaluation, that considers the viewpoint
as part of the set, and evaluate its viability in relation
with the other points and with the general quality of visi-
An important step in selecting a breeding population
consists in eliminating those viewpoints that are redun-
dant to the global visibility (Algorithm 1, Line 9). The-
ses are points that either have equal visibility values
(Definition 1) or have smaller visibility values for all the
polygons in the scene, when compared to another view-
point (Definition 2).
Let us suppose that n is the total number of polygons
in the scene S and m is the total number of viewpo ints. Pi
and Ri are the visibility informatio n that th e viewpoin ts P
and R respectively have of the polygon number i. We
have the following two definitions.
Definition 1.
Two viewpoints are equal if their visibility values are
PRPR for all
1, ,in
Definition 2.
A viewpoint is smaller than another if all its visibility
values for the same polygons are smaller than the visibil-
ity values of the second viewpoint.
PRP R for all
1, ,in
Let VP be the set of viewpoints and S the considered
scene. We can observe the following two results.
Lemma 1.
  then
Let A and B be two viewpoints with A B. This im-
plies that
max ,
ii i
BB, for all
1, ,in.
 
max max,,max
max ,max
ii i
VP j
We can therefore eliminate all points that are equal to
another viewpoint, without affecting the global visibility.
Lemma 2.
  then
Let A and B be two viewpoints with A B. This im-
plies that
max ,
ii i
, for all
1, ,in. The
rest of the demonstration is identical to the one provided
for Lemma 1. This proves that we can eliminate all
points that are smaller than another viewpoint without
affecting the global visibility.
4.3. Crossover and Mutation
A viewpoint can mutate into a new point, which will be
situated randomly in its neighbourhood. The neighbour-
hood of a viewpoint is defined as a percentage of the
scene’s surrounding sphere.
The crossover operation represents a barycentric in-
terpolation of two viewpoints.
 
a is the fitness evaluation of the viewpoint VP1
is the fitness evaluation of the viewpoint VP2
The resulted point is afterwards projected on the sur-
rounding sphere.
Since mutation is a unary operator, it raises no prob-
lems with viewpoint selection. On the other hand, the
crossover operator requires the individuals to be grouped
in pairs. This can be done by either a random process or
by arranging viewpoints using some sort of criterion. In
the latter case, two situations have been considered. The
first one was based on the assumption that two good
viewpoints will result into a third which has a visibility
that is at least as good as that of its parents. So the view-
points were grouped in the decreasing order of their fit-
ness evaluation. A second approach tried to create bal-
anced pairs, by grouping weak points with strong ones .
4.4. Virtual Camera Path
Once the «good» group of viewpoints computed, we shall
compute the trajectory of à «virtual camera» through all
these viewpoints. We use a optimization method such as
“Heuristic algorithm for the Traveling-Salesman Prob-
lem” [15] on a complet graph consisting of viewpoints
(nodes) computed by the genetic algorithm. The cost of
each edge of the graph connecting two viewpoints Pi and
Pj is equal to dij/tethaij where dij is the euclidian distance
between Pi and Pj, and tethaij is the angle formed by the
edges (Pi-1,Pi) and (Pi,Pj).
5. Results
This section summarizes the results we obtained using
our method. We have tested the genetic algorithms on
Application of Genetic Algorithm for Computing a Global 3D Scene Exploration
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA
two types of scenes: a random distribution of triangles of
various sizes (Figure 1) and scenes containing various
models (Figure 2)
In each case, the algorithm started with a random
group of viewpoints that were allowed to evolve up to a
certain number. The choice was to allow the initial group
to double its cardinal. One reason behind this was to test
if there exists a maximal population whose visibility
cannot be fu r ther impr ov ed.
The first observation that could be made is that in the
case of the models, the improvement in visibility is two
times more significant than in the case of the random
distribution of triangles. For an average scene of 1000
polygons and a population of 10 viewpoints, the visibility
was improved from a proportion of 60% to 70% in the
case of random triangles and to 80% in the case of arbi-
trary models. One reason for this is the fact that random
distributions of triangles may contain small faces that are
almost hidden by other objects. Another factor that plays
an important part is the coherence present in the case of
actual models. First of all, mutation is basically choosing
a new point in the neighbourhood of the first. Therefore
it is obvious that in the case of a model, the new point
will have a visibility similar to that of its ancestor;
whereas in the case of random polygons, moving one
unit may very well mean seeing a complete different ar-
rangement. The same logic applies to the crossover op-
erator; placing a new viewpoint somewhere between its
ancestors will guarantee nothing in terms of visibility in
the case of randomly placed polygons.
We were also interested in how the two genetic opera-
tors influence the evolution of the population of view-
points. Since evolution was significant especially in the
case of the scenes containing coherent models, we have
studied the behaviours of crossover and mutation only on
those types of scenes. Table 1 summarizes the average
results obtained for scenes of 1000 po lygons and a popu-
lation of maximum 10 viewpoints. Although it is obv ious
that applying both genetic operators yields better results
than applying only one, we remark that crossover opera-
tions achieve the same improvements as mutation opera-
tions, but with fewer viewpoints. Therefore, choosing a
greater percentage of individuals for the crossover opera-
tion and fewer ones for mutation will ensure better re-
sults. Table 2 offers a comparison between the results
obtained when applying the genetic operators on differ-
ent proportions of the population of viewpoints.
6. Conclusion and Future Work
In this paper we have proposed a new method for evolv-
ing a group of random viewpoints into one that provides
a better visibility of the considered scene. The novelty of
our approach consists in using genetic algorithms for
Figure 1. A set of random triangles.
Figure 2. Test scenes.
Table 1. Average results obtained for scenes containing
approximately 1000 polygons and a set of maximum 10
operator Initial
visibility (%)Final
visibility (%) Difference Final number
of points
crossove63 75 12 7,625
mutation67 81 14 9,875
both 66 88 22 10
Table 2. A comparison between results obtained when ap-
plying the genetic operators (crossover, mutation) on dif-
ferent proportions of the set of viewpoints.
% of
viewpoint to
do crossever
% of
viewpoint to
visibility (%) Final
visibility (%)Difference
50 50 66 88 22
40 60 66 88 22
70 30 60 90 30
obtaining the new viewpoints. We have also introduced a
definition of the quality of a set of viewpoints, that does
not consider each point as a individual, but rather as part
of the whole set.
This work leaves several interesting problems, such as
providing new definitions for evaluating the view quality
Application of Genetic Algorithm for Computing a Global 3D Scene Exploration
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA
of a single viewpoint, but in relation to its neighbours or
with the whole group. This would allow for a better ap-
plication of genetic algorithms and maybe for better re-
sults and faster results.
Moreover, it would be interesting to implement other
methods for computing the visibility of viewpoints. In
our work, a ray tracing algorithm was used. This lead to
an increase in time complexity, as well as in a decrease
in accuracy. In fact, there is a direct proportion between
the computation time and the accuracy of the process. In
order to have a more accurate degree of visibility, more
rays need to be traced, which implies a higher time com-
plexity. One possible solution to this problem would be
the use of Z-buffer algorithm to determine an exact or
approximate visibility for each polygon and each view-
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