Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2014, 2, 41-44
Published Online May 2014 in SciRes.
How to cite this paper: Rakhimbayeva, I.E. (2014) Creative Professional Position as an Education Quality Factor in the In-
stitute of Arts. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2, 41-44. 25009
Creative Professional Position as an
Education Quality Factor in the Institute
of Arts
Inga E. Rakhimbayeva
Institute of Arts, Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia
Email: rachimbaeva_ing
Received February 2014
The paper discusses the problem of the creative professional position which is considered in the
context of art education quality. The author marks the elements of this position which is described
as a personality self-fulfillment product.
Creative Professional Position, Education Quality, Art Education, Self-Fulfillment
1. Introduction
Education sphere is a complex, multi-layered and multi-factor object. The range of issues arising in connection
with such a specific sphere of activity of the individual as an accumulation and transfer of experience, know-
ledge and skills (both general and professional) is quite extensive. And still one problem, according to most re-
searchers, practitioners and managers of educational institutions, is the most actual in modern conditions of de-
velopment of education in Russia and worldwide. This is the problem of improving the quality of education.
Quality education is essential for social development, sustainable economic growth of the state. According to A.
Subetto, sustainable development of Russia is a new quality of socio-economic mechanisms of development,
which includes: education as the leading mechanism of the reproduction of societys intellectual resources of
Russia; the law of accelerated development of the qualities of the person, the quality of public intelligence, the
quality of educational systems in the society; overall management of the quality of life on the basis of the qualit-
ative economy with the creation of system of quality monitoring[1].
The necessity of higher education quality improvement is specified in a program document of UNESCO
Reform and Development of Higher Education: Activity in the field of higher education under the conditions
of changes in the world should be carried out under the three mottoes that define its role and functions at local,
national and international levels: compliance with the requirements of contemporary, quality and internationali-
I. E. Rakhimbayeva
2. Education Quality Definition
2.1. Analysis of the Literature
Despite the importance of education quality problems at present there is no clear definition of this notion. Rep-
resentatives of many scientific fields highlight its content characteristics specific to their area of expertise, em-
phasize on completely different sides, and that complicates the development of common approaches to its nature
determination and the evaluation criteria.
Based on the achievements of interdisciplinary sciences, Pedagogy provides definitions of the education qual-
ity as a ratio of the purpose and effect (V.I. Zvereva, T.S. Makarova, M. M. Potashnic, N.N. Melnikova, L.A.
Serebryakova, L.I. Fishman and others). However, education goals setting is a challenge, since the conversion of
the goals up to the standard accurately fixed in the documents has not taken place yet. Typically, the education
quality is identified with the quality of knowledge of both the natural and the most comprehensive effects of
In the T. Kuznetsova’s thesis research the education quality category is defined as a complex of characteris-
tics of professional thinking determinant capability to successfully perform professional activity in accordance
with the requirements of the economy at the present stage. The author believes that today quality of specialist
education cannot be determined as it used to be only by knowledge and skills. The demands of modern life are
much more extensive, more varied and more difficult. That is why there are good reasons to include in addition
to professional knowledge and skills, the nature and level of education in general, personal education, culture,
skills, professional activity, the ability to find a solution to unexpected problems and much more in the educa-
tion category [3].
Speaking about the education quality it is necessary to remember about its criteria. Quality evaluation crite-
rion selection is very difficult. A range of authors come forth such education quality criteria as the higher educa-
tion institute potential, labor utility indicators, labor quality, higher education institute efficiency [8]. Among the
key indicators characterizing the education quality there are content knowledge, knowledge structures, profes-
sional thinking type. In addition, another key indicator characterizing the education quality especially significant
today so far is concerned the experts in Humanities exactly can be called which is professional personality
orientation. It reflects a set of ethical principles of behavior and activity, the professional values and attitudes
system, which are formed in the process of education, but influenced by economic, legal and political situation
in the society.
2.2. Analysis of the Term “Position”
Investigating the problem of education quality from the perspective of the Arts Department, we reasoned that the
essential indicator of the education quality in the school of artistic and creative orientation is a creative profes-
sional position (of a musician, a choreographer, an art critic and others).
Analysis of the literature on this problem identified several definitions of the term positionwhich is intro-
duced as a point of view, attitude, action relation, behavior and impact of this attitude; as a stable system of rela-
tions of a man to the various manifestations of the surrounding reality, people and oneself; as approval; as an
opinion in any matter; as the principle underlying behavior, actions; as a way to implement the basic values of
the individual in his relations with other (N. Alexeev, V.N. Slobodchikov); as a unity of consciousness and ac-
tivity, where the activity itself is one of the ways to implement the basic values; the persons attitude to the sys-
tem of norms, rules, patterns of behavior, arising from his social position, and prescribed by his environment [4];
as the place of the individual in the system of group life, in the structure of the group activity relationship [5].
Namely the position is understood in two ways: first, as a persons position in the social structure, which is
considered in the context of the concepts of roleand “status(I.S. Kon, V.T. Lisovsky, B.F. Lomov, A. Ydov
and other); secondly, as a system of beliefs, attitudes, values, motivations, which are expressed through the rela-
tionship of an individual to various aspects of the activity (L.I. Bozovic, V.N. Myasishchev, B.G. Ananiev and
others). In educational research the position of a person is defined as a person quality and the goal of education
(V.A. Armavichyte, B.P. Bitinas, E.V. Bondarevskay and others).
One of the first characteristics of position as of a person’s position in the society, group belongs to A. Leon-
tiev: This is the real position of a child, with which the world of human relations is opened in front of him. The
position, which is due to the objective place, occupied by him in such a relationship[6].
I. E. Rakhimbayeva
S. Rubinstein characterizes the position of a person as a special momenttrend, as a determinate relation to
the valuable goals and objectives. Orientation formation assumes the subject’s going into the situation and
his/her accepting of the problems that arise in it; thus, it depends on the distribution of what is su bjectively sig-
nificant to an individual. Change of orientation means the transformation of the individual motivation associated
with the redistribution of what is significant to him… Orientation as an individual position includes the whole
range of components, starting with basic needs and instincts and ending with religious views...[7].
Analysis of materials about the position as the relationship of the individual leads to the following conclu-
1) The individual activity is directed by his/her attitude to reality—this attitude is called the individual posi-
2) Position as the individual attitude is a complex alloy of cognitive, emotional and behavioral components.
3) The interrelationship of the individual position and social position appears in cases of direct personal inte-
ractions, determining peculiarities of their attitudes to the mission in their behavior
3. Conclusion
All that becomes possible only in the process of creative research and practical implementation. In modern
science creativity it is considered an integrative, systemically important component of culture by many investi-
gators. The problem of the relationship between the individual, culture and creativity is reflected in the works of
N.A. Berdyaev. He believed that civilization denotes the socio-collective process, and culture is more individual:
it is associated with personality, and with the creative action of a person. Creative action is in the field of subjec-
tivity, whereas a product of culture is in objective reality. Psychologists determine creative work as the highest
form of human activity in his own independent activity.
Creative professional position causes a particular style of thinking of an educator, associated with its novelty
and significancy of its results, causing a complex synthesis of all mental spheres (cognitive, emotional, volition-
al and motivation) of the educator’s personality. A developed demand for creating which is embodied in the
specific talents and their demonstration holds a special place in it. One of the top-ranked talents is creative
thinking. Based on the factorial analysis in experimental research, scientists detailed separate components of
creative thinking. There are intellectual creative initiative (commitment to move beyond the framework of these
tasks and requirements); wideness of categorization (remoteness of associations, surprising usage of items, at-
tributing them a new functional value, a generalization of phenomenon without evident links); fluency of
thought (its wealth and diversity, the number of formed links); originality of thinking (independence, unusual-
ness, ingenuity of decisions onto traditional ways of thinking) among them.
The creative component of the professional position lies in the fact that a person tries to avoid common and
obvious solutions, explores the issue, puts forward many hypotheses, checking their guesses until arrives at the
solution. The peculiarity of creative position is that it is accompanied by the emotional disposition, and its re-
sults can not be predicted in its entirety. Creative professional position is a product of self-fulfillment, which
implies the existence of one’s own activity.
Thus, the analysis of the studies on the education quality problem, the position of an individual, creativity has
led to the conclusion that the creative professional position is the attitude of the individual to reality, which
means the demonstration of individuality and ability of self-expres sion.
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организация управления вузом/Под ред. В.В. Глух ова.-СПб., 1999.)
[2] Reform and Development of the Higher Education (1995) Program Document, UNESCO. (Реформа и развит ие
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I. E. Rakhimbayeva
[6] Leontiev, A.N. (1972) Problems of Psyche Development. 3rd Edition, Moscow, MSU, 501. (Леонтьев А.Н. Проблемы
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