Chinese Medicine, 2011, 2, 6-15
doi:10.4236/cm.2011.21002 Published Online March 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. CM
Mathematical Reasoning of Treatment Principle
Based on “Yin Ya ng Wu XingTheory in Traditional
Chinese Medicine
Yingshan Zhang
School of Finance and Statistics, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
Received December 21, 201 0; revised January 20, 2011; accepted January 28, 2011
By using mathematical reasoning, this paper demonstrates the treatment principle: “Virtual disease is to fill
his mother but real disease is to rush down his son” and “Strong inhibition of the same time, support the
weak” based on “Yin Yang Wu Xing” Theory in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). We defined two kinds
of opposite relations and one kind of equivalence relation, introduced the concept of steady multilateral sys-
tems with two non-compatibility relations, and discussed its energy properties. Later based on the treatment
of TCM and treated the healthy body as a steady multilateral system, it has been proved that the treatment
principle is true. The kernel of this paper is the existence and reasoning of the non-compatibility relations in
steady multilater al systems, and it accords with the oriental thinking model.
Keywords: Traditional Chinese Medicine, “Yin Yang W u Xing” Theory, Steady Multilateral Systems,
Opposite Relations, Side Effects, Medical and Drug Resistance Problem
1. Main Differences between Traditional
Chinese Medicine and Western
Western medicine treats disease from Microscopic point
of view, always destroys the original human beings
balance, and has none beneficial to humans immunity.
Western medicine can produce pollution to humans
body, having strong s ide ef fects. E xcessi vely usi ng med-
icine can easily paralysis the human’s immunity, which
AIDS is a unique product of Western medicine. Using
medicine too little can easily produce the medical and
drug resistance problem.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) studies the
world from the macroscopic point of vie w, a nd its tar get
is in order to maintain the original balance of human
being and in order to enhance the immunity. TCM be-
lieves that each medicine has one-third of drug. She ne v-
er encourages patients to use medicine in long term. Tra-
ditional Chinese Medicine has over 5,000-year history. It
almos t has none side effects or medical and drug resis-
tance problem [19].
After long period of practicing, Chinese ancient med-
ical scientists useYin Yang Wu Xing” Theory exten-
sively in the tra ditional treat ment to expl ain t he ori gin o f
life, human body, pathological changes, clinical diagno-
sis and prevent i on. It has become an important part of t he
Traditional Chinese Medicine. “Yin Yang Wu Xing
Theory has a strong influence to the formation and de-
velopment of Chinese medicine theory. But, many Chi-
nese and foreign scholars still have some questions on
the reasoning of Tra ditional Chinese Medic ine.
Zhangs theory, multilateral matrix theory [1] and
multilateral system theory [13,14,19], have given a new
and strong mathematical reasoning method from macro
(Global) analysis to micro (Local) analysis. He and his
colleagues have made some mathematical models and
methods of reasoning [2-17], whic h make the mathemat-
ical reasoning of T CM possible [13] based o n “Yin Yang
Wu Xing” Theory [18]. T his paper will use stead y multi-
lateral systems to demonstrate the treatment principle of
TCM : “Real disease is to rush down his son but virtual
disease is to fill his mother ” and “Str o ng i nhi b ition of the
same time, support the weak”.
The article proceeds as follows. Section 2 contains ba-
sic concepts and main theorems of steady multilateral
systems while the treatment principle of Traditional
Chinese Medicine is demonstrated in Section 3 and 4.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. CM
Conclusions are drawn in S ect ion 5.
2. Basic Concept of Steady Multilateral
In the real world, we are enlightened from some concepts
and phenomena such as “biosphere”, “food chain”,
“ecological balance” etc. With research and practice, by
using the theory of multilatera l matrices[1] and analyzing
the conditions of s ymmetr y [1-2] and orthogonality [3-5,
12,17] what a stable system must satisfy, in particular,
with analyzing the basic conditions what a stable work-
ing procedure of good product quality must satisfy [11,
17], we are inspired and find some rules and methods,
then present the logic model of analyzing stability of
complex systems [7-10]steady multilateral systems
[13,14,19]. There are a number of essential reasoning
met hods based on the stable logic analysis model, such
as “transition reasoning”, “atavism reasoning”, “genetic
reasoning” etc.
2.1. Equivalence Relations
Let V be a nonempt y se t a nd x, y, z be their elements. We
call it an equivalence relation, denoted ~, if the follo wing
3 conditions are all true:
1) Reflexive: x ~ x for all x;
2) Symmetric: if x ~ y, then y ~ x;
3) Conveyabl e (Transitivity): if x ~ y, y ~ z, then x ~ z.
If there are some x, y, z such that at least one of the
conditions abo ve is true, the relation is called a compati-
bility relation. Any one of compatibility relations can be
expa nded into an equivalence relation [19].
Western Science only considers the reasoning under
one Axio m sys te m such t hat o nl y rese arc hes on compati-
bility rela tion reaso ning. However, there are many Axio m
syste ms in Nat ure. T radit ional Chinese Science (TCS, or
Oriental Science) mainly researches the reasoning among
many Axio m s yste ms in Nature. Of course, she also con-
siders the reasoning under one Axiom system but she
only expands the reasoning as the equivalence relation
reasoning [19].
2.2. Two Kinds of Opposite Relations
Equivalence relations, even compatibility relations, can-
not portray the structure of the complex systems clearly.
For example, assume that A and B are good friends and
they ha ve clo se relat ions. S o are B and C. However, you
canno t get t he conclusion that A and C are good friends.
We denote A B as that A and B have close relations.
Then the example above can be d enoted as: A B, B
C do not imply A C, i.e., the relation is a non-
conveyable (or non-transitivity) relation, of course, a
non-equivalence relation.
In the following, we consider two non-compatibility
Let V be a nonempty set and x, y, z be none equal.
There are two kinds of opposite relations, called neigh-
boring relations and alternate relations , having the
1) If x y, y z, then x z;
if x y, x z, then y z;
if x z, y z, then x y.
2) If x y, y z, then z x;
if z x, x y, then y z;
if y z, z x, then x y.
Two kinds of opposite relations cannot be exist sepa-
Such reasoning can be expressed as follows:
z y
y z
The first triangle reasoning is known as a jumping-
transition reasoning, while the second triangle reasoning
is known as an atavism reasoning. Both neighboring re-
lations and alternate relations are not compatibility rela-
tions, of course, none equivalence relations, called
non-compatibility relations.
2.3. Genetic Reasoning
Let V be a nonempty set and x, y, z be not equal one
another. If equivalence relations exist, neighboring rela-
tions, a nd alterna te r elation s i n V at the same time, then a
genetic reasoning i s defined as follo ws:
1) if x ~ y, y z, then x z;
2) if x ~ y, y z, then x z;
3) if x y, y ~ z, then x z;
4) if x y, y ~ z, the n x z.
2.4. Multilateral Systems
For a nonempty set V, if there exists at least an non-
compatibilit y relatio n, then i t is called a multilateral sys-
tem about complexit y [13,14,19], or eq uival ent ly, a l ogi c
analysis model of complex systems [7-10].
Assu me that t he r e e xist e q ui vale nc e r e la t ions, ne i g hbo r-
ing relations, and alternate relations in system V, which
satisfy genetic reasoning. If for every x, y V, at least
there is one of the three relations between x and y, and
there are not x y and x y at the same time, then V is
called a lo gic analysis model o f complex syste ms, which
is equivalent to the logic architecture of reasoning model
of “Yin Yang” Theory in Ancient China. Obviously, V is
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. CM
a multilateral system with two non-compatibility rela-
tions. In this paper, we only consider this multilateral
s ys t em.
Theorem 2.1 For a multilateral system V with two
non-compatibility relations, x, y V, only one of the
following fiv e re lations is existent and correct:
x ~ y, x y, x y, x y, x y.
Theorem 2.2 For a multilateral system V with two
non-compatibility relations, x, y, z V, the following
reasoning holds:
1) if x z , y z, then x ~ y;
2) if x z, y z, then x ~ y;
3) if x y , xz, then y ~ z;
4) if x y, x z, then y ~ z.
2.5. Steady Multilateral Systems
The multilateral system V is known as a steady multila-
teral system (or, a stable multilateral system) with two
non-compatibility relations if there exists at least the
chain x1,
, xn V, which satisfy any one of the two
conditions below:
x1 x2
xn x1;
x1 x2
xn x1.
Theorem 2.3 For a steady multilateral system V with
two non-compatibility relations, there exists five-length
chain, and the length of the chain is inte ger times of 5.
Theorem 2.4 For a steady multilateral system V with
two non-compatibility relations, there exists a partition
of V as follows:
V = V1 + V2 + V3 + V4 + V5;
{ }
,1, 5.
Vy Vyxi= ∈∀=
which x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 is a chain. The notation that V = V1
+ V2 + V3 + V4 + V5 means that V = V1 V2 V3 V4
V5, Vi Vj = ,
i j.
Theorem 2.5 The decomposition above for the steady
multilateral system with two non-compatibility relations,
there exist relatio ns below Figure 1.
Theorem 2.6 For each element x in a steady multila-
teral system V with two non-compatibility relations,
there exist five equ ivalen ce classes below:
{ }
,Xy Vyx= ∈
{ }
Xy Vxy=∈→
{ }
Ky Vyx=∈⇒
{ }
Sy Vyx=∈→
which the five equivalence classes have relations below
Figure 2.
3. Relationship Analysis of Steady
Multilateral Systems
3.1. Energy of a Multilateral System
Energy concept is an important concept in Physics. Now,
we intr oduc e this concep t to the multilate ral syste ms and
use these concepts to deal with the multilateral system
disea ses.
In mathematics, a multilateral system is said to have
energy (or dyn a m i c ) if there is a none negative function
φ( *) which makes every subsystem meaningful of the
multilateral system.
For two subsystems Vi and Vj of multilatera l system V,
denote Vi Vj (or Vi Vj, or Vi ~ Vj) me ans xi xj, xi
Vi, xj
Vj (or xi xj, xi
Vi, xj
Vj or xi ~ xj, xi
For sub s ys te ms Vi, Vj and Vi Vj where Vi Vj = , i
j, let φ(Vi) = |Vi |, φ(Vj) = |Vj | and φ(Vi Vj) = |Vi Vj|,
where φ(Vi Vj) is the total energy of both Vi and Vj.
For an equivalence relation Vi ~ Vj, if |Vi Vj | = |Vi | +
|Vj | (the normal state of the energy of Vi ~ Vj), then the
equivalence relation Vi ~ Vj is called that Vi likes Vj
whic h mea ns that Vi is similar to Vj. In this case, the Vi is
also called the brother of Vj while the Vj is also called the
brother of Vi. In the causal model, the Vi is called the
similar family member of Vj while the Vj is also called
the similar family me mber of Vi. There are not any causal
relation considered between Vi and Vj.
For a neig hbo ring r elat ion Vi Vj, if |Vi Vj| > |Vi| +
|Vj| (the normal state of the energy of Vi Vj), then the
neighboring relation Vi Vj is called that Vi bears (or
loves) Vj [or that Vj is born (or loved) by Vi]whic h mea ns
that Vi is be nefic ial on Vj each other. In this case, the Vi is
called the mother of Vj while the Vj is calle d the son o f Vi.
In the causal model, the Vi is called the beneficial cause
of Vj while the Vj is called the beneficial effect of Vi.
For an alternate relation Vi Vj, if |Vi Vj| < |Vi| +
|Vj| (the normal state of the energy of Vi Vj), then the
alternate relation Vi Vj is called as that Vi kills Vj (or
that Vj is killed by Vi) which means that Vi is harmful o n
Vj each othe r. In this case, the Vi is called the bane of Vj
while the Vj is called the prisoner of Vi. In the causal
model, the Vi is called the harmful cause of Vj while the
Vj is called the harmful effect of Vi.
In the future, unless stated otherwise, any equivalence
relation is the liking relation, any neighboring relation is
the bear ing relation (or the loving relation), and any al-
ternate relatio n is the killing re la tion.
Suppose V is a steady multilateral system having
energ y, t he n during no rmal opera tion, its ener gy function
for any subsystem of the multilateral system has an av-
erage (or expected value in Statistics), the state is called
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. CM
no rmal whe n the ener g y funct io n is ne arl y to the a vera ge.
Normal state is the better state.
A subsystem of a multilateral syste m is called not run-
ning properly (or disease, abnormal), if the energy devia-
tion from the average of the subsystems is too large, the
high [real disease] or the low [virtual disea se ].
In a subsystem of a multilateral system being not run-
ning properly, if the energy of this sub-system is in-
creased or decreased by using external forces and re-
turned to its average (or its expected value), this method
is called intervention (or mak i n g a medical treatment) to
the mult ila te ral system.
The purp ose of interventio n is to make the multilateral
system return to normal state. The method of interven-
tion is to increase or to decrease the energy of a subsys-
What kind of treatment should follow the principle to
treat it? Western medicine emphasizes direct treatment,
but the indirect treatment of oriental medicine (or Tradi-
tional Chinese Medicine) is required. In mathematics,
which is more reaso nable?
Based on this idea, many issues are worth further dis-
cussion. For example, if an intervention treatment has
been done to a multilateral system, what situation will
3.2. Intervention Rule of a Multilateral System
For a steady multilateral system V with two
non-compatibility relations, suppose that there is an ex-
ternal force (or an intervenin g force ) on the sub system X
of V which makes the energy φ(X) of X changed by the
increment φ(X), then the energies φ(XS), φ(XK), φ(KX),
φ(SX) of other subsystems XS, XK, KX, SX (defined in
Theorem 2.6) of V will be changed by the increments
φ(XS), φ(XK), φ(KX) and φ(SX), respectively.
It is said that a multilateral system has the capability
of intervention reaction if the multilateral system has
capability to response the intervention force.
If a sub syst em X of multilater al system V is inter vene d,
then the energies φ(XS) and φ(SX) of t he subsystems XS
and SX which have neighboring relations to X will chan ge
in the same direction of the force outside on X.We call
them beneficiaries. But the energies φ(XK) and φ(KX)
of the subsystems XK and KX which have alternate rela-
tions to X will change in the opposite direction of the
force outside on X. We call them victims.
Further more, i n general, there is an essential principle
of interventio n: a ny one of energies φ(XS) and φ(SX) of
beneficial subsystems XS and SX of X changes in t he same
direction of the force outside on X, and any one of ener-
gies φ(XK) and φ(KX) of harmful subsystems XK and
KX of X changes in the opposite direction of the force
outside on X. The changed size of the energy φ(XS) (or
φ(SX)) is equal to that of φ(XK) (or φ(KX)), but the
direction opposite.
Intervention Rule: In the case of virtual disease, the
treatment method of intervention is to increase the ener-
gy. If the treatment has been done on X, the energy in-
crement (or, increase degree) |φ(XS)| of the son XS of X
is greater than the energy increment (or, increase degree)
|φ(SX)| o f the mother SX of X, i.e., the b est benefit is t he
son XS of X. But the energy decrease degree |φ(XK)| of
the prisoner XK of X is greater than the energy decrease
degree |φ(KX)| of the bane KX of X, i.e., the worst victim
is the prisoner XK of X.
In the case of real disease, the treatment method of in-
tervention is to decrease the energy. If the treatment has
been done on X, the ener g y decrease degree |φ(SX)| of
the mother SX of X is greater than the energy decrease
degree |φ(XS)| of the son XS of X, i.e., the best benefit is
the mother SX of X. But the energy increment (or, in-
crease degree) |φ(KX)| of the bane KX of X is greater
than the energy increment (or, increase degree) |φ(XK)|
of the prisoner XK of X, i.e., the worst victim is the bane
KX of X.
In mathematics, the changing la ws are as follows.
1) If φ(X) = > 0, then φ(XS) = ρ1, φ(XK) = –ρ1,
φ(KX) = ρ2, φ(SX) = ρ2;
2) If φ(X) = – < 0, then φ(XS) = –ρ2, φ(XK) =
ρ2, φ(KX) = ρ1, φ(SX) = –ρ1;
where 1 ρ1 ρ2 0. Both ρ1 and ρ2 are called interven-
tion reaction coefficients, which are used to represent t he
capability of i nter ve ntion reactio n. The larger ρ1, the better
the capabilit y of inter vention reactio n. T he state ρ1 = 1 is
the best state but the state ρ1 = 0 is the worst state.
Medical and drug resistance problem is that such a
question, beginning more appropriate medical treatment,
but is no longer valid after a period. It is because the ca-
pabilit y of interve ntion reaction is bad, i.e., the inter ven-
tion reaction coefficients ρ1 and ρ2 are too small. In the
state ρ1 = 1, any medical and drug resistance problem is
non-existence but in the state ρ1 = 0, medical and drug
resistance p roblem is always existence. At this point, t he
paper advocates the principle of treatment to avoid med-
ical and drug resistance problems.
This intervention rule is similar to force and reaction
in Physic s.
3.3. Self-Protection Rule of a Multilateral System
If there is an intervening force on the subsystem X of a
steady multilatera l system V whic h makes the energy φ(X)
changed by increment φ(X) s uch t hat the e ner gies φ(XS),
φ(XK), φ(KX), φ(SX) of other subsystems XS, XK, KX, SX
(defined in Theorem 2.6) of V will be changed by the
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. CM
increments φ(XS), φ(XK), φ(KX), φ(SX), respectively,
then can the multilateral system V have capability to
protect the worst victim to restore?
It is said that the steady multilateral system has the
capability of self-protection i f the multi latera l sys te m has
capability to protect the worst victim to restore. The ca-
pability of self-protection of the steady multilateral sys-
tem is said to be better if the multilateral system has ca-
pability to protect the all victi ms to restore.
In general, there is an essential principle of
self-protection: any harmful subsystem of X should be
protected by using the same intervention force but any
beneficial subsystem of X s hould not.
Self-protec tion Rule: in the case of virtual disease, the
treatment method of intervention is to increase the ener-
gy. If the treatment has been done on X, the wo rs t v ictim
is the prisoner XK of X. Thus, the treatment of
self-protection is to restore the prisoner XK of X and the
restoring method of self-protection is to increase the
energy φ(XK) of the prisoner XK of X by using the inter-
vention force on X acc ording to t he intervention rule.
In the case of real disease, the treatment method of in-
tervention is to decrease the energy. If the treatment has
been done on X, the worst victim is the bane KX of X.
Thus, the treatment of self-protection is to restore the
bane KX of X and the restoring method of self-protection
is to decrease the energy φ(KX) of the bane KX of X by
using the same intervention force on X according to the
inter venti on r ule.
In mathematics, the following self-protection laws
1) If φ(X) = > 0, then the energy o f subsys tem XK
will decrease the increment (ρ1), which is the worst
victim. So the capability of self-protection increases the
energy of subsystem XK by increment (ρ1) in order to
restore the worst victim XK by using the same interven-
tion force on X according to the intervention rule.
2) If φ(X) = – < 0, then the energy φ(KX) of sub-
system KX will increase the increment (φ(KX) = ρ1),
which is the worst victim. So the capability of
self-protection decreases the energ y of sub system KX, by
the same size to φ(KX) but the direction opposite, i.e.,
by increment (φ(XK)1 = –ρ1), in order to restore the
worst victim KX by u sin g the sa me inte rve ntion forc e on
X according to the intervention rule.
The self-protection rule can be explained as: the gen-
eral principle of self-protection subsystem is the most
affected is protected firstly; the protection method is in
the same way to the i ntervention force.
Theorem 3.1 Suppose that a steady multilateral sys-
tem V which has energy and capability of self-protection
is with interve ntion reaction coefficients ρ1 and ρ2. If the
capability of self-protection can make the subsystem XK
to be restore d, then the following statements are true.
1) In the case of virtual disea se, the treatment method
is to increase the energy. If an intervention force on the
subsy st em X of steady multilateral system V is imple-
mented such that its energy φ(X) has been changed by
increment ∆φ(X) = > 0, then all five sub systems will be
changed finally by the increments as follows:
( )( )( )()
( )( )( )
( )
( )( )( )()
( )()( )
( )
( )( )( )
( )
( )
1 21
1 0,
ϕϕ ϕρρ
ϕϕϕρ ρρ
ϕϕ ϕρρ
ϕϕ ϕρρ
ϕϕ ϕρρ
∆=∆+∆= −∆>
∆=∆+∆= +∆>
∆=∆+∆=− −∆
∆=∆+∆=− ∆
∀∆=∆ >
2) In the case of real disease, the treatment method is
to decrease the energy. If an intervention force on the
subsystem X of steady multilateral system V is imple-
mented such that its energy φ(X)' has been changed by
increment ∆φ(X)' =
< 0, then all five subsystems
will be changed finally by the increments as follows:
( )( )( )()
( )( )( )
( )
( )( )( )
( )
( )()( ) ()
( )( )( )()
( )
1 21
1 0,
ϕϕ ϕρρ
ϕϕ ϕρρ
ϕϕ ϕρρ
ϕϕ ϕρρ
ϕϕϕρ ρρ
′ ′′
∆=∆+∆=− −∆<
′ ′′
∆=∆+∆=− −∆
′ ′′
∆=∆+∆=− ∆
′ ′′
∆=∆+∆=− ∆=
′ ′′
∆=∆+∆=− +∆<
∀∆=−∆ <
where the φ(*)1 s and φ(*)1' ’s are the increments
under the capability o f self-protection.
Corollary 3.1 Suppose that a steady multilateral sys-
tem V which has energy and capability of self-protection
is with intervention reaction coefficients ρ1 and ρ2. Then
the capability of self-protection can make both subsys-
tems XK and KX to be restored at the same time, i.e., the
capability of self-protection is better, if and only if ρ2 =
Side effects of medical problems were the questio n: i n
the medical process, destroyed the normal balance of a
normal system which is not falling-ill system or inter-
vening syst em. B y T he or e m 3.1 and Corollary 3.1, it can
be seen that a necessary and sufficient condition is ρ2 =
if the capabilit y of self-prote ction of t he steady mul-
tilateral system is better, i.e., the multilateral system has
capability to protect all victims to restore. At this point,
the paper advocates the principle to avoid any side ef-
fects of treatment.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. CM
3.4. Mathematical Reasoning of Treatment
Principle by Using the Neighboring
Relations of Steady Multilateral Systems
Tr ea tment p r inci p le by usi n g t he ne ig hb o ri n g re la tions of
steady multilateral systems is “Virtual disease is to fill
his mother but real disease is to rush down his son”. In
order to show the ra tionality o f the treat ment principle , it
is needed to prove the following theorems.
Theorem 3.2 Suppose that a steady multilateral sys-
tem V which has energy and capability of self-protection
is with intervention reaction coefficients ρ1 and ρ2 satis-
. Then the following statements a re true.
In the case of virtual disea se, if an intervention force
on the subsystem X of steady multilateral system V is
implemented such that its energy φ(X) increases the in-
crement ∆φ(X) = > 0, then the subsystems SX, XK and
KX can be restored at the same time, but the subsystems
X and XS will increase their energies finally by the in-
( )()( )
( )
( )
( )
12 1
ϕρρ ϕρϕ
∆=− ∆=−∆
( )
()( )
( )
( )
( )
112 11
ϕρρρ ϕρρϕ
∆=+ ∆ =+∆
On the other hand, in the case of real disease, if an
intervention force on the subsystem X of steady multila-
teral system V is implemented such that its energy φ(X)
decreases, i.e., by the increment ∆φ(X) = < 0, the
subsystems XS, XK and KX can also be restored at the
same time, and the subsystems X and SX will decrease
their energies finally, i.e., by the increments
( )()( )
( )
( )
( )
12 1
ϕρρ ϕρϕ
′ ′′
∆=− ∆=−∆
()()( )
( )
( )
( )
112 11
ϕρρρ ϕρρϕ
′ ′′
=−+ ∆
Theorem 3.3 For a steady multilateral system V
which has energy and capability of self-protection, as-
sume intervention reaction coefficients are ρ1 and ρ2
which satisfy
and ρ1 0.5897545123. Then the
following statements are true .
1) If an intervention force on the subsystem X of
steady multilateral system V i s implemented such that its
energy φ(X) has been changed by increment ∆φ(X) = >
0, then the fin al increme nt (
) of the energy φ(XS)
of the subsystem XS changed is greater than the final
increment (
) of the energy φ(X) of the subsystem
X changed based on the capability of self-protection.
2) If an intervention force on the subsystem X of steady
multilateral sys tem V is imple mented such that its energy
φ(X) has been changed by increment ∆φ (X) = < 0,
then the final increment(
) of the energy φ(SX)
of the subsystem SX changed is less than the final incre-
ment –(
) of the energy φ(X) of the subsystem X
changed based on the capability of self-protection.
Corollary 3.2 For a steady multilateral system V
which has energy and capability of self-protection, in-
tervention reaction coefficients are ρ1 and ρ2 which sa-
and ρ1 < 0.5897545123. Then the follow-
ing statements are true.
1) In the case of virtual disease, if an intervention
force on the subsystem X of steady multilateral system V
is implemented such that its energy φ(X) has been
changed by increment ∆φ(X) = > 0, then the final in-
crement (
) of the energy φ(XS) of the subsystem
XS changed is less than the final increment (
) of
the energy φ(X) of the subsystem X changed based on the
capability of self-protection.
2) In the case of real disease, if an intervention force
on the subsystem X of steady multilateral system V is
implemented such that its energy φ(X) has been changed
by increment ∆φ(X) = < 0, then the final increment
) of the energy φ(SX) of the subsystem SX
changed is greater than the final increment (1
of the energy φ(X) of the subsystem X changed based on
the cap ab ility of self-protection.
3.5. Mathematical Reasoning of Treatment
Principle by Using the Alternate Relations
of Steady Multilateral Systems
Treatment principle by using the alternate relations of
steady multilateral systems is “Strong inhibition of the
same time, support the weak”. In order to show the ra-
tionality of t he tre at ment principle, it needed to prove the
following theo rem.
Theorem 3.4 Suppose that a steady multilateral sys-
tem V which has energy and capability of self-protection
is with intervention reaction coefficients ρ1 and ρ2 satis-
. Assume there are two subsystems X and
XK of V with an alternate relatio n such that X encounters
virtual disease, and at the same time, XK befalls real
disease. Then the following statements are true.
If an intervention force on the subsystem X of steady
multilateral sys tem V is imple mente d such th at its energy
φ(X) has been changed by increment ∆φ(X) = > 0 , and
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. CM
at the same time, another intervention force on the sub-
system XK of steady multilateral system V is also imple-
mented such that its energy φ(XK) has been changed by
increment ∆φ(XK) = – < 0, then all other subsystems: SX,
KX and XS can be restored at the same time, and the sub-
systems X and XK will decrease and increase their ener-
gies by the same size but the direction opposite, i.e., by
the final increments
( )()( )
( )
( )
( )
12 1
∆=− ∆=−∆
( )()( )
( )
( )
( )
12 1
ϕρρ ϕρϕ
∆=− ∆=−∆
These theorems can been found in [7-10] and [13,14].
Figures 1 and 2 in T heorems 2.5 and 2.6 are the Fi gure s
of “Wu Xing” The ory in Anci ent China . The steady mul-
tilateral system V with t wo no n-compa tibility relatio ns is
equivale nt to the lo gic archi te cture o f reasoni ng model of
Yin Yang Wu XingTheor y in Anci ent C hi na.
4. Rationality of Treatment Principle of
Traditional Chinese Medicine and “Yin
Yang Wu Xing” Theory
4.1. Traditi ona l Chines e Med icin e and “Yin
Yang Wu Xing” Theory
Ancient ChineseYin Yang Wu XingTheory has been
surviving for several thousands of years without dying
out, proving it reasonable to some extent. If we regard ~
as the same category, the neighboring relation → as
beneficial, harmony, obedient, loving, etc., and the al-
ternate relation as harmful, conflict, ruinous, killing,
etc., then the above defined stable logic analysis model is
similar to the logic architecture of reasoning of “Yin
Yang Wu Xing”. BothYin” and “Yang” mean that there
are two opposite relations in the world: harmony or lov-
ing → and conflict or killing , as well as a general
equivalent category ~. There is only one of three rela-
tions ~, → and between every two objects. Everything
(X ) mak e s something (XS ), and is made by
somethi ng (SX ); Eve rythi ng rest rai ns s omet hi ng(XK
), and is restrained by something (KX ); i.e., one
thing overcomes another thing and o ne thing is ove rcome
by another thing. The ever changing world V, following
the relations: ~, and , must be divided into five
categories by the equivalent relation ~, being called “Wu
Xing”: wood (X), fire (XS), earth (XK), go ld (KX) and wa-
ter (SX).
The relationship among the Wu Xing” is to be
“neighbor is friend”:
wood(X) fire(XS) earth(XK) gold(KX) wa-
ter(SX) wood(X),
and to be “alternate is foe”:
wood(X) earth(XK) water(SX) fire(XS)
gold(KX) wood(X).
On the other words, V = X + XS + XK + KX + SX satis-
where elements in the same category are equivalent to
one another. We can see, from this, the ancient Chinese
th eo ry “ Yin Yang Wu Xing” is a reasonable logic analysis
model to identify the stability and relationship of com-
plex systems, i.e., it is a stea dy multilate r a l system.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) firstly uses the
verifying relationship method of “Yin Yang Wu Xing
Theory to explain the relationship between organ of hu-
man body and environment. Secondly, based on “Yin
Yang Wu XingTheory, the relations of physiological
pro cesses of human b ody ca n be shown b y the ne ighb or-
ing relation and alternate relation of five subsets. Thus a
normal humans body can be shown as a steady multila-
teral system. Loving relation in TCM can be explained as
the neighboring re lation, called “Sheng”. Killing relation
in T CM can be explained as the alternate relation, called
Figure 1. Uniquely steady archi tecture: Wu Xing”.
Figure. 2 The method of finding “Wu Xing”.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. CM
“Ke”. Co nstraints and conversion between five subsets
are equivalent to the two kinds of triangle reasoning. So
a normal humans body can be classified into five equi-
valence classes. It has been shown in Theorems 2.1-2.6
that the classification of five subsets is quite possible
based on the mathematical logic. To make sure the cha-
racteristics of the five subsets is reasonable or not, it
needs more research work. It has been also shown in
Theorems 3.2-3.4 that the logical basis of TCM is a
steady mu lt ilater a l system.
The gas [“Chi”, or “Qi”, energy of life] of TCM
means the energy in a steady multilateral syste m.
There are two kinds of diseases in TCM: real disease
and virtual disease. They generally mean the subsystem
is abnormal (or disease), its energy [“Chi”, or “Qi”,
energy of l ife] is too high or too low.
The treatment method of TCM is to “Xie Qi” which
means to rush down the energy if a real disease is treated,
or to “Bu Qi” which means to fill the energy if a virtual
disease is treated. Like intervening the subsystem, de-
crease when the energy is too high, increase when the
energy is too low.
Both the capability of intervention reaction and the
capability of self-protection of the multilateral system are
equivalent to the Immunization of TCM. This capability
is really exist. Its target is to protect other organs while
treating one organ.
4.2. Treatment Principle if Only One Organ of
the Human Body System Falls Ill
If we always intervene the abnormal organ of the human
body system directly, the intervention method always
destroy the balance of the human body systems because
it is ha vi ng strong side effects to the mother or the son of
the or gan which is non-diseas e syst em b y usin g T heor em
3.2. The intervening directly method also decreases the
capability of interventio n reaction ρ1, because the method
which doesn’t use the capability of intervention reaction
make s the ρ1 near to 0. T he state ρ1 = 0 is the worst state
of the human body system, namely AIDS. On the way,
the resistance problem will occur since any medicine or
treatment ha s little effect for small ρ1.
Howe v er, b y Co r o ll a r y 3.2, it will e ven be better if we
intervene subsystem X itself directly while ρ1<
0.5897545123, i.e. ρ1 + ρ12 < 0.9375648971. It can be
explained that if a multilateral system which has a poor
capability of intervention reaction, then it is better to
intervene the subsystem X itself directly than indirectly.
However, similar to above, the intervening directly me-
thod always destroys the balance of multilateral systems
such that there is at least one side effect occurred.
Moreover, the intervening directly method is also harm-
ful to the capability of intervention reaction and might
causes the medical and drug resistance problem. There-
fore , the inte rve nti on met hod directly can be used in case
ρ1 < 0.5897545123 but should be used as little as possi-
If we always intervene in the abnormal organ of the
human body system indirectly, the intervention method
can be to maintain the balance of the human body system
because it has not any side effects to all other organs
which are not both the disease organ and the intervened
organ by using Theorem 3.2. The intervening indirectly
method also increase the capability of intervention reac-
tion because the method of using the intervention reac-
tion makes the ρ1 near to 1. The state ρ1 = 1 is the best
state of the human body system. On the way, it almost
has none medical and drug resistance problem since any
medicine is possible good for some large ρ1.
Overa ll, t he huma n bod y syst em satisfies the interven-
tion rule and the self-protection rule. It is said healthy
while intervention reaction coefficient ρ1 satisfies ρ1 >
0.5897545123. In logic and practice, it's reasonable ρ1 +
ρ2 near to 1. In case: ρ1 + ρ2 = 1, all the energy for inter-
vening human body organ can transmit to other human
body organs which have neighboring relations or alter-
nate relations with the intervening human body organ.
The healthy condition ρ1 > 0.5897545123 can be satis-
fied when ρ2 = ρ12 for a healthy human body since ρ1 + ρ2
= 1 implies ρ1 = (√5-1)/2 0.618 > 0.5897545123. If this
assumptions is set up , then th e treat ment principle: “Real
disea se is to rush down his son and virtual disease is to
fill his mother” based on “Yin Yang Wu XingTheory of
TCM , is quite reasonable.
On the other hand, in TCM, real disease and virtual
disease have their reasons. Th e bear organ XS causes real
disea se of X, while the born organ SX causes virtual dis-
ease of X. Altho ugh the rea s on cannot be proved easily in
mathematics or experime nts, the treatment method under
the assumption is quite equal to the treatment method in
the intervention indirectly. It has also proved that the
treatment pr inciple is true from the other side.
4.3. Treatment Principle if Two Organs with the
Loving Relation of the Human Body System
Encounter Sick
Supp ose t hat t he t wo orga ns X and XS of the human body
system are abnormal (or disease). In the human body of
relations between non-compatible with the constraints,
only two situations may occur:
1) X encounters virtual disease, and at the same time,
XS befalls virtual disease, i.e., the energy of X is too low
and the e ne r gy o f XS is also to o low. It is because X bears
XS. The disease causal is X.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. CM
2) X encounters real disease, and at the same time, XS
befalls real disease, i.e., the energy of X is too high and
the energy of XS is al so to o high. It is because X bears XS.
The disease causal is XS.
If intervention reaction coefficients satisfy
it can be sho wn by The ore m 3. 2 that if one wants to trea t
the abnormal organs X and XS, then the following state-
ments are true.
1) For virtual disea se of both X and XS, t he one sho uld
intervene organ X directly by increasing its energy. It
means, “Virtual disease is to fill his mother” because the
disease causal is X.
2) For real disease of both X and XS, the one should
intervene organ XS directly by decreasing its energy. It
means, “Real disease is to rush down his son” because
the disease causal is XS.
The intervention method can be to maintain the bal-
ance of the human body because only the energies of two
disease organs are changed by using Theorem 3.2, such
that there is no side effect for all other organs. And the
interventi on method c an al so be to enhance the capability
of intervention reaction because the method of using
intervention reaction makes the ρ1 greater and near to 1.
The state ρ1 = 1 is the best state of the human body sys-
tem. On the way, it almost has none medical and drug
resistance problem since any medicine is possible good
for some large ρ1.
4.4. Treatment Principle if Two Organs with the
Killing Relation of the Human Body System
Encounter Sick
Suppose that the organs X and XK of a human body sys-
tem ar e abnormal (or disease). In the human body system
of relations bet we e n no n-co m patib le with the constraints,
only a situation may occur: X encounters virtual disease,
and at the same time, XK befalls real disease, i.e., the
energy of X is too low and the energy of XK is too high. It
is because it is nor mal when X kills XK but it i s abnormal
when X doesn’t kill XK.
If intervention reaction coefficients satisfy
it can be sho wn by The ore m 3.4 that if one wants to tr eat
the abnormal organs X and XK, the one should intervene
organ X di re c t ly by increasing its e nergy, a nd at the sa me
time , intervene organ XK directly by decreasing its ener-
gy. It means that “Strong inhibition of the same time,
support the weak”.
The intervention method can be to maintain the bal-
ance of human body system because only two energies of
both disease organs are changed by using Theorem 3.4,
such that there is no side effect for all other organs. And
the i nterve ntio n metho d can a lso b e to enha nce t he capa-
bility of intervention reaction because the method of us-
ing interve ntion reac tion makes the ρ1 greater and near to
1 such t hat X can kill XK. The state ρ1 = 1 i s t he b est sta te
of the steady multilateral system. On the way, it almost
has none medical and drug resistance problem since any
medicine is possible good for some large ρ1.
5. Conclusions
This work shows how to treat the diseases of a human
body system and three methods are presented. If only
one organ falls ill, mainly the treatment method should
be to intervene it indirectly for case: the capability coef-
ficient ρ1 0.5897545123 of intervention reaction, ac-
cording to the treatment principle of “Real disease is to
rush down his son but virtual disease is to fill his moth-
er” . The int er ve nti o n method directly can be used in case
ρ1 < 0.5897545123, but should be used as little as possi-
If two organs with the loving relation encounter sick,
the treatment method should be intervene them directly
also according to the treatment principle of “Real disease
is to rush down his son but virtual disease is to fill his
If two organs with the killing relation encounter sick,
the treatment method should intervene in them directly
accord ing to the treatme nt principle of “Strong inhibition
of the same time, support the weak”.
Other properties such as balanced, orderly nature, and
so on, will b e discusse d in t he next articles.
6. Acknowledgements
This article has been repeatedly invited as reports, such
as Peoples University of China in medical meetings,
Shanxi University, Xuchang College, and so on. The
work was supported by Specialized Research Fund for
the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of Ministry of
Education of China (Grant No.44k55050).
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