Creative Education
2014. Vol.5, No.1, 1-3
Published Online January 2014 in SciRes (
The Training Mode Reform of Physical Practical Talents
Emphasizing on Innovation Ability
Shiming Hao, Liben Li, Xinzhong Li, Xiaoyang Gong
School of Physics and Engineering, Henan University of Science and Te chnol ogy, Luoy ang, China
Received November 13th, 2013; revised December 13th, 2013; accepted Decem ber 20th, 2013
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The quality education is to develop studentscreative spirit and practical ability. Physics teaching can of-
fer strict training for students in different scientific experiments, calculation and thinking; cultivate their
ability in analyzing and solving problems and enhance their science quality and creative ability. This pa-
per puts forward that the critical point of College Physicsreform in the applied-oriented college is to
build up a practical system in physicsteaching. In order to meet the social needs, a new educational con-
cept should be established, with scientific and reasonable teaching content as well as the advanced teach-
ing methods. According to their teaching practice, the authors talk about some points on how to develop
students’ science quality and creative ability from the angle of upgrading teaching contents and reforming
teaching way.
Keywords: Teaching Reform; Innovation Ability; Physics; Teaching Content ; Engineering Univers i t y
In the reform process of education to promote quality educa-
tion, highlighting the studentsinnovative ability, and actively
exploring ways and means to train innovative and practical
high-quality talents, are higher education theme of reform and
development. In recent years, Chinese higher education has
been considerably developing and enrollment continues to ex-
pand. There has also been the employment problem of college
graduates. On the surface, this is mainly because the universi-
ty-trained people are not well adapted to social changes to meet
the social long-term needs, resulting in a relative surplus of
talent and employment difficulties. But the deep reasons are
mainly the poor cultural education, narrow professional educa-
tion and strong common constraints (Pei, Cui, & Sun, 2013).
Deficiency of innovative consciousness and innovative ability
is its main performance. The level of talent depends largely on
the quality of its innovative consciousness and innovative abil-
ity, which is the bottleneck problem in the current higher edu-
Physics is the foundation of today’s high-tech innovation and
development. It’s also the backbone of a variety of technical
disciplines. Cross professional expertise includes optics, engi-
neering physics, semiconductors and materials expertise and so
on. At present, China’s demand for physical professional tale nt
is still in short supply, but the surface is a student employment
pressure. Society requires physics majors should have a solid
theoretical foundation and application of physical experience,
but the innovation ability in practice is the key to decide
whether they can turn into personnel in many engineering and
technical areas. Based on the big background of the demand for
personnel training coupled with building an innovation-oriented
country and international economic integration, it is important
to speed up education reform and development, and put the im-
portant connotation of quality education into all levels of edu-
cation process (Gess-Newsome, Southerland, Johnston, &
Woodbury, 2003).
In teaching practice, in accordance with this idea to set the
curriculum, teaching and teaching content put opening innova-
tive ideas throughout the physics undergraduate practice teach-
ing (Henderson, & Dancy, 2008). I hope this exploration can
provide a reference for better training, bring up high level with
innovative practical talents, build an innovation-oriented coun-
try, enhance independent innovation capability as well as pro-
vide the most important driving force for the sustainable de-
velopment of high-tech industries.
Analysis of Current Situation
Physics majors students have solid basic knowledge, general
theory, good at finding the problem, thinking, with a certain
sense of innovation, but creative thinking, innovation and prac-
tical ability was poor, innovative personality has not y et formed.
The formati on of these abilities and qualities are needed ste p by
step guide and training. Physics majors students generally have
innovative motivation, creative desires, but the school can pro-
vide the environment for innovation is limited, the innovation
and atmosphere is lack. The studentscreative potential is dif-
ficult to play and innovation capability is difficult to obtain.
On the other hand, the students do not make good use of ex-
isting resources and conditions, not spontaneously create their
own resources and conditions needed. In addition, the teaching
mode, which is not conducive to the development of students
personality and talents; examination methods and examination
content to guide students to dull reading; evaluation of students
test scores be the main advantages and disadvantages of the
curriculum, etc., have hindered the studentsinnovative con-
sciousness and creative ability.
1) Narrow curriculum limiting students’ creative ability.
Since the physical professional courses generally are difficult,
arduous, students only exercise in the narrow range of profes-
sional activities and ignore the study of humanities and social
science knowledge and adjacent disciplines, thus limiting their
horizons, affecting the innovation ability.
2) Experimental teaching model is obsolete and teaching ef-
fect is not ideal.
3) Research environment and atmosphere of research and
innovation ability are lack.
4) Lack of effective internal and external practice ground.
School laboratory experiments mainly complete the curri culum -
experiment, open management model is not enough. Experi-
mental practice ground has following features: little cost of
hardware, lack of effective cycle mechanism.
5) The evaluation of students and teachers is not enough
scientific evaluation mechanism. Currently evaluation criteria
are academic students, and thus lead to a certain extent, one-
sided pursuit of student academic performance, neglect other
capabilities, especially research innovation ability. For the
evaluation of teaching behavior also look at the number of
teachers to teach students the knowledge and the students to
acquire knowledge of the situation, do not pay attention to
teachers in the teaching process or pay attention to discovering
whether good or ask a question, do not focus on evaluation of
teachers to studentscreative thinking abili ty.
Specific Content of Reform
1) Revising training program, optimizing the course structure
and setting diversity training direction.
Ability to innovate comes from the basics of generosity and
good quality, just mastering a single professional knowledge is
difficult to achieve. Therefore, it is important to enhance stu-
dents’ connotation and denotation of professional basic educa-
tion and construct a reasonable curriculum system. First, to
optimize the course structure, according to the fewer but better
principle set compulsory to ensure that students have a more
solid foundation of knowledge. Increasing the proportion of
elective courses, allowing students to choose elective courses
interdisciplinary or interdisciplinary, impel students having a
strong comprehensive interdisciplinary training. By means of
hierarchical courses, elective courses as far as possible combi-
nation of the aptitude, interest and learning and improving their
access to information, students have access to cutting-edge
development of various disciplines to understand the trend of
technological development and seize the future changes law.
2) Reform of classroom teaching and teaching forms, putting
the cultivate of innovation ability into the classroom.
Classroom teaching is the basic component of teaching. stu-
dents “innovative spirit and ability must also penetrate into the
process of teaching subjects. To combine the students” cogni-
tive levels and life experience, the creation of new teaching
scenarios to stimulate students to actively explore desires. In
teaching, creating a classroom atmosphere to encourage stu-
dents’ creativity, using various forms of classroom teaching, so
that students consciously take the initiative to learn. Strengthen
the mutual penetration and cross-disciplinary integration, broa-
den studentsthinking space, is conducive to the improvement
of the overall quality of students. By means of the integration of
knowledge and high-tech frontier and increasing the amount of
information the classroom to inspire studentsinnovative spirit
(Driel, Beijaard, & Verloop, 2001).
3) Implementation three-dimensional hierarchical teaching
model of experimental class of to explore opening experimental
teaching system.
Taking full advantage of equipment and faculty of Henan
province physics experiment teaching demonstration center, we
explore and improve the implementation of the open experi-
mental teaching method and application in the classroom
teaching, laboratory skills competition, innovative experiment
design competition, photonics design competition, the experi-
mental model competition, mathematical contest in modeling,
and undergraduate graduation design (thesis). We reform labor-
atory management mechanism, and explore the opening labor-
atory management and institutions (Sun, 2006).
4) Reforming and improving studentsscientific and tech-
nological innovation system, establishing internal innovation
practice ground.
Implementation of student research training program to guide
students to conduct research under the guidance of teacher
training; teachers encourage students to participate in research
projects, scientific research; hired well-known experts and
scholars do academic reports for students, so that students un-
derstand the academic development of physics frontier; en-
courage students to declare student research training program,
scientific and technological innovation projects, through scien-
tific research to promote teaching to enhance studentsscientif-
ic literacy and scientific spirit. In the creation of innovative
laboratory, we actively introduce funding for students on cam-
pus to create innovative practice base.
5) The establishment and expansion of colleges, enterprises
and training model, the establishment of campus practice
ground, build a new model of personnel training.
Establishment and expansion of colleges, enterprises and
training mode, and promote undergraduate education and social
integration demand for talent to enhance studentsemployabil-
ity, build a new model of personnel training. We establish joint
training model with enterprises closely to physics, such as
Luoyang CAMA control, the Four Seasons Muge Ltd et al, to
improve the studentspractical ability, training services for the
regional economy practical talents.
6) Reforming and improving the evaluation system, estab-
lishing and improving the innovation incentives.
Education Management evaluation is a special implementa-
tion of control measures and is an important part of education
management. Evaluation of the students not only to examine
the comprehensiveness of the importance of knowledge, but
also to focus on capacity (especially innovation ) of the test. We
evaluate the learning effect through diversification of exam,
exam time autonomy, or the use of non-exam evaluation study
by writing special reports, writing academic papers, research
projects and other forms of assessment in science.
While building on students’ awareness of innovation, crea-
tivity, innovation positive incentive mechanism, namely giving
positive incentives and rewards to the students having a variety
of innovative behavior and outcomes. Evaluation of teaching
behavior of teachers not only look at the number of teachers to
impart knowledge to students and students to acquire know-
ledge of the situation, it also depends on its ability to focus on
training studentscreative thinking ability.
Preliminary Results and Practical Effects
1) Facilitating the formation of new physics professional
training programs and personnel training mode conducive to
students “innovative ability, creating a training system condu-
cive to studentsinnovative ability. Combining students “In-
novation Ability basis, presenting and establishing the physical
training system and platform of professional students” innova-
tive ability from both hardware and software.
2) Establishing and improving hierarchical opening experi-
mental teaching system and new laboratory management opera-
tion mode. Building open experimental teaching management
sites of physics experiment teaching demonstration center.
3) Establishing and perfecting physics student research
training program system and the research project system. Un-
dergraduate Research Training Program for credits and effort,
funding and support teaching conditions, requirements for ins-
tructors, requirements for students, scheduling, project manage-
ment and put forward clear and specific requirements, forming
a perfect system.
4) Establishing joint training system of colleges and enter-
prises. the formation of the specific system for cultured form,
implementation, and evaluation.
5) Setting game system of specification experimental skills
contest, challenge cup, mathematical modeling contests, and
creating a favorable environment for i nnovation and c reati ve at-
Through a series of reforms, student increase interest in
learning, improving positive initiative, and actively participat-
ing the lab work and the teachers task; the proportion of stu-
dents participate in business practices and improving working
ability. Many students achieve frequently good results at the
national, provincial competitions. High quality of the research
reflecting project, was published at least 36 research papers.
The results of the reform project teaching object directly benefit
two professional Institute of Physics and Engineering (Mate-
rials Physics, Applied Physics) students of more than 300
people. More than 4000 engineering students obtain a benefit
from opening experiments. Project results serve as a model of
teaching and guiding role for other science and engineering
majors, and expect to play the role of radiation and learn to the
training of creative ability for similar colleges and universities
of the province and the countrys science and engineering stu-
This work was supported by Henan provincial higher educa-
tion teaching reform project of China (No. 2012SJGLX149).
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