Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2013, 6, 662-669
Published Online December 2013 (
Open Access JSEA
Mobile Based Learning and Examination: Students
and Instructors Perceptions from Different Arab
Ayham Fayyoumi1, Heba Mohammad1, Hossam Faris2
1Department of Information Systems, Al-Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, KSA; 2Department of Business
Information Technology, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
Received November 20th, 2013; revised December 11th, 2013; accepted December 18th, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Ayham Fayyoumi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. In accor-
dance of the Creative Commons Attribution License all Copyrights © 2013 are reserved for SCIRP and the owner of the intellectual
property Ayham Fayyoumi et al. All Copyright © 2013 are guarded by law and by SCIRP as a guardian.
The online education market is expanding both globally and locally; Arab countries are paying special attention to the
growth of this sector. Reports showed that the e-learning market arrived at $27.1 billion in the year 2009 and is ex-
pected to surpass $49.6 billion by the year 2014. This paper presents and surveys the perception of students and in-
structors regarding mobile learning and mobile examination system in some Arab countries. Many universities in the
Arab world are under progress in the implementation of this new technology and many have already implemented it.
Strong tools are required to improve e-learning system of education. This research supports the transition of education
from conventional methods to m-learning and m-exam systems. The purpose of this research is to study the perception
of both instructors and students regarding mobile learning and mobile examination systems. The introduction of such
systems to the educational process requires peop le involved to have basic techn ical sk ills and to be aware of the benefits
of such systems. Results showed different perspectives from three countries; also showed that online examination sys-
tems could be very helpful, but many factors should be considered and they should be implemented carefully to guar-
antee the successful adoption, fairness and reliability.
Keywords: m-Learning; Mobile Based Exam System; m-Examination Fairness; Instructors Attitude towards m-Exam;
Students Perception of m-Exam
1. Introduction
The advancement in the field of communication and in-
formation technologies has created new opportunities
especially in the field of education [1] (Shehabat & Ma-
hdi, 2009). Online learning is gradually being imple-
mented by almost every country in the world because
technology in education not only provides students to
organize their learning but also provides them access to
large quantity of information over which teacher has no
control [2] (Salah, 2009: pp. 221-229). The use of infor-
mation technology including web based technology is
increasing rapidly in education; web based education
provides students with extra knowledge; this technology
is used in many ways including web based learning [3]
(Fahad, 200 9).
2. Mobile Learning and Mobile Exam
In the last few years the emergence of online learning has
been influenced by the rapid changes in higher educa-
tion, including the establishment of new universities and
support given for the integration of online learning [4]
(Alebaikan, 2012). Moreover, rapid growth and develop-
ment of technology has opened new ways of teaching
and learning, education by the help of technology is be-
ing delivered to students in many areas; many countries
are finding different ways to fulfil the academic demands
of increasing population [5] (Alkhalaf, Drew, & Alhus-
sain, 2012: pp. 98-104 ). In many countries, technolog y is
being used to impart distance education and to make
education available to everyone; specialized courses are
Mobile Based Learning and Examination: Students and
Instructors Perceptions from Different Arab Countries 663
also being taught by this method [6] (Tarhini, Hone, &
Liu, 2013). The ways in which online education is im-
plemented differ noticeably from region to region. Such
programs are particularly beneficial for many people who
are not economically, physically or geographically able
to achieve traditional education [7] (Milani, 2008: pp.
Mobile learning is a technology that uses wireless
communication to support the transmission of educa-
tional content (test, video, voice, or multimedia) to mo-
bile devices that provide freedo m of time and location, it
represents two main characteristics of mobile wireless
technology that is reachability and mobility [8] (Al-
mekhlafi & Almeqdadi, 2010: pp. 165-175). The point
which must be kept in mind is that, almost all mobile
network providers in the Arab world are providing com-
mercial packages that offer broad band internet connec-
tion for mobile devices in very economical and afford-
able prices [9] (Olufemi, 2008: pp. 53-66).
Mobile based exam system is not declared as the per-
fect system, because of its own advantages and disad-
vantages [10] (Ruth Stephen, 2010: pp. 78-82). This re-
search paper talks about the perceived usefulness of
m-learning and mobile examination system among in-
structors and students, this paper also provides a quanti-
tative research study that examines the collected data
regarding mobile exam system. Two questionnaires were
developed and were sent to the instructors and students
(males and females) in the Arab region, this survey in-
cluded some universities from three Arab countries
namely Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Saud i Arabia.
3. Methodology
Two questionnaires has been developed and distributed
to the students and faculty of different colleges/universi-
ties at the three Arab countries (United Arab Emirates,
Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. Two educational institutes
from each of the above mentioned countries were se-
lected and from each country 100 students (50 male and
50 female) and 30 faculty members (15 male and 15 fe-
male) were selected randomly for the survey. Response
rate was very acceptable, about 62% of students and
about 90% of faculty have responded.
The questionnaire comprised of three sections, first
part was related to the demographic questions such as
age, gender, college/university, teaching experience, dis-
cipline. In the second part computer and internet literacy
of the instructor and student were tested and the third
part included the perception of students and instructors
regarding m-learning and m-examination.
4. Instructors Survey Results
Two educational institutes from each of the above men-
tioned three countries were examined and the following
results were retrieved.
4.1. Computer Literacy of the Instructors
The second section of the questionnaire was related to
the computer literacy of the faculty. Results show that
95% of the respondents are having personal computer
(PC), 92% of the respondents are having email address,
and only 32% of the respondents are having website.
Only 14.4% faculty had previously taught a course
through mobile devices (including laptops). In terms of
computer usage, 59.3% of the faculty members re-
spon ded that they use comp uter mo re than th ree hours in
a day, 5.9% of the faculty members responded that they
do not use computer, 7.6% of the faculty responded that
they use computer 1 - 2 hours in a week and 27.1% re-
sponded that they use computer 1 - 2 hours in a day.
42.4% of the faculty members responded that they use
internet more than three hours in a day and 6.8% replied
that they do not use internet, 5.9% replied that they use
internet 1 - 2 hours in a week and 44.9% replied that they
spend 1 - 2 hours in a day using internet (Tab le 1).
Results show that 39% of the teachers surveyed said
that they use computers or the internet to create or upload
instructional materials, 34% responded that they use
computers or the internet for administrative record keep-
ing, and less than 10% reported that they access com-
puters and internet to find model lesson plans and to ac-
cess research and best practices.
4.2. Attitude of Faculty towards Mobile Based
Exam System and m-Learning
Third part of the question naire was related to the percep-
tion of the instructors/facu lty members related to the mo-
bile examination system and m-learning method, for this
part of the questionnaire, a five-point Likert scale criteria
was used, where 1 = totally agree, 2 = agree, 3 = no idea,
4 = disagree and 5 = totally disagree. Survey showed that
55.1% of the total faculty members of all the three co un-
tries (Jordan, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia)
regarded that m-learning and mobile examination will
Table 1. Computer literacy of faculty at educational insti-
tutes of Arab countries.
Faculty Computer Usage Faculty Internet Usage
Hours % Hours %
I do not use it 5.9 I do not use it 6.8
1 - 2 in a week 7.6 1-2 in a week 5.9
1 - 2 in a day 27.1 1-2 in a day 44.9
3+ in a day 59.3 3+ in a day 42.4
Open Access JSEA
Mobile Based Learning and Examination: Students and
Instructors Perceptions from Different Arab Countries
make a qualitative help in the process of learning and
teaching students. 84% of the faculty members agreed
that it will increase the self learning process of students.
39.9% of the faculty members declared that it will make
students’ evaluation more difficult. However, 83% of the
faculty members who showed their interest in mobile
examination system and m-learning were of age 43 or
below (Table 2).
Moreover, according to the instructors; m-learners
should have many characteristics, for instance, being able
to learn independently in isolation with positive view
towards learning. Moreover, they should have good
computer and internet skills an d must be able to make the
best use of time. Also, they must be self-disciplined and
should enjoy working and studying alone.
In addition, faculty involved in mobile based teaching
must have some capabilities; such as, being proficient in
using computer/mobile devices and internet. Also, they
should have interest to integrate themselves and students
with technology, and should be able to deliver lecture
through any med ia which involves technology.
5. Students Survey Results
Students were also surveyed in the same manner as the
instructors. The second part of the survey was related to
the computer literacy among the students of the three
5.1. Computer Literacy among the Students
Results show that 97% of the surveyed students of the
three Arab countries are having personal computer (PC),
96% of the respondents are having email address and
only 11% of the stud ent are having webs ite. 62.4% o f the
surveyed students responded that they use computer
more than three hours a day, 1.3% said that they do not
use computer, 6.2% replied that they use computer 1 - 2
Table 2. Perception of faculty at educational institutes of
Arab countries regarding m-learning and mobile exam sys-
Respond Ease in
learning Students evaluation
will become difficult Qualitative help
disagree 9.3% 19% 6.8%
Disagree 21.2% 24.3% 21.2%
No idea 15.3% 17.8% 16.9%
Agree 31.4% 19.9% 31.4%
agree 22.9% 20% 23.7%
Total 100% 100% 100%
hours in a week and 30.1% replied that they use com-
puter 1 - 2 hours in a day. 59.4% of the students an-
swered that they use internet more than three hours in a
day, 46.6% answered that they use internet 1 - 2 hours in
a day, 10.6% responded that they use internet 1 - 2 hours
in a week and 2.2% replied that they do not use internet
(Table 3).
5.2. Attitude of Students towards Mobile Based
Exam System and m-Learning
Data obtained shows that 70% of the students agreed on
the point that their learning skills are enhanced through
m-learning. 60% of the students claimed that mobile
examination is useful, 96% of the students agreed on the
fact that m-learning is very useful and is very helpful for
those students who live at remote areas and cannot attend
the university or edu cational institute daily. 19.3% o f the
students responded that this way of examination will not
be fair. It is also observed that students use internet and
computer more than teachers (Table 4).
6. Additional Analysis and Data Variations
6.1. Variation of Data with Countries
Perception of instructors/faculty members and students
obtained at the three Arab countries was almost similar to
each other with only slight differences in the percentages
of the level of interest in m-learning and mobile exami-
nation (Table 5).
Table 3. Computer literacy of university students of Arab
Student Computer Usage Stude n t Internet Usage
Hours % Hours %
I do not use it1 .3 I do not use it 2.2
1 - 2 in a week6.2 1 - 2 in a week 10.6
1 - 2 in a day 30.1 1 - 2 in a day 46.6
3+ in a day 62. 4 3+ in a day 59.4
Table 4. Perception of university students of Arab countries
regarding m-learning and mobile exam system.
Respond Enhanced learning
Skills Usefulness of
Totally disagree 4.1% 9.2%
Disagree 9.3% 10.1%
No Idea 16.6% 20.7%
Agree 50.2% 49.6%
Totally agree 19.8% 10.4%
Total 100% 100%
Open Access JSEA
Mobile Based Learning and Examination: Students and
Instructors Perceptions from Different Arab Countries
Open Access JSEA
Table 5. Perception of m-learning among students and instructors at different Arab countries.
Faculty Students
Country % Preferred
m-Learning % favoured Mobile
Based Exam Country % Preferred m-Learning
% favoured Mobile
Based Exam
Jordan 50.3 19.4 Jordan 73.2 43.1
United Arab Emirates 50.9 19.6 United Arab Emirates76.3 43.8
Saudi Arabia 50.5 19.3 Saudi Arabia 70.6 43.3
It can be seen from the table that the survey results of
the instructors/faculty members and students of the three
countries regarding this new technology is almost similar,
if we neglect the slight differences so we can analyze that
almost 50% of the faculty in all of these countries fa-
voured m-learning. We can also say that an average more
that 80% teachers were not in th e favour of mobile based
exam system. Moreover, from the data it is clear that the
faculty of United Arab Emirates (UAE) were slightly
more in favour of m-learning.
It can be seen from the data of the students that the
students of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) passionate
to embrace this new technology, there is a similarity be-
tween the thoughts of the students of Jordan and Saudi
Arabia. The lowest percentage regarding the preference
of this new technology among students is in Jordan, but
data is not varying too much.
6.2. Variation of Data with Gender
There is also variation in data with respect to the gender;
it is observed that the perception of female respondents
was different from that of the male respondents (Tables
6 and 7).
From the above data we can observe that the percent-
age of computer usage and internet usage among the
male respondents is more than that of the female respon-
dents, the reason behind this may be cultural and/or so-
cial factors, which plays a vital role in this regard. 69.3%
of the male studen ts use computer more than three hours
in a day, whereas only 49.2% of female students use
computer more than three hours in a day. Same case is
with faculty members, 64.3% of the male instructors use
computer more than three hours in a day, whereas only
53.4% of the female instructors use computer more than
three hours in a day.
6.3. Unfairness of Mobile Examination
The issue of mobile learning and mobile based exams in
particular, is a hot topic. Many universities are striving to
put the regulations and rules to manage and guarantee the
fairness and successful implementation of such environ-
ments. We have examined wither or not there is an asso-
ciation between the unfairness of the mobile examination
form one side, and the role (instructor/student) and gen-
der of instructor and students from the other side.
In view of the chi-square tables (Tables 8 and 9), it is
noted that the leve l of significance is more than 0.05 that
is 0.109 reflecting that there is no association between
gender of students and their perception of mobile exami-
nation unfairness. Moreover, it is clear that the level of
significance is above 0.05 that is 0.742 indicating that
there is no association between gender of instructors and
mobile examination unfairness.
However, when looking at the association between the
role of people involved (instructor or student) and the
mobile examination unfairness, we found that the sig-
nificance level is less than 0.05 that is 0.042 showing that
there is association between the role and mobile exami-
nation unfairness. Therefore, role (instructor/student) is
related to mobile exam unfairness.
This might motivate us to investigate this issue in
more details. In fact, the development of a reliable and
trusted mobile exam systems is important. Moreover, the
understanding the factors that impact its successful im-
plantation and reliability is sign ificant, in particular in the
context of the A rab coun tries (Table 10).
7. Research Findings
Data collected from the questionnaire was analysed using
the statistical software SPSS 14.0, the statistical analysis
of the data collected showed many findings related to the
perception of instructors/faculty members regarding to
mobile based exam system. Findings are summarized as
1) Computer competency
Familiarity with computer technology plays an impor-
tant role in forming the attitudes of faculty/instructors
and student towards the m-learning and m-examination
method. There is a strong relationship between the level
of computer competency and acceptance of m-learning.
The age of faculty may be a factor in the association be-
tween computer technology literacy and the level of re-
luctance to accept any mode of m-learning.
2) Lack of incentives and technological infrastructure
Results clearly indicate that one factor which is be-
Mobile Based Learning and Examination: Students and
Instructors Perceptions from Different Arab Countries
Table 6. Percentage of computer usage and internet usage among male and female students.
Male students Female students
Hours Internet %age Computer %age Hours Internet %age Computer %ag e
I do not use it 3.1 0.5 I do not use it 7.1 5.0
1-2 in a week 5.2 5.1 1-2 in a week 9.2 12.1
1-2 in a day 24.5 25.1 1-2 in a day 40.2 33.7
3+ in a day 67.2 69.3 3+ in a day 43.5 49.2
Table 7. Percentage of computer usage and internet usage among male and female instructors.
Male Instructors Female Instructors
Hours Internet %age Compu t e r % a g e Hours Internet %age Computer %age
I do not use it 3.9 5.7 I do not use it 6.4 5.6
1-2 in a week 5.8 5.8 1-2 in a week 10. 1 8.9
1-2 in a day 42.9 23.1 1-2 in a day 40.3 32.1
3+ in a day 47.4 64.3 3+ in a day 43.2 53.4
Table 8. Chi-square test (Students gende r * Unfair ne ss of mobile exam).
Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided )Exact Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 2.566a 1 0.109
Continuity Correctionb 1.715 1 0.190
Likelihood Ratio 2.611 1 0.106
Fisher’s Exact Test 0.148 0.095
Linear-by-Linear Association 2.514 1 0.113
N of Valid Cases 186
a0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 8.74. bComputed only fo r a 2 × 2 table.
Table 9. Chi-square test (Instructor ge nde r * Unfairness of mobile exam).
Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)Exact Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 0.110a 1 0.740
Continuity Correctionb 0.001 1 0.980
Likelihood Ratio 0.110 1 0.740
Fisher’s Exact Test 0.767 0.487
Linear-by-Linear Association 0.108 1 0.742
N of Valid Cases 81
a0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 6.46. bComputed only fo r a 2 × 2 table.
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Mobile Based Learning and Examination: Students and
Instructors Perceptions from Different Arab Countries 667
Table 10. Chi-square test (Role * Unfairness of mobile exam).
Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)Exact Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 4.154a 1 .042
Continuity Correctionb 3.075 1 .080
Likelihood Ratio 4.229 1 .040
Fisher’s Exact Test .052 .039
Linear-by-Linear Association 4.071 1 .044
N of Valid Cases 267
a0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expect ed count is 10.58. bComputed only for a 2 × 2 table.
coming a barrier for instructors in the adoption of the
mobile exam system and m-learning is the lack of incen-
tives and technological infrastructure. Faculty members
also commented that qualified staff is not available at the
lab for he lp.
3) Mode of m-learning
Survey showed that majority of the teachers’ preferred
m-learning system in combination with traditional
method of teaching and evaluation, most of the teachers
expressed their views that technology is a great tool in
m-learning but human factor would always be present in
teaching and evaluation of students.
Majority of the students of Arab countries showed
their interest in this techno logy, but this in terest is not for
all the disciplines, the students of engineering, medicine
and accounting were not much interested in m-learning
and mobile exam system, they preferred class room
teaching rather than online learning because according to
them these subjects are relatively tough and requires
practical training and to properly understand it instructor
must be present physically for support and guidance.
4) Advantages and disadvantages
This technology is a great tool in learning and teaching
process, instructors declared that m-learning promotes
self learning, increases the learning quality, and makes
the process of teaching easy, flexible and provides them
access to vast information.
Teachers also commented that through this technology
they can deliver their point of view to students in less
time and with more clarification [11] (Burgess, 2008: pp.
Most of the instructors accepted the fact that m-learn-
ing and mobile exam system would reduce the time
which is consumed in checking and assessing of students
copies manually.
Female students of these countries regarded m-learn-
ing system as an ideal system for females who cannot
attend the university/college daily.
5) Mobile examination system
Most of the teachers were not in the favour of mobile
examination system because according to them, students
cannot be properly evaluated or judged through this
process, some teachers who supported mobile examina-
tion said that this system would reduce the practice of
cheating and favouritism in examination [12] (Patel and
Aghayere Oct 2006). However, many others believed
that it is unfair method of testing would increase the risk
of cheating, unless some factors are taken into considera-
tion; for instance, that every student gets different ques-
6) Age factor
Results indicate that there is also an age factor in-
volved in the acceptance of this technology; it is ob-
served that faculty members who were of age 45 or be-
low were more passionate to accept this technology as
compared to those who were above 45; this clearly indi-
cates that older faculty members are reluctant to accept
this new technology [13] (Elango & Selvam, 2008: pp.
7) Self confidence
It is observed that most of the teachers and students
are confident enough to relate their education with tech-
nology, according to majority of them; implementation
of this new technology is not a difficult job, according to
them lack of facilities and awareness is a major factor
that is acting as a barrier in the adoption of this technol-
8) Awareness
The point which is very much clear from the survey is
that most of the teachers and students are unaware of the
concept of m-learning. The proof of this finding is that
16.6% of the students are having no idea that whether
m-learning would enh ance skills or not and 20.7% of the
students are having no concept about mobile based exam.
15.3% of the faculty members are having no idea that
whether it will create ease in learning or not.The belief
which is common in almost every respondent is that
Open Access JSEA
Mobile Based Learning and Examination: Students and
Instructors Perceptions from Different Arab Countries
m-learning is related to the use of computers and web-
sites only and very few were fully aware about the bene-
fits, outcomes and usage of the mobile based learning
and examination process. It is also seen that the students
and faculty members who are not very proficient in the
computer applications and internet usage are not in fa-
vour of mobile based examination system and m-learning
[14] (Kahiigi et al ., 2008: pp. 77-88).
8. Conclusions
This study shows clearly that within the study context a
considerable number of instructors and students consider
m-learning to be synonymous with technology. The real
academic drive behind m-learning is to analyse and use
technology as a tool to serve educational purposes. The
economics involved in teaching online courses usually
include higher production costs depending on the diffi-
culty of th e topic and the med ia used for example HTML
pages, streaming-video presentation, flash animation and
interactive content.
The study suggests that cultural elements can play a
significant role in making positive attitudes of faculty
and student towards m-learning. A significant number of
students and faculty members believe that Arab culture,
institutions, and societies are ready for the m-learning
model of teaching. Therefore, any educational strategy
that intends to embed m-learning into the educational
system should add this point of view into consideration.
Furthermore, this study shows that computer literacy
among faculty members acts as a barrier in the imple-
mentation and popularization of the m-learning model at
Arab countries. The major barrier that is faced with the
m-learning model at Arab universities seems to be lack
of academic vision behind the acceptance of the m-lear-
ning model. Success in the implementation of this tech-
nology can only be achieved by proceeding and seeking
instructive and pedagogical approach. It is clear that
m-learning and mobile examination system will not pros-
per in Arab countries until and unless both faculty and
students are well prepared . Policies, rules and regu lations
at the universities of Arab countries must adjust to the
changes brought abou t by this n ew techno logy. Mor eov er,
incentives should be given to faculty who want to teach
and implement the m-learning model. Arab universities
should revise their policies and steps must be taken to
create awareness regarding this technology among both
students and instructors.
In three Arab countries including Saudi Arabia, Un ited
Arab Emirates (UAE), and Jordan, and maybe in many
others, these technolog ies are still in its develop ing phase
and can be used as a tool that can be strategically used to
improve student and faculty relation.
9. Recommendations
Based on the above findings, it is recommend ed that fol-
lowing steps must be taken to enhance teachers’ and stu-
dents’ abilities and competencies with regard to mobile
based exam system.
1) To adopt this technology, interest regarding com-
puter and internet among the respondents must be devel-
oped, because it is seen from the survey that respondents
who use internet and computer more showed greater in-
terest in technology as compared to those who make use
of computer and internet relatively less.
2) Awareness among the respondents should be cre-
ated regarding this new technology, since the acceptance
of this new technology by instructors and students is
based on their awareness. Moreover, workshops and
seminars must be organized at the university and college
level to enhance instructor, student and technology inte-
3) Teachers should be provided with the facilities in-
cluding hardware and software, this should also be
trained to the students. In addition, faculty should be
provided with some release time so that they could prac-
tice and plan about the integration of technology with
students at the class room.
4) Faculty and students should be encouraged, teachers
should be provided with incentives for proper integration
of technology in the classrooms. Moreover, technology
integration in relationship to curriculum goals and out-
comes should also be investigated.
5) Effects of technology integration on students’
achievement and attitude should be investigated and
proper steps sh ould be taken.
6) Online examination systems could be very helpful,
but many factors should be considered and they should
be implemented carefully to guarantee the successful
adoption, fairness and reliability.
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