Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 2013, 3, 477-481
Published Online December 2013 (
Open Access OJAppS
The Relative Viscosity of Concentrated Rubber
Suspensions and Viscoelastic Modulus of 3D Сross-Linked
Elastomers Filled with Solid Particles
Alexandr Ermilov, Ergasch Nurullaev
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia
Received July 29, 2013; revised September 1, 2013; accepted September 8, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Alexandr Ermilov, Ergasch Nurullaev. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
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owner of the intellectual property Alexandr Ermilov, Ergasch Nurullaev. All Copyright © 2013 are guarded by law and by SCIRP as
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For the first time, this paper describes the concentration dependence of the relative dynamic viscosity coefficient of
rubber suspensions and the initial viscoelastic modulus of 3D cross-linked elastomers on the maximum volume filling
with solid polydisperse particles. It allows to predict the rheological and mechanical properties of the polymer composi-
tions being developed now. In this paper, we present the first experimental study of the pole of the concurrent lines of
the concentration dependence in the coordinates of the linear form. The pole validates the invariant value of the constant
of the developed equation and allows the experimental determination of the maximum volume filling of polymer bind-
ers filled with separate fractions or polydisperse mixtures. The results of the study are recommended for use in devel-
oping new polymer composite materials.
Keywords: Viscosity; Mechanical Destruction; Elastomeric Composites with Dispersed Fillers; Rheology; Rubbers;
Polymeric Binders; Asphalt Coatings
1. Introduction
Engineering prediction of the coefficient of dynamic
viscosity (
) and the initial viscoelastic modulus (E) of
low-molecular-weight rubbers and 3D cross-linked elas-
tomers based on themin relation to the maximum (or lim-
iting) volume filling (φ/φm) is of great importance in the
development and manufacture of new polymer composite
The degree of influence of the volume fraction of solid
particles in the filler (φ) is known to be related to the
maximum filler volume fraction determined by the shape
and fractional composition of the particles, as well as their
physicochemical interaction with the molecules of the
polymer binder, optionally containing a plasticizer [1].
Rutgers analyzed about 100 empirical formulas of the
concentration dependence of the coefficient of dynamic
viscosity of various suspensions [2].
Let us note the most frequently used equations that
adequately describe the dependencies for suspensions:
Eilers [3] proposed a formula for the highly-concen-
trated suspensions on the basis of experimental data:
where the parameters and k
depend on the compo-
sition of the compound and the physical and chemical
nature of the components, the superscripts o and
refer to unfilled and filled elastomeric binders, respec-
tively. The value of varied in the range of 0.75 - 1.25,
the value of
for the spherical particles ranged from
1.20 to 1.35. Further studies confirmed the relation
, where m
Mooney [4] used his own formula:
is the maximum volume filling.
exp ,
in which the same parameters ( and
) are deter-
mined by the physical and chemical features of the filled
Chong et al. [5] and Fedors [6] summarized the ex-
periments with various polymer suspensions and 3D
cross-linked filled elastomers and got an empirical for-
mula for the coefficient of dynamic viscosity and the
initial viscoelastic modulus:
11.25 ,
ff m
oo m
where the relations 1.25 m
and 1m
are ob-
The aim of this paper is to provide a theoretical justi-
fication of the empirical Equation (1) for the dependence
of the relative viscosity of concentrated rubber suspend-
sions and the viscoelastic modulus of 3D cross-linked
elastomers filled with solid particles. We also aim to
check whether the equation agrees with the experimental
data and apply it for the determination of the maximum
volume filling of the polymer binder with separate frac-
tions and polydisperse mixtures of solid particles.
2. Theoretical Study
We will consider solid particles of arbitrary shapes and
fractional composition distributed randomly but uni-
formly in the matrix, for example, low-molecular-weight
rubber, optionally containing a plasticizer. In the mixing
process, at a higher volume concentration smaller parti-
cles are pushed into the gaps between the larger particles.
This increases the effect of the packing density of the
particles of the initial poly fractional dispersed filler on
the average size layer of the polymer binder between the
particles at a constant value of
Let us denote the coefficient of increasing dynamic
viscosity of the initial rubber or the initial viscoelastic
modulus of the 3D cross-linked elastomer as
fof o
In the first approximation, the value of
R is propor-
tional to the ratio of the filler volume fraction to the
volume fraction of the polymer binder—
However, due to the finite particle size the coefficient of
strengthening tends to infinity at m
, rather than at
Therefore, the argument for the function
should be the ratio
 
Let the pa-
rameter be a new variable of the given dependence,
which allows to generate a differential equation describ-
ing the concentration rate of variation of the coefficient:
dR CCz
dz  (2)
where C1 and C2 are the unknown coefficients of the lin-
ear part of the equation in a general form.
While m
varies from 0 to 1, the value of as a
linear fractional function varies from 0 to , which cor-
responds to the experimental data. In its turn, the indefi-
nite integration of the Equation (2):
leads us to the corresponding algebraic expression:
RCCz Cz  (3)
Taking into account the boundary conditions
1 when 0
CR z
and the preliminary conditions
2 and 2CKC K
( is a combined parameter), we can use the expression
(3) to obtain a quadratic equation as a polynomial of the
second degree:
121 ,
RKzKzKz  (4)
which formally corresponds to the empirical formulas
proposed by Chong et al. (1971)-(5) and Fedors (1979)-
The value of Kas a combined parameter was deter-
mined on the basis of the rheological experimental data.
To do this, the Formula (5) was used in the linear form:
 
The results of the experiments obtained by using the
expression (6) are shown in Figure 1 as
with respect to the relative coefficient of dynamic viscos-
for the compositions based on low-mo
lecular-weight polybutadiene SKD-KTR grade rubber
with terminal carboxyl groups filled with silica (SiO2) of
varying degree of fineness: 1—1 µm; 2—5 µm; 3—15
µm; 4—240 µm; 5—600 µm; 6—a mixture of 2 or 3
fractions taken in the optimal ratio in terms of the mini-
mum porosity for increasing the maximum volume filling
of the composition (m
Correlation analysis shows that the most probable
value of the combined parameter K (a) at the
pole of the concurrent lines in the given coordinates
equals to 1.25, whereas 1. The presence of
the “pole” is indicative of the invariant nature of the
concentration dependence. It is interesting to note that
the Formulas (1) and (5) can be transformed into the
wellknown theoretical Einstein’s formula for viscosity of
dilute suspensions [7]:
t P0.95
12.5 at1
fo m
 
A theoretical justification of the dependence of the
relative viscosity of concentrated rubber suspensions and
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Figure 1. The dependence
-1 -1
-1 =
for the
compositions based on low-molecular-weight polybutadiene
SKD-KTR grade rubber with terminal carboxyl groups
filled with silica (SiO2) of varying degree of fineness: —1
µm; —5 µm; —15 µm; —240 µm; —600 µm;
—a mixture of 2 or 3 fractions taken in the optimal
ratio in terms of the minimum porosity for increasing the
maximum volume filling of the composition
the viscoelastic modulus of 3D cross-linked elastomers
filled with solid particles has been provided for the first
time. We have also detected the pole which validates the
invariant value of the constant of the developed equa-
Thus, the theoretical dependence (5) corresponds to
the Formula (1), which (alongside with our experimental
data and the results of Chong et al. [5] and Fedors [6] is
recommended for use in calculating the coefficient of
reinforced rubber suspensions and the viscoelastic modu-
lus of 3D cross-linked elastomers filled with solid parti-
3. Experimental Study
Ermilov et al. [8] verified the Formula (1) in terms of
enhancement of the initial viscoelastic modulus of 3D
cross-linked elastomers for developing a frost-resistant
waterproofing rolled material for asphalt coatings.
Various low-molecular-weight rubbers (polyethylene
butyl formal, polyesterurethane, polybutadiene, polydie-
neepoxy urethane) with terminal functional groups
and high-molecular-weight unsaturated rubbers (polyiso-
prene butyl, polyisoprenedivinyl) three-dimensionally
crossed-linked by means of the functional groups, in-
cluding double bonds (-CH=CH-), were used as polymer
The cross-linking agents were compounds having the
antipodal functional groups capable of forming the nec-
essary chemical bonds. For example, the reaction be-
tween the isocyanate group and the hydroxyl one results
in the urethane group which links two molecules of the
polymer. Some high-molecular-weight and low-molecu-
lar-weight rubbers contained a plasticizer as a component
of the polymer binder.
It should be noted that the formation of the elastic and
viscous components of the initial modulus at a uniaxial
stretching (elongation) of the specimens was as follows.
The concentration of the transverse chemical bonds in
the 3D cross-linked polymer binder determined the elas-
tic component of the modulus, whereas the degree of
polarity of molecular groups of the binder components
(including plasticizer) determined the viscous component
of the modulus. In contrast to the elastic component, the
viscous component of the modulusis in inverse propor-
tion to temperature and strain rate due to the nature of
intermolecular interactions [1].
The dispersed filler was a three-fraction mixture of
silica (river quartz sand) with the optimal size grading
(600:240:15) µm = (50:30:20)%. The fraction of 15 µm
(as well as the other fractions 1 µm and 5 µm) was ob-
tained by grinding quartz sand in the vacuum grinder.
Figure 2 shows the calculated dependence:
Figure 2. shows the calculated dependence
and the experimental data for
filled elastomers based on these rubbers:
1) () polyethylene butyl formal 2) () polyester
urethane, 3) () polybutadiene, 4) () polyisoprene
butyl, 5) () polyisoprenedivinyl, 6) () polydi-
ene epoxy urethane filled with polydisperse silica.
Open Access OJAppS
rfo m
and the experimental data for filled elastomers based on
these rubbers. It is evident that the result of the experi-
mental verification of the theoretical approach is in
agreement with the data of Fedors [6] and Chong et al. [5]
both in terms of the dynamic viscosity coefficient (Fig-
ure 1) and the relative initial viscoelastic modulus of
different polymer compositions (Figure 2).
4. Engineering Applications
The formula of reinforcement of rubbers and 3D cross-
linked elastomers (1) allows, alongside with the calcula-
tion methods proposed by Ermilov and Fedoseev [9], to
determine the value of the maximum filling of the poly-
mer binder with separate filler fractions or polydisperse
fractions based on them and to minimize the number of
the experiments. Indeed, the transformation of the Equa-
tion (1) in relation to m
results in the following for-
1.25 1
 
which allows to estimate the value of m
by aviscomet-
ric method. This provides a more accurate estimation of
the maximum filling compared to determination of the
packing density of the particles in bulk since it “auto-
matically” takes into account the intermolecular interac-
tion at the filler-binder interface. Therefore, the most
appropriate binder is low-molecular-weight polybutadi-
ene SKD-KTR grade rubber with terminal carboxyl
groups of medium polarity in terms of the immobilizing
effect of the dispersed filler on the molecular mobility of
the binder. The coefficients of dynamic viscosity of the
binders and filled compositions based on them were de-
termined using Heppler consistometer at one of the mod-
erate values of
and 3 - 5 parallel measurements. The
levels of the gradients of shear rate and experimental
temperatures were selected in compliance with practical
needs and interests of the particular branches of science
and industry.
Table 1 presents the results of viscosimetric determi-
nation of the maximum filling of polybutadiene rubber
with various fractions of silica used in the experiments.
It is clear that with increase in the degree of mechani-
cal grinding (fractions 1, 5, 15 µm) the value of m
decreases significantly, apparently due to the more angu-
lar particles. The fractions 240 µm and 600 µm screened
out from river quartz sand feature particles of more
rounded shapes, which are more favorable in shear flows
of the compositions.
Nielsen [1] studied the physical properties and the
chemical structure of the polymeric base of the binder
and plasticizer and concluded that they affect the inter-
molecular interaction at the filler-binder interface. As a
result of the immobilizing effect, the mobility of the
molecules at the filler-binder interface decreases, which
reduces the value of the maximum volume filling, allo-
ther conditions being equal. Therefore, less polar mole-
cules of the binder components show higher values of
Table 2 presents the immobilizing effect of the physi-
cal and chemical properties of the polymeric binder on its
maximum filling with a three-fraction mixture of silica
with the optimal size grading (600:240:15) µm = (50:30:
5. Conclusions
1) For the first time, we have presented a theoretical
justification and an experimental validation of the for-
mula (1) which invariantly describes the concentration
dependence of reinforcement of rubbers and 3D cross-
linked elastomers. We have also first located the “pole”
of the experimental data of the Equation (5) in the coor-
dinates of the linear form(6) that substantiates the value
of the constant (K = 1.25).
2) On the basis of the obtained dependence we have
developed a viscometric method of determining the maxi-
mum volume filling of polymer binders (7) with solid
particles of varying fractional composition.
Table 1. The maximum filling of low-molecular-weight po-
lybutadiene SKD-KTR grade rubber with various fractions
of silica.
Weight-average particle size
of silica fractions in the mixture
with SKD-KTR rubber, µm
1 5 15 240600
The maximum filling of
polybutadiene SKD -KTR grade
rubber with various fractions
of silica, m
0.530 0.547 0.614 0.6990.640
Table 2. The influence of physicochemical features of the
polymer binder on its maximum filling with polydisperse-
Polymer binder filled with a three-fraction
mixture of silica
Maximum volume
filling, m
P-9А grade polyester 0.770
NVTS-2 grade polyethylene butyl
formal 0.810
Polydieneepoxy urethane PDI-3B grade rubber
plasticized by dioctylsebacate (30%) 0.830
BK grade polyisoprene butyl plasticized by
transformer oil (80%) 0.910
SKID-L grade polyisoprenedivinyl plasticized
by transformer oil (70%) 0.940
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The use of computational methods for the determina-
tion of the maximum filling of the polymer binder with
polydisperse mixtures as the initial viscometric values of
the maximum filling with separate fractions significantly
increased accuracy.
3) The experiments showed that less polar molecules
of the binder components provide the value of the maxi-
mum filling of the elastomeric binder with three-frac-
tional mixtures of silica at the level of 0.95, all other
conditions being equal. This reduces the coefficient of
dynamic viscosity of the filled elastomer and its initial
viscoelastic modulus in a 3D cross-linked state.
4) The results of the studies are recommended for use
in the accelerated development and optimization of new
formulations of polymeric composite materials using
mathematical methods, for example, the simplex-lattice
design for experiments.
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