Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2013, 6, 623-629
Published Online December 2013 (
Open Access JSEA
A Personalized Cloud Services Recommendation Based on
Cooperative Relationship between Services
Chengwen Zhang1, Jiali Bian1, Bo Cheng2, Lingfei Li3
1Beijing Key Laboratory of Intelligent Telecommunications Software and Multimedia, Beijing University of Posts & Telecommuni-
cations, Beijing, China; 2State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology, Beijing University of Posts & Telecom-
munications, Beijing, China; 3Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Distributed Computing and Service (BUPT) of Ministry of Education,
Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications, Beijing, China.
Received October 26th, 2013; revised November 20th, 2013; accepted November 27th, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Chengwen Zhang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
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property Chengwen Zhang et al. All Copyright © 2013 are guarded by law and by SCIRP as a guardian.
A personalized recommendation for cloud services, which is based on usage history and the cooperative relationship of
cloud services, is presented. According to service groups, a service group could be defined as several services that were
used together by one user at a time, and cooperative relationship between each two services can be calculated. In the
process of recommendation, the services which are highly related to the service that the user has selected would be ob-
tained firstly, the result should then take the QoS (Quality of Service) similarity between service’s QoS an d user’s pref-
erence into account, so the final result combining the cooperative relationship and similarity will meet the functional
needs of users and also meet the user’s personalized non-functional requirements. The simulation p roves that the algo-
rithm works effectively.
Keywords: Personalized Recommendation; Cloud Service; Quality of Service; Similarity; Co operative Relationship
1. Introduction
Recommendation system is an in telligent agent system to
solve the information overload problem on the Internet,
which recommends choices that meet users’ needs or
interests from a lot of information on the Internet to the
users automatically. Personalized recommendation sys-
tem is put forward as an indepe ndent concept in the 20th
century until 1990, the first presented recommendation
system is based on collaborative filtering recommenda-
tion [1], including content-based similarity [2] and user-
based similarity [3] recommended methods. And in re-
cent years label concept [4] has been presented to im-
prove for user’s single evaluation and the defects on the
description of users and objects. Recommendation algo-
rithm based on diffusion [5,6] and making use of graph
theory bipartite graph [7-10] has also been presen ted, the
physical diffusion theory is also used in the recommend-
dation system in order to improve accuracy and reduce
With the process of cloud computing in resent years,
people begin to take their focus on the development of
cloud service selection and recommendation [11-16].
Cloud computing environments utilize the SOA archi-
tecture, including three aspects, they are service provid-
ers, cloud providers and service users. Service providers
no longer provide runtime environment for the release of
the service, but utilize the cloud computing environment
to run their specific services. Based on certain strategies,
service providers select the appropriate cloud provider
from the numerous cloud providers to run the specific
services. And service users in the cloud computing envi-
ronment select services which can meet their needs. The
advantage of this architecture is that service providers
and cloud providers run separately and have distinction
permission, making logic service and the service envi-
ronment separated, as well as bring about improving sca-
lability and flexib ility.
Cloud computing environment offers a wide variety of
services that can be divided into different levels, from
higher level to the lower level, they are Software applica-
A Personalized Cloud Services Recommendation
Based on Cooperative Relationship between Services
tion level services, platforms or environmental level ser-
vices and infrastructure level services. Actually, the users
usually choose a number of services spontaneously to
form a combination to meet their own needs instead of
using fixed combinations or a single service that cannot
meet the needs of users. For example, a user wants to edit
text online, in addition to using text editing functions
(This feature can be seen as a software application level
functions), it also needs to be uploaded to the Internet
and can be downloaded in different places, it can be seen
as a memory function in basic level of service. Cloud ser-
vices are complementary to each other in functional as-
pects to achieve different goals. These services may in-
clude a variety of service units, such as hardware, soft-
ware, platform, storage, computing, data and other ser-
vices. According to different requirements and rules,
services are combined to realize the complex functions.
According to the circumstances described above, a
recommendation algorithm which is based on usage his-
tory and the combined relationship of cloud services is
presented. Firstly, system will extract the users’ usage of
the group from services, then according to the group,
calculate the cooperative relationship among services.
While recommending, according to the service that user
has chosen, system selects services which are highly re-
lated to the service that the user has chosen, and gives
final result which combines the cooperative relationship
and similarity between QoS and user’s interests.
The remaining chapters are organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 describes some related works; Section 3 discusses
in detail including model design and algorithm steps de-
sign; Section 4 presents the simulation work and results;
Section 5 concludes the work and notes further research
2. Related Works
The most mature algorithm is the collaborative filtering
recommendation algorithm [1], which includes user-bas-
ed and content-based method. [2,3] discussed the two
collaborative filtering algorithms in detail. With the de-
velopment of the research on recommendation system,
recommendation algorithm is no longer limited to col-
laborative filtering methods, but also make use of the
network topology, this type of algorithms treats users and
the projects as nodes, [5,6] discussed a network-based
diffusion recommendation algorithm, according to the
projects selected by user, it takes advantage of diffusion
theory to find users wh o has si milar interests to the targ et
user and makes recommendation.
[8,9] presented an algorithm by making use of two
sub-networks (also known as two parts diagram), ac-
cording to the user’s choice of products and creating the
relationships through a diffusion algorithm, algorithm
finds out users’ potential demand or interest and makes
recommendation. Algorithm presented in [9] weights
edges in the network in order to improve the precision in
[7] presented a recommendation and clustering algo-
rithm that works by creating a network topology based
services relationship. Services are divided into two parts:
services with large and small granularity, called SOS and
S. SOS is usually composed by a variety of services S
and some programming supplemented, the relationships
of composition can be shown by a SOS-S network. Ac-
cording to this netwo rk structure, the diagrams that show
the similarity relationship between large-grained services
and the relationship between small-grained services can
be calculated. Recommendation makes use of the com-
bination relationship of small-grained services, and rec-
ommends the services which are closely related to ac-
cording to the selected service.
3. Recommendation Models and Methods
Users and services are treated as nodes in this recom-
mendation system, according to users’ usage record, ser-
vices will be combined to form a service gro up. Based on
the group’s composition and relationships, the coopera-
tive relationship between services could be calculated,
and system makes recommendatio n with the relationship.
Compared to [7], service group is calculated and formed
according to the usage of services, it is a logical concept
to help analysis the relationship between serv ices, but not
a real entity existing in cloud. In the cloud environment,
services that belong to different levels are often used
together and form a service group, that brings about the
situation that some lower-level services may become the
fundamental member of service group, namely, this kind
of service such as storage or platform is very necessary
for most service group and can achieve a great many
user’s requires, and a higher-level service would be a
professional characteristics of the group, this kind of ser-
vice is just used in parts of service groups and is neces-
sary for particular users in some professional fields.
There are two kinds of relationships between services,
which can be different for the user’s current selection of
services, and there are also large differences between
recommending a base service when using a professional
service and recommending a professional service when
using a base service. So a two-way standard is introduced
to distinguish the relationship of A to B and B to A when
calculating the co operativ e relationship between services.
On the other hand, user’s personalized interest should be
taken into account while making recommendation.
3.1. Node Model
Users and services are treated as nodes in the system.
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A Personalized Cloud Services Recommendation
Based on Cooperative Relationship between Services 625
User often needs a set of services instead of a single one
to complete a task within a certain period of time. In
Figure 1, User 1
U selected services A, B and C to
achieve his task, user 2
U selected services C, D and
selected services C, E.
In users’ history records, one user has chosen numbers
of sets of service, so service group node was introduced
to distinguish these sets and make it easy to analysis. In
Figure 2, a service group includes some services, so the
situation above could be described just like the structure
in Figure 2, user 1
U used service group and
, and user used group .
2 23
User Model: User is defined as a set
which describes all users in the
system. The user has a set i, defined as
ii mn
, which describes all service
groups that
had used. There is a vector QoS
,,,abcd for each user to describe the user’s prefer-
ence for stability, security, network quality and charge
Service Group Model: Service group is defined as
Figure 1. Structure of users and services.
Figure 2. Model of service group.
a set
SC SCSCSCSC, which describes all
service groups in the system.
Service Model: Service is defined as a set
SSSSS, which describes all services in
the system. The service group , has a set i, which
is defined as i
DSCSS, describes the mem-
ber services that make up the group
is defined
as the relationship of i and k, it equals 1 when
service i is one of members of service group k,
there will have an edge connected between the i-th ser-
vice node and k-th service group node. k is defined to
record the number of members of service group k.ij
is defined to tell whether the i-th and j-th service are in
the same service group or not. The relationship between
services can be calculated only when they are in the same
service group.
ki ik
1, ,1
0, ,0
ki kj
ij ki kj
Cooperative Relationship between Services: Two
services in one service group have two edges to connect.
One is from i to j, another is from j to i. For the edge
, there is a weight assigned to it, defined as SSij
means the cooperative relation ship from to
S. ij
is defined as follow:
ki kj
ij ki
In the formula,
ki kjk
means the proportion
for service
S cooperates with i in all services that
cooperate with i in the k-th group.
shows the
probability of service
S cooperates with .
It is obviously that the relationship from i to S
Sand the relationship from
S to i are different.
Since i and S
S may belong to different service grade
or level, such as base services and professional services.
When user selects a professional service, the recommen-
dation system may give a base service with high proba-
bly, because the relationship from the professional ser-
vice to the base service should be higher. Contrarily,
when user selects a base service, the system might be
confused to decide which professional service should be
Open Access JSEA
A Personalized Cloud Services Recommendation
Based on Cooperative Relationship between Services
given because it does know user’s profession, and the
relationship from the base service to a professional ser-
vice should be lower.
Similarity Between Users and Services: Vector rep-
resentation is used to describe the QoS of services and
users’ preference, given two vector x and y, using cos(x,y)
multiplied by mode of y to rep resent the similar y from y
to x.
 
Sim ,cos ,
xyxy yy
xy x
Result of Recommendation: The final result should
combine the cooperative relationship with QoS similar.
So the result is defined as
 
SimSim .
kijijkj ijkj
Rf gab
where a = 20 and b = 0.004, a and b are set to standard-
ize relationship and similarity.
3.2. Recommendation Method
The recommendation process is divided into four sec-
tions as followed: Section 1, data processing and creating
set S and U; Section 2, getting users’ preference; Sec-
tion 3, obtaining users’ usage and relationship of services;
Section 4, service recommendation. Detail discussing
1) According to records, the set of users U and the set
of services S will be counted, and then the set of service
group SC will be added up.
2) According to the evaluation of the users to the ser-
vices, the vector of users’ preference and Qos of services
will be got.
3) The relationship between service groups and ser-
vices and relationship between services will be calcu-
4) Recommendation. The input is user k
U and ser-
vice i that the user has chosen. This process is divided
into two steps; the first step is to calculate the top k ser-
vices to which service i has higher cooperative rela-
tion, to meet the user’s functional needs. This step must
be done first, that means the service should match user’s
functional needs first. And then the second step is to cal-
culate the QoS similarity relation between these k ser-
vices and the user to meet user’s non-functional needs.
When the user has already selected more than one service,
system should combine the result sets from each service
according to the two steps above and give the final re-
4. Simulation and Analysis
4.1. Data Creating
Experimental data are created by a semi-random method,
firstly, the services and their QoS are produced randomly;
and users are produced as the same way. A vector is
given to each user to show user’s preference, which will
be only used in the next step to produce service groups.
The rule in the step of producing group sets is that, A
user selects several services from the service sets, and
system will calculate the similarity of service QoS and
user’s preference, then the top 2 - 4 services will be taken
as a service group, the number of members of a group is
got randomly fro m 2 to 4, and each user has a number of
groups. Actually, when users select the services in actual
life, there will be a number of services provided for the
user, and user will select those which could fit user’s
preference, this step of producing service group above
has just simulated the process of users’ selection of ser-
vices. The vector just given is only used in the step to
produ ce gro ups , an d th e v e c tor of us er s’ pr ef e r en c e in the
recommendation process will be recalculated in recom-
mendation steps later.
In the data producing process, the QoS of services that
the user has chosen is similar to the user’s preference, so
the service which has poor QoS would be eliminated.
Meanwhile, services which have similar QoS will be
selected by users who have similar preference, in other
words, users who have similar preference will choose
same services, these services will be combined as a
group for many times, and the relationship of these ser-
vices will be relatively high. The argument above is just
to proof that, in the data created, the relationships be-
tween services are not completely random, there are
some services within which, every one of them has rela-
tively high relationship to each other. So, the recom-
mendation based on the date is m eaningf ul.
4.2. Results and Analysis
The date have simulated a small cloud environment, data
is created as follow: there are 100 users and every user
has 100 service group records, each group has 2 to 4
members. In recommendation, the system will recom-
mend to one user whom we call is the target user. To
judge the recommendation is effective or not, the user’s
record will be divided into two parts, one is the experi-
mental group, the other part is the comparison group. The
experimental group as the usage history record to get the
target user’s preference. In each service group in the
comparison parts, one or two services will be selected as
the input, output is just the recommendation result, and it
will be juxtaposed with the other services in this group. If
one of the other services in the group is also a member of
Open Access JSEA
A Personalized Cloud Services Recommendation
Based on Cooperative Relationship between Services 627
result, this case of recommendation will be treated as
The simulation will be designed and analyzed on the
bases of the number of total services, the proportion of
the experimental group and the number of services that
user has already selected. The result set will have five
services, the simulation will carry out 100 users to make
recommendation respectively, and system makes account
of the average and max rate of the valid recommendation.
The number of total services is set to 20, 30, 40, 50, the
proportion of the experimental group is set to 20%, 40%,
60%, 80%, the number of services that user has already
selected is set to 1, 2.
If the total number of services is set to 50; there will
be 2500 relationships between services, and the max
number of service groups in theory will reach
, about 250,000. There are 10,000 groups
in the data, these groups are small parts of the number in
theory, but it covers all the possibilities of all relation-
ships. If the number of total services is set 40, 30 and 20,
the max number of services will reach about 100,000,
30,000 and 6000.
50 50 50
Figure 3 shows the account of the average and max
rate of the valid recommendation when the number of
services that user has already selected is set to 1 and in
Figure 4, the number is set to 2.
The line marked MAX represents the max rate of valid
recommendation, and the one marked AVERAGE repre-
sents the average rate. Result shows that, the rate de-
creases with the increase of the number of total services,
one reason is that the lager the number of total services is,
the fewer chances that the groups in system can express
the relationships between services, another reason is that
the lager the number of total services is, the lower the
percentage proportion the result set shares of all services
and the lower proportion that the results can cover the
selection of the target user.
Figure 3. Results of rate when one service is selected.
Figure 4. Results of rate when two services are selected.
In Figure 5, the number of services that user has al-
ready selected is set to 1, and the line above represents
the average rate of valid recommendation when, the line
below represents the rate in theory when the recommend
to the target user randomly and with on recommend rules.
When there are 20 services in system, the result set has 5
services, 25% of total services, but without recommend
rules, system selects 5 services randomly, the proportion
that the results can cover the target user’s selection is
about 43%, if the recommendation algorithm is used in
the system, the coverage will reach 80%. It is believed
that the recommendation algorithm is effective according
to the two lines in Figure 5.
On the other hands, in the Figure 6, the #2 line repre-
sents the average rate of valid recommendation when the
number of services that user has already selected is set to
2, and #1 line shows the rate when the number is 1. The
more the services that user has already selected, the
higher the rate is. The reason is that, when user has se-
lected 2 services, the services that will be recommended
must have high relationship with both of the two services,
the range of selection will be decreased and the result
will be more accurate.
To analysis the affection of user’s preference to the
result, the proportion of the experimental group is set to
20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, the number of total ser vices is set
to 50. In Figure 7, the lines from #1 to #4 represent the
max and average rate of valid recommendation when the
number of services that user has already selected is set to
2 and the max and average rate when it is set to 1. The
larger proportion of the experimental group is, the more
accurate result is. It is believed that considering users’
preference and making the similarity of services’ QoS
and users’ preference as one of bases of recommendation
has just improved the accuracy of the recommendation
Open Access JSEA
A Personalized Cloud Services Recommendation
Based on Cooperative Relationship between Services
Figure 5. Recommendation and randomly select ion re sults.
Figure 6. Average rate when one and two services are se-
Figure 7. Results in different proportion of experimental
according to the #1 and #3 lines which represent the max
rate. When the proportion is relatively small, the result is
not too low. It is friendly to new users who do not have
too many history records and system cannot get too much
information about their preference.
5. Conclusions
Above all, a personalized recommendation for cloud ser-
vices, which is based on usage history and the coopera-
tive relationship of cloud services, is presented. Recom-
mendation works according to the cooperative relation-
ship among services to find out the functional comple-
mentarity among them, and to recommend the results.
Performance in the simulation proves that the recom-
mendation works well in a small-scale cloud environ-
ment with not so many services. One advantage of this
recommendation is that, new users can get relatively ef-
fective recommendation without so much information
about preference.
It remains future work to consider classification of us-
ers and services when the cloud environment scale is
larger. Classification should be considered from the point
of view to distinguish users’ professionals and services’
6. Acknowlegements
The work presented in this paper was supported by Na-
tional Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.
61001118); Program for New Century Excellent Talents
in University (Grant No. NCET-11-0592).
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