Low Carbon Economy, 2013, 4, 1-13
Published Online December 2013 (http://www.scirp.org/journal/lce)
Open Access LCE
Bottom-Up Analysis of Energy Consumption and Carbon
Emissions, with Particular Emphasis on Human Capital
Paula Castesana1, Salvador Enrique Puliafito1,2
1Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Ciudad De Buenos Aires, Argentina; 2Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técni-
cas, Ciudad De Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Email: pcastesana@gmail.com
Received September 24th, 2013; revised October 22nd, 2013; accepted October 30th, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Paula Castesana, Salvador Enrique Puliafito. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Com-
mons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work
is properly cited.
Short-term and mid-term projections of energy consumption and carbon emissions raise significant concern about the
availability of the necessary en ergy resources to meet the growing demand an d about the impact of emissions on global
change. Different macroeconomic models address this issue through global variables, such as gross domestic product,
production of goods and services, to tal population and natural resources ex traction. However, the relations among these
variables are neither linear nor simple. In an attempt to base said relation s on a “bottom-up” perspective, the individual
behavior of representative agents of economy, in terms of energy consumption and related carbon emissions, was stud-
ied, with particular emphasis on their investment in human capital. It was found that a higher investment in human
capital (e.g., education, research) was translated into a better distribution of consumption, with a higher level of energy
efficiency and a slight improvement in carbon emissions intensity.
Keywords: Carbon Emissions; Carbonization Index; Economic Growth; Energy Intensity Factor; Human Cap ital
1. Introduction
Short-term and mid-term projections of energy consump-
tion and carbon emissions are generally assessed on a
global scale, by using macroeconomic and social data
such as gross domestic product (GDP), production of
goods and services, total population, natural resources
extraction and consumption, etc. The relations among
these variables are neither linear nor simple, which g ives
rise to a variety of economic growth theories [1-4]. Be-
sides, the growing rate of energy consumption and its
subsequent carbon emissions has raised multiple con-
cerns about the availability and long-term sustainability
of natural resources and about the impact of CO2 emis-
sions on global climate change. This issue has led to an
increasing interest in th e design of different models in an
attempt to understand the complex relations among the
variables involved, and to develop appropriate mitigation
policies. However, many of these models offer a “top-
down” perspective, based on global relations among the
main variables, with a higher or lower level of detail
[5-8]. These models provide a proper estimation of an-
nual averages, but are less efficient when it comes to
individual consumption (or behavior) per se.
Apart from that, the international financial crisis that
started in 2008 has challeng ed the app licability of curren t
macroeconomic models, giving rise to a new “bottom-
up” paradigm of study [9,10]. This trend has developed
into a new science named Agent-based Computational
Economics (ACE), which is closely related to complex
dynamic systems, where economic processes are mod-
eled after dynamic systems based on agents that interact
among them [11-14].
This paper follows this new paradigm of computa-
tional economic models’ assessment, and has the follow-
ing specific purposes: 1) To analyze the relations be-
tween economic and demographic variables that affect
energy consumption and carbon emissions; 2) To study
the effect of the individual behavior of representative
Bottom-Up Analysis of Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions,
with Particular Emphasis on Human Capital Investment
agents of the economy on said environmental variables; 3)
To study the existence of any emergent behavior; and 4)
To study the role o f human capital investment in relation
to energy consumption and carbon emissions and their
trends over time.
2. Methodology
From a “top-down” perspective, global consumption of
primary energy may be expressed as a multiplicative
equation as follows [8,15-17]:
exex x
 (1)
Where (e) is the annual consumption of fossil fuel per
capita, (x) is the gross domestic product per capita
(GDP/capita) and (ηe) is the energy intensity factor asso-
ciated to said consumption, i.e., energy use per unit of
GDP. Analogously, carbon emissions per capita (c) re-
sulting from energy consumption may be expressed as a
multiplicative equation following Kaya identity [18],
which allows for the id entification of the main indicators
responsible for such emissions:
cxex cexi
 (2)
Thus, carbon emission s are ex pressed as th e produ ct of
the GDP/capita, the energy intensity factor and the car-
bonization index (ic), which represents the amount of
carbon emissions per unit of consumed energy. By taking
logarithms and then differen tiating Equations (1 ) and (2),
the percentage variations of the factors involved are ob-
%% %
 (3)
%% %%
cx i
  (4)
Equations (3) and (4) show that the relative variation
in energy consumption and carbon emissions of each in-
dividual may be explained as the addition of the variation
in their economic production and the variation in tech-
nologic factors used by each individual to achieve said
productio n [19,20].
In order to assess the behavior of representative agents,
this paper provides a detailed analysis of the historical
evolution of the factors involved in the multiplicative
method, based on different variables related to individu-
als’ behavior and development. The analysis was con-
ducted in 57 countries2, for the 1970-2011 period and
portions thereof. Said 57 countries present a wide avail-
ability of data for the period and, nowadays, represent
76.13% of world population, 91.33% of GDP, 90.26% of
energy consumption and 86. 86 % of carbo n emissions from
energy consumption [21-23].
2.1. Economic Growth
Bibliograph y shows th at, within the scope of the study o f
anthropogenic CO2 emissions, the factor related to the
gross domestic product per capita (x) is analyzed from a
macroeconomic approach, as per different output func-
tions based on return to capital [5-7,24]. Barro and Salai-
Martin [25] argue that if a closed economy based on one
sector is considered, the output obtained from the return
to capital may be used for consumption or investment by
the representative agents of the economy. Moreover, they
specify that in said closed economies, households are
their only representative agents3, and that all the capital
stock is owned by their residents. Taking the term capital
in a broad sense, the output of each agent equals the
quantities they have devoted to consumption (cons) and
investment, both in physical capital (ik) and human capi-
tal (ih):
cons ii
 (5)
In order to analyze the economic growth from a per-
spective that considers individual behavior and decision
making by the constituent ag ents of econo my, da ta on the
different types of investments and levels of consumption
of individuals was analyzed, based on their age and edu-
cation level as separate indicators of human capital. To
that end, average ranges of different expenditures were
studied based on the age of the “head of household”, or
of a representative individual of the household, for some
of the countries analyzed. The behavior of economic
variables such as level of investment in human capital,
consumption expenditure and average income of house-
holds were included, based on the education level of the
representative individual of the household. Expenditures
on education and culture were taken as indicators of in-
vestment in human capital. The data represented corre-
sponds to year 1997 for Argentina, and the average data
of the 2002-2011 decade for USA and UK [26-28].
2.2. Definition of Typical Agents
In order to continue with the study from a perspective
that considers individual behavior, it is further argued
that each one of the countries analyzed may be regarded,
in turn, as a group of individuals, symbolized by a single
representative individual of each region, or a typical
agent. In order to characterize these typical agents, val-
ues per capita of the different variables analyzed were
considered as representative values of the historical de-
3The authors argue that working with a model of different companies
and households, or heterogeneity of households, is the same as work-
ing with a model where households are the ones responsible for the
1For example, 1%
dtc dtc
2The list of countries analyzed and the symbols used for each in the
graphics included in this paper are shown in Appendix A.
Open Access LCE
Bottom-Up Analysis of Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions,
with Particular Emphasis on Human Capital Investment 3
velopment of different types of individuals4 with differ-
ent levels of technological development. Thus, for each
year of the period under analysis, each representative
individual would have developed with a given GDP
(equal to the GDP/capita of the country by they repre-
sented), a level of consumption, a level of investment in
both types of capital, and an energy consumption and its
subsequent carbon emissions, related to the values that
said individual (or country) has used for the technologi-
cal indicators under analysis.
For this analysis, the countries were grouped accord-
ing to their level of investment in human capital. To that
end, data for the 1996-20 11 period was used (due to th eir
availability), referring to the percentag e of GDP invested
by countries in research and development (R&D) as a
regional estimator of the level of human capital of the
representative individuals of such countries [23]. Said
groups were labeled based on increasing values of in-
vestment in R&D:
1) Group 1 : Unfavorable human cap ital (investment in
R&D below 0.5% of GDP).
2) Group 2: Medium human capital (investment in R
&D above 0.5% and below 1.5% of GDP).
3) Group 3: Favorable human capital (investment in R
&D above 1.5% and below 2.5% of GDP).
4) Group 4: Very favorable human capital (investment
in R&D above 2.5% of GDP).
Later, for the purposes of assessing different parts of
the period under analysis and draw co mparisons between
them, said classification was extended to the whole 1970-
2011 period, and the countries were grouped under one
of the four categories of investment in R&D, based on
their average investment level for the 1996-2011 period.
Thus, the countries were classified as typical agents with
upward or downward trend towards investment in human
Secondly, the following categories were defined based
on the efficiency level of the energy intensity factor (ηe)
used by each typical agent [21,23]:
1) Unfavorable in tensity (energy intensity v alues more
than 1.5 times the world average value for 1970).
2) Medium intensity (less than 1.5 and more than 0.75
times the world average value for 1970).
3) Favorable intensity (less than 0.75 and more than
0.50 times the world average value for 1970).
4) Very favorable investment (less than 0.50 times the
world average value for 1970).
Lastly, three categories were created according to the
efficiency level of carbon emissions of each typical agent,
based on the carbonization index (ic) valued used by each
one in each unit of time t (year) [21]:
1) Unfavorable carbonization (carbonization index
values above 90% of the world average for 1 97 0 ).
2) Medium carbonization (below 90% and above 70%
of the world average value for 1970).
3) Favorable carbonization (below 70% of the world
average value for 1970).
These groups and subgroups, together with those de-
scribed in the economic section, present the basic char-
acteristics of typical agents. In other words, each typical
agent will be characterized by a level of investment in
human capital and of consumption, a level of efficiency
in energy consumption and emissions into the atmos-
phere, and age, variables which could change in each
agent dependi n g on the pe ri o d under analysis:
agents = f (age, human capital investment, consump-
tion level, energy intensity, carbonization).
2.3. Energy Intensity Factor
The energy intensity factor (ηe) represents the amount of
energy used per each dollar generated by the gross do-
mestic product. Both at a global level and for the most
developed regions, historical data shows a constant im-
provement in energy intensity, which translates into en-
ergy savings per unit of production [21,23]. Said im-
provement may be explained by the use of more efficient
technologies, which is directly linked to the levels of
investment in research and development (R&D), or in
terms of this paper, of investment in human capital.
Firstly, the trends of the curves obtained by graphi-
cally representing the energy intensity factor of the
agents of the groups with lower investments in R&D on
the one hand (groups 1 and 2), and the groups with
higher investments on the other hand (groups 3 and 4),
based on the annual household final consumption expen-
diture per capita, as indicator of the annual consumption
of each individual [23]. For both variables, data corre-
sponds to each year of the 1970-2011 period. Moreover,
apart from the trends in the curves, the values taken by
the energy intensity factors of the agents of each group
were analyzed, as compared to the world average value
for year 1970. Secondly, an analysis was conducted on
the frequency distribution of energy intensity values
within each group of investment in R&D. For the pur-
poses of assessing shifts or emerging trends over time,
said analysis was performed on the values for the 1971-
1990 and 1996-2011 periods.
2.4. Carbonization Index
4It is worth mentioning that, even when considering the average values
of each country as sole values related to representative individuals, the
variability of each studied variable in each country is omitted, the
analysis presented in this article is more qualitative-oriented.
Efficiency of carbon emissions into the atmosphere is
related to the carbonization index (ic), which represents
Open Access LCE
Bottom-Up Analysis of Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions,
with Particular Emphasis on Human Capital Investment
Open Access LCE
3. Results carbon emissions per unit of energy consumed. An
analysis was conducted on the curves obtained from
graphically representing such indicator based on time
[21], for those agents representing the group s with lower
investment in R&D on the one hand (groups 1 and 2),
and the groups with higher investment on the other hand
(groups 3 and 4) , based on ti me.
3.1. Economic Growth
Figure 1(a) shows the curves obtained by representing
education and culture expenditure data (expressed as
weekly expenditure per person) as indicators of house-
hold investment in human capital, based on the age of the
representative individual. On the other hand, part (b) of
the figure shows the curves representing the weekly ex-
penditure per person related to household consumption
(the human capital expenditure being deducted) based on
the age of the representative individual [26-28]. The data
has been expressed relatively to the maximum value
taken by the variable under analysis in each series. Thus,
the values obtained may be read as proportions to the
maximum (equal to 1 in each series), allowing for the
observation of trends in the curves and the making of
comparisons between data from different countries, thus
avoiding the use of different scales. In all cases, the data
represented for Argentina corresponds to year 1997, and
for USA and UK, the average values for the 2002-2011
decade. Figure 2 shows the relative increase (as com-
pared to the value of the group of individuals with a
lower education level) in income, consumption and in-
vestment in human capital of households per capita,
based on the education level of the representative indi-
vidual of the household [27]. Figure 3 shows expendi-
ture of households per capita in education (a), and in
consumption (b), both as percentag es of the total income
of the representative individual, based on their education
level [26,27].
Besides, a further analysis was conducted on the evo-
lution over time of the proportions of the sources of en-
ergy used by a group of countries selected as per the dis-
tribution of their energy matrix [21]. Said countries in-
clude some with strong economies and high percentages
of nuclear (France) and hydraulic (Norway, Brazil) en-
ergy use, countries with emerging economies and high
percentages of use of carbon (China and India), a fuel
with an emission factor above the average of fossil fuels,
countries with a high percentage of gas (Argentina) and
oil consumption (Ecuador), as compared to the world-
wide trend. Graphics were prepared to show the propor-
tions of the sources of energy used, and the historical
curves of the carbonization index related to the represen-
tative agents of said countries, for the 1970-2011 period,
were also included.
Moreover, the values for the carbonization index for
the 1996-2011 period were also analyzed, based on the
percentage of GDP invested in R&D of each agent. Said
data was represented graphically, and 4 divisions were
made on the horizontal scale as per the different ranges
of the human capital indicator, while 3 divisions were
made on the vertical scale, as per the efficiency catego-
ries used by the indicator.
Besides, an analysis was conducted on the frequency
distribution of the carbonization indexes used by the
agents, as per the 4 groups of investment in R&D. As in
the previous section , said an alysis covered the 19 71 -1990
and 1996-2011 period s.
3.2. Energy Intensity
Figure 4 shows energy intensity curves based on con-
sumption, divided into agents with downward trend to-
Figure 1. (a) Investment in human capital of households, and (b) Consumption expenditure per capita as per the age of the
representative individual (Argentina, USA and UK).
Bottom-Up Analysis of Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions,
with Particular Emphasis on Human Capital Investment 5
Figure 2. Income, consumption and investment in human capital per capita by households as per the education level of the
representative individual (USA).
Figure 3. (a) Education expenditure and (b) Consum ption expenditure per capita, as per education le ve l.
Figure 4. Energy intensity as per the annual expenditure on final consumption of households for investment in R&D below
1.50% of GDP (a), and above 1.50% of GDP (b).
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Bottom-Up Analysis of Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions,
with Particular Emphasis on Human Capital Investment
Open Access LCE
Table 2. Proportions of specific data in each of the catego-
ries of energy efficiency and investment in R&D.
wards investment in human capital (a), and agents with
upward trend towards investment (b). Table 1 shows the
average value of this indicator for each of the 4 groups of
investment in R&D, together with the related category as Human capital Group 1Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
Efficiency level 1971-1990 period Total by efficiency
Unfavorable 2.4%11.4% 0.0% 0.0%13.9%
Medium 11.8%7.2% 11.3% 2.1%32.4%
Favorable 12.3%5.6% 13.5% 4.9%36.3%
Very favorable 6.4%4.3% 3.1% 3.6% 17.5%
Total by human capital32.9%28.5% 27.9% 10.6%100%
Efficiency level 1996-2011 period Total by efficiency
Unfavorable 10.3% 16.4% 0.0% 0.0%26.7%
Medium 11.1% 8.7% 5.0% 0.9% 25.7%
Favorable 8.3%7.7% 6.8% 3.6%26.4%
Very favorable 1.1%5.3% 8.4% 6.4% 21.3%
Total by human capital30.8%38.1% 20.3% 10.8%100%
per the energy efficiency level, for the 1971-1990 and
1996-2011 periods. Moreover, said table also shows the
values obtained for the standard deviation (
), and the
levels of maximum and minimum values taken by the
indicator in each data group for both periods. Table 2
shows the proportions of specific data for each of the
categories determined (level of energy efficiency and
investment in R&D), for both periods. This information
is supplemented by Figure 5, which shows the distribu-
tion in each period of the values taken by the energy in-
tensity factor as per its efficiency level, in each of the
groups of investment in R&D or human capital.
Table 1. Characteristics of energy intensity values for each
group of investment in human capital.
Human capital Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
Energy intensity 1971-1990 period
Average ηe (±
) 0.88 (0.67) 1.76 (1.77) 0.74 (0.22) 0.60 (0.22)
Maximum ηe 6.93 9.22 1.39 1.06
Minimum ηe 0.24 0.40 0.33 0.25
Efficiency level medium unfavorable favorable favorable
Energy intensity 1996-2011 period
Average ηe (±
) 1.71 (1.38) 1.97 (2.13) 0.62 (0.25) 0.46 (0.17)
Maximum ηe 7.39 11.21 1.47 1.00
Minimum ηe 0.23 0.25 0.29 0.25
Efficiency level unfavorable unfavorable favorable very favorable
3.3. Carbonization Index
Figure 6 shows the historical trend of the carbonization
index of agents, divided as per their trend towards in-
vestment in R&D. For its part, Figure 7 shows, in over-
lap, the curves fo r the carbonization ind ex and the evolu-
tion over time of the proportions of the sources of energy
used as from 1970 [21], for three sectors with different
types of consumption: energy consumption based on
non-emission sources (France, Norway and Brazil), con-
sumption based on medium-emission sources (Argentina
and Ecuador), and consumption based mainly on “dirty
fuels” (China and India), as compared to the worldwide
trend. Figure 8 shows the values of the carbonization
Figure 5. Distribution of energy intensity values within each group of investment in R&D, for the 1971-1990 (a) and 1996-
2011 (b) periods.
Bottom-Up Analysis of Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions,
with Particular Emphasis on Human Capital Investment 7
Figure 6. Carbonization index as per time, for countries with investment in R&D below 1.50% of GDP (a), and above 1.50%
of GDP (b).
index corresponding to the representative individuals of
the different countries for the 1996-2011 period, as per
the percentage of GDP invested in R&D, together with
the divisions on the horizontal and vertical scales men-
tioned in the above section. Besides, the average values
of the carbonization index were calculated for the 4
groups divided according to their levels of investment in
R&D. Said values are shown in Table 3, together with
the standard deviation (σ), the levels of maximum and
minimum values, and the categories for the indicator as
per its efficiency level, for the 1971-1990 and 1996-2 011
periods. Table 4 shows the proportions of specific data
for the categories related to the carbonization index and
to the level of investment in R&D, for both periods. In
turn, Figure 9 was prepared based on the analysis of fre-
quency distribution performed for this indicator, and it
shows the distributions of the carbonization index values
for the countries under analysis within each of the groups
classified according to their level of investment in R&D,
for the 1971-1990 and 1996-2 011 periods.
4. Discussion
4.1. Economic Growth
It may be observed that when representing the expendi-
ture in consumption and education of the representative
individuals of the households according to their ages, the
curves obtained show an evolution in the form of an in-
verted bell, with a maximum located at a given time of
each individual’s life. The age corresponding to said
maxima is dependent, in turn, on the type of expenditure,
the period under analysis and the idiosyncrasy of the
represented group of humans. On the other hand, when
representing the economic variables analyzed according
to the education level of individuals, it may be observed
that when such increases, the proportion of the total in-
come invested in human capital shows a significant in-
Table 3. Characteristics of carbonization index values for
each group of investment in human capital.
Human capital Group 1Group 2 Group 3Group 4
Carbonization index1971-1990 period
Average ic (±
) 0.91 (0.10)0.96 (0.16) 0.89 (0.21)0.76 (0.18)
Maximum ic 1.16 1.24 1.12 1.00
Minimum ic 0.72 0.57 0.30 0.40
Efficiency level of
emissions unfavorable unfavorable mediummedium
Carbonization index1996-2011 period
Average ic (±
) 0.86 (0.11) 0.90 (0.16) 0.79 (0.20)0.74 (0.19)
Maximum ic 1.14 1.20 1.07 0.98
Minimum ic 0.58 0.53 0.31 0.36
Efficiency level of
emissions mediumunfavorable mediummedium
Table 4. Proportions of specific data in each of the catego-
ries for carbonization index and investment in R&D.
Human capital Group 1Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
Carbonization index1971-1990 period Total by efficiency
Unfavorable 17.1%26.3% 15.9% 3.7%63.1%
Medium 14.2% 5.9% 3.9% 2.3% 26.3%
Favorable 0.0%3.1% 3.7% 3.8% 10.6%
Total by human capital31.3%35.2% 23.6% 9.8%100%
Carbonization index1996-2011 period Total by efficiency
Unfavorable 9.6%15.5% 7.5% 3.1%35.7%
Medium 19.0% 18.3% 6.2% 3.3%46.8%
Favorable 2.0%4.7% 6.4% 4.4% 17.4%
Total by human capital30.6%38.4% 20.1% 10.8%100%
Open Access LCE
Bottom-Up Analysis of Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions,
with Particular Emphasis on Human Capital Investment
Figure 7. Carbonization index and evolution over time of proportions of energy sources used by different countries.
crease, while the proportion devoted to consumption de-
creases. It may be further observed that the higher the
education level of the representative individuals, the
higher their income. Nevertheless, the relative in crease in
investment in human capital of individuals with higher
education levels, as compared to the individuals with
lower levels, is broadly higher than the relative increase
in income. This means that the proportion of income al-
lotted to consumption or investment in education and
culture is closely related to the level of human capital of
individuals and their trend towards invest in such, and,
indeed, to other socioeconomic and cultural factors be-
Open Access LCE
Bottom-Up Analysis of Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions,
with Particular Emphasis on Human Capital Investment 9
Figure 8. Carbonization index (compared to the world value for 1970) as per investment in R&D as % GDP.
Figure 9. Distribution of carbonization index values within each group of investment in R&D.
yond the scope of this paper. It may be concluded from
this analysis that, in general terms, the greater th e human
capital, the higher the level of investment in human capi-
tal. In turn, those individuals who invest more of their
time in education, or in accumulating human capital,
obtain a higher income and devote a lower proportion of
their production to consumption as compared to other
individuals. Figures 2 and 3 show that the groups with
higher education (despite having higher incomes) pro-
portionately spend more in human capital (>10 times)
than those with a lower education level.
4.2. Energy Intensity Factor
In general terms, it may be observed that energy intensity
significantly decreases for increasing levels of consump-
tion per capita. The trends of the curves representing
those agents less likely to investment in human capital
are not that clear in all cases. Nevertheless, in some cases,
and even more in the curves representing those agents
more inclined to said type of investment, it is possible to
find some emerging patterns. By analyzing said series
separately, 3 types of trends or “sections” of a hypothe-
tical path may be found: increasing trends (section a),
local maxima (section b), and decreasing trends (section
c). In turn, it may be observed that some agents go
through the 3 described sections in their curves, so that
they show, for lower levels of consumption, an increas-
ing trend up to reaching a maximum where their energy
intensity factor starts to decrease, a trend which is main-
tained for increasing values of consumption, whereas
other agents only present, up to date, just 1 or 2 of the
sections described. The level of consumption by itself
does not seem to explain this behavior, since it is not
possible to assign a value to it from which the curves
Open Access LCE
Bottom-Up Analysis of Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions,
with Particular Emphasis on Human Capital Investment
show this or that trend. That is to say, for a given range
of consumption values, it is possible to find increasing or
decreasing curves or even local maxima based on said
consumption; or in other words, there are agents who,
while increasing their consumption, lower its efficiency,
there are others who improve it, and others who shift its
trend, within the same range.
However, if countries are grouped according to their
level of investment in human capital, the trend of the
curves of some of them becomes clearer. In Figure 4(b),
it may be observed that said curves are currently in the
last of the sections described (section c) of the hypo-
thetical path, or in other words, with trends more and
more efficient. Besides, when comparing the vertical
scales of Figure 4(a) with Figure 4(b), it may be ob-
served that the latter shows significantly more efficient
values of energy inten sity.
Apart from that, when analyzing the energy intensity
factors as specific data grouped according to the related
levels of investment in R&D, it may be observ ed that the
averages of the values taken by the indicator in the
groups with higher investment in human capital, and
their variability range, are significantly smaller than
those of the groups with lower investment, both for the
1971-1990 and the 1996-2011 periods (Table 1). Going
into further detail, Table 1 shows that in both periods the
less efficient values of energy intensity are those of the
second group of investment in human capital (group 2).
In turn, it may be observed that the two groups with
higher investment show an improvement in their energy
efficiency over the years, while the two groups with
lower investment show a shift to less favorable values.
When analyzing th e d istribu tio n of the lev els of en ergy
efficiency within each group, it may be observed that for
the 1971-1990 p er iod, g rou ps 1, 3 an d 4 show a Ga ussian
distribution, around favorable efficiency levels for the
last groups and around medium and favorable values for
the first one (Figure 5(a)). It may be further observed
that the curve for group 4 is inclined to more favorable
values than that for group 3. If the fr equency distribution
curves of these same gr oups fo r the 1996- 201 1 per iod ar e
analyzed, it may be observed that they have experienced
a sort of shift. In the curves of the groups with higher
investment in R&D, said shift took place towards more
favorable values, whereas in the group with lower in-
vestment, such shift occurred towards less efficient val-
ues of energy intensity. This event, together with that
described in the previous paragraph, reflects, in turn, an
increase in the existing inequality among the different
groups of agents over time. For its part, group 2 is the
only group which, in both periods, shows its higher pro-
portion of energy intensity values in the unfavorable
category. Moreover, in both periods, such group shows a
decreasing trend in its distribution curves as the effi-
ciency of the indicator under analysis increa ses.
Apart from that, when analyzing Table 2, it may be
observed that for th e 1971-1990 period, th e main propor-
tion of data correspond s to energy intensity valu es of the
favorable category, with a high proportion of medium
values. However, a more homogenous distribution (or a
flatter distribution curve) may be observed for the 1996-
2011 period, with an increase in the proportion of data
corresponding to the level of higher energy efficiency,
and in turn, an increase in the proportion of data corre-
sponding to the level of lower efficiency, as compared to
the previous period. By comparing both periods, it may
be observed that the main contributors to the improve-
ment in the proportion of very favorable values have
been the groups with higher investment in R&D, and, at
the opposite end, the main responsible agents for the un-
favorable data increase have been the groups with lower
investment in human capital. It may be further observed
that for both periods, there is no data corresponding to
the groups with higher investment in human capital that
show inefficient energy intensity values.
Bearing in mind the parallelism observed between
countries and individuals representing such or typical
agents, all the above may be expressed as if the individu-
als who invest the more in human capital are those who
use, on average, more efficient values of energy intensity,
with variability ranges more restricted to higher effi-
ciency values. Nevertheless, the relation between these
two variables is not that linear, since the average energy
intensity of the group of individuals with downward
trend towards investment in human capital is more effi-
cient than that of the following group. A “hypothetical
path” may be again considered, where, rather than the
passage of time or an increase in consumption, it is the
increase in human capital that determines the direction of
development. And said development, in terms of the in-
dicator under analysis, implies consuming, at a very be-
ginning, more and more energy so as to achieve eco-
nomic growth, up to reaching a maximum from which
the reduction of said consumption is possible, without
jeopardizing the growth.
4.3. Carbonization Index
It may be observed that most of the curves obtained by
representing the carbonization index based on time, show
a weak downward trend, despite their slight slopes. By
comparing the graphics obtained after dividing the agents
according to their higher or lower willingness to invest-
ment in human capital, it may be observed that those
with higher investment show more efficient values for
the indicator under analysis. This fact would indicate
again that investment in human capital, whether consid-
Open Access LCE
Bottom-Up Analysis of Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions,
with Particular Emphasis on Human Capital Investment 11
ered on an individual or collective basis (as indicator of
the technological development reached), helps to im-
prove the efficiency of emissions. However, the response
of this indicator to variations in investment in human
capital is not as fast as in the case of the energy in tensity
factor. By analyzing Figure 8 and its subdivisions, it
may be observed that, even when, in general terms, in-
creases in human capital investment are related to im-
provements in the carbonization index efficiency, a sig-
nificant vertical variability also exists. Said variability
could be the result of the availability of existing energy
sources in each country, or the energy sources used by
the representative individuals of such countries. It may
be observed in the representations of Figure 7 that those
countries with high percentages of nuclear (France) or
hydraulic (Norway and Brazil) energy use show very
favorable values of carbonization index, while those ar-
eas with high percentages of use of carbon (a fuel with an
emission factor above the average of fossil fuels), such as
China and India, show very unfavorable values. It may
be further observed that variations in the energy sources
used are rapidly reflected in the carbonization index,
which shows that said factor is closely related to the
technology used in the energy production. Since that
production is, at a global level, controlled by the large
power plants of carbon used in China and India, with
poor technological efficiencies, the worldwide trend
shows that, currently, said index is slightly increasing.
Other contributing factors are, among others, the age of
many power plants, and the long time elapsed between
design and start up of a new power plant and closing of
the older plant.
Besides, from the frequency distribution analysis per-
formed, it may be observed that even when in the 1971-
1990 period most of the individuals within each group
have experienced a development using unfavorable car-
bonization indexes, as the investment in human capital
increases, the proportion of individuals of each group
who use more efficient carbonization indexes becomes
relevant. Nevertheless, as described for the energy inten-
sity factor, Table 3 shows, again, that it is group 2 that
stands out from the other groups, for having the least
efficient average of values for both periods. Likewise, by
comparing the distributions of both period under analysis,
it may be observed that, over time, all groups show a
shift in the levels of th e indicator toward s more favorable
levels, a fact which is also reflected in the values repre-
sented in Table s 3 an d 4. Th e latter show s that, ov er time,
the groups with lower investment significantly reflect the
improvements in the efficiency of their average carboni-
zation levels. For its part, group 4 had already showed, in
the first analyzed period, a distribution of values much
more efficient than that of the other groups, and over
time the improvement of such distribution has not been
so evident. This event could be translated into the idea
that the carbonization index used by individuals, due to
its strong dependence on the energy sources used, may
be significantly improved up to a given peak, from which
the effort needed to improve it further becomes higher.
5. Conclusions
The main world economic variables affecting energy
consumptions and its subsequent carbon emissions have
been studied in this paper. An analysis was co nducted on
these variables based on the individual behavior of the
representative agents of the economy, with particular
emphasis on the role played by investment in human
capital. It was observed that investment in human capital
has a positive (favorable) effect on each of the analyzed
compounding factors. At an individual level, the accu-
mulation of said capital, translated into high education
levels of the representativ e individuals of the economy, is
reflected in a relative reduction in individual consump-
tion levels, accompanied by upward trends towards in-
vestment in human capital as said accumulation increases.
From an energy point of view, the analysis showed that
the individuals capable of improving the efficiency of
their energy consumption are those who invest the most
in human capital, or those whose time in their lives is
mostly devoted to such accumulation.
If we consider that it is human capital that determines
the direction of the development of societies or groups of
individuals, the promotion of investment in said type of
capital, both at individual and national level, would lead
to societies with behaviors of lower consumption in rela-
tive terms, and of higher efficiency in energy and envi-
ronmental terms.
6. Acknowledgements
The authors acknowledge the funding of research grants
from the National Technological University and the Na-
tional Agency of Scien tific and Technological Promotion
(AGENCIA), and the support and funding of the Buenos
Aires Regional Faculty (UTN-FRBA) and the National
Council Research of Argentina (CONICET).
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Bottom-Up Analysis of Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions,
with Particular Emphasis on Human Capital Investment 13
Appendix A
List of countries analyzed and legends:
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