Open Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2013, 3, 177-188
Published Online November 2013 (
Open Access OJPC
Electrochemical Corrosion Behavior of Aluminum in
Perchloric Acid
F. M. Mahgoub1,2
1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA
2Department of Materials Science, Institute of graduate Studies and Research,
Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
Received September 26, 2013; revised October 23, 2013; accepted October 30, 2013
Copyright © 2013 F. M. Mahgoub. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The effects of acetate, citrate, benzoate, tetra-ethylammonium iodide (TEA) and 1,4,8,11 tetra-azacyclo-tetradecane
(cyclam) on the corrosion behavior of aluminum in 1 M HClO4 at 40˚C were studied by potentiodynamic polarization
technique. Acetate, citrate, and benzoate inhibited the corrosion of aluminum and shifted the breakdown potential to
positive direction. Cyclam was investigated as a macrocyclic organic inhibitor to the acid corrosion of aluminum. The
addition of cyclam to the corroding medium showed a pronounced effect on the anodic but not on the cathodic part of
the polarization curve. The addition of TEA to the medium enhanced the corrosion rate and shifted the breakdown po-
tential to more negative value as the concentration increased. The results were discussed on the basis of the adsorption
mechanism and the nature of the adsorbed species.
Keywords: Metals; Electrochemical Techniques; Corrosion
1. Introduction
Corrosion and passivation of aluminum are a subject of
tremendous technological importance due to the in-
creased industrial applications of these materials [1,2].
The widespread use of aluminum arises from its different
physical and chemical properties, namely, it has low spe-
cific gravity, good thermal and electrical conductivity
and relatively low toxicity [3]. It also exhibits significant
resistance to corrosion because of the rapid formation of
a passive oxide film [4]. However, because of the general
aggression of acid solutions, inhibitor is commonly used
to reduce corrosive attack on metallic surface [5]. There
are two types of inhibitors; passivators and pickling in-
hibitors. Passivators have the property of shifting the
corrosion potential to more anodic values. Pickling in-
hibitors, in spite of leaving the corrosion potential vir-
tually unaffected, cause a significant decrease in the cor-
rosion rate [6]. A large number of investigations have
been reported on adsorption of anions on aluminum cor-
rosion and their inhibition or stimulation effects on ag-
gressive acid media [7-13]. Recent study has been con-
cerned with the effects of various inorganic additives,
such as nitrate, nitrite, thiocyanate and chromate on the
corrosion of aluminum in 1 M HClO4 at 40˚C [14]. In the
present work, potentiodynamic polarization technique
was used to study the effect of different organic additives
vis., acetate, citrate, benzoate, tetraethyl ammonium io-
dide and cyclam on the electrochemical corrosion be-
havior of aluminum in 1 M HClO4 at 40˚C and their ad-
sorption mechanism.
2. Experimental
Experiments were performed with highly pure aluminum
(99.99%) specimens, in the form of rods, were cut to give
an area 1.13 cm2 and subsequently mechanically polished
using emery paper up to 1200 grade. The specimens were
then washed, degreased with acetone, dried and finally
left to equilibrate for 5 min. at room temperature prior to
testing. This procedure gave good reproducibility of re-
All solutions were prepared from Analar perchloric
acid and doubly distilled water. Various organic addi-
tives namely: acetate, citrate, and benzoate and organic
compounds 1,4,8,11-tetra-aza-cyclo-tetradecane (cyclam)
and Tetra-ethyl-ammonium-iodide (TEA) were comer-
cial laboratory grade reagents and were prepared without
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further purification.
An ASTM [15,16] electrochemical cell containing a
platinum coil counter electrode and a saturated calomel
reference electrode inserted into a luggin capillary was
used to conduct the tests. The working electrode was the
specimens to be tested. Electrochemical corrosion tests
were carried out in deaerated, unstirred solutions using
purified nitrogen gas.
Before polarisation, the working electrode was intro-
duced into the solution and left for 10 min at the open
circuit potential. Polarization was then carried out at a
rate of 0.03 Vmin1 using a Wenking potentiostat. Ca-
thodic polarization was first carried out to ensure reduce-
tion of air formed native oxides and cleaning of the sur-
face before shifting the potential towards more positive
values. No corrections for IR drops were carried out
since the Luggin probe tip was properly aligned to the
electrode surface (1 - 3 mm). A constant temperature of
40˚C (±0.5˚C) was maintained using a thermostatically
controlled water bath. The investigated compounds are
shown in Figure 1.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Effect of Benzoate, Citrate and Acetate
Typical potentiodynamic polarization curves for alumi-
num in 1 M HClO4 at 40˚C in the presence and the ab-
sence of different concentration of benzoate ion is shown
in Figure 2. As seen, addition of benzoate ions pre-
dominantly affects the anodic part of the polarization
curves rather than the cathodic part of the curves. Inspec-
tion of the anodic part of the polarization curves reveals
that it consists of three different regions. On passing
from open circuit towards more anodic potentials an ac-
tive region for dissolution of aluminum takes place, sub-
sequent by a passive region where a nearly constant cur-
rent density is observed, finally the transpassive region,
where a sharp increase in the current density is noticed.
The passive region demonstrates the growth of the pas-
sive oxide film.
Acetate and citrate ions gave similar behavior on the
corrosion of aluminum in HClO4 at 40˚C. The effect of
increasing citrate, benzoate, and acetate concentration on
Figure 1. The investigation compounds.
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Figure 2. Potentiodynamic polarization curves of aluminum metal in 1.0 M HClO4 containing different concentrations of so-
dium benzoate.
the breakdown potential Ep and corrosion potential Ecorr
as well as corrosion current density i, are given in Table
1. The selected data indicate that addition of citrate ions
to perchloric acid solutions shifts Ecorr to significantly
more anodic values. On the other hand, addition of Ben-
zoate and acetate ions has a small influence on Ecorr. The
breakdown potential, at any given concentration, is found
to be in the order acetate > benzoate > citrate. The corro-
sion current density obtained by Tafel extrapolation of
the active region decreases for all tested anions with in-
creasing the concentration inhibitor.
Figure 3 shows the protection efficiency %P vs. the
logarithmic concentration of citrate, benzoate, and ace-
tate. %P were estimated using the equation
% 1100
 
where, io and i is the corrosion current density in the ab-
sence and the presence of additives, respectively.
All the plots have S-shaped adsorption isotherm. This
suggests that these anions inhibit the acid dissolution by
adsorption at the aluminum—acid solution interface.
Inspection of this figure shows that citrate has the highest
inhibition efficiency, while acetate has the lowest one.
Similar observation is obtained by Scully and Rude [17]
for the corrosion of aluminum in 0.08 M NaCl at pH 8.
Table 1. Electrochemical parameters of aluminum in per-
chloric acid in absence and presence of different concentra-
tions of Citrate, Benzoate and Acetate.
Adittives [C], mol/LEcorr, V i, A/cm2 Ep, V
- 0.00 0.712 66 0.460
0.010 0.578 16.1 0.418
0.030 0.562 12.1 0.405 Citrate
0.050 0.540 8.5 0.393
0.01 0.685 45.3 0.438
0.03 0.665 24.5 0.415 Benzoate
0.050 0.650 19.1 0.396
0.01 0.684 46.7 0.450
0.030 0.669 34.7 0.425 Acetate
0.050 0.666 26.7 0.420
Figure 4 shows the variation of pitting potential Epit
with the logarithm of the concentration of the three or-
ganic anions. Inspection of this figure indicates that the
pitting potential shifted to the positive direction as the
concentration of the three organic anions increased.
Therefore, it could be concluded that the efficiency of
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Figure 3. Relationship between inhibition efficiency and logarithm of concentrations of citrate, benzoate and acetate.
Figure 4. Relationship between Ep and logarithm of concentrations of citrate, benzoate and acetate.
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retarding pitting corrosion of aluminum in 1 M HClO4 is
ordered in the sequence citrate > benzoate > acetate.
These results are interpreted as due to structure effect,
where the higher efficiency of the first inhibitor citrate is
interpreted as due to the presence of three carboxylic
groups (Coo) which increase the adsorption on the
surface of the aluminum metal in 1 M HClO4. On the
other hand, Benzoate more efficient than acetate is inter-
preted as due to the presence of phenyl group attached to
the carboxylic group (Coo), leading to increase of the
electron density and then increase the adsorption on the
aluminum metal [18].
Compounds containing the carboxylic groups may be
considered to have affected the surface of the specimens
in two ways: a) by adsorption and subsequent formation
of stable surface complexes and b) by blocking of the
active sites for the dissolution of the oxide layers [19].
Adsorption Isotherms
To clarify the nature of adsorption, theoretical fitting of
different isotherms, Langmuir, Frumkin, Flory-Huggins
and the kinetic-thermodynamic model are tested.
The degree of surface coverage of the metal surface by
an adsorbed anion is calculated using the equation
The adsorption of an organic inhibitor adsorbed on the
surface of a metal is regarded as a substitution adsorption
process between the organic compound in the aqueous
phase, Org.(aq), and the water molecule adsorbed on the
electrode surface H2O(s) [20]
  
aq qsa
Org.H OOrg.H Oxx
where, x is the size ratio which is the number of water
molecules replaced by one molecule of an organic ad-
The Langmuir isotherm is given by [21]:
where K is the binding constant representing the interact-
tion of the additives with metal surface and C is the con-
centration of the additives.
Frumkin isotherm is given by [22]:
where, a, is a molecular interaction parameter depending
on the molecular interaction in the adsorption layer and
on the degree of heterogeneity of the surface. It can have
both positive and negative values and is a measure of
steepness of the adsorption isotherm. The more positive
value of, a, increase the steepness of the adsorption iso-
therm. This has been interpreted [23] to imply that the
interaction between molecules with positive, a, value
causes an increase in the adsorption energy with increase
Flory-Huggins isotherm is given by [24]:
where x is the size parameter and is a measure of the
number of adsorbed water molecules substituted by a
given inhibitor molecule.
And the kinetic-thermodynamic model is given by
log 1loglog
 
where, y, is the number of inhibitor molecules occupying
one active site. The binding constant K is given by
Since, 1/y is the number of active sites occupied by
one single inhibitor molecule.
Figures 5 and 6 show Langmuir and Frumkin iso-
therms. It is clear that, Langmuir and Frumkin isotherms
are not applicable to fit the data of citrate anion indica-
tive that there might be non-ideal behavior in the adsorp-
tion processes of this anion on the aluminum surface at
40˚C. Figure 7 displays the curves fitting of the corro-
sion data of aluminum to the Flory-Huggins isotherm.
The results show that the isotherm is applicable to fit
only the data of citrate anion. The size parameter x for
citrate indicates that the bulky citrate ion molecule could
replace two molecules of water at the surface of alumi-
num. Figure 8 shows curve fitting of the corrosion data
of the three anions citrate, benzoate and acetate to the
kinetic-thermodynamic model. The three organic anions
show a reasonable fit is obtained to the kinetic-thermo-
dynamic model. The number of active sites occupied by
one single inhibitor molecule (1/y) and binding constant,
K, were calculated and collected in Table 2.
As the binding constant, K, being function on of the
nature of the inhibitor, The extremely high value of K of
citrate ion could be explained on the basis of the mecha-
nism that suggest adsorption of the citrate ions on the
surface of the native film acting as a film forming species
decreasing the active area available for 4
The lower binding constant values of K for benzoate and
acetate with respect to that of citrate is predictable since
citrate anion contain more active centers than benzoate
and acetate. Benzoate has an observed slight higher K
value than acetate, this may be benzoate could acts as
blocking inhibitor by forming insoluble precipitates [17],
in addition, phenyl ring in benzoate anion could bound to
the metal by means of -d bond resulting from overlap of
electrons bond in the benzene ring and d-orbital in the
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Figure 5. Langmiur adsorption isotherm for the citrate, benzoate and acetate.
Figure 6. Frumkine adsor ption isotherm for citrate, benzoate and acetate.
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Figure 7. Flory Huggins adsorption isotherm for citrate, benzoate and acetate.
Figure 8. Kinetics model adsorption isotherm for citrate, benzoate and acetate.
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3.2. Effect of Cyclam
1,4,8,11 tetra-azacyclo-tetradecane (cyclam) was invest-
tigated as organic inhibitor to the acid corrosion of alu-
minum. Figure 9 represents the potentiodynamic polari-
zation curves of aluminum in 1 M HClO4 at 40˚C in the
absence and presence of different concentrations of cy-
clam. Inspection of this figure shows that the addition of
cyclam to the corroding medium (1.0 M HClO4) has a
pronounced effect on the anodic but not on the cathodic
part of the polarization curve.
The electrochemical corrosion parameters obtained
from these curves are given in Table 3. The data show
that the corrosion current density decreases as the con-
centration of cyclam increases. It clears that the presence
of cyclam retards the corrosion of aluminum.
Figure 10 shows the variation of the inhibition effi-
ciency % P with the logarithem of the cyclam concentra-
tion. The curve has the characteristics of S-shaped ad-
sorption isotherm indicative of an adsorption mechanism
for the inhibition process.
Figure 11 shows the relationship between pitting po-
tential Ep and lograthem of concentration of cyclam. This
indicates that the pitting potential Ep appreciably in-
creases as the concentration of cyclam increases.
Adsorption Isotherms Analysis of Cyclam
The experimental corrosion data of 1,4,8,11-tetraazacy-
clotetradecan (cyclam) to various adsorption isotherm:
Table 2. Curve-fitting data of the adsorption isotherm of
citrate, benzoate and acetate.
Langmuir Flory-Huggins Kinetic-Thermodynamic
K x K 1/y K
Citrate - 2.37 990 2.23 1352
Benzoate 49 - - 1.02 52
Acetate 30 - - 1.09 32
Table 3. Electrochemical parameters of aluminum in per-
chloric acid in absence and presence of different concentra-
tions of cyclam.
[I] mole/L Ecorr V i A/cm2 Ep V
0.000 0.712 66.0 0.46
0.003 0.709 39.8 0.456
0.005 0.707 35.5 0.452
0.007 0.702 28.0 0.445
0.01 0.701 19.0 0.439
0.02 0.700 17.8 0.431
0.03 0.700 15.8 0.422
Langmuir, Frumkin and Flory-Huggins are studding the
theoretical curves yields several significant findings:
Langmuir and Frumkin isotherms are failed to fit the
experimental data of the cyclam, indicative that there
might be non-ideal behavior in the adsorption process of
cyclam molecules on the aluminum surface. The results
show a fairly good agreement between the kinetic model
and Flory-Huggins isotherms. The size parameter x or the
number of surface water molecule replaced by a single
inhibitor molecules, the number of active sites 1/y occu-
pied by one single inhibitor molecule and binding con-
stant K were calculated and collected in Table 4. The
fractional values of the active sites was discussed ac-
cording to a physical interpretation in which an adsorbed
molecule may make it more or less difficult for another
molecule to get adsorbed on a neighboring site (steric
effect), and a chemical interpretation in which a change
in the geometry of the macrocyclic ligand from planar
arrangement to folded geometry (structure effect) is also
possible [23,25].
3.3. Effect of Tetraethylammonium Iodide
The potentiodynamic polarization curves of aluminum in
1 M HClO4 in the absence and presence of different TEA
concentrations, Figure 12, reveals that addition of TEA
affects both cathodic and anodic part of the polarization
curves but with different degrees. The data presented in
Table 5 clarify that the addition of TEA enhances the
corrosion current density of aluminum and Ecorr was
slightly shift to negative value as the corrosion of TEA
increased. This increase is attributed to the presence of
tetra ethyl ammonium moiety rather than iodide ions
since in a previous study [14] the iodide ion did not show
any significant effect and did not alter the shape of the
blank curve.
Figure 13 shows the relation between breakdown po-
tential Ep and logarithm of TEA concentration. The
breakdown potential shifted to more negative value as
the concentration increased. The accelerating effect of
TEA could be discussed on the basis of the corrosion
characteristics of aluminum that depends on the presence
of the protective oxide layer (Al2O3). From this point of
view, It was proposed that, to cause acceleration for the
corrosion process, an aggressive anion must 1) adsorb at
the oxide film—solution interface, 2) penetrate or dis-
solve through the oxide film and 3) react locally with the
Table 4. Curve-fitting data of the adsorption isotherm of
LangmuirFrumkinFlory-Huggins Kinetic-thermodynamic
Inhibitor K a Kx K 1/y K
Cyclam- - -1.44 185 1.39 206
F. M. Mahgoub 185
Figure 9. Potentiodynamic polarization curves of aluminum metal in 1.0 M HClO4 containing different concentrations of
Figure 10. Relationship between inhibition effic iency and logarithm of concentration of cyclam.
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Figure 11. Relationship between Ep and logarithm of concentrations of cyclam.
Figure 12. Potentiodynamic polarization curves of aluminum metal in 1.0 M HClO4 containing different concentrations of
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Figure 13. Relationship between Ep and logarithm of concentrations of TEA.
4. Conclusions
Table 5. Electrochemical parameters of aluminum in per-
chloric acid in absence and presence of different concentra-
tions of TEA. 1) Citrate, benzoate, and acetate anions affect the
breakdown potential and the corrosion current density of
aluminum in perchloric acid. The breakdown potential
was found to be in the order acetate > benzoate > citrate.
Citrate has the highest inhibition efficiency, while acetate
has the lowest one.
[I] mole/L Ecorr V Icorr A/cm2 Ep V
0.000 0.712 66.0 0.460
0.005 0.713 66.0 0.465
0.010 0.720 69.0 0.47
0.030 0.721 71.0 0.476
0.050 0.726 78.0 0.482
0.070 0.730 83.0 0.486
0.100 0.732 83.0 0.494
2) Citrate anion contains multi-active centers. It was
adsorbed on the metal surface acting as a film forming
species decreasing the active area available for 4
attack, whereas benzoate inhibits the corrosion by form-
ing insoluble precipitates. The phenyl rings in benzoate
anion that could bind to the metal by means of -d bond.
3) The macrocyclic organic molecule, cyclam, retards
the corrosion of aluminum. The fractional value of the
active sites occupied by a single molecule was explained
on the basis of steric and structure effect.
underlying metal [9]. Therefore, the enhancement of the
corrosion rates of the aluminum metal. This behavior can
be discussed on the basis that the greater solubility of the
oxide film in this medium. This effect may be due to the
fact that the polarity of this compound help in the break-
age of the water aggregates adsorbed on the alumina
Al2O3 making it more susceptible to acid attack.
4) The enhancement of the corrosion rate of aluminum
in presence of TEA is attributed to the presence of tetra-
ethylammonium moiety rather than iodide ions. Tetra-
ethylammonium increases the solubility of the oxide
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layer and makes aluminum metal more susceptible to
acid attack.
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