Energy and Power Engineering, 2013, 5, 1445-1448
doi:10.4236/epe.2013.54B274 Published Online July 2013 (
Review on the Command Platform of Product i on an d
Rush-Repairs for Distribution Network
Honghao Wang, Jing Zhou, Wenbin Zhang, Xinhe Chen, Chao Zhang
State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, Beijing, China
Received September, 2012
The command platform of production and rush-repairs for distribution Network is a supporting platform, based on in-
formation technology, for the business applications of the command center. This article briefly described the basic func-
tions and structural features of the platform, and discussed in detail the integration of business information, the contents
and solutions needed to be focused on during inter-system data exchange, and the implementation techniques of the
command platform. The benefits of the platform in the improvement of the distribution network production and
rush-repairs are finally summed up. The entire above are provided as references.
Keywords: Production and Rush-Repairs; Information Integration; Service-Oriented; Severity
1. Introduction
The key business of the distribution network production
is distribution network assets operation and maintenance
which include equipment management, defect manage-
ment, patrol inspection, fault repair, field operation, and
instruments management, involving other related busi-
ness such as outage management, power management,
and etc.
With continuous investment in information construc-
tion of power grid company, support has been realized
from information for most production and management
business in recent years, e.g., PMS realized the equip-
ment management, defect management, patrol manage-
ment, and etc. In the fundamental platform construction,
electric power companies have mostly constructed GIS
system and dispatching automation system. Distribution
network automation has been under construction during
the past two years. However, information support is rela-
tively weak for production and fault repair business.
The following problems still exist in current power
1) Lacking of unified technique for production com-
mand: production and management personnel cannot
timely master and check production operation situation.
Operation crew cannot effectively master and check
equipment information, real time information, and opera-
tion relate d in f ormation of distribution network.
2) Operation field is not connected to PMS, DMS, and
the like system information: PMS realizes all-life cycle
management and related patrol repair and other produc-
tion business for distribution network equipment, but it
cannot share information with field production operation.
Even though mobile operation technology is adopted,
mainly off-line, real-time interaction cannot be realized
to support ope ration fiel d.
2. Propose of the Command Platform of
Production and Rush-Repairs for
Distribution Network
In 2011, State Grid issued distribution 156 document[1],
where standardized rush-repair for distribution network
is put forward: aggressively develop distribution network
production standardization management, distribution
network state management, online operation, standard-
ized rush-repair operation and the like system construc-
tion; strengthen management of the entire process of the
distribution network production; comprehensively im-
prove the work quality of the distributio n network opera-
tion, maintenance, repair and technical reform; fo rm sys-
tematic and organizational guarantee for the improve-
ment of the supply reliability and serv ice quality.
With the progression of standardization, distribution
network command organization has a larger and larger
demand on information acquisition, integrated command,
and unified resources dispatch. In 2012, state grid pro-
duction technology department promulgated the con-
struction of practical and efficient distribution production
and rush-repairs command platform[2] so as to improve
the function of the information communication bus,
strengthen resources integration of the geographic infor-
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. EPE
mation system, production and management system,
marketing system, distribution network repairs, 95598
and usage information acquisition, realize distribution
network operation monitoring, supply risk analysis,
equipment abnormal management, automatic fault isola-
tion, remote repair command and the like functions, and
improve the quick response ability of the distribution
network fault repair, providing technical support for the
improvement of power supply reliability and service
3. Fundamental Functions of the Command
Platform of Production and Rush-Repairs
for Distribution Network
Distribution network production and rush-repairs com-
mand platform is divided into foundation application
platform, production command application, failure diag-
nosis, repair command, and analysis and decision, as is
shown in Table 1.
As a support platform of the distribution network pro-
duction and rush-repairs command application, founda-
tion platform mainly includes system management, log
management, rights management, Diagram module li-
brary management, report management, visualization
application support management, multimedia application
support, and integration service management.
Production command provides guidance and auxiliary
decision analysis for regular production, mainly includ-
ing: planned outage analysis management, fault plan
management, power management, distribution network
operational risk warning analysis, equipment on-line
monitoring and warning, and outage plan optimization
auxiliary decision-making. According to the accident
solving process, command platform contains production
and rush-repairs situation analysis, production and rush-
repairs command, and other related functions.
Failure diagnosis obtains information from various
systems, and identifies power failure, essentially includ-
ing: customer fault repair analysis, usage information
acquisition system fault analysis, and fault identification
Repair command provides auxiliary decision for fault
repair so as to realize rapid and efficient repair, and
mainly includes repair scheduling management, field
repair operation terminal application management, pro-
duction information situation analysis, video monitoring,
and auxiliary decision-making for repair resource dis-
patch optimization.
Analysis and decision functions monitor and manage
significant indexes, and do production and rush-repairs
statistical analyses, mainly including distribution auto-
mation assessment index monitoring, reliability index
monitoring, repair comprehensive statistical analysis,
voltage-qualified rate monitoring, report analysis and
statistics, and etc.
4. Business Integration of the Command
Platform of Production and Rush-Repairs
for Distribution Network
Information integration of the distribution network pro-
duction and rush-repairs command platform is the sig-
nificant link to guarantee the realization of the function.
The information communication bus has to be used and
related application service has to be adopted from the
upper and the lower established application system so as
to achieve the objective of information sharing. Accord-
ing to state grid unified information standard, informa-
tion integration and business application among applica-
tion systems must be based on the principle of “one
source one end, global sharing”. Through information
communication, resources sharing and function integra-
tion is realized between distribution network production
and rush-repairs command platform and related applica-
tion systems.
Table 1. Functions of the Command Platform of Production and Rush-Repairs for Distribution Netw or k.
Production Command Failure Diagnosis Repair Command Analysis and Decision
Planned outage
Fault plan management
Supply management
Customer-reported re-
pair management
Fault identification
Repair dispatch man-
Video monitoring
Distribution automa-
tion system assessment
index monitoring
Repair comprehensive
Foundation Platform
management Log
management System
management Diagram module
library managementReport
management Visual
management …………
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H. H. WANG ET AL. 1447
Distribution network production and rush-repairs
command platform realizes information communication
with marketing systems, 95598, distribution automation,
usage information acquisition, PMS, GIS and other re-
lated systems through information communication bus
which is in the accordance with distribution automation
information communication standard. Production and
rush-repairs command are core applications, and infor-
mation integration application is realized.
1) Integration with GIS
Distribution network production and rush-repairs
command platform receives diagram and module data
through the GIS system interface. Distribution network
topology information and map information is visualized
in the command platform. And network topolog y simula-
tion analysis is realized by GIS topology information.
Data interactive method is request response.
2) Integration with PMS
Distribution network production and rush-repairs
command platform receives outage plan, work ticket,
scheduling command ticket, equipment defect, account
information, and other information from PMS interface.
Interactive method is request response. And the com-
mand platform will feed the fault, fault treatment, and
other related information back to the PMS system. Inter-
active method is PMS push. In addition, the platform also
has access to PMS interface for distribution network
on-line monitoring information, such as distribution
network equipment online temperature, sub-section post
environment, and SF6 gas concentration.
3) Integration with distribution automation system
Distribution automation system pushes switch position
information, fault and its treatment information to distri-
bution network production and rush-repair command
platform through the information communication bus.
The command platform obtains switch state section on
demand. Data interactive method is active push by dis-
tribution automation.
4) Integration with dispatching automation system
Distribution network production and rush-repairs com-
mand platform receives main network real-time informa-
tion from dispatching automation system interface. Dis-
patching automation system releases the following in-
formation through the bus: switch deflection information
(real-time), fault information (real-time), and real-time
information section (fixed cycle, such as 30 minutes).
Data interactive method is active push by dispatching
automation system.
5) Integration with marketing system
Marketing system (CIS) provides equipment account
inquiry service, customer file inquiry service, important
customer information, and etc. for distribution network
production and rush-repair command platform. Interac-
tive method is request response.
6) Integration with 95598 systems
Distribution network production and rush-repair com-
mand platform receives real-timely distribution system
fault repair work order form 95598 system, and feeds
repair process information back to the 95598 system.
Interactive method is active push by 95598 system.
95598 systems also provides power failure inquiry ser-
vice and release of power failure analysis results.
7) Integration with electric energy data acquisition sys-
Electric energy data acquisition system actively finds
out abnormal distribution network power supply, real-
timely analyzes fault location together with PMS and
GIS platforms, pushes fault location information to the
command platform, assists repair commander determine
whether it is distribution fault or not, precisely locates
fault range, and provides service support for 95598 sys-
tem. Interactive method is active push.
8) Integration with vehicle management system
Vehicle management system sends vehicle location
information to production and rush-repairs command
platform. Interactive way is active push by vehicle man-
agement system.
9) Integration with inventory management system
Production and rush-repairs command platform re-
ceives instrument inv entory information. Data interactive
method is request response.
5. Implementation Techniques of the Com-
mand Platform of Production and
Rush-Repairs for Distribution Network
Distribution network production and rush-repairs com-
mand platform should be built in the city-level power
supply company [3], coup led integrated with related sys-
tems by data communication bus or data center. Ser-
vice-oriented architecture (SOA) is adopted and service
is released through the bus. Models and interactive stan-
dards comply with the IEC61970/61968-CIM and SG-
CIM standards and specifications. Resources of original
information systems can be made full use of. Construc-
tion costs can be reduced as well as construction period.
And comprehensive benefit of information system appli-
cation can be improved.
4.1. Service Oriented Architecture
Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is an emerging
technology solution to enterprise application integration.
It retrieves discrete business functions of enterprise ap-
plication, and organizes them into an interactive, stan-
dard-based service. SOA offers a flexible and efficient
system integration scheme by providing services to the
enterprise. It combines and reuses modular and portable
service in the composite application to meet business
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needs rapidly. Service, which refers to the function of
defining interface specification (including format and
transmission protocol) based on the open and neutral
standard, is the most important part of the SOA system.
Because interface specification has no relation to the
specific hardware platform, operating system, and pro-
gramming language, the caller and service provider can
communicate in a unified and standard way. And service
acts as a link connecting various business applications,
technical standards, and implementation technologies.
4.2. Data Communication Bus
Data communication bus responses for the data transmis-
sion channel across isolation, interfaces with upper ap-
plication system using standard web service interface,
JMS message and etc., and supports transparent data
transmission among upper application systems. From the
viewpoint of the network, work completed in information
interaction bus basically belongs to the transport layer,
and transfers, but not analyzes the data of the upper ap-
plication system. When application system transfers data
through the bus, interface program should be developed
and data should be encapsulated and analyzed in accor-
dance with the interface format agreed to the bus.
4.3. Information Integration Technology
Information integration is a management process, which
is based on the trend of information development, and
led by certain organization, to realize orderly, shared, and
controllable information resources, and further informa-
tion resource configuration optimization, to broaden the
application fields of the information resources, and to
maximize the information value. The purpose of the in-
formation integration is to realize sending the right in-
formation to the right user in the right time, in the right
way, and in the distributed environment. Integration ar-
chitecture is shown below.
4.4. Portal Technology
Considering the function of the production and rush-
repairs command platform as a production command
center, its own content need to be displayed, besides,
interface information of the other systems need to be in-
tegrated in the future. Portal technology will be adopted.
The interface demonstration is combined with GIS,
charts, Gantt chart, instrument panel, and etc., through
dynamic pages to meet the display demand of different
roles (leaders, business specialties, and etc.).
As a comprehensive platform across multiple profes-
sional fields, distribution network production and rush-
repairs command platform has to combine and integrate
with multiple professional systems in various levels. It
will be a challenge to make full use of the information
resources of the professional systems, and at the same
time consider personal view of different business domain
users. Interface integration will be one of the important
techniques to combine the system with different profess-
sional applications.
5. Conclusions
The covered area of the distribution network production
is expanded in the context of the Three-Integrated and
Five-Big, and professionalization rises up the operation
requirement of maintenance and repair. Technical sup-
port is lacked for the unified management of production
operation. Existing information flow and interaction must
be accelerated to improve the efficiency of production
Distribution network production and rush-repairs
command platform helps command staff grasp produc-
tion operation information, including th e involved people,
tools, and etc. The field operation condition can be very
intuitively monitored in the platform. And interaction is
realized among the crew. Therefore, the platform will be
one with artificial intelligence, scientific analysis, opera-
tion simplification, and application practiced production
and repair management platform. And it will further
strengthen distribution network production and rush-
repairs command, improve distribution network repair
efficiency, and continuously rise up power supply reli-
ability and service lev el.
[1] “Functional Specifications of Production and Repair
Command Platform for Distribution,” Distribution of
State Grid Production and Technology Department, 2012,
p. 82.
[2] “About Promoting the Standardized Repair Work of Dis-
tribution Network,” State Grid production and technology
department, 2011, p. 156.
[3] “Notice about Issuing the Program of Acceleration Dem-
onstration Projects for Urban Distribution Grid,” State
Grid Production and Technology Department, 2012, p.
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