Modern Economy, 2013, 4, 673-680
Published Online November 2013 (htt p://
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Optimal Operating Policies for a Multinational Company
under Varying Market Economics
Shu-Chen Chang
Department of Business Administration Nati onal Formosa University, Taiwan
Received March 14, 2013; revised April 29, 2013; accepted May 7, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Shu-Chen Chang. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This paper proposes a mathematical programmin g model for Multi-National Corporations (MNCs) by considering both
the flexibility of ex ch ange rate an d market price un certainties. Th e results sho w that the facto ry in a host coun try should
supply the produ cts demanded by the home coun try for the next period when exchange rate decreases. The quantity of
products being produced and shipped should be adjusted according to the variation of market-price. Conversely, a MNC
in the host country should produce products ahead of time when exchange rate increases and must adjust quantity of
production and inventories according to the variation of market-price.
Keywords: Exchange Rate Uncertainties; Multi-National Corporation s ; Market Price Uncertainties
1. Introduction
Previous reports have showed a significant increase in
the number of Multi-National Corporations (MNCs) and
a tremendous growth in foreign direct investment in re-
cent two decades. A MNC is defined as the corporation
that owns or controls production or service facilities o ut-
side the host country and operates in two or more coun-
tries. However, a fundamentally different form of inter-
national commercial activity has developed since World
War II. The form has greatly increased worldwide eco-
nomic and political interdependence. The MNCs now
make direct investments in fully integrated production
process including production planning and distribution
under varying environments. Due to the current trend of
market and economic globalization, multinational corpo-
rations must face more ambiguities such as different cul-
tures, values, ru les, varying degrees of business, po litical
and economical uncertainties. Investments of a MNC
under uncertainty have been studied in several literatures
which show that sunk costs and the revenue of a MNC
can be affected by the exchange-rate uncertainty [1-4]
and the government policy uncertainty [5,6].
With market and economic globalization, MNCs now
gradually tend to design and manage their supply chains
more efficiently on a worldwide basis. The network ac-
tivities of a corporation’s supply chain such as sourcing,
manufacturing, and distribution are based on handling all
flows of materials, information, and funds effectively and
efficiently within and across the chain. When a firm
faces a more complicated market environment, the mul-
tinational Supply Chain Management (SCM) becomes
more and more important. The managerial issues cover
problems with strategic and operational dimension such
as design and location of facilities, specification of sup-
ply contracts, choice of product variety, management of
inventories, and selection of transportation forms.
Many researchers have focused on how the flexibility
of exchange rate may affect a MNC’s operation; however,
they seldom consider the variability of market prices at
the same time. In this paper, we extend Huchzermeier
and Cohen’s [2] and Mohamed’s [4] model to develop a
new multi-period production-distribution model with
varying exchange rate and market price. Then, we use
quantitative approach to investigate for a MNC’s supply
chain design process for finding its optimal operating
decision by emphasizing the effects of uncertainties in
exchange rate and product price. The uncertainties of
exchange rate and product price are defined as stochastic
dynamic processes. Using stochastic dynamic program-
ming, we simulate the changes, the volatility, and the
variation speed of exchange rate and market price.
The goal of this research is to understand that the pro-
duction and distribution decisions for a MNC are over a
finite planning horizon. In other words, we would like to
determine a firm’s decision when facing to the variations
in market price and exchange rate. Therefore, the objec-
tive function is to maximize the profit of a MNC by re-
ducing production, distribution, and inventory costs un-
der the variations in exchange rate and market price. By
exercising this model, we can provide useful guidance
for a MNC to make operating decisions which involve un-
certainties in exchang e rate and market price.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 1 provides
a brief literature review for SCM related to MNCs. In
Section 2, we develop an integrated production planning
and distribution model for a MNC suitable for varying
exchange rate and market price. In Section 3, we estab-
lish a stochastic dynamic programming model by incor-
porating seven parameters including exchange rate and
market price. We verify the correctness of this model and
its optimal operation through a numerical example in
Section 4. Finally, conclusions are given in Section 5.
2. Literature Review
The previous studies on SCM for multinational opera-
tions within a network have largely involved the up-
stream and downstream flows of products, services, in-
formation, and finance. The term SCM was originally
introduced by consultants in the early 1980s and has
subsequently received much attention in manufacturing
operations. SCM was described by the logistic literature
as a new integrated logistic management approach across
different business processes such as purchasing, manu-
facturing, distribution, and sales. Later on, many manu-
facturing companies are willing to locate their facilities
in any part of the world in order to obtain cheap labor,
more reliable materials, parts, and subassemblies [7].
This integrated approach is extended outside the firm’s
boundaries to customers and suppliers. Such a trend has
incurred the problem of managing global operations for a
firm in different cultures, values, rules, and politics. Also,
since the Bretton Woods System was broken up, the sta-
bility of the competitive environment in the early 1970s
has been replaced by increasing uncertainty. Thus, a
MNC must face more ambiguities in the internal and
external environment such as shorter product life cycle,
quick change of customer’s preference, and many com-
peting rivals.
Many literatures have dealt with designing and man-
aging a network of facilities lo cated in different countries
in response to growing environmental uncertainty [8-12].
Hodder and Jucker [8] incorporated market price and
exchange-rate uncertainty and adopted cost minimization
via using a mean-variance objection function to analyze
the effect of uncertainty in one-period. De Meza and Van
Der Ploeg [9] also tried to capture th e value of flexibility
under uncertainty stochastic model of shifting production
in one-period. Koqut and Kulatilaka [10] analyzed ex-
plicitly the net present value of shifting production be-
tween two plants which located in two different countries
with exchange-rate movement using multi-period sto-
chastic model. Although these approaches have made con-
siderable progress in analyzing cost-minimization or pro-
fit-maximiz ation for multin ational operatio ns within a net-
work under market price or exchange-rate uncertainty,
they did not cons ider the flexibility of exchange-rate and
market price uncertainties over multiple periods.
On the other hand, the importance of global issues in
supply chain management and analysis has gradually
received more attention in recent literatures [6,13,14].
Cohen and Lee [13] developed a comprehensive mathe-
matical programming model for option valuation of
global manufacturing and distributing strategy and con-
structed a maximizing objective function for after-tax
profits. Although their approach included stochastic
variables in the su b-mode ls, the facility location, capacity
of plant and technology are assumed to be fixed. Thus,
they did not consider the random fluctuations of cur-
rency’s exchange rate on the network operation. Kulati-
laka and Koqut [14] explored how a MNC provides in-
centives to managers to modify production plans appro-
priately. They developed a stochastic dynamic program-
ming model to evaluate the cost based on varying ex-
change rate in multi-periods. They also determined the
quantity of shifting production between two manufactur-
ing locations in two different countries. However, the
decisions about material flow, product distribution, de-
mand and processing time uncertainties were not consid-
ered in their model.
Several literatures have proposed models for uncer-
tainty management in global supply chain. Such models
emphasize centralized decision-making and optimization
[2,15]. Huchzermeier and Cohen [2] extended Cohen and
Lee’s work [13] by taking exchange-rate uncertainty into
account to develop a stochastic dynamic programming
formulation for the evaluation of global manufacturing
strategy options with switching costs. Their model con-
sists of three sub-models: the stochastic exchange rate
sub-model, the valuation sub-model, and the supply chain
network sub-model. Moreover, they also considered plant
capacity and customer demand in their model. Among
these sub-models, the supp ly chain network sub-model is
to maximize the expected discounted after-tax profit of a
multinational firm. However, the formulation did not
include stochastic market prices and processing time.
Dasu and Li [12] analyzed the structure of the optimal
policies for a firm with operating plants located in two
countries based on a randomly changing exchange rate
and switching costs. Their approach can determine when
and how much to alter the quantities produced in differ-
ent countries. However, they failed to consider the in-
ventories carried from one period to the next in their
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3. The Proposed Model
The MNC decisions discussed in this paper include pro-
duction strategies, international lo cations, and operation s.
Production strategies will determine the levels of prod-
ucts to be made and sold. The operation decisions in-
clude the distribution of products to various markets, and
different inventory levels of products. In this paper, we
would like to develop a stochastic dynamic programming
model which includes a stochastic exchange rate sub-
model, a pricing sub-model with varying sub-demand,
and a supply chain network sub-model to analyze global
manufacturing strategies.
Many research works proposed the measures for sup-
ply chain performance using objective functions directly
based on minimizing cost, maximizing sales, maximizing
profit, or maximizing returns from investments. Among
these objective functions, cost-minimization and profit-
maximization are widely used. In our model, the objec-
tive function is to maximize a MNC’s profit by consid-
ering plant capacity and demand satisfaction.
Profit is total revenue subtracted by total cost. Total
cost includes manufacturing cost, inventory cost, and dis-
tribution cost. Total revenue and total cost should incor-
porate exchange rates. We define the related variables
shown in Table 1.
3.1. The Exchange Rate Function and Total
Revenue Sub-Model
According to Harvey and Quinn’s model [16] and Mo-
hamed’s model [4], we assume that predicted exchange
rate in the t-th period for a target market in the
m-th period is a probability distribution function. Then,
the exchange rate can be expressed as
ˆmt mmt
According to Kaihara’s [17] argument, we assume that
dynamic price of a product is associated with the demand
for that product. So, the price of a product
depends on its market demand
TR . Hence, in any
given period, the total revenue from all markets
can be described by the foll o wi n g expression:
,, ,
mmt jmtjmt
pee PDD
 ,
Based on the total revenue as described above, the
price is non-constant and can be expressed as being de-
pendent on the demand. That is,
,,jm tjm t
abD, , .
 
3.2. The Total Cost Sub-Model
The total cost can be expressed as
Table 1. Notations.
Notation Remark
Set of target markets
1,2, ,, ,mM
Set of facilities
1,2, ,, ,kK
Set of products
1, 2,,,,jJ
T Set of time periods
1,2, ,, ,tT
,jm t
P Unit price of sales for product j in period t for
target market m
,jm t
Demand quantity for product j in period t for
target market m
e The initial exchange rate in period t for target
market m
e Probability value of exchange rate for target
market m
e The initial exchange rate in period t for target
facility k
e Probability value of exchange rate for target
facility k
,kj t
CN Manufacturing cost per unit of pro d uct j at facility
k in period t
,kj t
Q Quantity of produc t j at facility k in period t
,jk t
P Inventory ho l ding cost per unit of product j at
facility k in period t
,jk t
I nventory quantity of product j at facility k in
period t
,jm t
P shipping cost of product j in period t for target
market m
,jmk t
DQ Quan t i t y of product j produced from facility k to
market m in period t
a Constant coefficient (i.e. intercept of
product-price equation)
b Constant coe f ficient (i.e. partial adjustment
coefficient of product-price)
where , is the distribution cost, ,
is the manufacturing cost, and , is the inven-
tory cost. Each of these costs is described as follows:
The distribution cost
In any given period, the distribution cost
DICOSTkt is expressed in dollars as follows:
ktkt jmtjmkt
 ,
The manufacturing cost
The manufacturing cost is incurred by production cost
including labor cost, machine maintenance cost, and other
costs directly related to the capacity and raw material
purchasing cost. In any given period, manufacturing cost
MCOSTt is given by the formula:
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The inventory cost
If a MNC has excess in supply (i.e. the quantity of
good supply exceeds the quantity of good demand), they
will incur inventory expense. The inventory cost
IN ) can be expressed in dollars by incorpo-
rating the exchange rate in any given period as follows:
C O S Tkt
ktktjkt jkt
Total profit can be maximized by total revenue sub-
tracted by total cost. Therefore, the complete integrated
production and distribution model can be described as
subject to
 
,, ,
t ktktk
ktktjkt jkt
ktkt jmtjmkt
mt jmkt
,,1 ,
kjt jktjmktjkt
 
ˆmt mmt
ˆkt kkt
mt jmtjmt
PpD abD
,,,,, ,,
,, ,,1
,,,,, ,
,, ,,,0
kt mtjmtjmtkjtkjtjkt
jk tjmtjmk tjk t
4. An Example
We demonstrate the usefulness of our proposed model
through a numerical example. The following scenario is
considered in this example. Assume that manufacturing
facilities exist (or to be built) in both home and host
countries and there is no capacity requirement. Any ma-
nufacturing facility only produces one kind of products
and supplies both home and host countries without any
arbitrage. There are two planning periods and two types
of demand function for products in our example. In addi-
tion, the unit manufacturing cost, unit distribution cost,
and unit inventory cost are kept constant in each same
period. However, product unit price is uncertain in each
individual market since this price must depend on market
Before simulating the effects of exchange rate and
market price function, we list all giv en parameters in Ta-
ble 2. The model is simulated using LINGO simulation
5. Results and Discussion
The simulation results can be classified into three cate-
gories. The first category is the effect of production be-
havior when exchange rate has no significant change
while the market price is changing. The second category
is the effect of production behavior when exchange rate
decreases while the market price is changing. The third
category is the effect of production behavior when ex-
change rate increases while the market price is changing.
The simulation results for the above three categories are
given in Tables 3-5, respectively.
5.1. Exchange Rate Insignificant Change but
Market Price Changes
As we can see from Type A in Table 3, the optimal
products for home country and host country are 1470 and
1476 units, respectively, in both periods. The optimal
Table 2. Input parameters.
Home country Host country
Unit manufacturing cost$59.73 $23.28
Unit distributing cost $22 $20
Unit inventory holding
cost of product $4.57 $3.88
Price function for
product 3000
Value of exchange rate in
initial period $2
The type of flexibility
exchange rate in next
no significantly
change Increasing Decreasing
The composite type of
flexibility exchange rate
in next period ($1 $2 $3) ($2 $3 $4) ($0.5 $1 $2)
Probability value of
exchange rate occurring
in second period (0.2 0.6 0.2) (0.2 0.6 0.2) (0.1 0.8 0.1)
Note: the value of exchange rate is exchange rate of currency of home coun-
ry. t
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Table 3. Results for no significantly changing exchange rates.
Type A Type B
Period 1 Period 2 Period 1 Period 2
Home country 1470 1476 1470 1470
The produced quantity Host country 1470 1476 988 988
(From home country to host country)0 0 0 0
The shipped quantity (From host country to home country)0 0 0 0
Home country 0 0 0 0
The inventoried quanti ty Host country 0 0 0 0
Home country 1470 1476 1470 1470
The quantity of demand for
product Host country 1470 1476 988 988
Home country $1530 $1530 $1530 $1530
The price of product (expressed
by currency of ho me country) Host country $1544 $ 15 44 $2024 $2024
Total profits (expressed by currency of home country) $8,683,997 $8,230,016
Notes: Type A: demand function for product is in home country, and t
DD1500 0.5
 in host country. Type B: demand function for
product is in home country, and t
in host country. 3000
demands for products in home country and host country
in both periods are also 1470 and 1476 units, respectively.
Type B of Table 3 shows that the optimal products for
home country and host country are 1470 and 988 units,
respectively, in both periods. The optimal demands for
products in home country and host country are also 1470
and 988 units, respectively, in both p eriods. Based on the
results of Type A and Type B as described above, we
find that no matter how the market price changes, the
optimal demand is always equal to the production quan-
tity in both demand functions when exchange rate has
insignificant changes. However, the production quantity
will decrease when th e price-function becomes more fle-
The products of each country are produced internally
to supply the demands in both periods when exchange
rate has insignificant changes. Th e production quantity is
different as market-price varies. In other words, the best
operating decision of a MNC is to make products inter-
nally in each country and supply that country’s demand
without shipping and inventory if there is no significant
change in exchange rate. Moreover, a MNC should pay
attention to the change in production quantity if mar-
ket-price varies.
5.2. Exchange Rate Decreases and Market Price
When the currency of a host country is strong (decreas-
ing exchange rate) in the second period, we find that the
unit manufacturing cost in host country will decline. At
that time, a MNC must face two operating decisions. One
is to produce products in host country for both periods
and the other is to produce products for home country in
the factories at host country in the second period. Based
on the above decisions, we find that the first decision de-
rives $62.72 unit cost from the manufacturing cost in home
country and the second on e derives $45.44 un it cost fro m
the manufacturing and distributing costs. For a MNC, the
second decision is more economically efficient than the
first. The simulation results are shown in Table 4.
As we can see from Type A (Type B) in Table 4, the
optimal products for home country and host country are 0
and 2954 units (0 and 2465 units), respectively, in second
period. In addition, the optimal demands for products in
home country and host country are 1478 and 1476 units
(1477 and 988 units), respectively, in the second period.
The behavior of shipping products from host country to
home country occurs in the second period, and the quan-
tity of shipping is 1478 and 1477 units in Type A and
Type B, respectively. Hence, the market demand of home
country is supplied by the products produced in host
country if exchange rate decreases in the second period.
In other words, we choose an optimal operating decision
that will decrease the quantity of products being pro-
duced and shipped according to the variation in mar-
ket-price in host country for the second period, and sup-
ply the market’s demand in home country with the prod-
ucts manufactured in host country for the second period.
Hence, the quantity of producing and shipping is signifi-
cantly affected by the price-function forms. Thus, the
variation of market-price will affect the operating deci-
sions of a MNC.
5.3. Exchange Rate Increases and Market Price
When the currency of host country is weak (increasing
exchange rate) in the second period, we find that the unit
manufacturing cost in host country will increase. At that
time, a MNC must face two operating decisions. One is
that the products d emand ed by ho st co un tr y in the seco nd
period will be produced ahead of time. The other is that
the products demanded by host country in the second
period will be produced in home country. Based on the
above decisions, we find from Type A and Type B in
Table 5 that the first decision derives $54.32 unit cost
from the manufacturing and inventory cost in host coun-
try, while the second one d erives $64.3 unit cost from the
manufacturing and distributing costs. Thus, for a MNC,
the first decision is more economically efficient than the
As we can see from Type A (Type B) in Table 5, the
optimal amount of products produced in host country are
2958 and 0 units (1479 and 0 units) in the first and sec-
ond period, respectively. In addition, the optimal de-
mands for products in host country are 1470 and 1482
units (988 and 991 units) in the first and second period,
respectively. Hence, the products to supply host country
in the second period will be produced ahead of time
when exchange rate increases. The behavior of invento-
rying products occurs in the first period and this quantity
is 1482 and 991 units in Type A and Type B, respec-
tively. In other words, a MNC in host country should
choose the optimal operating decision: decreasing the
quantity of products being produced and inventoried ac-
cording to the market-price change in host county in the
first period, and producing products ahead of time for the
Table 4. Results for decreasing exchange rates.
Type A Type B
Period 1 Period 2 Period 1 Period 2
Home country 1470 0 1470 0
The produced quantity Host country 1476 2954 988 2465
(From home country to host country)0 0 0 0
The shipped quantity (From host country to home country)0 1478 0 1477
Home country 0 0 0 0
The inventoried quanti ty Host country 0 0 0 0
Home country 1470 1478 1470 1477
The quantity of demand for product Host country 1476 1476 988 988
Home country $1530 $1522 $1530 $1523
The price of product (expressed by
currency of home country) Host country $1544 $762 $2024 $1012
Total profits = (expressed by currency of home country) $7,669,216 $7,323,056
Notes: Type A: demand function for product is in home country, and t
D1500 0.5
in host country. Type B: demand function for
product is in home country, and t
in host country.
P 2000
Table 5. Results for increasing exchange rates.
Type A Type B
Period 1 Period 2 Period 1 Period 2
Home country 1470 1476 1470 1470
The produced quantity Host country 2958 0 1479 0
(From home country to host country)0 0 0 0
The shipped quantity (From host country to home country)0 0 0 0
Home country 0 0 0 0
The inventoried quanti ty Host country 1482 0 991 0
Home country 1470 1476 1470 1470
The quantity of demand for product Host country 1470 1482 988 991
Home country $1530 $1530 $1530 $1530
The price of product (expressed by
currency of home country) Host country $1544 $2277 $2024 $3027
Total profits (expressed by currency of home country) $9,797,307 $9,222,230
Notes: Type A: demand function for product is in home country, and t
D1500 0.5
product isin home country , and in host country .
in host country. Type B: demand function for
PD 2000
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eriod. Henduction
6. Conclusions
tend and modify the previous gl
sions under the environment with exchange-rate and mar-
[1] J. M. Camparms in the United
States under Ey,” Review Eco-
second pce, quantities of pro and in-
ventories are significantly affected by price-functions.
This implies that the variation of market-price will affect
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supply chain network models to develop an integrated
production and distribution model for a MNC operating
under the environment with varying exchange rate and
market price. Our model incorporates two new charac-
teristics. First, exchange rate and processing time uncer-
tainties are considered in the model. Second, we allow
the market price of products to be dependent on the de-
mand levels and stock of existing products. The results
derived from the model show that planning a MNC’s cost
is the main factor for deciding which operating decision
should be chosen. This is similar to Mohamed’s [4] re-
sults, where the profit will decrease when the exchange
rate is decreased under the assumption of constant mar-
ket price for products. We demonstrate that a MNC can
utilize machines in the inventory or distribution to avoid
possible fluctuation in exchange rate. Through the com-
putational experiment, a MNC may choose to maintain
current operating decisions when exchange rate has no
significant change. However, if exchange rate decreases
and a flexible p rice-function form is used, the host coun-
try should overproduce and distribute the excess part of
products to the home country in order to minimize the
total cost. In addition, the host country should pay atten-
tion to the ch ange in quantity of produ cts being pro duced
and shipped according to the variation of market- p ri ce.
If exchange rate increases and price-function forms
ange, the firms of a MNC in the host country should
produce products ahead of time in order to minimize the
total cost and adjust the quantity of products being pro-
duced and inventoried according to the change in price-
function forms. That is, the firms of a MNC in the host
country should choose the optimal operating decision to
produce products ahead of time for the second period and
the host country should be able to adjust the quantity of
products being produced and inventoried, according to
the market-price’s variety. The potential benefit of this
operating strategy increases the firm’s profit and reduces
its downside risk. An interesting and somewhat surpris-
ing outcome of this an alysis is that the operating strateg y
is affected by the fluctuation in exchange-rate and mar-
ket-price’s variety because the quantity of products to be
produced, sh ipped, and inventoried will change based on
the variation in market-price when exchange rate is con-
sidered. In conclusion, we claim that the contribution of
this paper is to provide a manufacturing planning strat-
egy for a MNC to make more accurate operating deci-
ket-price uncertainties.
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