Vol.2, No.1, 23-27 (2011) Agricultural Sciences
doi:10.4236/as.2011.2 1004
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
Introduction of a new atmospheric pressure p lasma
device and application on tomato seeds*
Zhuwen Zhou1#, Yanfen Huang2,3, SizeYang4, Wei Chen4
1Institute of Applied Physics of Guizhou Normal College, Guiyang, China; #Corresponding Author: zhuwenz@gmail.com
2Department of Chemistry – Biology Sciences of Guizhou Normal College, Guiyang, China
3Horticulture Research Institute, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
4Institute of Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Received 19 August 2010; revised 15 December 2010; accepted 6 January 2011.
We designed new atmospheric pressure plasma
device, to explore appro priate v oltage of pl asma
treatment that promote traits and yield of to-
mato, tomato seeds were treated by plasma at
4760 to 6800 V, and traits and yield of tomato
were observed. The results showed that the ef-
fects of different voltage plasma treatments on
seed germination were not the same. The bloom
times, the height, the caulis, the extent of the
plants and the average weight, lengthdiameter
of each fruit in the seven treatment groups from
4760 to 6800 V were increased distinctly. The
tomato yields of seven different plasma voltage
treated groups were increased than the un-
treated (CK). In most indexes of our tests, ef-
fects of (5440 ~ 6120 V) plasma voltage treat-
ments were better than of other voltages, the
best was 6120 V plasma voltage treatment. So
the tomato yield increase and the most the
botany properties of the tomato are improved.
The discharges were not uniform and the pow-
ers were lower in low voltages (4760 ~ 5100V),
and the discharge powers were higher in high
voltages (6460 ~ 6800V). There was a step un-
altered violet blue light from 5440V to 6120V, it
was nearly uniform discharges, it maybe due to
the energy of the electron and the active air
particles in the plasma increasing with atmos-
pheric plasma voltage adding, more electric
charges are produced per unit time and cannot
be neutralized at once, which can strengthen
the reaction betw een the active air particles and
seeds. The active air particles and ultraviolet
radiation can penetrate into the capsule of the
seedsaccelerate to decompose the inner nu-
triment of the seeds, reduce relative penetrabil-
ity of cell velum, improve the activities of the
root of the tomato seedling. Test data of fruit
yield of the tomato are consistent with the sta-
tistical regressive line.
Keyw ords: Atmospheric Pressure Plasma; Treat
Voltage; Tomato Seed; Yield
Applications of physical technology in agriculture are
more and more popular, but most of them are radiations
and irradiations with γ-ray, 60Co-ray, laser, electric and
magnetic field,[1-13] cells of plant seeds are damaged
by radiations.
Plasma has been used in industry for applications; few
experimental studies have been carried out for seed mu-
tation induced by atmospheric plasma. We used a at-
mospheric plasma discharge equipment [14,15] to study
the mutations of plant seeds. The device is atmospheric
dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) with two parallel high
voltage electrodes. A mass of electrons bomb plant seeds
and bring much ozone, because seeds were put under
atmospherical pressure plasma, the plasma would bring a
mass electronion and ozone, the mass electron were
faster and bomb seedsthe ozone can kill bacterium and
virus, and also plant seeds are radiated by ultraviolet-ray,
plant seeds are mutated by the many factors. We tested
with tomato seeds (No.10 Hongza), to study the effects
of atmospheric pressure plasma on the seeds germination,
seedling growth, fruit yield and quality of tomato, in
order to find the methods of improving the plant growth
and increasing fruit yield of tomato.
* Project supported by the Nature Science Foundation of Guizhou Prov-
ince Science and Technology Bureau under Grant No J20082101.
Z. W. Zhou et al. / Agricultural Sciences 2 (2011) 23-27
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
The test device is shown in Figure 1, it is two parallel
containers made of quartz, the thickness of quartz is
1mm, the length is 15 cm, the width is 5cm, the space of
dielectrics is 10mm. there are some liquid of potassium
chloride in two containers, two inner copper rings
dipped in the liquid are two electrodes connected to AC
high voltage power supply 30 kV with frequency 8 ~ 30
kHz. Different plant seeds were treated with different
plasma voltages, for example, tomato seed for 4760 ~
6800V, eggplant seed for 4420 ~ 6800V [16], cucumber
seed for 5610 ~ 7310V [15].
As compact joined between the liquid of potassium
chloride and dielectrics, both cool quartz dielectrics and
uniform plasma were discharged. In our experiment, the
tomato seeds were uniformly put on a transmission belt
at constant speed, turned on high voltage power supply
to discharge, the seeds passed through the plasma, treat-
ment time were controlled by the speed of the belt.
There were seven different voltage (4760, 5100, 5440,
5780, 6120, 6460 and 6800 V) treatments with the same
treatment time 6 seconds, the different voltages were
produced between two parallel high voltage electrodes
and the plasma charges occurred in atmospheric pressure
environment, therefore the experiment is called atmos-
pheric dielectric barrier discharge (DBD). The process of
treating the seeds by plasma device is shown in Figure
We designed an atmospheric pressure plasma device.
The tomato seeds were treated by different voltage from
4760 to 6800 V. The results showed that the effects of
different voltages plasma treatments on seed germination
and growth were not the same. The height (90 ~ 100cm),
the caulis (> 14cm), the extent> 55×60cmof the plant
and the single fruit weight> 80g, the length 5.2cm,
the diameter 5.5cmof the tomato of seven treatments
from 4760 to 6800 V were increased distinctly in Table
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the atmospheric plasma di-
electric barrier discharge (DBD).
Figure 2. Process of treating seeds by plasma device.
1. In addition, anti-virus of seven treatments (incidence
2.08%) were better than the untreated except sixth and
seventh treatment (incidence were as same as the un-
treated 4.17%). The bloom times of all the treated seeds
were longer and earlier than the untreated (CK), as well
as the maturity time (Figure 3). The tomato yields of
seven different voltage plasma treatments were increased,
the fifth, the fourth and the third treatments were better
than the untreated (CK), the yields of the three treat-
ments increased 26.56%, 20.31%, 16.55% than CK. In
Figure 4 there were obviously increasing yields of the
tomato under the proper plasma treatment voltages
ranges (5440 ~ 6800V), the figure showed that some
experimental data compared with Gaussian distribution
curve of the fruit yields of the tomato by using a regres-
sion line estimate statistical method, the Gaussian dis-
tribution curve was regression equation:
yaexpb xcd
 
here a = 0.743, b = 1.500, c = 6.120, d = 2.797. The
Gaussian distribution curve was comparatively con-
vinced since the F-value was calculated: F =5675 > F
0.05(1, 5)=6.61, remain standard error: s = 0.02, it showed
that the error was very small between real fruit yields
and estimated. In 5440 ~ 6120 V voltage ranges, the fruit
yields were better than other voltages. In most indexes of
our tests, the effects of 5440 ~ 6120 V plasma treatments
were better than of other voltages, the best was 6120 V
plasma treatment, real test data of the fruit yields were
consistent with the regressive line (estimated yield of
Different voltage( 4760 ~ 6800 V) plasma treating the
tomato seeds were all better than the untreated (CK) in
our experiments, the reasons might be that the treated
seeds had been in different physical conditions, the at-
mospheric pressure plasma device was a dielectric bar-
rier discharge (DBD)it created a typical glow discharge
free from filament and arc plasma,[17] the macro-
temperature of the plasma was nearly at room tempera-
Z. W. Zhou et al. / Agricultural Sciences 2 (2011) 23-27
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
Table 1. Change of botany properties of the Tomato treated by different plasma voltage.
Plant height
of virus
CK 0 90-100 55×60 14 17.34.17 16 5.0 5.5 80 2797
1 4760 95-105 60×65 15 19.32.08 17 5.2 5.5 85 2921 4.43
2 5100 100-110 58×63 15 18.72.08 17 5.1 5.6 85 2997 7.15
3 5440 100-110 57×60 17 19.42.08 17 5.0 5.7 90 3260 16.55
4 5780 105-115 55×68 17 18.92.08 17 5.3 5.7 100 3365 20.31
5 6120 105-115 60×70 17 19.42.08 17 5.2 5.8 95 3540 26.56
6 6460 100-110 53×64 16 20.24.17 17 5.0 5.6 85 3142 12.33
7 6800 95-100 56×62 16 19.94.17 17 5.1 5.6 90 3172 13.41
Figure 3. Growth of the tomato plants in the test farmland. The tomato seeds treated by plasma had more fruits
than CK, and the treated were premature.
ture, and plasma discharge gas pressure was atmospheric
pressure. Because the seeds were passed through the
plasma on the transmission belt, the seeds were treated
with uniform plasma discharge and were not burned.
In Figure 5 there were seven different discharge proc-
esses with seven different voltages, intensity of violet
blue light (350nm ~ 500nm) gradually increased with
voltage adding (see Figure 6), x axis denoted voltage,
and y axis denoted the intensity of violet blue light on
Figure 6. The discharges were not uniform using the
lower powers in low voltages (4760 ~ 5100V), and the
higher powers in high voltages (6460 ~ 6800V). There
was a step unaltered violet blue light from 5440V to
6120V, it was nearly uniform discharges, it due to the
energy of the electron and the active air particles in the
plasma increasing with atmospheric plasma voltage
adding, more electric charges are produced per unit time
and cannot be neutralized at once, which can strengthen
the reaction between the active air particles and seeds.
The active air particles and ultraviolet radiation can
penetrate into the capsule of the seedsaccelerate to
decompose the inner nutriment of the seeds, reduce rela-
tive penetrability of cell velum, improve the activities of
the root of the tomato seedling. Lower voltages (< 5440V)
cannot penetrate into the seeds capsule and higher volt-
ages (> 6120 V) can burnt the inner cells of the seeds.
Z. W. Zhou et al. / Agricultural Sciences 2 (2011) 23-27
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
Figure 4. Regression line analysis of fruit yields of tomato. ‘o’
represents real yield, ‘—’ represents regression line ( estimated
yield of forecasting).
Figure 5. Seven different discharge processes with seven dif-
ferent voltages, intensity of violet blue light gradually in-
creased with adding voltage. In figures a ~ b the discharges
were not uniform and the powers were lower with low voltages
4760~5100V, and the discharge powers were higher with high
voltages 6460V~6800V in figure f ~ g. There were uniform
discharges under the middle plasma voltages 5440, 5780, and
6120V in figures c, d, e.
4.76 5.15.445.786.126.46 6.8
Plasma voltage (kV)
Violet blue light intensity
Figure 6. The violet blue light intensity versus different
plasma voltage.
For the reasons, the tomato yield increased and the most
of the tomato botany properties were improved.
The tomato yields of seven different plasma voltage
treated groups were increased than the untreated (CK).
In most indexes of our tests, effects of (5440 ~ 6120 V)
plasma voltage treatments were better than of other
voltages, the best was 6120 V plasma voltage treatment.
There was a step unaltered violet blue light from 5440V
to 6120V, it was nearly uniform discharges, So the to-
mato yields increased and the most of the botany proper-
ties of the tomato were improved, it due to the energy of
the electron and the active air particles in the plasma
increasing with atmospheric plasma voltage adding,
more electric charges are produced per unit time and
cannot be neutralized at once, which can strengthen the
reaction between the active air particles and seeds. The
active air particles and ultraviolet radiation can penetrate
into the capsule of the seedsaccelerate to decompose
the inner nutriment of the seeds, reduce relative penetra-
bility of cell velum, improve the activities of the root of
the tomato seedling. Test data of fruit yield of the tomato
were consistent with the statistical regressive line. In
recent research, eggplant seeds were treated by the same
method, there were the same conclusion in some as-
pects.[16, 18,19]
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