Journal of Signal and Information Processing, 2013, 4, 43-51
doi:10.4236/jsip.2013.43B008 Published Online August 2013 ( 43
Color Texture Image Inpainting Using the Non Local CTV
Jinming Duan1, Zhenkuan Pan1, Wangquan Liu2, Xue-Cheng Tai3
1College of Information Engineering, Qingdao University, China; 2Department of Computing, Curtin University, Australia; 3Dep-
artment of Mathematics, University of Bergen, Norway.
Received April, 2013.
The classical TV (Total Variation) model has been applied to gray texture image denoising and inpainting previously
based on the non local operators, but such model can not be directly used to color texture image inpainting due to cou-
pling of different image layers in color images. In order to solve the inpainting problem for color texture images effec-
tively, we propose a non local CTV (Color To tal Variation) model. Technically, the proposed model is an extension of
local TV model for gray images but we take account of the coupling of different layers in color images and make use of
concepts of the non-local operato rs. As the coupling of differen t layers for color images in the proposed model will in-
crease computational complexity, we also design a fast Split Bregman algorithm. Finally, some numerical experiments
are conducted to validate the performance of the proposed model and its algorithm.
Keywords: Color Texture Images; Image Inpainting; NL-CTV Model; TV Model; The Split Bregman Algorithm
1. Introduction
Image inpainting, sometimes referred as image comple-
tion or disocclusion, has become one of the fundamental
problems in image processing and computer vision due
to its broad applications in image editing, compression,
object removal from a scene, text or scratch removal and
old photo restoration etc.. Its aim is to restore the tar-
nished/missing parts of a broken image using th e existin g
data, which is a typical ill-posed problem in applied
mathematics. There are several possible ways to solve
this problem and here we focus on solving this problem
with Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) or variational
methods due to its outstanding performance [1-4,6,8-11].
In this branch of methodology, the exiting approaches
can be classified into two categories: the geometry-ori-
ented methods [2-11] and the texture-oriented methods
For inpainting those gray non-texture images with
small scale broken areas, researchers in [2] proposed a
third order PDE model to propagate the surrounding in-
formation to the inpainted regions based on a heat diffu-
sion equation. Authors in [3] coped with the similar
problems by solving Navier-Stokes equations and inves-
tigators in [4] proposed total variation (TV) inpainting
model inspired by [5]. In [6] the researchers studied the
same problem for binary image via using the Cahn-Hil-
liard model. For inpainting those gray non-texture im-
ages with large scale broken areas, a third order PDE
method is proposed in [8] based on curvature-driven dif-
fusions (CDD) mechanism, and in fact this work is in-
spired by the concept of elastic and principle of con-
tinuation in computer vision [7]. Also researches in [9-11]
solved the same problem using the variational framework
including elastic terms.
The above-mentioned approaches are all the geome-
try-oriented methods and they only used local informa-
tion, but failed to solve the problems of broken texture
inpainting and object removal. The inpainting problem
for texture images must resort to the texture-oriented
methods. Up to now, there are three categories of meth-
ods to solve the inpainting problem for texture images.
The first type of approaches is the texture synthesis pro-
posed in [12] based on patches, which has been acted as
the fundamental tool for texture image inpainting, and
also numerous examplar-based variational models [13-16]
have been proposed using the patch similarities. The
second type of approach is based on image decomposi-
tion in the original domain or transformed frequency
domain. For example, the investigators in [17-19] inves-
tigated texture image inpainting with the geometry and
texture information separately. Typically, in [18], the
images to be inpainted are first transformed into the
framelet domain so that it is represented by a set of
framelet coefficients; then one performs thresholding on
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JSIP
Color Texture Image Inpainting Using the Non Local CTV Model
framelet coefficients to propagate the information from
outside of broken region into it. Finally, one transforms it
back to image domain. This framelet-based image in-
painting can remove the random noise in an image and
enhance the edges and high frequency features of the
image. This is one of the state of the art algorithms cur-
rently and we will use it for comparison in our experi-
ments. The third type of approaches for texture image
inpainting comes from the idea of non local means (NLM)
for image denoising with texture preserving [20]. In [21]
the authors not only defined the non local gradient and
divergence systematically, but also proposed the NL-TV
(Non Local Total Variation) models as extensions to
their local counterparts for image denoising and inpaint-
ing. The elegance for the non local operators in [21]
leads to very similar manipulations between non local
models and local models in image processing. For exam-
ple, the authors in [22] used TV with non local graphs for
gray image inpainting and super-resolution, and re-
searchers in [23] applied the NL-TV for gray image de-
blurring. Moreover, authors in [24] used NL-TV for
compressive sensing and [25], [26] proposed some image
enhancement models involving an NL-TV regularization
term. Though the above mentioned algorithms are all
based on TV model for image restoration, there is an-
other way for image restoration based on Mumford-Shah
model [28], which is usually used for image segmenta-
tion. The authors in [27] combined the MTV regularizer
term and non local operators in [21] to implement this
Gamma-convergence approximated model for color tex-
ture image restoration. This motivates us to consider
problem in this paper. As we know, such segmenta-
tion-based image restoration model suffers from two
problems. First, it contains two variables: one is a piece-
wise smooth function used for the approximation of the
original image, and the other is a piecewise function that
represents the image edge and equals 0 on the edge sets
and 1 on the smooth region, which makes the numerical
implementation complicated, which logically results a
low computation efficiency. Second, there are three pen-
alty parameters setting up in this model, so the choice of
those parameters will become more difficult. In conclu-
sion, there are too many parameters to solve and tune in
such model.
The NL-TV model on ly includes one variable and one
penalty parameter in its energy functiona l and this model
always brings much easier computational process and
also provides excellent results in preserving texture of
gray images. However, to our best of knowledge, this
popular model has not been used for color image in-
painting. In this paper, we will focus on the NL-TV
model and revise this model for inpainting color texture
image by combining the non local operators and CTV
(Color Total Variation) model proposed in [29]. The
proposed model can make use of the good performance
of the non local operators in texture image processing as
demonstrated for gray images and CTV model in edge
preserving for color images. We observed from [31] that
the TV model can preserve edges for denoised images,
but would fail to preserve color image edges when used
to defuse different layers separately. However, the Mul-
tichannel Total Variation (MTV) [30] and CTV [29] can
have excellent performance in color image edge preserv-
ing. Numerous experiments reported in [31] demon-
strated that the CTV model outperforms the MTV model,
so we adopt the CTV regularizer as the foundation for
the proposed model in this paper. We also observed from
[31] that CTV has higher complexity than MTV in im-
plementation. In order to overcome the disadvantage of
low efficiency associated with CTV in the proposed
model, we will also design a fast Split Bregman algo-
rithm for the proposed model.
Technically, the standard Split Bregman algorithm for
TV model in [32] is redeveloped through introducing an
auxiliary variable and a Bregman iterative parameter
with an aim to transform the original model into two
simple sub problems. These two sub problems can be
solved via alternating optimization technique; further the
previous Euler-Lagrange equation with curvature associ-
ated with the CTV regularizer term is replaced with a
simple one only associated with the Laplacian [31].
Though a generalized soft thresholding formula is de-
rived in an analytical form for TV model in [32], and this
simplifies the computation complexity sig nificantly there.
However, we noted that for the Split Bregman algorithm
of the proposed CTV model, the exact generalized soft
thresholding formula can not be derived as elegantly as
in [32], and here we design an approximate one to sim-
plify the calculation s .
In summary, the contributions of this paper can be
summarized as follows. First, we propose a model which
can solve the inpainting problem for color texture images
by using the CTV model in [29] and the non local opera-
tors in [21]. This model combines the advantages of the
CTV and the non-local operators nicely and can produce
a high performance. Second, In order to improve the im-
plementation efficiency of the proposed model, we de-
velop a fast Split Bregman algorithm based on a simple
discrete finite difference scheme. Also we found that the
direct application of NL-TV model to color images for
inpainting does not work properly. Finally, we validate
the proposed model and algorithm via extensive experi-
2. NL-TV Model for Image Inpainting and
Its Split Bregman Algorithm
In this section, we first introduce some important con-
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Color Texture Image Inpainting Using the Non Local CTV Model 45
cepts, definitions and technical algorithms used in the
remaining parts of this paper. First we present the con-
cept of non-local operators.
2.1. The Non Local Operators and the Split
Bregman Algorithm
Due to the significance of the non local operators played
in this paper, we first present the relevant definitions
provided in [21].
Let n
 be the domain of a gray image andx
:ux R is a real function defined on
represent the pixel values of an image. The non local
gradient for two points x and y in the image is defined as
 
NLuxyuy uxwxy (1.1)
,:wxyR is a non-negative, symmetric
weight between points
, for any pair y
and it measures the similarities of these two points. It
should be noted that eq (1.1) is not a vector field in the
standard sense, it is only a mapping:
 . Now
we denote any NL mapping as
,:y Rpp
For a pair of NL mappings, their dot product is defined
as follows.
 
121 2
,,pp xpxypxydy
 (1.2)
And their inner product is defined as
121 212
,,1,,pppppx ypxydxdy
 
The magnitude of a NL mapping will be given by
 
,pxpppxy dy
With the above inne r product, the non lo cal diverg ence
NL px 
will be defined as the adjoint of
the non local gradient, which is given by
 
NL pxpxy pyxwxydy
 
Finally, the Laplacian of a point x in an image can be
defined now by
 
 
ux ux
uyux wxydy
Based on the above mentioned d efinitions, we can give
the NL norm of the NL gradient for a function u as
 
NLuxuy ux wxydy
 
All above preliminaries are for a function of an image.
Next we explain the NL-TV models for gray images and
their Split Bregman algorithm. For a broken scalar
texture image
xR, let denote the
domain to be inpainted, the proposed NL-TV model for a
gray image inpainting reported in [21] is given as follow.
 
inE uux dxufdx
  
is the mask function to
represent the broken region. This problem aims to find u
in the already known broken region D such that (2) is
The computation of local TV model utilizing the non
local operators becomes very expensive, which will be
demonstrated in experiment section. In order to improve
its computational efficiency, authors in [21] designed a
dual method for NL-TV models. Such dual metod is not
suitable for our proposed NL-CTV model in this paper
due to a fact that it involves complicated coupling feature
in CTV regularizer term. Here, we alternatively extend
the Split Bregman algorithm reported in [32] to our
proposed NL-CTV model which is much easier than the
dual method.
The author in [33] proposed the Split Bregman
algorithm for NL-TV denosing model. Here, we first
present their algorithm for the NL-TV inpainting model
as reported in [32]. To present the Split Bregman
algorithm for (2), an NL auxiliary variable
is introduced and the objective
function is transformed into the following:
  
inEu vvxdxufdx
 (3)
s.t. NL
The constraint NL
is enforced using the
efficient Bregman iteration by introducing a Bregman
,:ybbx R
as reported in [32].
Then we can transform (3) into the following iterative
optimization formulation.
  
Euvv xdxufdx
with constraints 10
kk kk
bb uvbv
. By
using the same technique as reported in [32], first fixing
for u, and then fixing for v, we can obtain the
solution of Euler-Lagrange equation of u and the gener-
alized soft thresholding formula of via such alternat-
ing minimization process as stated in (6) and (7). A fast
approximate solution of (6) is provided by a Gauss-
Seidel iterative scheme, and it is very convenient to find
an analytic solution of (7) without any iteratio n. However,
when it comes to NL-CTV model, such exact soft
thresholding formula as (7) can not be directly derived
that we could not extend the efficient Split Bregman
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JSIP
Color Texture Image Inpainting Using the Non Local CTV Model
algorithm to our proposed model directly. Therefore, in
the next section, we will focus on this tough problem.
 
1,0 kk
NL kk
2.2. The NL-CTV Model and Its Split Bregman
The previous model (2) is for gray images and if we use
(2) directly to different layers separately for color image
denoising or inpainting, and we found that this will lead
to smear edges as demonstrated in Figure 6, though it
can be solved via coupled regularizers such as MTV
regularizer [30] or CTV regularizer [29]. The MTV and
CTV have excellent performance in color image edge
preserving as reported in [31]. However, numerous ex-
periments reported in [31] demonstrated that the CTV
model outperforms the MTV model, so we adopt the
CTV regularizer as the foundation for the proposed
model. Therefore, in this paper, we extend the CTV to
NL-CTV model for color texture image inpainting. For
color image denoising, the authors in [29] have proposed
the following CTV model
 
inE uuxdxufdx
 
,,..., n
ff f
,..., n
u u is the original image,
12 is the restored image. Based on these
results, we propose the following NL-CTV model by
combining (2) and (8) for color texture image inpainting.
 
NL iDii
inE uuxdxufdx
 
It should be noted that (2) is an NL-TV model and can
only use to deal with the inpainting problem for gray
images. By taking account of the coupling of different
layers of color images and introducing the coupled
NL-CTV regularizer term
which is inspired by (8), we proposed the model (9). One
can see that the differences between models (8) and (9)
are as follow: First, model (8) is a denosing model and (9)
is a inpainting model, and
in (8) is a penalty parame-
ter that ensures that the denoised image is as close as
possible to the original image; but
in (9) is a mask
function that labels the broken region of image. Second,
model (8) replaces the local CTV regularizer term
with NL-CTV regularizer term (10) by using the non
local gradient operator
L. Such choice is done since
the NL-CTV regularizer term will lead to an extremely
complicated Euler-equation similar to (9), which is very
difficult for discrete numerical calculation.
In order to solve (9) efficiently, we need to design a
new Split Bregman algorithm similar to that reported in
[32]. For such purpose and by using the same manner as
reported in last section, we introduce an auxiliary
,,..., n
 and a Bregman iterative
,,..., n
bbb b
, and then transform (9) into the
following iterative optimizati on formulation.
 
With constraints 10
kk kk
bb uvbv
 
using the alternating minimization strategy, we can ob-
tain the Euler-Lagrange equations for u and
rately as follows.
DiiNL iNLi i
ufv ub
 
kk i
iNLi ini
 
In order to show how to implement (13) in detail, we
give the discrete version of (13) as follows.
 
 
According to (1.5) and (1.6), we have
,, ,
NLlh hllh
vvv w
,, ,
NLlh hllh
 
NLNLhlh l
w (16.3)
where the non-negative weight
,wxy is chosen as
 
Gux uy
In which G
is the Gaussian kennel function, is
the thresholding parameter for similarities between two
patch windows, and its discrete version is given by
 
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Color Texture Image Inpainting Using the Non Local CTV Model 47
In order to present the algorithm clearer, we use the
following diagram (Figure 1) to demonstrate the idea.
When given a point l in the image, we can have a square
search window and a patch window, in which l is center
point of them. h represents any pixel point in the search
window. When h is fixed in the search window, a square
patch window is created subsequently and the weight
,lh between l point and h point can be computed as (18),
in which their respectiv e patch windows are needed.
Figure 1. Illustration of patc h window and sear ch window. l
and h are the position of two pixel points in the image, but h
is only fixed at the search window in which l is the center
point. In addition, the two patch windows in which l and h
are the center points respectively are used to compute the
weight wl,h.
Then the discrete iterative scheme of can be ob-
tained by
 
,, ,,,,
kkk k
Dlll hhll hl hhll h
Now considering the equation (14), we can obtain
v^{k+1} as follows.
NL ii
NL ii
vMax ub
Obviously, (20) is not the exact generalized soft
thresholding formulas as one should expect. In order to
calculate it effectively, we propose the above approxi-
mate formulations to simplify implementation of (14)
and speed up computation. Although (20) is not the ana-
lytic solution for and may cause a little error, the
Bregman iterations may correct it automatically. This
issue is confirmed in our experiments in section 4 Figure
6. By using the same manner as (19), (20) can be also
rewritten in a discrete version as below.
,, 1
,0 k
il ilk
vMaxA A
ilihillh ilh
 1
Now it is time for us to give the NL-CTV algorithm in
NL-CTV Algorithm
1. Initialization: 0k
,; for i = 1, …, n;
2. Repeat
3. Update each weight by (18);
4. Compute each 1;
bb uv
 
5. Compute each 1k
from (19);
6. Compute each 1k
from (21);
7. k=k+1;
8. Until a stopping criterion is satisfied.
In above NL-CTV Algorithm, the stopping criterion is
usually chosen as1kkk
, where is the
energy in the proposed model and E
is a very small
tolerance parameter.
3. Numerical Experiments and Analysis
In this section, we will present several numerical ex-
periments to show the effectiveness and performance of
the NL-CTV model proposed in this paper for color tex-
ture image inpainting in terms of vision and peak signal
to noise ratio (PSNR). PSNR is defined as in (23), and all
experiments are performed u sing the Matlab 2010 b on a
Windows 7 platform with an Intel Core 2 Duo CPU at
2.33 GHz and 2GB memory.
10 2
10log || ||
where stands for the layers of the color image.
are respective the height and width of the origi-
nal image.
AX is 255. is the restored image, and u
is the original image.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JSIP
Color Texture Image Inpainting Using the Non Local CTV Model
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e)
Figure 2. Original image. (a) Color chess board Image. (b)
Color cloth Image. (c) Color bar image.(d) River of Wisdom
Image. (e) Monalisa Image.
We first present the original images in Figure 2 and
we can make visual comparisons with the inpainted im-
ages subsequently and then compute their exact PSNRs.
Figure 2 (a) is a synthetic color texture image and Fig-
ure 2(b) is real color texture image. These two images
are set up for testing the capability of our proposed
model for color texture image inpainting . Figure 2(c) is a
color bar image presented here to observe the edge pre-
serving phenomenon. The last two images are two real
famous images blended with texture and non-textur e, and
we will use them to further demonstrate their inpainting
results in the subsequent experiments.
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Figure 3. Color chess board inpainting. (a) Image with
mask marked by black square; (b)-(c) Intermediate results
by proposed NL-CTV model; (d) Final result by proposed
NL-CTV model; (e) Final result by TV inpainting method
[4]; (f) Final result by elastica inpainting method [11].
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Figure 4. Color cloth inpainting. (a) Image with mask
marked by white rectangle; (b)-(c) Intermediate results by
proposed NL-CTV model; (d) Final result by proposed
NL-CTV model; (e) Final result by TV inpainting method
[4]; (f) Final result by elastica inpainting method [11].
In the first experiment as shown in Figure 3, we aim
to restore a toy image with regular grids and a large black
broken region. Here we also show the inpainting results
of TV model proposed in [4] and elastica inpainting
model reported in [11]. The advantages of TV inpainting
model are its simple manipulation and fast computation,
but the major drawback of this model is that it does not
restore satisfactorily a single object when the discon-
nected remaining parts are separated far apart by the in-
painting domain. One can observe in Figure 3(e) that
one cannot get a desirable result when dealing with the
non-texture images of large broken domain. In order to
overcome this problem, the elastica in painting model [11]
is subsequently tested. Remind that this is a model only
suitable for non-texture images with large broken do main,
and the resu lt is shown in Figure 3(f). In fact, the model
in [11] has meaningful statistical fluctuations in textures
and the textures are often smoothed out by its PDEs. In
conclusion, we notice that the proposed NL-CTV using
the non local information can obtain a perfect result as
shown in Figure 3(d) in comparison with the original
image in Figure 2(a). In fact, the TV inpainting model [4]
and elastica inpainting model [11] cannot find the
changes of the texture and thus could not recover this
large broken texture region as shown Figures 3(e) (f).
In order to validate our proposed model with the pro-
posed fast algorithm on real texture images and demon-
strate a further illustration, we now set up the second
experiment properly. In this experiment, the regions of
missing data are quite large with respect to textures as
shown in Figure 4 (size is). The size of missing
region in Figure 4(a) is above and
81 81
10 23846
low, and that means the proportion of total texture miss-
ing part is ab out 10% of the original image. Here, we use
41 41
of search window to inpaint the missing region.
In this case, the proposed NL-CTV model can obtain
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JSIP
Color Texture Image Inpainting Using the Non Local CTV Model 49
perfect results while the other two approaches failed as
shown in Figure 4. Next we will show that choosing a
suitable search window for our model is a very crucial
issue. In Figure 5, several approximations of Figure 4(a)
have been calculated with different sizes of search
windows and they are listed for comparison with each
other. When the s izes of search w indows are 11 11
, the inpainting results are obviously not
satisfactory as shown in Figures 5(a) and (b). So two
relative larger ones such as sizes of and
21 21
31 314141
are used further and we can see better visual results in
Figures 5(c) and (d). However, the final PSNR values
from Table1 tell us that the best result comes from
implementation with the largest search window.
However, the computation time becomes much more
expensive with increase of the search window size
consequently as demonstrated in Table 1. In conclusion,
for these diverse search windows, we find that small
search window is not sufficient to the success of
inpainting the large missing part of the texture image,
and usually a large search window is needed, which is
usually time consuming. In order to show time
complexity, the time of constructing the weight function
and the total computation time in the experi-
ments are shown in Table 1. In fact, in our experiment to
obtain Figure 5, we update every 30 iterative
steps in order to improve their computational efficiency,
and the total iterative numbers are set to be 300. Techni-
cally, decreasing the updating frequency of the weight
function will lead to increasing of iteration steps,
and how to balance them is our future research topic.
Except for the visual results, we can calculate the
quantity evaluations for our inpainting results in Figure
3, Figure 4 with different techniques as shown in Table
2. The results in this Table show a great success of our
proposed model in inpainting both the synthetic and real
images with color texture.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 5. Test the effect of different search windows on
inpainting results. (a)-(d) are results with search windows of
11 × 11, 21 × 21, 31 × 31 and 41 × 41, respectively.
The NL-TV model is for gray images and if we use it
directly to different layers separately for color image
inpainting, we find that this will lead to smear edges as
demonstrated in Figure 6(b). However, considering the
coupling of different layers of colo r images and using the
NL-CTV regularizer term in our proposed model, one
can observe that the edge is perfectly preserved as shown
in Figure 6(c). Moreover, Figure 6(d) presents the en-
ergy function with each iteration of the proposed algo-
rithm and it shows the convergence of the proposed algo-
rithm in this simulation. This exp eriment not only proves
that our model does an excellent job in color image edge
preserving but also shows that the Split Bregman de-
signed for the proposed model is convergent.
Table 1. Comparisons of PSNRs and computation time us-
ing different search windows.
Images Figure
2(a) Figure
2(b) Figure
2(c) Figure
Size of the search
window 1111
21 21 31 31 4141
PSNR of the
restored image
using different
search window
30.07632.601 36.581 40.054
Time(s) of
constructing the
weight function15.05447.464 96.659 149.508
Total computation
time(s) 623.867 1510.226 2786.269 4666.216
Table 2. Comparisons of PSNRs using different methods.
Experiments Figure 3 Figure 4
PSNR of the damaged image 11.795 17.873
PSNR of the restored image using
NL-CTV model 36.059 40.054
PSNR of the restored image using
TV inpainting m e thod 15.147 26.665
PSNR of the restored image using
elastica inpainting method 16.842 28.862
(a) (b) (c) ( d)
Figure 6. Edge preserving test using different non local
model and show convergence of NL-CTV. (a) Damaged
image; (b) Final result by NL-TV directly using to different
layers of color image; (c) Final result by proposed NL-CTV.
(d) Energy decreasing plot of NL-CTV.
In the next two experiments, we will compare the
proposed model with the state-of-the-art method pro-
posed in [18] both quantitatively and visually. Figure 7
presents the picture of River of Wisdom inpainting in
different cases, while Figure 8 shows the picture of
Monalisa inpainting. In Figure 7, We made the damage
types marked by varied color paintings to illustrate that
our model can adaptively inpaint such complicated con-
tamination effectively. Though we cannot see visual dif-
ferences between Figures 7(b) and (c) but the PSNR val-
ues acquired by the proposed method is about 4.3 higher
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JSIP
Color Texture Image Inpainting Using the Non Local CTV Model
than that obtained by the state-of-the-art method [18]. In
order to see the detailed difference, we crop a small
block from the damaged images in two cases as shown in
Figures 7(e)-(f) and Figures 8(e)-(f), we can see that th e
proposed NL-CTV performs better in micro structures
for the poles of the ship in Figure 7(f). Similarly, the
visual effect and PSNR value show the benefit of the
proposed model and the micro structures in hand show
the edge persevering differences in Figures 8(e)-(f).
These experiments demonstrate the advantages of the
proposed model in color texture image inpainting.
In the above experiments, the damaged areas D are
different one can see that in all cases, the proposed model
works well with extraordinary performance. Also the
types of damages are different.
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Figure 7. The River of Wisdom inpainting. (a) Damaged
image; (b) Final result by [18], PSNR = 31.58; (c) Final re-
sult by proposed NL-CTV model, PSNR = 35.89; (d)-(f)
Zoomed small subregions (indicated by black rectangle in
(a)) of the images in (a)-(c) for detail comparison.
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Figure 8. Monalisa inpainting. (a) Damaged image; (b) final
result by method in [18], PSNR = 36.15; (c) final result by
proposed NL-CTV model, PSNR = 39.85; (d)-(f) zoomed
small subregions (indicated by black rectangle in (a)) of the
images in (a)-(c) for detail comparison.
4. Conclusions
In this paper, by using the relevant concepts of non local
operators and the CTV model, we proposed the NL-CTV
model for color texture image inpainting as an extension
of CTV model for color image denoising. In this model,
the mask is automatically assigned. Then we design a
new Split Bregman algorithm and provide their
implementations in detail. Numerical experiments
validate the performance of the proposed model for color
texture image inpainting in different cases.
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