Journal of Signal and Information Processing, 2013, 4, 30-35
doi:10.4236/jsip.2013.43B006 Published Online August 2013 (
Research on Motion Attention Fusion Model-Based Video
Target Detection and Extraction of Global Motion Scene
Long Liu, Boyang Fan, Jing Zhao
The Faculty of Automation and Information Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an, China.
Received April, 2013.
For target detection algorithm under global motion scene, this paper suggests a target detection algorithm based on mo-
tion attention fusion model. Firstly, the motion vector field is pre-processed by accumulation and median filter; Then,
according to the temporal and spatial character of motion vector, the attention fusion model is defined, which is used to
detect moving target; Lastly, the edge of video moving target is made exactly by morphologic operation and edge
tracking algorithm. The experimental results of different global motion video sequences show the proposed algorithm
has a better veracity and speedup than other algorithm.
Keywords: Target Detection; Attention Model; Global Scene
1. Introduction
Moving target detection and extraction has been a hot
spot in the field of video analysis, which has extensive
value in use. It can be roughly divided into two catego-
ries: one is that the lens is station ary, under the local mo-
tion scene, and th e other is that the lens is moving, under
the global motion scene. Under the local motion scene,
the method of moving target detection is relatively ma-
ture, but under the global motion scene, due to the com-
plexity of motion, moving targ et detection and extraction
is always a difficult problem.
Video moving target detection algorithm is mainly
based on spatio-temporal information such as texture,
color and motion. Under the local motion scene, the
typical methods are inter-frame difference [1-3] and
background reconstruction [4-8]. The inter-frame differ-
ence method detects variable and invariable characteris-
tics of frame to separate moving target from static back-
ground. The main idea of back ground reconstr uction is to
reconstruct background without foreground moving tar-
get in advance and then subtract the background frame
from the current frame for target detection. The difficulty
in moving target detection and extraction under global
motion scene is that video motion characteristic is the
result of the superposition of global motion and local
motion. The most effective solution at present is the de-
tection algorithms based on motion compensation [9-10].
Its main clue is to use six-parameter affine model to es-
timate global motion, then recursive least square is
adopted to calculate model parameters, obtain the rela-
tive motion between moving target and background util-
izing motion compensation and finally acquire target
region (TR). The computation process for motion pa-
rameter model is complicated, at the same time the esti-
mation accuracy will be affected by the moving target
size and motion complexity. So in the case of bigger tar-
get area or complicated motion, these algorithms may not
realize real time and accuracy.
In recent visual technology research, achievements on
human physiological and psychological are gradually
integrated into the visual perception, which play a sig-
nificant role in promoting the development of the visual
technology. Studies have shown that human visual proc-
ess is characterized by a bottom-up combining with a
top-down process. Bottom-up process belongs to early
vision which has noting to do with the specific content of
image while depends on visual contrast caused by con-
stituent elements of the image. i.e., the greater contrast
the region is, the easier it is to attract the atten tion of the
visual system. In 1998, Itti, Koch et al. [11-12] proposed
the concept of attention region which introduces charac-
teristics of human vision for observed image for the first
time. Firstly, low-level features, such as intensity, color,
orientation are extracted from the input image after linear
filtering, and then local visual contrast is calculated by
Gaussian pyramid and Center-surround operator. After
fusion of visual contrast with different scales and fea-
tures, a comprehensive visual saliency map is obtained.
On this basis, Ma Yufei et al. [13] proposed a motion
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Research on Motion Attention Fusion Model-Based Video Target Detection and Extraction of Global Motion Scene 31
attention model considering the energy of motion vector
and the spatio-temporal correlation to analyze motion
attention on the basis of analysis of the motion vector.
Guironnet and Zhai [14] proposed an attention model
based on spatio-temporal information fusing static and
moving target model in 2005. Jing Zhang [15] and Se-
ung-Hyun Lee [16] applied extraction of region of atten-
tion (ROA) to target segment on static image and
achieved much effects. Junwei Han [17] took advantage
of attention model to segment video target. The global
motion estimation and compensation was used and static
attention and dynamic attention fusion was carried ou t to
get the final result, but this method is limited to the local
motion scene.
In summary, human complex visual system possesses
attention mechanism and the attention is caused by fea-
ture contrast (e.g. color, intensity and motion). Human
visual system can commendably captures moving target
under global motion scene. This paper holds that this is
due to human visual attention caused by the moving tar-
get and global motion contrast and moving target its own
motion contrast. Movement under the global motion
video scene is caused by global motion superimposed on
local motion, and tends to motion contrast. If a reason-
able motion attention model can be constructed, then
moving target detection under global motion scene will
be better solved. According to the spatio-temporal char-
acteristic of motion vector, this paper builds a motion
attention fusion model which is used to detect motion
vector field, and obtain ROA, then accurately extract
2. Pre-Processing of the Motion Vector Field
Motion vector field directly reflects motion information
of video signal, and it is estimated based on Optical Flow
Equation(OFE). Let the intensity of image pixel
at time be
(, )
rt , and OFE is defined as
(,) 0
It t
 
vr (1)
where is defined as
vv tvd
. Horn.
Schunck [18] solved the equation on the condition of
smoothness constraint. Added in different constraint,
there will be other different solutions.
Motion vector field estimated by adjacent frames with
Optical Flow method presents a sparse and local mess
motion characteristic. Because the moving degree of
adjacent frames is not enough strong and video signal
exists some noise at the same time. In this paper, the
motion vector field is pre-processed by accumulation and
median filter. Motion vector accumulation process is: Set
the current frame for the frame, the center of
block , the corresponding motion vector
kl n
, and accumulation of adjacent frames
calculated by Equation (2). For denoising, median filter
is utilized after the accumulation of motion vector, i.e.
each nonzero motion vector is replaced by adjacent mo-
tion vector median.
kl klklkl
xyx y
vv vivi
A compact and uniform motion vector field which is
suitable for motion analysis will be obtained after accu-
mulation of motion vector and denoising.
3. Moving Target Detection Based on Motion
Attention Fusion Model
This paper holds that movement of target has motion
contrast in time and space, which is the basis to make use
of attention to solve the problem of target detection.
Analyzing factors of motion attention caused by motion
vector, this paper ultimately proposes a motion attention
fusion model and applies it to target detection under
global motion scene.
3.1. Motion Attention
Motion attention existing in time and space is caused by
motion contrast. And it can be reflected by adjacent
spatio-temporal correlation degree of motion vector. The
weaker correlation degree is, i.e. the stronger motion
contrast induced by motion vector and neighbors is, and
then the more attention will be attracted, vice versa.
Figure 1 shows spatio-temporal motion contrast of
motion vect o r.
The motion vector generally appears to have strong
correlation in time dimension. Motion vector correlation
degree is measured by the motion vector difference
between two adjacent motion vectors in the time.
Temporal correlation degree is defined as follows:
,,,, 1,,
kijkijk ij
 
 (3)
Motion vector field
Time axis
Motion contrast spatial regionMotion contrast time point
Figure 1. Spatio-temporal motion contrast of motion vector.
where the motion vector at in theand
frame are denoted as (, )ij th
and respectively.
1, ,kij
The motion vector in different regions expresses
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JSIP
Research on Motion Attention Fusion Model-Based Video Target Detection and Extraction of Global Motion Scene
different correlation degree in spatial dimension. When
the movement is caused by the global motion, motion
vector correlation degree is strong. While caused by the
global motion and local motion simultaneously, it is
relatively weak.
A difference between a motion vector and its
8-connected boundary motion vector mean is utilized to
define the local motion correlation degree. Suppose
is macro block centered at in the frame,
and are horizontal and vertical coordinates of macro
block; ,,kijis a set of the macro block and its neighbors.
Spatial correlation degree is defined as:
(, )ij
,,,, ,,
kijkij kij
LVVu |
Here, is motion vector at in the
frame and
(, )ij th
,, ,,
{, |}
kij kij
j kij
ijV S
In conclusion, temporal motion attention is caused by
change magnitude of motion vector, while spatial mo-
tion attention is caused by the distribution of motion
vector; correlation in time and space is described as ad-
jacent motion vector difference and the difference be-
tween neighbor average of motion vectors and itself.
3.2. Motion Attention Fusion Model
Motion attention and the correlation of motion vector in
time and space are closely related. This paper considers
quantifying motion attention with degree of correlation.
According to section 3.1, temporal motion attention fac-
tor and spatial motion attention factor are defined as fol-
,, ,,
kij kij
L (5)
,, ,,
kij kij
L (6)
whereis the position of motion vector in the
frame, is time, is space.
(, )ij
Motion attention contains two factors: time and space,
so a fusion model of those two factors is considered
when modeling motion attention. Firstly, a linear fusion
model is defined using a simple linear combination of
temporal motion attention factor and spatial motion at-
tention factor.
,,,, ,,
kijkij kij
 (7)
Here, 0
and 0
are the weight coefficients.
As shown in Equation (7), linear operation is simple and
efficient. But it is not enough to reasonably reflect the
contrast changes of spatio-temporal motion attention
from the perspective of spatio-temporal effect on motion
attention. The paper holds that spatio-temporal biased
effect to attention is different at different moments,
which is due to changes of motion contrast in two aspects.
In the attention model, a part of attention effect changes
should be added. In this way, it can truly reflect objective
changes and finally a motion attention fusion model is
defined as:
,,,,,, ,,,,,,
,,,,,, ,,,,,,
max ,
max ,
12 max,
kijkijkij kijkijkij
kijkijkij kijkijkij
kijkijkij kij
 
 
  
  
 
where ,,ki j
denotes the attention,
is the bias controller
is deviation. The third part of Equation (8) de-
notes the spatio-temporal biased effect on attention,
which reflects the stronger effect on attention when spa-
tio-temporal attention effect is chang ing.
3.3. Determination of Moving Target Region
In a global motion scene, sometimes because of
interference and inaccurate estimation, there will be a
local and temporary movement contrast of motion vector
field. This suggests motion vector field estimated by
Optical Flow method is not accurate, which isn't
beneficial to distinguish whether the motion macro block
belongs to TR. The proposed model in section 3.2 can be
sure to determine the motion vector macro blocks which
draw attention in motion vector field, but to determine
whether it is belongs to the TR needs further processing.
To be noticed, motion contrast generated by interfer-
ence or inaccurate estimation of Optical Flow method is
usually temporary, while generated by moving target is
relatively continuous. This paper firstly calculates mov-
ing macro blocks attention average on adjacent time, this
will greatly reduce misjudgment caused by interference
and the inaccurate estimation. Average calculation as
shown in Equation (9) and determine whether moving
macro block belongs to the TR by Equation (10).
,, ,,
kij kij
where the parameter is a integer, is a
judging threshold,
B is macro block.
4. Precision Extraction of Moving Ta rge t
4.1. Morphologic Operation
TR detected in section 3.3 is likely to produce hollows,
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Research on Motion Attention Fusion Model-Based Video Target Detection and Extraction of Global Motion Scene 33
and this is because the motion contrast often exists in the
boundary region of the target an d background. The char-
acteristic of binary image mathematical morphological
closing operation is that the most basic morphological
filter can effectively fulfill in the target holes, connect
adjacent objects and smooth the boundary and at the
same time does not obviously change the area of the
original target. According to the results in section 3.3,
this paper eliminates the inner cav ity area of TR based on
the morphological closing operation and obtains rela-
tively complete TR.
4.2. Precision Target Region
In order to meet different application requirements, target
boundary should be refined to obtain an accurate target
region. Precision target contour relate to edge detection
and tracking and a typical solution is track edge to con-
nect of the edge of TR. What the main problem is how to
determine the direction of tracking edge. This paper
makes rough direction of edge as initial tracking direc-
tion and constantly adjusts the tacking direction when
tracking as shown in Figures 2(a) and (b) . The process
of refining edge is showed as follow s :
Step 1: Use Canny operator to obtain texture edge bi-
nary image of coarse segmentation region.
Step 2: Casually select a center point of an edge pixel
block as the initial tracking point and a direction from it
to adjacent edge pixel block center as the initial tracking
direction. If two adjacent blocks exist, then the following
steps performed respectively.
Step 3: Judging whether the 8 pixels around the point
as shown in Figure 2(c) are the edge pixels. If they are, a
most close tracking direction pixel will be selected as
edge pixel, or the point will be selected.
Step 4: Appoint an edge pixel determined in step 3 as
a new tracking pixel, the direction from it to adjacent
edge pixel block center as a new tracking direction, per-
form step 2 again. When next one adjacent block has
already in the image edge and no other adjacent blocks,
then end the operation.
When edge tracking is completed, a more accurate
target contour is obtained, then fulfills the inner of con-
tour, and finally get accurate motion target region.
5. Experimental Results
In this section, the proposed method was tested with a
variety of standard video sequences. Figure 3 shows the
block diagram of the target detection method based on
the motion attention fusion model. The global motion
compensation method proposed in [9-10] was compared
with the proposed method. Select parameter 0.9
threshold and MATLAB 2010.
Experimental sequence, such as "Foreman", "Stefan
(a) (b)
Tracking direction
Possible directionPossible direction
Possible directionPossible direction
Figure 2. Edge tracking (a) alignment of boundary (b)
tracking direction angle (c) possible tracking direction.
and "Coastguard" are tested, and above video sequences
are global motion video scenes. "Foreman" sequence
with characteristic that a moving target is relatively big,
camera movement and the target motion shakes inten-
sively; "Stefan" with characteristic of camera movement
in a horizontal direction, target small and movement in a
horizontal direction, target small and flexible variability
in movement direction; For "Coastguard" sequence,
camera and target motion remain in a horizontal direction ,
movement is slow, and there are two moving targets. The
method proposed in [9-10] and the proposed algorithm in
this paper is denoted by algorithm 1 and algorithm 2,
respectively. Figure 4 shows the results of "Foreman"
(CIF) the,122nd
Motion estimation
Pre-processing of motion
Motion estimation
Moving target detection
based on motion attention
fusion model
Precision extraction of
target region
Figure 3. Block diagram of the target detection method
based on the motion attention fusion model.
"Stefan"(CIF) the,
26th 41
tframes, "Coastguard"
t, 151
tframes. From row 1 to row 5, respectively
as fol- lows: the original image frame of video sequence,
the preliminary result of algorithm 1, the preliminary
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Research on Motion Attention Fusion Model-Based Video Target Detection and Extraction of Global Motion Scene
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JSIP
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 4. Test results (a) “Foreman” (b) “Stefan” (c) “Coastguard”.
Table 1. Two algorithms TC statistic results comparison.
result of algorithm 2, the finally test result of algorithm 1,
the finally test result of algorithm 2. we can see that due
to the global motion estimation inaccuracy, target detec-
tion and extraction error is higher than algorithm 2 in
video sequence of big target, e.g. "Foreman"(Figure
4(a)); For small moving target "Stefan" sequence, the
target movement is intense, the algorithm 1 error is big-
ger, while the relative target motion is smooth, algorithm
1 and 2 achieve the same effort(Figure 4(b)); For
"Coastguard", the algorithm 1 and algorithm 2 results are
the same because of target movement is smooth and keep
in a horizontal direction(Figure 4(c)). Table 1 shows th e
two algorithms Time Consumption (TC) statistic results
comparison, testing data showed that in the same test
environment, computing speed of algorithm 2 is signifi-
cantly higher than algorithm 1, and this is because algo-
rithm 2 avoids the computational cost brought by the
global motion estimation, which greatly increases the
operation speed.
Test videoFormat Frame TC of
algorithm 1 TC of
algorithm 2
CIF 1-125 350 ms/f 81 ms/f
Foreman QCIF 1-125 127 ms/f 37 ms/f
CIF 5-75 283 ms/f 67 ms/f
Coastguard QCIF 5-75 92ms/f 23 ms/f
CIF 20-125 293 ms/f 74 ms/f
Stefan QCIF 20-125 110 ms/f 34 ms/f
In a word, the proposed algorithm based on motion at-
tention fusion model using the motion vector in temporal
and spatial attention factor can effectively detect and
extract moving target under global motion scene, avoid
the shortage of poor robustness and heavy computation
Research on Motion Attention Fusion Model-Based Video Target Detection and Extraction of Global Motion Scene 35
caused by global motion estimation and improve the ve-
racity and real-time performance, and shows it has
widespread application value.
6. Conclusions
This paper proposed a target detection and extraction
method based on motion attention fusion model under
global motion scene. Firstly, motion vector field gener-
ated by optical flow is pre-processed by accumulation
and median filter; Then, according to the temporal and
spatial character of motion vector, the attention fusion
model is defined, which is used to detect moving target;
Lastly, the target region is exactly extracted. The ex-
perimental results of different global motion video se-
quences show the proposed algorithm has a better verac-
ity and real-time performance than other algorithms.
7. Acknowledgements
The work was supported by Education Department of
Shannxi Industrialization Cultivation Project (2012JC19)
and Xi 'an Technology Transfer to Promote Engineering
Major Proj ect (CX12126) for research.
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