Vol.3, No.4A, 5-10 (2013) Open Journal of Animal Sciences
Larval habitat of Ochlerotatus albifasciatus
(Diptera: Culicidae) in the southern edge of the
Americas, Tierra del Fuego Island
Nora Edith Burroni1*, María Verónica Loetti1, María Cristina Marinone2,3,
María Gabriela Freire1, Nicolás Schweigmann1,4
1Mosquito Study Group, Department of Ecology, Genetics and Evolution, Institute IEGEBA (CONICET-UBA), Faculty of Exact and
Natural Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina;
*Corresponding Author: nburroni@ege.fcen.uba.ar
2Arthropods Laboratory, Department of Biodiversity and Experimental Biology, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, University of
Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
3Institute of Biodiversity and Experimental and Applied Biology (IBBEA), UBA-CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina
4National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Received 6 September 2013; revised 29 September 2013; accepted 8 October 2013
Copyright © 2013 Nora Edith Burroni et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Li-
cense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The information about ecological topics of
mosquitoes at the southernmost tip of South
America is fragmentary and scarce. The present
study evaluates lentic freshwater habitat located
in the surroundings of main roads of the Argen-
tine sector of Tierra del Fuego as larval habitat
of Ochlerotatus albifasciatus, also analyzes the
relationships between their presence and sev-
eral environmental variables: water turbid ity, per-
centage of gramineans, percentage of macro-
phytes, presence of crustaceous cyanobacteria,
and filamentous chlorophyceans. Mosquito in-
matures were collected with dip nets. A gener-
alized linear model (GLM) with negative binomial
error distribution was used to determine the ef-
fects of different variables of the water bodies
on abundance of Oc. albifasciatus in the larval
habitats. Collections were made in 45 lentic
freshwater bodies. Preimaginal stages were
found in 17.70% of the studied habitats. Oc.
albifasciatus was the only culicid registered.
The GLM explained 93.17% of the variability, and
showed a negative relationship between the
abundances of Oc. albifasciatus and water tur-
bidity, and a positive relationship with percent-
age of gramineans. The gramineans would im-
prove food supply, because the plants are pro-
viding suitable substrate for different types of
microbiota, a layer of leaves w ould protect eggs
from extreme temperatures, and could help the
larvae to hide from potential predators. The
negative association between abundance of this
species with water turbidity could be related to
the presence of vegetation that favors retaining
the substrate, reducing water turbidity.
Keyw ords: Ochlerotatus; Mosquitoes; Larval
Habitat; Patagonia; South America
Knowledge of the mosquito larval habitat and the
habitat conditions favouring the presence of immature
mosquitoes is essential to understanding the ecology of
culicid populations, particularly for species acting as
vectors of important human and animal diseases [1].
At the southernmost tip of South America, the infor-
mation about ecological topics on mosquitoes is frag-
mentary and scarce. In Patagonia, Chubut Province
(45˚35'S, 69˚05'W), Burroni et al. [2] found Ochlero-
tatus albifasciatus and Culex eduardoi in a study on
wetlands in agroecosystems (Burroni et al. [3]), and an
update of the distribution of the species in Patagonia Ar-
gentina shows that its northern provinces registered be-
tween 6 and 14 species, whereas the southernmost con-
tinental province of Patagonia (Santa Cruz) has only 5
species [4]. In particular, in the Tierra del Fuego Island
(Argentina), Bachmann and Bejarano [5] reported adults
of Oc. albifasciatus (Macquart 1838) in Ushuaia City
and Lapataia Bay documenting the irritating effects of
their bites on humans due to the high abundance of
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OPEN A CCESS
N. E. Burroni et al. / Open Journal of Animal Sciences 3 (2013) 5-10
mosquitoes at this high latitude. In addition, adults of this
species were reported by Marinone [6] from Kosobo
Lake, located 74 km to the northeast of Ushuaia. This
persistent biter that causes considerable discomfort both
to humans [7] and to cattle [8], has sanitary importance
since it has been recognized as a competent vector of the
western equine encephalitis virus [9-12]: the east equine
encephalitis virus and the Valle Cache virus [13]; and of
Dirofilaria immitis, the etiological agent of canine filari-
asis [9,14].
Information about the larval habitat of culicids is not
available for the Tierra del Fuego Island, and ref. [4] has
recently pointed out the lack of information about bio-
nomics of mosquitoes in this region. This study was
aimed at evaluating lentic freshwater habitat located in
the surroundings of the main roads of the Grand Island of
Tierra del Fuego (Argentina) as potential larval habitat
for Oc. albifasciatus, and analyzing the relationships
between the abundance of their immature stages and sev-
eral key environmental variables.
2.1. Study Area
This study was carried out in the Grand Island of
Tierra del Fuego (Argentine sector) (52˚33' - 55˚00'S,
65˚46' - 68˚41'W), from 8 to 14 January 2002. The cli-
mate of this island is cold-temperate with a mean annual
temperature between 4˚C and 6˚C [15] and a mean an-
nual precipitation between 300 and 500 mm. The island
is characterized by little temperature fluctuations due to
the maritime influence, precipitations all year round,
high cloudiness, no frost-free period, and strong westerly
and southwesterly winds [16].
Because of its severe weather and harsh relief, Tierra
del Fuego has experienced a relatively low level of an-
thropogenic impact [17]. The 48,100 km2 of the island
are populated by 126,190 inhabitants who settled there
during the last decades (http://economia.tierradelfuego.
gov.ar). The region corresponds to the Fueguinian Dis-
trict of the Patagonian phytogeographic Province be-
longing to the Neotropical Region [18]. Two distinct
landscape areas can be distinguished in the island: 1) an
open steppe with large plains, isolated hills and plateaus
covered with gramineous plants to the north, and 2)
woodlands to the south (Figure 1(a)). The northern
steppe zone characterized by an annual mean tempera-
ture between 5˚C and 6˚C, accumulated annual precipita-
tions of 300 - 400 mm, and persistent strong westerly
winds The southern woodlands zone is partially sheltered
from the winds by the presence of the southernmost con-
tinental heights of the Andes mountain range, having
annual precipitations of 500 mm and annual mean tem-
peratures of 4˚C [19].
Figure 1. a) Main routes and roads in the argentine sector of
Grand Island of Tierra del Fuego. Those that were transited in
search of freshwater water bodies are indicated in thick line.
The dashed line indicates the approximate limit between the
northern steppe (Nsz) and the southern woodland (Swz) zones;
b) Location of the freshwater water bodies surveyed of the
Grand Island of Tierra del Fuego, on January 2002.
2.2. Sample Collection
About 1000 km of the main routes and roads of the is-
land were traveled to sample lentic freshwater bodies
located in their surroundings (Figure 1(a)). Mosquito
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OPEN A CCESS
N. E. Burroni et al. / Open Journal of Animal Sciences 3 (2013) 5-10
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OPEN A CCESS
inmatures were collected with 350 µm-mesh dip nets
with square frames. The nets were swept sideways and
turned back along the same path to collect dislodged or-
ganisms [20]. Three persons sampled for 20 - 30 min in
the open water, littoral areas and along the bottom, in
each water body <1 m deep, and only in the littoral zone
in wetlands >1 m deep, so that the sample size was pro-
portional to the surface area of each environment. The
material was fixed in situ in 80% ethanol.
The following environmental variables were recorded
at each habitat: a) water turbidity (on a scale from 0
(transparent) to 1 (very turbid) (estimated visually within
a 20-cm diameter by 15-cm deep white container), b)
percentage of gramineans, c) percentage of macrophytes,
d) presence of macroscopic algae crustaceous cyanobac-
teria, and e) presence of filamentous chlorophyceans.
The percentage of gramineans and macrophytes was
computed with the cover abundance scale for vegetation
of Braun-Blanquet [21].
Immature mosquitoes were identified to the species
level [22]. Same larvae and pupae were reared to adult
emergence to confirm the species collected. The abbre-
viation of mosquito genera follows Reinert [23]. The
material is held in the larval collection of N. E. Burroni
(Laboratory of Grupo de Estudio de Mosquitos, Buenos
Aires University, Argentina).
2.3. Data Analysis
A generalized linear model (GLM) [24] analysis with
negative binomial error distribution and log link function
was used to determine the effects of different variables of
the water bodies on abundance of Oc. albifasciatus in the
larval habitats. Statistical analyses were carried out using
R software, Version 2.15.1 (R Development Core Team
2011). The water turbidity, the percentage of gramineans
and macrophytes were treated as quantitative variables,
and the crustaceous cyanobacterias, filamentous chloro-
phyceans presence, were treated as factors.
Collections were made in 45 lentic freshwater water
bodies (Figure 1(b)). Oc. alb ifasciatus was the only spe-
cies of culicid registered. Preimaginal stages of this spe-
cies were found in 17.7% of the habitats, but it was only
found in one type of water body, the roadside pools. This
water boy type was the more abundance (Ta b le 1). The
number of each type of environment sampled was ap-
proximately proportional to its relative abundance in the
A total of 365 inmatures were accounted, and all
specimens of culicids were found in the southern wood-
land zone of the island.
The generalized linear model (GLM) performed be-
tween the abundance of Oc. albifasciatus and environ-
mental variables of larval habitats explained 93.17% of
the variability.
This analysis of GLM showed a negative relationship
between the abundances of Oc. albifasciatus and water
turbidity, and a positive relationship with percentage of
gramineans (Table 2).
In agreement with former reports of adult culicids for
Tierra de Fuego [5,6], the only species detected in our
study was Oc. albifasciatus, which was widely distrib-
uted in southern South America. This species has been
reported from southern Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uru-
guay, Chile, continental Argentina—excepting the arid
Provinces of San Luis and San Juan—[25,26], and Tierra
del Fuego, which is the southern limit of its distribution.
So far, the works on the larval habitats of Oc. albifascia-
tus have been carried out in temperate zones [e.g. 27-30],
therefore, this study represents the first one dealing with
larval habitat characteristics of this species in the austral
extreme of the Americas.
The insular condition of Tierra del Fuego with its very
low temperatures year round and the pervasive strong
Tabl e 1. Number, origin and presence of Oc. albifasciatus of water body type sampled in Argentine sector of Grand Island of Tierra
del Fuego.
Water body type N Origin of the water body Oc. albifasciatus
Roadside pools 24 Made by road construction P
Quarry pools 3 Dug to provide stone for road construction A
Floodplain pools 6 Caused by stream or river overflow A
Peatland ponds 3 Located in Sphagnum sp. peatlands A
Beaver ponds 4 Water body modeling by these animals A
Large ponds 5 Natural A
resence = P; Absence = A.
N. E. Burroni et al. / Open Journal of Animal Sciences 3 (2013) 5-10
Table 2. Generalized linear model coefficients, standar error
(SE) and Z values of these coefficients performed to studied the
effects of environmental variables of larval habitat on Oc. albi-
fasciatus abundance. Theta: 1.054 (Std. Err = 0.574).
Coefficients EstimateSE Z value
Intercept 6.059 1.602 3.782 ***
Gramineans percentage 0.183 0.033 5.517
Water turbidity 2.881 1.222 2.358 *
Significance codes: ***p < 0.0001; *p < 0.01.
winds—specially in northern steppe zone—would pre-
clude the dispersal and colonization of Oc. albifasciatus.
This would coincide with the lack of records in the
northern steppe zone of the island.
In the present study, the vegetation was the predictor
of Oc. albifasciatus. The abundance of immatures of this
species was positively associated to gramineans. Many
authors have reported that the presence of immatures of
certain mosquito species is related to the presence of
vegetation [e.g. 31-33]. Indirectly, the vegetation im-
proves food supply, because the plants are providing
suitable substrate for different types of microbiota [34].
Organic detritus is consumed by bacteria and fungi [35]
as well as diverse macroinvertebrates including larval
mosquitoes [36]. Field studies showed that a layer of
leaves protected eggs of Oc. albifasciatus from extreme
temperatures [37]. The grass, here, could play this func-
tion too. In addition, this organic detritus may alter the
aquatic chemistry in water bodies, potentially influencing
the attractiveness of these habitats to ovipositing female
mosquitoes [38]. On the other hand, the presence of
vegetation like grass could help the larvae to hide from
potential predators by providing them shelter [39,40].
Therefore, the association of Oc. albifasciatus abundance
with gramineans could be related with these aspects. In
Argentina, this species was positively associated with
grass in temporary pools in Buenos Aires City [27]. The
macrophytes can also provide refuge and food for mos-
quitoes immature, however, these plants are more repre-
sentative of habitats of more permanency of water. Oc.
albifasciatus is a floodwater mosquito, because the fe-
males lay their eggs on the wet soil of habitats subject to
cycles of drought and flood [7]. This would explain the
lack of association between the abundance of this mos-
quito and macrophytes.
The negative association between abundance of in-
matures of mosquitoes with water turbidity found in this
study could be related to the presence of vegetation that
favors retaining the substrate, reducing the dissolved
solids in the water column, and thus reducing water
We thank Thomas D. Goodall and his wife the biologist Rae Natalie
Prosser Goodall, for their hospitality and for letting us stay overnight in
Estancia Harberton during part of our fieldwork.
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