Communications and Network, 2013, 5, 554-562 Published Online September 2013 (
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CN
Prototyping and Evaluating a Wearable System for Mobile
Distributed Collaboration
Weidong Huang, Leila Alem, Jalal Albasri
CSIRO, Marsfield, NSW, Australia
Received May 2013
We have developed a wearable system f or mobile distributed collaboration called HandsInAir using emerging wireless
and mobile technologies. This system was developed to support real world scenarios in which a remote mobile helper
guides a local mobile worker in the completion of a physical task. HandsInAir consists of a helper unit and a worker
unit. Both units are equipped with wearable devices having the same hardware configuration, but running different
pieces of software to support the distinct roles of the collaborators (helper and worker). The two s ides are connected via
a wireles s network and the collaboration partners can communicate with each other via audio and visual links. In this
paper we describe the technical implementation of the system and present a preliminary evalua tion of it. The paper con-
cludes with a brief discussion of possible future work for further improvements and new developments.
Keywords: Wireless Network; Mobile Computing; Remote Collaboration; Video Mediated Communication; Remote
1. Introduction
Collaboration between individuals across geographic and
organizational boundaries has become an essential aspect
of our daily lives. Accordingly there has bee n a growing
interest among researchers and engineers in developing
systems that suppor t communication and collaboration
among remote individuals. The majority of these systems
however have been designed to support collaboration where
participants hold s imilar or equal roles, such as students
working togeth e r to complete a group assignment. Rela-
tively less attention has been given to systems in wh ich
partners have distinct roles, such as a worker guided by a
As technologies become increasingly complex, our de-
pendence on expertise in order to understand and use
technology is growing rapidly. More and more real world
scenarios can be found in which assistance from a remote
helper is required to enable a local novice to accomplish
a phys ic al or technical task, such as an off-site technician
guiding an on-site worker in machinery maintenance or
It has been shown that a major issue contributing to
the ineffectiveness of remote, in contrast to co-located
collaboration, is the loss of common ground through which
collaborators can communicate [1]. Studies have shown
that providing collaborators access to a shared virtual space
can be effective at addressing this limitation and benefi-
cial to the completion of collaborative tasks (e.g., [2]). In
existing systems, a shared virtual space often takes the
form of a video view of the workspace.
Further research indicates that video mediated com-
munication is less efficient than face-to-face communica-
tion due to a loss of non-verbal gestures over task objects
that would otherwise be visually available to all [3]. A
number of systems have been developed to incorporate
gesturing into a shared visua l space (e.g., [4-7]). These sys-
tems however demand that at least one of the collabora-
tors be confined to a desktop setting and often require a
complex technical environment in order to support the
sharing of gestures over the collaborative workspace.
How to support the communication of hand g estures in a
scenario where co llaborators are fully mobile and not
confined to traditional desktop environments has not yet
been fully explored.
In an attempt to explore further in this space we there-
fore took advantage of emerging wireless and mobile tech-
nologies and developed a fully wearable system for mo-
bile remote guidance called “HandsInAir”. This system
implements a novel approach that supports the mobility
of both remote collaborators. It requires little environ-
mental support and allows the helper to perform gestures
without having to touch tangible objects, making it ideal
when collaborators are mobile. In the remainder of this
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CN
paper, we desc ribe the technical implementation and
present a preliminary evaluation of its prototype system.
The paper concludes with a brief discussion of future
work intended to advance the system. It should be noted
that the working system of HandsInAir and a formal user
study of it have been reported elsewhere (see [8,9] for
more details).
2. System Prototype
2.1. Concepts and Tools
The system is comprised of two distributed nodes and
collaboration takes place in a directed role oriented man-
ner. Th e two roles are the worker who is present at the
worksite and the helper who is offsite.
The hardware for the system was developed to be iden-
tical at both nodes to allow easy swapping of roles if ne-
cessary. It consists of a Microsoft Lifecam webcam
mounted on top of the brim, and a Vuzix 920 Wrap near-
eye display mounted beneath the brim of the helmet (see
Figure 1). The webcam is used at the worker’s node to
capture the view of the worksite and at the helper’s node
to capture hand gestures performed in the space directly
in front of the helper. The system combines the hand
gestures with the live video feed of the worksite and the
combined view is displayed to both collaborators via the
near-eye display. A microphone headset is used to im-
plement an audio link between the participants to facili-
tate verbal communication. These peripheral devices are
connected to a wear able PC worn by the collaborators in
a backpack. The wearable PCs used had 1.6 Ghz Intel
Atom pro cessors, 1GB of RAM a nd ran W indows XP.
The wearable PCs were chosen for their low weight and
size which allow them to be easily worn by users.
The system was developed in C++ with Microsoft Vis-
ual Studio 2010 on Windows XP machines. A number of
external libraries were utilized to perform networking
and computer vision operations. C++ was chosen as the
development language because of the system’s high per-
formance requirements and compatibility with external
libraries such as OpenCV [10].
Figure 1. Hardware setup.
Open CV is an open source library containing over
2000 computer vision and image manipulation functions.
It was chosen because of its large range of functions and
flexibility and was used to implement simple image ma-
nipulations, windowing, display and capturing frames fro m
the camera as well as color hu e filtratio n for hand gesture
Due to network bandwidth limitations and the sys-
tem’s real-time latency requirement, raw camera frames
were too large to be transmitted over the wireless net-
work unless they were compressed first. The system uses
libjpeg-turbo [11], an optimized derivative of the open
source IJG JPEG image compression library libjpeg [12].
The standard IJG libjpeg implementation was initially
used for image compression; however the performance of
the compression and decompression functions was too
slow. Libjpeg-turbo accelerates baseline JPEG compres-
sion and decompression for up to a 100% performance
boost and enabled the system to ach ieve its real-time
frame rate. Although OpenCV was built in JPEG com-
pression and deco mpress ion a lgo r ith ms they are restricted
to the reading and writing of images from and to disk and
not memory.
Microsoft technologies were used to support many of
the HandsInAir functions. Winsock 2 (Windows Sockets)
[13] was used to facilitate network communications. This
allowed HandsInAir to exchange data independent of the
network implementation between the two nodes. Micro-
soft Found ation Class (MFC) Library [14] was utilized to
multithread the core functions of the HandsInAir system
enabling them to run concurrently in an event driven fa-
shion [15,16]. Events such as capturing a frame from a
camera or receiving a frame from a socket trig ger ed r eac-
tive activities, such as sending or displaying the frame on
the near-eye display.
2.2. System Architecture
A SharedBuffer class was used to enable the exchange of
frames between threads. Within the SharedBuffe r class
frames were stored in a simple character array. Two sim-
ple functions were implemented to read from and write to
the SharedBuffer. Critical sections were used to lock the
buffers during read and write operations so that only one
thread could access or modify the image in the buffer at
any one time. The SharedBuffer objects were held as
global variables so that they could be accessed by all
threads of the HandsInAir program.
The HandsInAir program at the helper node began by
launching its four major functions h_Camera, h_Send,
h_Receive and h_Display; each function is started in its
own thread (see Figure 2). Two Shared Buffer objects,
Send Buffer and DisplayBuffer , were used to exchange
frames between the threads. Two Event objects, Send
and Display, were used by threads to signal the comple-
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CN
Figure 2. Activity diagram for the helper node.
tion of tasks and enabled them to synchronize their oper-
ations. An additional Quit event was used to signal the
receipt of a quit command from the user and end the
The h_Camera thread’s purpose is to continually up-
date the SendBuffer with new frames from the local
camera. It consists of a continuous loop that queries the
camera for a new frame, and upon receiving the frame
compresses it to a JPEG and saves it to the Send Buffer.
Finally the h_Camera thread signals the Send Event in-
dicating to the h_Send thread that the buffer has been
updated with a new frame that is r eady to be transmitted.
The h_Send thread begins by setting up a Winsock
socket upon which it listens for an incoming connection.
The function then waits on the listen socket for the re-
mote node to attempt a connection. If a connection at-
tempt is detected it is accepted and a second Winsock
socket is created and used to send the image data. The
h_Send function then enter s a continuous loop that be-
gins by waiting for the Send event to be signaled. Once
the Send event is signaled by the h_Camera function,
h_Send knows that there is a new frame in the SendBuf-
fer that is ready to be sent. h_Send reads the image out of
the buffer, sends it to the remote node over the socket
connection and finally resets the Send event . It then re-
turns to the top of the loop where it waits to the Send
event to be signaled by the capturing of another new
Just as the h_Send and h_Camera functions coordinate
their actions to accomplish the goal of sending a frame,
the h_Receive and h_Display functions synchronize their
actions in order to receive and display a frame from the
remote node. h_Receive begins by setting up a receiving
socket and attempting a connection to the remote node.
Upon the successful establishment of a connection it en-
ters a continuous loop in which it receives a frame from
the socket and saves it in the DisplayBuffer. At the end
of the loop it signals th e Display event to notify the
h_Display thread that a new frame has been received and
is ready to be displayed.
The h_D isplay thread similarly operates a continuous
loop, at the start of which it waits to be signaled by
h_Receive through the Display event. Once it has been
notified of the arrival of a new frame it reads the frame
out of the DisplayBuffer an d deco mpress es it from a JPEG
into OpenCv’s IplImage format. h_Display then outputs
the frame to the user by updating a window on the near-
eye display and resets the Display event.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CN
The HandsInAir program at the worker node is com-
prised of three major functions w_Send, w_Receive and
w_Process (see Figure 3). They are all started by the
main function in separate threads in a similar fashion to
the helper program’s fun c tions. Two Event objects, Send
and Process, are used to synchronise the threads and two
SharedBuffer objects, SendBuffer and DisplayBuffer, are
used to exchange image frames between the threads. A
Quit event is used to signal termination of the program in
the same way as the helper program.
The op era tions of the w_Receive and w_Send func-
tions are similar to their counterparts in the helper pro-
gram. The w_Receive function establishes a connection
to the helper node and receives a frame containing the
helper’s hand gestures over an arbitrary background . It
saves the frame in the DisplayBuffer and signals the
Process even t.
The w_Process function is where the majority of the
program’s activity takes place. It operates a continuous
loop that waits on the Process event to be signaled by the
arrival of a new frame from the remote node. It then
reads the frame from the DisplayBuffer and decom-
presses it from a JPEG to OpenCV’s IplImage format.
Next w_Pr ocess uses OpenCV functions to extract the
hand gestures from the received image, and overlay them
onto a new frame of the worksite captured by the work-
er’s local camera. The combined frame is displayed to
the worker by updating a window on their near-eye dis-
play, then compressed to JPEG format and saved in the
SendBuffer object. Finally the w_Process function sig-
nals the Send event to indicate there is a new frame ready
to be sent and resets the Process event.
Figure 3. Activity diagram for the worker node.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CN
Extraction of hand gestures from an arbitrary back-
ground in the frame received from the helper node was
originally achieved using the OpenCV AdaptiveSkinDe-
tector algorithm developed by Dadgostar and Sarrafza-
deh [17]. The algorithm’s skin tone detection is based on
expected hue and saturation values of skin. A histogram
of expected HSV values was built by manually segment-
ing a set of 20 training images. The histogram is not only
used to filter skin valu es fro m the input image but ad-
justed on the fly with every subsequent frame to home in
on the skin tone actually appearing in the image. Al-
though the Dadgostar algorithm was quick and worked
reasonably well in controlled conditions, significant dif-
ferences between frames, poor lighting conditions and
image compression quickly degraded the robustness of
the skin tone detection and resulted in regions of skin not
being detected as well as background artifacts being falsely
detected as skin. The requirements called for high ro-
bustness in hand gesture detection not only to be able to
support the helper in varying environmental conditions
but also to convey hand gestures to the worker as accu-
rately and as clearly as possible. The adaptive skin detec-
tion algorithm was replaced by requiring the helper to
wear a pair of blue gloves, which enabled highly robust
and efficient hand gesture recognition with simple color
hue filtration of each frame. There was a con cern that
replacing natural hands by gloves would result in a loss
in the richness of the information conveyed by the hand
gestures and so two toned blu e gloves were chosen so
that their orientation would be as clear as possible to the
2.3. System Operation
The H a ndsInAir system is designed to enable user s to
collaborate in a distributed environment. The user s are
comprised of a worker at one node interacting with physi-
cal objects and a helper at the other node interacting with
virtual objects. By using the system, the helper is able to
instruct the worker by performing hand gestures over the
virtual objects displayed on the near-eye display. The
worker can see the helper’s hand gestures over worksite
objects displayed on the near-eye display. Both the hel-
per and the worker can communicate verbally over an
audio link. Neither an interaction with the user interface
nor a direct manipulation of system hardware is required
allowing the worker to maintain unconstrained interac-
tion wi th the worksite and task objects and the helper
free to perform hand gestures in front of the camera.
More specifically, once the wireless connection is es-
tablished, the system initializes two video streams be-
tween the nodes. A video stream from the local worker’s
camera is transmitted to the helper node and displayed on
the near-eye display. This enables the helper to view the
work scene from the perspective of the onsite worker.
Simultaneously the se cond video feed taken from the
helper’s camera captures the helper’s hands as they ges-
ture to items on the worker’s video feed . The captured
hands are extracted from the background and transposed
onto the worker’s local feed allowing the worker to see
the helper’s gestures. The worker’s and helper’s actions
are effectively synchronized. On the one hand, the helper
sees the video of the workspace (actions of the worker
and physical objects), perceives the status of the task and
directs the w orker to perform further actions accordingly
using hand gestures and audio commands. On the other
hand, the worker hears the audio instructions, sees the
visual aids by looking up in the near-eye display when
necessary, and performs operations as instructed by the
helper. This provides a real-time closed loo p tele-guid-
ance system.
3. System Evaluation
3.1. Method and Procedure
A pilot study was performed to evaluate the HandsInAir
system. The study was designed to assess the system in
facilitating distributed role oriented collaboration as well
as test the concept of using hand gestur es to mediate
A meeting room was used to simulate the worker’s
environment (see Figure 4) and an office room was used
to simulate the helper’s environment. A wired network
connection was laid b etween the tw o rooms, and a wire-
less router was used at each end to prov ide the system
with wireless connectivity, allowing users to experience
full mobility with the equipment.
To mimic real world collaborative physica l tasks, us-
ers were asked to work together to build simple shapes
with Lego bricks (see Figure 5). Three station s were
marked at the worker’s site for building the shapes. At
Figure 4. The worksite setup.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CN
Figure 5. The helper (left) is guiding the worker (right).
the start of the test the helper would instruct the worker
to build a letter of the alphabet using the Lego bricks at
the first station. The helper would then ask the worker to
put the model down and move to the second station
where they would carry out a similar task. After that, the
worker would be asked to take the two shapes built pre-
viously to the third station and combine both shapes. In
order to test the worker’s mobility, the Lego bricks were
scattered randomly in the meeting room. The worker
would be asked by the helper to move across the room to
pick up these bricks. Obstacles were placed on the way
beforehand so that the worker would have to avoid them
while moving around. To avoid possible trip incidents,
wheeled chairs were used as obstacles. This was to assess
the workers’ awareness of their physical surroundings
while wearing the head gear. In order to explore the mo-
bility at the helper site participants were asked to deliver
the instructions for the first shape from a seated position
and for the second shape from a standing position. For
the shapes to be combined at the third station, helpers
were asked to deliver the instructions from whichever
position they preferred, seated or standing.
Helpers were encouraged to use both pointing gestures
as well as complex representational gestures to demon-
strate assembly instructions to their partner while speak-
ing to their partner verbally. During each shape assem-
bling, workers were not told what the final shapes would
be until the end of the task.
Ten participants were recruited for the study on a vo-
luntary basis. All of them did not have any experience of
using su ch typ es of system before. Participants were
randomly paired were conducted in pair s with one play-
ing the role of the worker and the other the role of the
helper. At the end of the test they were asked to fill out
the first questionnaire. They then switched roles and car-
ried out the tasks a second time. A final questionnaire
was then administered, followed by a debrief session.
The specific objectives of this study included deter-
mining whether the system wa s easy and intuitive to use
and if the users found it enjoyable to communicate in
such a manner. We would also like to know the expe-
rience of helpers in guiding their partner using pointing
gestures as well as representational gestures such as
communicating assembly instructions by making shapes
with their hands.
The questionnaire was designed to collect qualitative
data about the users’ experiences with the system. Addi-
tional data was gathered through still and video capture
of user behaviors as well as user feedb ack during the
debrief sessions.
3.2. Results and Discussion
Participants f e lt strong ly that the system was intuitive to
use and easy to get accustomed to. They g e nerally ex-
pressed a high level of satisfaction with their task per-
formance and with the extent of the communication with
their partners. Tasks were completed with ease and speed.
Hand gestures were regarded as extre mely useful to com-
municating task actions although it was observed the
primary form of their communication was always verbal.
Participants expressed no preference gesturing while
in a seated or a standing position while in the role of the
helper, with an equal number preferring one over the
other and some indicating no preference at all. All work-
ers were able to navigate around obstacles in the room
with extreme ease indicating a solid awareness of their
physical environment.
Although helpers reported equal ease in using both
gestures, workers found it easier to unders tand the point-
ing gestures over the complex representational gestures.
All participants agreed that pointing was more construc-
tive to the task than showing shapes or assembly gestures.
Many of the helpers reported difficulty perceiving the
depth of Lego bricks as well as greater eas e indicating
flat assembly instructions as opposed to vertical ones. A
lack of depth in the two dimensional image would con-
tribute to the particip ants ’ preference towards pointing
over representational gestures. Difficulty was also ob-
served when helpers were unable to judge the thickness
of some Lego bricks. This resulted in clarificatio n re-
quired from their partner to amend an incorrect assembly
The relationship between participants was observed to
play a role in the quality of their interactions. Some par-
ticipants found the role of the worker rigid and confined
to only following instructions. Others would take a more
collaborative approach to the task, suggesting and trial-
ing configurations without the explicit instruction of the
helper. These collaborative work ers were observed to use
a trial and error strategy when they were unsure about an
instruction. The worker would try a configuration and
hold it up to the camera to get approval fro m the helper.
Participants in the role of the worker reported that they
had difficulty performing task actions and receiving in-
structions simultaneously. When a helper would admi-
nister instructions while the worker was performing an
assembly task they would easily get confused as their
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CN
attention would be split between the physical task and the
near-eye display. Furthermore many participants expressed
a sense of clutter on the near-eye display when four
hands would appear at the same time. Almost all partici-
pants began innately coping with these difficulties by
staggering the instructions and the execution of assembly
tasks. Workers were observed to remove their hands from
the view of the worksite while receiving instructions.
They would then carry out the assembly task, place the
object down on the workbench or hold it up to the cam-
era and await confirmation fr om their partner that they
had carried out the assembly successfully. Similarly hel-
pers were observed to promptly remove their hands from
the view after delivering their instructions and observe
their partner to carry out the assembly task without inter-
ference. All participants agreed that the system would be
most suitable to non-time-critical tasks because of the
slow mechanism of interaction. Unexpectedly however is
that most participants did not find this cumbersome but
more natural.
It was observed that the performance of the partici-
pants was getting better while the process was approach-
ing to its end. This indicated that the more they were
familiar with the system, the better their performance.
Two out of the ten participants, having previously played
the role of the helper, were observed to sort the Lego
bricks by color and size prior the start of the test, when
they played the role of the worker. The majority of par-
ticipants found it much easier to carry out tasks as the
worker than to give instructions as the helper. However
when asked whic h role they favored participants were
equally divided between the two roles. Participants who
favored the helper expressed they found the role more
enjoyable because they felt greater control even though
the majority of the respon sibility and ambiguity resided
on the helper’s side. It was indicated that the greatest
mental demand came from structuring interactions within
the limitations of the system as w ell as synchronizing
instructions with their partner. This was best expressed in
the words of one participant who said that “interacting
with the system is easy; learning what it is useful for is
where the curve is”.
Participants generally expressed an overall comfort
with the equipment. They found it easy to use the near-
eye display while maintaining awareness of their physi-
cal environment and intuitive to interact with the system
in the intended manner. One participant found the expe-
rience challenging because the helmet would not fit cor-
rectly on his head. Th e participant had to tilt the helmet
forward far enough for the near-eye display to be visible.
This however resulted in the camera mounted on the brim
becoming ai med almost direc t ly downward. The situation
would have been improved if the camera and near-eye
display were independently adjustable. However, the na-
ture of their current mounting on the helmet prevented
The majority of p articipants indicated no hindrance or
discomfort by a lag or delay. One participant felt strongly
while playing the role of the worker that there was a
large discrepancy between what was displayed on the
near-eye display and what could be seen in real life due
to a lag which induced a sense of nausea. The same par-
ticipant experienced difficulty correlating hand gestures
on the eye-display to task objects in the physical work-
space. Sensing their partner’s difficulty and discomfort
the helper began administering instructions almost en-
tirely verbally. As they continued the worker was ob-
served to take over control of the task with the helper
only consulted for approva l of an assembly decision once
it had been made. The same participant in the worker role
also expressed feelings of “claustrophobia” while wear-
ing the head gear and felt his awareness of the physical
surroundings had been greatly diminished. The partici-
pant however had no difficulty maneuvering around ob-
stacles in the room.
It was expected to hear fro m participants that they
found it difficult to coordinate holding the worker’s view
still while the helper gestured over task objects. This
feedback however was only received from a single par-
ticipant. This could have been due to the inherent me-
chanism of communication that was observed emerge
from the remote interactions where the worke r would
naturally hold their head and hands still while receiving
an instruction. Some participants expressed that they
found the ta sks too easy and that they did not require true
collaboration. A few of the participants likened the expe-
rience to that of playing first person video games and felt
that prior experience with games made adjustment to the
equipment easier.
One of the participants experienced difficulty adjust-
ing to the audio link. Unlike a normal phone the audio
link between participants incorporated a silence detection
feature. The feature would disable the audio link whe n it
detected no users were speaking. When it would detect a
spike in the volume the audio channel was reopened.
Although the feature worked well the participant found it
difficult to determine whether there was someone on the
other end because when no-one would talk they could
hear total silence.
The system was successful in mediating the remote
collaboration. It show ed value providing a shared work-
space as a basis for common ground between collabora-
tors. All pairs were able to complete the required tasks
with relative ease and many found it enjoyable. The sys-
tem worked well communicating pointing gestures in the
shared workspace. All par ticipants however cited low
image resolution as the biggest weakness of the system
and found that objects often had to be held up to the
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CN
camera or clari fied v erb ally to be corr ectl y pe rceiv ed from
the helper side. Furthermore many participants found that
the lack of depth perception on the two-dimensional im-
age to be the most l imiting factor. Participants were ob-
served to exhibit difficulty from the helper’s perspective
in discerning the exact sizes and positions of bricks in the
workspace as well as communicating complex represen-
tational hand gestures.
4. Conclusions
HandsInAir is a new real-time wearable system for re-
mote collaboration. It employs novel approaches that
support the mobility of remote collaborators and capture
remote gestures. The system enables the helper to per-
form hand gestures in the air without the need to interact
with tangible objects. The syste m is lightweight, easy to
set up, intuitive to use and requires little environmental
or technical support. HandsInAir has demonstrated great
capability of mediating remote collabo ration and has
significant potential for implementation in a wide range
of real world applications such as telemedicine, remote
maintenance and repair.
The greatest strength of the system is its capability of
facilitating remote collaboration tasks. This can be seen
from the fact that all participants in our study were able
to collaborate effectively to successfully complete a se-
ries of remote tasks. A majority of them expressed com-
fort and ease using the system, and found it valuable for
remote collaboration.
Findings in the usability study also further corrobo-
rated concepts underlying remote collaboration and find-
ings in previous studies (e.g. [18]). These included the
prevalence of pointing gestures over complex representa-
tional gestures, and the value of a shared wor ks pace at
providing common ground to facilitate communication.
The system lacked sufficient image quality a nd depth
information whic h were cited as its main deficiencies. In
the next iteration of the system we would rectify the
shortcoming in the image quality by choosing a more
suitable image compression method and hardware with
greater grap hics processing capabilities. Furt her work has
also been planned to reorganize of the configuration of
the camera and near-eye display on the helmet to make
them independently adjustable and more comfortable and
accessible to users.
Although a two-dimensional workspace was satisfac-
tory for communicating pointing gestures, it was inade-
quate for clearly communicating more complex assembly
instructions thro ugh the use of representational gestures.
Recent advancements in depth sensing technology have
made it feasible to explore the development of a three
dimensional shared workspace that would enable partic-
ipants greater freedom and range of expression (e.g.,
[19,20]). The use of depth sensing technology to imple-
ment more robust hand gesture recognition based on
depth filtration instead of color hue filtration will also be
explored. The advanced detection mechanism would al-
low the helper to incorporate instructional apparatus into
the shared workspace.
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