Communications and Network, 2013, 5, 434-437 Published Online September 2013 (
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CN
SDN-Based Switch Implementation
on Network Processors
Yunchun Li, Guodong Wang
School of Computer Science and Engineering, BeiHang University, Beijing, China
Received June 2013
Virtualization is the key technology of cloud co mputing. Network virtualization plays an important role in this field. Its
performance is very relevant to network virtualizing. Nowadays its implementations are mainly based on the idea of
Software Define Network (SDN). Open vSwitch is a sort of software virtual switch, which conforms to the OpenFlow
protocol standard. It is basically deployed in the Linux kernel hypervisor. This leads to its performance relatively poo r
because of the limited system resource. In turn, the packet process throughput is very low. In this paper, we present a
Cavium-based Open vSwitch implementation. The Cavium platform features with multi cores and couples of hard ac-
celerators. It supports zero-copy of packets and handles packet more quickly. We also carry some experiments on the
platform. It indicates that we can use it in the enterprise network or campus network as convergence layer and core
layer device.
Keywords: SDN; Open vSwitch; Network Processors; OpenFlow
1. Introduction
Software Defined Network (SDN) is the main approach
to achieve network virtualization. The idea was origi-
nated at Stanford University Ethane items. The Open
Flow [1] protocol is a new standard that provides pro-
gramming interface on switch or routers. With the new
protocol, the control and data planes are decoupled, net-
work intelligence and state are logically centralized, and
underlying network infrastructure is abstracted from the
applications. This enables enterprises to build highly scal-
able, flexible networks that readily adapt to changing
business ne eds.
Open vSwitch [2] is developed by Nicira Network and
has been widely used because of its great scalability and
programmability. Enterprises and carriers can gain un-
precedented programmability, automation, and network
control. Open vSwitch is deployed in the linux kernel.
The kernel bridge is replaced by the kernel module of
Open vSwitch. It supports a variety of standard manage-
ment interfaces, such as NetFlow, sFlow, CLI and so on.
And there has been the optimization on the PC platform
[4]. But its performance is relatively slo w because of the
cpu overload. In fact, the performance experiments have
been done in [5]. Stanford implements the switching ref-
erenc e on NetFPGA by offloading packet processing from
host CPU to NIC [6].
The Cavium [3] network processor provides two run-
time modes: SE-S and SE-UM. SE-S mode can achieve
better performance based on data plane hardware units,
without context switching overhead.
In thi s pape r, we pr opo se to i mplem ent the O pen vSwitch
based on Cavium network processor. We port the kernel
module to network processor platform and improve the
throughput significan tly.
The paper is organized as follows. F irs t, Network Pro-
cessor platform and Open vSwitch are introduced, fol-
lowed by the Cavium switch design and implementation.
After experiments, t he design finally reaches the goal.
2. Open vSwitch Principle of Work
Open vSwitch supports the OpenFlow protocol, which
forms the bridge between controller and switch. The com-
munication model is shown in Figure 1.
While Open vSwitch can be used as stand-alone switch-
ing equipment for packet forwarding, the main mode of
operation is switching packets by the command of re-
mote controller. It configures and manages the switch
through OpenFlow, and it also provides programming
interface to users for enforcing flow rules, modifying
flow table and so on. The basic infrastructure is shown in
Figure 2.
Open vSwitch can run in user space, after loading the
Y. C. LI, G. D. WANG
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CN
Figure 1. Communication model.
Figure 2. Open vSwitch infrastruc t ure.
kernel module packets can be processed in the kernel and
transmitted directly, which is more efficient. As Above
figure shows, datapath module is responsible for the loo-
kup and port management. These operations command is
passed to the datapath through dpif provider. It is devel-
oped using netlink communication. The interaction mod-
el is shown in Figure 3.
3. Architecture Design
The system is divided into data plane and control plane.
Data plane runs in SE-S mode on the platform. It pro-
vides the process of table looking up and forwarding
packets directly. Control plane is to pass the non-match
packets to controller through OpenFlow and notify the
datapath the command from controller at the same time.
This works in SE-UM mode. The architecture is shown
in Figure 4.
The control path consists of configuration, secure chan-
nel and message passing. Configuration is responsible for
configuring connection to controller, MAC le a rning, VLAN
etc. Secure channel process the non-match packet and
Figure 3. The interaction between kernel and userspace.
Figure 4. The system architecture.
handle it to controller. The message passing module is
designed to send the command to forward path. It facili-
tates the procedure of making rules from secure channel
to datapath. This module is implemented by the share
memory provided by the Cavium platform.
The forward path includes management of flow table
and port. Flow table module operates the flow table such
as updating entry and inserting entry into flow table. Port
module manages the ports on platform. It enables the
control plane to configure the port and reports the statis-
tical information on it. Data processing module provides
the interface between the port and the control plane.
The procedure of datapath is show in Figure 5. There
are several actions for the target packets: port output, add
VLAN field, send to controller and so on. When the pack-
et passes through the port, the port records the informa-
tion. In addition, we compute the checksum of packet
header and inspect the MTU of frame.
4. Open vSwitch Implementation on Cavium
4.1. Zero Copy
Original OVS (Open vSwitch) exchange message through
netlink [7] message between user space and kernel space.
When a packet did not match with the flow table, data-
path call the ovs_dp_upcall function to copy the packet
to user space. During the procedure,
skb_copy_and_csum_dev function would take a pretty
long time.
Y. C. LI, G. D. WANG
Copyright © 2013 SciRe s. CN
Figure 5. Procedure of incoming packet.
In order to reduce the process time, we take advantage
of the platform SSO unit. It defines the packet as a work,
which is scheduled in multiple work queues. Every work
contains a group info. The group info represents which
core the work should be processed on. The core process
the packet based on the priority of work. Thus we define
two different group numbers for the data plane and con-
trol plane respectively. For a non-match work, we assign
the group number for control plane. This way reduces the
copying time and improves the throughput. The packet
process step is shown in Figure 6.
4.2. Communication in Share Memory
Cavium platform belongs to SMP architecture. Both SE-
UM and SE-S are able to access the physical memory
directly in the same address space.
Cvmx_bootmem_alloc_named function allocates a name
block of memory from the free list. We use this block as
the message queue. Control plane puts the message into
it and data plane gets the message from it. The message
format is shown below:
struct sw_cvmx_msg{
uint8_t cmd; //command
uint32_t size; //size of data
void * data; //message data
The data field stores data according to the message
command. There are three different types:
dpif_cvmx_datapath, dpif_cvmx_vport and
The contr ol pa th procedure is a s follows:
wqe = get_work (non-match work);
if (wqe == NULL) continue;
pass the work to controller;
parse openflow message from controller;
assemble the sw_cvmx_msg;
put the message into queue;
}while (running);
The data pa th proce du re i s as follows :
wqe = get_wor k();
if (match packet)
action operatio n;
assign the group number to control plane
if (has message in queue)
get message from queue;
}while (running);
4.3. Port and flow Table
Port is responsible for forwarding and receiving the
packets. IPD/PIP unit on the platform manage the ports
through API (such as cvmx_helper_get_ipd_port). In the
system we implement the operation for the RGMII inte r-
face. Port info is defined in the vport_cvmx structure.
Traditionally, a flow is defined based on 5-tuple: src IP,
dst IP, protoc ol, sr c port a nd ds t por t . Howe ve r, OpenFlow
represents a flow the 12-tuple. Flow entry is defined in
the sw_cvmx_flow structure.
5. Experimental Evaluation
5.1. Experiment Setup
It shows that NP-based Open vSwitch realization is in-
deed better than the PC platform. We carry on the expe-
riment on Cavium CN5860 and x86platform. The setting
is shown in Figure 7.
We use the SmartBits [8] as the test tool. There are
two gig abit ports on the tool. One of them is used to send
packet to DUT (Device Under Test), the other port is
responsible for receiving packets from DUT output port.
Figure 6. Packet process step.
Figure 7. Experiment model.
Y. C. LI, G. D. WANG
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CN
5.2. Experimetal Scenario
To investigate the performance and scalability aspects of
the system, we mainly carry out two experiments as fol-
We generate UDP packets of different sizes (64, 500,
1500 bytes) to test th e throughput. The resu lt is shown in
Table 1.
We measure the throughput in different cores sepa-
rately (1, 3, 6, 12 cores) to test the scalability. And the
result is shown in Table 2.
We can make several observations on the results. The
NP-based switch p erforms better than the PC-based switch
when forwarding the packets. The data-copying overhead
is reduced by using the share memory. And as the core
number increases, the performance is definitely improved
as well.
6. Summaries
This paper proposed and implemented the NP-based OVS,
porting the datapath from kernel space to SE-S mode.
The test shows that we improve the performance signifi-
cantly by utilizing the multi-core processors. However,
this article only implements the exact match in the flow
table lookup operation. The wildcard match will be car-
ried out i n t he future wor k.
Table 1. Thr ou gh put .
Table 2. Throughput on different cores.
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[3] The Cavium Website.
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[8] SmartBits_Overview_detail_20051008.pdf