Vol.2, No.6, 345-347 (2013) Case Reports in Clinical Medicine
Rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis complicated
with an ophthalmic artery occlusion followed by
subarachnoid hemorrhage
Kun Wook Kang, Young Ki Kwon, Jae Pil Shin, In Taek Kim, Dong Ho Park*
Department of Ophthalmology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea;
*Corresponding Author: sarasate2222@gmail.com
Received 14 July 2013; revised 5 August 2013; accepted 12 August 2013
Copyright © 2013 Kun Wook Kang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
A 70-year-old female with poorly controlled dia-
betes developed sudden visual loss, ptosis and
complete ophthalmoplegia of the right eye. Fun-
duscopic examination showed the pale retina
and the cherry red spot in the right eye. Fluo-
rescein angiography and indocyanine green an-
giography demonstrated the absence of retinal
arterial filling and choroidal perfusion in the
right eye even 20 minutes after injecting the dye.
The p atient was diagnosed with right ophthalmic
artery occlusion. Computed tomography (CT)
showed diffuse mucosal thickening in the right
ethmoidal sinus. Based on the clinical findings
and endoscopic biopsy result, mucormycosis
was confirmed. Amphotericin B (40 mg/day) and
ceftriaxone (2 g/day) were intravenously admi-
nistered. Despite the improvement of the right
ethmoidal sinusitis and the right proptosis, the
patient deteriorated into a comatose state after
19 days of systemic amphotericin B therapy.
Although the previous CT showed no cerebral
aneurysm, a repeated CT showed newly devel-
oped posterior communicating artery aneurysm
and the subarachnoid hemorrhage. Despite the
amphotericin B treatment and the improvement
of the sinusitis, mucormycosis could cause sud-
den cerebral aneurysm rupture and subarach-
noid hemorrhage resulting in coma.
Keyw ords: Intracranial Aneurysm; Mucormycosis;
Ophthalmic Artery; Rhino-Orbito-Cere bral
Mucormycosis; Subarach noid Hemorrhage
Mucormycosis is a fungal infection caused by the
family Mucoraceae-pathogenic genera Rhizopus, Absidia
and Mucor [1]. Infections typically occur in immuno-
compromised patients with diabetic ketoacidosis, lym-
phoma, leukemia, corticosteroid treatment, radiation ther-
apy, chemotherapy, myelodysplastic syndrome, aplastic
anemia and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
[2]. Rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis is a rare oppor-
tunistic fungal infection that is potentially fatal.
We report a rare case of rhino-orbito-cerebral mucor-
mycosis complicated with an ophthalmic artery occlu-
sion followed by sudden onset subarachnoid hemorrhage.
A 70-year-old female presented to hospital with a three
day history of visual loss and ptosis of the right eye. The
patient was diagnosed with diabetes 30 years ago but
took the medication irregularly for recent 2 weeks. Blood
glucose level at admission was 516 mg/dL.
The visual acuity was no light perception in the right
eye and 20/40 in the left eye with a relative afferent pu-
pillary defect on the right side. Complete restriction of
ocular motility in all fields of gaze, ptosis and proptosis
of the right eye were observed. Funduscopic examination
showed the pale, edematous retina and the cherry red
spot in the right eye (Figure 1(A)). Fluorescein angio-
graphy an d indocyan ine gre en angiography demonstrated
the absence of retinal arterial filling and choroidal p erfu-
sion in the right eye even 20 minutes after injecting the
dye (Figure 1(B)). The patient was diagnosed with right
ophthalmic artery occlusion.
Computed tomography (CT) of the brain and orbit
showed diffuse mucosal thickening in the righ t eth moidal
sinus but there was no involvement of the cavernous si-
nus or the cavernous carotid artery (Figure 1(C)). The
patient underwent an urgent endoscopic nasal exploration.
Rhinologic exam revealed a dark brown colored eschar
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.sc irp.or g/journal/crcm/
K. W. Kang et al. / Case Reports in Clinical Medicine 2 (2013) 345-347
at the right nasal septum. The pathologic examination of
the surgical specimen at the right nasal septum revealed
broad, aseptate hyphae, morphologically consistent with
mucormycosis. The definitive diagnosis of mucormyco-
sis was made on histopathologic examination (Figure
1(D)). Amphotericin B (40 mg/day) and ceftriaxone (2
g/day) were intravenously administered.
Despite the improvement of the right ethmoidal si-
nusitis and the right proptosis after 9 days of systemic
amphotericin B therapy (Figure 2(A)), the patient dete-
riorated into a comatose state after 19 days of systemic
amphotericin B therapy. Although the previous CT show e d
no cerebral aneurysm (Figure 2(C)), a repeated CT scan
of the brain showed newly developed right posterior
communicating artery aneurysm and the subarachnoid
hemorrhage with a right temporal lobe hematoma (Fig-
ures 2(B) and 2( D)).
Rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis was diagnosed.
Endovascular coil embolization of posterior communi-
cating artery and craniotomy for subarachnoid hemor-
rhage were performed. The patient was still comatose.
Figure 1. Fundus photograph revealed a pale retina and cherry
red spot in the right eye (A). Fluorescein angiography revealed
absence of retinal arterial filling and choroidal perfusion in the
right eye (B). Computed tomography showed diffuse mucosal
thickening in the right ethmoidal sinus (C, black arrow). Biopsy
of right nasal septum showed broad aseptate fungal hyphae
with acute angle branching (H&E, ×400) (D).
Figure 2. Brain CT showing the improvement of the right eth-
moidal sinusitis (A). Brain CT showing the subarachnoid hem-
orrhage with a right temporal lobe hematoma ((B), arrow). Al-
though the previous CT showed no cerebral aneurysm ((C), ar-
row), a repeated CT scan showed newly developed right poste-
rior communicating artery aneurysm ((D), arrow).
Rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis is a fulminant
opportunistic infection in diabetic or immunocompro-
mised patients. In the present case, the patient had poorly
controlled diabetes and the fungal ethmoidal sinusitis.
The patient was diagnosed with right ophthalmic artery
occlusion and complete ophthalmoplegia. Visual loss re-
sults from retinal infarction due to hypoperfusion of the
central retinal artery, anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
and choroidal ischemia due to compromised posterior
ciliary arteries [3]. It is caused by mucorthrombosis of
the ophthalmic artery and direct invasion of the optic
nerve by fungus infection [4]. Ophthalmoplegia results
from impaired blood supply to th e extraocu lar muscles or
to the ocular motor nerves [5].
Direct local invasion and spread via blood stream are
two common modes of spreading in cephalic mucormy-
cosis. By spreading through vessels and nerves, this fun-
gal infection causes the vascular invasion, cranial nerve
involvement, distant brain ab scess, septic (mycotic) cere-
bral embolism, cerebral infarction and aneurysm [6,7].
Infectious aneurysms of cerebral blood vessels are rare,
representing only 2% to 5% of all intracranial aneurysms.
Although infectious aneurysms usually result from bac-
terial infection, they may also result from fungal infec-
tion, causing true mycotic or fungal aneurysms. Fungal
intracranial aneurysms arise almost exclusively in the
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.sc irp.org/jour nal/crcm/
K. W. Kang et al. / Case Reports in Clinical Medicine 2 (2013) 345-347
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.sc irp.or g/journal/crcm/
setting of an extravascular infection in an immunocom-
promised host [8]. In the present case, the patient with
poorly controlled diabetes complained of only ocular
symptom and brain CT showed no infectious cerebral
aneurysm at admission. After 9 days of systemic ampho-
tericin B therapy, brain CT showed the improvement of
the proptosis of the right eye and the resolution of mu-
cosal thickening of ethmoidal sinus. However, 19 days
after systemic amphotericin B therapy, the patient dete-
riorated into a comatose state. Brain CT showed the dif-
fuse subarachnoid hemorrhage with a right temporal lobe
hematoma due to ruptured aneurysm. Within 19 days,
new cerebral aneurysm developed and progressed rapidly.
It supported our su spicion of a fungal aneur ysm.
[1] Koc, Z., Koc, F., Yerdelen, D. and Ozdogu, H. (2007)
Rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis with different cere-
bral involvements: Infarct, hemorrhage, and ophthalmo-
plegia. International Journal of Neuroscience, 117, 1677-
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[2] Haliloglu, N.U., Yesilirmak, Z., Erden, A. and Erden, I.
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[3] Yang, S.W., Kim, S.Y., Chung, J. and Kim, K.B. (2000)
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[4] Hussain, S., Salahuddin, N., Ahmad, I., Salahuddin, I. and
Jooma, R. (1995) Rhinocerebral invasive mycosis: Oc-
currence in immunocompetent individuals. European Jour-
nal of Radiology, 20, 151-155.
Survival of mucormycosis with intracerebral involve-
ment was thought to be virtually impossible un til the first
case of clinical recovery reported in 1955 [9]. The intro-
duction of amphotericin B in the 1960s reduced mortality
from 70% to 40% [10]. Nevertheless, the prognosis of
rhino-orbito -cerebral mucormycosis remains poo r and 20
to 50% of patients expire [11]. In the present case, the
ethmoidal sinusitis and the proptosis of the right eye
were improved after amphotericin B treatment. However
the subarachnoid hemorrhage due to ruptured aneurysm
occurred in a short period. Although endovascular coil
embolization of posterior communicating artery and cra-
niotomy for subarachnoid hemorrhage were performed,
the patient was still comatose.
[5] Zimmerman, C.F., Van Patten, P.D., Golnik, K.C., Kopit-
nik Jr., T.A. and Anand, R. (1995) Orbital infarction syn-
drome after surgery for intracranial aneurysms. Ophthal-
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[7] Peterus, T., Teguh, T. and Daofu, D. (2004) Fatal strokes
in patients with rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis and
associated vasculopathy. Scandinavian Journal of Infec-
tious Diseases, 36, 643-648.
In conclusion, systemic amphotericin B antifungal
treatment improves the sinusitis and the proptosis. Nev-
ertheless, new cerebral aneurysm can develop in a short
period and it can cause subarachnoid hemorrhage. Oph-
thalmologists shou ld raise the suspicion of the infectious
mycotic cerebral aneurysm and the subarachnoid hem-
orrhage resulting in coma, even if the sinusitis is im-
proved after amphotericin B treatment.
[8] Asari, S., Nishimoto, A. and Murakami, M. (1988) A rare
case of cerebral aspergillus aneurysm at the site of tem-
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[9] Harris, J.S. (1955) Mucormycosis; report of a case. Pedi-
atrics, 16, 857-867.
[10] Shah, P.D., Peters, K.R. and Reuman, P.D. (1997) Recov-
ery from rhinocerebral mucormycosis with carotid artery
occlusion: A pediatric case and review of the literature
Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 16, 68-71.
This research was supported by the Basic Science Research Program
through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by
the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2012004585) and
by the Korea Health Technology R&D Project, Ministry of Health &
Welfare, Repu blic of Korea (A111345).
[11] Toumi, A., Larbi Ammari, F., Loussaief, C., Hadhri, R.,
Ben Brahim, H., Harrathi, K., Ben Romdhane, F., Koubaa,
J. and Chakroun, M. (2012) Rhino-orbito-cerebral mucor-
mycosis: Five cases. Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses,
42, 591-598. doi:10.1016/j.medmal.2012.10.001