Vol.2, No.12, 1448-1455 (2010) Health
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Role of ghrelin in modulation of S-nitrosylation-
dependent Akt inactivation induced in salivary gland
acinar cells by Porphyromonas gingivalis
Bronislaw L. Slomiany*, Amalia Slomiany
Research Center, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark, USA; *Corresponding Author: slomiabr@umdnj.edu
Received 23 August 2010; revised 8 October 2010; accepted 26 October 2010
Ghrelin, a peptide hormone, newly identified
in oral mucosal tissue, has emerged re-
cently as a principal modulator of the in-
flammatory responses to bacterial infection
through the regulation of nitric oxide syn-
thase system. In this study, using rat sub-
lingual salivary gland acinar cells, we report
that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of periodon-
topathic bacterium, P. gingivalis- induced
enhancement in the activity of inducible ni-
tric oxide synthase (iNOS) was associated
with the suppression in Akt kinase activity
and the impairment in constitutive (c) cNOS
phosphorylation. Further, we show that the
detrimental effect of the LPS on Akt activa-
tion, manifested in the kinase protein
S-nitrosylation and a decrease in its phos-
phorylation at Ser473, was susceptible to
suppression by iNOS inhibitor, 1400W.
Moreover, we demonstrate that a peptide
hormone, ghrelin, countered the LPS-
induced changes in Akt activity and NOS
system. This effect of ghrelin was reflected
in the decreased in Akt S-nitrosylation and
the increase in its phosphorylation at Ser473,
as well as cNOS activation through phos-
phorylation. Our findings suggest that P.
gingivalis-induced up-regulation in iNOS
leads to Akt kinase inactivation through
S-nitrosylation that impacts cNOS activation
through phosphorylation. We also show
that the countering effect of ghrelin on P.
gingivalis-induced disturbances in Akt ac-
tivation are manifested in a decrease in the
kinase S-nitrosylation and the increase in its
Keywords: P. Gingivalis; Salivary Gland; iNOS; Akt
S-Nitrosylation; cNOS Phosphorylation; Ghreli n
Recent advances in understanding the nature of fac-
tors that influence the extent of mucosal inflammatory
responses along the alimentary tract, including that of
oral cavity, have brought to focus the importance of a
peptide hormone, ghrelin [1-4]. This 28-amino acid pep-
tide, initially isolated from the stomach [1,2], and more
recently identified in oral mucosa, saliva and the acinar
cells of salivary glands [3], has emerged as a principal
modulator of the local inflammatory responses to bac-
terial infection through the regulation of nitric oxide
synthase (NOS) system responsible for nitric oxide (NO)
productio n [5 - 8].
NO is a short-lived signaling molecule that plays an
important role in a variety of regulatory pathways that
are of significance to cellular survival, integrity main-
tenance, and the extent of mucosal inflammatory in-
volvement in response to bacterial challenge [9,10]. The
physiological and pathophysiological implications of
NO depend on its local concentration, the type of NOS
isozyme involved in NO generation, sub strate availabili-
ty, and the enzy me compartmentalization with respect to
protein target [9,10]. A low level of NO generated by
membrane-associated constitutive nitric oxide synthase
(cNOS) appears to access a pool of substrates that are of
importance to the maintenance of normal physiological
functions, including the regulation of apoptogenic signal
propagation [7,10-12]. In contrast, a high output of NO
generated by more distant cytosolic inducible nitric
oxide synthase (iNOS) in response to proinflammatory
cytokines and bacterial LPS, has been implicated in host
response to sepsis and endotoxemia [9,13]. However,
sustained iNOS activation associated with persistence of
inflammatory stimulus, is known to have cytotoxic con-
sequences reflected in transcriptional disturbances and
the induction of apoptosis [9,11,12,14].
The signaling mechanism that underlies the regulation
B. L. Slomiany et al. / Health 2 (2010) 1448-1455
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
of NO by ghrelin involves the receptor (GHSR1a)- me-
diated activation of heterotrimeric G protein-dependent
pathway that results in signal propagation through a
multiple network of protein kinases, including that of
Akt kinase implicated in controllin g the activity of NOS
isozyme system [6,7,15]. The serine/threonine kinase
Akt, also known as protein kinase B (PKB) or Akt/PKB,
is a central player in the regulation apoptosis, cell cycle
and metabolic pathways, host inflammatory responses,
and signal transduction pathways activated by growth
factors and insulin [16-18]. Activation of Akt in response
to insulin or ghrelin occurs downstream of phosphoino-
sitide 3-kinase (PI3K) and involves the g eneration of the
lipid second messenger phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-
triphosphate, which accumulates in the plasma mem-
brane and serves as a recognition site for the N-terminal
PH (pleckstrin homology) domain of Akt [17,18]. The
induced conformational changes in Akt result in the ex-
posure to phosphorylation within the activ ation (A) loop
at Thr308 and of Ser473 located within the HM (hydro-
phobic motif) region of the C-terminal regulatory do-
main of Akt [17,18]. Apparently, phosphorylation of the
Thr308 in the activation loop and the Ser473 in the hydro-
phobic motif results in stabilization of the kinase domain
in the active state, and hence is required for full activa-
tion of Akt [17,19] .
Moreover, recent studies indicate that the activity of
Akt may be also regulated through S-nitrosylation at the
kinase cysteine residues [16,20,21], and protein
S-nitrosylation, with the involvement of NO generated
by both constitutive and inducib le forms of NOS system,
is rapidly emerging as a signaling event of significance
to a variety of biological processes [7-10]. Indeed,
S-nitrosylation with the involvement of cNOS has been
linked to the ap optogenic signal inhibition and the events
of cytosolic phospholipase A2 activation, whereas the
NO generated by iNOS has been implicated in
S-nitrosylation of proteins involved in insulin signal
transduction, and the reduced Akt activity in muscle
cells of diabetic mouse [7,8,16,20-22]. Furthermore,
protein modification through targeted S-nitrosylation is
gaining recognition as an important post-translational
event that, like protein modification through post-
translational phosphorylation, mediates a variety of sig-
nal transduction events propagated by NO [7-10,20-22].
As the oral mucosal inflammatory responses to peri-
odontopathic bacterium, P. gingivalis, are characterized
by the disturbances in NO production, and since Akt
kinase plays a major role in the regulation of NOS iso-
zyme system [8,15,22,23], in this study we investigated
the effect of P. gingivalis, key virulence factor, LPS, on
the processes associated with the activation of kinase
Akt in sublingual salivary gland acinar cells. Our data
revealed that the LPS-induced up-regulation in iNOS
leads to Akt inactivation through S-nitrosylation that
exerts the detrimental effect on the processes of cNOS
activation through phosphorylation. Moreover, we also
revealed that the countering effect of ghrelin was mani-
fested in a marked increase in Akt activity that correlated
with a decrease in the kinase protein S-nitrosy-
lation and the increase in its phosphorylation.
2.1. Salivary Gland Cell Incubation
Freshly dissected rat sublingual salivary glands were
trimmed of fat and connective tissue, and minced by
passage through a 50 mesh metal grid [23]. The minces
tissue was suspended in five volumes of ice-cold Dul-
becco's modified (Gibco) Eagle's minimal essential me-
dium (DMEM), supplemented with fungizone (50
µg/ml), penicillin (50 U/ml), streptomycin (50 µg/ml),
and 10% fetal calf serum, and gently dispersed by tritu-
ration with a syringe, and settled by centrifugation [23].
Following rinsing, the cells were resuspended in the me-
dium to a concentration of 2 x 107 cell/ml, transferred in
1 ml aliquots to DMEM in culture dishes and incubated
under 95% O2 – 5% CO2 atmosphere at 370C for 16h in
the presence of 0 – 200 ng/ml of P. gingivalis LPS [23].
In the experiments evaluating the effect of ghrelin (rat,
Sigma), cNOS inhibitor, L-NAME, iNOS inhibitor,
1400W, Src inhibitor, Akt inhibitor, SH-5 (Calbioche m),
and ascorbate (Sigma), the cells were first preincubated
for 30 min with the indicated dose of the agent or ve-
hicle before the addition of the LPS. The v iability of cell
preparations before and during the experimentation, as-
sessed by Trypan blue dye exclusion assay [23], was
greater than 98%.
2.2. P. gingivalis Lipopolysaccharide
P. gingivalis used for LPS preparation was cultured
from clinical isolates obtained from ATCC No. 33277
[24]. The bacterium was homogenized with liquid phe-
nol-chloroform-petroleum ether, centrifuged, and the
LPS contained in the supernatant was precipitated with
water, washed with 80% phenol solution and dried with
ether. The dry residue was dissolved in a small volume
of water at 45ºC, centrifuged at 100,000xg for 4 h, and
the resulting LPS sediment subjected to lyophilization.
The preparation was essentially free of nucleic acid and
its protein content was less than 0.2%.
2.3. NO Production, and cNOS and iNOS
Activity Assay
NO production in the acinar cells was determined by
B. L. Slomiany et al. / Health 2 (2010) 1448-1455
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
measuring the stable NO metabolite, nitrite, accumula-
tion in the culture medium using Griess reaction [25]. A
100 µl of spent culture medium was incubated for 10
min with 0.1 ml of Griess reagent and the absorbance
was measured at 570 nm. The concentration of nitrite
was calculated with sodium nitrite as standard. The ac-
tivity of cNOS and iNOS enzymes was measured by
monitoring the conversion of L-[3H]arginine to
L-[3H]citrulline using NOS-detect kit (Stratagene). The
acinar cells from the control and experimental treatments
were homogenized in a sample buffer containing either
10 mM EDTA (for Ca2+ -independent iNOS) or 6 mM
CaCl2 (for Ca2+ -dependent cNOS), and centrifuged
[23]. The aliquots of the resulting supernatant were
incubated for 30 min at 25ºC in the presence of
50µCi/ml of L-[3H]arginine, 10 mM NAPDH, 5 µM
tetrahydrobiopterin, and 50 mM Tis-HCl buffer, pH 7.4,
in a final volume of 250µl. Following addition of stop
buffer and Dowex-50 W (Na+)resin, the mixtures were
transferred to spin cups, centrifuged and the formed
L-[3H]citrulline contained in the flow through was
quantified by scintillation counting.
2.4. Akt Activity Assay
The kinase activity of Ak t in su blingual salivary g land
acinar cells was measured with the Akt Activity Kit
(Calbiochem), by quantifying phosphorylation of a bio-
tinylated peptide substrate (GRPRTSSFAEG). The cells
were lysed in lysis buffer (20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 150
mM NaCl, 10% glycerol, 1% Triton X-100, 1% deoxy-
cholate, 2 mM EDTA, 1 mM sodium orthovanadate, 1
mM PAF, and 1 mM NaF), containing protease inhibitor
cocktail (Sigma), at 4ºC for 30 min, centrifuged at
14,000 x g for 15 min, and immunoprecipitated with
anti-Akt antibody for 1 h at 4ºC. Protein A/G agarose
beads were then added for an additional 1 h, and the
immune complex was recovered by centrifugation and
thoroughly washed with lysis buffer. The agarose beads
were then suspended for 30 min at room temperature in
the assay buffer, centrifuged, and the supernatants used
for the Akt activity assay by following the manufactur-
er’s instruction.
2.5. Akt Phosphorylation Assay
Measurement of the phosphorylation status of Akt in
sublingual gland acinar cells was performed using Akt
(pThr308) and Akt (pSer473) ELISA kits (Calbiochem).
The cells were lysed on ice for 30 min in lysis buffer (10
mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 100 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 1
mM EGTA, 1 mM NaF, 2 mM sodium orthovanadate,
1% Triton X-100, 10% glycerol, 0.1% SDS, 0.5% deox-
ycholate, and 1 mM PMSF), containing protease inhibi-
tor cocktail, and centrifuged at 14,000 x g for 15 min.
The supernatants diluted (1: 10) in standard diluent buf-
fer were pipetted in 100 µl aliquots into wells containing
immobilized capture antibody, and after washing the
complex was reacted with antibody specific for Akt
(pThr308) or Akt (pSer473). Following washing, the re-
tained complex was labeled with horseradish peroxidase
and probed with TMB reagent for spectrophotometric
quantificat i on at 450 nm.
2.6. Akt Protein S-Nitrosylation Assay
Detection of Akt kinase S-nitrosylation in the acinar
cells sublingual salivary gland was carried out using a
biotin switch procedure for protein S-nitrosylation [26,
27]. The cells were treated with iNOS inhibitor, 1400W
(30 µM) or ghrelin (0.6 µg/ml), and incubated for 16h in
the presence of 100ng/ml of P. gingivalis LPS. Follow-
ing centrifugation at 500xg for 5 min, the recovered cells
were lysed in 0.2 ml of HEN lysis buffer (250 mM
HEPES, 1 mM EDTA, 0.1 mM neocuprin, pH 7.7), and
the unnitrosylated thiol groups were blocked with
S-methyl methanethiosulfonate reagent at 50ºC for 20
min [27]. The proteins were precipitated with acetone,
resuspended in 0.2ml of HEN buffer containing 1% SDS,
and subjected to targeted nitrothiol group redu ction with
sodium ascorbate (100 mM). The free thiols were then
labeled with biotin and the biotinylated proteins were
recovered on streptavidin beads. The formed streptavidin
bead-protein complex was washed with neutralization
buffer, and the bound proteins were dissociated from
streptavidin beads with 50 µl of elution buffer (20 mM
HEPES, 100 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.7) contain-
ing 1% 2-mercaptoethanol [27]. The obtained proteins
were then analyzed by Western blotting.
2.7. Immunoblotting Analysis
The acinar cells from the control and experimental
treatments were collected by centrifugation and resus-
pended for 30 min in ice-cold lysis buffer (20 mM
Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl, 10% glycerol, 1% Tri-
ton X-100, 2 mM EDTA, 1 mM sodium orthovanadate, 4
mM sodium pyrophosphate, 1 mM PMSF, and 1 mM
NaF), containing 1 µg/ml leupeptin and 1 µg/ml pepsta-
tin [28]. Following brief sonication, the lysates were
centrifuged at 12,000g for 10 min, and the supernatants
were subjected to protein determination using BCA pro-
tein assay kit (Pierce). The samples, including those
subjected to biotin switch procedure, were then resus-
pended in loading bu ffer, boiled for 5 min, and subjected
to SDS-PAGE using 40 µg protein/lane. The separated
proteins were transferred onto nitrocellulose membranes,
blocked for 1 h with 5% skim milk in Tris-buffered
B. L. Slomiany et al. / Health 2 (2010) 1448-1455
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Tween (20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl, 0.1%
Tween-20), and probed with the antibody against phos-
phorylated protein at 4ºC for 16 h. After 1h incubation
with the horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary
antibody, the phosphorylated proteins were revealed
using an enhanced chemiluminescence. Membranes
were stripped by incubation in 1M Tris-HCl (pH 6.8),
10% SDS, and 10 mM dithiotreitol for 30 min at 55ºC,
and reprobed with antibody against total cNOS or Akt.
Immunoblotting was performed using specific antibodies
directed against cNOS and phospho-cNOS (Ser1179),
and Akt, phospho-Akt (Ser473) (Calbiochem).
2.8. Data Anal ysis
All experiments were carried out using duplicate sam-
pling, and the results are expressed as means ± SD.
Analysis of variance (AN OVA) followed by nonp arame-
tric Kruskal-Wallis test was used to determine signific-
ance and the significance level was set at P < 0.05.
3. Results
To investigate the role of Akt activation in the distur-
bances in NO production associated with oral mucosal
inflammatory responses to periodontopathic bacterium, P.
gingivalis, we used rat sublingual gland acinar cells ex-
posed to the bacterium key virulence factor, LPS. We
demonstrated that P. gingivalis LPS caused a
dose-dependent decrease in the acinar cell Akt activity,
accompanied by the increase in NO production, so that
at 100µg/ml of the LPS the NO production showed a
15.1-fold increase, while the activity of Akt decreased by
a 38% (Figure 1). Furthermore, we revealed that that the
inhibitory effect of the LPS on Akt activity was reflected
in a 41% decrease in th e k inase phospho rylation at Ser 473,
whereas the kinase phosphorylation at Thr308 was not
affected (Figure 2).
Moreover, we found that preincubation with ghrelin
lead to a concentration-dependent suppression of the
LPS-induced effect on Akt activity and the extent of its
protein phosphorylation at Ser473, which at 0.6 µg/ml
resulted in a 2.2-fold increase the activity of Akt, and a
2.5-fold increase in its phosphorylation at Ser473 over
that of the LPS (Figure 3). The Akt protein phosphory-
lation at Thr308, however, was not affected by ghrelin.
We also determined that the disturbances in NO produc-
tion elicited in the acinar cells by P. gingivalis LPS at
100µg/ml were manifested a 26.4-fold up-regulation in
iNOS activity and a 5.2-fold decrease in the activity of
cNOS (Figure 4). However, while the activity of cNOS
in the presence of 0.6 µg/ml ghrelin displayed an 80.4%
increase over that of the LPS, the activity of iNOS in the
presence of ghrelin showed a 94.3% decrease.
Figure 1. Effect of P. gingivalis LPS on Akt kinase ac-
tivity and nitrite production in rat sublingual salivary
gland acinar cells. The cells were treated with the indi-
cated concentrations of the LPS and incubated for 16 h.
Values represent the means ±SD of five experiments. *P
< 0.05 compared with that of control (LPS – 0).
Figure 2. Effect of P. gingivalis LPS on Akt kinase threo-
nine (Thr308) and serine (Ser473) phosphorylation in rat
sublingual salivary gland acinar cells. The cells were
treated with the indicated concentrations of the LPS and
incubated for 16 h. *P < 0.05 compared with that of con-
trol (LPS – 0).
Figure 3. Effect of ghrelin on P. gingivalis LPS-induced
changes in the acinar cell Akt activity and the phosphory-
lation at Thr308 and Ser473. The cells, preincubated with
the indicated concentrations of ghrelin, were treated with
the LPS at 100ng/ml and incubated for 16 h. Values
represent the means ± SD of five experiments. *P < 0.05
compared with that of control. **P < 0.05 compared with
that of LPS alone.
B. L. Slomiany et al. / Health 2 (2010) 1448-1455
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Figure 4. Effect of ghrelin on P. gingivalis LPS-induced
changes in the expression of cNOS and iNOS activities in
the salivary gland acinar cells. The cells, preincubated
with the indicated concentrations of ghrelin, were treated
with the LPS at 100 ng/ml and incubated for 16 h. Values
represent the means ± SD of five experiments. *P < 0.05
compared with that of control. **P < 0.05 compared with
that of LPS alone.
To gain further leads into the involvement of Akt in
the regulation of NOS system, we examined the influ-
ence of ghrelin on cNOS phosphorylation. For this, the
acinar cells prior to incubation with the LPS were pre-
treated with ghrelin or ghrelin plus Akt inhibitor, SH-5,
and the lysates were probed with antibodies directed
against cNOS and phosphorylated cNOS (Ser1179). As
shown in Figure 5, the LPS suppression in cNOS activ-
ity was associated with the inhibition in the enzyme
phosphorylation, while the countering effect of ghrelin
was reflected in a marked increase in the enzyme protein
phosphorylation at Ser1179. Moreover, the suppression
of ghrelin effect on cNOS phosphorylation was attained
with Akt inhibitor, SH-5, thus supporting the role of Akt
in ghrelin-induced cNOS activation through phosphory-
Hence, to reveal the nature of the detrimental effect of
P. gingivalis LPS on the acinar cell Akt activity, we fo-
cused on the influence of NO on the events of Akt acti-
vation. For this, we analyzed the effects of cNOS inhi-
bitor, L-NAME, and iNOS inhibitor, 1400W, as well as
nitrosothiols reducing agent, ascorbate. We found that
the detrimental effect of the LPS on the acinar cell Akt
activity was subject to suppression not only by the pre-
treatment with ghrelin, but also displayed susceptibility
to suppression by iNOS inhibitor, 1400W, and ascorbate,
but not to the cNOS inhibitor, L-NAME (Figure 6).
Furthermore, we observed that ascorbate as well as iN-
OS inhibitor, 1400W, produced amplification in the ef-
fect of ghrelin on Akt activity, thus suggesting that in
addition to the activation through Ser/Thr phosphoryla-
tion, the Akt kinase activity may be also dependent upon
its protein S-nitrosylation with the involvement of iNOS.
To assess further the course of events resulting in the
Figure 5. Effect of Akt kinase in-
hibitor, SH-5 (SH) on ghre-
lin-induced cNOS phosphorylation
in the acinar cells exposed to P.
gingivalis LPS. The cells were
treated with ghrelin (Gh) at 0.6
µg/ml or Akt inhibitor, SH-5 (30
µM)+Gh, and incubated for 16 h in
the presence of 100 ng/ml of the
LPS. Cell lysates were resolved on
SDS-PAGE, transferred to nitro-
cellulose and probed with phos-
phorylation specific cNOS pcNOS)
antibody, and after stripping re-
probed with anti-cNOS antibody.
The immunoblots shown are rep-
resentative of three experiments.
Figure 6. Effect of iNOS inhibitor, 1400W, cNOS inhibitor,
L-NAME, and ascorbate on the ghrelin (Gh)-induced
changes in Akt kinase activity in the acinar cell exposed to
P. gingivalis LPS. The cells, preincubated with 30 µM
1400W (14W), 200µM L-NAME (LN), or 300µM ascor-
bate (As), were treated with Gh at 0.6µg/ml) and incubated
for 16 h in the presence of 100ng/ml LPS. Values represent
the means ± SD of five experiments. *P < 0.05 compared
with that of control. **P < 0.05 compared with that of LPS
alone. ***P < 0.05 compared with that of GhLPS.
suppression of Akt activity by P. gingivalis LPS as well
as to provide additional leads as to the mechanism of
ghrelin countering effect, we examined the effect of
cNOS and iNOS inhibitors, as well as nitrosothiols
re-ducing agent, ascorbate, on Akt enzyme protein
phosphorylation at Thr308 Ser473. We found that while
Akt phosphorylation at Thr308 was not affected by the
LPS or ghrelin, the LPS-induced suppression in Akt
phosphorylation at Ser473 was subject to a partial reversal
in the presence of iNOS inhibitor, 1400W and ascorbate,
but not the cNOS inhibitor, L-NAME (Figure 7). Fur-
B. L. Slomiany et al. / Health 2 (2010) 1448-1455
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Figure 7. Effect of iNOS inhibitor, 1400W, cNOS in-
hibitor, L-NAME, and ascorbate on the ghrelin
(Gh)-induced changes in Akt kinase Thr308 and Ser473
phosphorylation in the acinar cells exposed to P. g i n -
givalis LPS. The cells, preincubated with 30 µM
1400W (14W), 200 µM L-NAME (LN), or 300 µM
ascorbate (As), were treated with Gh (0.6µg/ml) and
incubated for 16h in the presence of 100ng/ml LPS.
*P < 0.05 compared with that of control. **P < 0.05
compared with that of LPS alone. ***P < 0.05 com-
pared with that of GhLPS.
ther, both ascorbate and 1400W elicited enhancement in
the effect of ghrelin on Akt protein phosphorylation at
Ser473. These findings indicate that the LPS-induced Akt
protein S-nitrosylation exerts the detrimental effect on
the kinase activation through pho sp horylation at Ser473.
To address further the relationship between Akt
S-nitrosylation and its activation through phosphoryla-
tion, the acinar cells prior to incubation with P. gin-
givalis LPS were pretr eated with iNOS inhibito r, 1400W
or ghrelin, and the lysates following the biotin switch
procedure were probed with antibodies directed against
phospho-Akt (Ser473) and total Akt (Figure 8). We ob-
served that the acinar cells exposed to the LPS alone
showed a marked increase in Akt protein S-nitro sylation,
while the effect of ghrelin was reflected in the loss in
Akt S-nitrosylation and the increase in its protein phos-
phorylation. Furthermore, the blockage of iNOS activity
with 1400W, lead to a substantial decrease in the
LPS-induced Akt S-nitrosylation. Thus, ghrelin counter-
ing effect of the detrimental consequences of P. gingiva-
lis LPS on the Akt activity is reflected in a decrease in
the kinase protein S-nitrosylation and the increase in its
4. Discussion
The oral mucosal responses to periodontopathic bac-
terium, P. gingivalis and its key virulence factor, cell
wall LPS, are manifested by a massive rise in epithelial
cell apoptosis, increase in proinflammatory cytokine
expression and the disturbances in NO signaling path
Figure 8. Effect of Ghrelin (Gh) on P. gin-
givalis LPS—induced Akt S-nitrosylation.
The acinar cells were treated with 30 µM
of iNOS inhibitor, 1400W (14W), or 0.6
µg/ml Gh, and incubated for 16h in the
presence of 100ng/ml LPS A portion of the
cell lysates was processed by biotin switch
procedure for protein S-nitrosylation and,
along with the reminder of the lysates,
subjected to SDS-PAGE, transferred to ni-
trocellulose and probed with phospho-Akt
(Ser473) antibody, and after stripping re-
probed with anti-Akt antibody. The immu-
noblots shown are representative of three
ways [8,23,29]. As serine/threonine kinase Akt plays a
central role in the regulation of NOS isozyme system
responsible for NO generation [8,15,23], in this study we
investigated the processes associated with the activation
of Akt in rat sublingual salivary gland acinar cells and
the influence of P. gingivalis LPS.
Our findings revealed that the LPS-induced decrease
in cNOS activity and up-regulation in iNOS was asso-
ciated with the suppression in th e activity of Akt kinase.
Moreover, we found that of the two phosphorylation
sites required for the expression of full Akt activity [17,
19], the effect of the LPS was manifested by a decrease
in Akt protein phosphorylation at Ser473, whereas phos-
phorylation at the kinase Thr308 was not affected.
These finding are thus in keeping with the literature data
indicating that inactivation of Akt by bacterial toxins
correlates with the reduced phosphorylation at the kinase
Ser473 located within HM region of the C-terminal do-
main of the kinase [21,30]. Further, preincubation with a
peptide hormone, ghrelin (1,2), recently identified in
saliva and recognized for its modulatory effect on the
inflammatory responses to bacterial infection [3-5,7,8],
elicited countering effect on the LPS-induced changes in
Akt activity and the extent o f the kinase p hosphorylation
on Ser473. Moreover, ghrelin countered the LPS-
induced suppression in cNOS activity and elicited redu c-
tion in the activity of iNOS. We also observed that in
agreement with well documented role of Akt participa-
tion in posttranslational cNOS activation through phos-
phorylation at Ser1179 [6,7,15], the induced up-regula-
tion in cNOS activity by ghrelin was susceptible to sup-
B. L. Slomiany et al. / Health 2 (2010) 1448-1455
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
pression by Akt inhibitor, SH-5. These findings together
with the recently demonstrated involvement of Akt in
LPS-activated mechanism of iNOS expression induction
[31], attest to central role Akt in the regulation of NOS
system and add further credence as to the importance of
ghrelin in controlling the extent of inflammatory in-
volvement in response to bacterial infection .
Moreover, the accumulating evidence indicates that
physiological and pathophysiological implications of
NO generated by NOS isozyme system may also involve
protein modification through S-nitrosylation at cysteine
residues that results in functional alterations
[7,9,16,20,21]. The NO generated by cNOS has been
linked to the inhibition of apoptogenic signal propaga-
tion through S-nitrosylation of the key executioner cas-
pase, caspase-3, and the events of cytosolic phospholi-
pase A2 activation [7,22,32]. The NO produced by iNOS,
on the other hand, has been implicated in S-nitrosylation
of the insulin receptor and proteins involved in early
steps of the insulin signal transduction, and Akt
S-nitrosylation was reported to be responsible for the
reduced kinase activity in muscle cells of diabetic mice
Hence to gain more insights into the mechanism of P.
gingivalis LPS-induced disturbances in the acinar cell
Akt kinase activation, we examined the effect of cNOS
and iNOS inhibitors, as well as nitrosothiols reducing
agent, ascorbate, on Akt activity and its protein phos-
phorylation at the critical Thr308 and Ser473. Our findings
revealed that, while phosphorylation at the Akt Thr308
was not affected, the LPS-induced suppression in Akt
activity and the extent of its protein phosphorylation at
Ser473 showed susceptibility to iNOS inhibitor, 1400W,
and ascorbate, but not to cNOS inhibitor, L-NAME.
Moreover, both 1400W and ascorbate elicited amplifica-
tion in ghrelin effect on Akt phosphorylation at Ser473 as
well the activity. Considering well-known susceptibility
of S-nitrosylated proteins to reduction by ascorbic acid
[26,27], the presented data support the involvement of
iNOS in the acinar cell Akt protein S-nitrosylation and
indicate that S-nitrosylation interferes with the kinase
activation through phosphorylation at Ser473. It is also
apparent, that the countering effect of ghrelin on the
LPS-induced changes in Akt activity are reflected in the
loss in the kinase S-nitrosylation and the increase in its
phosphorylation at Ser473 located within the HM region
of the C-terminal domain of Akt [30]. Thus Akt protein
S-nitrosylation, like that of its phosphorylation at
Ser/Thr, appears to be of significance to a variety of
physiological and pathophysiological situations that re-
lay on signaling even ts which utilize this kinase.
Additional evidence as to the role of ghrelin in coun-
tering P. gingivalis LPS interference with Akt activation
through S-nitrosylation comes from the results of biotin
switch assay. We found that the acinar cells exposed to
incubation with the LPS showed a marked increase in
Akt protein S-nitrosylation. The countering effect of
ghrelin on the LPS-induced suppression in Akt activity
was reflected in the loss in S-nitrosylation and the in-
crease in the kinase phosphorylation at Ser473. Moreover,
we observed the dependence of Akt S-nitrosylation on
the LPS-induced up-regulation in iNOS activity, as the
suppression of iNOS with a specific inhibitor, 1400W,
lead to a substantial decrease in Akt S-nitrosy-
lation. These results are thus indicative of the involve-
ment of iNOS-generated NO in the suppression of Akt
activity through S-nitrosylation. Hence, the persistent
induction in iNOS may be of major consequence defin-
ing the extent of oral mucosal inflammato ry inv olvement
in response to P. gingivalis infection.
Together, the data provided in our study demonstrate
that P. gingivalis LPS-induced up-regulation in the aci-
nar cell iNOS expression leads to Akt inactivation
through S-nitrosylation that exert the detrimental effect
on cNOS activation through phosphorylation. We also
show that the countering effect of ghrelin on the
LPS-induced disturbances in Akt kinase activity are ma-
nifested in a decrease in the kinase protein S-nitrosy-
lation and the increase in its phosphorylation at Ser473.
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