2013. Vol.4, No.7A, 11-18
Published Online July 2013 in SciRes (
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. 11
When the Sound-Symbolism Effect Disappears: The Differential
Role of Order and Timing in Presenting Visual and
Auditory Stimuli
Jelena Sučević, Dragan Janković, Vanja Ković
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Received April 24th, 2013; revised May 26th, 2013; accepted June 23rd, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Jelena Sučević et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.
Köhler’s observation that most people match pseudoword “maluma” to curvy objects and “takete” to
spiky objects represented the well-known example of sound symbolism—the idea that link between sound
and meaning of words was not entirely arbitrary. This study was aimed to examine the existence of sound
symbolism in natural language and to consider the potential role of some aspects of experimental design
and stimuli features which had not been considered in experimental studies so far. Three experiments were
done in order to explore the influence of visual information on language processing. Visual lexical deci-
sion task with the sharp-sounding and soft-sounding verbal stimuli presented within the spiky and curvy
frames was used. Reaction time analysis in these three experiments highlighted additional aspects of vis-
ual and language processing which influence the potential interplay of these two processes. As results re-
vealed, when visual information preceded presentation of verbal material for approximately 1000 ms or
when visual and verbal material were presented simultaneously, the processing was being delayed and the
interactions of these two processes occurred. The pattern of obtained results gave further support to the
idea of sound symbolism as pre-semantic phenomenon and the hypothesis that the effect emerged from
very early stages of language processing.
Keywords: Sound Symbolism; Semantics; Words; Natural Language
Whether sound of a word is arbitrary or non-arbitrary related
to its meaning has been debated at least since Plato’s Cratylus
dialog in fifth century BC (Plato, 1998). This sound-meaning
relation has since been much discussed in the philosophy, lin-
guistic and psychology.
De Saussure’s view on language as arbitrary system has of-
ten been considered to be the core idea of modern linguistic
research approach (Saussure, 1959). According to this approach,
there is no systematic relation between characteristics of par-
ticular word and object referred by it. On the contrary, certain
correspondences between phonological features of words and
their meanings have been claimed to exist. This idea, as pro-
posed by linguist Eduard Sapir, became known as “phonetic
symbolism” (Sapir, 1929). He claimed that the relation between
sound and meaning cannot be considered as entirely arbitrary,
and that these correspondences are instances of sound-symbol-
ism, universal feature of language system.
With the well-known Köhler’s observation from 1929, de-
bate over word-object relations was set as a matter of interest
not only in philosophy and linguistic, but in psychology as well.
Using the forced-choice word-picture matching task Köhler
determined existence of the systematic tendency to match non-
sense word takete to the spiky object, and the nonsense word
baluma (in later research maluma) to curvy object (Köhler,
1929). Later on, a number of studies confirmed this finding as a
robust culturally independent effect (e.g. Davis, 1961; Bremner
et al., 2013).
Experimental investigations of this phenomenon have been
focused primarily on the vowel content of the words or pseu-
dowords associated with visual objects with specific character-
istics like sharpness and roundness (e.g. Davis, 1961; Rama-
chandran & Hubbard, 2001; Maurer et al., 2006). For example,
pseudowords containing rounded vowels /o/ and /u/ were more
often associated with rounded shapes and pseudowords con-
taining unrounded vowels /i/ and /e/ were more often associated
with spiky shapes (Ramachandran & Hubbard, 2001; Maurer et
al., 2006). However, further research showed that beside vow-
els, consonants and consonant-vowel patterns in the words also
play a role in sound symbolism. Using picture-naming task
Janković et al. found that pseudowords produced for sharp,
spiky objects included significantly more plosives /k/, /t/, /g/,
/d/, affricates /ts/, /dz/, and trill /r/, while pseudowords pro-
duced for rounded objects included more laterals /l/, /L/ and
nasals /m/, /n/ (Janković & Marković, 2001; Janković, Vučk-
ović, & Radaković, 2005). In addition, same study showed that
pseudonames produced for spiky objects included more CC
(consonant-consonant) syllables while pseudonames produced
for rounded objects included more CV (consonant-vowel) syl-
lables. Similarly, Westbury (2005) focused on consonants and
found that strings containing plosive consonants were identified
more quickly and accurately within spiky frames while strings
containing continuant consonants were identified more quickly
and accurately within curved frames.
Interesting account of the role of sound symbolism in lan-
guage evolution has been provided by Ramachandran and Hub-
bard (2001). Within their synesthetic theory of language origins
and consciousness, they interpret sound-symbolic correspon-
dence as consequence of coactivation of the motor or somato-
sensory areas involved in sound articulation with the perception
of differently shaped objects. According to Ramachandran and
Hubbard, nature of this activation is similar as one present in
synesthesia. For instance, such cross-modal correspondences
are present in linkage between perception of rounded object and
motor representation which is activated when person in saying
vowel /o/ (Ramachandran & Hubbard, 2001).
Alternative view on the origin of sound symbolism negates
neural basis of this phenomenon and assumes that learning of
language occurs prior to sound-symbolism-like effects. In other
words, these correspondences come from generalization of
knowledge about already acquired word-object mappings to
nonsense words stimulus (Rogers & Ross, 1975). Study which
confronted these two theoretical accounts on sound-symbolism
origin is Maurer, Pathman and Mondloch’s study (2006). In this
study, sound-shape correspondences are found to be present
even in two and a half months old infants. According to these
authors, vocabulary size at this age is not big enough to make
word-object mapping generalizations possible. Furthermore,
this age is considered to be period when influences among con-
tiguous brain areas are stronger then in adults (Spector &
Maurer, 2009). In line with Ramachandran’s view on language
evolution, Maurer suggested that these sound-shape correspon-
dences influence individual language development, but may
have influenced the evolution of language as well (Maurer et al.,
Majority of research dealing with the sound-symbolism have
been based on artificial material. Based on those insights, cer-
tain generalizations concerning natural language properties
were made. On the other side, there has been far less research
based on natural language data and their findings often were
quite inconsistent (Newman, as cited in Westbury, 2005; Dif-
floth, 1994). However, one of those studies, in which data from
229 languages were analyzed, found certain patterns of lan-
guage symbolism in majority of those languages (Ciccotosto,
1991). Furthermore, some studies dealing with the structure of
words in natural language suggest that words denoting sharp
and rounded objects show quite similar patterns of phoneme
and consonant-vowel distributions as those found in pseudo-
words produced for sharp and rounded visual stimuli (Ilić,
Ković, & Janković, 2012).
According to Westbury, transparency of the experimental
manipulations, small number of stimuli and their artificial na-
ture represent key features of previous studies which lead to
absence of any direct sound-symbolism effect and it’s restric-
tion to post-hoc analysis of phoneme-meaning regularities
(Westbury, 2005). To try to surpass these problems, in his study
Westbury adapted implicit interference task in which partici-
pants undertook a lexical or letter decision task with the word
and pseudoword (in second experiment letters and numbers
were used) presented inside spiky or curvy frames. His main
idea was that if the hypothesis of sound-symbolism is plausible,
sharp-sounding words will be processed more efficiently when
they are presented within the spiky frames compared to the
situation when presented within curvy frames, and vice versa
for soft-sounding words. The results showed that curvy shapes
are facilitating the identification of all-continuant strings while
interfering with the identification of all-stop strings, and vice
versa, but only in case of letters, not in case of words. Based on
this, Westbury assumed that the effect of sound-symbolism
“happens” on the level of lexical access and claims that it has a
pre-semantic nature (Westbury, 2005).
In spite of the growing body of research exploring the nature
of sound-symbolism, it is still unclear whether this phenome-
non should be interpreted as a natural language feature. Al-
though Ramachandran in his theory addresses this issue, the
lack of evidence in experimental studies left the issue still un-
solved. In other words, as Westbury formulated this, the ques-
tion of the extent to which sound symbolism may be con-
structed, rather than discovered, by experimenters is still
opened. To answer this question, this author redefines sound-
symbolism as pre-semantic phenomenon and positions it on a
lower level of cognitive processing. However, key feature of
word is its referring function and the idea of sound-symbolism
came from this line of searching for a connection between
sounding of a word and characteristics of a particular object
referred to. For that reason, it seems important to consider po-
tential role of factors such as meaning of word and its level of
abstraction within the experimental paradigm. For example, in
afore mentioned study of Westbury (2005) these two aspects of
word haven’t been systematically controlled, so that words used
as stimuli refer to object of different level of abstraction (e.g.
noon and nail). Given those facts, it seems necessary to recon-
sider Westbury’s claim that sound-symbolism is pre-semantic
effect and to examine a potential role of these factors in natural
language processing, as well as the relation between sound and
meaning of words, and its relation to the frame within which
word is presented.
According to one recent study, sound symbolism effect is not
only influenced by the stimuli properties, but also by the char-
acteristics of experimental procedure (Ković & Pejović, 2012).
Namely, these authors have found that sound symbolism effect
occurs only when mapping from auditory to visual stimuli and
not vice versa. This design-dependent aspect of sound symbol-
ism raises the question whether certain characteristics of ex-
perimental procedure which are usually not in focus of sound
symbolism studies also play important role in discovering or
even diminishing potential sound symbolism effect in language
The aim of present study is to investigate the sound-symbol-
ism effect in natural language processing and the influence of
the order and timing in presenting visual and auditory stimuli
on this effect. Three experiments were designed in order to
examine the relation between properties of label, properties of
referred object and visual context in which label processing
occurs. More precisely, we intend to test whether the verbal
stimuli processing differs when the stimulus is presented within
sound-symbolic and non-sound-symbolic visual context. The
differences in processing of verbal stimuli in these two condi-
tions can provide important insight in the role of sound sym-
Copyright © 2013 SciRes.
bolism in natural language processing.
Experiment 1
Twenty five participants, second-year undergraduate students
of psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bel-
grade (all females) took part in present experiment and received
course credit for their participation. All participants reported
normal or corrected-to-normal vision.
To examine whether there is a sound-symbolic correspon-
dence effect in natural language, five factors were manipulated
in lexical decision task: the frame shape (spiky vs. curvy), the
frame typicality (typical vs. atypical), lexical category (word vs.
pseudoword) and the phonological structure of the word/pseu-
doword (sounding spiky vs. sounding soft). Beside these factors,
a potential effect of frame exposure time was analyzed as well
(1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 ms).
Six spiky and six curvy frames were created in order to select
typical and atypical stimuli within each of these categories. In
order to more closely resemble stimuli used Westbury’s study
(2005) white figure was placed in the center of black back-
ground (each figure fitted in 432 × 288 pixels rectangle, as in
Westbury, 2005). Spiky frames were constructed to systemati-
cally vary in “sharpness” (the number and size of spikes were
varied) and 6 curvy frames systematically varied in ‘curviness’
(as shown in Figure 1). Considering that sharpness and curvi-
ness may not be entirely objective dimensions, but under sub-
jective influence as well, subjective experience of these dimen-
sions was examined. In order to test whether objective criteria
used to create frames and subjective experience of these dimen-
sions were congruent, 15 participants (who did not take part in
the main experiment) judged these twelve frames on 7 point
scale (1 indicating curvy, 7 indicating spiky). Results indicated
that objective criteria and subjective judgments were congruent
and two spiky and two curvy frames were selected. One frame
within each category (spiky and curvy) was selected as typical
(the one judged as most spiky) and the other as atypical (judged
as least spiky). Identical procedure was done within category of
Figure 1.
The frames used in Experiments 1, 2 and 3. Typi-
cal and atypical curvy frames are presented above
and typical and atypical spiky frames below.
curvy frames (frame judged as most curvy was selected as
typical while least curvy frame as atypical).
Stimuli were selected from the corpus of words used in Ilić,
Ković and Janković (2012) and which refered to round or spiky
real-objects. Only high-frequent words containing consonant-
vowel-consonant-vowel-consonant (C-V-C-V-C) structure and
referring to concrete objects were recruited from the corpus. In
order to obtain two categories (sharp sounding and soft sound-
ing) of the factor named Phonological Structure, criteria based
on findings of several studies previously mentioned was used
(Janković & Marković, 2001; Westbury, 2005; Ilić, Ković, &
Janković, 2012). Based on those criteria, 30 words were se-
lected (15 within each category).
Total of 30 pseudowords were created so that they have the
same phonological characteristics as previously selected words.
Pseudowords sounding sharp were created so that in each word
from sharp sounding category one consonant has been replaced
with one “sharp” phoneme. Position of consonant which was
replaced was balanced (5 pseudowords were created by replac-
ing first consonant, 5 by replacing second and 5 by replacing
third consonant in word) and the inserted phoneme as well
(“sharp” consonants /k/, /z/, /r/, /ʧ/, /ʃ/ and “soft” consonants
/m/, /l/, /b/, /v/, /n/ were used).
The participants were instructed to answer to the presented
stimuli as quickly and accurately as possible, by pressing one of
two keys on keyboard. They were instructed to place their in-
dex fingers on key “V” and “N” ant to press key “V” if pre-
sented string was a word or to press key ‘N’ if presented string
was a pseudoword. There was no explicit mention of the frames
to the participants.
Visual lexical decision task presented to the participants was
as follows: each trial began with the presentation of frame for a
randomized interval of 1000 to 4000 ms. Then, string of letters
was presented within the same frame and it disappeared imme-
diately after participants gave answer. After the removal of
stimuli, an inter-stimulus interval of 500 ms followed (as shown
in Figure 2). Sixty letter strings (30 words and 30 pseudowords)
were presented within each of four frames in random order.
Thus, the task consisted of 240 trials alltogether and it took
participants approximately 20 minutes to complete it. Reaction
time and accuracy of responses were collected.
Figure 2.
Experimental procedure in Experiment 1.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. 13
All participants made less than 20% errors in the task, thus
none subject was excluded from further analysis (Criteria of
exclusion as in Westbury, 2005). An average correct decision
rate was 97% (SD = 1.84%). No significant differences in the
error rate were found for Frame Shape, Frame Typicality, Pho-
nological Structure and Frame Exposition Time, but chi-square
test showed a significant difference for Lexical Category
(χ2(1)= 6.88; p < .01), whereby more incorrect answers was
given for words (124) than for pseudowords (86). Incorrect re-
sponses were excluded from the further analysis.
A 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 4 Repeated Measures ANOVA of RT by
subjects with factors Frame Shape (spiky vs. curvy), Frame
Typicality (typical vs. atypical), Lexical Category (word vs.
nonword), Phonological structure (sharp vs. curvy/soft sound-
ing) and Frame Exposure Time (1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 ms)
revealed a significant main effect of Lexical Category (F(1,8) =
14.52; p < 0.01), whereby the words were found to be more
quickly recognized that the pseudowords (t(15) = 8.81; p < .01).
There was no significant main effect of the Frame Shape,
Frame Typicality, Phonological Structure nor Frame Exposure
Time (p > .05). None of the one-way or higher-order interaction
effects were significant (p > .05).
Analyzing the response times by items, a 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 4
Mixed Measures ANOVA of RT with between-subjects factors
Lexical Category and Phonological structure and repeated-
measures factors Frame Shape, Frame Typicality and Frame
Exposure Time was done. Results revealed a significant main
effect of Frame Exposure Time (F(3, 162) = 6.69; p < .01) and
Lexical Category (F(1, 54) = 12.35; p < .01). As shown in Fig-
ure 3, the words were faster processed than the pseudowords.
Different exposition time lead to differences in processing
speed, whereby participants were slower in condition when
frame was presented for 1000 ms prior to letter string compared
to conditions were the frame was presented 2000 or more ms
prior to letter string. No significant effects were found for fac-
tors Frame Shape, Frame Typicality nor Phonological Structure
(p > .05). None of the higher-order interactions were significant
(p > .05).
Figure 3.
Reaction times for correct decisions to words and pseudowords de-
pending on frame exposition time in Experiment 1.
According to the results of the first experiment, only the fac-
tor Lexical Category showed significant effect. Faster process-
ing of words compared to pseudowords processing is in accor-
dance with the classical psycholinguistic studies as well as the
results from the study which used the same task used in this
experiment (Westbury, 2005). Beside the lexical category effect,
analysis revealed a significant effect of the frame exposure time
on the processing time of letter string inside the frame. Experi-
mental design of the experiment followed the one present in the
Westbury’s study, so the frames were presented for 1000 to
4000 ms prior to presenting letter string which participant needs
to process. To our knowledge, there are no explicit theoretical
or empirical assumptions that form basis of this manipulation
and expectations of its possible effects, if any exist. For that
reason, factor Frame Exposure Time was included in the analy-
sis to determine whether it may have influence on a certain
characteristics of word processing. The results of this experi-
ment indicate that this aspect of task design had a significant
effect on processing time, both for words and pseudowords,
whereby in situation when visual information is presented 1000
ms prior to presentation of letter stimuli, processing of this
stimuli is slower compared to situation when frame is presented
2000, 3000 or 4000 ms prior to stimuli.
Although effects speaking in favor of sound symbolism cor-
respondence were not found, the lack of potential effects may
be due to inadequate timing of frame presentation. It could have
lead to sequential processing of the frame and the letter strings,
where effect of frame processing faded before letter string was
presented. Although string was presented within the frame, it is
possible that some sort of habituation on frame happened when
letter string was presented, especially if we have in mind that
the effects of priming (and the task is quite similar to those
within the priming paradigm) are very sensitive to the varia-
tions in timing.
Experiment 2
Experiment 2 was conducted in order to examine whether
interactions of the frame and the word/pseudoword processing
exist in case when presentation of frame shortly precedes string
presentation, as indicated in experiment 1. Experimental de-
sign and the procedure were identical as in experiment 1, ex-
cept for the timing of frame exposition which was 1000 milli-
Twenty three participants (5 males) participated in this ex-
periment. All participants were second-year undergraduate
students of psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy, University
of Belgrade and received course credit for their participation.
All participants reported normal or corrected-to-normal vi-
All stimuli were identical as in experiment 1. There were 30
words (15 sounding sharp and 15 sounding soft) and 30 corre-
sponding pseudowords, always presented within four frames
(typical and atypical spiky frame and typical and atypical curvy
Copyright © 2013 SciRes.
Experimental design of experiment 2 differed from the one in
previous experiment only regarding the duration of frame pres-
entation. In the experiment 1 prior to presenting string of letter
within the frame, frame was exposed 1000 to 4000 ms. In this
experiment exposure time of the frames was 1000 ms with
±200 ms of jitter. Then, string of letters appeared within the
frame and the participant gave an answer whether it was word
or pseudoword by pressing one of two keys on keyboard. The
rest of procedure was identical as in the experiment 1. It took
approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete the task. Reaction
time and accuracy of responses were collected.
Participants made less than 20% errors in the task, thus none
subject was excluded from further analysis. An average correct
decision rate was 95% (SD = 2.27%). No significant differ-
ences in the error rate were found for Frame Shape, Frame
Typicality, Frame Exposition Time and Lexical Category.
There was a significant difference in number of errors for factor
Phonological Structure. Incorrect answers were more frequent
for sharp sounding (167) than for soft sounding words and
pseudowords (133), (χ2(1)=3.85; p = .05). Incorrect responses
were excluded from the further analysis.
Analysis by subjects of the 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 Repeated Measures
ANOVA of reaction times with factors Frame Shape (spiky and
curvy), Frame Typicality (typical and atypical), Lexical Cate-
gory (word and pseudoword) and Phonological Structure (sharp
and curvy/soft sounding = for words also meaning) revealed a
significant main effects of the Phonological Structure (F(1,22)
= 15.54; p < .01) and Lexical Category (F(1,22) = 83.35; p
< .01). According to these results, verbal stimuli which sound
softly are being processed faster in comparison to strings which
sound sharply (t(183) = 3.75; p < .01) and words are being
processed more quickly compared to pseudowords (t(183) =
13.01; p < .01). There were no significant main effects of the
Frame Shape and the Frame Typicality (p > .05).
The following interaction effects were significant: 3-way in-
teraction Frame Shape x Frame Typicality x Lexical Category
(F(1, 22) = 5.79; p < .05) and four-way interaction Frame
Shape × Frame Typicality x Phonological Structure x Lexical
Category (F(1, 22) = 9.76; p < .01) (as shown in Figure 4).
Follow-up tests showed that sharp words are being processed
faster when presented within typical curvy frame compared to
when presented in atypical curvy frame (t(22) = 2.57; p < .05)
and that sharp-sounding pseudowords are being faster proc-
essed when presented inside typical spiky frame compared to
when being presented in atypical spiky frame (t(22) = 2.79; p
< .05).
Analyzing the response times by items, a 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
Mixed Measures ANOVA of reaction times with between-
subjects factors Lexical Category and Phonological structure
and repeated-measures factors Frame Shape and Frame Typi-
cality was done. Results revealed a significant main effect of
Lexical Category (F(1, 56) = 39.75; p < .01), whereas neither
Phonological Structure, Frame Shape nor Frame Typicality
factor showed significant main effect (p > .05). The 2-way in-
teraction Frame Typicality × Lexical Category was significant
(F(1, 56) = 7.42; p < .01) and the 3-way interaction Frame
Typicality × Lexical Category × Phonological Structure was
Figure 4.
Reaction time for correct decisions in Experiment 2.
Figure 5.
Reaction time for correct decisions to words and pseudowords in typi-
cal and atypical frames in Experiment 2.
near significant (F(1, 56) = 3.35; p = .073). Follow-up tests
showed that sharp-sounding pseudowords are being faster pro-
cessed when presented inside typical frames compared to when
presented inside atypical frames (t(14) = 2.39; p < .05), as
shown in Figure 5.
As shown in the experiment 2, when processing of the visual
information only slightly precedes presentations of word/
pseudoword, beside the effect of lexical category (i.e. faster
processing of words than pseudowords), some additional effects,
which were not found in experiment 1, arose. In other words,
when frame presentation precedes string presentation for 1000
ms (in comparison to 1000 - 4000 ms used in the first study),
words and pseudowords which have “soft” phonological struc-
ture are being processed faster than those having “sharp” pho-
nological structure. More importantly, higher-order interactions
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. 15
which appeared significant indicated that there are certain dif-
ferences in processing words and pseudowords depending on
whether they are presented in curvy or spiky frame, and whe-
ther the frame was typical or atypical. The pattern of obtained
interactions still does not give us a clear picture of influence of
visual information processing on word and pseudoword proc-
essing, and whether these interactions can be interpreted as
products of mechanisms functioning on the principle of sound
symbolism. However, it gives us insight in important aspects of
stimuli which also have their role in the potential interplay of
visual and lexical information processing, which have not been
considered so far.
Experiment 3
In the first and second experiment the frame was always
presented to the participants prior to the presentation of verbal
stimuli, thus the early stages of visual information processing
were already done prior to the presentation of the verbal stimuli,
especially in the first experiment.
Recent studies of sound symbolism indicate that one of the
important factors which influence sound-symbolic effects is
temporal sequence of the stimuli (Ković & Pejović, 2012).
Having this and the results of previous two experiments in
mind, this experiment was conducted in order to examine the
influence of visual information on processing of verbal stimuli
when visual and verbal stimuli are simultaneously presented.
Twenty participants (4 males) participated in this experiment.
All participants were students at the University of Belgrade.
All stimuli were identical as in previous two experiments.
There were 30 words (15 sounding sharp and 15 sounding soft)
and 30 corresponding pseudowords. Verbal stimuli were pre-
sented within four frames (typical and atypical spiky frame and
typical and atypical curvy frame).
Experimental design of experiment 3 differed from those in
previous experiments regarding the timing of frame presenta-
tion. In this experiment, presentation of the frame did not pre-
cede verbal stimuli presentation. The frame and the verbal
stimuli were presented to the participant at the same time.
String of letters appeared within the frame and the participant
answered whether it was word or pseudoword by pressing one
of two keys on keyboard. It took approximately 10 minutes to
complete the task. Reaction time and accuracy of responses
were collected.
None subject was excluded from further analysis, since all
subjects made less than 20% errors in the task. An average
correct decision rate was 94% (SD = 2.23%). No significant
differences in the error rate were found for Frame Shape, Frame
Typicality, Frame Exposition Time and Lexical Category.
There was a significant difference in number of errors for factor
Lexical category (χ²(1) = 5.39; p < .05). Incorrect answers were
more frequent for words (153) than for pseudowords (115).
Incorrect responses were excluded from the further analysis.
The 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 Repeated Measures ANOVA of reaction
times by subjects with factors Frame Shape (spiky and curvy),
Frame Typicality (typical and atypical), Lexical Category
(word and pseudoword) and Phonological Structure (sharp and
soft) revealed a significant main effects of the Lexical Category
(F(1, 19) = 36.43; p < .01) and Frame Typicality (F(1, 19) =
7.25; p < .05), whereas no significant main effects of the Frame
Shape nor Phonological Structure (p > .05). As results revealed,
Frame Shape X Phonological Structure interaction was signifi-
cant (F(1, 19) = 5.47; p < .05), (as shown in Figure 6). Fol-
low-up comparisons showed that soft sounding verbal stimuli
(both words and pseudowords) are being processed faster when
presented within spiky frame compared to when presented
within curvy frame (t(22) = 2.12; p < .05).
Analyzing the response times by items, a 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
Mixed Measures ANOVA of reaction times with between-
subjects factors Lexical Category and Phonological structure
and repeated-measures factors Frame Shape and Frame Typi-
cality was done. Results revealed a significant main effect of
Lexical Category (F (1, 56) = 15.70; p < .01), while Frame
Typicality effect was near significant (F(1, 19) = 3.84; p
= .055). There were no significant effects of Frame Shape,
Phonological Structure nor Frame Typicality (p > .05).
This experiment was conducted in order to further examine
whether characteristics of visual stimuli influence verbal proc-
essing as the possible result of sound-symbolic correspond-
dences. The frame and the letter string were presented to the
participant at the same time, which lead to simultaneous visual
and verbal processing. The results revealed a significant inter-
action of frame shape and phonological structure. However, the
pattern of obtained interaction was reversed compared to the
one expected if sound-symbolic hypothesis is relevant for both
words and pseudowords. Verbal stimuli which sound soft are
being processed more efficiently when presented within spiky
frames compared to when presented within curvy frames. These
Figure 6.
Reaction time for correct decisions to soft and sharp sounding verbal
stimuli in curvy and spiky frames in Experiment 3.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes.
results contradict to those presented in the Westbury’s study,
where soft sounding letters are being more efficiently processed
when presented within curvy frames and sharp sounding letters
when presented within spiky frames (Westbury, 2005). The
reversed pattern of interaction obtained in case of letter string
processing reveals a question whether there are some additional
factors which influence verbal processing when more than letter
is presented, having no influence on isolated letters processing.
General Discussion
Lack of experimental studies dealing with sound symbolism
and especially those kinds of “on-line” behavioural measures
intended to capture language processing while it happens, mo-
tivated this study to try to consider, within the experimental
design, some important features of words that were usually
being neglected within this research approach.
Another novelty of the study and important aspect of task
design process was creation of the frames and selection of those
which will be used in the study. Beside the criteria of spiki-
ness/roundness, we included the criteria of typicality in frame
selection as well. As results revealed, this was important factor
which also influenced processing of words.
The results of the first experiment indicate that the timing of
the frame exposition (prior to the presentation of the word or
pseudoword inside the frame) is also an important factor which
influences the reaction time measures. Although there were no
clear indications of the nature of this factor’s influence, the
results showed that in the case of larger exposition time, the
potential effect of frame diminishes or disappears, while in case
of shorter frame exposition the processing time was delayed. In
this situation, the processing of words and pseudowords is in-
fluenced by visual information features—frame shape and
frame typicality, whereby the effect of typicality differed for
spiky and for curvy frames, as well as for the phonological cha-
racteristics within each lexical category. The observed interac-
tions do not provide a clear insight in the way that visual in-
formation processing influences processing of verbal material
and whether these interactions may be due to sound-symbolic
correspondences inherent to nature of language processing.
Having in mind that speed of processing differs for words and
pseudo-words, and that words are processed faster, it is possible
that certain set of effects on word processing cannot be cap-
tured by behavioural measures. However, the pattern of ob-
tained results clearly indicates that certain interplay of visual
and phonological processing exists.
Main idea of this research was that if the sound-symbolism
hypothesis was plausible, the following pattern of interactions
would be expected: soft-sounding words would be more effi-
ciently processed when presented within curvy frames and
sharp-sounding words when presented within spiky frames
compared to the incongruent situations: Soft-sounding words
presented within spiky frames and sharp-sounding words pre-
sented within curvy frames. Given that this hypothesis was not
confirmed, it seems that sound-symbolic mechanisms do not
influence natural language processing. However, several recent
studies dealing with sound-symbolic correspondences in artifi-
cial material have found that sound-symbolism effect “hap-
pens” on very early stages of language processing (Ković et al.,
2010, Parise & Spence, 2012). It might be possible that some
sound-symbolic correspondences which occur during the natu-
ral language processing are also positioned on early stages of
language processing but are overridden by higher-order proc-
esses, i.e., semantics processing. Pattern of interactions ob-
tained in second and third experiment indicates that visual con-
text influences “soft” verbal stimuli processing when visual and
verbal information are presented simultaneously, while effects
on “sharp” verbal stimuli are present only if visual context pre-
cedes verbal stimuli. However, the pattern of these interactions
is reversed then the expected one. One possible explanation for
this “reversed” sound symbolism effect could be that the pres-
entation of words in the incongruent context leads to novelty
effect. On the other hand, recently proposed language model by
Monaghan, Christiansen and Fitneva (2011) could perhaps pro-
vide more plausible explanation of this unexpected result. Ac-
cording to Monaghan and his colleagues, certain systematic
mappings in language do exist. However, the mappings be-
tween the word and general category are systematic, while map-
pings between the word and its particular meaning are arbitrary
(Monaghan et al., 2011). The authors further suggest that this
model of language structure provides optimal mode of func-
tioning, since identification of precise meaning of the word is
not necessary for determining lexical category—it can be done
by identifying the general region of semantic space that the
word inhabits, i.e. general category to which a word belongs
and not the precise meaning of a word (Monaghan & Chri-
stiansen, 2006). On the other side, the existence of systematic
mappings between the word and its meaning would strongly
constrain the size of vocabulary. For that reason, arbitrary map-
pings present in this domain of language are optimal since they
impose fewer constrains for the number of encoding words.
This claim is further supported by the notion that contextual
information is also important factor which provides additional
information for identification of particular meaning of word
(Monaghan et al., 2011). In the light of Monaghan’s theory, it is
possible that experimental design led to the reversed pattern of
interaction obtained in third experiment. In this study, partici-
pants’ task was to judge whether string of letters has the mean-
ing or not. In order to solve this task, identification of the par-
ticular meaning of word was necessary. According to Mona-
ghan’s model, words with arbitrary mapping should be more
efficiently processed in this kind of task so it might be possible
that context assumed as congruent (curvy frame for soft sound-
ing words and spiky for sharp sounding words) actually made
processing of word in these experiments more difficult.
Furthermore, these findings directly contradict contemporary
theories of language which assume that language is a function
independent of other cognitive or sensory functions. Even more,
those theories assume that sub-functions of language processing,
phonology, orthography and semantics are being processed
distinctly (as mentioned in Westbury, 2005). Baring this in
mind, a question emerges whether orthography as well could
influence the results of the experiments and lead to “ortho-
graphical contamination”. Although Westbury indicated that
this was not the case in his study, and that the letter shape of
words written did not influence the effects, this issue can be
important since the visual presentation of a word leads to indi-
rect activation of representation of a word. In future studies, it
is considered important to examine whether the obtained pat-
tern of results exists when mental representation of word is
being directly activated. For that reason, it is necessary to de-
velop audio-visual version of lexical decision task with auditory
presentation of verbal stimuli.
According to one recent study, sound symbolism effect is not
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. 17
Copyright © 2013 SciRes.
only influenced by the stimuli properties, but also by the char-
acteristics of experimental procedure (Ković & Pejović, 2012).
Namely, these authors have found that sound symbolism effect
occurs only when mapping from auditory to visual stimuli and
not vice versa. This design-dependent aspect of sound symbol-
ism raises the question whether certain characteristics of ex-
perimental procedure which are usually not in focus of sound
symbolism studies also play important role in discovering or
even diminishing potential sound symbolism effect in language
Beside the influence of temporal sequence of auditory and
verbal stimuli, i.e. mapping from audio to visual or vice verse
on appearance of sound symbolism effect (Ković & Pejović,
2012), the present study points out the important role of timing
in presenting visual and auditory stimuli within the visual to
verbal mapping. Having in mind the specific nature of the task,
it was not possible to test the opposite direction of influence—
from verbal to visual domain, since participants were judging
lexical category of presented verbal stimuli. In this case, any
kind of delaying response would probably influence reaction
times as well.
Aiming to experimentally examine the potential role of
sounding and meaning of word in sound-symbolism effect, this
study revealed some additional aspects of stimuli which influ-
enced the observed effect. Characteristics of visual information
and frame exposition time revealed as important factors which
have not been examined so far. Taken together, these results
speak in favor of the claim about pre-semantic nature of sound
symbolism. The overall pattern of the results in this study
points out the importance of the temporal dimension in sound
symbolism effect. For that reason, future studies should include
event related potentials technique which can provide us a better
insight in the dynamic of this effect. Analysis of wave deflec-
tions would allow us to further examine the nature of sound
symbolism and potentially determine key moments in early
phases of processing when this effect emerges. Furthermore,
another line of future research on sound symbolism should
consider the influence of the stimuli presentation order on these
effects. There is a number of studies which have shown that
certain sound-symbolic effects are design dependent and that
effects are more likely to arise if the order of stimuli presenta-
tion is audio-visual compared to visual-auditory condition.
Having in mind these findings, the question emerges whether
the sound symbolism effect would be more profound in this
study if the reversed order of stimuli presentation was used, i.e.
could phonological and semantic properties of words also pro-
vide a context for visual information processing.
We would like to thank Rastko Pajković for his help with
creating visual stimuli. This research was supported by the
Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Serbia,
grant numbers 179006 and 179033.
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