Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2013, 4, 748-757 Published Online July 2013 (
Gender Differences in Coffee Consumption and Its Effects
in Young People
Shinichi Demura1, Hiroki Aoki2, Toshihide Mizusawa3, Kei Soukura3, Masahiro Noda4, Toshiro Sato5
1Graduate School of Natural Science & Technology, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan; 2Fukui National College of Technol-
ogy, Sabae, Japan; 3University of Fukui, Fukui, Japan; 4Jin-ai University, Echizen, Japan; 5Niigata University of Health and Welfare,
Niigata, Japan.
Received November 28th, 2012; revised January 5th, 2013; accepted January 14th, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Shinichi Demura et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This study aimed to ex amine gender differences in coffee consumption and awareness of its effects in young people. To
examine the above problem, a survey was conducted in 1189 young people (567 males aged 19.3 ± 1.5 years; 622 fe-
males aged 19.1 ± 1.2 years). The coffee consumption rate was significantly higher in males (50.8%) than in females
(32.8%). In the coffee consumption group, no significant differences were found in the reasons for consumption, the
components of coffee, and its effects on health. In the coffee nonconsumption group, significant gender differences
were noted in the reasons for avoiding coffee; females (64.8%) disliked its taste more than males (39.4%). More young
people of both genders in the consumption group were aware that coffee contains caffeine (79.9% - 86.5%) as com-
pared with the nonconsumption group (67.0% - 74.2%). However, few people in both groups were aware about the
components other than caffeine. In addition, more people in the nonconsumption group were unaware of the adverse
effects of coffee on the body. The results of this study demonstrated that young males drink coffee more than young
females. Among those who avoided coffee consumption, females disliked its taste more than males. Many people re-
gardless of coffee consumption were aware about the components of coffee, but few knew about the other ingredients in
this beverage. In addition, few people were aware of the negative effects of coffee on the health and body.
Keywords: Young; Males; Females; Coffee; Ingredients
1. Introduction
Coffee is a luxury drink that is widely consumed by peo-
ple all over the world (70% - 80%) [1]. Coffee has a re-
laxing effect and it alleviat es stress [2]. In additi on, regular
coffee drinking has been reported to reduce the risk of
diabetes mellitus, hepatic cirrhosis, rectal cancer, car-
diovascular disease, and other illnesses [3-9]. According
to Garzaro et al. in 2011 [10], majority of the 100 sub-
jects found the tested coffee-flavored iced dessert pleas-
ant, on the basis of the Organoleptic-Sensorial Question-
naire (OSQ), in terms of taste, aspect, texture, and smell.
No statistically significant differences were observed be-
tween the male and female subjects. Many people in Ja-
pan drink coffee regardless of age or gender [2]. How-
ever, gender differences in coffee consumption have not
been adequately determined, although Yamazawa et al.
[11] reported gender differences in coffee-flavored des-
serts and coffee consumption.
People drink coffee for different reasons, and these
reasons may differ between males and females. Mirmiran
et al. [12] reported gender as a factor influencing nutrient
consumption. Du et al. [13] demonstrated that females
have higher interest in the nutrients than males. Thus,
knowledge about coffee may also differ between males
and females.
Many studies have examined the effects of coffee con-
sumption [5-9]. Information about the advantages and
disadvantages of coffee consumption is easily available
through the media. Compared with the nonconsumers,
coffee consumers have more interest in and more knowl-
edge about the various components in this beverage and
its effects on the body. In addition, the sanative proper-
ties of coffee as a luxury drink have been the focus of
one recent study [14]. However, coffee drinkers may
have overly high expectations of the beneficial effects of
coffee on health.
In this study, the effects of coffee consumption were
examined in terms of gender differences in young people.
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Gender Differences in Coffee Consumption and Its Effects in Young People 749
2. Methods
1) Survey Method and Participants
A survey was administered to 1528 young people and
data was gathered from subjects from a range of occupa-
tional fields, such as students, office workers, teachers,
etc. Therefore, specific criteria for subject selection were
not prepared. The survey (Table 1) was created with
Table 1. Survey items.
Coffee ingestion (Yes or No)
Reasons of coffee consumption
1. To wake up
2. Relaxed
3. Breath freshener
4. Delicious
5. Health-related
6. Stress reduction
Reasons of coffee nonconsumption
1. Stopped by doctor
2. Dislike the taste
3. Harmful for the body
4. Expensive
Ingredient included in coffee (Free answer)
Awareness on effects of coffee on health
1. Nonexpectant
2. Diabetes mellitus prevention
3. Cancer pre vention
4. Diet
5. Metabolic syndrome prevention
6. Resolution of stress
Awareness on effects of coffee to health
1. Unknown
2. Diabetes mellitus prevention
3. Cancer pre vention
4. Diet
5. Metabolic syndrome prevention
6. Resolution of stress
Awareness on negative effects of coffee to body
1. Unknown
2. Stomach problems
3. Close to a restroom
4. Become to loose stools
5. Dehydration
6. Trembling hand
Consumers and Nonconsumpt ion
7. Getting palpitations
Consumption of drinks besides coffee
1. Coffee drink
2. Refreshing drinks with coffee
3. Green tea
4. Tea
5. Juice
6. Milk
7. Water
8. Carbonated drink
Consumers and Nonconsumpt ion
9. Sports drink
reference to questionnaires from previous studies [2,15].
Survey items were selected on the basis of presence or
absence of coffee consumption, reasons for coffee con-
sumption or nonconsumption, ingredients in coffee, the
effects of coffee on health, and preferred alternative drinks
(see Table 1). Participants responded freely regarding
the ingredients in coffee. Participants responded to ques-
tions included in the other survey items with a “yes” or
2) Data Analysis
The chi-squared frequency test (χ2 test) was used to
clarify gender differences for each question item. The
significance level in this study was set at p < 0.05, which
was adjusted using the Bonferroni method.
3. Results
Validity testing determined that data for 1189 respon-
dents (567 males aged 19.3 ± 1.5 years; 622 females
aged 19.1 ± 1.2 years) were useful for the purposes of the
analysis. Thus, the response rate was 86.9%.The coffee
consumption group comprised 288 males and 204 fe-
males, whereas the coffee nonconsumption group com-
prised 279 males and 418 females.
Table 2 shows the results for coffee consumption
based on gender differences. The coffee consumption ra te
was significantly higher in males (50.8%) than in females
(32.8%). Incidentally, coffee nonconsumption rate was
significantly higher in females. Participants were grouped
into those who drink coffee (coffee consumption group)
and those who do not (co ffee nonconsumption grou p) .
Tables 3-7 show the reasons for coffee consumption
(Table 3), ingredients in coffee (Table 4), and a war en ess
of the positive (Table 5) and negative (Table 6) effects
of coffee on health in the coffee consumption group.
Consumption of drinks other than coffee (Table 7) with
regard to gender differences in the coffee consumption
group are shown in Ta bl e 7. Respo nse rates in males and
females were similar (1.7% - 46.2% vs. 0.0% - 46.1%)
for all items regarding reasons for consumption. Hence,
no significant gender differences were found in responses
to these items, although approximately 50% respondents
answered that coffee helped them to wake up or that they
considered it delicious. Most respondents of both genders
(approximately 80%) knew that coffee contains caffeine,
but few were aware of other ingredients in coffee (4.9% -
5.4%). No significant gender differences were noted re-
garding the effects of coffee on health; males and fe-
males responded similarly (1.0% - 85.1% vs. 1.0% -
83.3%) for all items in this category. More than their
80% answered to “not expectation” for the above-stated
in particular. Similar response rates were identified for
males and females (2.8% - 42.0% vs. 2.0% - 40.7%) for
all items regarding the negative effects of coffee on health;
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. FNS
Gender Differences in Coffee Consumption and Its Effects in Young People
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. FNS
Table 2. Coffee consumption by gender.
Males (n = 567) Females (n = 622)
n n χ2 p
Coffee consumption 288 (50.8%) 204 (32.8%) 39.6* 0.00
Coffee nonconsumption 279 (49.2%) 418 (67.2%)
*p < 0.05.
Table 3. Gender differences regarding reasons for consuming coffee.
Males (n = 288) Females (n = 204)
n n χ2 p
Yes 133 (46.2%) 94 (46.1%)
1. To wake up No 155 (53.8%) 110 (53.9%) 0.00 0.98
Yes 104 (36.1%) 61 (29.9%)
2. Relaxed No 184 (63.9%) 143 (70.1%) 2.07 0.15
Yes 106 (36.8%) 61 (29.9%)
3. Breath freshener No 182 (63.2%) 143 (70.1%) 2.54 0.11
Yes 133 (46.2%) 94 (46.1%)
4. Delicious No 155 (53.8%) 110 (53.9%) 0.00 0.98
Yes 5 (1.7%) 0 (0.0%)
5. Health-related No 283 (98.3%) 204 (100.0%) 3.58 0.06
Yes 11 (3.8%) 4 (2.0%)
6. Stress reduction No 277 (96.2%) 200 (98.0%) 1.40 0.24
Table 4. Gender differences regarding awareness of components in the coffee consumption group.
Males (n = 288) Females (n = 204)
n n χ2 p
Yes 249 (86.5%) 163 (79.9%)
1. Caffeine No 39 (13.5%) 41 (20.1%) 3.77 0.05
Yes 14 (4.9%) 11 (5 .4%)
2. Polyphenol No 274 (95.1%) 193 (94.6%) 0.07 0.79
Table 5. Gender differences regarding awareness of the positive effects of coffee on health in the coffee consumption group.
Males (n = 288) Females (n = 204)
n n χ2 p
Yes 245 (85.1%) 170 (83.3%)
1. Nonexpectant No 43 (14.9%) 34 (16.7%) 0.27 0.60
Yes 3 (1.0%) 2 (1.0%)
2. Diabetes mellitus prevention No 285 (99.0%) 202 (99.0%) 0.00 0.95
Yes 4 (1.4%) 5 (2.5%)
3. Cancer pre vention No 284 (98.6%) 199 (97.5%) 0.75 0.39
Yes 7 (2.4%) 4 (2.0%)
4. Diet No 281 (97.6%) 200 (98.0%) 0.12 0.73
Yes 5 (1.7%) 1 (0.5%)
5. Metabolic syndrome prevention No 283 (98.3%) 203 (99.5%) 1.54 0.22
Yes 31 (10.8%) 19 (9.3%)
6. Resolution of stress No 257 (89.2%) 185 (90.7%) 0.28 0.60
no significant gender differences were found for this pa-
rameter. Approximately 40% respondents of both gen-
ders answered that they were unaware of any negative
effects of coffee or that they found the need to be close to
a restroom after drinking coffee. For questions regarding
alternative beverages, significant gend er differen ces were
Gender Differences in Coffee Consumption and Its Effects in Young People 751
Table 6. Gender differences regarding awareness of the negative effects of coffee on the body in the coffee consumption
Males (n = 288) Females (n = 204)
n n χ2 p
Yes 121 (42.0%) 74 (36.3%)
1. Unknown No 167 (58.0%) 130 (63.7%) 1.64 0.20
Yes 70 (24.3%) 57 (27.9%)
2. Stomach problems No 218 (75.7%) 147 (72.1%) 0.82 0.36
Yes 106 (36.8%) 83 (40.7%)
3. Close to a restroom No 182 (63.2%) 121 (59.3%) 0.76 0.38
Yes 30 (10.4%) 27 (13.2%)
4. Become to loose stoolsNo 258 (89.6%) 177 (86.8%) 0.93 0.34
Yes 12 (4.2%) 8 (3.9%)
5. Dehydration No 276 (95.8%) 196 (96.1%) 0.02 0.89
Yes 8 (2.8%) 4 (2.0%)
6. Trembling hand No 280 (97.2%) 200 (98.0%) 0.34 0.56
Yes 15 (5.2%) 2 (1.0%)
7. Getting palpitations No 273 (94.8%) 202 (99.0%) 6.40 0.01
Table 7. Gender differences regar ding consumption of other drinks in the coffee consumption group.
Males (n = 288) Females (n = 204)
n n χ2 p
Yes 37 (12.8%) 30 (14.7%)
1. Coffee drink No 251 (87.2%) 174 (85.3%) 0.35 0.55
Yes 25 (8.7%) 15 (7.4%)
2. Refreshing drinks with coffee No 263 (91.3%) 189 (92.6%) 0.28 0.60
Yes 162 (56.3%) 134 (65.7%)
3. Green tea No 126 (43.8%) 70 (34.3%) 4.44 0.04
Yes 59 (20.5%)77 (37.7%)
4. Tea No 229 (79.5%)127 (62.3%)17.78* 0.00
Yes 86 (29.9%)50 (24.5%)
5. Juice No 202 (70.1%)154 (75.5%)1.71 0.19
Yes 89 (30.9%)49 (24.0%)
6. Milk No 199 (69.1%)155 (76.0%)2.80 0.09
Yes 103 (35.8%)72 (35.3%)
7. Water No 185 (64.2%)132 (64.7%)0.11 0.92
Yes 84 (29.2%)32 (15.7%)
8. Carbonated drink No 204 (70.8%)172 (84.3%)12.04* 0.00
Yes 69 (24.0%)16 (7.8%)
9. Sports drink No 219 (76.0%)188 (92.2%)21.70* 0.00
*p < 0.05/9 = 0. 0056.
found in the percentage of drinkers of tea (20.5% vs.
37.7%), carbonated drink s (29.2% vs. 15.7%), and sports
drinks (24.0% vs. 7.8%). Female respondents consumed
tea (20.5% vs. 37.7%) more than males, whereas males
consumed more carbonated dr inks and sports drinks than
Tables 8-12 show the reasons for coffee nonconsump-
tion (Table 8), components of coffee (Table 9), and
awareness of the positive (Tab l e 10) and negative (Table
11) effects of coffee on health in the coffee nonconsump-
tion group. Consumption of drinks other than coffee in
terms of gender differences in the coffee nonconsump-
tion group are shown in Table 12. Significant gender
differences were found for the survey items regarding the
taste and cost of coffee. More females disliked the taste
of coffee (64.8%) than males (39.4%), but responses to
the latter survey item were extremely few (0.2% - 5%).
Significant gender differences were found in the aware-
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. FNS
Gender Differences in Coffee Consumption and Its Effects in Young People
Table 8. Gender differences regarding reasons for coffee nonconsumption.
Males (n = 279) Females (n = 418)
n n χ2 p
Yes 1 (0.4%) 1 (0.2%)
1. Stopped by doctor No 278 (99.6%) 417 (99.8%) 0.08 0.77
Yes 110 (39.4%) 271 (64.8%)
2. Dislike the taste No 169 (60.6%) 147 (35.2%)
43.58* 0.00
Yes 9 (3.2%) 10 (2.4%)
3. Harmful for the body No 270 (96.8%) 408 (97.6%)
0.44 0.51
Yes 14 (5.0%) 1 (0.2%)
4. Expensive No 265 (95.0%) 417 (99.8%)
18.15* 0.00
*p < 0.05/4 = 0. 0125.
Table 9. Gender differences regarding awareness of ingredients in the coffee nonconsumption group.
Males (n = 279) Females (n = 418)
n n χ2 p
Yes 207 (74.2%) 280 (67.0%)
1. Caffeine No 72 (25.8%) 138 (33.0%) 4.13 0.04
Yes 9 (3.2%) 33 (7.9%)
2. Polyphenol No 270 (96.8%) 385 (92.1%)
6.44* 0.01
*p < 0.05/2 = 0. 025.
Table 10. Gender differences regarding awareness of the positive effects of coffee on health in the coffee nonconsumption
Males (n = 279) Females (n = 418)
n n χ2 p
Yes 224 (80.3%) 332 (79.4%)
1. Unknown No 55 (19.7%) 86 (20.6%) 0.08 0.78
Yes 2 (0.7%) 2 (0.5%)
2. Diabetes mellitus prevention No 277 (99.3%) 416 (99.5%) 0.17 0.68
Yes 8 (2.9%) 13 (3.1%)
3. Cancer pre vention No 271 (97.1%) 405 (96.9%) 0.03 0.85
Yes 5 (1.8%) 23 (5.5%)
4. Diet No 274 (98.2%) 395 (94.5%) 5.97 0.02
Yes 3 (1.1%) 7 (1.7%)
5. Metabolic syndrome prevention No 276 (98.9%) 411 (98.3%) 0.43 0.51
Yes 32 (11.5%) 27 (6.5%)
6. Resolution of stress No 247 (88.5%) 391 (93.5%) 5.42 0.02
Table 11. Gender differenc es regarding awareness of the negative effects of coffee on the body in the coffee nonconsumption
Males (n = 279) Females (n = 418)
n n χ2 p
Yes 173 (62.0%) 234 (56.0%)
1. Unknown No 106 (38.0%) 184 (44.0%) 2.50 0.11
Yes 43 (15.4%) 66 (15.8%)
2. Stomach problems No 236 (84.6%) 352 (84.2%) 0.02 0.89
Yes 58 (20.8%) 97 (23.2%)
3. Close to a restroom No 221 (79.2%) 321 (76.8%) 0.57 0.45
Yes 19 (6.8%) 30 (7.2%)
4 .Become to loose stools No 260 (93.2%) 388 (92.8%) 0.03 0.85
Yes 2 (0.7%) 9 (2.2%)
5. Dehydration No 277 (99.3%) 409 (97.8%) 2.22 0.14
Yes 4 (1.4%) 7 (1.7%)
6. Trembling hand No 275 (98.6%) 411 (98.3%) 0.06 0.80
Yes 4 (1.4%) 6 (1.4%)
7. Getting palpitations No 275 (98.6%) 412 (98.6%) 0.06 0.80
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Gender Differences in Coffee Consumption and Its Effects in Young People 753
Table 12. Gender differences regarding consumption of drinks other than coffee in the coffee nonconsumption group.
Males (n = 279) Females (n = 418)
n n χ2 p
Yes 18 (6.5%) 36 (8.6%)
1. Coffee drink No 261 (93.5%) 382 (91.4%) 1.09 0.30
Yes 17 (6.1%) 34 (8.1%)
2. Refreshing drinks with coffee No 262 (93.9%) 384 (91.9%) 1.03 0.31
Yes 180
(64.5%) 325 (77.8%)
3. Green tea No 99
(35.5%) 93 (22.2%) 14.69* 0.00
Yes 42
(15.1%) 121 (28.9%)
4. Tea No 237
(84.9%) 297 (71.1%) 18.03* 0.00
Yes 114
(40.9%) 156 (37.3%)
5. Juice No 165
(59.1%) 262 (62.7%) 0.88 0.35
Yes 95
(34.1%) 108 (25.8%)
6. Milk No 184
(65.9%) 310 (74.2%) 5.47 0.02
Yes 127
(45.5%) 207 (49.5%)
7. Water No 152
(54.5%) 211 (50.5%) 1.07 0.30
Yes 81
(29.0%) 78 (18.7%)
8. Carbonated drink No 198
(71.0%) 340 (81.3%) 10.22* 0.00
Yes 79
(28.3%) 74 (17.7%)
9. Sports drink No 200
(71.7%) 344 (82.3%) 11.00* 0.00
*p < 0.05/9 = 0. 0056.
ness of polyphenol as a component of coffee; however,
the response rate for this survey item was extremely low
(3% - 8%). Most males and females (approximately 70%)
knew that coffee contains caffeine. No significant gender
differences were found in awareness of the effects of
coffee on health; responses from males and females were
similar (1.1% - 80.3% vs. 1.7% - 79.4%) for all items.
More than their 80% answered that they were unaware of
the positive effects of coffee on health. Answer rates for
males and females were similar (0.7% - 62.0% vs. 1.4% -
56.0%) for all items regarding the negative effects of
coffee on health, so no significant gender differences
were found for these items. Approximately 50% males
and females answered that they were unaware of the
negative effects of coffee on health. For questions re-
garding alternative beverages, significant gender differ-
ences were found in the percentage of drinkers of green
tea (64.5% vs. 77.8%) and tea (15.1% vs. 28.9%), car-
bonated drinks (29.0% vs. 18.7%), and sports drinks
(28.3% vs. 17.7%). Females consumed more tea than
males (20.5% vs. 37.7%), and males consumed more
carbonated drinks and sports drinks in the coffee non-
consumption group.
Tables 13-15 show gender differences regarding
awareness of ingredients (Table 13) and awareness of
the positive (Table 14) and negative (Table 15) effects
of coffee on health and the body between the coffee con-
sumption and nonconsum ption groups. A sign ifi cant group
difference was found only for caffeine. More respondents
in the consumption group were aware of the effects of
caffeine, but more than 65% respondents in the noncon-
sumption group also were aware of this fact. No signifi-
cant differences were found in the awareness of the ef-
fects of coffee on health between both groups (1.1% -
10.8% for the consumption group vs. 0.5% - 9.3% for the
nonconsumption group). No significant group differences
were found in responses indicating lack of awareness of
negative effects of coffee on health and need to be close
to a restroom. More respondents in the nonconsumption
group (>50%) were unaware of the negative effects of
coffee on health, and more respondents in the consump-
tion group (approximately 40%) indicated the need to be
close to a restroom after drinking coffee. In addition,
more respondents in the consumption group reported
stomach problems due to coffee consumption (27.9% vs.
4. Discussion
The present study results indicated that more young
males (50.8%) drank coffee than young females (32.8%).
According to Yamazawa et al. [11], gender differences in
preferences for sweet coffee were related to coffee drink-
ing habits. Rodenburg et al. [16], comparing coffee con-
sumption among 4 groups of smoking and nonsmoking
males and females, found that nonsmoking females con-
sumed less coffee. The present study result indicated that
females drank Japanese tea or green tea more often than
males in both the coffee consumption and nonconsump-
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. FNS
Gender Differences in Coffee Consumption and Its Effects in Young People
Table 13. Gender differences between the consumption and nonconsumption groups in terms of awareness of ingredients in
Consumption Nonconsumption
n % n % χ2 p
Yes 249 (86.5%) 207 (74.2%)
1. Caffeine No 39 (13.5%) 72 (25.8%)
13.5* 0.00
Yes 14 (4.9%) 9 (3.2%)
2. Polyphenol No 274 (95.1%) 270 (96.8%)
0.97 0.32
Yes 163 (79.9%) 280 (67.0%)
1. Caffeine No 41 (20.1%) 138 (33.0%)
11.2* 0.00
Yes 11 (5.4%) 33 (7.9%)
2. Polyphenol No 193 (94.6%) 385 (92.1%) 1.31 0.25
*p < 0.05/2 = 0. 025.
Table 14. Gender differences between groups in terms of awareness of the positive effects of coffee on health.
Consumption Nonconsumption
n % n % χ2 p
Yes 3 (1.0%) 2 (0.7%)
1. Diabetes mellitus prevention No 285 (99.0%) 277 (99.3%) 0.17 0.68
Yes 4 (1.4%) 8 (2.9%)
2. Cancer pre vention No 284 (98.6%) 271 (97.1%) 1.50 0.22
Yes 7 (2.4%) 5 (1.8%)
3. Diet No 281 (97.6%) 274 (98.2%) 0.28 0.60
Yes 5 (1.7%) 3 (1.1%)
4. Metabolic syndrome prevention No 283 (98.3%) 276 (98.9%) 0.45 0.51
Yes 31 (10.8%) 32 (11.5%)
5. Resolution of stress No 257 (89.2%) 247 (88.5%) 0.07 0.79
Yes 2 (1.0%) 2 (0.5%)
1. Diabetes mellitus prevention No 202 (99.0%) 416 (99.5%) 0.54 0.46
Yes 5 (2.5%) 13 (3.1%)
2. Cancer pre vention No 199 (97.5%) 405 (96.9%) 0.21 0.65
Yes 4 (2.0%) 23 (5.5%)
3. Diet No 200 (98.0%) 395 (94.5%) 4.14 0.04
Yes 1 (0.5%) 7 (1.7%)
4. Metabolic syndrome prevention No 203 (99.5%) 411 (98.3%) 1.52 0.22
Yes 19 (9.3%) 27 (6.5%)
5. Resolution of stress No 185 (90.7%) 391 (93.5%) 1.63 0.20
tion groups. In short, young females may choose to drink
tea rather than coffee more often than young males. In
co ntras t, Ya mamoto et al. [17] reported that 68% female
students responded that they like coffee. In this study,
only approximately 50% female respondents considered
coffee to be delicious, even in the coffee consumption
group. These results may indicate that young females
may not drink coffee regu larly, although they may lik e it.
Further studies are required to examine the relationship
between coffee consumption and preference for the taste
of coffee.
In the coffee consumption group, approximately 50%
respondents reported that the reason they liked to drink
coffee was because it helped them wake up or because
they liked its taste. Caffeine in coffee has a stimulating
effect on the central nervous system [18]. Many people
who drink coffee expect to feel awake. To consume the
same food and drinks regularly, it is very important that a
person considers them delicious. Many respondents of
both genders in this study drank coffee for its taste. In
addition, almost all respondents (approximately 80%)
knew that coffee contains caffeine, but few knew about
for the other ingredients in coffee (4.9% - 5.4%).
More females (64.8%) than males (39.4%) in the cof-
fee nonconsumption group reported that they disliked the
taste. Maruyama et al. [19] examined gender differences
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Gender Differences in Coffee Consumption and Its Effects in Young People 755
Table 15. Gender differences between groups in terms of awareness of the negative effects of coffee on the body.
Consumption Nonconsumption
n % n % χ2 p
Yes 121 (42.0%) 173 (62.0%)
1. Unknown No 167 (58.0%)106 (38.0%)
22.7* 0.000
Yes 70 (24.3%) 43 (15.4%)
2. Stomach problems No 218 (75.7%)236 (84.6%)
7.02 0.008
Yes 106 (36.8%)58 (20.8%)
3. Close to a restroom No 182 (63.2%)221 (79.2%)
17.7* 0.000
Yes 30 (10.4%) 19 (6.8%)
4. Become to loose stools No 258 (89.6%)260 (93.2%)
2.34 0.127
Yes 12 (4.2%) 2 (0.7%)
5. Dehydration No 276 (95.8%)277 (99.3%)
7.00 0.008
Yes 8 (2.8%) 4 (1.4%)
6. Trembling h a n d s No 280 (97.2%)275 (98.6%)
1.24 0.266
Yes 15 (5.2%) 4 (1.4%)
7. Getting palpitations No 273 (94.8%)275 (98.6%)
6.23 0.013
Yes 74 (36.3%)234 (56.0%)
1. Unknown No 130 (63.7%)184 (44.0%)
21.3* 0.000
Yes 57 (27.9%) 66 (15.8%)
2. Stomach problems No 147 (72.1%)352 (84.2%)
12.8* 0.000
Yes 83 (40.7%) 97 (23.2%)
3. Close to a restroom No 121 (59.3%)321 (76.8%)
20.4* 0.000
Yes 27 (13.2%)30 (7.2%)
4. Become to loose stools No 177 (86.8%) 388 (92.8%) 6.05 0.014
Yes 8 (3.9%) 9 (2.2%)
5. Dehydration No 196 (96.1%)409 (97.8%) 1.61 0.204
Yes 4 (2.0%) 7 (1.7%)
6. Trembling h a n d s No 200 (98.0%) 411 (98.3%) 0.07 0.799
Yes 2 (1.0%) 6 (1.4%)
7. Getting palpitations No 202 (99.0%) 412 (98.6%) 0.22 0.636
*p < 0.05/7 = 0. 007.
in taste preference in a group of junior high school stu-
dents, and reported that taste differs between males and
females. Most youth have tasted coffee at least once in
their lives. Hence, more females may dislike the taste of
coffee based on their past experience, and thus do not
choose to drink. In addition, almost all respondents of
both genders (70%) in the nonconsumption group knew
that coffee contains caffeine, but few knew about the
other ingredients in coffee. According to Du et al. [13],
knowledge and attitude regarding nutrients differ be-
tween males and females. However, young people who
do not drink coffee may not be interested in it, regardless
of gender.
No gender differences were found in responses to the
items regarding the effects of coffee on health. More than
80% respondents expected no adverse effects, particu-
larly in the coffee consumption group. In Japan, it is
widely known that tea drinking has healthy effects. Ac-
cording to Matsui [20], about 50% of nonsugar tea drink-
ers found its health benefits very appealing and hence
have chosen this beverage. In Japan, coffee is a luxury
drink, unlike refreshing drinks such as tea. Approximatel y
50% respondents in the coffee consumption group drank
coffee because they liked its taste. Thus, people who
drink coffee regularly may do so because they enjoy its
taste and expect to experience its po sitive effects, such as
helping them to feel awake.
No intergroup gender differences were found in the
responses to items regarding the positive and negative
effects of coffee on health. More than 80% of respon-
dents in the coffee consumption group and 40% - 50% of
those in the coffee nonconsumption group were unaware
of these effects. Because coffee has been part of human
diet for more than 1000 years [1], many researchers have
studied its effects on health. The benefits of coffee for
humans have been disputed [21]. However, the present re-
sults suggested that the effects of coffee on health are not
widely known to young people. Because most responden t s
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. FNS
Gender Differences in Coffee Consumption and Its Effects in Young People
in the consumption group and more than 65% of those in
the nonconsumption group knew that coffee contains
caffeine, it is considered that the caffeine is a widely
known component among young people. However, no
significant gender differences between the consumption
and nonconsumption groups were found regarding the
effects of coffee on health. In Japan, alternative healthy
drinks such as water or lactic acid bacteria beverages
have been manufactured. In addition, many people rec-
ognize the healthy effect of tea [20].
On the other hand, the risk of myocardial infarction
and glaucoma are increased by coffee consumption [22,
23]. However, regarding the adverse effects of coffee on
the body, both male and female respondents in the non-
consumption group (>50%) were unaware of these ef-
fects, and approximately 40% of those in the consump-
tion group were unaware of these effects. In addition,
approximately 40% of those in the consumption group
felt the need to be close to a restroom after drinking cof-
fee. Many studies have reported results of tests of coffee
from the medical and pharmaceutical viewpoints [3-7].
The media also frequently reports the effects of coffee.
However, the adverse effects of coffee consumption may
not be adequately reported. Therefore, young people may
know little about these effects regardless of their prefer-
ence for coffee. It is necessary to spread awareness re-
garding the positive and negative effects of coffee on
health, regardless of coffee consumption. Similar to the
coffee-drinking habit of westerners, many Japanese, in-
cluding the youth, tend to drink coffee during business or
social meetings. Moreover, coffee can be freely ordered
at a coffee-specialty store, tea shop, or fast food center
and can be easily bought at a supermarket or from vend-
ing machines. Such circumstances are responsible for
giving ri s e to many cof f ee drinkers.
5. Conclusion
In conclusion, in this study, young males reported drink-
ing more coffee than young females. Among coffee non-
consumers, females disliked the taste of coffee more of-
ten than males. Many young people know that coffee
contains caffeine, but few know about other components
of this beverage. In addition, few people know the posi-
tive and negative effects of coffee on health.
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