Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications, 2010, 2, 179-189
doi:10.4236/jilsa.2010.24021 Published Online November 2010 (
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JILSA
An Autonomous Incremental Learning Algorithm
for Radial Basis Function Networks
Seiichi Ozawa1, Toshihisa Tabuchi1, Sho Nakasaka1, Asim Roy2
1Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan; 2Department of Information Systems, Arizona State University,
Tempe, USA
Received March 29th, 2010; revised September 14th, 2010; accepted September 17th, 2010.
In this paper, an in crementa l lea rning mo d el called Reso urce Alloca ting Networ k with Lon g-Term Memo ry (RAN-LTM)
is extended such that the learning is conducted with some autonomy for the following functions: 1) data collection for
initial learning, 2) data normalization, 3) addition of radial basis functions (RBFs), and 4) determination of RBF cen-
ters and widths. The proposed learning algorithm called Autonomous Learning algorithm for Resource Allocating
Network (AL-RAN) is divided into the two learning pha ses: initial learning phase and incremen tal learning phase. And
the former is further divid ed into the autonom ous data co llection and the initial n etwork learn ing. In the initial learning
phase, train ing data are first collected until the class separab ility is converged or has a significan t difference between
normalized and unnormalized data. Then, an initial structure of AL-RAN is autonomously determined by selecting a
moderate number of RBF centers from the collected data and by defining as large RBF widths as possible within a
proper range. After the initial learning, the incremental lear ning of AL-RAN is co nducted in a sequential wa y whenever
a new training data is given. In the experiments, we evaluate AL-RAN using five benchmark data sets. From the ex-
perimental results, we confirm that the above autonomous functions work well and the efficiency in terms of network
structure and learning time is improved without sacrificing the recognition accuracy as compared with the previous
version of AL-RAN.
Keywords: Autonomous Learning, Incremental Learning, Radial Basis Function Network, Pattern Recognition
1. Introduction
In general, when a learning model is applied to
real-world problems, it does not always work well un-
less a human supervisor participates initial settings
such as choosing proper parameters and selecting the
data preprocessing (e.g., feature extraction / selection
and data normalization) depending on given problems.
This dependence on human supervision is one of the
highest barriers to wide deployment of artificial learn-
ing systems. Therefore, removing or alleviating human
intervention in artificial learning systems is a crucial
challenge. In fact, there have been proposed several
approaches to autonomous learning [1-5].
On the other hand, the radial basis function network
(RBFN) is one of the most popular models that has
been applied to many applications such as pattern rec-
ognition and time-series prediction [6]. Although
RBFN has mainly been used as batch learning, the sig-
nificance of its extension to incremental learning is
growing from a practical point of view [7,8]. Espe-
cially, one-pass incremental learning [9] is an impor-
tant concept for large-scale high-dimensional data. In
this type of learning, the learner is required to acquire
knowledge with a single presentation of training data
(i.e., training data are never presented repeatedly for
retraining purposes), and the learning must be carried
out by keeping minimum information on past training
data. Developing a stable one-pass incremental learn-
ing algorithm for RBFN will give a great impact to
many practical applications.
In order to construct a high-performance classi-
fier/predictor using RBFN, the RBF centers and widths
should be determined properly such that the input re-
gions of all training data are fully supported by fewer
RBFs. For this purpose, there have been proposed var-
ious methods to choose RBF centers and widths in
batch learning settings [10,11]. However, as far as we
An Autonomous Incremental Learning Algorithm for Radial Basis Function Networks
know, there is no online version of such an automated
learning algorithm. This is because the distribution of
training data is generally unknown in incremental
learning environments where the data are only given in
a sequential way. Besides, it is well known that the
classifier performance could be affected by data pre-
processing; especially, it could depend on whether data
are normalized or not. As mentioned earlier, in most of
the incremental learning algorithms, the parameter set-
ting and the selection of a preprocessing method is
conducted by an external supervisor on a trial and error
basis when a learning algorithm is applied to a par-
ticular problem. However, in incremental learning, this
would sometimes be difficult for the supervisor if only
a small number of training data are given in the begin-
ning. Therefore, it is important to develop autonomous
incremental learning algorithms so that a system can
learn on its own without external help [12].
For this purpose, we have proposed an autonomous
learning algorithm for RBFN called Autonomous
Learning algorithm for Resource Allocating Network
(AL-RAN) [13]. AL-RAN is a one-pass incremental
learning model which consists of the following auto-
nomous functions: 1) data collection for initial learning,
2) data normalization, 3) addition of radial basis func-
tions (RBFs), and 4) determination of RBF centers and
widths. The first function enables AL-RAN to decide
the necessity of data normalization from incoming
training data, and if it is needed, the data scaling is
autonomously carried out in an online fashion. And the
third and fourth functions allow AL-RAN to free from
tuning proper RBF centers and widths before the
learning is started. In this AL-RAN model [13], train-
ing data are first collected until both the mean and
standard deviation are converged. Then, the average
recognition accuracies for normalized and unnormal-
ized data are evaluated using the leave-one-out
cross-validation method. If the time evolution in rec-
ognition accuracy becomes smaller than a threshold,
the data collection is stopped and the necessity of data
normalization is judged whether the accuracy for un-
normalized data is significantly higher than that for
normalized data. A problem in this algorithm is that the
mean and standard deviation of collected data can
largely be fluctuated over time depending on training
sequences. Furthermore, evaluating the recognition
accuracy at every learning stage would incur large
computation cos ts.
In this paper, to alleviate the above problems, we
propose to introduce the class separability instead of
the recognition accuracy in a convergence criterion for
data collection. The time to stop collecting data is de-
termined by confirming the convergence of the class
separability or by finding the significant difference in
the class separability for normalized and unnormalized
data. In order to determine the initial structure of
AL-RAN, a two-stage clustering algorithm is per-
formed for the collected data to obtain a moderate
number of prototypes and their cluster radii. These
prototypes and radii are set to RBF centers and widths
in AL-RAN, respectively. Then, the initial learning of
AL-RAN is performed for the collected data to obtain
connection weights and memory items in the long-term
memory. After the above initial learning process, the
learning is switched to the incremental learning phase
and the learning is continued forever.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we
first give a brief review of Resource Allocating Net-
work with Long-Term Memory (RAN-LTM) [7,14]
which gives a classifier model in AL-RAN, and then a
new autonomous learning algorithm for AL-RAN is
proposed in Section 3. Then, the performance of
AL-RAN is evaluated for the five UCI data sets [15] in
Section 4. Finally, conclusions and further work are
described in Section 5.
2. Resource Allocating Network with
Long-Term Memory
Neural networks often suffer from well-known catastro-
phic interference [9] in incremental learning environ-
ments. RAN-LTM [7,14] can alleviate this problem.
RAN-LTM consists of Resource Allocating Network
(RAN) [8] and Long-Term Memory (LTM). RAN is an
extended model of RBFN in which RBFs (i.e., hidden
units) are automatically allocated on an online basis. Let
opyright © 2010 SciRes. JILSA
An Autonomous Incremental Learning Algorithm for Radial Basis Function Networks 181
us denote the number of inputs, RBFs, and outputs as I, J,
K, respectively. The learning algorithm of RAN-LTM is
shown in Algorithms 1-3.
Let the inputs of a training data be x = {x1, …, xI}.
Then, the RBF outputs y = {y1, …, yJ} are calculated as
|| ||
exp(1,, )
 
jRI and
j2 are the center and the width of the
jth RBF. Let the weight from the jth RBF to the kth out-
put be wkj and the bias of the kth output be
k. Then, the
outputs z(x) = {z1, …, zK} are g i ven by
1Kkywgz J
ug (3)
The data in LTM are called memory items that corre-
spond to representative input-output pairs. These pairs
are selected from incoming training data, and they are
learned with newly given training data to suppress for-
getting. As seen in Algorithm 1, a memory item is cre-
ated when an RBF is allocated; that is, a pair of an RBF
center and the corresponding output is stored in LTM as
a memory it em .
The learning algorithm of RAN-LTM is divided into
two phases: the addition of RBFs and the update of con-
nection weights (see Algorithm 1). The procedure in the
former phase is the same as that in RAN, except that
memory items are created at the same time. Once RBFs
are allocated, the centers are fixed afterwards. Therefore,
the connection weights W={wkj} are only parameters that
are updated based on the output errors. To minimize the
errors, the following linear equation is solved [11]:
where D is the matrix whose column vectors correspond
to the targets. Assume that a class c data (x, c) is given
and J memory items )
(ll cx (l=1,…,J), where l
the class label of the l th memory item, are stored in LTM.
Then, the target matrix D is formed as follow:
111D J
ccc . Here, 1c is a K-dimensional target
vector where the cth element is one and others are zeros.
Furthermore, )}
(), xy (xyx{yΦ1J
are defined by
the RBF outputs y for the training data and memory items.
Using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD),
is de-
composed as f ollo w:
=UHV. Then, the weight matrix
W in Equation (4) is given by the following equation:
)( (5)
where (H)+ is the pseudo-inverse of H.
3. Autonomous Incremental Learning
3.1. Assumptions and Learning Scheme
Let us assume that no training data is given to a system
in the beginning and training data are provided one by
one. Since we expect a system to learn from incoming
data with some autonomy, the learning system should
collect training data on its own in order to determine an
initial network with proper parameters, and then it should
be able to improve the recognition accuracy consistently
through incr emental lear n ing. To ear n good p erfor mance,
an autonomous learning system should judge whether
some preprocessing (e.g., data normalization and feature
extraction) is needed or not. As mentioned in Section 1,
we consider only the data normalization for autonomous
preprocessing. After the normalization, collected data are
used for constructing and learning an initial AL-RAN
classifier (i.e., RAN-LTM). The period up to this point is
called initial learning phase.
After the in itial learning phase, the incremen tal learning
process is evoked. First, the data would be normalized if a
system judges that the data normalization is preferable.
Then, the incremental learning is conducted not only by
updating network weights but also by allocating new
RBFs and/or by updating the widths of existing RBFs.
This period is called incremental learning phase.
3.2. Initial Learning Phase
3.2.1. Autonomous Data Collection and Normalization
In order to judge the necessity of data normalization, an
opyright © 2010 SciRes. JILSA
An Autonomous Incremental Learning Algorithm for Radial Basis Function Networks
autonomous learning system should collect training data.
However, collecting too many training data leads to inef-
ficiency in the computation and memory costs, and it
also results in loosing the online learning property be-
cause the autonomous system cannot make any predic-
tion until such a large amount of data are collected.
Therefore, it is important for a learning system to esti-
mate a sufficient number of data for making a proper
decision on the data normalization.
a) Previous Method: In the previous work [13], we
proposed a heuristic method to determine the time to stop
the data collection based on the following two criteria:
the statistics of a data distribution (e.g., mean and stan-
dard deviation) and the difference between the recogni-
tion accuracies for normalized and unnormalized data
(i.e., raw data). First, training data are collected until
both the mean and standard deviation are converged.
Then, the average recognition accuracy for normalized
data Rnor and that for raw data Rraw are evaluated using
the leave-one-out method. If the difference between the
two recognition accuracies becomes smaller than a thre-
r (i.e., | Rnor - Rraw | <
r), the data collection is
terminated and the necessity of data normalization is
judged; otherwise, more training data are collected until
the above condition is satisfied. After satisfying the con-
vergence condition, a system checks the significant dif-
ference between Rraw and Rnor. If Rnor is not significantly
lower than Rraw, the collected data are normalized such
that they are subject to a normal distribution N (0,1 ), and
all the data given in future are also normalized in the
same way. Otherwise, the data normalization is not ap-
plied not only to the collected data but also to training
data given in future.
A problem of the above method is that the mean and
standard deviation of collected data can largely be fluc-
tuated over time depending on training sequences. If
training data are uniformly drawn from a true distribu-
tion, a relatively small number of training data would be
sufficient to judge the convergence even with the above
simple statistics. However, if training data are given
based on a biased distribution, the mean and standard
deviation of data would converge very slowly. Therefore,
relying on only such simple statistics would result in
increasing the average number of collected data.
A way to alleviate this problem is to introduce another
stopping criterion. Recall that the purpose of the data
collection is to judge the necessity of data normalization.
Even though the data distribution does not converge, the
data collection could be stopped when a system identifies
a significant difference in the recognition accuracy for
normalized and raw data. A straightforward way to im-
plement this idea is to apply the cross-validation method
at every learning stage. Obviously, however, large com-
putation costs are required for this. An alternative way is
to adopt the class separability of data to estimate the
recognition accuracy.
b) Proposed Method: Assume that n training data
, where xi and ci, respectively corresponds to
the ith input and the class label, are collected so far. Let
us further assume that the training data belong to either
of C classes and the class c data set is denoted as
Xc= (c=1,…,C), where xci RI is the ith data of
class c and nc is the number of class c data. Then, the
whole input data set is denoted as . For the
collected data, the fo llowing between-class scatter matrix
SB and the within-class scatter matrix SW are defined:
iii c1
ici 1
cc 1
where c
x and x are the mean vectors of the class c
data and all data, respectively. The class separability Pn
for n training data is defined as follow:
}{tr 1BWn
. (8)
This class separability Pn can be an alternative meas-
ure for the mean and standard deviation adopted in the
previous work [13] because Pn includes the mean c
and the total variance is defined by SB and SW. Therefore,
Pn never converges unless both mean and standard de-
viation converge.
In this paper, we propose a new heuristic algorithm
based on the class separability Pn, which could stop the
data collection with a moderate number of training data.
Here, let us define the following difference Pn between
the class separability of unnormalized (raw) data Pnraw
and that of normalized data Pnnor:
raw nor
raw nor
max{ , }
 |
. (9)
As a convergence criterion, we define the following
average time-difference for Pn :
max{, }
nk nk
nknk nk
 
 
. (10)
In the previous work, the difference between the rec-
ognition accuracies for normalized and raw data was
adopted. This can be replaced with the difference Pn in
Equation (9). Thus, let us define another measure to ter-
minate the data collection as follow:
kknn PP . (11)
Algorithm 4 shows the main procedures of the proposed
opyright © 2010 SciRes. JILSA
An Autonomous Incremental Learning Algorithm for Radial Basis Function Networks 183
data collection. As seen in Algorithm 4, the class sep ara-
bility is calculated for both raw and normalized data, and
the average time-difference Pn is checked if it is smaller
than 2
s. The reason why a large threshold 2
s is used
here is to carry out a rough convergence check. After
satisfying this condition, the second measure n
P is
checked if there is a significant difference between the
class separability for normalized and raw data. Therefore,
the data collection is terminated not only when the aver-
age time-difference of the class separability n
verges but also when the average difference in the class
separability for normalized and raw data n
P becomes
After terminating the data collection, the recognition
accuracy for raw data Rraw and that for normalized data
Rnor are evaluated using the leave-one-out method. If Rraw
is significantly higher than Rnor, the collected data are
used for learning RAN-LTM without normalization, and
the data normalization is not also carried out for future
training data. Otherwise, the n ormalized d a ta are used for
learning RAN-LTM, and the normalization is always
applied to incoming data. Note that the cross-validation
is carried out only once. In the following, for a notational
conven ience, let us ex pres s either no rmalized or raw data
by .
3.2.2. Initial Learning of AL-RAN
Training data collected in the
previous stage are used for the initial learning of
AL-RAN, which is divided into the following two proc-
esses: determining an initial network structure and com-
puting initial weights.
x111 }}{{}{ XX
First, RBF centers are selected from X, and then prop-
er RBF widths are determined such that the RBF re-
sponse fields cover all class regions with a moderate
number of RBF centers. It is well known that in order to
maximize the generalization performance, the number of
RBFs should be as small as possible; therefore, an RBF
width should be set as large as possible under the condi-
tion that output errors are kept small. For this purpose,
we propose an autonomous algorithm (Algorithm 5) to
determine RBF centers and widths. The proposed algo-
rithm consists of the following two stages: (1) rough se-
lection of cluster centers (prototype candidates) and (2)
selection of prot ot ypes and determ i nat i on of clust er radii.
In the first stage, the following procedures are carried
out for every class c. First, the minimum distance dci*
between the ith data xci and other data xcj (ji) is calcu-
lated as follow:
dxx 
*. (12)
Then, the min i mum d i s t a nces dci* are averaged over all
the class c data and the average value c
d is calculated.
Since c
d corresponds to the expected distance to the
nearest neighbors within a class c region, the rough se-
lection is performed such that a prototype candidate ycj
represents several collected data within a cluster region
whose radius should be set larger than c
d. In order to
ensure that at least two data are represented by a proto-
type in the roug h selection, the radius is set to c
d2 here.
As seen in Algorithm 5, the first prototype candidate yc1
is randomly selected from the collected data Xc=,
and yc1 is put into the prototyp e candidate set Yc. Then, a
cluster region is defined such that yc1 is set to the center
and the radius is set to
d2. Then, all the data within the
region are represented by yc1, and they are removed from
Xc. The above procedures are continued until Xc becomes
In the second stage, prototype candidates are
further selected to obtain prototypes by merging their
cluster regions. As seen in Algorithm 5, the following
procedures are carried out for every class c. First, a pro-
totype candidate yci’ is randomly selected, and the dis-
tance to the nearest prototype of another class is
calculated. Then, yci’ and dci* are respectively defined as
the first prototype pc1 and the cluster radius rc1. And all
the data within the cluster are removed from Yc. Such
procedures are conti n ue d unt i l Yc gets empty.
At the final stage of the initial learning, the structure
of AL-RAN is initialized by creating RBFs and by com-
puting weights. As seen in Algorithm 6, every pair of
prototype and the radius is set to
icicic c
r11}},{{ 
opyright © 2010 SciRes. JILSA
An Autonomous Incremental Learning Algorithm for Radial Basis Function Networks
RBF center
j and RBF width
j (j=1,…, J), respectively.
Here, J is the total number of RBFs (i.e., 1c
Then, the connection weights Wj from the jth RBF to the
outputs are computed as follow: Wj =1c - z(
j) (j=1,…,J).
After initializing AL-RAN, all of the collected training
data 11
are given to AL-RAN one by one,
and AL-RAN is learned based on the same incremental
learning algorithm described in the next subsection (see
Algorithm 7).
{{} }
ci ic
3.3. Incremental Learning Phase
In the incremental learning phase, th e learning algorithm
of AL-RAN is basically the same as that of RAN-LTM
[7] except that RBF widths are automatically determined
or adjusted in an online fashion. Let us explain how RBF
widths are determined from incoming data. In pattern
recognition problems, when an RBF center is near a class
boundary, the RBF width is generally set to a small value
in order to avoid serious overlaps between different
classes. On the other hand, when an RBF center is lo-
cated far from a class boundary, the width should be as
large as possible to reduce the number of RBFs. How-
ever, since only a part of training data are usually pro-
vided at early learning stages, no valid information on
class boundaries is generally given; thus, setting too
large values to RBF widths could cause serious overlaps
to other class regions at later learning stages, resulting in
the catastrophic forgetting.
To avoid this, we adopt a safe strategy to determine
the width of a newly created RBF. That is, the width of
the J th RBF J
is given by the distance to the closest
RBF center as follow:
Jμμ 
. (13)
In some cases, the closest RBF may have a large width
that seriously overlaps with the support region of the new
RBF. Therefore, the width of the closest RBF *
also resized as follow:
min ,
μμ . (14)
opyright © 2010 SciRes. JILSA
An Autonomous Incremental Learning Algorithm for Radial Basis Function Networks
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JILSA
The incremental learning algorithm of AL-RAN is sum-
marized in Algorithm 7. autonomous learning model. However, these parameters
are relatively independent of given problems because
normalized convergence criterions are adopted (see
Equations (9-11)). Therefore, it is not difficult to set
them properly.
3.4. Summary of Learning Algorithm and
Intrinsic Parameters
The learning algorithm of AL-RAN is summarized in
Algorithm 8. The initial learning phase is shown in Lines
2-5, and the remaining part corresponds to the incre-
mental learning phase that could be repeated forever.
Therefore, we can say that the proposed AL-RAN model
is categorized into a lifelong learning model.
3.5. Discussions on Learning Convergence
Let us discuss the learning stability of AL-RAN by di-
viding the learning algorithm into the three parts: 1) the
initial learning phase (Algorithms 4-6), 2) incremental
learning of individual training data (Algorithm 7), and 3)
the main flow of the incremental learning phase (Algo-
rithm 8).
Here, it should be noted that the inputs of Algorithm 8
are the parameters
r, and
that are used in the auto-
nomous data collection (see Algorithm 4). Although
these parameters should be determined in advance, they
are essentially different from so-called network parame-
ters such as the number of RBFs and RBF widths which
should be properly set depending on given problems. The
above parameters mainly determine the behavior of an
autonomous learning system.
As seen in Algorithm 4, the autonomous data collec-
tion process would not stop if the two conditions at Line
15 are not satisfied forever. That is to say, the data col-
lection could continue forever if the class separability of
collected data does not converg e or significant difference
between the class separabilities for normalized and raw
data is not detected. This can happen when the threshold
s is too small and
r is set too large. These thresholds
are called intrinsic parameters whose values are sup-
posed to be set properly by an external supervisor. As
long as these parameters are set properly, the data co llec-
tion would stop after a finite number of data are collected.
However, it might not be easy even for a supervisor to
set it properly under actual environments where the dis-
tribution of training data is dynamically changed over
time. Therefore, at the current version of AL-RAN, a
perfect convergence for the initial learning phase is not
theoretically guaranteed. However, as will be demon-
strated later, the data collection always stops in our ex-
periments (see Table 3). If the data collection stops, it
means that the number of collected data is finite. Then,
the other parts in the initial learning phase would termi-
nate with finite operations (see Algorithms 5 and 6).
As described in Section 3.2.1, the threshold
s gives an
upper bound to judge the convergence of the class sepa-
rability; thus, if
s is set small, a strict convergence crite-
rion is applied, resulting in collectin g many training data
to make a decision. On the other hand, the threshold
gives a lower bound of the separability difference be-
tween normalized and raw data. Therefore, if
r is set
small, this leads to a loose convergence criterion for the
data collection. The parameter
determines the period to
monitor the degree of satisfying the co nvergence criteria.
is set small, a nearsighted convergence decision
would be made, resulting in a loose convergence crite-
rion. Hence, we can say that these parameters determine
the behavioral property of an autonomous learning sys-
tem. Let us call
r, and
intrinsic parameters.
In the current version of AL-RAN, such intrinsic pa-
rameters should be set in advance by an external super-
visor. In this sense, the proposed AL-RAN is not a fully As seen in Algorithm 7, the learning algorithm of
AL-RAN does not include iterative calculations that can
continue forever. The weights are obtained with the ma-
trix computation in Equation (5). In the augmentation of
hidden units (RBFs), at most one hidden unit is created
per training data. Therefore, the convergence of incre-
mental learning for individual training data is ensured
from the algorithmic point of view.
Since we assume general incremental learning envi-
ronments, the main routine of the incremental learning
phase would continue forever. If we restrict the learning
under a stationary environment, it would be possible to
show a mathematical proof for the learning convergence.
However, we assume not only stationary environments
but also nonstationary environments where the data dis-
tribution could be dynamically changed over time. There-
fore, we cannot discuss learning stability for the main
An Autonomous Incremental Learning Algorithm for Radial Basis Function Networks
Table 1. Evaluated UCI Data sets. “Norm.” means the preference of data normalization: + means that data should be
Data Set #Attrib #Class #Train #Test Norm.
Vowel-context 10 11 485 485
Vehicle 18 4 423 423 +
Segmentation 10 11 1,155 1,155 +
Thyroid 21 3 3,600 3,600 +
Breast-cancer 31 2 284 285 +
Table 2. The number of collected data and decision accuracy [%] for data normalization.
(a) Vowel-context
0.005 0.01 0.02 0.05
#Collected Data 64.6±15.7 43.2±11.7 31.2±7.1 22.8±5.0
0.1 Accuracy [%] 76 70 64 42
#Collected Data 65.8±15.2 47.1±13.7 34.0±9.0 25.9±6.5
0.25 Accuracy [%] 80 66 64 46
#Collected Data 99.0±25.0 64.2±16.2 43.2±11.7 27.4±6.3
0.5 Accuracy [%] 84 76 70 48
#Collected Data 99.0±25.0 64.6±15.7 43.2±11.7 27.4±6.3
1.0 Accuracy [%] 84 76 70 48
(b) Thyroid
0.005 0.01 0.02 0.05
#Collected Data 39.2±19.6 25.9±11.7 17.4±7.3 12.8±5.2
0.1 Accuracy [%] 88 94 88 84
#Collected Data 39.2±19.6 25.9±11.7 17.6±7.8 12.8±5.3
0.25 Accuracy [%] 88 94 88 84
#Collected Data 41.4±22.7 29.7±18.1 19.9±9.9 13.9±6.0
0.5 Accuracy [%] 92 96 90 84
#Collected Data 62.7±29.5 39.2±19.6 25.9±11.7 15.4±5.9
1.0 Accuracy [%] 90 88 94 82
routine of the incremental learning phase under such
general learning environments.
4. Experiments
4.1. Experimental Setup
Five data sets are selected from UCI Machine Learning
Repository [15] to evaluate the performance of AL-RAN.
Table 1 shows the information on the data sets. Al-
though training and test data are separately provided in
some data, they are merged and randomly divided into
two subsets to conduct the two-fold cross-validation.
Since the performance generally depends on the se-
quence of cross-validation round (i.e., fifty sequences in
total) are trained and the average performance is evalu-
ated for the test data. We assume that training data are
given one by one in a random order. The column
``Norm.'' in Table 1 shows the preference of data nor-
malization: + means that the recognition accuracy is
higher when the data is normalized. This preference was
preliminary examined by evaluating the test performance
of an RBF network which is learned with all the training
data in a batch mode. Note that this preference is not
informed to AL-RAN.
The performance evaluation of AL-RAN is conducted
through the comparison with the previous AL-RAN [13]
and RAN-LTM. Let us denote the new and previous
AL-RANs as AL-RAN(new) and AL-RAN(old), respec-
tively. Here, we adopt the following performance meas-
ures: 1) decision accuracy for data normalization, 2) the
number of collected training data, 3) learning time, 4) the
number of RBFs, and 5) final test recognition accuracy.
The first measure is adopted to evaluate the autonomous
data collection and the autonomous decision of data
normalization in the initial learning phase. The decision
accuracy is defined as the rate that the decision of the
data normalization is matched with the preference in
Table 1. Needless to say, the performance of the initial
learning phase would be better if a higher decision accu-
racy is obtained by collecting a smaller number of train-
ing data. The seco nd through fourth scales are adopted to
evaluate the efficiency in terms of learning time and
network structure. The fifth scale is adopted to evaluate
the total performance of the proposed autonomous
learning scheme.
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An Autonomous Incremental Learning Algorithm for Radial Basis Function Networks 187
Table 3. Performance evaluations for (a) the proposed AL-RAN, (b) the previous AL-RAN, and (c) non-autonomous learning
model RAN-LTM. The two values in each cell are an average value and the standard deviation in the form of x±y.
(a) AL-RAN(new)
Decision Accur. [%] #Collected Train. Data Time [sec.] for Init. L earning T ime [sec.] for Incre. Learning #RBFs at Final
Learning Stage Final Recog.
Accur. [%]
Vowel-context 76 64.2±16.2 0.34±0.14 12.0±2.0 179.3±8.3 96.8±0.9
Vehicle 82 77.9±37.6 0.51±0.42 7.8±1.3 177.9±11.4 75.0±3.1
Segmentation 70 113.2±61.1 0.92±0.84 21.2±4.4 166.9±14.9 94.2±0.8
Thyroid 96 29.7±18.1 0.21±0.09 431.6±382.3 336.5±112.0 93.6±2.8
Breast-cancer 98 21.4±10.1 0.07±0.04 0.31±0.25 38.1±12.1 94.4±2.4
(b) AL-RAN(old)
Decision Accur. [%] #Collected Train. Data Time [sec.] for Init. L earning T ime [sec.] for Incre. Learning #RBFs at Final
Learning Stage Final Recog.
Accur. [%]
Vowel-context 82 91.4±9.2 1.13±0.48 12.8±1.8 186.7±9.0 97.1±0.9
Vehicle 94 72.8±11.3 0.77±0.36 8.7±1.2 185.4±9.1 75.9±2.5
Segmentation 78 82.0±11.3 0.98±0.50 31.4±9.1 191.2±21.5 94.2±0.9
Thyroid 90 85.0±13.1 1.36±1.83 728.6±624.4 387.6±103.7 94.1±2.7
Breast-cancer 100 40.8±10.1 0.31±0.13 0.50±0.19 47.5±7.3 95.2±1.4
Decision Accur. [%] #Collected Train. Data Time [sec.] for Init. L earning T ime [sec.] for Incre. Learning #RBFs at Final
Learning Stage Final Recog.
Accur. [%]
Vowel-context 25.1±2.1 203.9±5.7 98.1±0.6
Vehicle 9.8±1.3 161.5±5.1 76.3±1.8
Segmentation 115.5±11.0 290.4±5.5 94.2±0.8
Thyroid 3877.1±563.7 653.0±25.2 91.8±1.4
Breast-cancer 2.25±0.17 113.6±3.4 96.2±1.0
4.2. Effects of Intrinsic Parameters
Before evaluating the performance of AL-RAN, let us
examine how the intrinsic parameters affect the behavior
of AL-RAN. As described in Section 3-4,
r have a
similar effect on the model behavior. Hence, we only
study the influence of
s and
r for simplicity. In the fol-
lowing experiments,
is fixed at 5.
Tables 2 (a) and (b) show the number of collected
data and the decision accuracy in the initial learning
phase for (a) Vowel-context data and (b) Thyroid data.
As seen in Tables 2 (a) and (b), when
s is getting small,
the number of collected data is increasing and the deci-
sion accuracy for data normalization becomes high. The
same is true when
r is getting large. Although this is not
a surprising result, an interesting interpretation is that
these intrinsic parameters control the discretion of a sys-
tem. That is, a system with a smaller
s would be more
discreet to make a decision, while a system with a
r wou ld become more o ptimistic.
4.3. Performance Evaluation
Table 3 shows the decision accuracy for data normaliza-
tion, the number of collected data in the initial learning
phase, the time required for initial learning and incre-
mental learning, the number of RBFs, and the test recog-
nition accuracy after all the learning is completed. The
parameters used in the experiments are
r = 0.5 and
s =
0.01. For a comparative purpose, we also evaluate two
incremental learning models. The one is the previous
AL-RAN model (AL-RAN(old)) which adopts different
convergence criteria on the data collection and a differ-
ent method to initialize AL-RAN in the initial learning
phase (see [13] for details). The other is RAN-LTM in
which a fixed RBF width is given and the data normali-
zation is determined based on the preference shown in
Table 1; that is, the learning of RAN-LTM is not auto-
nomously carried out.
As seen in Tables 3 (a) and (b), the number of col-
lected training data in AL-RAN(new) is significantly
decreased as compared with AL-RAN(old) except for
Vehicle and Segmentation data. If the number of col-
lected data is small, the incremental learning could start
early; that is, the proposed AL-RAN(new) can start clas-
sification and incremental learning at earlier learning
stages than the previous model. The time needed for the
initial learning of the proposed AL-RAN(new) is also
significantly shorter than that of AL-RAN(old). Even
though the number of collected data is increased in
AL-RAN(new) for Vehicle and Segmentation data, the
opyright © 2010 SciRes. JILSA
An Autonomous Incremental Learning Algorithm for Radial Basis Function Networks
time for initial leaning is shortened. This is because the
convergence for data collection is checked based on the
class separability whose computation costs are smaller
than those for the cross-validation in AL-RAN(old).
The experimental results for the five UCI data sets
demonstrate that although the decision accuracy for data
normalization is relatively lower than the previous
AL-RAN model, the number of collected data is de-
creased and the time for the initial learning is also short-
en. From the fact that the test recognition accuracy of the
proposed AL-RAN is not degraded significantly after all
incremental learning is completed, th e degradation in the
decision accuracy for the data normalization is not a
critical problem. Therefore, we can conclude that the
proposed AL-RAN can estimate a moderate number of
training data to conduct an efficient learning. Further-
more, the introduction of a two-stage clustering for se-
lecting RBF centers and widths results in a smaller net-
work structure, which contributes to fast incremental
learning. Finally, the recognition performance of
AL-RAN is fairly good compared with RAN-LTM, in
which proper network parameters and the data normali-
zation method are determined by an external supervisor.
From the experimental results, we can conclude that the
autonomous learning in AL-R AN works very well.
On the other hand, the decision accuracy for data
normalization is slightly degraded in AL-RAN(new).
Although this may cause different performance degrada-
tion, as long as we can see the results in Table 3 (a) and
(b), the test accuracy of AL-RAN(new) is not degraded
significantly after all incremental learning is completed.
This means that the learning of AL-RAN(new) can
compensate the misjudgment in the data normalization
process; therefore, the degradation in the decision accu-
racy does not harm seriously to the final test performance.
The above results also suggest that the online learning
property of the proposed AL-RAN(new) is improved
without sacrificing the test recognition performance.
As seen in Tables 3 (a) and (b), the number of RBFs
in AL-RAN(new) is decreased as compared with
AL-RAN(old). This result mainly comes from the dif-
ference in how to construct an initial AL-RAN. Since a
two-stage clustering is applied to selecting RBF centers
and widths in AL-RAN(new), a smaller number of RBFs
are selected after the initial learning phase. This results
in a compact structure in AL-RAN(new) and contributes
to fast incremental learning. As seen in Table 3 (c), the
number of RBFs in RAN-LTM could be significantly
larger than that of AL-RAN depending on the data sets.
This is because the RBF width is fixed with a predeter-
mined value1 even for an RBF whose center is located
far from decision boundaries. Therefore, we can say that
an autonomous determination of RBF widths works well.
There still remain several open problems in AL-RAN.
Although the robustness of the convergence condition in
the data collection is improved by considering not only
the convergence on the average time-difference of the
class separability but also the significant differen ce in th e
class separability for normalized and raw data, there still
be no guarantee to stop the data collection at the moder-
ate number of data. If training data are given based on a
strongly biased distribution, many training data might be
collected, and then a learning system would have to wait
for long time until incremental learning is started.
Therefore, it might be effective to change the thresholds
s and
r (see the 15th line in Algorithm 4) over time
during the initial learning phase. The proposed learning
algorithm works in real time if the dimensions of data are
not too high. For high-dimensional data (e.g., image data
and DNA microarray data), however, the real-time
learning might not be ensured. To overcome this problem,
a dimensional reduction technique (e.g., feature selection
and extraction methods) is usually adopted as preproc-
essing. For this purpose, we have developed incremental
version of LDA [16] and PCA [7]. Therefore, in order to
ensure real-time learning, it is useful to combine such
incremental feature extraction methods with the pro-
posed AL-RAN for high-dimensional data. Since the
decision on data normalization is not perfect (see Table
3), it is better to switch to a preferable normalization
method even during the incremental learning phase.
However, there is one problem to do that. Since the
knowledge is encoded in connection weights and RBF
centers, it is not easy to learn new knowledge with keep-
ing old knowledge if the current and past data are trans-
5. Conclusions
In this paper, we propose a new version of the autono-
mous incremental learning algorithm called AL-RAN.
AL-RAN consists of the autonomous data normalization
and the autonomous scaling of RBF widths which enable
a system to learn without external human intervention.
There are three intrinsic parameters
r, and
in the
convergence criteria, which should be determined by an
external supervisor. However, it should be noted that
these thresholds are independent of given problems be-
cause normalized convergence criteria are adopted in the
data collection. In the current version of AL-RAN, these
parameters should be determined from the aspect of what
type of autonomous systems the supervisor wants to cre-
ate. An interesting approach to making AL-RAN fully
autonomous is to introduce an evolutionary computation
algorithm to find optimal intrinsic parameters.
1 The RBF width was determined such that RAN-LTM has
similar recognition accuracy against AL-RAN.
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An Autonomous Incremental Learning Algorithm for Radial Basis Function Networks
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JILSA
formed with different normalization methods. If this
problem is solved, it is expected that the idea of online
normalization would work well to improv e the final clas-
sification accuracy. Finally, the current version of
AL-RAN cannot handle missing values. This function is
also solicited for a real autonomous learning algorithm.
The above problems are left as our future work.
6. Acknowledgements
The authors would like to th ank Prof. Shigeo Abe for his
helpful comments. This research was supported by the
Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture,
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 20500205.
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