Journal of Signal and Information Processing, 2010, 1, 50-62
doi:10.4236/jsip.2010.11006 Published Online November 2010 (
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP
Real Time Prosody Modification
Krothapalli Sreenivasa Rao
School of Information Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India.
Received September 30th, 2010; revised November 11th, 2010; accepted November 15th, 2010.
Real time prosody modification involves changing the prosody parameters such as pitch, duration and intensity of
speech in real time without affecting the intelligibility and naturalness. In this paper prosody modification is performed
using instants of significant excitation (ISE) of the vocal tract system during production of speech. In the conventional
prosody modification system the ISE are computed using group delay function, and it is computationally intensive task.
In this paper, we propose computationally efficient methods to determine the ISE suitable for prosody modification in
interactive (real time) applications. The overall computational time for the prosody modification by using the proposed
method is compared with the conventional prosody modification method which uses the group delay function for com-
puting the ISE.
Keywords: Instants of Significant Excitation, Group Delay Function, Voiced Region Detection, Hilbert Envelope, Li-
near Prediction Residual, Real Time Prosody Modification
1. Introduction
The objective of prosody modification is to alter the pitch
contour and durations of the sound units of speech with-
out affecting the shapes of the short-time spectral enve-
lopes. Prosody modification is useful in a variety of ap-
plications related to speech communication [1,2]. For
instance, in a text-to-speech (TTS) system, it is necessary
to modify the durations and pitch contours of the basic
units and words in order to incorporate the relevant su-
pra-segmental knowledge in the utterance corresponding
to the sequence of these units [3]. Time-scale (duration)
expansion is used to slow down rapid or degraded speech
to increase the intelligibility [4]. Time-scale compression
is used in message playback systems for fast scanning of
the recorded messages [4]. Frequency-scale modification
is often performed to transmit speech over limited band-
width communication channels, or to place speech in a
desired bandwidth as an aid to the hearing impaired [5].
While pitch-scale modification is useful for a TTS sys-
tem, formant modification techniques are also used to
compensate for the defects in the vocal tract and for
voice conversion [1,6]. Real time prosody modification
will be useful in interactive speech systems, where the
prosody parameters of the sound units of the speech ut-
terance are need to be modified at faster rate, so that the
users does not feel the perceptual delay. Here the critical
issue is the response time between the original speech
utterance given to the system, and the time at which the
system delivers the prosody modified speech signal.
Several approaches are available in the literature for
prosody modification [2,4,7-16]. Approaches like Over-
lap and Add (OLA), Synchronous Overlap and Add
(SOLA), Pitch Synchronous Overlap and Add (PSOLA)
and Multi-band Re-synthesis Overlap Add (MBROLA)
operate directly on the waveform (time domain) to in-
corporate the desired prosody information [2]. In some of
the approaches for prosody modification, the speech sig-
nal is represented in a parametric form, as in the Har-
monic plus Noise Model (HNM), Speech Transformation
and Representation using Adaptive Interpolation of
weiGHTed spectrum (STRAIGHT) and sinusoidal mod-
eling [11,12,14]. Pitch modification based on Discrete
Cosine Transform(DCT) incorporates the required pitch
modification by modifying the LP residual [13]. Some
approaches use phase vocoders for time-scale modifica-
tion [4]. In this paper, prosody (pitch and duration) mod-
ification is performed using the knowledge of the instants
of significant excitation. The instants of significant exci-
tation refer to the instants of glottal closure in the voiced
region and to some random excitations like the onset of
burst in the case of non-voiced regions [17]. The instants
of significant excitation are also termed as epochs. These
instants can be automatically determined from a speech
Real Time Prosody Modification
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP
signal using the negative derivative of the unwrapped
phase (group delay) function of the short- time Fourier
transform of the signal [17]. Though group delay based
approach provides the accurate epoch locations, the ap-
proach is computationally intensive.
In the conventional prosody modification, most of the
time is spend for computing the ISE. Since the quality of
the prosody modification depends on the accuracy of the
instant locations, we have chosen the group delay ap-
proach for determining the locations of ISE. For interac-
tive and real time applications, the response time of the
prosody modification system should be as low as possi-
ble. In view of this constrain, the conventional group
delay method for determining the ISE may not be direct-
ly suitable for real time applications. Therefore in this
paper we propose some computationally efficient me-
thods to determine the ISE for minimizing the overall
response time. The proposed methods are used for: 1)
Determining the voiced regions, and confine the group
delay analysis to only voiced regions, 2) Deriving the
approximate epoch locations using Hilbert Envelope (HE)
of the Linear Prediction (LP) residual and 3) Deriving the
accurate epoch locations using approximate locations.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: The
baseline prosody modification system using conventional
group delay function for determining the ISE is described
in Section 2. Detection of voiced regions in speech using
Feed Forward Neural Network (FFNN) is discussed in
Section 3. Detection of approximate epoch locations us-
ing the Hilbert Envelope (HE) of the Linear Prediction
(LP) residual, and deriving the accurate locations of the
epochs from the approximate locations are discussed in
Section 4. Analysis of overall time complexity of the real
time prosody modification system using the proposed
methods is presented in Section 5. Section 6 provides the
summary of the paper, and some future directions to fur-
ther reducing the response time of the overall system.
2. Baseline Prosody Modific at io n S ys te m
The baseline prosody modification system makes use of
the properties of the excitation source information for
prosody modification. The residual signal in the Linear
Prediction (LP) analysis is used as an excitation signal
[18]. The successive samples in the LP residual are less
correlated compared to the samples in the speech signal.
The residual signal is manipulated by using a resampling
technique either for increasing or decreasing the number
of samples required for the desired prosody modification.
The residual manipulation is likely to introduce less dis-
tortion in the speech signal synthesized using the mod-
ified LP residual and LP coefficients (LPCs). LP analysis
is carried out over short segments (analysis frames) of
speech data to derive the LP coefficients and the LP re-
sidual for the speech signal [18].
There are four main steps involved in the prosody ma-
nipulation: (1) Deriving the instants of significant excita-
tion (epochs) from the LP residual signal, (2) deriving a
modified (new) epoch sequence according to the desired
prosody (pitch and duration), (3) deriving a modified LP
residual signal from the modified epoch sequence, and (4)
synthesizing speech using the modified LP residual and
the LPCs.
In this section we will briefly discuss the method of
extracting the instants of significant excitation (or epochs)
from the LP residual [17]. Group-delay analysis is used
to derive the instants of significant excitation from the
LP residual [17]. The analysis involves computation of
the average slope of the unwrapped phase spectrum (i.e.,
average group-delay) for each frame. If X (ω) and Y (ω)
are the Fourier transforms of the windowed signal x(n)
and nx(n), respectively, then the group-delay function τ
(ω) is given by the negative derivative of the phase func-
tion φ(ω) of X (ω), and is given by [17,19]
 
 
 
where, XR + jXI = X (ω), and YR + jYI = Y (ω). Any iso-
lated sharp peaks in τ (ω) are removed by using a 3-point
median filtering. Note that all the Fourier transforms are
implemented using the discrete Fourier transform. The
average value
of the smoothed τ (ω) is the value of
the phase slope function for the time instant correspond-
ing to the center of the windowed signal x(n). The phase
slope function is computed by shifting the analysis win-
dow by one sample at a time. The instants of positive
zero-crossings of the phase slope function correspond to
the instants of significant excitation. Figures 1 and 2
illustrate the results of extraction of the instants of sig-
nificant excitation for voiced and non-voiced speech
segments, respectively.
For generating these figures, a 10th order LP analysis
is used with a frame size of 20 ms and a frame shift of 5
ms. Throughout this study the signal sampled at 8 kHz is
used. The signal in the analysis frame is multiplied with a
Hamming window to generate a windowed signal. Note
that for nonvoiced speech, the epochs occur at random
instants, whereas for voiced speech the epochs occur in
the regions of the glottal closure, where the LP residual
error is large. The time interval between two successive
epochs corresponds to the pitch period for voiced speech.
With each epoch we associate three parameters, namely,
time instant, epoch interval and LP residual. We call
these as epoch parameters.
The prosody manipulation involves deriving a new ex-
citation (LP residual) signal by incorporating the desired
modification in the duration and pitch period for the
Real Time Prosody Modification
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP
Figure 1. (a) A segment of voiced speech and its, (b) LP residual, (c) phase slope function, (d) instants of significant excitation.
Figure 2. (a) A segment of nonvoiced speech and its, (b) LP residual, (c) phase slope function, (d) instants of significant exci-
utterance. This is done by first creating a new sequence
of epochs from the original sequence of epochs. For this
purpose all the epochs derived from the original signal
are considered, irrespective of whether they correspond
to a voiced segment or a nonvoiced segment. The me-
thods for creating the new epoch sequence for the desired
prosody modification are discussed in [20].
For each epoch in the new epoch sequence, the nearest
epoch in the original epoch sequence is determined, and
thus the corresponding epoch parameters are identified.
The original LP residual is modified in the epoch inter-
vals of the new epoch sequence, and thus a modified ex-
citation (LP residual) signal is generated. The modified
LP residual signal is then used to excite the time varying
all-pole filter represented by the LPCs. For pitch period
modification, the filter parameters (LPCs) are updated
according to the frame shift used for analysis of the orig-
inal signal. For duration modification, the LPCs are up-
Real Time Prosody Modification
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP
dated according to the modified frame shift value. Gen-
eration of the modified LP residual according to the de-
sired pitch period and duration modification factors is
described in [20]. Figure 3 shows the block diagram
indicating various stages in prosody modification.
In the baseline system all the epochs (both in voiced
and non-voiced regions) were considered for prosody
modification. But the epochs in the nonvoiced region are
random in nature (see Figure 2) and they are not signifi-
cant. Most of the nonvoiced regions contain either si-
lence or pauses. Therefore, it is not necessary to modify
the prosody parameters in these regions using epoch
knowledge. Since, epoch extraction process is computa-
tionally involved, confining the epoch extraction to only
voiced regions will have the impact on the reduction of
overall computational time. For verifying this point, per-
ceptual tests were conducted on the synthesized speech
utterances whose prosody is modified by base line me-
thod (where the epochs in both voiced and nonvoiced
regions are considered) and the proposed method (where
the epochs in only voiced regions are considered). The
results of the perceptual tests indicated that the difference
in the quality of speech generated from the two methods
is not significant. Therefore in the proposed prosody
modification method epochs are determined only in the
voiced regions, and the prosody parameters are modified
in the voiced regions using epoch knowledge, and in the
nonvoiced regions prosody is modified using frames of
fixed size. In the proposed method the accuracy in the
detection of voiced regions is crucial. If any segment of
nonvoiced region is detected as voiced leads to increase
in computational complexity, otherwise any voiced seg-
ment detected as nonvoiced leads to mismatch in the
pitch periodicity and distortion in that region. In the fol-
lowing section, we discuss about the detection of voiced
regions in speech.
3. Detection of Voiced Regions in Speech
Voiced speech is produced as a result of excitation of
vocal tract system by a quasiperiodic sequence of glottal
pulses. In this paper we exploited multiple cues for ac-
curate detection of the voiced regions. Various cues used
in this paper are 1) Frame energy (FE), 2) Zero crossing
rate (ZCR), 3) Normalized autocorrelation coefficient
(NAC) and 4) Residual energy to signal energy ratio
(RSR). The choice of these cues are based on the com-
plexity of the extraction of the parameters and their
Figure 3. Block diagram for prosody modification.
Real Time Prosody Modification
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP
ability to discriminate between voiced and nonvoiced
classes reliably. The combination of these multiple cues
yields better accuracy in the classification.
Between voiced/nonvoiced regions compared to indi-
vidual cues. The accuracy of the classification depends
on the way these multiple cues are combined. In this pa-
per, three methods are explored to combine the multiple
cues: 1) Sum rule (SR), 2) Majority voting (MV) and 3)
Fusion using Feed Forward Neural Network (FFNN).
The details of the multiple cues are briefly discussed in
the following subsections.
3.1. Frame Energy
Generally the energy of the voiced sounds is greater than
that of the nonvoiced sounds. Frame energies are deter-
mined by dividing the speech signal into non-overlapping
frames of size 10 ms. Average frame energy is calculated
and the threshold is selected as 10% of the average frame
energy. Using the threshold, voiced and nonvoiced re-
gions are separated. The critical issue in using this cue is
the selection of the appropriate threshold for maximizing
the detection accuracy. Some times unvoiced frames at
the transition regions have comparable energies with
respect to voiced frames, and this leads to detection of
unvoiced as voiced frames. This will happen, if we use
only this cue for detection. Hence by using multiple cues,
one can minimize these inaccuracies. Figure 4 shows the
speech signal and its energy contour.
3.2. Zero Crossing Rate
The zero crossing rate indicates the sign changes in the
input signal. A high zero crossing rates indicate the
prominence of high frequency components, while a low
zero crossings indicate the prominence of low frequency
components. In voiced speech most of the energy is con
centrated at low frequencies and for unvoiced speech
high frequency components have dominant energy.
Hence by using ZCR count voiced and unvoiced regions
can be detected to some extent. Using this cue the diffi-
culty lies in the separation of silence regions from voiced
regions. Some times the ZCR of the silence portions are
comparable to voiced regions. The ZCR of the silence
regions depends on the characteristics of the room re-
sponse, and its spectrum usually dominated by low and
mid frequencies. Therefore by using multiple cues this
difficulty can be resolved to some extent. Here ZCRs are
computed on speech frames of size 10 ms. Figure 5
shows the speech signal and its ZCR count for the speech
3.3. Normalized Autocorrelation Coefficient
Speech samples in the voiced region are highly corre-
lated compared to unvoiced or nonspeech regions. Hence
the correlation coefficient for the speech frames in the
voiced regions is close to unity, whereas for nonvoiced
regions it is less than or close to zero. By using this dis-
crimination, voiced and nonvoiced regions can be sepa-
rated. Normalized auto correlation coefficient (C) for a
speech frame can be computed using
 
n is the speech signal and N is the frame
length considered. Figure 6 shows the speech signal and
its normalized auto correlation coefficient for the speech
Figure 4. Speech signal and its frame energy.
Real Time Prosody Modification
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP
Figure 5. Speech signal and its ZCR count for speech frames.
Figure 6. Speech signal and its normalized auto correlation coefficient for the speech frames.
3.4. Residual Energy to Signal Energy Ratio
LP residual signal is derived from the speech signal using
inverse filter. Since this is the error signal in the estima-
tion of speech parameters, the error is high in the case of
nonvoiced regions, and it is low in the voiced regions.
This is because in the voiced regions, speech samples are
highly correlated and it leads to low prediction error.
Whereas in nonvoiced regions (i.e., unvoiced and silence
regions) the sample amplitudes are random in nature
(appears like noise), and it leads to high prediction error.
Therefore the residual signal contains the higher strength
in nonvoiced regions and lower strength in voiced re-
gions. Whereas, for the speech signal, reverse characte-
ristics (i.e., voiced regions have higher strength and
nonvoiced have lower strength) can
Be observed. By dividing the residual energy with
signal energy, nonvoiced regions are emphasized and
contains the higher values compared to voiced regions.
This will provide the complementary evidence with re-
spect to signal energy. The problem of errors at the tran-
sition regions by using signal energy cue can be over-
come by using this particular cue. Figure 7 shows the
speech signal and the residual to signal energy ratio.
The problem of voiced region detection can be viewed
as classification problem with two classes. Class-1 indi-
cate the frames of voiced region and class-2 indicate the
frames of nonvoiced region. The performance measures
considered for this problem are false alarms, i.e., voiced
frames classified as nonvoiced frames and nonvoiced
frames classified as voiced frames. In both the cases one
need to pay the penalty in prosody modification in the
form of either distortion or increase in computational
complexity. The false alarm related to frames of class-1
Real Time Prosody Modification
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP
Figure 7. Speech signal and its residual to signal energy ratio.
classified as class-2 (voiced frames as nonvoiced frames)
introduces distortion, since the epochs are not extracted
in those voiced regions and the prosody modification is
performed based on fixed frame size. Whereas in the
other case false alarm related to class-2 classified as
class-1 (nonvoiced frames as voiced frames) increase the
computational complexity. Since the group delay com-
putation is performed on the voiced region, due to this
misclassification group delay computation is performed
in the nonvoiced region, which leads to increase in com-
putational complexity. Therefore the basic goal is to mi-
nimize the false alarms in both cases.
For evaluating the performance of various cues in de-
tecting the voiced regions, 100 speech utterances were
chosen from Hindi broadcast news read by a male speak-
er. The speech utterances were chosen in such a way that
their durations are varying between 3-5 secs, and all of
them have similar energy profile. The classification per-
formance of the individual cues by using appropriate
thresholds is given in Table 1. The first column indicates
the method (cue) used for voiced/nonvoiced frame detec-
tion. Second and fourth columns indicate the % of classi-
fication with respect to the total number of
Table 1. Accuracy of the voiced region detection using dif-
ferent methods. FA1: False Alarm1 (voiced frames classi-
fied as nonvoiced frames) and FA2: False Alarm2 (non-
voiced frames classified as voiced frames).
Method %classification
FA1 FA2 True classification
FE 3.43 7.06 96.57
ZCR 5.72 6.14 94.28
NAC 6.24 6.16 93.76
RSR 5.94 8.79 94.06
voiced frames. The third column shows the %of classifi-
cation with respect to total number of nonvoiced frames.
The classification performance can be improved by
combining the cues using different fusion methods. In
this paper three different fusion techniques are used for
combining the evidences from multiple cues. In one of
the fusion techniques, the extracted parameters for each
speech frame using different cues are normalized and
then they are added with appropriate weights. The linear
weighted sum C is given by
where ωi and ci are the weights and normalized parame-
ter values associated to ith cue. The weighted sum of the
extracted parameters (C) is compared with appropriate
threshold (α), and the classification is performed as fol-
lows: C α indicates the frame is voiced, otherwise it is
The second fusion technique is based on majority vot-
ing approach. In this approach, classification is per-
formed by each cue independently, and these individual
classification results are combined. The final decision is
made based on the agreement of the majority cues. This
technique leads to ambiguity, if both the classes (voiced
and nonvoiced) receive equal votes. In this special case,
the classification decision is made in favor of voiced
frames, which will minimize the perceptual distortion.
In the above two approaches the linear relationships
between the multiple cues are exploited. For capturing
the nonlinear relationships between the cues, we ex-
plored Feed Forward Neural Network (FFNN) model in
this paper. Neural network models are known for their
ability to capture the functional relation between in-
Real Time Prosody Modification
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP
put-output pattern pairs. The performance of the model
depends on the nature of training data and the structure
of the model. The classification problem here consists of
four inputs (the evidences from different cues) and two
outputs (two class labels corresponding to voiced and
nonvoiced frames). The general structure of the FFNN is
shown in Figure 8. Here the FFNN model is expected to
capture the functional relationship between the input and
output feature vectors of the given training data. The
mapping function is between the 4-dimensional input
vector and the 2-dimensional output. It is known that a
neural network with two hidden layers can realize any
continuous vector-valued function. The first layer is the
input layer with linear units. The second and third layers
are hidden layers. The second layer (first hidden layer) of
the network has more units than the input layer, and it
can be interpreted as capturing some local features in the
input space. The third layer (second hidden layer) has
fewer units than the first layer, and can be interpreted as
capturing some global features [21]. The fourth layer is
the output layer having two units representing two
classes. The activation function for the units at the input
layer is linear, and for the units at the hidden layers, it is
nonlinear. Generalization by the network is influenced by
three factors: The size of the training set, the architecture
of the neural network, and the complexity of the problem.
We have no control over the first and last factors. Several
network structures were explored in this study. The (em-
pirically arrived) final structure of the network is
4L-8N-3N-2N, where L denotes a linear unit, and N de-
notes a nonlinear unit. The integer value indicates the
number of units used in that layer. The nonlinear units
use tanh(s) as the activation function, where s is the acti-
vation value of that unit. All the input and output features
are normalized to the range [–1, +1] before presenting
them to the neural network. The backpropagation learn-
ing algorithm is used for adjusting the weights of the
network to minimize the mean squared error for each
speech frame. For evaluating the performance of the
model, speech frames from 50 sentences are used for
training and the remaining 50 sentences are used for
testing. For each frame, four parameters are extracted
using four different cues and form the 4-dimensional
feature vector. Based on the nature of the frame, the out-
put vector is formed. For example, the output vector for a
voiced frame will be (1 –1). The model is trained by
feeding the 4-dimensional vector as input, and its asso-
ciated 2-dimensional vector as output. The performance
of the model for the test patterns is given in Table 2.
From the results, it is observed that the detection accura-
cy of voiced/nonvoiced regions is superior by combining
multiple cues using fusion techniques compared to indi-
vidual cues. Among the three fusion techniques analyzed
in this
Figure 8. Four lay er feed Forward neural network.
Table 2. Accuracy of the voiced region by combining dif-
ferent methods using various fusion techniques. FA1: False
Alarm1 (voiced frames classified as nonvoiced frames) and
FA2: False Alarm2 (nonvoiced frames classified as voiced
% classification
FA1 FA2 True
LWS 4.67 5.06 95.33
MV 6.92 2.72 93.08
FFNN 2.23 3.06 97.77
study, the performance of the FFNN is observed to bet-
4. A Computationally Efficient Method for
Extracting the Instants of Significant
By using the methods discussed in the previous section,
the computation complexity can be reduced to a fraction
equivalent to the fraction of voiced regions present in the
speech utterance. In general it is observed that voiced
regions contribute 50-60% of time in the speech utter-
ance. Even though by limiting the group delay computa-
tion to only voiced regions, real time prosody modifica-
tion applications still need low response time. In this
paper, a computationally efficient method for extracting
the instants of significant excitation is proposed.
Determining the instants of significant excitation using
group-delay based method is computationally intensive
process, since the group delay is computed for every
sample shift. The computational complexity can be re-
Real Time Prosody Modification
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP
duced by computing the group-delay only for few sam-
ples around the instants of glottal closure. This is achiev-
ed by first detecting the approximate locations of the
glottal closure instants. The peaks in the Hilbert envelope
of the linear prediction residual indicate the approximate
locations of the glottal closure (GC) instants [17].
Even though the real and imaginary parts of an analyt-
ic signal (related through the Hilbert transform) have
positive and negative samples, the Hilbert envelope of
the signal is a positive function, giving the envelope of
the signal. Thus the properties of Hilbert envelope can be
exploited to derive the impulse-like characteristics of the
GC events. The Hilbert envelope he(n) of the LP residual
e(n) is defined as follows [19]:
 
hne ne n
where eh(n) is the Hilbert transform of e(n), and is given
by eh(n)=IDFT [Eh(k)], where
 
 
,0,1,, 1
jE kk
jE kkN
 
Here IDFT denotes the Inverse Discrete Fourier
Transform, and E(k) is the discrete Fourier transform of
e(n). The major peaks in the Hilbert envelope indicate
approximate locations of epochs. The evidence of glottal
closure instants is obtained by convolving the Hilbert
envelope with a Gabor filter (modulated Gaussian pulse)
given by
gn e
where σ defines the spatial spread of the Gaussian, w is
the frequency of modulating sinusoid, n is the time index
varying from 1 to N , and N is the length of the filter [22].
The Hilbert envelope of the LP residual is convolved
with the Gabor filter to obtain the plot of evidence shown
in Figure 9, which is termed as GC Evidence Plot (Fig-
ure 10(c)). In the GC evidence plot, the instants of posi-
tive zero-crossings correspond to approximate locations
of the instants of significant excitation. To determine the
accurate locations of the glottal closure instants, the
phase slope function is computed for the residual sam-
ples around the approximate GC instant locations. The
positive zero-crossings of the phase slope function cor-
respond to accurate locations of the instants of significant
excitation. Figure 9 shows a segment of voiced speech,
the Hilbert envelope of the LP residual of a speech seg-
ment, the GC instant evidence plot, approximate loca-
tions of GC instants, phase slope function and the loca-
tions of the instants of significant excitation.
The computational efficiency of the proposed method
depends on the number of approximate epoch locations
derived from the Hilbert envelope of the LP residual and
the number of samples considered around each GC in-
stant. For evaluating the performance of the proposed
method, 100 speech utterances, each of duration of 3
Figure 9. (a) A segment of voiced speech, (b) Hilbert envelope of the LP residual, (c) GC instant evidence plot, (d) approx-
imate GC instant locations, (e) phase slope function, (f) accurate locations of the instants of significant excitation.
Real Time Prosody Modification
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP
seconds are considered. Among the utterances, 50 are
uttered by male speakers and 50 are uttered by female
speakers. For each utterance the instants of significant
excitation are computed by the proposed method using
different window sizes (number of samples around the
approximate instant location). The epochs determined by
the standard group delay method are used as reference
[17]. Table 3 shows the number of instant locations de-
rived by the proposed method for different window sizes.
The total number of instants derived from the utterances
of male speakers and female speakers are 12385 and
20113, respectively, by using the group delay method.
The total number of approximate instant locations from
the utterances of male speakers and female speakers,
using the Hilbert envelope of the LP residual is 12867
and 20926 respectively. The analysis shows that with a
window size of 2 ms, about 97% of the glottal closure
instants are detected accurately for male speakers, and
for female speakers about 98% of the glottal closure in-
stants are detected accurately (Table 3). For instance,
time complexity analysis in the case of male speakers
indicate that for a window size of 2 ms, the proposed
method determines the instants of significant excitation
approximately in one fourth of time compared to the
group delay method (assuming that the average pitch
period for male speakers as 8 ms). It is observed that
when the size of the window is small, the computational
efficiency is high but at the same time, some of the
epochs will be missing. As the size of the window in-
creases, the computational efficiency decreases, but the
number of missing epochs also decreases.
The deviation in the approximate epoch locations with
respect to their reference locations are computed. The
results of the analysis are given in Table 4. The entries in
the Table 4 indicate the number of approximate instants
and their deviation in terms of number of samples with
respect to reference instants. On the whole the average
deviation per instant is found to be 2.1 samples (0.26 ms)
and 1.7 samples (0.21 ms) for male and female speakers
utterances respectively.
It is observed from Tables 3,4, that the proposed me-
thod can be used to derive the ISE for carrying out the
prosody modification in real time.
5. Analysis of Overall Time Complexity in
Real Time Prosody Modification System
The objective of the real time prosody modification sys-
tem is to modify the prosody parameters at faster rate, so
that the users do not feel any perceptual inconvenience.
Prosody modification using ISE is known to be one of
the best method in the current state of the art. In this me-
thod, the ISE are determined using group delay function.
This is computationally intensive and not suitable for real
time prosody modification applications. In the existing
method, most of the complexity lies in the computation
of ISE using group delay method. In this section we will
discuss the effect of the proposed methods on the com-
putational time of the ISE as well as the overall response
time of the system.
Table 3. Number of instants derived using the proposed
method for different window sizes.
Male speakers Female speakers
# instants % in-
stants # instants % in-
0.5 7813 63.08 13510 67.17
1.0 11207 90.49 18792 93.43
1.5 11865 95.80 19644 97.67
2.0 12031 97.14 19775 98.32
2.5 12142 98.04 19883 98.86
3.0 12226 98.72 19940 99.14
3.5 12284 99.18 19974 99.31
4.0 12308 99.38 20020 99.54
Table 4. Number of approximate instants derived from Hilbert envelope for different deviations with respect to reference
instant locations.
Deviation # samples Male speakers Female speakers
# instants % instants # instants % instants
0 2672 21.57 4575 22.74
1 3076 24.84 4745 23.59
2 2079 16.79 4198 20.87
3 2245 18.13 3260 16.21
4 1145 9.26 2037 10.13
5 537 4.34 526 2.62
Real Time Prosody Modification
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP
Figure 10. Block diagram for Real time prosody modifica-
The block diagram for the real time prosody modifica-
tion system is given in Figure 10.The sequence of opera-
tions that need to be performed are as follows: 1) Cap-
turing speech signal through microphone, 2) LP analysis
to extract LPCs and LP residual signal, 3) Identifying the
voiced regions using the methods discussed in Section 3,
4) Determining the ISE using computationally efficient
methods proposed in Section 4, 5) Performing the pros-
ody modification using ISE and 6) Synthesize the speech
using modified LP residual and LPCs. The time com-
plexity of the real time prosody modification system is
analyzed by using 100 speech utterances. These utter-
ances were chosen from Hindi broadcast news speech
corpus. The durations of the speech utterances are vary-
ing from 3-5 secs. Each utterance is given to the prosody
modification system for the modification pitch period
and duration by 1.5 times. For each utterance, the time
taken by each module to carry out its function is deter-
mined. Here four basic modules are considered for the
analysis of computation time: 1) LP analysis, 2) Epoch
Table 5. The average computation time for each module in
the prosody modification system using different methods to
determine the ISE.
Computation time (sec)
modification Synthesis
Baseline 6.22 58.73 5.38 5.65
Method-16.22 34.97 5.38 5.65
Method-26.22 6.07 5.38 5.65
extraction, 3) Prosody modification and 4) Synthesis.
Among these modules, the computation time in epoch
extraction module will be varying based on the proposed
methods to determine the ISE. The rows in the Table 5
indicate the average computation time for the modules in
the prosody modification system using different ap-
proaches to determine the ISE. The entries in the table
represent the average computational time per utterance.
In the table, first column indicates different methods
used to determine the ISE. In the baseline method, ISE
are determined using conventional group delay based
method. In this method group delay is computed for
every sample shift. Therefore this method consumes
huge time for determining the ISE, and it can be ob-
served in the 3rd column of the first row.
Method-1 computes the ISE by exploiting the voiced
regions. In this method, voiced regions are detected using
neural network model, and the group delay analysis is
confined to only voiced regions. Prosody modification is
performed in the voiced region using epoch knowledge
and in the nonvoiced regions it is performed using fixed
size frames. In this method the computation time for de-
tecting ISE depends on 1) Computation time for the de-
tection of voiced region and 2) Computation time for
performing the group delay analysis in the voiced regions.
Since this method determines the ISE by applying the
group delay analysis to only voiced regions, the compu-
tation time for detecting ISE will be less compared to
baseline method.
From the numbers shown in the table, it is observed
that the computation time for detecting ISE is reduced by
40% approximately. The overall complexity is reduced
by 30% compared to baseline system.
The reduction in time complexity using method-1 is
not sufficient for real time applications, where the users
expect very low response time. Therefore in method-2,
the computation time for detecting ISE is still optimized.
In this method group delay analysis is applied to small
regions (approximately 1.5 ms) around the approximate
epoch locations in the voiced regions. This provides a
drastic reduction in the computation time for determining
Real Time Prosody Modification
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSIP
the ISE. This can be observed from the analysis derived
from the test data. From the table entries it is observed
that the computation time for determining the ISE is re-
duced to one tenth (0.1 times) of the time required for
baseline method, and one sixth (0.17 times) of the time
required for method-1. The overall time complexity of
the prosody modification system is also highly affected
by this method. The overall complexity using method-2
is reduced to one fourth of the baseline method, and one
third of the method-1.
6. Summary and Conclusions
In this paper, we proposed methods for implementing the
real time prosody modification system. The baseline
prosody modification system is not suitable for real time
applications, where the user expects low response time.
In the baseline system most of the complexity lies in de-
termining the ISE. Therefore methods proposed in this
paper mainly aim to reduce the computation complexity
in determining the ISE. As the ISE are valid only in
voiced regions, one of the proposed methods exploited
this salient feature by confining the group delay compu-
tation to only voiced regions for detecting the ISE. For
detecting the voiced regions, multiple cues such as FE,
ZCR, NAC and RSR were used in the proposed method.
Three different fusion techniques were explored in this
study for combining the multiple cues to improve the
performance. Nonlinear fusion using FFNN model sh-
own better performance compared to other fusion tech-
niques. With this proposed method, it was observed that
the computation time for determining the ISE is reduced
by 45%and overall response time is reduced by
30%compared to baseline system.
Real time applications demand further low response
time compared to the method which derives the ISE by
exploiting voiced regions. Another method was proposed
to determine the ISE in a more efficient way. In this me-
thod, the ISE are determined in the voiced region by ap-
plying the group delay analysis to only a few samples
around each of the approximate epoch locations. The
approximate epoch locations were obtained from the HE
of the LP residual. In this method the computation com-
plexity is drastically reduced, because the group delay
analysis is confined to few samples around each epoch.
Whereas in the previous methods, group delay analysis is
performed for every sample shift which, increases the
computation complexity and leads to increase in overall
response time. From the analysis, it was observed that
this method can reduce the computation complexity for
determining the ISE by 90%(i.e., one tenth of the time
required for the baseline method) compared to baseline
method. The overall response time is also reduced by
75% (i.e., one fourth of the time required for the baseline
method) compared to baseline method.
In this paper, the proposed methods mainly aimed to
reduce the computation complexity in determining the
ISE. The overall response time can be further minimized
by optimizing the computation time in other modules.
For certain applications, approximate epoch locations are
sufficient to perform prosody modification. In these cas-
es one should analyze the perceptual characteristics of
the synthesized speech.
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