Computational Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering, 2013, 2, 10-12
doi:10.4236/cweee.2013.22B002 Published Online April 2013 (http://www.sci r
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CWE EE
Bacterial Contamination of Drinking Water in the
Internally Displaced People Camps in South Darfur, Sudan
Yassir Mohammed Eltahir1*, Amira Ahmed Abdelrahman2
1Department of Preventive Medicine and Veterinary Public Health, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Nyala University, Nyala Sudan
2Department of Environmental Health Administration, State ministry of Health, South Darfur State, Nyala Sudan
Received 2013
A total of 240 water samples were collected during the three seasons of 2009 from different sites and sources in the in-
ternally displaced camps (IDP) including bore holes, hand pumps, dug wells, water points, water reservoir and house-
hold storage containers. Samples were investigated using the most probable number method to detect and count the total
coliform, faecal coliform and faecal enterococci. Enteric bacteria detected were E. coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Kleb-
siella, Citrobacter and Enterobacter .House hold containers showed continuous level of contamination by all different
bacteria throughout the three seasons. This was followed by hand pumps, both reservoir and boreholes and dug wells.
Water points revealed no level of contamination throughout the three seasons.
Keywords: Water Microbiology; Bacterial Contamination; li
1. Introduction
The provision of drinking water of adequate quality and
quantity remains a major public health need in many
African countries, where diarrhoeal diseases continue to
cause extensive morbidity and mortality [1]. In recent
years, there has been a large movement of internally dis -
placed people into the peripheral areas of Nyala city be-
cause of the civil war in Darfur region. These communi-
ties live in camps characterized by crowding, poor hous-
ing and inadequate water and sanitation.
The objective of this study was to investigate the preva-
lence of enteric bacteria contaminations in drinking water
in South Darfur Sudan with special reference to the in-
ternally displaced people camps (IDPs).
2. Methods
Two hundred and forty water samples s were collected from
the internally displaced camps (IDP) during the three
seasons of 2009 from different sites and sources includ-
ing bore holes, hand pumps, dug wells, water points, wa-
ter reservoir and household storage containers. Camps
included in the study were Otash, Derige, Kalma, Musay,
Sacalee, Elsalam and Elserif camps located around Nyala
city south Darfur, Sud an.
The Most Probable Number (MPN) of presumptive co-
liforms, faecal coliforms, and faecal streptococci (MPN/
100 ml water) using the Multiple Tube Fermentation Tech-
nique was used. Suspected colonies of coliform groups
were further identified on the basis of morphological,
cultural, and biochemical characteristics [2,3]
3. Results
Enteric bacteria isolated from water in total were E. coli
(22.5%), Enterococcus faecalis (20.42%), Klebsiella (15%),
Citrobacter (2.1%) and Enterobacter (3.33%). In all sea-
sons the most frequently (4.58%) isolated bacteria from
different sources was E.c oli (Figure 1) and Enterococcus
faecalis (3.75%) with the highest contamination in house
hold containers in autumn (Figure 2).
Figure 1. Contamination of drinking water by E.coli.
Y. M. Eltahir ET AL.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CWEEE
This was followed by Klebsiella with the highest con-
tamination (3.33%) in boreholes in autumn (Figure 3).
Low frequently isolated bacteria were Citrobacter and
Enterobacter that showed steady frequencies of (0.42%
and 0.83%) in house hold containers in autumn and
summer respectively (Figures 4 & 5).
The highest contamination of water sources was ob-
served in household storage containers (20%) followed
by boreholes (11.25%), reservoirs (6.24%), hand pumps
(5.42%) and dug wells (2.49%). Contamination varied
from season to season with the highest level in autumn
(18.33%) followed by winter (13.75%) and summer
(13.32%) respectively.
Figure 2. Contamination of drinking water by Enterococcus
Figure 3. Contamination of drinking water by klebsiella.
Figure 4. Contamination of drinking water by Entero bacter.
Figure 5. Contamination of drinking water by Citrobacter .
4. Discussion
All sources of water in IDP camps except water points
were contaminated. The highest contamination in water
sources was observed in household storage containers
followed by reservoirs, boreholes, dug wells, and hand
pumps. Contamination of water sources varied from sea-
son to season with the highest level in autumn followed
by winter and summer. Data suggested the importance of
greater attention for house hold contamination, environ-
mental sanitation control and the raise of awareness
about water contamination.
Y. M. Eltahir ET AL.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CWEEE
[1] A. G. Du se, M. P. Silva and I. Zietsman, “Coping with
Hygiene in South Africa, A Water Scarce Country,In-
ternational Journal of Environmental Health Research,
Vol. 13, Supplement 001, 2003, pp. 95-105.
[2] APHA. American Public Health Association, Standard
Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater,
20th Edition, Washington, DC, USA, 1998.
[3] M. St evens, N. Ashbolt and D. Cunliffe, Eds., “Review of
Coliforms as Microbial Indicators of Drinking Water
Quality-Recommendations to Change the Use of Coli-
forms as Microbial Indicators of Drinking Water Quali-
ty,” NHMRC, Biotext Pty Ltd, Canberra, Australia, 2003,
pp. 1-42.