Vol.1, No.3, 148-153 (2010) Agricultural Sciences
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
The effects of different autumn-seeded cover crops on
subsequent irrigated corn response to nitrogen
Gholam Reza Mohammadi*, Mohammad Eghbal Ghobadi
Department of Crop Production and Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran; *Corresponding Author:
Received 13 May 2010; revised 30 September 2010; accepted 3 October 2010.
A common crop rotation in the west Iran is
wheat-fallow-corn. The fallow period after wheat
harvest (during fall and winter) can lead to soil
erosion, nutrient losses (e.g. nitrate leaching)
and offsite movement of pesticides. This period
is an ideal time to establish a cover crop. In or-
der to investigate the effects of different au-
tumn-bseeded cover crops on subsequent irri-
gated corn response to nitrogen fertilizer, field
studies were carried out during the 2007-2008
growing season at the Agricultural Research
Farm, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran. The
experiment was conducted in a split plot ar-
rangement based on a randomized complete
block design with three replications. The main
plots consisted of four cover crops including
alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), berseem clover
(Trifolium alexandrinum L.), common vetch (Vi -
cia sativa L.) and winter rye (Secale cereale L.)
and a control (no cover crop). The sub plots
consisted of two fertilizer N rates (0 and 250 kg
ha-1). Cover crops were grown for nearly 5
months and then were incorporated into the soil
as green manures. The results indicated that
corn plant traits including seed yield, the num-
ber of seeds per ear and leaf chlorophyll con-
tent were significantly influenced by cover
crops. Whereas, the cover crops had no sig-
nificant effects on the number of ears per plant,
100-seed weight and harvest index of corn.
Among the cover crop species, common vetch
produced higher dry weight and showed the
highest positive effects on the corn plant traits.
Dry weight produced by this cover crop was
56.41, 120.16 and 124.19% higher than those of
winter rye, berseem clover and alfalfa, respec-
tively. Common vetch enhanced seed yield, the
number of seeds per ear and leaf chlorophyll
content of corn by 46.30, 21.95 and 8.52%, re-
spectively, compared to control. All of the corn
traits under study, except the number of ears
per plant and harvest index were significantly
improved by nitrogen fertilizer. In general, this
study revealed that the autumn-seeded cover
crops, especially common vetch can be used to
improve corn yield. However, the cover crops
should be supplemented with nitrogen fertilizer
to obtain optimal results.
Keywords: Corn; Cover Crop; Nitrogen Fertilizer
A common crop rotation in the west Iran is wheat-fal-
low-corn. The fallow period after wheat harvest (during
fall and winter) can lead to soil erosion, nutrient losses
(e.g. nitrate leaching) and offsite movement of pesticides.
In addition, weeds can germinate and grow without
competition [1]. This period is an ideal time to establish
a cover crop. Cover crops can be readily incorporated
into crop rotations that include cereals [2]. A well-cho-
sen cover crop can intercept raindrops and reduce water
runoff, soil erosion and protect streams from pollution
[1]. However, the protection that such vegetation pro-
vides against erosion is influenced mainly by the amount
of biomass that covers the ground (differs with each spp)
[3]. Cover crops have also been shown to increase the
number of organisms which are natural enemies of some
crop pests [1]. These crops offer habitat or resources for
beneficial organisms [4,5]. For example, populations of
ground-dwelling predators were greater in a corn and
soybean rotation with alfalfa and kura clover cover crops
than without a cover crop [6]. Studies focusing on leg-
ume cover crops establishment following cereals have
reported considerable N contribution to a subsequent
G. R. Mohammadi et al. / Agricultural Sciences 1 (2010) 148-153
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
corn crop [7,8].
Brophy et al. [9] suggested that when cover crops are
turned over into the soil as green manures, they contrib-
ute nutrients to the main crop so that less chemical fer-
tilizer required. However, the amount of the contribution
depends on the biomass which varies over time and de-
pends on rainfall and other factors. Lehman et al. [10]
also noted that the legume cover crops have imported
positive effects on the nutrient cycling in three ways: 1)
recycling soil nutrients 2) enhancing soil nutrient avail-
ability for the main crop and 3) fixing the atmospheric
N2 that is important for the main crop. However, crop
yield responses to additional fertilizer N continue to oc-
cur in some environments and certain management sys-
tems [11,12].
Nonlegume cover crops, primarily winter rye, are also
used during the overwinter period to reduce wind ero-
sion and potentially recover residual N from the soil or
provide other benefits to subsequent crops [13]. Several
studies [14-16] showed that significant amounts of N can
be accumulated by nonlegume cover crops. Bundy and
Andraski [13] reported that corn grain yields at below
optimum N rates (0 and 112 kg ha-1) were significantly
higher where the rye cover crop was grown. However,
legume cover crop species are often preferable to
nonlegumes because they supply their own N. In general,
biological N fixation (for legumes) and overall N accu-
mulation during growth are primary factors governing
the adequacy of a cover crop as an N source. Moreover,
genetic differences (species and variety) may dictate that
some legumes grow larger and accumulate more N than
others. Environment (temperature, soil type and nutrient
and water availability) and management (e.g., planting
density and timing, mowing, and pest control) may fur-
ther alter performance of individual cover crop species
[17-19]. Because they do not derive direct sales profit,
cover crop species are often chosen that require accepta-
bly low levels of nutrient, irrigation, and pest control
inputs and often fit into otherwise unplanted fallow pe-
riods. However, despite the positive effects often pro-
duced by winter annual cover crops in corn production,
there is also a potential for reduction in corn yield [20].
Therefore, the success of these kinds of cropping system
is largely determined by the selection of the most appro-
priate cover crop species and there is no consensus as to
which cover crops import more positive effects on corn
The present study was conducted to evaluate the ef-
fects of different cover crops (non-legume and legume
species) planted during the fallow period (after wheat
harvest) on subsequent irrigated corn response to nitro-
gen fertilizer in the west Iran.
The study was carried out during the 2007-2008 grow-
ing season at the Agricultural Research Farm of Razi
University, Kermanshah, west Iran. The soil type was a
silty clay with a pH of 7.9–8.3 and 0.8% organic matter.
The field was planted with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
the previous growing season. The land was plowed and
disked before crops planting. Fertilizers were applied
according to the soil test recommendations. For all crops,
irrigation was applied at germination and thereafter to
prevent water stress. Weeds were controlled as needed
during all of the growing season.
The experiment was conducted in a split plot ar-
rangement based on a randomized complete block de-
sign with three replications. The main plots consisted of
four cover crops and a control (no cover crop). The
cover crop species evaluated were alfalfa (Medicago
sativa L.), berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.),
common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) and winter rye (Secale
cereale L.). These cover crop species were selected ac-
cording to environmental conditions and economic con-
siderations of the region. Before corn planting, each
main plot was split into two sub plots. The sub plots
consisted of two fertilizer N rates (0 and 250 kg ha-1)
applied in the form of urea. Cover crops were seeded on
12 October 2007 by surface broadcasting at seeding rates
of 50 kg ha-1 alfalfa, 50 kg ha-1 berseem clover, 250 kg
ha-1 common vetch and 220 kg ha-1 winter rye. The
seeding rate of each cover crop treatment was based on
the recommended forage seeding rate for that crop in the
region. Cover crops were grown for nearly 5 months and
then were incorporated into the soil as green manures on
16 March 2008. Before incorporation cover crop dry
weights were determined by harvesting them at ground
level in three random 0.5 × 0.5 m quadrats in each sub
plot. Then cover crop plants were dried at 80ْC to the
constant weights and weighed.
The corn cultivar used was ‘KSC 704’ (a grain corn
cultivar that is commonly planted in the region). In order
to protect against soil-borne diseases, prior to seeding,
the corn seeds were treated with benomyl at 0.2% (w/w).
Corn was planted in the sub plots on 2 May 2008. Each
sub plot consisted of five corn rows of 5 m long with a
row spacing of 75 cm and with 20 cm between plants in
the same row. At tasselling stage leaf chlorophyll content
of corn plants was determined on 10 randomly selected
plants of each plot using a chlorophyll meter (SPAD-502;
Minolta, Osaka, Japan).
At maturity, the corn plants located 2 m from the three
center rows of each sub plot were harvested by hand,
allowed to dry at 80ْC to a constant weight, then threshed
and seed yield (g m-2) was obtained and reported based
G. R. Mohammadi et al. / Agricultural Sciences 1 (2010) 148-153
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
on a moisture content of 15.5%. Before final harvesting
corn yield components including the number of ears per
plant and the number of seeds per ear were determined
on five randomly selected plants in the center rows of
each sub plot. Additionally, 100-seed weight was meas-
ured according to the recommendation of the Interna-
tional Seed Testing Association (ISTA) [21]. Harvest
index was calculated as the ratio of seed weight to total
shoot weight [22]. The data analyses were carried out
using SAS software [23].
According to analysis of variance (data not shown)
there was a significant difference (at the 0.01 level of
probability) between the dry weights produced by dif-
ferent cover crop species under study. Moreover, corn
plant traits including seed yield, the number of seeds per
ear, 100-seed weight and leaf chlorophyll content were
significantly influenced by nitrogen fertilizer treatment.
Whereas, the effect of cover crop treatment was statisti-
cally significant for seed yield, the number of seeds per
ear and leaf chlorophyll content. Both nitrogen fertilizer
and cover crop treatments had no significant effects on
the number of ears per plant and harvest index of corn.
Moreover, the two way interaction (cover crop treatment
× nitrogen fertilizer level) was not significant for all of
the traits under study.
Among the cover crop species, common vetch pro-
duced higher dry weight at the time of the incorporation
into the soil (Table 1). Dry weight produced by common
vetch was 56.41, 120.16 and 124.19% higher than those
of winter rye, berseem clover and alfalfa, respectively
(Table 1). Alfalfa produced the lowest dry weight, al-
though there was no significant difference between this
cover crop and berseem clover for the dry weight pro-
duced (Table 1). Although, winter rye produced higher
dry weight than those of berseem clover and alfalfa, but
the corn plant traits were not significantly improved by
this cover crop (Table 1). According to Ranells and
Wagger [24] non leguminous cover crops typically have
low N contents and high C/N ratios, showing litter or no
beneficial effects on the succeeding crop yield. As de-
termined visually, common vetch also produced a dense
canopy on the ground surface throughout the growing
season. This can be attributed to the better establishment
and growth of this cover crop under environmental con-
dition of the region as compared with other cover crops
under study. In temperate environments winter-hardy
legumes such as vetch are capable of accumulating large
amounts of biomass and N and delivering substantial N
benefit to subsequent spring-planted crops [25].
All of the corn plant traits under study except the
number of ears per plant and harvest index were signifi-
cantly improved by nitrogen fertilizer applied at 250 kg
ha-1 (Table 2). Overall, this treatment increased seed
yield, the number of seeds per ear, 100-seed weight and
leaf chlorophyll content by 61.24, 96.83, 12.05 and
19.23%, respectively, when compared with the treatment
in which no nitrogen fertilizer was applied (Table 2).
According to Thonnissen et al. [26] with respect to sea-
son and location, green manure N should be supple-
mented with N fertilizer to ensure optimal yields.
Among the cover crop species, common vetch showed
the highest positive effects on the corn plant traits. This
cover crop enhanced seed yield, the number of seeds per
ear and leaf chlorophyll content by 46.30, 21.95 and
8.52%, respectively, compared to control (no cover crop)
(Table 1). However, the number of ears per plant,
100-seed weight and harvest index of corn were not sig-
nificantly affected by common vetch or other cover
crops (Table 1). Moreover, there were no significant
differences between other cover crops and control for
Table 1. Means comparison of the traits under different cover crop treatments.
Cover crop
treatment Seed yield
(g m-2)
Seeds per
ear (N)
weight (g)
Ears per
plant (N)
Leaf chloro-
phyll content
(SPAD value)
Harvest index
Cover crop
dry weight
(g m-2)
Common vetch 924.14 a 548.61 a 24.92 a 1.02 a 53.51 a 0.39 a 306.29 a
Alfalfa 734.49 b 462.29 b 24.03 a 1.00 a 47.20 bc 0.37 a 136.62 c
Berseem clover 737.26 b 448.76 b 25.18 a 1.01 a 47.07 bc 0.37 a 139.12 c
Rye 702.17 b 449.89 b 26.00 a 0.94 a 44.28 c 0.37 a 195.82 b
Control (no
cover crop) 631.68 b 449.85 b 23.11 a 0.94 a 49.31 b 0.37 a 000.00 d
LSD (0.05) 174.79 53.88 5.19 0.10 3.69 0.03 42.54
The same letters at each column indicate an insignificant difference at the 0.05 level of probability. LSD, least significant difference; SPAD, refers to the chlo-
rophyll meter.
G. R. Mohammadi et al. / Agricultural Sciences 1 (2010) 148-153
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
Table 2. Means comparison of corn plant traits under different nitrogen fertilizer levels.
Nitrogen fertilizer
level (kg ha-1) Seed yield
(g m-2)
Seeds per
ear (N)
100-seed weight
Ears per plant
Leaf chlorophyll
(SPAD value)
Harvest index
250 920.80 a 623.16 a 26.04 a 0.99 a 52.51 a 0.38 a
0 571.08 b 316.60 b 23.24 b 0.97 a 44.04 b 0.37 a
LSD (0.05) 87.42 63.29 2.08 0.04 6.26 0.02
Dissimilar letters at each column indicate a significant difference at the 0.05 level of probability. LSD, least significant difference; SPAD, refers to the chloro-
phyll meter.
seed yield and the number of seeds per ear of corn. Corn
seed yields were improved by 16.71, 16.28 and 11.16%
following berseem clover, alfalfa and winter rye, respec-
tively, when compared with control, but theses im-
provements were not statistically significant (Table 1).
Leaf chlorophyll content of corn was significantly lower
in winter rye treatment than control, so that, this cover
crop caused the reduction of 10.20% in leaf chlorophyll
content of corn plant as compared with control (Table 1).
This can be attributed to the higher C/N ratio in plant
tissues of non-legume cover crops such as winter rye [27]
that consequently lead to the slower decomposition and
N release of their plant tissues [28] and strong N immo-
bilization after these crops are added as green manures
into the soil [29]. This can result in reduced N availabil-
ity to corn.
The enhancement of leaf chlorophyll content by com-
mon vetch can be due to the improved soil nitrogen con-
dition by incorporated common vetch plants. This can be
led to the increased leaf nitrogen content [30]. Nitrogen
is a substantial element of the chlorophyll structure, so
that, a positive correlation between leaf nitrogen and
chlorophyll content is well documented for a number of
plant species [31-34]. Moreover, the positive significant
correlations between photosynthesis and leaf nitrogen
content have been proved for a large number of species
[35-40]. The improvement of photosynthesis due to in-
creased leaf chlorophyll content ultimately can result in
the enhancement of corn growth and yield.
Moreover, higher corn seed yield in the plots in which
common vetch was incorporated into the soil can be as a
result of the higher dry weight produced by this cover
crop that consequently led to the improvement of soil
condition and nutrient supplement to corn plants. This
was supported by a significant and positive correlation
between corn seed yield and cover crop dry weight (r =
0.67; P < 0.01). According to Brophy et al. [9] when
cover crops are turned over into the soil as green ma-
nures they contribute nutrients to the main crop. The
amount of the contribution depends on the biomass
which varies over time and depends on cover crop spe-
cies and other factors.
Nitrogen fertilizer applied at the level of 250 kg ha-1
increased corn seed yield by 129.03, 71.59, 59.08, 47.25
and 33.62% following control (no cover crop), winter
rye, alfalfa, berseem clover and common vetch treat-
ments, respectively, when compared with the treatment
in which no nitrogen fertilizer was applied (Figure 1). In
other words, nitrogen application improved corn seed
yield following all of the cover crop treatments. How-
ever, the highest improvement occurred at the control
plots (Figure 1). Moreover, there were lower corn seed
yield responses to nitrogen fertilizer following legume
cover crops than rye, so that, the highest and the lowest
enhancements of corn seed yields due to the applied ni-
trogen fertilizer were obtained following winter rye and
common vetch cover crops, respectively (Figure 1).
Overall, improvements of the corn plant traits in re-
sponse to the applied nitrogen fertilizer indicated that the
nitrogen released from the incorporated cover crops was
not sufficient to support the potential corn growth and
yield. Griffin et al. [41] also reported that cover crops
can supply all or most of the N required by a subsequent
crop if cover crop biomass is of sufficient quantity and N
mineralization is approximately synchronous with sub
Figure 1. The effect of different cover crop treatments on
corn seed yield under two nitrogen fertilizer levels (0 and 250
kg ha-1).
G. R. Mohammadi et al. / Agricultural Sciences 1 (2010) 148-153
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
sequent crop demand. However, studies evaluating the
effect of 15N from legume residues decomposing under
field conditions lead to the conclusions that < 30% of
legume N was recovered by a subsequent nonlegume
crop and large amounts of legume N were retained in
soil, mostly in organic forms [42-44]. Kuo and Jellum
[45] also found that corn yields were affected by N fer-
tilizer applied irrespective of cover crop species.
In general, this study revealed that the autumn-seeded
cover crops, especially common vetch can be used to
improve corn yield. However, the cover crops should be
supplemented with nitrogen fertilizer to obtain optimal
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