Vol.2, No.11, 1255-1259 (2010)
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
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Muscle endurance measurement using a progressive
workload and a constant workload by maximal
voluntary contraction
Shinichi Demura1, Masakatsu Nakada2*
1Graduate School of Natural Science & Technology, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan;
2National Defense Academy, Yokosuka, Japan; *Corresponding Author: nakada@nda.ac.jp.
Received 12 August 2010; revised 18 August 2010; accepted 25 August 2010.
Muscle endurance measurement using a pro-
gressive workload method may reduce pain
sensation in the subject. This study aimed to
examine the relationships between force-time
parameters during sustained static gripping as
measured by maximal voluntary contraction
(MVC) using either a progressive workload (PW)
or a constant workload (CW). Sixteen subjects
performed sustained static gripping with 7 gra-
dually increasing relative demand values of 20%
to 80% MVC and sustained static gripping by
MVC. The staging of progressive workload was
10 s for 20% MVC, 20 s each for 30, 40, 50, 60,
and 70% MVC, and 10 s for 80% MVC. The forces
exerted at 120 s in the CW and PW methods
were at around the 23-27% MVC level. Peak
force, final force, and force during the last 30 s
for the PW method evaluated muscle endurance
after 1 min and showed high correlations (r =
0.746 0.895). Significant correlations (r = 0.575
0.605) were found between time to 40% MVC in
the CW method and peak force, final force, and
force in the last 30 s in the PW method group.
The peak force in the PW method may be useful
for evaluating muscle endurance with a short
testing time and without high pain sensation.
Keywords: Sustained Static Gripping; Progressive
Workload; Constant Workload; Muscle Endurance
Muscle endurance has been measured by maximal vo-
luntary contraction (MVC) or fixed relative load intensity
[1-6]. Many researchers have reported force-decrease
properties exerted in the constant workload (CW) me-
thod [6-8]. Yamaji et al. [8] examined the physiological
properties of force-time parameters during maximal sus-
tained static gripping and reported that time to 40%
MVC reflects the individual difference of force based on
oxygen debt with muscle blood flow limitation. Muscle
endurance measurement using the force exertion by
MVC may be effective, but there are problems with se-
vere muscle-fatigue or dislike of the testing procedure.
In the case of evaluating muscle endurance from the
perspective of sustaining demand values, according to
Nagasawa et al. [6], the sustained time is very short
(about 16 ± 13 sec) when using the heavy workload
(75% MVC) and is very long (about 224 ± 144 sec) when
using the light workload (25% MVC). Even when using
any workload, the force value reaches a steady state at
15%-20% MVC and then decreases little [6,8,9].
Meanwhile, the progressive workload (PW) method
gradually increases the relative loads while considering
the physiological responses [10,11]. Measuring muscle
endurance by this method can reduce the physical bur-
den on the subjects (dislike, pain sensation, etc), because
this method does not impose rapidly large workloads on
the muscle groups. The PW method is also considered to
be effective for the elderly, with whom there is increased
risk associated with a rapid increase of blood pressure.
When considering the physiological parameters of mu-
scle endurance measurements based on MVC, it is im-
portant to remember that during the initial force exertion
due to large workloads, muscle endurance is evaluated in
a state of blood flow obstruction caused by an increase
in intramuscular pressure. On the other hand, the low
force exertion state in the latter half of the measurement
period evaluates muscle endurance in a state of sufficient
oxygen delivery to the muscles, with the resumption of
blood flow caused by the reduction of intramuscular
pressure [8,12]. The PW method may be able to evaluate
muscle endurance without significant fatigue or dislike
S. Demura et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 1255-1259
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
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and with higher safety. However, the relationships be-
tween evaluation parameters of muscle endurance for the
PW method and for the constant workload (CW) method
are unclear. It is assumed that the parameters in above
both methods have close relationships, because they are
measuring the same grip muscle endurance.
This study aimed to examine the relationships be-
tween force-time parameters during sustained static grip-
ping using both a progressive workload and a constant
workload by maximal voluntary contraction.
2.1. Subjects
Subjects were 16 young male adults (height 172.7 ±
5.2 cm, body weight 67.1 ± 6.1 kg, and age 21.6 ± 2.0
years). Written informed consent was obtained from all
subjects after a full explanation of the experimental pur-
pose and protocol.
2.2. Materials
Grip strength was measured using a digital hand dy-
namometer with a load-cell sensor (EG-100, Sakai, Ja-
pan). Each signal was sampled at 20 Hz through an ana-
log-to-digital interface and then relayed to a personal
computer. The changes of force values on the computer
display were shown on a time-series graph on the hori-
zontal scale, and relative values were shown on the ver-
tical scale. The display of the target force line was fed
back to the subjects.
2.3. Setting of Progressive and Constant
When using loads over 75% maximum voluntary con-
traction (MVC), subject can sustain a target force [6,13].
In addition, the force exertion value in loads of less than
20% of MVC decreases little [6]. Hence, this study se-
lected a measurement time of 2 min with progressive
workloads of 20%-80% MVC. Yamaji et al. [14] re-
ported that the gripping force during maximal sustained
hand grip remarkably decreased until about 30-60 s and
reached an almost steady state when it decreased to 20%
MVC (within about 150 s). Hence, a constant workload
of 100% MVC and a measurement time of 3 min were
2.4. Experimental Procedure
After measuring maximal grip force, each subject per-
formed the sustained static gripping using the dominant
hand with a progressive workload having 7 relative de-
mand values (20% to 80% MVC) increasing by 10%
MVC each. The subject’s dominant hand was determined
based on Oldfield’s handedness inventory [15]. The time
of the demand values was 10 sec for 20% MVC, 20 sec
each for 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70% MVC, and 10 sec for
80% MVC. The sustained static maximal griping time
was 3 min for 100% MVC. Considering the fatigue ef-
fect, each measurement was performed once a day.
2.5. Parameters
Referring to previous studies [8,9] using sustained sta-
tic maximal hand gripping, the following progressive
workload (PW) parameters were selected: 1) peak of
force value (peak force), 2) time of peak force (peak
force time), 3) final force value (final force), and 4) av-
erage force during the last 30 s (last 30 s force). The fi-
nal force value was the force exerted at 120 s (Figure 1).
The following constant workload (CW) parameters by
maximal voluntary contraction were selected: the time
required to decrease from maximal grip strength to 1)
30% MVC, 2) 40% MVC, 3) 60% MVC, and 4) 80%
MVC; 5) 120 s force; and 6) final force value (final for-
ce) (Figure 2).
2.6. Data Analysis
Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to examine
the relationships between CW parameters and PW pa-
rameters. A probability level of 0.05 was used as indica-
tive of statistical significance.
Figures 3 and 4 show average curves of changes in
time-series forces during sustained static gripping by
MVC using either PW or CW. The peak force appeared
at 60% MVC. The force then decreased until the end of
the 2 min measurement, and the final force was about
27% MVC. The individual difference of force exertion
0 20406080100120
Demand value
Exerted force
Peak force
Peak force timeFinal force
Last 30s
Figure 1. Progressive workload parameter.
S. Demura et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 1255-1259
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Openly accessible at
0306090120 150 180
Time to 80% MVC
Time to 60% MVC
Time to 40%MVC
Final force
120 s force
Time to 30%MVC
Figure 2. Constant workload parameter.
020 40 60 80100120
Demand value
Exerted force
Figure 3. Average curves of changes in time-series forces dur-
ing sustained static gripping by MVC using either PW.
0 3060901201501
Figure 4. Average curves of changes in time-series forces dur-
ing sustained static gripping by MVC using either CW.
values increased from 60 s (demand value: 50% MVC)
to 90 s (demand value: 70% MVC) after the onset of
sustained static gripping. The force values during sus-
tained static gripping using MVC decreased markedly
until 60 s after sustained static grip onset and reached
nearly 40% MVC. The individual difference of force
values increased until 30 s after the onset of gripping and
then reduced until 60 s at which point a steady state was
Table 1 shows the correlations between PW and CW
parameters. Significant and high correlations (r = 0.713-
0.895) were found among PW parameters. In CW pa-
rameters, significant and high correlations (r = 0.709-
0.868) were found between time to 80% MVC and time
to 60% MVC, between time to 60% MVC and time to
40% MVC, and between times to 30%-40% MVC and
120 s force. Time to 40% MVC in the CW method showed
significant correlations with peak force, final force, and
last 30 s force in the PW method.
Mean of peak force time in the PW method was about
83 s, and mean decreased times until 80%, 60%, 40%
and 30% MVC in CW method were about 14 s, 31 s, 60
s, and 89 s, respectively. Final force and last 30 s force
in the PW method were about 27% MVC and 35% MVC,
respectively. The 120 s force and final force in the CW
method were 20 and 23% MVC, respectively.
High correlations (0.713-0.895) in this study were found
among peak force, peak force time, final force, and last
30 s force. The peak force is an unsustainable progres-
sive workload time point, and peak force time was 83.4 s.
Because these parameters evaluate muscle endurance
after 1 min (80-120 s), they are considered to have high
correlations among their parameters.
Meanwhile, parameters in the CW method showed
high correlations (r > 0.70) only between respective near-
ness decreased times as follows: time to 80% MVC and
time to 60% MVC, time to 60% MVC and time to 40%
MVC, and time to 40% MVC and time to 30% MVC.
Since the decrease to 40% MVC takes about 1 min, sub-
jects feel significant pain for a long period of time.
Meanwhile, the mean time of the peak force in the PW
method, which gradually increases loads, was about 83 s
without large pain sensation. This time is nearly equiva-
lent to the time to 30% MVC (88.8 s) in the CW method,
but the force (63.9% MVC) was around twice that
measured at 30% MVC. The forces exerted at 120 s in
the CW and PW methods were at the 20% MVC level
(PW: about 27% MVC, CW: 23% MVC). Hence, the
PW method may be able to exert twice the force of the
CW method at about 90 s without large pain sensation.
However, the force after the peak force decreases re-
markably similarly to the initial phase in the CW method,
and the force after 120 s is considered to decrease to a
nearly comparable level. Yamaji et al. [9] reported that
the gripping force that a person can sustain without de-
crease was 15% MVC (about 150 s) of maximal grip.
Hence, the exertion force in the PW method also reaches
an almost steady state after 120 s.
Peak force in the PW method correlated significantly
with time to 40% MVC in the CW method (r = 0.605).
The time to 40% MVC corresponds to the phase which
S. Demura et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 1255-1259
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 1. Correlations between PW parameters and CW parameters.
Parameter Unit Mean SD CV
Time to
Time to
60% Time to
40% Time to
Peak force % MVC 63.9 4.8 7.5
Peak force
time sec 83.4 10.1 12.1 0.775*
Final Force % MVC 27.4 6.5 23.6 0.746*0.713*
Last 30s Force % MVC 34.7 9.7 28.0 0.895*0.878*0.874*
Time to
80%MVC sec 14.3 7.7 54.0 -0.122-0.071-0.0600.005
Time to
60%MVC sec 30.8 9.9 32.2 0.3360.2060.3980.4160.712*
Time to
40%MVC sec 60.4 17.4 28.9 0.605*0.4290.575*0.594*0.4250.738 *
Time to
30%MVC sec 88.8 24.8 27.9 0.3090.1910.3260.3080.4730.581 * 0.868 *
120s force % MVC 22.7 4.8 21.3 0.2180.2110.1250.2690.536*0.463 0.709 * 0.845*
Final Force % MVC 20.0 8.5 42.4 0.1780.3980.2950.3350.3210.149 0.346 0.2670.396
Note: *(p < 0.05)
uses more oxygen due to blood flow reflux and which
shows a gender difference in muscle endurance [16]. In
short, this time is considered to evaluate the moving
phase from a state of blood flow obstruction to a state of
blood flow reflux. Peak force in the PW method is con-
sidered to closely relate with the above phase during
maximal sustained gripping. From significant correla-
tions (r = 0.575-0.594) found between the time to 40%
MVC in the CW method and the final force and last 30 s
force in the PW method, the phase after reaching peak
force may produce a similar phenomenon to the moving
phase in the CW method.
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Meanwhile, at a submaximal constant workload (ex.
50% MVC), the pain sensation may be reduced. How-
ever, according to Nagasawa et al. [6], the sustained
time becomes very long when using a light workload
(50% MVC) which increases the sense of fatigue.
Therefore, even a submaximal constant workload method
cannot solve the problem.
Royce [17] compared force-decrease curves during
sustained static maximal gripping with and without oc-
clusion of arterial blood flow, reporting that they were
similar in the phase of over 60% MVC. That is, it is
considered that the phase over 60% MVC in sustained
static maximal gripping produces a blood flow obstruc-
tion and that the recruitment and fatigue of fast twitch
fibers is largely reflected. Parameters evaluating the
blood flow obstruction phase of sustained static maximal
gripping in this study are time to 80% MVC and time to
60% MVC. They may estimate an individual difference
of muscle endurance in blood flow obstruction phase.
Significant correlations were not found between the above
initial parameters (time to 80%, time to 60% MVC) and
4 PW parameters. The PW parameters may not be able
to evaluate the blood flow obstruction state.
However, in the case of the CW method by MVC,
both phases of blood flow obstruction and blood flow
reflux appear. Hence, Yamaji et al. [9] suggested that the
CW method can evaluate muscle endurance in these two
phases. In the future, the examination of the muscle
oxygenation kinetics during force exertion by the PW
method will be needed to clarify relationships with phy-
siological parameters.
In summary, peak force, final force, and last 30 s force
in the PW method evaluate muscle endurance after 1
min (80-120 s), and they have high relationships. Sig-
nificant relationships were found between time to 40%
MVC in the CW method and peak force, final force, and
last 30 s force in the PW method. The peak force in the
PW method may be useful in that it is able to evaluate
muscle endurance over a shorter time and without high
pain sensation.
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