Vol.2, No.10, 1226-1231 (2010) Health
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Balm “Graal” – perspective antinarcotic and
antialcoholic remedy
Revaz G. Melkadze
Kutaisi Scientific Centre of Georgian Academy of Sciences, Kutaisi, Georgia; revmelk@rambler.ru
Received 15 October 2009; revised 16 November 2009; accepted 30 November 2009.
The balm “Graal” (BG) was created within the li-
mits of transnational program “Chernobil Help”.
It includes the water-spirit secretion pressed
out from the feed-curative plants of Caucasus
as well as mountain honey, pollen of the Geor-
gian beer flower and the red wine made from the
vine of unique bread. The balm is registrated in
the Republics of Ukraine and Byelorussia as a
radioprotective Means for preventive inspection
and medical treatment of radial injuri. The resu-
lts was of the balm research on antinarcotic and
antialcoholic action is represented in the Article,
which was held in the medical centre of radiolo-
gy in Obninsky city of Russian Federation. In ex-
periments on adult mice and rats it is shown,
that radioprotective balm “Graal” (the nonalcoh-
olic concentrate) is effective means for preven-
tive maintenance and treatment of various for-
ms of medicinal dependence (alkoholism, a nar-
cotism). In various tests of conditioned reflexive
training, it has been shown, that BG considera-
bly reduces amnestic and narcotic action of et-
hanol. Natural BG (spirit-including) caused con-
siderably smaller changes in behaviour of anim-
als, rather than equivalent volume of the pure sp-
irit contained in balm. Regular introduction BG
by an animal improved the general physical
condition of animals and raised their service-
ability without effects of an exhaustion, char-
acteristics for other neurostimulators.
Keywords: Antinarcotic Effect; Mice; Rats; A
Composition of Balm; A Doze
Balm “Graal” (BG) contains extracts of a gold root, a gi-
nseng, eleuterococc, beer flower pollen, and other comp-
onents [1-4] possessing various kinds of biological acti-
vity, basic of which are neurostimulatoring and neurom-
atonizing action, activation of mental processes, increase
of physical serviceability, normalization of digestive fu-
nctions and adaptive action shown in increase of stability
of an organism to action of adverse factors of environ-
The literary data, experience of national medicine and
results of experimental studying of pharmacological ac-
tivity of basic components BG testify, that phytoprepa-
ration on action of ethanol can possess expressed protec-
tive properties in relation to various displays toxic. On
the basis of the specified preconditions balm “Graal” has
been tested in experiments for animals as the potential
means weakening neurodeprimitive effects and toxic
later action of alcohol [5-7].
Experiments are carried out on linear mice (СВА × С57
ВD) And both a floor, weight 20-25 g and rats Wistar bo-
th a floor, weight of 160-230 g. For experiments selected
the healthy animals is corresponding to age standards (2,
5-3 months) who contained in conditions vivarium on a
standard vitaminized diet (a grain, briquettes, cod-liver
oil, cooked cereals).
Balm as a nonalcoholic concentrate entered an animal
into a stomach with the help of a needle - probe or as the
solutions diluted with distilled water on 0,1 ml/10 g
weights of a body of mice and 0,1-0,2 ml/100 g weights
of a body of rats. Control animals in all experiments
instead of a preparation received water in the same vol-
Antialcoholic effects BG studied on models ethanol
intoxications; it was studied to influence nonalcoholic
concentrates of a preparation on neorodepressive, am-
nestic and hipokinetic action of ethanol. Test methods
are described at a statement of results.
The standard test for an estimation of a functional tone
R. G. Melkadze / Health 2 (2010) 1226-1231
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
of the central nervous system, as it is known, is studying
sensitivity of animals to narcotic agents with various
selectivity of action on central and forward departments
of a brain. Ethanol concerns to neorodeprimitive agents
with primary oppressing action on a forward brain. Sti-
mulating components of balm - a ginseng, a gold root,
eleuterococc, an extract anther-also possess tonic or sti-
mulating type of action mainly on a bark.
Experiments on mice were carried out in conditions of
thermal comfort. Concentrate BG was entered into a sto-
mach in dozes 1, with 3 and 10 ml/kg, counting upon
initial BG. For 1 h before introduction of a narcotic doze
of ethanol (0,1 ml of 40 % of spirit on 10 g weights of a
body (Abdominal cavity). To control mice for 1 h up to
ethanol, instead of a preparation intragastric entered wa-
ter. In a separate series of experiments, for comparison
with action of ethanol, tested narcotic effect natural alco-
holic BG, containing 40% of ethanol.
Functional tone the Central Nervous System (CNS)
estimated on duration of loss after ethanol orthostatical
reflex which restoration tested on an output of animals
from lateral position.
Results of experiments are submitted in Tables 1 and 2.
As the received data (Table 1) testify, nonalcoholic
concentrate BG possesses steady neuromatonizing effect
in a wide interval of dozes - from 1 up to 10 ml/kg that is
shown in the fact of durations of level a narcosis. At a
part of mice (as a rule, 2-3 of group), received a prepara-
tion in dozes of 3-10 ml/kg, loss orthostatical reflex at a
narcotic doze of ethanol not seen, that specifies presence
expressed by neurostimulating effect BG.
Comparative tests of narcotic effect natural (spirit inc-
luding) BG and pure 40% ethanol have shown, that veg-
etative components of balm essentially weaken neurod-
epremitive action contained in balm ethyl spirit as pure
ethanol in the same concentration possesses essentially
big narcotic effect, than the same doze of ethanol in str-
ucture of balm (Table 2). This distinction was precisely
shown at rather low dozes BG and ethanol (8 ml/kg). In
this case, at 40% of the experimental mice which have
received spirit balm, lateral position did not come at all,
and duration of a narcosis at other animals of this group
averaged 12,8 mines at 24,2 mines in the control.
Influence of nonalcoholic concentrate BG on cognit-
ive functions (training, memory, remembering the learnt
skills) at intact and alcoholized animals are investigated
in experiences on rats by a method of conditioned re-
flexes in the shuttle chamber.
For researches the automatic 3-channel shuttle cham-
ber controlled by the microprocessor is used. Programs
of development of a conditioned reflex of avoiding (CR-
A) were realized automatically with accuracy of sequen-
ce of signals and registration of the reaction equal 0,1
сек. Unitary testing included 50 combinations condition-
nal (light + a sound - 4 s) and unconditional (impact by a
current - 8 s) irvitatings with recurrence of cycles
through 32 s. The full cycle of test proceeded about 30
mines during which the level of study at re-testing com-
es nearer to 90-100%.
Condition cognitive functions estimated on the follo-
wing basic parameters of speed and productivity of tra-
ining: to the latent period of a conditioned reflex, AB -
50 - to the number of combinations necessary for achi-
evement of a level of 50% study, regress of the attitude
Table 1. Antinarcotic effect of nonalcoholic concentrate BG in ethanol test for mice.
Groups A doze,
Number of
Duration of a narcosis of
mines, M ± m
Number of mice without
lateral position
1 The control 10 37,7 ± 4,8 0/10
2 0,3 10 26,2 ± 2,2 0/10
3 1,0 10 16,3 ± 3,0* 1/10
4 3,0 10 15,5 ± 2,7* 3/10
5 10,0 10 19,6 ± 1.2* 2/10
*-Authentic distinction with the control (Р < 0.05).
Table 2. Comparative narcotic action of natural balm and ethanol at equal concentration and dozes of ethyl spirit.
Groups A doze,
Number of
Duration of a narcosis of
mines, M ± m
Number of mice without
lateral position
Ethanol 40% 10 10 36,4 ± 4,1 0/10
Balm 10 10 22,0 ± 3,4* 0/10
Ethanol 40% 8 10 24,2 + 2,6 1/10
Balm 8 10 12,811,5* 5/10*
*-authentic distinction with pure ethanol in the same doze (Р < 0.05).
R. G. Melkadze / Health 2 (2010) 1226-1231
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
of number of successful reflexes (avoiding of impact by
a current) to unsuccessful passing of impact) at the step-
by-step analysis of results of activity, with an interval in
2 attempts.
Reliability of distinctions with the control estimated,
using parametrical and nonparametric methods of the
statistical analysis (software package Statgrafics).
2 series of experiments in which estimated influence
of concentrate BG on cognitivefunctions at unitary and
repeated introduction of a preparation are lead. Antialco-
holic action BG estimated on rats with a steady conditi-
oned reflex, at introduction of ethanol in a narcotic doze
1 day prior to carrying out the test in the shuttle cham-
The party of preliminary selected rats – mal-rats (40
individuals), has been divided into 4 groups on 10 anim-
als whom entered BG in dozes 1, 3 and 10 ml/kg or wa-
ter, for 1 hour before test in the shuttle chamber. Tests
carried out in first half of day, in parallel in 3 chambers,
at randomized sequences of testing of animals from dif-
ferent groups. Similar tests with introduction of a prepa-
ration in the same dozes have been lead repeatedly in 1
day and for 4-th day after the first test.
The results submitted in Table 3, testify, that BG in
dozes of 3 and 10 ml/kg in 1,5-2 times are raised with
speed of development of a conditioned reflex in the first
cycle of training (the factor of regress b grows); in the
subsequent tests, purpose of a preparation in all tested
dozes provides more successful fastening and reproduc-
tion CRA. Apparently from the Table 3, BG raises spe-
ed of reaction of animals on conditional stimulus.
Further we estimated influence of repeated introduc-
tion BG on training and preservation of skills. Experien-
ces are lead on 2 groups of rats (n = 10, in everyone), wh-
ich within 5 days before tests in a stomach entered BG
(3 ml/kg, experience) or water (control). Ability to tra-
ining tested for 6 day, and the level of consolidation and
reproduction of a reflex estimated in 3 and 6 day after
the first test, not stopping thus of daily introductions BG.
Directly after carrying out of the final test to rats of both
groups intragestic entered ethanol (3 г/kg) and the next
day carried out repeated testing CRA (Table 4).
From Table 4 it is visible that concentrate BG, at 5-
day’s introduction, provides higher speed of developm-
ent of a conditioned reflex, than in the control, and pro-
motes more effective fastening and reproduction of the
produced skill. Introduction of alcohol on a background
of the produced conditioned reflex results at control rats
to expressed amnestic effect the next day after alcoholi-
zation. Purpose BG before alcoholization renders essen-
tial antiamnestic effect, providing preservation of the
produced reflex at a level achieved at previous testing.
Results give the basis to conclude, that nonalcoholic
basis BG at purpose inside in dozes of 1-10 ml/kg, ren-
ders positive influence on cognitive processes at rats. BG
weakens the neurotoxic effects of alcohol shown in infri-
ngement of processes of reproduction of conditioned re-
flexes after alcoholization.
One of the most universal elements of behaviour of
animals is research reaction which is peculiar all healthy
animals placed in new conditions. Such activity is used
as extremely informative parameter for an estimation of
force and stability of motivational excitation CNS, and
also characteristics of an emotional condition of animals.
Table 3. Influence БГ on development, preservation and reproduction CRA at rats at introduction of a preparation before testing (1
day of experience).
Factor of regress, S/NS
ml/kg Latent period CRA, s AB-50 а b
The control 25,80 ± 0,69 45,8 ± 11,3 0,13 ± 0,08 0,09 ± 0,01
1 24,8 ± 0,68 41.9 ± 9,2 0,04 ± 0,07 0,12 ± 0,01
3 24,4 ± 0,88 39,7 ± 9,6 0,03 ± 0,03 0,15 ± 0,01*
10 24,2 ± 0,74 35,3 ± 8,2 0,68 ± 0,38 0,18 ± 0,04*
The control 26,5 ± 3 28,4 ± 4,2 0,74 ± 0,21 0,10 ± 0,01
1 23,8 ± 0,59* 18,5 ± 9,3 0,10 ± 0,17 0,15 ± 0,01*
3 25,6 ± 0,60 16,1 ± 4,1 0,32 ± 0,18 0,18 ± 0,01*
10 24,4 ± 0,56* 3,5 ± 4,5* 1,21 ± 0,13 0,21 ± 0,02*
The control 26,3 ± 0.43 23,0 ± 7.7 0.61 ± 0,11 0,13 ± 0,02
1 23,1 ± 0,49*° 14,9 ± 7,6 0,57 ± 0,12 0,19 ± 0,01*
3 25,3 ± 0,47° 10,2 ± 2,8 0,09 ± 0,26 0,29 ± 0,03*
10 24,7 ± 0,47* 3,0 ± 1,8* 0,13 ± 0,38 0,32 ± 0,04*
AB - 50 - quantity of consecutive cycles of the testing necessary for achievement of a level of 50% study; S/NS-step-by-step regress of the attitude success/
non-success, where and a free member, b - the factor of regress describing speed of training. Badges mark authentic distinctions with the control over t-test Stu-
dent (*) or median to criterion the Manna-Witny (о).
R. G. Melkadze / Health 2 (2010) 1226-1231
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Influence of nonalcoholic concentrate BG on psych-
omotor behaviour of animals is investigated in experien-
ces on the mice placed in an open field actometre Opto-
Varimex. Locomotive activity and the emotional status
of mice estimated on number of crossing of beams of the
infra-red sources located on perimeter with an interval of
3 sm (locomotive activity), to quantity of movements on
a place (non locomotive activity - quantity of crossings
of the same beam), to number lead in hinder legs (verti-
cal activity), to quantity of certificates grooming.
The concentrate is tested in dozes 1, 3 and 10 ml/kg,
intragastric. To control mice entered water in the same
volume. Research in actometer carried out through 30
mines after introduction BG or waters. The test procee-
ded 10 mines with registration of parameters of psych-
omotor behaviour for every mines, under condition of
consecutive alternation of animals from different groups.
From the moment of introduction BG or waters up to a
premise in actometer, contained mice individually in the
small cells limiting research activity. Experiences are
lead in the afternoon with 10 up to 14 h.
For an estimation of antitoxic action BG at an alcohol-
lic poisoning, one of groups of mice 1 day prior to the
test entered ethanol, in a doze of 3 ml/kg. And other gr-
oup ethanol together with extract BG, in a doze of 10 ml
/kg, counting upon a nonalcoholic concentrate. Next day
to mice of the specified groups, for 30 mines up to acto-
metric test, intragastric allowed water (Table 5).
It is established, that nonalcoholic BG renders distinct
neurostimulatory action - at mice parameters of research
activity in an open field have undergone changes: in
dozes of 3 and 10 ml/kg the concentrate raises total le-
ngth of run of animals, vertical activity and number of
jogs. Non-locomotive the activity reflecting stereotyped
reactions, characteristic for conditions of hyperexcitation
intragastric complex (for example, at excitation phena-
min, apomorfene and other neurostimulators), at introdu-
ction of a concentrate essentially does not change. It is
not revealed also essential influence of a concentrate on
emotionally - fob reactions of animals which are reflect-
ed in grooming.
At introduction of a narcotic doze of ethanol 1 day pr-
ior to testing in an open field, at mice the expressed op-
pression of all parameters of the spontaneous impellent
activity, testifying about deferred neurodeprimative ac-
tion of alcohol was observed. The specified effect can be
regarded as display toxic lateraction of the ethanol,
comparable with aldehid a syndrome usually developing
Table 4. Influence of repeated preliminary introduction BG (3 ml/kg) on parameters of conditioned-reflexive activity and toxic later
action of alcohol at rats.
Factor of regress, S/NS
Day of test Groups AB-50
а b
Water 98 ±85 0,18 ± 0,03 0,03 ± 0,03
1 Balm 55 ±50 0,15 ± 0,01 0,08 ± 0,01
Water 30 ± 10 0,04 ± 0,16 0,13 ± 0,02
3 Balm 23 ± 12 0,18 ± 0,23 0,24 ± 0,02*
Water 32 ±7 0,05 ± 0,12 0,19 ± 0,01
6 Balm 15 ± 5 0,16 ± 0,18 0,30 ± 0,01*
Water + ethanol 48 ± 10 0,06 ± 0,11 0,12 ± 0,03°
7 Balm + ethanol 16 ± 4 0,12 ± 0.09 0,25 ± 0,22*
*-Authentic distinction with water under t-test Student: * - the same. In comparison with the results of the test received before introduction of ethanol.
Table 5. Influence of nonalcoholic BG on parameters of mice behaviour in open field and on toxic lateraction of alcohol.
Groups Locomotive
activity Non-locomotive activity Number of jogsNumber of racks Number of certificates
Water 1720 ± 320 2330 ± 250 121 ± 16* 75 ± 10 6.1 ± 1.6
BG. 1 ml/kg 2150 ± 350 2630 ± 265 142 ± 14* 90 ± 9и 5.9 ± 1.3
Bg. 3 ml/kg 2338 ± 370 2240 ±.150 178 ± 15* 113 ± 10* 3.5 ± 1.1
BG, 10 ml/kg 2430 ± 520 2400 ± 330 193 ± 19* 75 ± 11 6,4 ± 1.3
Ethanol, 3 g/kg 650 ± 56* 745 ± 160* 25 ± 6* 11 ± 8* 3.2 ± 0.6*
Ethanol + BG,10 ml/kg 1430 ± 145° 1660 ± 167° 95 ± 12° 63 ± 7° 6.8 ± 1.2°
* - Authentic distinction with the group receiving water (Р < 0,05); ° - the same in comparison with group receiving ethanol 1 day prior to the test.
R. G. Melkadze / Health 2 (2010) 1226-1231
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
at the person after reception of the big dozes of alcohol.
Introduction of extract BG in a doze of 10 ml/kg practi-
cally completely eliminated the specified postalcoholic
depression and provided preservation of parameters of
impellent activity of animals, in day after alcoholization,
at a level close to norm.
The received results testify, that the nonalcoholic ba-
sis of balm renders moderately expressed stimulating in-
fluence on CNS, not causing thus of the phenomena of
hyperexcitation and the by-effects peculiar neurostimu-
lators of mobilizing and exhausting action. Extract BG,
at the same time, renders the expressed antialcoholic eff-
ect, weakening the deferred displays neurotoxic ethanol
after heavy alcoholization.
One of biological properties of a gold root, ginseng,
and eleuterococc, included in balm, ability to raise phy-
sical endurance and serviceability of the person and ani-
mals which is especial at regular application of the spec-
ified preparations.
For an estimation of these properties of a nonalcoholic
concentrate of balm, experiments on mice with use of the
tool method allowing versatilly to characterize the phys-
ical status of animals are lead.
Experiences are executed on mice both a floor, weight
of 20-24 g. For an estimation of serviceability used mo-
dified test Kiplinger which essence consists in an estima-
tion of speed of navigation of the trained animals at rep-
eated running a standard distance (1,8 m). For this purp-
ose used installation with automatic registration of time
swimming distances and machining of the information.
On the basis of mathematical models of hydrodynamics
of mice at navigation, with the help of a package of the
specialized programs - starting capacity (Nst), volume of
work up to 50% of exhaustion (А50), volume of work up
to full exhaustion (A100), corresponding to decrease in
capacity the following parameters of serviceability exp-
ected for 90% and factor of speed of exhaustion (К),
expressed by loss of capacity (W) on unit of executed
work (J).
The concentrate was entered inside daily within 6 days
in dozes 1, with 3 and 10 ml/kg and into day of carrying
out of the test, 1 hour prior to swimming test. To con-
trol mice entered water in volume of 0,1 ml/10 g. For an
estimation of antialcoholic properties BG, one of exp-
erimental groups of mice 1 day prior to the test entered
ethanol in a narcotic doze (3 ml/kg), and other group -
ethanol (3 ml/kg) together with nonalcoholic concentr-
ate BG. In a doze of 10 ml/kg. The next day after alco-
holization to mice of both groups 1 hour prior to the sw-
imming test allowed water (0,1 ml/10 g) as the control.
Results are submitted in Table 6 as the relative parame-
ters expressed in % to the control.
As follows from the received data, the concentrate at
regular introduction renders essential stimulating influ-
ence on physical serviceability of mice, at dozes of 3 and
10 ml/kg. In a doze of 1 ml/kg this action is found out
less. Stimulation of serviceability is shown in increase in
starting capacity (up to 25%), decrease in factor of ex-
haustion (on 16-23%) and essential increase in volume
of work up to criterion А50 (on 34-42%) and criterion
А100 (on 29-34%).
Introduction of a narcotic doze of ethanol 1 day prior
to the swimming test results in development in mice, the
next day, expressed hypodynamic condition shown in
decrease of all parameters of serviceability. Simultane-
ous introduction of nonalcoholic extract BG (10 ml/kg)
provides expressed protective effect in the attitude spe-
cified hypodynamic lateraction of alcohol.
Thus, concentrate BG at regular introduction impro-
ves the general physical condition of animals, raises high-
speed characteristics of performance of work, volume of
work and endurance, in conditions naturally - motivated
loadings. Introduction BG simultaneously with ethanol 1
day prior to physical loading weakens oppressing influ-
ence of an alcoholic intoxication on serviceability of
Table 6. Influence of nonalcoholic concentrate BG on parameters physical serviceability of mice (in % to the control) and hypody-
namic effect of alcoholic intoxication at an estimation in the swimming test for speed.
Preparations Nst К А50 А100
The control (water) 100,0 ± 4,5 100,0 ± 5,3 100,0 ± 5.6 100,0 ± 7,4
BG 1 ml/kg 117,9 ± 7,2 115,3 ± 8,4 112,0 ± 11,9 120,9 ± 16,7
BG 3 ml/kg 125,1 ± 5,8* 84,5 ± 3,8* 129,1 ± 7,3* 134,6 ± 8,3*
BG 10 ml/kg 119,5 ± 4,2* 77,6 ± 5,5* 134,0 ± 9,8* 142,1 ± 9,5*
Ethanol 3 g/kg 60,3 ± 3,4* 135,2 ± 9,2* 55,7 ± 3,5* 64,1 ± 5,9*
BG 10 ml/kg + ethanol 3 g/kg 109 ± 6,3° 103,3 ± 7,6° 113,0 ± 9,3° 110,9 ± 11,6°
Nst - starting capacity, K - factor of exhaustion, А50, А100 - volume of work up to 50 % and full exhaustion; * - authentic distinction with the control. ° - the
same, in comparison with ethanol. Number of mice in each group = 10.
R. G. Melkadze / Health 2 (2010) 1226-1231
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
As a result of the lead researches it is established, that
balm “Graal”, due to a complex contained in it adapto-
gene, neurostimulating and tonic components, possesses
the expressed antialcoholic properties and weakens con-
sequences of an alcoholic intoxication.
In experimental models it is shown, that the nonalco-
holic basis of balm weakens oppressing action of ethanol
on CNS levels development of a postalcoholic amnesia,
and also reduces neurotoxic and somatic symptoms later
action of alcohol, in particular such, as depression of
spontaneous impellent activity and decrease in physical
endurance of animals which, apparently, are connected
to an intoxication acetaldehid guide. The marked effects
phytocomplex, are caused, probably, not only physio-
logical antagonism of stimulating components of balm in
the attitude neurodeprimative effects of alcohol, but also,
are consequence of antitoxic action of chemical compo-
nents phytocomplex in the attitude of effects acetaldehid.
Antialcoholic properties of extracts from plants of fa-
mily aral are well-known in national medicine in this
connection a ginseng, a gold root, eleuterococce and oth-
er plants of this group long since use as additives to al-
coholic drinks.
On the basis of the received experimental data and
known experience of use of vegetative preparations of
family aral in wide medical practice, the medical product
“Balm Graal” is recommended to be used in quality re-
ciptive the components, added in a medical doze to al-
coholic drinks with the purpose of easing displays of
toxic action of ethyl alcohol.
In experiments on mice and rats, it was shown that a co-
mposite base (alcohol-free concentrate) of a radio-pro-
tective balsam “Graal” (BG) is an effective remedy for
prevention and alleviation of drug addiction (e.g. alco-
Alcohol-free concentrate of BG possesses a steady ne-
uro-stimulatory effect and substantially decreases dura-
tion of ethanol narcosis. Comparative testing of narcotic
effect of a native (alcohol-containing) BG and pure 40%
ethanol showed remission of a neuro-depriming impact
of alcohol contained in BG. Examination of influence of
alcohol-free BG on cognitive functions (learning, reten-
tion, and retrieval of the learned tasks) showed improve-
ment of conditioned reflex activity. When applied before
alcoholization, BG had a dramatic anti-amnesic effect
and decreased neurotoxic effects of alcohol. This substa-
nce stimulated the CNS without any hyper-excitation or
other side-effects, characteristic of other neuro-stimulants.
Upon its systematic application, balsam Graal impro-
ves an overall physical state of animals, increases a work
velocity, its volume, and stability against exhaustion
under naturally motivated load.
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