Advances in Physical Education
2013. Vol.3, No.1, 50-52
Published Online February 2013 in SciRes (
Copyright © 2013 SciRes.
Educational Boxing Is Worth Becoming a Template for Building
up Concussion Prevention Means in Children and Adolescents
André Mukala Nsengu Tshibangu
Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of K i ns h a sa ,
Kinshasa, Democratic Re p u blic of the Congo
Email: andre28080@
Received October 10th, 2012; revised November 14th, 2012; accepted Nov ember 26th, 2012
After comparing the means of concussion prevention used in educational boxing with similar means used
in other sports practiced by children and adolescents, we noted that the exclusive use of light touches in-
stead of blows in competitions of educational boxing is an original means of preventing concussion, act-
ing on the direct cause rather than on the possible victim of concussion. We have then predicted that edu-
cational boxing is possibly the concussion-free form of competition boxing and that it is possibly chronic
damage-free. If our predictions are fulfilled, educational boxing may serve as a template for building up
concussion prevention means in all sports. Moreover, we would better go on popularizing the practice of
educational boxing which is less likely to induce concussion than amateur and professional boxing; which
has had more license owners than the two latter the 2004-2005, 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 boxing seasons
in France; and which is practiced almost exclusively by children and adolescents in France. Despite the
fact that light touches force of impact is sub-concussive, we need research work be undertaken in order to
know whether light touches are harmless in educational boxers having had many fights and to know the
occurrence frequency of unexpected concussions from light touches that turn to unintentional counter-
Keywords: Concussion; Educational Boxing; Boxing; Wounds and Injuries; Prevention and Control
What Is Referred to as “Educational Boxing”
Started in France in 1969, educational boxing is a form of
competition boxing in which each boxer strives to increase the
safety of the opponent he is aimed to win by landing him exclu-
sively light touches instead of blo ws (Mukala Nsengu Tshibangu,
2009). The adjective “educational” derives from the French
word “éducation” which means manners, especially good man-
ners. The form of boxing is named “educational” because the
boxers are punished for any unsportsmanlike behavior, and be-
cause the coaches are expected to seize every window of oppor-
tunity to impart to the pupils correct social behavior while teach-
ing to them boxing skills (Mukala Nsengu Tshibangu, 2009). In
France, the number of license owners has been for educational,
amateur and professional boxing, respectively: 3505, 4608 and
354 in the 2003-2004 boxing season (Fédération Française de
Boxe, 2005); 13,117, 5145 and 353 in the 2004- 2005 boxing
season (Fédération Française de Boxe, 2005); 15,255, 5269 and
334 in the 2005-2006 boxing season (Fédération Française de
Boxe, 2006); 12988, 5037 and 317 in the 2006-2007 boxing sea-
son (Fédération Française de Boxe, 2007). Figure 1 facilitates
the comparison between educational, amateur and professional
boxer numbers during the afore-mentioned boxing seasons.
Our Objective
Our aim is to share with persons involved in other sports
practiced by children and adolescents this original means of
preventing concussion acting on the direct cause rather than on
the possible victim of concussion. Let us hope that the means is
going to serve as a template for building up concussion preven-
tion means in all sports and will serve educational boxing po-
pularization purposes!
Figure 1.
French boxer statistics. During the 2003-2004 boxing season, educa-
tional boxers have been less numerous than amateur but have g rown 2.5,
2.9, and 2.6 times more numerous than amateur during the next three
boxing seasons, respectively. Professional boxers have been the least
numerous boxers during the four boxing seasons.
*No conflict of interest to declare.
Materials and Method
We have compared the means of concussion prevention used
in educational boxing with similar means used in other sports
practiced by children and adolescents. The former means are
reported in the first peer reviewed article on educational boxing
(Mukala Nsengu Tshibangu, 2009). The latter means are re-
ported in a more recent peer reviewed article written by the
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), a clinical report on
sport-related concussion in children and adolescents (Halstead,
Walter, & Council on Sports Medicine and Fitness, 2010).
Most of Means Use d wi th the Aim of Preventing
Sport-Related Concussion in Children and
Adolescents Are Also Practiced in Educational
The AAP has recently published a clinical report on sport-
related concussion in children and adolescents. Let us express
our satisfaction to note that most of means signaled in the arti-
cle to prevent sport-related concussion in children and adoles-
cents are also practiced in educational boxing.
The AAP article says that modifications to protective gear,
rule changes, trying to identify athletes at risk, and continuing to
educate everyone involved with youth and high school sports
about the dangers of concussions are attempts that have been
made to reduce concussion for athletes (Halstead, Walter, &
Council on Sports Medicine and Fitness, 2010). An article pro-
posing educational boxing as means of preventing boxing-de-
rived injuries (Mukala Nsengu Tshibangu, 2009) 1) signals the
presence of protective gear in the uniform of educational boxe rs;
2) summarizes the rules that govern educational boxing before
giving the reasons why the author expects great safeness from
educational boxing practice compared to amateur and profess-
sional boxing; 3) signals the medical examination given to ex-
clude candidates for whom boxing constitutes a contraindica-
tion, and examples of medical examinations that have been pro-
posed to detect boxing derived health damages; 4) speaks,
among other things, of punishment given to educational boxers
for unsportsmanlike behaviors; 5) speaks of correct social be-
havior that must be imparted t o the pupils by the coaches; an d 6)
speaks of the existence of appropriate exercises that must be
performed by the newcomer in educational boxing so as to be
able to land a fast and correct fist that does not hurt the oppo-
nent. Mouth guard comprises the uniform of educational boxers
(Mukala Nsengu Tshibangu, 2009) and is signaled in the AAP
article to be recommended to reduce dental trauma, but the
article notes that further studies are needed to evaluate its role
in reducing the risk of concussions (Halstead, Walter, & Coun-
cil on Sports Medicine and Fitness, 2010). Head guard com-
prises the uniform of educational boxers (Mukala Nsengu Tshi-
bangu, 2009) and helmets are signaled in the AAP article which
notes that reduction in concussion incidence has not been con-
sistently seen, despite their use (Halstead, Walter, & Council on
Sports Medicine and Fitness, 2010). Genetic testing is signaled
only in the AAP article which notes that at this time genetic
testing is not recommended for evaluating young athletes with
concussion (Halstead, Walter, & Council on Sports Medicine
and Fitness, 2010). Further research is needed to increase
availability of data on concussion, to increase knowledge of
long-term effects of concussion, what is necessary for further
guidance to athletes of all ages, says the AAP article (Halstead,
Walter, & Council on Sports Medicine and Fitness, 2010). The
author of the article on educational boxing ends it expressing
the need of scientific experience- and/or observations-yielded
data that will permit support or reject the apparent and declared
total safeness of educational boxing practice (Mukala Nsengu
Tshibangu, 2009). The recognition of place for future efforts to
make infants, children and adolescents sports safer is shared by
the authors of both the AAP and educational boxing articles.
That is consistent with the recognition of the efforts to make
boxing safer, shared by those who recommend boxing banning
(American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Sports Medi-
cine, & Fitness, 1999) and by those who are favorable to the
prevention of boxing risks (Aubry, Cantu, Dvorak, Graf-Bau-
mann, Johnston, Kelly, et al., 2002).
Contrary to Many Sportsmen and Spor tswome n ,
Educational Boxers Are Obliged to Have the Control
of a Direct Cause of Concussion: While Boxing, They
Land Exclusively Light Touches Instead of Blows to
the Opponent They Are Aimed to Win
While roller skating, one may fall down a hard surface and
thus suffer a concussion. The hard surface is not going to be
punished by the referee for that. In football, a concussion may
result from the collision between a struck and a striking player.
In the case that the latter have struck the former unintentionally,
no punishment is going to be given by the referee. In amateur
or in professional boxing, concussion may result from a hard
blow of any of the opposed boxers. The boxer who has landed
the blow is not going to be punished if the blow is landed in the
legal period on the legal target surface, but the boxer is going to
be rewarded. In those three cases, the direct cause of concus-
sion is the hard surface, the striking football player and the
blow of the boxer, respectively. As far as we know, neither the
hard surface nor the unintentional striker has the control of
collision force of the impact, contrary to the rewarded boxer.
Though the amateur and professional boxer need not have the
control of collision force produced by the fists they land their
opponents, however, the educational boxer is punished when-
ever he lands or only seems to be about to land a blow instead
of a light touch.
The Possible Occurrence of an Unintentional Hard
Counter-Punch Is Not to Be Totally Excluded in
Educational Boxing
An educational boxing club may be joined already at age 8 in
France (Fédération Française de Boxe, 2004). Despite the fact
that educational boxers are punished whenever they are respon-
sible of acts that have just injured or are likely to injure their
opponents (Mukala Nsengu Tshibangu, 2009), the possible
occurrence of an unintentional hard counterpunch is not to be
excluded. Therefore, the possible occurrence of a resulting
concussion, as well, is not to be excluded. While refereeing an
educational boxing match, we witnessed what follows. Proba-
bly aimed to land a hook or an uppercut light touch, an educa-
tional boxer was trying to get closer to his opponent while the
last mentioned was trying to land him a straight light touch.
The expected straight light touch turned to a blow responsible
of face bleeding. The unexpected blow could as well, we think,
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. 51
Copyright © 2013 SciRes.
have caused a concussion.
Research Work Must Be Undertaken in Order to
Know 1) Whether Light Touches Are Harmless in
Educational Boxers Having Had Many Fights and 2)
Whether Occurrence of Concussion in Educational
Boxing Is Significantly Lower than in Amateur and
Professional Boxing
If harm was minimized and injury became less of an injury,
the case for banning boxing would be weak (Lane, 2006). The
use of light touches in place of blows would make us expect
total safeness of educational boxing, or at least greater safeness
than that of amateur and professional boxing. However, sub-
concussive blows have been found to cause chronic brain dam-
age in 70% - 80% of boxers who had had many fights (Lund-
berg, 1985). Research work is therefore required to know whe-
ther that does not apply to light touches landed by educational
boxers (Mukala Nsengu Tshibangu, 2009). Research work is
also required to know whether occurrence of concussion in edu-
cational boxing is significantly lower than in amateur and pro-
fessional boxing.
World Consequences of Broad Diffusion of
Educational Boxing Practice among Children
and Adolescents
General boxing ban (American Academy of Pediatrics, Com-
mittee on Sports Medicine and Fitness, 1999; American Aca-
demy of Pediatrics & Committee on Sports Medicine and Fitness,
2010; BMA, 2007; Scott, 1999; Warden, 1996) or banning
from boxing children under the age of 16 years (Pearn, 1998) or
14 years (Scott, 1999) have already been advocated. Boxing has
even been found as uncivilized as dog-fighting (Warden, 1996).
Despite those calls for boxing ban, people go on boxing, chil-
dren and adolescents included. A general boxing ban all over
the wor ld may not pr obably be achievable while nothing seems
able to extinguish the thirst for boxing practice. We think po-
pularization of educational boxing be the happy medium be-
tween non achievable boxing ban and thirst for boxing practice.
What is known on the subject dealt with in the present study
is that concussion may derive from amateur and professional
boxing practice. What this study adds is the following: educa-
tional boxers have a competition behavior that makes us expect
them less prone to concussion than amateur and professional
boxers, and possibly than practitioners of all sports practiced by
children and adolescents.
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