Advances in Pure Mathematics, 2013, 3, 219-225 Published Online January 2013 (
Accuracy Improvement of PLIC-VOF Volume-Tracking
Method Using the Equation of Surface Normal Vector
Mingyu Sun
Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Received November 13, 2012; revised December 14, 2012; accepted December 21, 2012
The PLIC/SN method that combines the second-order volume tracking method (PLIC-VOF) with the equation of sur-
face normal (SN) vector was recently proposed (M. Sun, “Volume Tracking of Subgrid Particles,” International Jour-
nal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 66, No. 12, 2011, pp. 1530-1554). The method is able to track the motion of
a subgrid particle, but the accuracy is not as good as expected on high resolution grids for vortical flows. In this paper, a
simple unsplit multidimensional advection algorithm is coupled with the equation of SN vector. The advection algo-
rithm is formulated as the finite volume method, so that it can be used readily for both structured and unstructured grids
while maintaining the exact mass conservation. The new method improves the accuracy significantly for high resolution
grids. In the well-known test of the time-resolved vortex problem of T = 2, the circular interface is resolved with an
accuracy better than ever using the equation of SN vector.
Keywords: VOF; PLIC; PLIC/SN; Surface Normal; Interface; Level Set; Unstructured Grid
1. Introduction
The volume-of-fluid (VOF) is one of the most widely
used methods for the numerical simulation of interfacial
phenomena [1]. In the VOF method, the evolution of an
interface is predicted generally by solving the advection
u (1)
where u is the velocity. Function
is the volume frac-
tion or color function at the discrete level. It is unity in a
cell filled with one phase, and is zero if the cell lies in the
other phase. Because the volume fraction is discontinu-
ous across a sharp interface, it is challenging to advect
(1). The volume tracking method, or geometric VOF
method, that resolves an interface basically within one
cell while maintaining the mass conservation, has been
developed for over decades [2,3]. In this method, the
interface in a cell is not tracked explicitly, but recon-
structed and approximated by a simple geometry, such as
simple line (piecewise constant) interface calculation
(SLIC) [4] and piecewise linear interface calculation
(PLIC). A historic review of the piecewise constant and
linear reconstructions can be found in [2,5]. In the PLIC,
the surface normal vector, n, is required to construct the
linear interface
where is the line constant. The normal vector can be
inferred from the spatial distribution of
, symbolically
n (3)
A few numerical methods have been proposed for the
calculation of the surface normal from the volume frac-
tion directly by the finite-difference method [6], fitting
methods [7-10], or height function technique (e.g. [11]).
The difficulty that these methods must overcome is
originated from the discontinuous property of the volume
fraction. In fact, (3) is just a symbolic representation of
SN vector if
is interpreted as the discontinuous vol-
ume fraction. One may also integrate the same Equation
(1) for a smooth level-set function with the hope that its
gradient (3) can be straightforwardly evaluated with a
better accuracy, as proposed by Sussman and Puckett
Since it is the surface normal (3) instead of the level
set function itself that is required for the geometric VOF,
one may directly integrate the equation for the SN vec-
nun (4)
which can be readily derived by taking the gradient of (1).
Although the volume fraction is discontinuous, the SN
vector can be a continuous function near an interface, a
clear advantage for numerical analysis using the finite
difference method. Raessi et al. [13] investigated the
opyright © 2013 SciRes. APM
equation imposed with the unit normal constraint
1n. We proposed the PLIC/SN method that com-
bines the Equation (4) directly with the PLIC reconstruc-
tion and DDR advection algorithm [14], and found that
the method allows us to track subgrid particles [15]. The
capability of the PLIC/SN method was successfully used
to study the fragmentation onset of a liquid drop [16].
The PLIC/SN method improves the accuracy at low grid
resolution, but experiences a loss of high-order accuracy
on high resolution grids in the time-resolved vortical
In this paper, an unsplit multidimensional advection
algorithm is developed to replace the DDR used in the
previous PLIC/SN method. This paper is organized as
follows. The new advection algorithm used is introduced
in Section 2.1, and the positivity of phase volume is en-
forced by a limiting procedure to be shown in Section
2.1.2. The accuracy of the proposed method is evaluated
by simulating two typical test cases, and the results are
summarized in Section 3.
2. The PLIC/SN Method
The PLIC/SN method that couples the PLIC-VOF vol-
ume-tracking method with the SN equation consists of
three procedures [15],
1) to reconstruct the piecewise linear interface with a
given surface normal in each interface cell such that the
interface truncates the cell with a fractional volume
equaling the given phase volume in the cell;
2) to advance the phase volumes using an advection
algorithm, which preserves the mass while ensuring all
phase volumes lie within the bound of
0,, where
is the cell volume;
3) to advance the SN vectors by solving the SN equa-
Procedures 1) and 2) are nothing but a typical PLIC-
VOF method except that the SN vectors are given by 3).
In the previous work, the DDR was used to evaluate
volume fluxes in 2). In this work, a simple multidimen-
sional advection algorithm is coupled with the SN equa-
2.1. Advection of Phase Volumes
2.1.1. Volume Update
The advection Equation (1) is solved by the finite volume
method. The volume flux is evaluated at every face in a
unsplit manner. Given an incompressible flow field u,
the advection equation is rewritten as
 u
t (5)
is the volume fraction of phase k. Integrating
(5) over cell i of volume as the finite volume method,
one gets
 
 
is the phase volume satisfying kk
represents the fraction of phase k of total vol-
ume flux
ijij j
us t
where ij is the outward normal velocity at grid face j
of length
. In order to maintain the conservation, we
have the saturation constraint
The volume fraction at the face
, which is calcu-
lated geometrically in PLIC-VOF, is generally different
from k
that is defined in the cell. Figure 1 shows a
few possible method to evaluate kj
. Consider a control
volume or a cell of any shape, which is a rectangular in
the figures. We want to find the phase fraction at face
AB. Suppose the interface CD has been properly recon-
structed (e.g. [15] and there referred), and also suppose
the total volume flux ij
is also known. The area of
donor polygon ABEF must be the same as the total vol-
ume flux, but there is a freedom to define its shape.
The naive unsplit method [2] assumes the donor poly-
gon ABEF is a rectangular as shown in Figure 1(a). The
volume flux of the dark phase is then geometrically cal-
culated from the area of polygon ACGF. This method is
not recommended because face-adjacent polygons may
overlap. The DDR method [14] traces the upwind char-
acteristic inside the upstream cell only, BE in Figure
1(b), and retains the other side bounded by the upstream
cell. This method has been coupled with the SN equation
in our previous study [15], in which the loss of high-
order accuracy for high resolution grids is observed for
vortical flows. It was believed that the loss of accuracy is
due to the DDR advection algorithm. In order to verify
this speculation, the multi-dimensional advection method
is coupled with the SN equation. The idea is similar to
what investigated in [2]. This method traces upwind
characteristics on two sides, BE and AF, and the volume
flux of the dark phase is set to be the area of polygon
ACGF as shown in Figure 1(c). If a long material inter-
face aligned with CD divides the whole computational
domain, this method is obviously more accurate.
2.1.2. Posi ti vi t y of Phase Volume
The conservation of phase volumes cannot ensure the
positivity of each phase volume. We introduce a center-
centered flux limiter function
i to reduce the
outward volume flux, based on the phase with the
smaller volume in the cell,
for all faces with positive normal velocity ij , such
that the remaining volume in the cell will not become
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. APM
M. Y. SUN 221
(a) (b)
Figure 1. Calculation of phase volume flux at face AB. Total
volume flux are the same for three cases, defined by the area
of ABEF. The volume flux of the dark phase is all given by
ACGF. (a) Naive unsplit advection method; (b) The DDR
method; (c) Multi-dim e n s i o n al advection metho d.
negative. The volume fraction of the other phase at the
face must be updated to 1
due to conservation.
A simple and efficient iterative method is used to cal-
culate . We start from the outward flux of the small
sj ij
f (8)
and then the first estimate of the limiter function can be
obtained by,
 
, ,
is the volume of the small phase in the last
step. It can be easy shown that the small volume remains
non-negative if the phase volume is updated by using
limited flux (7). This limiter function was directly used
in [15].
In the initial estimate, only the outward volume fluxes
are considered, which leads to the strictest limiter func-
tion. The possible inward volume fluxes that increase the
volume are not considered. The limiter function may be
further relaxed by an iterative method. With the addi-
tional inward fluxes, (8) becomes,
,0 ,0
ij ij
ju ju
sj sjij
sj sj
and then i can be obtained similarly by (9). Super-
script m denotes the number of iterations. Notice that the
limiter function (7) tends to reduce the outward flux of
the small volume, and to increase that of the other large
volume due to conservation. Since the small phase in two
cell may be different, the inward flux is calculated by the
minimum possible flux, . Figure 2 re-
cords the geometrical errors in simulating a circular in-
terface in a time-resolved vortical velocity field, and the
details of this test will be introduced in Section 3. The
geometric error is reduced dramatically with the first
iteration; more iterations hardly affect the overall accu-
racy. Fixed three iterations are performed for all other
tests in this paper.
It emphasized that the limiting procedure is general for
any advection algorithm, and is valid for any structured
and unstructured grid system, given the volume flux of
the small phase and the total volume flux at faces. There
is no need to deal with complicated geometrical prob-
lems, such as polygon volume overlapping and/or under-
lapping. The limiting procedure maintains the exact vol-
ume conservation and the boundedness of phase volumes,
if the total volume flux at cell faces is defined from a
divergence-free velocity field.
2.2. Discretization of Surface Normal Equations
In numerical simulation, Equation (4) are reformulated in
a non-conservative form [15], using
nFF S
,, ,
mv lv
ul vl
mu lu
um vm
 
 
,lm ,
,uv are two components of SN vector n
and velocity u respectively. We use the two-step Runge-
Kutta method for achieving second-order accuracy in
time, and the MUSCL method for the accuracy in space.
The details of the numerical method have been reported
in [15].
3. Numerical Results and Discussion
In all test cases, the computational domain is a square of
Figure 2. Effect of the limiter function on the geometric
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. APM
0,1 , with open or free boundary outside. Initial sur-
face norm
facmalors r spibll
exactlyvnconfinite diffent
scr impy fr-
e of
al vectors are specified the same as [15]. The
initial phase volume intersected with the interface is ex-
actly calculated; the sum of all phase volumes inside a
circle differs from the exact area by the order of
10O. The velocities at cell faces are also exactly
specified, to exclude any possible error in the treatment
of velocity. The CFL number is always taken as 1/8, the
same as [13]. The geometric error measure, L1 norm, is
defined as
cal exactgj
and exact
are the calcula
n cell
ted and the exact
volume fractions ij with volume
. N is the total
number of cells used in the domain. The error measure
for surface normal vector is defined as
cal exactcal
, (14)
where the tilde indicates the surface normal
of Circular Surfaces
nterface. The
ll mm
 
has been
normalized. NI is the total number of interface cells; only
the error in these interface cells is considered. Both the
numerical and exact surface normal vectors are defined
at the cell center.
3.1. Translation
The first test is the translation of a circular i
initial circle of 0.3 in diameter centered at 0.25,0.5 is
translated in the constant velocity field of
for 0.5t. The test was taken from [13,1-
metric errors for this test are presented in Table 1. It is
apparent that the grid convergence has been achieved by
the present PLIC/SN method, even for circles as small as
5]. The geo
. In this test, the flow velocity is perpendicular to
the vertical faces; the DDR advection is actually the
same as the present multidimensional one. The geomet-
rical errors obtained are actually identical. These errors
are solely due to the advection algorithms, since the sur-
Table 1. Geometrical errors in translating a circle (u = 1, v
sh Geometrical errors
e nor vectof a lineaatial distrution are a
heme fo
ed usi
this s
g the se
le velocit
ield. The vo
lume diffe
ences between the initial area of the circle and the final
area for all grids are the order of 16
10 ; the mass con-
servation is maintained within the round-off error.
3.2. A Circular Fluid Body in T-Resolved
Vortex Field
The second test is the deformation of a circular surfac
in a vortex velocity field. The circle is initiall
d at
. The time-resolved velocity field 0.5,0.75
is specified as,
cos πsin πsin 2π,utTxy 
d/x RaessPresent i [13]DDR [15]
1/4 1.2 - 2.0 × 102 2.2 00 × 10
1/8 2.4 - 3.9 × 103 3.99 × 103
1/16 4.8 - 1.1 × 103 1.09 × 103
1/32 9.6 4.1 × 104
1/128 38.4 2.0 × 105 1.9 × 105 1.93 × 105
4.5 × 104 4.46 × 104
1/64 19.2 1.1 × 104 1.1 × 104 1.06 × 104
os πsin πsin2π.tTyx
The test, taken from [2], is a standard case for evalu-
ating the accuracy of sharp interface methods. The vorti-
cal velocity field will deform the circle and promote to-
logy changes. It is periodic with a period of T. The
circle will undergo the maximum deformation at 2tT
and then return to its initial state. Error measurements are
performed on the differences in data observed between
and tT
Results of the circle after one period are shown in Fig-
ure 3 for the period T varying from 0.5 to 4.0. The exact
solution is a perfect circle as the initial state. Linear seg-
ments reconstructed in all interface cells with
are plotted. They are not contours of equal volume frac-
tions. Surface normal vectors in the interface cells and
the cells filled with the dark phase are also plotted. The
vectors in other cells are used in computation as well, but
not plotted for the sake of clarity. The arrow indicates the
direction of the normal vector, starting from the cell cen-
ter, and its length is proportional to the magnitude of the
It is seen that for small period 2T, the circle is re-
solved excellently well even on the 322 grid. The surface
normal errors increase dramatically for large period T = 4.
Th is o
d in Figure 4(a). The present method
e location where the SN vectorf zero magnitude
should correspond to the centroid of the circle to the
second-order accuracy [15]. However, the SN vector of
zero magnitude deviates far from the center (0.5, 0.75) in
Figure 3(d), compared with those in other three figures
of smaller periods.
The dependence of numerical error on the period is
further investigated. Both the geometric and the SN vec-
tor errors are plotte
more accurate than that obtained by Rider & Kothe [2]
for 2T
. However, the geometric error increases rap-
idly for large period. As seen from Figure 4(a), the SN
error increases nearly four orders of magnitude for the
peri ncreasing from 0.5 to 8.0. The second-order od T i
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. APM
M. Y. SUN 223
Figure 3. Results for the circular fluid body ed in the
time-reversed single-vortex flow field on a 3 grid, after
one peirod T: (a) T = 0.5; (b) 1.0; (c) T = 2.0; (d) T = 4.0.
T =
The square domain is 0.375 wide and high, centered at (0.5,
accuracy is generally achieved for all periods as shown in
Figure 4(b). It is of interest that the geometric errors
show a second-order convergence rate even for T = 8.
The error increase for large period is closely related to
the difficulty in integrating the SN equation for large
period, in which the interface structures experiences a
strong deformation. The circle undergoes the maximum
deformation at 2tT
. The grid dependence of nu-
merical solution of l, the x-component of SN vector, are
plotted in Figure 5 for T = 2.0 and T = 8.0. At this mo-
ment, the interface is nearly circular, so the magnitude of
the y-component of SN vector is much smaller, and will
not be discussed here. For the small period of T = 2
shown in Figure 5(a), a 322 grid can resolve the SN vec-
tor well in central domain where the deformed circle is
located. However, for the period of T = 8, the wavy
Figure 4. Results for the circular fluid body placed in the
time-reversed single-vortex flow field: (a) Geometric and
SN vector errors on a 1282 grid for T = 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 and
8.0; (b) Geometric errors agt grid size. Results are com- ains
pared with those of Rider & Kothe [2] and DDR [15].
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. APM
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. APM
Table 2. Convergence of the present method that couples the multidimensional advection algorithm with the SN vector equa-
tion in the reversed single-vortex test. A few published resultstained using various advection and reconstruction meb
are compared.
Mesh SN vector Youngs Puckett Quadratic
x Present 15] H & F [17] [9] R & K [2] [9] DDR [ EMPAEMPAEL-LE [8]
1/8 4.2 4.2 70 × 1074 × 10- - - - -
1/16 22
332.49 × 103 2.29 × 103 2.36 × 103 2.14 × 103 1.88 × 103
1/128 3444445
1.02 × 10 1.06 × 10 - - - - -
1/32 1.65 × 10 1.76 × 10
1/64 1.80 × 10 3.58 × 10 7.06 × 10 6.72 × 10 5.85 × 10 5.39 × 10 4.42 × 10
2.61 × 10 2.08 × 10 2.23 × 10 2.24 × 10 1.31 × 10 1.29 × 10 9.36 × 10
Figure 5. Numerical solution-component of SN vecl)
along y = 0.5 at t = T/2: (a) T (b) T = 8.
at difficulty
e solution to converge. The numerical error of the
The geometric errors of the PLIC/SN method are com-
ns as low
remain andct the solu at last mom.
of x
= 2;tor (
structure of the SN vector imposes a gre for
SN th
vector introduced in the stage of large deformation may
pared with other results in literature in Table 2. The pre-
sent results show an improved accuracy for all grids. The
grid convergence is achieved for grid resolutio
. Compared with the DDR advection, the geo-
metric errors at high resolution grids
have been greatly reduced. For 1 128x , the geomet-
rical error
2.61 10
is only a bit larger than that in
the ion test. To what we know, this accuracy has
never been reported before.
4. Concluding Remarks
It has been shown shown that the equation of allow us to
implicitly track a subgrid
particle [15] when coupled
is work confirms that the
with the multidimensional
d (VOF)
Method for the Dynamics of Free Boundaries,” Journal
of Computationa, 1981, pp. 201-
225. doi:10.10 -5
with the PLIC-VOF method. Th
equation of SN vector coupled
advection algorithm improves the accuracy not only on
low resolution grids but also on high resolution grids in
the vortical flows with a low period. The geometric error
obtained is much lower than those reported in literature.
The PLIC/SN method generally improves the accuracy
in the calculation of SN vector, especially at low grid
resolution. It can resolve a particle with less cells, or re-
solve more particles/bubbles with a given grid. In the
rect simulation of interfacial phenomena with a large
amount of particles/bubbles, such as defragmentation,
cavitation, it is expected that the PLIC/SN can resolve
interfacial structure with one order of magnitude less grid
cells for achieving the same interface resolution.
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