Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 2013, 3, 1-5
Published Online March 2013 (
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OJAppS
An Electronic Image Stabilization Algorithm Based on
Efficient Block Matching on the Bitplane
Luo Fang, Qin Xiaozhen
Department of Control Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Received 2012
This paper proposes an electronic image stabilization algorithm based on efficient block matching on the plane. This
algorithm uses a hexagonal search algorithm, and uses the bit-planes to estimate and compensate for the translational
motion between video sequences at the same time; As for the rotary motion vector generated in the video sequences, in
order to highlight the intensity change of the image sequence, the algorithm firstly conducts Laplace transform for the
reference frame, then select a number of characteristics at the image edge to make block matching with the current
frame, calculate and compensate for the rotational movement that may exist finally. Through theoretical analysis and simula-
tion, we prove that, as for a mixed translational and rotational motion video sequences, the proposed algorithm can reduce
required time for block matching computation ,while improving the accuracy of the electronic image stabilization.
Keywords: Electronic Image Stabilization Algorithm; Bit P la ne ; Block Matching; Hexagon Motion Estimation
At present, video signal acquisition system has been in-
stalled in the motive carrier, the strenuous exercise on the
carrier can cause jitter of the camera imaging. The elec-
tronic image stabilization is a new generation video sta-
bilization technology, which integrates electronics,
computers, digital signal processing and other technology.
It can be widely used in military and civilian, such as in
the automatic camera recognition system of the ve hicle
license. In the commonly used image stabilization algo-
rithm, the bit-plane method has characteristics such as
less computation, high accuracy and so on. It uses flat
images to replace the gray-scale images which can be
realized quickly binary matching, and then determine the
image motion vector. This reduces the computational
complexity of image processing, improved stability
speed, but the method exists defects when applied to the
image with a rotary motion. As for the problem, this pa-
per further integrate the the block matching method to
assess the rotary motion that may exist, on the basis of
using the bit-plane method to estimate the translational
motion of the video sequences, and thus to obtain a more
accurate image stabilization effect.
2.The bit-plane method
2.1.The plane decomposition and the Gray code
of bit-planes
The main idea of the bit-plane matching algorithm is
using plane images to replace the gray-scale images, in
order to achieve fast matching of the image block. Ac-
cording to the literature [1], on the (x, y) position of the
t-th frame of image sequences, which has 2k gray scale,
the pixel gray values can be expressed as:
1 10
1 10
() 2222
G x,ybbbb
= ×+×+ +×+×
In which
()G x,y
express the pixel gray values on the (x,
y) position, bk as a Boolean value, its value can be 0 or 1.
Thus, the Boolean matrix constituted by the k-th bit
plane of the image can be said as bk(x, y), each of these
values are 0 or 1, whic h can simplify the calculation. A
level corresponds to every bit plane, the level of the k-th
bit plane is 2k , thus a k-bit grayscale images can be re-
garded as constituted by k binary bit plane images bk(x,
y). For example, a 256 grayscale image, k = 8, after the
transformation of the bit-planes, you can get 8 levels of
bit plane, in which b0(x, y) rep resents the lowest level of
image pixels, while b8(x, y) represents the highest level
in the pixels, each plane describes only part of the image
information, the larger amount of information is co n-
tained in the high level bit plane.
As shown in Figure 1, we can get 8 bitmap by using bit
plane decomposition.
But it is noteworthy that, a flaw exists when using the
formula 1 to get a bit plane: tiny change of pixel gray
value may make an enormous impact on its bit plane
decomposition. For example, the gray level is 127, the
number of its bit is 01111111,128 is 10000000, the
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OJAppS
origin image1 image2 image
3 image4 image5 image
6 image7 image8 image
Figure 1 The bit-plane decomposition diagram
grayscale only differs one level but number of bits of the
eight bit plane are all different. Therefore, in order to
reduce impact when small gray value changes occur in
plane, we converse the bit values of the image before
matching, improve the highest k bit-planes using the
Gray Code [2], the conversion formula is as follows:
bi k-
gbbi k-
=⊕ ≤≤
Wher e
is the XOR operation, bi is the i-th Boolean
value in the above formula 1, so bi can be replaced by gi
in formula 1. By using Gray Code, adjacent digital only
differ in o ne bit. For example, when the gray level are
127 and 128, according to formula 2, their gra ysc a le are
01000000 and 11000000 respectively, so 127 and 128
adjacent gra y-scale only differ in one bit.
2.2.Bit-plane matching
After the above-mentioned plane extraction and
re-encode, the obtained plane can be used for image
matching. Assume that at the time t-1 ,the size of
matched block is in the reference frame ,the search area
for the current image is at the t - time, Select the k-th
bit-plane to match, as and respectively, and we can
get the bit-planes matching measure of the two images by
the following formula (3):
( )()()
k kk
Cm,nbx,yb xm,yn
= =
= ⊕++
Which in the video sequence,
C m,n
is the average
number of bits that do not match that between the search
area and matching region of the reference frame in the
current frame, the smallest value corresponds to the point
of best matching,(m, n) is the motion vector, its pointing
direction is the interface vector direction of movement,
and the angle is:
3.Hexagon search algorithm
Hexagonal matching algorithm is a coarse to fine search
method, it is improved by the Diamond Search Algorithm
(DS) and can further reduce the complexity of the search-
ing. It first began to match with the seven points (includ-
ing a search window center point), later select the match-
ing points for searching according to certain principles,
the diagram that how to choose the matching points for
searching is shown in Figure 2, and the search algorithm
described as follows:
Figure 2 Hexagonal search algorithm
As shown in Figure 2, the algorithm consists of two
kinds of search mode: sev en search points hexagon
search pattern (LHSP) and five search points of the small
diamond search pattern (SDSP), in which LHSP search
mode is used for coarse positioning and SDSP mode is
used for fine positioning. The search strategy is as fol-
lows :
(1) Use the LHSP in the search window center to
carry out a search, if the most small pieces of
distortion point (MBD) appear in the center
point of the LDSP, go to step (3), otherwise go
to step (2);
(2) Use the MBD point in the step (1) as the center
to continue the LHSP mode, if the MBD point
appears in the center , go to step (3), otherwise
repeat this step (2);
(3) Take the MBD point in the above step as the
center to c o ntinue SDSP search, further to find
the minimum block distortion point in a small
diamond-shaped template as the final match
The bit plane selection is import an t when matching. Se-
lect only a single plane to match will affect the matching
accuracy due to the limited information contained in the
i mage. However, introduction too much of matching
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OJAppS
plane, will affect the speed of matching. Therefore, each
step in the above search uses only one single plane, dif-
ferent search steps use different bit-planes, not only re-
tains a wealth of image information, but also does not
affect the speed of matching.
High-order bit plane contain the most on the vision very
important data, so the hexagonal search algorithm uses
4-th plane in step (1), 5-th plane in ste p (2), 6-th plane in
step (3) [3].
The above algorithm is based on an assumption that the
motion vector change is not very severe and the vertical
jitter is larger in the inter-frame . In response to the scene
that the ho r iz o nt al jitter accounts for the main probl ems,
hexagonal search pattern also provides another search
mode, shown in Figure 3. It can do selection depending
on the application characteristics, the algorithm is the
same with th
e above.
Figure 3 Hexagonal search patterns which emphasis on
horizontal jitter
4.The description of Image Stabilization
4.1.The motion model of image
The affine motion model is a two-dimensional motion
model which d escribes the translation and the rotational
motion of the object by linear transformation. In the
two-dimensional coordinate plane, points (xi, yi) rotates
the angle θ around the center, then gets the point (xj, yj)
by the following affine transformation formula:
cos sin
ysin cosy
 θ− θ
 
 θθ
If there are translational motions in the center, you can
use the following transformation formula to describe, in
where m and n are the displacement of the point in the
horizontal and vertical directio n.
cos sinm
ysin cosyn
 θ− θ
 
= +
 
 
 θθ
 
Where, when θ is a positive number, it represents the
counterclockwise rotation, and it represents a clockwise
rotation when θ is negative.
Based on the above affine transformation model, the ac-
tually captured global motion between consecutive two
images can be approximate manifested to the translation-
al motion and rotational motion around the optical axis:
in reference frame, coordinate points (xi, yi) beco mes (xj,
yj) after the angle θ of rotation, and then after a transla-
tional motion in the current frame, it becomes (xk, yk).
According to this model, we will compensate for the
translational motion and rotational motion in the follow-
4.2.Calculation of translation vector
Combine bit-plane matching with hexagon searching
strategy, select four 64 × 64 sub-images in the four cor-
ners of the image, match each sub-image to obtain local
motion vector, and finally derive global motion vector of
the image after median filteri ng. Algorithm can be rea-
lized only by using binary logical operations, which sig-
nificantly reduces the computation; the use of median
filtering, can also overcomes the unreliable local motion
vector which may bring impact to the global motion of
the image. θ is a very small rotation angle between two
consecutive frames in video sequences, and the image
gray value changes it brings is, Thus, bit-plane algorithm
can accurately calculate the image translational motion
vector Dx and Dy. Compensate the translational compo-
nent for the current image frame, there may be only rota-
tion vector difference between the compensated image
and the the reference frame, and the rotation center is in
the center of the image.
4.3.Calculation of rotation angle
The center of rotation is in the center of the image, so the
changes that brought by the rotary motion is the most
obvious at the edge of the image . Select a number of
small reference blocks at the edge of the reference frame
image, match them with the image block that has com-
pensated for translational motion so we can obtain trans-
lational motion vectors of the reference block due to the
rotation, and then combine with the center coordinates of
the reference block and the center coordinates of the en-
tire frame to determine the rotation angle. The specific
process is as follows.
In order to include regions that has rich-chan ge s in gray
level information, we firstly conduct Laplace transform
to the reference frame when selecting block, and then
select four points having a maximum of the gray value at
the edge of the transformed image, choose a small piece
of 8 × 8 taking these four points as the center. Figure 4
shows the rotation model.(xi, yi) is the center coordinates
of the reference frame matching block i, due to the rota-
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OJAppS
tion effects in the current frame, the center coordinates of
the matching block i becomes (xi ', yi '). Translational
motion vectors δx and δy can be obtained by above block
matching, and xi ' = xi +δx, yi ' = yi +δy. The following
inverse trigonometric functions can be used to calculate
the corresponding angle of (xi, yi):
qarctan xM
the corresponding angle of (xi ', yi '):
q 'arctanx' M
Where, (M / 2, N / 2) is the center coordinates of the im-
age. And the rotation angle of the matching block i is δθ i
= qi - qi '.
Perform median filtering to all rotation angle of the
matching block, we can estimate the rotation angle of the
entire image δθ. Rotate the current image frame, that has
been previously compensated for the translational motion,
reversely for further compensation, to make the final
image frame the translation and rotation corrected.
O(0,0) X
(xi ', yi ')
(xi, yi)
qi '
Figure 4 Offset angle calculation of image
To verify the validity of the algorithm, this experiment
adopt a continuous image of 320 × 256 pixels, select dif-
ferent frames of image sequences for four experiments.
Peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) reflects the maximum
signal to noise ratio between the reference image frame
and the current image frames, it is an objective evalua-
tion of stability in an image sequence. Once the PSNR
value is larger, the restored image is more close to the
original image. The expression of PSNR algorithm is as
255 255
in which:
[() ()]
Fx,yR x,y
= =
Where F (x, y,), R (x, y) indicates gray value of (x, y) in
the current image and reference image respectively, M ×
N indicates pixels of the image. The experimental results
of calculated set are shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Conparation of estimated motion vector and PSNR
of two
compe n-
sating for
compe n-
sating for
mo tion
using the
group 1
3 0 21.111 33.426 33. 812
group 2
3 0.005 21.285 32.231 32.996
group 1
2 0.223 23.696 25.013 28.915
group 2
2 -0.028 23.257 23.648 26.836
In the above four expe r i ments, Compar i ng the PSNR
before and after using bit plane algorithm for image sta-
bilization, the results show that it can accurately handle
the translational motion, but the image processing results
of the rotating movement are poor; but comparing the
PSNR values before and after using the improved algo-
rithm, the results show that the algorithm can not only
deal with translational motion, but also can effectively
make up the defects of rotational motion for the original
algorithm and improve the accuracy of image stabiliza-
Using block-matching algorithm to optimize the
bit-plane algorithm, This paper proposes an improved
electronic image stabilization algorithm. In all algorithm s
of electronic image stabilization based on
block-matching, full search block matching algorithm
can come up with the most accurate translation motion
vector, but also consume the large amount of calculation
and time . Diamond search algorithm (DS) is a widely
used block matching algorithm that can make balance
between accuracy and efficiency in the current; In this
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OJAppS
paper, compared with the diamond search algorithm, the
block matching algorithm based on the hexagon, reduces
the number of searching points (reduced from nine to
seven) under the premise of guarantee the accuracy, re-
sults in improved motion estimation speed, and further
red uc es the time of block matching and image stabiliza-
tion compensating. The experimental results show that
the improved image stabilization algorithm is a better
solution to the existence of rotational motion in the video
i mages, well meets the image stabilization demands
while ens ur in g the real-time performance, and also has a
good prospect of application.
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[2] Ko S J, Lee S H, Jeon S W, et al. Fast digital image stabi-
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Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Aug
[3] Yankun Wang and Liu Fang. Global motion estimation
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