Journal of Global Positioning Systems (2004)
Vol. 3, No. 1-2: 167-172
Real-time Experiment of Feature Tracking/Mapping using a low-cost
Vision and GPS/INS System on an UAV platform
Jonghyuk Kim, Matthew Ridley, Eric Nettleton1, and Salah Sukkarieh
ARC Centre of Excellence for Autonomous Systems, The University of Sydney, Australia
e-mail: {jhkim,m.ridley,salah} Tel: +61 ( 0)2 9351 8515; Fax: +61 (0) 2 9351 7 474,
1Advanced Information Processing Departme nt, Adv ance d Technology Centre , BAE Systems, UK
Received: 15 Nov 2004 / Accepted: 3 Feb 2005
Abstract. This paper presents the real-time results of an
air-to-ground feature tracking algorithm using a passive
vision camera and a low-cost GPS/INS navigation system
on a UAV (Uninhabited Air Vehicle) platform. The
vision payload is able to observe a number of ground
features, and the GPS/INS navigation system is used in
conjunction with a waypoints-based guidance and flight
control module. Due to limited processing resources, the
vision node employs a simple but fast method of point
based feature extraction algorithm. The feature tracking
performance is greatly affected by the accuracy of the on-
board navigation system. Conversely though, it can be
used as a performance indicator of the navigation filter by
comparing it with the truth feature location and some
simple geometry. This paper will present the results of
targeting performance against known location of features,
and hence verifying the accuracy of the real time
GPS/INS system
Key words: low cost GPS/INS, vision sensor, features
tracking, real-time navigation, UAV
1 Introduction
The multi-target (or multi-feature) tracking problem is to
track all features of interest within some accuracy, and
therefore build a picture of all objects in that area. It is an
integral part of surveillance systems employing one or
more sensors to interpret the environment. Typical on-
board sensor systems, such as radar, infrared, vision, and
vision laser provide measurements from features of
interest. There has been extensive research in the area of
multi-feature tracking. This work has concentrated on
topics such as computational efficiency, data association,
model accuracy, multiple-model techniques, multiple
hypothesis techniques and spatial representatio ns as in the
work of Blackman, 1999, and Bar-Shalom and Blair,
In real-world applications, however, the tracking
performance is not only affected by the tracking
algorithms but also by the accuracy of the on-board
navigation system. This is due to the feature registration
process. Even a small attitude error in the navigation
system can cause a significant deviation in the feature
location amplified by the range information. Hence most
commercial remote mapping/tracking systems are
equipped with a high-grade navigation system to
minimise the effects of the vehicle attitude error. If an
Uninhabited Air Vehicle (UAV) is used as the platform
for the feature-tracking, it poses greater restrictions due to
the availability of a compact, low-power navigation
system. Commercially available navigation systems for
UAVs are very limited or too expensive for most
academic research purposes.
This paper will present a cost-effective airborne feature-
tracking system by incorporating a low-cost inertial and
Global Positioning System (GPS) sensor for UAV
navigation, and by employing a low-cost passive vision
camera for feature observation. Figure 1 illustrates the
system architecture of the feature tracking/mapping
system for the Brumby, a UAV platform developed in the
University of Sydney. For the purpose of modularity and
scalability, the sensor node is designed in a decentralised
fashion, which allows it to be connected or disconnected
easily. The navigation solution is computed from the
flight control computer, which performs GPS/INS fusion,
and guidance and control for autonomous flight. The
168 Journal of Global Positioning Systems
sensor payloads connected to the vehicle bus use this
navigation solution for the feature tracking, radar gimbal
control, and time synchronisation.
Gui dance
Vehicle Bus
Fig. 1 Modular structure of t he fea tu re tracking and navigation sy st e m
Section 2 will present the vision system including the
sensor and tracking algorithm and Section 3 will provide
the GPS/INS integration. In Section 4, details of the flight
vehicle and on-board system will be presented. Section 5
will present the real-time flight results based on the
Brumby UAV, and then Section 6 will provide
conclusions and future work.
2 Vision System
2.1 Passive Vision Camera
An on-board vision sensor provides feature observations
to the feature-tracking computer. The vision system
makes use of a low cost, lightweight, monochrome CCS-
SONY-HR camera from Sony as shown in Figure 2. This
imaging sensor has a resolution of 600 horizontal lines
using a 12V power source. It has a composite video
output, which gives images at up to 50Hz, or 25Hz when
the images are interlaced. This occurs as the odd and even
lines are used to form separate images 20ms apart. The
vision sensor is mounted in the second payload bay of the
Brumby Mk-III, immediately behind the forward
bulkhead. The sensor is mounted pointing down as shown
in Figure 2.
Typical airborne images from this sensor are shown in
Figure 3. Artificial landmarks were placed on the ground
before flight. These are plastic sheets for easier
identification from the vision system. Due to limited
Fig. 2 Vision camera used (top) and body and camera frames whose x-
axis is aligned to point downward (bottom)
Fig. 3 Aerial images during flight test which show several white
artificial features as well as some natural features such as road, dam,
and trees.
processing resources, a simple but fast method of point
based feature extraction is employed. All pixels above a
threshold are converted into line segments. A range gate
Kim et al.: Real-time Experiment of Feature Tracking/Mapping using a low-cost Vision and GPS/INS System 169
performs data association on these segments and the
centre of mass of the pixels is obtained. The mass, aspect
ratio and density of the cluster of pixels is then utilised
for feature identification. The bearing and elevation to the
feature can then be generated. Although the vision sensor
does not provide range directly, an estimated value is
generated based on the known size of the features.
2.2 Feature Tracking Algorithm
The locations of the sensor and platform are provided
from the GPS/INS system through the vehicle bus. This
location information is used to convert all relative
observations to a global Cartesian frame in which
tracking takes place. This conversion is performed in the
sensor pre-processing stage, which makes the filter
observation model a simple linear model. In global
coordinates, the x and y position and velocity are
modelled as an integrated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process as
in paper by Stone et al, 1999. This process models the
velocity as Brownian motion, which can be bounded by
appropriate choice of the model parameter
. The z
position is modelled as a simple Brownian process. This
can be expressed as:
(1) ()() ()()kkkkk+= +xFxGw (1)
()()()()kkkk=+zHxv, (2)
where the state vector is
()()() () ()()
k xkxkykykzk=x
. (3)
The state transition matrix for this system is given by
(Ridley, 2002)
000 0
(1 )00
with v
being defined as t
−∆ using Brownian motion
To simplify the filter observation model, the sensor
observations in range, bearing and elevation are
converted into Cartesian coordinates
yz in a
global reference frame during the sensor pre-processing
stage. The observations are in the form
() T
kxyz=z, hence the observation matrix and
noise strength matrix are
()0 0 1 0 0, ()
xy xz
yx y yz
zx zyz
σσ σ
σσ σ
. (5)
The noise strength matrix are computed by using the
Jacobians of the polar to Cartesian transformation
function, hence it contains cross-correlation terms.
Using this feature model and vision observation model,
the tracking filter estimates the position and velocity of
the features on the ground. Data association between the
observation and feature are performed by using the
innovation gate method within the tracking filter.
3 Navigation System
3.1 Inertial Navigation
The inertial navigation algorithm is required to predict
the high-dynamic vehicle motions using the Inertial
Measurement Unit (IMU). In this implementation a
quaternion-based strapdown INS algorithm formulated in
earth-fixed tangent frame is used (Kim, 2004):
(1) (1)
() (1)[((1) ())
()( 1)]
() (1) (1)
−+ −∆
−+ −⊗
, (6)
where (), (), ()
kkkpvq represent position, velocity,
and quaternion respectively at discrete time k, t
is the
time for the position and velocity update interval,
nkq is a quaternion conjugate for the vector
represents a quaternion multiplication,
and ()
nkq is a delta quaternion computed from
gyroscope readings during the attitude update interval.
3.2 GPS/INS Integration
In the complementary GPS/INS architecture, the fusion
filter estimates the errors in INS by observing vehicle
170 Journal of Global Positioning Systems
states. Hence the state is defined as the error in the
position, velocity and attitude expressed in the navigation
() [()()()]
nn nT
kkkk=δxδpδvδψ. (7)
The system dynamic and observation equations in
discrete time can be written by
(1) ()()()()kkkkk+= +δxFδxGw (8)
()() ()()zkk kk=+δHδxv, (9)
where the system transition matrix, the system input-
noise matrix, and noise strength are given by (Kim,
00 I
Q0σ, (10)
with n
C being the direction cosine matrix formed from
the quaternion, f
σ and
σ representing noise strengths
of acceleration and rotation rate respectively. The GPS
observation is position and velocity, hence the
observation matrix becomes
(), ()p
⎣⎦ ⎣⎦
0I0 0σ. (11)
The filter input, ()kδz is formed by subtracting the
position and velocity of the GNSS from the INS indicated
position and velocity, and is then fed to the fusion filter to
estimate the errors in the INS.
The high-rate inertial navigation loop provides a
continuous navigation solution using the inertial
measurements and the filter estimates the inertial errors
whenever GPS information is available.
4 Physical System
4.1 UAV Platform
The ANSER (Autonomous Navigation and Sensing
Experiment Research) project was conducted with
multiple Brumby Mk III UAVs. Mk III offers a
maximum speed of 180 km/hr, and roll rate of up to 300
°/sec. The airframe is modular in construction to enable
the replacement or upgrade of each component. The
Brumby series UAVs are compared in Figure 4 and their
specifications are summarized in Table I. The Brumby
UAV is a delta fixed-wing, pusher aircraft. The delta
wing design requires no tail and is compact for a given
wing area and has a minimal component count. The
pusher design leaves a clear space in the nose for the
radar and other sensors. The engine is located at the back
and sensors in the front section of the aircraft stay free
from exhaust contamination. The larger and transparent
nose cone of the Mk III has a rear fairing to blend the
nose cone to the fuselage.
Tab. 1 The Brumby performance characteristics.
Model Engine Max Speed Payload Endurance
Mk-I 74cc 180km/h 5kg 20min
Mk-II 80cc 180km/h 14kg 20min
Mk-III 150cc 180km/h 20kg 45min
Fig. 5 Brumby UAV series: Mk I (left), Mk II (centre), Mk III (right),
Kim et al.: Real-time Experiment of Feature Tracking/Mapping using a low-cost Vision and GPS/INS System 171
4.2 On-board Computing System
The hardware of the feature-tracking and navigation
system are installed on the fuselage of the Brumby Mk
III. The embedded PC104 platform is used as a flight
control system performing navigation, guidance and
control by fusing data from the IMU, GPS receivers and
two tilt sensors. The IMU, from Inertial Science Inc., is
very light and has a small form-factor, which makes it
suitable for UAV applications. Two CMC Allstar GPS
receivers are stacked on the flight control computer with
the antennae installed on each of the wings. The vision
camera is installed next to the IMU to minimise the lever-
arm offset. The camera is connected to a secondary
PC104 vision computer which performs the feature
extraction and tracking tasks. Each computing node
communicates by the Ethernet bus.
Fig. 6. Flight control system with IMU (top left), tilt sensor (bottom
left), GPS (top right) and vision camera (centre).
5 Results
Intensive flight tests were performed to demonstrate the
ANSER program at the test site. The results shown in this
paper are from the real-time flight test on June 2002.
Figures 6 and 7 illustrate real-time feature observations,
which are converted from range, bearing and elevation to
Cartesian coordinates, then transformed to the navigation
frame. The real-time GPS/INS navigation solution is used
for the coordinate transformation. During level flight
paths, it can be observed that the x and y position of the
observed features are fairly close to the true feature
positions. This is firstly due to the high accuracy of the
bearing and elevation solution in the camera which was
0.16° and 0.12° respectively, and due to the consistent
accuracy in the navigation solution. During banking
however, large horizontal errors are introduced as can be
seen clearly in Figure 8. This is due to the large range
errors reflected in the horizontal plane. The range
information extracted based on the size of the feature
gives extremely poor quality information ranging from
20m to 100m. In addition, during the experiments the
GPS satellite coverage was quite poor, with only 6
satellites in view. When the aircraft banked it often lost
lock of some of these satellites, which degraded the
height estimate, and subsequently the estimated height of
the features. This highlights the importance of an accurate
estimate of the platform state in feature-tracking as any
error here will result in an error in the feature location.
During high banking lots of spurious observations, such
as water reflection, are detected. These can be seen in the
left corner of flight path and these cause the estimated
ranges to be extremely noisy and unreliable at banking.
Hence observations taken when the roll angle was greater
than 30° are discarded in the tracking system. The results
after this filtering still indicate that there are several
areas, particularly on the lower left side of the plot, where
clusters of observations are seen away from features.
Rather than being spurious observations, these are
actually natural features such as patches of sand
(Nettleton, 2003), which appear in the images very
similar to the artificial white features. They are detected
consistently during every flight.
Figures 8 and 9 show the tracked feature positions within
the vision node during the flight test. As the targets are
known to be stationary, the tracking process model is
tuned to decay velocity to zero in the filter prediction.
Therefore, the errors in velocity states are essentially zero
over the duration of the flight. The horizontal plot shows
feature positions during the first three rounds. The
estimated feature positions are close to the true positions,
but some covariance ellipses fail to include the true
position. The main reason is due to the poor range
performance coupled with the INS error especially in roll
angle. With successive observations of the feature, the
effect of the range error can be reduced. The final
tracking result after nine rounds shows that most of
estimated feature positions are within the 2σ uncertainty
boundary of the true position. These results show that the
low-cost GPS/INS navigation system developed can be
effectively used for the airborne feature -trac kin g pur pose .
6 Conclusions
This paper presented real-time results of the airborne
feature-tracking system on the UAV platform. The
system incorporated a cost effective vision system and
GPS/INS navigation system. The vision system provides
bearing and elevation observation as well as range
information based on known feature size information.
172 Journal of Global Positioning Systems
The feature position is computed using the GPS/INS
solution and then it is used as the observation of the
tracking filter. In spite of the large range error in the
vision and the low cost sensors used, the tracked feature
positions showed quite promising performance with
several metres in accuracy. This also validates the
accuracy of the on-board navigation system.
Fig. 7 Vision observations plo t t ed i n the navigation frame. Horizontal
feature position shows good p e rformance due to the accurate bearing
and elevation observation.
Fig. 8 3D-view of the vision observa tions in the navigation frame. The
vertical position shows large errors due to the poor range accuracy in
vision system.
Fig. 9 Feature tracking re s ul t o f final feature positions with 2σ
uncertainty ellipsoids. Observations when the aircraft is banking at
greater than 30deg are ignored in the tracking filter (plots from
Nettleton, 2003).
Fig. 9 Enhanced view of some fe at ures with 2σ uncertainty ellipsoids.
This work is supported in part by the ARC Centre of
Excellence programme, funded by the Australian
Research Council (ARC) and the New South Wales State
Government. The Autonomous Navigation and Sensing
Experimental Research (ANSER) Project is funded by
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(2002): Tracking in Decentralised Air-Ground Sensing
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