Creat ive Educati on
2012. Vol.3, Supplement, 86-89
Published Online December 2012 in SciRes ( DO I:10.4236/ce.2012.38b019
Copyright © 2012 SciRes.
Information Visualization (IV) Applic a tion for Information
Acquisition based on Visual Perception
Norasiki n Fabil1, Zawawi Ismail2, Zarina Shukur3, Shahrul Azman Mohd. Noah3,
Juhana Sa li m3
1Islamic Science University of Malaysia
2University of Malaya, Malaysia
3National University of Malaysia
Received 20 1 2
Information Visualization (IV) is a current field that has the potential to develop methods of accessing,
proc essing and mana ging of infor mation (Chen & C zerwinski , 2000 ). IV applica tions are develop ed as a
learning tool due to the t echnique of IV being capable of imp roving the understanding proces s through the
use of vis uals. In addit ion, IV applic ations are al so abl e to manage the several dat a sources and comp lex
concepts in learning activities. IV techniq ues are useful for information a cquisition a nd learni ng activit ies.
Based on t he theor y of visual per cepti on, this study pr oduces a des ign of IV appli cation. The design sup-
port s a partic ular unders tanding of the visua l acc ordance wit h data of the hadith en vironment . Bala nce to
the vis ual design c an build a good human per ceptua l syst em to unders tand the concepts and interp ret in-
format i on mor e eas i ly and a c c urat ely. The f i ndings of the s tud y sho w t he good i nt erp r eta t ion a nd t he high
scor e of resp ondent s’ a chi evement t owar d us ing t he a p pli ca tion. This res ult indi c ates t hat t he c ontr ib uti on
of visual perception theory as the design of the IV application can create a better visual perception and
enhance the quality and q uantity of the information.
Key words: Visual; Visual Perception Theory; Information Visualization (IV)
Visuals have become important in communicating informa-
tion in various fields. The field of advertising uses visuals as an
agent to convey information effectively. Similarly, the fields of
medicine, management and business are using visual materials
as a tool in their operations. Similarly, in education, visuals
play a ver y important role in teaching and learning as a tool for
information, motivation and explanation.
In the past, the use of visual was limited to printed materials;
technology is a catalyst for change and development in the
visual presentation of information and knowledge. Technology
makes visual communication devices impart information and
knowledge more quickly and effectively. The technology exists
to build an environment that is more interesting and interactive
in order to increase the ability of sensory points to identify
rapidly and easily scan through a visual display with visual
characteristics of good shape, color and composition.
This introduction shows the growing use of visuals to fulfill
various needs and interests. Visuals are not only seen as inter-
esting, they facilitate the acquisition and understanding of in-
formation in a shorter period. Use of visual is built on the
theory that supports the use of faster and more effective
processing. This paper discusses the study of using Information
Visualization (IV) application based on visual perception
theory that supports a better acquisition of information in
teaching and learning purposes.
Purpose o f Study
The aimed of this study is to study the usability of IV appli-
cation for using in Science of Hadith and to eval uate the effect
of visual perception towards using of the application.
Background of the Study
The visuals advantages and requirements for information
acquisition in Science of Hadith are discusses as the back-
ground of study. The visuals contribute the design of IV appli-
cation and create a better visual perception and understanding
of the information inside of the application.
Visuals Ability
Visuals play a leading role in the dissemination of informa-
tion and knowledge. Visuals can be used to convey an existing
idea or to create, produce and cover new ideas. Visuals also
enabl e abstract information to be conveyed more cle ar ly.
Based on the use of visuals to represent and present informa-
tion, visuals are usually used to describe visual concepts, ideas
and processes. Even the visual splendor can be used to stimu-
late in terest and effective under s tan ding.
Spence (2001) gave a few ideas to state the advantages of
visuals, including:
Visuals are tools for exploiting human perception.
• Visual perception is a powerful and rapid exploitation.
• Visual able to chan ge t he structur e of the task.
Visual cognitive change can happen to a perception by
• Perception by the perception that happens involves interac-
tion between peop le and to create a visual rep resentatio n of the
Copyright © 2012 SciRes.
internal view and develop an understanding of information and
knowledge to be transferred.
Visual is a crystallization of information.
Visual Represent the Data of Applicat ion
In this study, visual ability is adapted to the environment of
science of hadith. The focus is on the narrators of Hadith who
present material (content of Hadith) and the sanad or chain of
transmission or link between the narrators of Hadith (Atikullah,
2005; Nawer, 2003; Subhi Salih, 1993).
At present, knowledge of hadith related information may be
obtained in writing or electronically. But technology use in
hadith sciences is still relatively limited. Material is relatively
easily avail able in el ectronic for m. Source of d ata on th e narra-
tor is still limited. Information can be obtained on a variety of
narrators in the dictionary of narrators. While the relationship
with the Hadith is something to be achieved through the Hadith
books such as Sahih Muslim and Sahih al-Bukhari, information
and chain of transmission (sanad) occurs through many narra-
tors and their relationship is quite complex. The complex
process of data acquisition took a long time. But in this study,
the use of visual presentation of information is designed to
reflect the knowledge of Hadith transmission.
Borner et al. (2003) states that the traditional method makes
it difficult for members of that knowledge to sort data based on
the literature. Traditional methods involve time and increase
errors and data duplication. Small (2000) also stated that the
intersection of disciplines shows sensitivity to the wider review
of the creative imagination and manipulation of external infor-
mation or information in other fields to solve an existing prob-
lem. The effort in the acquisition of knowledge of hadith is seen
as an effort to preserve the well-protected sanad based on love
for the traditions of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon
This stu dy suggests t hat each image of th e obj ect is seen with
its own set of visual features. Differences in feature set of ob-
jects have great impact on the identification of an object. Ob-
jects that have different features to help the identification are
proces sed much faster. Th e resea rcher b elieves th at in l ine with
the view of Healey (2007), development of information visua-
lization application need to take into account the interests of
Theory of Visual Perception that show a high contribution in
influencing the process of identifying visual images seen.
This study suggests that appropriate visual design can assist
in the identification and perception of visual information via the
visualization application. Visual design can affect components
of the human visual system capable of low level visual identi-
fication on a regular and accurate rate of visual basic characte-
ristics such as color, shape and line.
The usability testing of heuristic (Hui, 2002) are the metho-
dology of this study. According to Hui (2002), usability is a
part of system acceptability however usability is more focused
on the interface of system. Meanwhile, heuristic is one of the
methods of system evaluation bases on expert evaluation that
focus on the system design with the usability principles. This
study uses the adaptation of usability testing and heuristic as
suggested by Hui that mentioned adaptation of evaluation me-
thod is needed to evaluate the applicat ion.
There are 8 metrics of heu ristic evaluation whi ch are system
interaction, conciseness, retention, coherence, consistency,
comprehensibility, fit for audience and fit for purpose. For this
study, the evaluation basis on the visual design is stated in the 5
metrics o f heurist ic which are co n ciseness, retent ion, coher ence,
consistency, comprehensibility as shown in Table 1.
There are t wo types o f instru ments which are surve y tow ar d s
the visual design of the application after using the application
and observation form towards the reflection on their learning
process using the application. This study involves 241 students
as respondents to respond on the metric of heuristic. Meanwhile,
20 of them are selected by randomly as respondents to respond
on the effect of visual design toward learning science of hadith
Application Design of Visual Perception Theory
The application design images be used to help people com-
pare the target i mage with t he image environment. Humans also
make comparisons based on the characteristics belonging to a
visibl e image. Ther e are visual in terp retatio n process es that can
be done more quickly and effectively based on the design of
image development. This study suggests that appropriate design
be developed to suit the type of data in the field of Hadith. The
appl ication u ses a different image and in l ine with th e objecti ve
of development of the application it can help identify and make
reference in the interpretation of the narrator and the chain of
transmission sanad as example shows in Fig ure 1 .
This paper discusses two types of finding. The first finding
discusses on the usability of the Hadith visualization applica-
tion basis on the 5 metrics of heuristic which are conciseness,
retention, coherence, consistency, comprehensibility. The
second finding discusses on the effect of learning science of
hadith knowledge using the Hadith visualization application.
Tabl e 1.
Metrics of heuristic for usability evaluations.
No Metrics of Heuristic Desc ription
1. Conciseness
The chain of the narrator s stated
prec i se l y although na r r a tor have
ove r l a p sanad an d hadit h. Information
displayed naturally according to hadith
2. Retention
Information displayed use a simple
representati on for example showing
relationship between narrators use initial
name, arrow mark and colou r to
facilitate data mapping in mind.
3. Coherence
Different window have the continuity of
information. This continuity facilitates
data a chievement , u nd e rstan dable, clear
and easy to get overall ide a from the
4. Consistency Icon us age and the same features of data
representation fa cilita t e u se r u n de rstan d
application without any confusion.
5. Comprehensi bility
Interface of application is readily
understandable. Visual design support
comprehension process and cha in pattern
of the sa nad in ha dith dom ain.
Copyright © 2012 SciRes.
Figure 1.
Inter f ace of the IV application.
Table 2 shows the result of usability evaluation of Hadith
visualization application based on the heuristic metric. There
are 20 items consists in the 5 metrics. Each of the metrics is
measuring the application design and the interface of the appli-
The finding shows interpretation of overall mean is strongly
agreed ( mean = 4.2). The result shows that respondents strongly
agreed the uses of hadith visualization application basis on the
visual d esign. Th e first of heu ristic is co ncisen ess (mean = 4.16)
mean that the visual design of the application shows the chain
of the narrators stated precisely although the narrators have re-
ceived more than one hadiths. The heuristic of retention (mean
= 4.25) shows the visual design is simple representation but
strongly facilitate data mapping in mind. Meanwhile coherence
(mean = 4.14) shows the application design have the continuity
of information that facilitates data achievement, understandable,
clear and easy to get overall id ea fro m the display. Consistency
(mean = 4.17) shows respondents strongly agreed the visual
design of icon and feature of data representation facilitate user
understand application without any confusion. The fifth of heu-
ristic met r ic compreh ensibility scored the highest (mean = 3.21)
shows the int erface o f applic ation is readily understandable where
visual design support comprehension process and chain pattern
of the sanad in hadith domain.
For the second finding, 20 of the respondents are selected by
randomly to respond on the effect of learning Science of Hadith
using the Hadith application visualization. The students have
used the application and answered the questions related to data
of the application orally. A schedule of observation is used as
instrument to analyze the respondents’ achievement as the ef-
fect of le arning science of hadith knowledge using the applica-
Table 3 shows the high score (overall mean = 4.95) of res-
pondents’ achievement in learning Science of Hadith using the
application. This result indicates the hadith visualization appli-
cation has affected the learning process. The respondents have
produced the best attention, recognition and memorize the data
of the sanad and narrators using the application. In addition this
result indicated the visual design based on the theory of visual
perception is accordance with data of the hadith environment.
The visual designs of the application have built a good human
perceptual application for the students to understand the con-
cepts and interpret information of the sanad and narrators easily
and accurately.
Tabl e 2.
Findin g of usability evaluations.
Metrics of Heuristic M ean Interpretation
Conciseness 4.16 Strongly agreed
Retention 4.25 Strongly agreed
Coherence 4.14 Strongly agree d
Consistency 4.1 7 Strongly agreed
Comprehensibility 4.31 Strongly agreed
Overall mea n 4.20 St rongly agreed
Tabl e 3.
Findings on respondents’ achievement toward application.
Items 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% Me an
Identify the sanad 0
0% 0
0% 0
0% 1
5% 19
95% 4.95
Make an overall analysis
using visual sample given 0
0% 0
0% 0
0% 2
10% 18
90% 4.9
Identify the narrator 0
0% 0
0% 0
0% 0
0% 20
100% 5
Identify the informa tion of
narrato r 0
0% 0
0% 0
0% 0
0% 20
100% 5
Doing analysis of the
narrator’s information 0
0% 0
0% 0
0% 0
0% 20
100% 5
Identify the relationship
betw e en the narrato r
(sender and retriever)
0% 0
0% 0
0% 0
0% 20
100% 5
Identify the narrator based on
the total of narratored hadith 0
0% 0
0% 0
0% 0
0% 20
100% 5
Analysis of the sanad’s chains
based on the nar rator 0
0% 0
0% 0
0% 1
5% 19
95% 4.95
Remember the inf o rmation
of narrator 0
0% 0
0% 1
5% 1
5% 18
90% 4.85
Remember the sana d 0
0% 0
0% 1
5% 2
10% 17
85% 4.8
Overall mean 4.95
Copyright © 2012 SciRes.
Discussion and Conclusion
The emergences of IV applications are managed to handle
the huge data sources and complex concepts in learning activi-
ties. Furthermore, application of visualization is useful for ac-
quisition of information and learning activities. This study in-
dicated that visual design in application visualization based on
the Theory of Visual Perception supports a particular under-
stand ing of the visual in the application. The visualization ap-
plication provides the pattern of the data to make the students
understand the concepts and interpret information more easily
and accurately which as mentioned by Rheingans and Ebert
(2001). This study also synchronizes with Healey (2007) where
the understanding of human perception can enhance the quality
and quantity of the information.
Based on the capability of human visual perception, this
study suggests the design that is appropriate with the objectives
of visualization itself, namely to allow in depth vision and not
just peripheral vision. In-depth vision means the visual can give
information that is clear, integrated and contributes to deci-
sion-making. This study contributes the suggestion of using
information visualization in domain knowledge of Sciences of
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