Vol.2, No.9, 1054-1064 (2010) Health
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Interactive effect of combined exposure to ethylene
glycol ethers and ethanol on hematological
parameters in rats
Andrzej Starek1, Katarzyna Miranowicz-Dzierżawska2*, Beata Starek-Świechowicz1
1Department of Biochemical Toxicology, Medical College, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
2Department of Chemical and Aerosol Hazards, Laboratory of Toxicology, Central Institute for Labour Protection—National Research
Institute, Warsaw, Poland; *Corresponding Author: kamir@ciop.pl
Received 23 April 2010; revised 14 May 2010; accepted 16 May 2010.
The study of the interaction of three glycol ethers,
i.e. 2-methoxyethanol (ME), 2-ethoxyethanol (EE)
and 2-butoxyethanol (BE) administered subcu-
taneously for 4 weeks and ethanol simultane-
ously given as 10% w/v solution for drinking in
male rats, was carried out from a toxicodynamic
point of view. Administered alone, ME (2.5 and
5.0 mM/kg), EE (2.5 and 5.0 mM/kg) or BE (0.75
and 1.25 mM/kg) resulted in a decrease of red
blood cells (RBC), packed cell volumes (PCV),
and hemoglobin concentration (HGB), as well as
an increase in mean corpuscular volume (MCV)
and reticulocyte count (Ret). In the rats co-ex-
posed to ethanol and EGAEs, a significantly less
pronounced hematological changes in compa-
rison with animal exposed to these ethers alone
were seen. The rats simultaneously exposed to
ethanol and both ME and EE at the lower dose
demonstrated mainly protection from the al-
terations in leukocyte system. In contrast, in the
rats which consumed ethanol and were simul-
taneously treated with the higher dose of ME or
EE (5.0 mM/kg) the amelioration of same hema-
tological parameters were displayed. The intake
of ethanol along with BE treatment at both
doses resulted in markedly ameliorated hema-
tological parameters, compared to those which
were changed by BE alone. In conclusion, the
decrease of the hemolytic effects of EGAEs is
ethanol dependent. Ethanol is a substrate of
alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), and affinity of
this enzyme to ethanol is greater than that to
glycol ethers. It is possible that ethanol results
in the change in EGAEs metabolism.
Keywords: Ethylene Glycol Alkyl Ethers; Ethanol;
Repeated Exposure; Toxicodynamic Interactions
Ethylene glycol alkyl ethers (EGAEs), i.e., 2-methoxye-
thanol (ME), 2-ethoxyethanol (EE), and 2-butoxyethanol
(BE) are extensively used as water-miscible organic
solvents in industrial and household applications. Inges-
tion, inhalation, and/or dermal absorption of these com-
pounds may lead to adverse testicular, teratogenic and
hematological effects in animals and humans. These
ethers may cause local toxicity, i.e., skin irritation and
sensitization in susceptible humans [1] and also, sys-
temic toxicity. The primary systemic toxicity of these
chemicals in animals include reproductive, developmen-
tal and hematological effects [2-6]. Similar effects have
been observed in exposed workers. The hematological
toxicity of ME resulted in marrow depression, leuko-
penia, pancytopenia, and decreased red blood cells count
(RBC), hemoglobin concentration (HGB), and platelet
count [7,8]. Shih et al. [9] showed that the HGB, packed
cell volume (PCV), and RBC in male workers exposed
to ME for 2.6 years were significantly lower relative to
controls. Also, the frequency of anemia in the exposed
group (26.1%) was significantly higher, with respect to
their corresponding control group (3.2%). Moreover, RBC
was significantly negatively associated with air concen-
trations of ME, whereas HGB, PCV, and RBC were
negatively correlated with urinary concentrations of me-
thoxyacetic acid (MAA), a metabolite of ME. These
hematological effects were reversible, and they had re-
turned to normal after reduction in ME exposure [10].
Other survey of male shipyard painters exposed to
mixed solvents containing EE acetate suggests that this
compound might be toxic to bone marrow [11], whereas
in female workers chronically exposed to high concen-
trations of EE, average RBC and HGB levels were nor-
A. Starek et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 1054-1064
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
mal [12]. In male workers exposed to low concentration
of BE, a statistically significant decrease in PCV value
and an increase in mean cell hemoglobin concentration
(MCHC) value were observed [13].
EGAEs can produce toxicity following oxidation to
the corresponding aldehyde and alkoxyacetic acid by
alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH; EC and aldehyde
dehydrogenase (ALDH; EC, respectively. Both
the alkoxyacetaldehyde and alkoxyacetic acid metabolites
of the EGAEs are considered to be toxic agents [14,15].
The metabolic activation of EGAEs by ADH and
ALDH leads to the appearance of their toxic effects
[16,17] . Butoxyacetic acid (BAA), a metabolite of BE,
is thought to be a more efficacious hemolytic agent than
the parent compound in vitro, and causes similar hemo-
lytic changes in vivo [17,18].
The inhibition of ADH by pyrazole or 4-methylpyra-
zole is known to decrease the hemolytic effect of BE
[17,19] and the urinary excretion of BAA [16,17]. The
simultaneous administration of BE with ethanol,
n-propanol or n-butanol to rats almost totally inhibited
the hemolytic effect of this chemical, and decreased the
urinary excretion of BAA. In contrast, the co-adminis-
tration of ethanol with ME did not modify the urinary
excretion of MAA, but induced accumulation of this
metabolite in rats [20,21]. These data mainly arise from
acute experiments.
This study presents the results of an investigation into
hematological changes in peripheral blood of rats simul-
taneously exposed to EGAEs and ethanol for 28 days.
Ethanol and other primary alcohols are used in industrial
solvent compositions containing glycol ethers and are
metabolized by ADH and ALDH.
In addition, the excessive consumption of ethanol by a
large part of the workers may lead to interactions with
2.1. Chemicals
ME, EE, and BE were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich
Ltd, Poland. Other chemicals were obtained from POCh
(Poland). ME, EE, and BE solutions were prepared in
saline, immediately before dosing, and administered to
rats by subcutaneous injections in a fixed volume of 2.0
ml/kg body weight, regardless of a dose.
2.2. Experimental Animals
Experiments were performed on 12-week-old male Wis-
tar rats (Krf: (WI)WUBR), with an initial body weight of
319 ± 22.4 g, and obtained from Jagiellonian University
Faculty of Pharmacy Breeding Laboratory (Kraków, Po-
land). The animals were kept under standard laboratory
conditions (temperature 21 ± 2˚C; relative humidity 50 ±
10%) with a 12 h:12 h (light:dark) cycle and had free
access to drinking water free of ethanol or 10% w/v
ethanol solution, and standard pellet Murigran chow
(Agropol, Motycz, Poland) during the experimental pe-
2.3. Experimental Design
The rats were randomly divided into fourteen groups of
five animals each. The rats (six groups) had free access
to drinking water and were treated with ME, and EE at
doses of 2.5, and 5.0 mM/kg or BE at doses of 0.75, and
1.25 mM/kg, 5 days per week, for 4 weeks. Control rats
(one group) received drinking water at libitum.
An ethanol groups (six groups) had free access to an
aqueous solution of ethanol (10% w/v solution of recti-
fied spirit POLMOS, Poland) as the only drinking fluid
and were treated by subcutaneous injections with ME,
EE or BE at the doses mentioned above. Control rats
(one group) drank 10% w/v ethanol, but were not ex-
posed to ME, EE or BE.
The rats were observed daily and were weighed once
weekly, whereas the consumption of an aqueous solution
of ethanol and food was measured daily during the
whole experiment.
Before experiment, during exposure and after its ter-
mination, i.e., at 0, 4, 11, 18, and 29 day, blood samples
from the tail vein of rats were collected for hematologi-
cal analyses.
The study was accepted by the Local Ethical Com-
mittee for animal experiments in Kraków. Procedures
involving the animals and their care conformed to the
institutional guidelines, in compliance with national and
international laws and Guidelines for the Use of Animals
in Biomedical Research.
2.4. Hematological Analyses
Heparin-added whole blood samples, immediately after
collection, were used for hematological analyses. RBC,
PCV, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), HGB, MCHC,
and mean cell hemoglobin (MCH) were analyzed by
means of a COBAS MICROS (Roche, Palo Alto, CA,
USA) analyzer. Reticulocyte count (Ret) was evaluated
after staining blood samples (without anticoagulant) with
brilliant-cresol blue. White blood cells (WBC) were
counted by a hemacytometer after diluting the fresh
blood samples (without anticoagulant) by Türk’s reagent
solution. The differential white cell count was evaluated
after Pappenheim-stained blood films.
Hematological analyses were systematically checked
by means of standard human blood CBC-3D Hematol-
ogy Control (R&D System Inc., Minneapolis. MN, USA).
A. Starek et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 1054-1064
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
A day-to-day precision of RBC, PCV, and MCV meas-
urement (n = 30) in blood was 4.2, 4.5, and 4,4%, re-
2.5. Statistical Analyses
Results are expressed as the mean ± SD. Data were ana-
lyzed by two-way analysis of variance with repeated
measurements on one factor and evaluation of simple
effects (MANOVA). The analysis was performed with
the SPSS 12.0 statistical packet (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL,
USA). For comparison of exposed groups with control
group and exposed groups to ME, EE or BE alone with
groups simultaneously treated with these compounds and
ethanol at each point of time, one-way analysis of vari-
ance (ANOVA) followed by Dunnett test was used.
Probabilities lower than 0.05 were considered signifi-
Ethanol intakes in the ethanol alone and co-exposed to
ethanol and EGAEs groups were similar, when ex-
pressed in mM/kg b.w./24 h (Table 1).
Control rats consumed in average 59.6 ± 9.3 g/kg
b.w./24 h of Murigran food during the 4 week experi-
ment. The food consumption in the ethanol group and in
the co-exposed to ethanol and ME at a dose of 2.5
mM/kg group was similar to that of the control rats. In
other co-exposed groups, simultaneously treated with
ethanol and EGAEs, the food intake was significantly
diminished by mean 31% in comparison to the control
group (Table 1).
Body weight gain in both control and ethanol-drinking
groups was similar. An increase in the body weight, at
the end of exposure, in ethanol-drinking rats and simul-
taneously treated with ME, and EE at a dose of 2.5
mM/kg or exposed to BE at a dose of 0.75 mM/kg was
significantly lower in comparison to both control and
ethanol groups. The rats co-exposed to ethanol and ME
or EE at a dose of 5.0 mM/kg and BE at a dose of 1.25
mM/kg lost weight by 42.7 ± 5.1, 28.0 ± 6.2, and 11.0 ±
0.6 g, respectively (Table 1).
3.1. Hematological Changes
The consumption of ethanol alone for 4 weeks had no
effect on hematological parameters. ME administration
at doses of 2.5 and 5.0 mM/kg resulted in a decrease of
RBC, PCV, and HGB that occurred from 11th day of
exposure to its termination and in an increase in the Ret
exclusively at the end of exposure. At the end of ex-
periment, i.e., on day 29, the greatest changes of RBC,
PCV, HGB, and Ret were observed (Figure 1). These
hematological parameters demonstrated dose, both dose
and time, and time dependence.
In the rats co-exposed to ethanol and ME, signifi-
cantly less pronounced hematological changes were seen,
mainly in HGB, PCV and MCH (Figure 1).
Hematological changes in the peripheral blood of rats
treated with EE alone were less pronounced than those
after ME administration. The lower dose of this com-
pound (2.5 mM/kg) resulted only in a decrease of HGB
and an increase of MCV on days 11 and 18 of experi-
ment. The higher dose of EE (5.0 mM/kg) led to a sig-
nificant decrease in RBC, PCV, HGB, as well as to an
increase in MCV and Ret for most of the exposure time.
These hematological changes demonstrated dose de-
pendence and both dose and time, and time independ-
ence (Figure 2).
In the rats simultaneously treated with EE at the
higher dose (5.0 mM/kg) and ethanol, RBC, PCV, and
Table 1. Effects of ethylene glycol alkyl ethers on an average ethanol and food consumption and body weight gain in rats.
Group Ethanol intake
(mM/kg b.w./24 h)
Food intake
(g/kg b.w./24 h)
Body weight gain
(g/4 weeks)
Control1 59.6 ± 9.3 +24.3 ± 0.9
10% Ethanol 123.1 ± 18,9 52.3 ± 6.2 +23.0 ± 0.8
ME (2.5 mM/kg) + 10% ethanol 90.3 ± 20,0 55.5 ± 8.7 +2.4 ± 0,2*
ME (5.0 mM/kg) + 10% ethanol 115.0 ± 23.9 36.6 ± 3.9* –42.7 ± 5.1*
EE (2.5 mM/kg) + 10% ethanol 136.7 ± 1.9 42.7 ± 3.4* +4.0 ± 0.4*
EE (5.0 mM/kg) + 10% ethanol 145.3 ± 16.0 39.2 ± 5.8* –28.0 ± 6.2*
BE (0,75 mM/kg) + 10% ethanol 130.0 ± 3.1 42.3 ± 3.7* +4.0 ± 0.1*
BE (1,25 mM/kg) + 10% ethanol 124.0 ± 6.2 43.2 ± 4.1* –11.0 ± 0.6*
1The rats had free access to drinking water. Values are the means ± SD of 5 animals/group. p < 0.05 compared to control (*) and ethanol (†) group.
A. Starek et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 1054-1064
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Figure 1. Effects of ethanol (EtOH) consumption on RBC (a), PCV (b), HGB (c), MCH (d) and Ret (e) values of the
peripheral blood at the designated time points of male rats treated with methoxyethanol (ME) at doses 2.5 mM/kg b.w.
or 5.0 mM/kg b.w. The values are means SD of five rats, *—P 0,05 significantly different from control rats;
P 0,05 significantly different from rats treated with ME alone.
A. Starek et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 1054-1064
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Figure 2. Effects of ethanol (EtOH) consumption on RBC (a), PCV (b), HGB (c), MCV (d) and Ret (e)
values of the peripheral blood at the designated time points of male rats treated with ethoxyethanol (EE) at
doses 2.5 mM/kg b.w. or 5.0 mM/kg b.w. The values are means SD of five rats, *—P 0.05 significantly
different from control rats; —P 0.05 significantly different from rats treated with EE alone.
A. Starek et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 1054-1064
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
HGB at day 4, and HGB at day 11, were significantly
higher than in the rats exposed to EE alone. These pa-
rameters did not differ in comparison to the control
group (Figure 2).
BE administration at doses of 0.75 and 1.25 mM/kg
resulted in a decrease in RBC, PCV, and HGB and an
increase in MCV, and Ret. The greatest changes of RBC,
PCV, and HGB were observed at day 4 of experiment,
whereas other hematological alterations (MCV, and Ret)
showed a maximum on day 11 of the exposure. The
changes in RBC, MCV, and Ret during exposure period
were persistent, whereas alterations in PCV, and HGB
independently on duration of exposure, were reversible
(Figure 3).
In the rats co-exposed to BE and ethanol, the values of
RBC, PCV, and HGB were significantly higher, whereas
MCV, and Ret were markedly lower in comparison to
the rats treated with BE alone (Figure 3). Some of he-
matological parameters (HGB, MCV, and MCHC) in
rats exposed to BE at a lower dose (0.75 mM/kg) and
ethanol were similar to those in the control group.
3.2. Leukocyte Alterations
The leukocyte counts were markedly reduced at each
dose of ME from the 4th day of exposure to its termina-
tion. These alterations were caused by a decrease mainly
in the number of lymphocytes. Also, reductions in num-
ber of neutrophils in rats treated with ME at a dose of
5.0 mM/kg at days 11 and 18 of the experiment were
observed. Both leukocyte and lymphocyte alterations at
a dose of 5.0 mM/kg demonstrated dose, dose and time,
and time dependence (Figure 4).
The rats simultaneously exposed to ethanol and the
lower dose of ME (2.5 mM/kg) showed a lack of changes
in both leukocyte and lymphocyte counts in comparison
to control group at days 11, and 18 of the experiment.
The number of lymphocytes in those animals at days 18
and 29 of the experiment was significantly lower than in
the control group, but statistically higher in comparison
to the rats treated with ME alone. In the rats co-exposed
to ethanol and the higher dose of ME (5.0 mM/kg), the
leukocyte and lymphocyte counts were significantly di-
minished in comparison to the control group, but very
similar as in the group exposed to ME alone. Also, the
reduction of the number of neutrophils at days 11, 18,
and 29 was observed (Figure 4).
No significant leukocyte and lymphocyte alterations
in rats exposed to EE at a dose of 2.5 mM/kg were ob-
served. In the rats treated with EE alone at the higher
dose (5.0 mM/kg) the leukocyte counts at day 4 and 18
of the experiment were statistically lower than in the
control group. The number of lymphocytes in these rats
was reduced in comparison to the control group during
the whole of exposure period (Figure 5).
The number of both leukocytes and lymphocytes in
the rats co-exposed to EE at a dose of 2.5 mM/kg and
ethanol only at day 4 of the experiment was significantly
higher in comparison to group treated with EE alone. In
the rats simultaneously exposed to ethanol and EE at the
higher dose (5.0 mM/kg) the leukocyte counts on day 4,
and the number of lymphocytes on days 4, and 29 were
significantly lower than in the control group (Figure 5).
BE alone had no effect on leukocyte and lymphocyte
counts in peripheral blood in rats treated at the dose of
0.75 mM/kg and 1.25 mM/kg for 28 days.
In the rats simultaneously exposed to ethanol and BE
at the dose of 0.75 mM/kg and 1.25 mM/kg the number
of both leukocytes and lymphocytes in peripheral blood
were similar as in the control group.
The aim of the present work was to assess the effect of
ethanol drinking on hemolytic action of EGAEs in rats.
The experimental protocol applied in this experiment
aimed at the constitution of a model of conditions that
may take place in human life.
The treatment with ethanol may be tantamount to its
misuse in man. The daily consumption of ethanol in the
rats drinking 10% (w/v) water solution of ethanol was
equivalent to about 0.7 l/day of 40% vodka in men [22].
Since the rate of ethanol oxidation in rats (0.3 g/kg/h) is
three times faster than in humans, these animals needed
a higher dose of ethanol to produce comparable toxic
The rats simultaneously treated with EGAEs and
ethanol consumed similar quantity of ethanol as in the
control group. Food intake in these animals was dimin-
ished in each experimental group in relation to both con-
trol and ethanol groups. The reduction in food intake
was most pronounced at the highest dose of ME, EE, and
BE, i.e., 5.0, 5.0, and 1.25 mM/kg, respectively. The
growth retardation in rats simultaneously exposed to
EGAEs and ethanol was observed. It was most likely to
be caused by the reduced food consumption observed in
these animals. Although ethanol has been reported to
cause anorexia and weight loss [23,24], it seems that
EGAEs alone may be one of the main reasons for retar-
dation of body weight gain. The body weight alterations
observed previously in rats exposed to EGAEs alone [6]
seem to confirm of this suggestion.
In the present study, it was found that subcutaneous
repeated administration of each of three EGAEs led to
distinct hematological alterations. These alterations were
evidenced by reduction in RBC, PCV, and HGB, and
also by an increase in MCV value and Ret in peripheral
A. Starek et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 1054-1064
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Figure 3. Effects of ethanol (EtOH) consumption on RBC (a), PCV (b), HGB (c), MCV (d) and Ret (e) values of the
peripheral blood at the designated time points of male rats treated with buthoxyethanol (BE) at doses 0.75 mM/kg b.w.
or 1.25 mM/kg b.w. The values are means SD of five rats, *—P 0,05 significantly different from control rats;
P 0.05 significantly different from rats treated with BE alone.
A. Starek et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 1054-1064
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Figure 4. Effects of ethanol (EtOH) consumption on WBC (a), NEU (b) and LYM (c) values of the peripheral
blood at the designated time points of male rats treated with methoxyethanol (ME) at doses 2.5 mM/kg b.w. or
5.0 mM/kg b.w. The values are means SD of five rats, *—P 0,05 significantly different from control rats;
—P 0,05 significantly different from rats treated with ME alone.
blood. While in rats treated with ME these changes were
strongly pronounced and progressively increased with
exposure time beginning from the day 11, those in ani-
mals treated with EE were less pronounced and rather
persisted at low constant level for the whole exposure
period. On the contrary, the rats treated with BE demon-
strated the distinct intravascular hemolysis resulted in
hemolytic anemia at the beginning of exposure (on day
4). Independently of exposure duration, these alterations
were regressed, although the decrease in RBC and the
increase in MCV were more persistent, probably due to
the selective hemolysis of the aged erythrocytes [25],
leaving a population of young red cells. Hemoglobinuria
observed only in the first day of exposure to BE at dose
of 1.25 mM/kg seems to confirm of this suggestion. The
various hematological changes observed during expo-
sure to EGAEs are typical of hemolytic anemia with an
associated reticulocytosis and hyperplasia of both bone
marrow (erythroid elements) and spleen (extramedullary
hemopoiesis) [26].
The results presented in this paper confirm previous
observations that continued exposure to BE, contrary to
ME and EE, resulted in significantly less pronounced
hematological changes [6]. While the majority of hema-
tological effects were dramatic at the beginning of the
exposure, later these alterations clearly regressed despite
continued weekly exposure to these compounds. It was
suggested that the gradual recovery from the haemolytic
A. Starek et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 1054-1064
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Figure 5. Effects of ethanol (EtOH) consumption on WBC (a) and LYM (b) values of the peripheral blood at the
designated time points of male rats treated with ethoxyethanol (EE) at doses 2.5 mM/kg b.w. or 5.0 mM/kg b.w.
The values are means SD of five rats, *—P 0.05 significantly different from control rats; —P 0.05 sig-
nificantly different from rats treated with EE alone.
anemia may be associated with tolerance development to
the hemolytic effect of BE. This tolerance was character-
rized by a progressive removal of hematological changes,
manifested in an increase of RBC, PCV, HGB, and a
decrease in Ret value in peripheral blood. The tolerance
to BE-induced hemolytic anemia was also observed in
other studies [27,28]. Moreover, our studies demonstra-
ted that the effects of repeated exposure for 28 days to
BE were less pronounced than the effects of single doses
of this ether at the same or comparable doses [29,30].
The changes in the leukocyte system of rats were
produced by two of three EGAEs, but there were marked
quantitative differences in the responses. While ME
strongly suppressed this system causing leukopenia,
lymphocytopenia, and neutrocytopenia, EE at the higher
dose (5.0 mmol/kg) only, exerted the middle inhibitory
effect resulted in the occasional reduction of leukocytes
with a simultaneous decrease in the number of lympho-
cytes at each time point of the exposure. In contrast, BE
caused no changes in the leukocyte system. These results
are inconsistent with the data of Grant et al. [26] which
observed inhibitory effects of ME and BE on leukocyte
system in rats. This inconsistency concerning BE only,
may be due to considerably higher doses of this com-
pound administered to rats, reported in the paper cited.
The literature data [26,31] indicate that ME is immu-
notoxic. Dermal exposure of rats to this compound at
dose levels in a range of 2-16 mM/kg/day for four con-
secutive days produce droplets in thymus and spleen
weight, enhanced the lymphoproliferative responses to
mitogens, and a reduction in the antibody plaque-forming
cell response to either trinitrophenyl-lipopolysaccharide
or sheep RBC. Miller et al. [32] observed lymphoid tis-
sue atrophy after inhalation of ME in male New Zealand
white rabbits. Also Smialowicz et al. [33,34] reported a
marked immunosuppressive effects of ME and both
MAA and methoxyacetaldehyde, the metabolites of ME,
on thymus weight and lymphoproliferative functions in
There is still too little knowledge on the effects of
ethanol on EGAEs-toxicity, especially on hematological
changes. Morel et al. [21] did not observed the effects of
three aliphatic alcohols, i.e., ethanol, n-propanol, and
n-butanol, at dose of 10 or 30 mmol/kg, on the urinary
creatine/creatinine ratio, the testicular toxicity or the 24
h urinary excretion of MAA in rats after simultaneous
treatment with a single dose of ME (10 mM/kg) by ga-
vage. On the other hand, the simultaneous administration
of 30 mM/kg of above mentioned alcohols almost totally
inhibited the hemolytic effect of BE (5 or 1 mM/kg), and
A. Starek et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 1054-1064
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
reduced the urinary excretion of BAA, metabolite of this
compound, by 31-43%. It was suggested that competi-
tive inhibition of ADH by alcohols results in the change
in BE metabolism.
The results of the present study indicate that ethanol
alone consumption did not have any effect on examined
hematological parameters. However, ethanol intake along
with EGAEs, only partially protected the rats against
hemolytic effects and the alterations in leukocyte system
induced by these ethers. The preventive effect was seen
at both lower and higher doses of ME (2.5 and 5.0
mM/kg) and BE (0.75 and 1.25 mM/kg), as well as at the
higher dose of EE (5.0 mM/kg), while in rats simultane-
ously exposed to ethanol and both ME and EE at the
lower dose (2.5 mM/kg), mainly protection from the
alteration in leukocyte system was observed. In contrast,
the rats which consumed ethanol and simultaneously
were treated with the higher dose of ME or EE (5.0
mM/kg), demonstrated the amelioration of these hema-
tological parameters (RBC, PCV, and HGB) in relation
to the animals exposed to these compounds alone. On
the other hand, ethanol intake along with BE treatment
(both 0.75 and 1.25 mM/kg) markedly ameliorated he-
matological parameters, especially RBC, PCV, HGB,
MCV, and Ret in comparison with the group exposed to
this ether alone.
The results presented in this paper clearly demonstrate
that ethanol modifies the hematological effects of con-
tinued exposure to EGAEs. The explanation the biologi-
cal basis of the interactions between ethanol and EGAEs
may be related to the metabolism of these compounds.
The glycol ethers, especially EE, BE, and 2-phenoxye-
thanol, are metabolized in vitro by rat hepatic and cuta-
neous cytosolic preparations in the reaction involving
ADH and ALDH in both tissues [35]. Hepatic cytosol
metabolizes ethanol in preference to intermediate chain-
length EGAEs, whereas the skin cytosol preferentially
metabolizes the glycol ethers. It was found that EGAEs
oxidation is performed predominantly by ADH3, and
ALDH1 isoenzymes. Repeated exposure to EGAEs re-
sults in induction of these enzymes. The rates of ADH
oxidation by rat liver cytosol were the greatest for etha-
nol followed by EE and BE. In contrast, the order of
metabolism by rat skin cytosolic fraction was changed to
BE > EE > ethanol [35]. Although skin contains en-
zymes that have the capacity to biotransformation EGAEs
localized in the basal layer of the epidermis [36], the
physicochemical properties of these compounds result in
rapid penetration and distinct reduction in dermal me-
tabolism during their percutaneous absorption [37]. Thus,
EGAEs are mainly metabolized in the liver similarly as
In conclusion, the decrease of the hemolytic effects due
to EGAEs is ethanol dependent. Ethanol is a substrate of
ADH, and the affinity of this enzyme is higher than
those of glycol ethers. It is possible that ethanol results
in the change in EGAEs metabolism. The difference
between EGAEs metabolism may be one of the reasons
for the differences observed between ME, EE, and BE in
the interaction of ethanol.
This paper has been prepared on the basis of the results of a research
task 2.R.05 carried out within the scope of the first stage of the Na-
tional Programme “Improvement of safety and working conditions”
supported in 2008-2010—within the scope of research and develop-
ment – by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
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