Journal of Signal and Information Processing, 2012, 3, 502-515 Published Online November 2012 (
Development of a Simple Software Program Used for
Evaluation of Plasma Electron Density in LIBS
Experiments via Spectral Line Shape Analysis
Ashraf Mohmoud El Sherbini1,2
, Abdel Aziz Saad Al Aamer1
1Department of Physics, Collage of Science, Al Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (AMISU), Al Riyadh, KSA;
2Laboratory of Lasers and New Materials, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.
Received August 10th, 2012; revised September 14th, 2012; accepted September 28th, 2012
A Software program has been developed in order to perform a fast and reliable calculation to plasma electron density in
laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) experiments. This program is based on analyzing the emitted spectral
line shape via utilizing facilities of the MatLab7® package to perform this task. This software can perform the following
tasks; read the exported data file (*txt-format) from ICCD camera-software, specify the working wavelength of interest,
removes the continuum emission component appeared under the line, calculates the spectral line intensity of the line,
calculates the spectral shift of the line from the tabulated values, correct against spectral shift jitter at the peak emission,
de-convoluting and extracting the different components contributing to the emitted line full width at half of the maxi-
mum (FWHM) and finally calculates the plasma electron density. In this article we shall present the results of the test
measurement of the plasma electron density utilizing spectral line shape analysis to the emitted Hα-line, Si I-line at
288.15 nm and O I-line at 777.2 nm at different camera delay times ranging from 1 to 5 μs.
Keywords: Software; LIBS; Hα-Line; Electron Density; MatLab7®
1. Introduction
LIBS, is an acronym derived from the letter words of the
statement “Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy”[1].
It is a technique based on utilizing light emitted from
plasma generated via interaction of a high power lasers
with matter (solid, liquid or gases). Assuming that light
emitted is sufficiently influenced by the characteristic
parameters of the plasma, the analysis of this light yields
considerable information about the elemental structure
and the basic physical processes in plasma [2]. The
thermodynamic state of plasma can be identified via two
independent measurable parameters namely; electron
density and temperature [2]. In the passive optical emis-
sion spectroscopy (OES) mode, light analyzers (spectro-
graphs or monochromators) with a graphical readout are
employed to give the characteristic emission spectrum. A
spectrum is the functional dependence of the output light
spectral intensity (radiance) on the emission wavelength
Among the OES methods proposed for the measure-
ment electron density, the spectral broadening of emis-
sion lines due to the Stark effect is the most widely use
method [3]. This method is based on the assumption that
the Stark effect is the dominant broadening mechanism, in
comparison to the Doppler and other broadening mecha-
nisms (resonance and Van der Waals broadenings). The
validity of this assumption was generally admitted in
LIBS experiments and was justified in various studies
Over the tremendous number of the recorded spectra
under a variety of different experimental conditions, the
extraction of the information’s from spectra provides a
strong motivation to a fast and precise computer routine
for calculation of plasma parameters. This informa-
tion’s are generally stored in the spectral line width
(FWHM) and the signal height (spectral radiance). The
FWHM is a sensitive function of the Stark and other
broadening mechanism, while the spectral radiance is
sensitive to plasma temperature and/or elemental con-
centration [7].
A computer programming used for spectral line shape
analysis is not new, several authors have contributed by
their work in this field, but the exact processing method
were almost not clear which might lead to confusion
[8-10]. Several software simulation programs based on
different theories were developed to calculate the elec-
tron density from the FWHM of the hydrogen lines at the
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSIP
Development of a Simple Software Program Used for Evaluation of Plasma Electron Density
in LIBS Experiments via Spectral Line Shape Analysis 503
Balmer series [11,12].
In this article we will present the results of using a
straight forward computer routine written in Matlab7®
package used for fast and reliable calculation of the
plasma electron number density. A spectral line shape
analysis was adopted to extract the Lorentzian compo-
nent of the emitted line FWHM. This software was ap-
plied to different emitted spectral lines (Hα-line, Si I-line
at 288.15 nm and O I-line at 777.2 nm) from plasmas
formed via interaction of a high peak power laser with a
plane solid target in open air.
2. Spectral Line Shape Analysis
2.1. Shape of Emitted Line
The emission spectral line shape is the functional relation
between the spectral radiance over the wavelength range.
This shape describes the distribution of the light around
the central emission wavelength. It could be a Gaussian
or Lorentzian, depending on the physical effect consid-
ered on the emitting atom or ion [4,5].
The Gaussian line shape can be described by [5];
exp 2.7726o
With Gaussian half width in (nm) can be expressed as;
 
nm7.17 10nmamu
 (1b)
whereas, a is the atomic kinetic temperature, Ta
the atomic weight in the units of (amu).
These expressions describe the homogeneous distribu-
tion of the spectral intensity around the line central wave-
, with amplitude defined by factor
is the FWHM. This distribution is best suited to
describe Doppler-effect as well as the intrinsic instru-
mental broadening with G
is the measured spectro-
graph bandwidth.
On the other hand, if the radiance across the line shape
is not homogeneous, the distribution of the light around
the central wavelength can be best described by the Lor-
entzian function [5]:
 
 
is a direct function of the physi-
cal processes that can cause such broadening, e.g. Stark
effect and/or pressure broadening.
In plasma spectroscopy the actual emission spectral
line is often contains a combination of both Gaussian and
Lorentzian shapes. This was attributed to the existence of
the different effects of plasma on the measured line shape
e.g. Doppler effect, instrumental as well as the Stark ef-
fect on the emitting species in the plasma. As a result, the
measured line shape should be expressed as the convolu-
tion between such effects, which is known as the Voigt
line shape [5]:
 
;* ;d
 
 
This integration is nothing but the convolution func-
tion between Gaussian and Lorentzian function, with a
FWHM given by:
 
2.2. Measurement of Plasma Electron Density
Utilizing Stark Broadening
For the hydrogenic lines appeared in normal LIBS ex-
periments, the Stark effect was found as the dominant
mechanism of spectral line broadening [7]. The theoreti-
cal calculations of Stark broadening of hydrogenic lines
parameters were described in detail in several texts [3-6].
For the linear Stark effect, this broadening manifest itself
on form of a Lorentzian line shape having a FWHM
, hence, the plasma electron density can be de-
duced from the spectral broadening of the Hα-line utilizing
the following expression [13];
 
12 3
In this expression 12
is the half width of the re-
duced Stark profiles in Å, it is a weak function of elec-
tron density and temperature through the ion-ion corre-
lation and Debye-shielding correction and the velocity
dependence of the impact broadening. Precise values
of 12
for the Balmer series can be found in Ref.
For an elements other than hydrogen and due to colli-
sions with slow electrons and ions, the quadratic Stark
effect acts on the half width at half maximum
. The
electron density can be related to the Lorentzian spectral
line half width by [7]:
1 1.7510.75e
 
In this equation,
is the electron-impact (half)
is the ion broadening parameter, which is a
measure of the relative importance of the collisions with
ions in the broadening,
is the Stark broadening pa-
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSIP
Development of a Simple Software Program Used for Evaluation of Plasma Electron Density
in LIBS Experiments via Spectral Line Shape Analysis
rameter. is the reference electron density, usually
of the order of 1016 or 1017 cm3, at which the parameters
are calculated [7].
It is worth noting that, the Stark broadening of an iso-
lated non-hydrogenic neutral atom spectral line and ion is
mainly due to micro-fields produced by the slow elec-
trons. As a consequence, the contribution of quasi-static
ions can be neglected and hence Equation (5a) can be
approximated to [7];
Unfortunately, the situation is not so simple because of
the effect of self absorption by non-homogeneous plasma
produced by the laser. This is often occur to the emitted
spectral lines [15] and might lead to serious errors in the
measured density values.
2.3. The Effect of Self Absorption on Line Shape
Self absorption acts to distort the line shape. It increases
the line width and decreasing the spectral line intensity [6,
7]. It is originated mostly from the cooler boundary layer
which contains most of population of the neutral atoms
[6]. For a strong self absorption the line center may ex-
hibits readily recognizable self-reversal [7].
Not very recently, a new method was developed by the
author in order to quantify the effect of self absorption to
emitted lines in terms of what is known as the coefficient
of self absorption (SA) [16]. This coefficient at the line
was originally defined as the ratio of the
intensity (counts per sec) of a spectral line subjected to
self absorption
to that of the same line in the
limit of negligible self absorption
and was ex-
pressed as [5];
1e o
oo o
However, it was suggested that the same amount (SA)
can be expressed on the form of relative spectral line
widths of the Lorentzian components of the same line in
a two quite different situations of self absorbed line
to the case of negligible absorption
therefore, Equation (6a) should reads[16];
Knowing that the Lorentzian FWHM of any spectral
line can be expressed in terms of the electron density
 , then Equation (6b) can further be modified
to express the coefficient of the self absorption in terms
of the ratio of two electron density values. One is de-
duced from the distorted line (which of course will yield
larger apparent values) and the
other is the density of the electrons in the plasma as
measured from an optically thin spectral line (The
Hα-line in our case) . Then Equation
(6b) can be modified to:
sos e
0.56 lin e
Equation (6c) indicates that the SA coefficient varies
from 1 in case of perfectly optically thin line to the limit
of zero in case of completely absorbed line [15].
Finally, one has to utilize Equation (6c) in order to cal-
culate the amount of absorption (SA), and then use Equa-
tion (6a) to get the corrected value of the spectral line
3. Software Program
3.1. Program Orders to Extract Information
from the Recorded Line Shape
1) Read the spectrum file data (as exported from cam-
era software);
2) Plot the spectrum in a MatLab7 window;
3) Remove the continuum component under the whole
of spectrum;
4) Isolate the line of interest (working line);
5) Calculate the wavelength (λoexp) at the peak emis-
6) Calculate the spectral shift, from the tabulated
wavelength λoTh;
7) Measure the spectral line intensity (Signal height
and/or area under curve);
8) Measure the amount of continuum under this line
9) Calculate the signal to background (continuum) ra-
10) Building up the necessary functions around this
11) Carrying out the necessary convolution between
theoretical functions to get the theoretical line shape
(Voigt) around this λoexp;
12) Compare the theoretical Voigt function to the iso-
lated measured line shape;
13) Use the necessary equations to calculate the elec-
tron density;
14) Repeat the process of comparison until the best fit-
ting is reached, then terminate and give output results;
15) For suspected lines calculate the amount of ab-
sorption (SA).
3.2. Program Flowchart
As shown in Figure 1, we hve started with reading the a
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSIP
Development of a Simple Software Program Used for Evaluation of Plasma Electron Density
in LIBS Experiments via Spectral Line Shape Analysis
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSIP
Figure 1. The program flow chart.
exported data from the ICCD camera, and then we feed
the atomic data parameters (e.g. wavelength of interest,
atomic weight, etc.) and the manual control parameters.
Next, we have removed the continuum under the whole the
spectrum via creating a new base line. Next we isolate the
line of interest, and during this process we calculated the
line intensity, and the amount of the continuum appeared
under this line and the signal to background ration and also
the central line wavelength at the peak of emission. Then,
we have built up the required Voigt function via convolu-
tion between the Lorentzian and Gauss functions and fi-
nally we compare this function to the experimentally
measured line shape extracting the Stark component that
will be used to measure the electron density at the best
fitting. The details of the program can be found at Table 1.
4. Results and Discussion
Figure 2 represents the master optical signals in the
range from 200 - 1000 nm as recorded by the ICCD cam-
era program (KestrelSpec® 3.96) and plotted in a Mat-
Lab7® window. These spectra were taken at a gate time
of 1 μs and arbitrary delay times of 1, 3 and 5 μs.
One can notice the strong continuum component ap-
peared under the whole the spectrum. This continuum is
usually attributed to the free-free and free-bound transi-
tions of the quasi free electrons in the plasma and should
be removed before processing any optical signal. Also
one can notice the decrease in the continuum level as the
delay time increases from 1 to 5 μs.
Figure 3 shows the new base line plotted in red color,
this line was created via fitting of the whole the spectrum
(40001 pixels) to a polynomial function set at the 5th or-
der. One can notice that for every region the cutting level
should be manually adjusted. This can be done by the
manual control set at program statement number 15. The
clean spectrum after subtraction of the continuum is
hown in Figure 4. s
Development of a Simple Software Program Used for Evaluation of Plasma Electron Density
in LIBS Experiments via Spectral Line Shape Analysis
Figure 2. An example of the emitted spectra from plasma at three arbitrary different delay times of 1, 3 and 5 μs.
Figure 3. A plot of the master signal (black) and new base
line (red).
Figure 4. A plot of the emission spectrum after subtraction
of the continuum component.
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Development of a Simple Software Program Used for Evaluation of Plasma Electron Density
in LIBS Experiments via Spectral Line Shape Analysis 507
The isolated Hα-line in the master form (data pixel
points) is shown at Figure 5. The signal analysis will be
applied to this optical signal, first we will calculate the
spectral radiance and then de-convolute the different con-
tributions to the line FWHM. Peering in mind that the
Stark width component will be used to evaluate the elec-
tron density, hence, a comparison of this signal to a theo-
retically Voigt function will be applied.
On the other hand, Figure 6 shows a plot of the dif-
ferent theoretical functions (Lorentzian and two Gaussian
shapes) centered at the experimentally measured central
emission wavelength (λoexp). It is worth noting that the
Figure 5. Shown is the isolated master optical emission sig-
nal at the Hα-line.
Figure 6. A plot of the Lorentzian function (Drawn in black);
the Gaussian function resulted from the instrumental broad-
ening (drawn in red), the other Gaussian resulted from the
Doppler-Effect is extremely small.
Gaussian functions can be attributed to the Doppler-ef-
fect as well as the instrumental bandwidth of the spectro-
graph, while the Lorentzian component to the pressure or
Stark effect. One can observe that either of the Gaussian
components of the line is very small with respect to the
Stark component in LIBS experiments, or hence the
Doppler component can generally be neglected without
too much error. Figure 7 shows the results of the com-
parison of the theoretical Voigt line shape (Black curve)
to the experimentally measured profile (red curve) at the
best fitting.
Figure 8 shows the results of fitting of the Voigt func-
tion to the Hα-line profile at two arbitrary delay times of
3, 5 μs, respectively. The repeated application of the
program at two different delay times yields λStark = 1.76,
1.03 nm, respectively and hence an electron densities of
2.1 × 1017 and 9.5 × 1016 cm–3, respectively.
We have tested the program in order to evaluate the
electron density from elements other than hydrogen, e.g.
Si I at 288.15 nm and O I at 777.2 nm appeared in the
same emission spectra. Noting that, the equation used to
evaluate the electron density should be changed, i.e. in-
stead of using Equation (4), one should use Equation (5b).
The stark broadening parameters of the two lines are
taken from tables at Ref. [4], at the given reference elec-
tron density. At Figure 9 we give the results of the ap-
plication of the program to the Si I and O I at three dif-
ferent delay times namely at 1, 3, 5 μs together with the
evaluated electron densities.
Finally, in order to realize the importance of the meas-
urements of the electron densities utilizing different lines
arising from plasma produced by laser, one should plot
the variation of the electron density as inferred from dif-
Figure 7. An example of fitting the experimental line profile
at the Hα-line (red curve) to the theoretical Voigt function
Black curve). (
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSIP
Development of a Simple Software Program Used for Evaluation of Plasma Electron Density
in LIBS Experiments via Spectral Line Shape Analysis
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSIP
Figure 8. Shown are the results of the fitting of the experimentally measured line profiles of the Hα-line to the theoretical
Voigt function at an arbitrary delay times of 3, 5 μs (read from left to right) respectively.
Figure 9. Shown are some examples of the Voigt fitting to the Si I line at 288.15 nm and the O I at 777.2 nm, at three different
elay times of 1, 3, 5 μs (read from top to bottom). d
Development of a Simple Software Program Used for Evaluation of Plasma Electron Density
in LIBS Experiments via Spectral Line Shape Analysis 509
ferent lines. Figure 10 represents the results of the esti-
mated electron density with delay time. From the figure
one can conclude that the line at Si I suffering from opti-
cal thickness while this is not the case of the O I at 777.2
nm. This is because one can notice the strong deviation
of the electron density calculated from the Si I-line at
288.14 nm and the moderate deviation of the O I-line at
777.2 nm from the density as calculated from the Hα-line.
This indicates that both lines are subjected to some self
With the help of expression (6c), after comparison of
the calculate electron density from one line to the same
amount as evaluated utilizing the Hα-line one can calcu-
late the amount of optical thickness of the plasma at each
line and correct the intensities of either line which lies
after the scope of this article.
5. Conclusion
We have developed simple routine software used to
evaluate the electron density utilizing the spectral line
shape analysis to the light emitted from plasma. This
routine is based on comparison of the measured line
shape to a theoretically built Voigt function. This enables
us to extract the stark component contribution to the line
width, hence the calculation of the plasma electron den-
sity. The electron density was evaluated utilizing differ-
ent spectral lines emitted from the plasma under the same
condition e.g. the Hα-line (that was used as a reference line
in the measurement of the electron density) as well as Si
I-line at 288.15 nm and the O I-line at the 777.2 nm.
Figure 10. A demonstration to the temporal variation of the
finally calculated electron density utilizing the program
with delay time, squares represent the calculated electron
density from the Hα-line, triangles are the same density as
measured from the O I line at 777.2 nm and the solid disks
are the electron densities as calculated from the Si I-line at
288.15 nm.
The higher densities showed by lines other than hydro-
gen was attributed to the presence of optical depth of the
plasma to these lines.
6. Notations
1) In order to change the wavelength of interest (i.e. to
apply the analysis to another line) one has to assign the
new wavelength of interest at line number 4.
2) For lines other than the Hα-line, one has to use
Equation 5(b) instead of Equation (4) and use line num-
ber 33 instead of line number 32 (pause line 32 by using
the % sign at the start of the line) together with assign-
ment of the reference electron density (Nr) and Stark
broadening parameter (ωs) at lines 11,12.
3) From our experience to handle the LIBS spectra
under our condition of the laser energy and duration the
expected temperature is almost around 1 eV and hence
the Doppler FWHM is almost centered on 0.04 nm that
can be neglected.
4) One more option that can enhance precision of the
fitting is to change the value of the controllable precision
parameter at line 16.
5) In order to examine somewhat line against the effect
of absorption, one has to run the program two times in
series. The first run to calculate the density utilizing the
Hα-line, and the next to run the program to calculate the
same density using the suspected line. Then the applica-
tion of Equation (6c) will evaluate directly the amount of
self absorption. If the SA value is found in the range (0.8 -
1) the line is considered as optically thin [15], lower val-
ues of SA means that the lines is thick and need to be
6) The correction of spectral intensity against the ef-
fect of self absorption can be carried using Equation (6a)
in order to evaluate
7) Lines (13 - 16) completely enables one to control
the fitting to the experimental line shape.
7. Acknowledgements
The experimental part utilized in the analysis was carried
at the Laboratory of lasers and New Materials, Faculty of
Science at Cairo University—Egypt under the supervi-
sion of Prof. Th. M. EL Sherbini and Prof. S. H. Allam.
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Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSIP
Development of a Simple Software Program Used for Evaluation of Plasma Electron Density
in LIBS Experiments via Spectral Line Shape Analysis
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Development of a Simple Software Program Used for Evaluation of Plasma Electron Density
in LIBS Experiments via Spectral Line Shape Analysis 511
Appendix A
Program statements in MatLab7®.
Table 1. Description to order at each line.
Line No. Order
01 close all, clear all
02 load filename.txt
03 L = filename (:, 1); I = filename (:, 2);
04 Waveleng_of_Int = 656.27; % in nm units
05 Expected_Temp = 1; % in eV units
06 Mol_Mass = 1; % Molecular mass in amu units
07 DLG1 = 0.12; % Instrumental Bandwidth in nm units
08 Ne_Step = 1e16; % in e/cm3 units
09 Expected_Density_Range = [1e16:Ne_Step:5e18]; % in e/cm3 units
10 fit _order = 5; % polynomial fitting order
11 Nr = 1e17; % Reference density in e/cm3 units
12 Ws = 0.0044; % Stark broadening parameter in nm units
13 Range = 1000; % Number of pixels to cover the line
14 Jitter _Shift = –35;
15 Cutting _Level = –3000;
16 Precision = 0.0000024;
17 p = polyfit (L, I, fit _order)
18 pp = Cutting_Level + polyval (p, L);
19 ppp = abs(I-pp);
20 x1 = find (L == Waveleng_of_Int-1); x2 = find (L == Waveleng_of_Int + 1);
21 L1 = L(x1: x2);
22 [y1 y2] = max (ppp(x1: x2));
23 Lo = L1 (y2-Jitter_Shift);
24 [Y1 Y2] = max (pp(x1: x2));
25 SBg = y1/(Y1);
26 k = find(L == Lo);
27 WL = L(k Range : k + Range);
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSIP
Development of a Simple Software Program Used for Evaluation of Plasma Electron Density
in LIBS Experiments via Spectral Line Shape Analysis
28 Hi = ppp(k Range :k + Range);
29 Bg = pp(k Range :k + Range);
30 % plot (WL, Hi./max(Hi), “go”), hold on
31 for Ne = Expected_Density_Range;
32 DLL = ((Ne./31.622.*2.84e15).^0.66666); % Ha-Line
33 % DLL = (Ws.*Ne)./Nr; % Lines other than hydrogen
34 Lor = (0.15915.*DLL)./(((DLL. /2). ^2)+((WL-Lo).^2));
35 35. % plot (WL, Lor./max (Lor), “b”), hold on
36 G1 = 0.93943.*DLG1.*(exp(–0.5*((WL-Lo)./DLG1).^2));
37 % plot (WL, G1./max(G1), “y”)
38 DLG2 = 7.17e – 7.*Lo.*sqrt(((11600.*Expected_Temp)./Mol_Mass));
39 G2 = 0.93943.*DLG2.*(exp(–0.5.*((WL-Lo)./DLG2).^2));
40 % plot(WL,G2./max(G2), “r”)
41 V1 = conv(G1,G2);
42 [yo1 yo2] = (max(V1));
43 V2 = V1(yo2 Range :yo2 + Range);
44 % plot(WL,V2./max(V2), “r”)
45 Vo = conv (V2, Lor);
46 [yoo1 yoo2] = (max (Vo));
47 Vo2 = Vo (yoo2 Range: yoo2 + Range);
48 Rss = sqrt(sum(((Hi./max(Hi)-(Vo2./max(Vo2)).^2));
49 if Rss < Precision
50 Spectral_shift = Lo-Waveleng_of_Int;
51 [h hh] = size(WL); Area = sum(Hi(1:h-1).*diff(WL));
52 Electron density = ne
53 Lorentzian_FWHM = DLL
54 Sgnal_Height = y1
55 Signal_To_Background = SBg
56 Intensity = Area
57 figure(110), plot(WL,Hi./max(Hi),'r-,WL,(Vo2)./(max(Vo2)),'g.')
58 xlabel ('Wavelength(nm)'), ylabel (' Normalized intensity (au)')
59 break,
60 end, end
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in LIBS Experiments via Spectral Line Shape Analysis 513
Appendix B
Program Statement Function
Line No Task Description
1 Close and clear any programs running at the Matlab working space
2 Load the data file (ASC II format)
Assign the wavelengths from 200 nm to 1000 nm with a step difference (resolution) of 0.02 nm per pixel, to single column
matrix which is now contains 40,001 pixels, call it matrix-L. Also, assign the signal height at each wavelength to single
column matrix which also contains 40001 pixels, call it matrix-I
Manual Control Parameters
4 Specify the working wavelength in nm units
5 State the expected electron temperature
6 State the molecular mass of atom or ion of the element that emits light in amu units
7 Assign the instrumental bandwidth as measured in units of nm
8 Assign the step in electron density range (PRECISION IN MEASURMENTS)
9 Assign the expected lower and higher density values with step as stated at line 8
10 Assign the order of the used polynomial function for fitting to the whole spectrum in order to create the new base line
11 For elements other than hydrogen, assign the reference electron density value
12 For elements other than hydrogen, state the Stark broadening parameters as taken from standard tables
Fitting Control Parameters
13 Assign the number of pixels that can cover the line to wings
14 Assign the number of pixels used to correct the peak wavelength against pulse jitter
15 State the amount of the manual cutting level (this may be changes from one line to the other in the same working spectrum)
16 State the precision needed for the fitting of spectral line to the Voigt function
Creation of New Base Line
17 Use the built-in polynomial function, fit the whole the spectrum to an order defined before at line number 10
At the best fit to the emission spectrum, evaluate the polynomial coefficients, this new pp function will act as the NEW
BASE LINE. This new base line can be further detuned via addition or subtraction of a certain constant as mentioned
before at the (Cutting Level) specified at line number 15.
Upon detuning to this factor one can reach the best cutting level at the line wings, call the resulted new base function as matrix-pp.
This matrix function is actually the continuum emission component, which is resulted mainly from the free-free and
free-bound transition and should be subtracted before application of analysis to the line shape.
19 Subtract this new base (matrix-pp) from the master spectrum (matrix-I) to get a clean spectrum (matrix-ppp) without the
unnecessary continuum component appeared under the line of interest.
Isolation of the Spectral Line of Interest
20 Utilizing the wavelength matrix (L), choose the pixel point “x1” that lie before the wanted line of interest and choose the
pixel point “x2” lie after the line of interest
21 Create a single matrix of new wavelengths “starting from pixel number x1 and ended at pixel number x2” call this new
wavelength region as matrix-L1
22 In the same range from pixels (x1: x2) find the maximum height (y1) from the matrix (ppp) without continuum,
this is the line intensity in units of counts/sec and the corresponding pixel number y2 of the peak height
23 Calculate the wavelength corresponding to the pixel number y2 and call this wavelength as Lo (λoexp) taking into
account any jitter in the peak wavelength
24 In the same range from pixels (x1: x2) find the maximum height from the matrix (pp) which represent the continuum
intensity (Y1) in units of counts/sec
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSIP
Development of a Simple Software Program Used for Evaluation of Plasma Electron Density
in LIBS Experiments via Spectral Line Shape Analysis
25 Calculate the signal to background (y1/Y1)
Built up the Necessary Theoretical Functions around λoexp
26 From the wavelength matrix L, find the pixel number (k) corresponding to λoexp
27 Create a new wavelength region centered around λoexp and extended by number of pixels specified previously by
(Range—at line number 13)
28 Utilizing matrix (ppp) of signal heights and free from continuum, find the new heights in the same range corresponding
to the new wavelength WL regime i.e. in the same region defined by statement range at line 13
29 Utilizing matrix (pp) of background continuum, fine the new heights in the same range corresponding to the new
wavelength WL regime i.e. in the same region defined by statement range at line 13
30 Plot, if necessary, the experimental isolated line in the new range defined by new wavelength regime WL and
the corresponding signal heights Hi
The Theoretical Functions 1. Lorentzian Function
31 With the help of the properties of the “FOR-loop” let the electron density Ne is the free running parameter according
to values previously defined at line number 9, together with the precision step at line 8
32 For the hydrogen Hα-line only use equation 4 at the text to calculate the Lorentzian FWHM in nm
33 For lines other than the hydrogen Hα-line, use this equation 5b to calculate the Lorentzian FWHM in nm
34 Calculate the Lorentzian function according to line FWHM defined in the previous step
35 Plot, if necessary the theoretical Lorentzian function centered around λoexp in the new range defined by wavelengths
WL and signal heights Hi
2. Gauss Function Resulted from the Instrumental Bandwidth
36 Calculate the Gauss function according to line FWHM defined line number 7
37 Plot, if necessary the theoretical Gauss function centered around λoexp in the new range defined by wavelengths WL and
signal heights Hi
3. Gauss Function Resulted from the Doppler Effect
38 Calculate the line FWHM according to Doppler effect centered around λoexp in the new range defined by wavelengths
WL and signal heights Hi at the expected electron temperature specified at line number 5
39 Calculate the Gauss function according to line FWHM defined in the previous step
40 Plot, if necessary the theoretical Gauss function centered around λoexp in the new range defined by wavelengths WL
and signal heights Hi
4. Start Convolution between the Different Functions
41 Start with convolution between the two Gauss functions G1, G2
42 Calculate the pixel number corresponding to the maximum of the new function V1 and call this number as yo2
43 From this function V1 extract the required number of pixels just to cover the spectral line according to Range
specified to line 13, call this function as V2
44 Plot, if necessary the theoretical V2 function centered around λoexp in the new range defined by wavelengths WL
and signal heights Hi
5. Carry a Convolution between V2 and the Lorentzian Function
45 Convolute the two functions V2 and Lorentzian function (Lor), call new function as Vo
46 Calculate the pixel number corresponding to the maximum of the new function V1 and call this number as yoo2
47 From this function Vo extract the required number of pixels just to cover the spectral line according to Range
specified to line 13, call this function as Vo2
48 Compare between the theoretically built normalized Voigt function (Vo20 and the experimentally normalized
measured line profile Hi according to the principle of least square fitting method. Call the residual number as RSS
6. Utilizing the Conditional (IF-Statement)
49 If, the residual number at line 48 corresponding to the fitting, is lower than a certain level defined by order precision at line 16
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSIP
Development of a Simple Software Program Used for Evaluation of Plasma Electron Density
in LIBS Experiments via Spectral Line Shape Analysis
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSIP
50 Calculate the spectral shift
51 Evaluate the area under the experimentally measured profile
52 Evaluate the electron density at the best fit
53 Evaluate the Lorentzian FWHM in nm at the best fit
54 Evaluate the signal height at the best fit
55 Evaluate the background at the best fit
56 Evaluate the spectral intensity as area under curve at the best fit
56 Plot the final results of comparison between the theoretical function and the experimentally measured line profile
58 Break the loop
59 End the first loop started at line 49
60 End second loop started at line 31