Journal of Global Positioning Systems (2004)
Vol. 3, No. 1-2: 49-56
Benefits of a Reconfigurable Software GNSS Receiver in Multipath
Fabio Dovis, Marco Pini, Massimiliano Spelat
Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy
Tel: +39 011 2276 415 Fax: +39 011 564 4099 Email:
Paolo Mulassano
Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB), Via P. Boggio 61, 10138 Torino, Italy
Tel: +39 011 2276 414 Fax: +39 011 2276 299 Email:
Received: / Accepted: 15 November 2004 / Accepted: 3 February 2005
Abstract. The increased interest for applications based
on both navigation and communication systems,
represents an important driver for the design and
implementation of innovative receivers architectures. The
realization of civil GPS applications, the advent of the
European navigation system Galileo, and the integration
of localization services in communication network make
the reconfigurability an indispensable requirement for the
development of innovative Global Navigation Satellite
Systems (GNSS) platforms. In addition, it must be
pointed out that several problem as indoor positioning
and multipath recovery, are pushing the research activity
in order to provide users of flexible devices able to adapt
their functionalities according to the environment.
Considering this complex scenario, the Software Defined
Radio (SDR) approach constitutes an interesting
perspective to develop modular architectures. In this
paper, the implementation of a reconfigurable user
terminal integrating both navigation and communication
capabilities will be discussed. The work will be presented
focusing the attention on software-designed
functionalities and the Navigation Unit will be analyzed
and tested. An example of adaptability of the receiver to
the operating environment will be presented. The
reconfigurable module for multipath mitigation in the
tracking phase will be described with particular attention
to the implementation aspect, and some simulation results
will be presented.
Keywords. GNSS Receiver, Software Defined Radio,
Reconfigurability, Multipath.
1 Introduction
Satellite navigation, positioning and timing has already
found widespread applications in a large variety of fields.
It is well known that the GNSS programme has given an
important contribution to the research activity, and in
particular on topics based on the development of user
terminals. The European Galileo project constitutes, for
the next decade, an essential contribution to the satellite
navigation market. In this context, it has to be remarked
that in addition to the realization of basic system
segments, a relevant effort is being devoted to the design
of Local Elements (LE) for providing assistance data to
users in the coverage area. As a direct consequence, the
study and design of advanced terminals able to deal with
both the Signal-In-Space (SIS) and other classes of
signals transmitted by stations and satellite augmentations
(EGNOS), become indispensable. In particular, it is
expected that at the LE level, User Terminal (UT) will
have to deal with the innovative Location Based Services
that are being developed for the cellular network, with
particular attention to emergency services (e.g. the
European emergency number E-112).
At the same time, the GPS Joint Program Office has
launched the “Modernization Phase”, which consists in
the study of new frequencies and spreading codes for
additional military and civil signals. Given these
innovations, a civil user will receive additional SIS for
improving accuracy, integrity and continuity of services;
on the other hand, military users will increase the security
with a shorter time to first fix and a faster signal
acquisition procedure.
Considering this complex scenario, flexibility represents
an essential feature for the UTs. This peculiarity can be
50 Journal of Global Positioning Systems
obtained using a Software Defined Radio (SDR)
approach, which allows for the development of
reconfigurable devices realized on a modular architecture.
It is clear that the reconfigurability aspect can play a key
role in specific applications where the features of the
environment surrounding the UT, change with time. A
typical example is a user moving in an indoor scenario. It
is important to remark that the indoor performances of
GNSS are strongly limited by several factors. Acquisition
of weak signals is critical, visibility of a sufficient
number of satellites is not guaranteed, and the SIS
received at the antenna propagates via multiple paths. In
this case the reconfigurability allows to adapt the receiver
functionalities to the actual operating conditions.
Following these considerations in according to the most
recent research works on GNSS receiver (Akos, 2003),
the paper discusses a receiver architecture based on SDR
techniques where functionalities are software-
implemented on modular platform composed by Field
Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and high speed
Digital Signal Processor (DSP).
In the paper the concept of reconfigurability assumes two
different meanings:
1. Stand-by reconfigurability. In this case the user
is allowed to upload new software routines
which correspond to new receiver functionalities
(e.g., an innovative PVT computation strategy);
2. On-fly reconfigurability. In this case the
Algorithm Control Unit (see Fig. 1) has a set of
pre-loaded modules (corresponding to different
receiver functionalities or strategies) and it is
able to select in real time the best set of routines
in order to match the requirements (i.e. trading-
off time and power consumption with processing
of the SIS, use of acquisition strategies tailored
to the environment, etc).
In the first part of this paper, on the basis of previous
works (Mulassano et al., 2001) (Dovis et al., 2002), the
flexibility of a reconfigurable platform based on SDR
technique (Buracchini, 2000) is introduced with particular
attention to the implementation of the Navigation Unit.
From this standpoint, in order to explain advantages
given by the on-fly reconfigurability, the paper is focused
on the analysis of a routine based on a multiple Delay
Lock Loop (DLL) structure for reducing the effect of
multiple paths. Considering the implementation phase,
the architecture block diagram is discussed, and
simulation results are presented with particular attention
to the optimization procedure.
2 Analysis of GNSS Modular Receiver Architecture
for Advanced Algorithms Implementation
The conceptual scheme of a reconfigurable terminal for
positioning applications, based on SDR techniques is
shown in Figure 1. As described in (Mitola, 1995), one of
the main advantages of SDR is the design of a flexible
system able to adapt in real time its functionalities in
order to match the requirements. At the same time it
allows to optimize the trade-off among speed, power
dissipation and programmability.
System Control
Modules for Internal Reconfigurability
Reconfigurable Navigation Terminal
External Reconfigurability Interface
Software for stand-by reconfigurability
Fig. 1 GNSS receiver functional architecture.
The architecture proposed in Fig. 1 represents the
functional diagram of a hybrid
Navigation/Communication (NAV/COM) user terminal
based on FPGA and DSP, as considered for the work
presented in this paper. It is clear that the user terminal
functions are distributed among the different functional
blocks and modules:
1. The on-fly reconfigurability is managed by the
Algorithm Control Unit, an advanced routine
implemented on DSP that represents the core of
the innovative aspect of the architecture
proposed. It allows for the real-time
configurability, and consists in a set of
commands set for the control of internal
modules available for the System Control Unit.
2. The Navigation and Communication Units
constitute the core blocks of the system; in fact,
they are able to acquire and tracking signals
incoming from satellites and Base Tranceiver
Stations (BTS) on the basis of standard routines
or advanced algorithms provided by the Internal
Modules. Both the NAV and COM blocks are
implemented on the FPGA, and they are
controlled by the System Control Unit based on
Dovis et al.:Benefits of a Reconfigurable Software GNSS Receiver in Multipath Environment 51
3. All modules for the on-fly reconfigurability are
software uploaded (on the FPGA) and, during
the stand-by phase, can be changed, upgraded
and integrated employing the external
reconfigurability interface. They represent
complex algorithms used by the receiver System
Control Unit for contrasting the performance
worsening due to the critical environment,
saving on the power consumption when the
complex processing is not required by the
environmental conditions.
Taking into account the previous considerations, it is
clear that the main feature proposed by this architecture is
the capability of processing satellite SIS and aiding
signals allowing mutual interaction between the System
Control Unit and the Algorithm Control Unit. Focusing
the attention on the innovative aspects based on advanced
Internal Modules, it is significant to analyze the multipath
recovery algorithm because represents a complex
situation that highlights the adaptability of the receiver
functionalities. In particular, several simulation results
are presented, and the architecture proposed is discussed
taking into account the implementation procedure. In
order to understand what are the potentialities of the SDR
implementation, in the next session the architecture of the
Navigation Unit is analyzed and some performance
results are highlighted.
3 The Navigation Unit
The Navigation Unit shown in Fig. 1 represents a device
able to acquire and process GNSS signals.
Fig. 2 SDR platform for the Navigation Unit implementation.
Given the flexibility of the overall GNSS receiver
architecture presented in the previous section, this unit
has been designed and implemented on reconfigurable
hardware according to the SDR principles. On the basis
of the data processing rate, the structure of the Navigation
Unit has been mapped on specific devices, which allows
the management of signals at different frequencies. In
particular, the resources partitioning has been realized
considering a Xilinx FPGA Virtex XCV2000EBG560
and a Texas Instruments DSP C6711 (floating point).
Fig. 3 Communication link between programmable devices.
Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 show the platform employed for the
implementation, and the block diagram highlights the
communication links between the FPGA, the DSP and a
common PC.
3.1 Architecture Description
A detailed block diagram for the Navigation Unit
Architecture in the case of single channel is reported in
Fig. 4. The Radio Frequency (RF) front-end, which is
responsible for reception, filtering and A/D conversion of
incoming GNSS signals, is modelled by a software
simulator in C language; in particular, in-phase (I) and
quadrature (Q) samples of satellite signals are computed
and written into a binary file on the basis of the signals
properties specified in the Signal-In-Space Interface
Control Documents (SIS ICD). This file is then read and
data are stored into the FPGA on-board Random Access
Memory (RAM) in order to assure data stream continuity
at the input of the base-band stage. I and Q samples are
processed by the base-band channel implemented on the
FPGA, which is in charge of correlating these samples
with a local replica of the satellite signal (generated on
the FPGA itself). Correlator outputs are fed to the DSP in
order to apply advanced algorithms for computing
corrections for both the acquisition and the tracking
Visual C++
Signal Generator
FPGA Xilinx
DSP C6711
DSK Board
52 Journal of Global Positioning Systems
Fig. 4 Navigation Unit architecture.
Finally, these values are sent back to the Numerically
Controlled Oscillator (NCO) which drives the local
code generator. Due to the fact that the internal clock
of the Navigation Unit is provided by the FPGA on-
board oscillator, every data transfer between FPGA and
DSP allows to operate in real-time.
As shown in Fig. 4, the base-band channel and the
corrections stage constitute the core of the Navigation
Unit because they realize the double loop for the
tracking of both code and carrier: the Delay Lock Loop
(DLL) and the Phase Lock Loop (PLL) respectively.
During the acquisition phase, a specific DSP algorithm
is responsible for the search of satellites in view and in
particular, for the raw alignment between the incoming
and the local code with a certain error. After the
acquisition, the code and doppler shift computed are
used to initialize the tracking loops, and both the
discriminator and the loop filter algorithms (DSP
implemented) are responsible for the fine alignment of
the codes.
As shown in Fig. 4, it is important to highlight that the
design of the base-band structure implemented on the
FPGA also consists in the realization of the “Signal
Manager” block. It manages the I and Q samples stored
into the RAM and sends them to the input of the
Finally, in order to assure a correct communication
between the base-band stage (FPGA) and the
correction stage (DSP), two interfaces for the serial
data transmission (called UART TX and UART RX)
have been realized.
Considering the overall architecture implemented on
the Xilinx programmable hardware, which is
constituted by 2,541,952 gates, it is important to
provide an estimation of the resources used in order to
understand the complexity of the Navigation Unit. Tab.
1 summarizes the FPGA implementation report in the
case of one base-band channel.
Section (one channel) Num. Of Slices Num. Of Gates Complexity
Signal Manager Block 110 14,520 0.5 %
UART TX 42 5,544 0.22 %
UART RX 50 6,600 0.26 %
Base-Band Channel 1,320 174,240 6.85 %
Overall Structure 1,522 200,904 ~ 7.83 %
Tab. 1 Navigation Unit: resources analysis.
Con version
RF Front-End
Base-Band Stage
Manager UART
Dovis et al.:Benefits of a Reconfigurable Software GNSS Receiver in Multipath Environment 53
3.2 Performance Results for the Navigation Unit
In order to test the Navigation Unit performance the
ability of acquiring a code and of maintaining the lock
have been evaluated, The test of the SDR platform has
been realized using the advanced Real Time Data
eXchange (RTDX) controls which allow to create a
buffer for the communication link between the DSP
and a generic Host Application, which in this case is
constituted by a Matlab routine.
In presence of noise the sample stream has been
obtained considering a value of C/N0 equal to 60 dBHz
at the input of the RF filter. In particular, the double
side band of the IF filter (see Fig. 4) has been set to 8
Mhz and a 3rd order Butterworth filter has been
0200 4006008001000 12001400 1600 1800 2000
Delay [half chip]
Correlation Value
Correlation Pattern (Acquisition)
Fig. 5 Acquisition phase: correlation pattern.
The sampling frequency used for the satellite signal
generation within the simulator, has been set equal to
2.182 MHz and therefore, the system operates with
2.13 samples per chip.
Incoming Code
Local Replica
Incoming Code
Local Replica
Fig. 6 Tracking phase: codes alignment.
With a FPGA on-board clock of 65.472 MHz, samples
at the input of the base-band channel are correlated
with the local code over an integration time of one
code period; it means that the maximum value for the
output of the correlator can be 2,182. The actual value
at the output of the correlator is acquired from the DSP,
which compares it with the proper threshold in order to
capture the peak in the Correlation Pattern (depicted in
Fig. 4 in absence of noise). The DSP also shifts the
local code replica (steps of ½ chip) in order to span all
the possible delays.
At the end of the acquisition phase, the delay between
the two codes is used to track the signal. During this
phase the correlation value increases because some
DSP algorithms drive the local code generator in order
to obtain the fine alignment (Fig. 6). In particular, an
“Early-Late Envelope Normalized” discriminator
(Equation 1) with a 2nd order FIR loop filter are
= (1)
0 2.5 57.5 1012.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25
Time [s]
Acquisition and Tracking Phases: the Correlation
Fig. 7 Correlation during the acquisition and the tracking phases for
signal without noise. In absence of noise the acquisition threshold is
set equal to 1800.
Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 depict the Navigation Unit
performance results in terms of correlation values.
Considering the tracking phase, it is possible to see that
in presence of noise (Fig. 8) the correlation reaches a
mean value of 600, while in the theoretical situation
(Fig. 7) the mean of the correlation is near the
maximum value of 2,182 according to the results
obtained by simulation. It is then possible to conclude
that this architecture allows for the realization of
advanced modules for the implementation of complex
algorithms based on satellite navigation signals.
54 Journal of Global Positioning Systems
0 2.5 57.51012.5 1517.52022.5 25
Time [s]
Acquisition and Tracking Phases: the Correlation
Fig. 8 Correlation during the acquisition and the tracking phases for
signal with noise. In this case the threshold used during the
acquisition is decreased in order to detect the correlation peak.
4 Multipath Tracking Algorithm for Reducing the
Code Alignment Error
The reconfigurable structure described in the previous
section has the goal to allow the implementation of
advanced Internal Modules, as for example the
multipath recovery algorithm.
It is well know that multipath errors become
particularly significant in urban or indoor navigation,
where the presence of many scatterers around the
receiver may be relevant. When a SIS replica, delayed
within one chip with respect to Line Of Sight (LOS),
arrives at the receiver the S-curve of the DLL is
distorted. The punctual local code replica of the DLL
can not be exactly aligned to the LOS and a systematic
error in the pseudorange estimation is experienced. In
the past several techniques to reduce the multipath
error have been proposed. Among them it is possible to
cite the narrow correlator (Braasch, 1996), which
allows to get a better alignment reducing the spacing
between the early and late local replicas. An innovative
system for multipath recovery based on a multiple DLL
architecture has been introduced in (Dovis et al., 2004),
and its implementation in the SDR receiver is
considered in this paper. It is important to highlight
that the new architecture is quite different from
common rejection techniques. In fact, it is based on the
philosophy of the RAKE receiver for communications
and employs specific DLLs to track the replicas in
order to cancel the distortions of the S-curve of the
tracking loop. The architecture implemented in the
reconfigurable hardware is depicted in Fig. 9.
A key role is played by the multipath Monitoring Unit
which is in charge of activating the multistage
architecture according to the scenario. In particular it
has to:
estimate the number of replicas impinging at
the antenna employing an algorithm, as for
example (Laxton et al., 1977).
compare them with a predefined threshold to
roughly determine their relevance to the
distortion of the S-curve.
activate the multistage procedure for the
tracking loop.
tc NAV
IF Filter
Multipath Tracking
Down Sampling
A/D Conversion
Fig. 9 Multiple DLL architecture for one channel within the
navigation receiver.
For sake of presentation of the multistage procedure,
let consider a generic user in an indoor scenario, where
it is clear that the receiver performance are degraded by
multipath due to the presence of obstacles around the
antenna. In this scenario, the reconfigurable terminal is
able to activate the Module for the Multipath recovery
considering the n-th paths estimated as arriving at the
antenna. In other words, the complexity of the
algorithm is increased with respect to the number of
multiple paths.
Fig. 9 shows the innovative architecture in the case of
one multipath arriving at the receiver, but it can be
easily extendable to the general situation in which the
input signal arrives at the antenna via n-th different
The local code replica of the DLL0 is usually delayed
with respect to the LOS code due to the distortion of
the S-curve. Such a code instance is subtracted from
the filtered incoming code r(t), giving a signal r1(t) as
input for the DLL1, which is therefore able to track the
multipath. After a transient phase, the first DLL tracks
the incoming LOS and the second multipath replica.
The local code of DLL1, that follows the evolution of
multipath, is then subtracted from the incoming code
r(t) and the resulted signal is sent as input for the
Dovis et al.:Benefits of a Reconfigurable Software GNSS Receiver in Multipath Environment 55
DLLNAV. The local code of this last DLL can be used for
pseudorange estimation.
The innovative DLL architecture described aims at
reducing the bias error in the code alignment.
Therefore, the mean of the tracking error between the
LOS code and the DLLNAV local code has been
evaluated considering different values of C/N0 (which
represents the ratio between the LOS power and the
noise power spectral density at the input of the RF
filter) and different multipath delays.
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
C/No [dBHz]
Mean of the tracking error [chip]
Mean of the tracking error (200 samples)
no multipath
Fig. 10 - Comparison of the mean of the tracking jitter: common
DLL with no multipath (dotted line), common DLL with multipath
(τ1 = 0.7 chip) (dashed line), innovative multiple DLL (Fig. 9) with
multipath (τ1 = 0.7 chip) (continuous line).
Fig. 10 shows the result obtained by simulation of the
module in case the multipath and LOS signals have the
same phase rotation, the multipath is 0.7 chip delayed
with respect to LOS and its amplitude is half the LOS
amplitude. It can be noted that using a single DLL
narrow correlator (0.125 chip spacing), no reasonable
tracking is possible; in fact, the mean of the tracking
jitter is about 0.07 chip apart from the correct zero
crossing (dashed line in Fig. 10) for all the C/N0 values
considered. Fig. 10 also reports the performance of a
single DLL when no multipath is present (dotted line),
and the performance of the innovative architecture
(solid line). It can be observed from the picture that
employing the new scheme, the systematic error can be
significantly reduced for all C/N0 values.
0 0.5 1 1.
0.08 Multipath Envelope − DLLs narrow correlator 0.125 spacing
multipath delay with respect to LOS [chip]
systematic error [chip]
Fig. 11 - Theoretical and simulated multipath envelopes of a single
narrow correlator (solid and dotted lines), theoretical and simulated
multipath envelopes of the simil-RAKE architecture (dashed and
dashed-dot lines).
Fig. 11 shows the theoretical multipath envelops of a
single DLL narrow correlator and of the whole simil-
RAKE architecture compared to the systematic error
obtained by simulation. Both simulation results and
theoretical envelopes show that using the innovative
architecture, it is possible to drastically reduce the
systematic error for all the multipath delays considered.
The distance between the simulated values and the
theoretical curves can be explained considering that
simulations have been performed in presence of noise
and taking into account the Intermediate Frequency
(IF) filter effect on the incoming signal.
This structure can be simply extended and adapted to
the external environment estimating the number of
multipaths (thanks to the Multipath Monitoring Unit).
Therefore, it is clear that it can play a key role in the
realization of an advanced module for the on-fly
reconfigurability procedure. The drawback of the
proposed architecture resides in the increased
computational complexity, and consequently to the
power required to the FPGA/DSP architecture. It is
important to point out that following the core idea
behind the general statement of SDR, the
implementation must be performed with particular
attention to the mapping procedure onto the
programmable platform, in order to assure the
maximum degree of modularity.
5 Conclusions
This paper has discussed the implementation of
innovative functionalities for the realization of GNSS
receiver according to the SDR philosophy. The study
has been conducted highlighting novel aspects of the
56 Journal of Global Positioning Systems
architecture which allows several degrees of
reconfigurability. In particular, the design faced the
choice of the best set of internal modules for satisfying
the requirements in terms of precision, power
consumption and time to fix. The implementation of
the Navigation Unit has been analyzed in details
because it represents the core for navigation modules.
As a significant case-study of the reconfigurability
opportunity, the adaptive multipath rejection algorithm
has been discussed, presenting the simulation results of
the implemented architecture.
Authors would like to thank ISMB (Istituto Superiore
Mario Boella) research center for its support. In
particular, all simulations and tests have been
performed in the Navigation Lab within the Services
and Applications Lab of ISMB. In addition,
Massimiliano Spelat expresses many tanks indeed to
ISMB for the financial support to his Ph.D. program.
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