Journal of Information Security, 2012, 3, 326-334 Published Online October 2012 (
Dynamic Identity Based Authentication Protocol for
Two-Server Architecture
Sandeep K. Sood
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Regional Campus Gurdaspur, Gurdaspur, India
Received July 17, 2012; revised August 23, 2012; accepted September 3, 2012
Most of the password based authentication protocols make use of the single authentication server for user’s authentica-
tion. User’s verifier information stored on the single server is a main point of susceptibility and remains an attractive
target for the attacker. On the other hand, multi-server architecture based authentication protocols make it difficult for
the attacker to find out any significant authentication information related to the legitimate users. In 2009, Liao and
Wang proposed a dynamic identity based remote user authentication protocol for multi-server environment. However,
we found that Liao and Wang’s protocol is susceptib le to malicious server attack and malicious user attack. This paper
presents a novel dynamic identity based authentication protocol for multi-server architecture using smart cards that re-
solves the aforementioned flaws, while keeping the merits of Liao and Wang’s protocol. It uses two-server paradigm by
imposing different levels of trust upon the two servers and the user’s verifier information is distributed between these
two servers known as the service provider server and the control server. The proposed protocol is practical and compu-
tational efficient because only nonce, one-way hash function and XOR operations are used in its implementation. It
provides a secure method to change the user’s password without the server’s help. In e-commerce, the number of serv-
ers providing the services to the user is usually more than one and hence secure authentication protocols for multi-server
environment are required.
Keywords: Authentication Protocol; Smart Card; Dynamic Identity; Multi-Server Architectur e; Password
1. Introduction
Most of the existing password authentication protocols
are based on single-server model in which the server
stores the user’s password verifier information in its da-
tabase. Password verifier information stored on the single
server is mainly susceptible to stolen verifier attack. The
concept of multi-server model removes this common poin t
of susceptibility. The proposed protocol uses multi-server
model consisting of two servers at the server side that
work together to authenticate the users. Different levels
of trust are assigned to the servers and the service pro-
vider server is more exposed to the clients than that of
the control server. The back-end control server is not
directly accessible to the clients and thus it is less likely
to be attacked. Two-server mo del provides the flexibility
to distribute user passwords and the authentication func-
tionality into two servers to eliminate the main point of
vulnerability of the single-server model. Therefore, two-
server model appears to be a genuine choice for practical
In a single server environment, the issue of remote
login authentication with smart cards has already been
solved by a variety of schemes. These conventional sin-
gle-server password authentication protocols can not be
directly applied to multi-server environment because each
user needs to remember different sets of identities and
passwords. Different protocols have been suggested to
access the resources of multi-server environment. A se-
cure and efficient remote user authentication protocol for
multi-server environment should provide mutual authen-
tication, key agreement, secure password update, low
computation requirements and resistance to different fea-
sible attacks.
A number of static identity based remote user authen-
tication protocols have been proposed to improve secu-
rity, efficiency and cost. The user may change his pass-
word but can no t chang e his iden tity in password au then-
tication protocols. During communication, the static iden-
tity leaks out partial information abou t the user’s authen-
tication messages to the attacker. Most of the password
authentication protocols for multi-server environment are
based on static identity and the attacker can use this in-
formation to trace and identify the different requests be-
longing to the same user. On the other hand, the dynamic
identity based authentication protocols provide two-factor
authentication based on the identity and password and
opyright © 2012 SciRes. JIS
S. K. SOOD 327
hence more suitable to e-commerce applications. The
aim of this paper is to provide a dynamic identity based
secure and computational efficient authentication proto-
col with user’s anonymity for multi-server environment
using smart cards. It protects the user’s identity in inse-
cure communication channel and hence can be applied
directly to e-economic applications.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we
explore the literature on ex isting authentication protocols
for multi-server environment. Section 3 reviews the dy-
namic identity based remote user authentication protocol
for multi-server environment proposed by Liao and Wa ng .
Section 4 describ es the su sceptib ility o f Liao an d W ang’s
protocol to malicious server attack and malicious user
attack. In Section 5, we present dynamic identity based
authentication protocol for multi-server architecture us-
ing smart cards. Section 6 discusses the security analysis
of the proposed protocol. The comparison of the cost and
functionality of the proposed protocol with other related
protocols is shown in Section 7. Section 8 concludes the
2. Related Work
A number of smart card based remote user authentication
protocols have been proposed due to the convenience and
secure computation provided by the smart cards. How-
ever, most of these protocols do not protect the user’s
identities in authentication process. User’s anonymity is
an important issue in many e-commerce applications.
In 2000, Ford and Kaliski [1] propo sed the first multi-
server password based authentication protocol that splits
a password among multiple servers. This protocol gene-
rates a strong secret using password based on the com-
munications exchanges with two or more independent
servers. The attacker can not compute the strong secret
unless all the servers are compromised. This protocol is
highly computation intensive due to the use of public
keys by the servers. Moreover, the user requires a prior
secure authentication channel with the server. Therefore
in 2001, Jablon [2] improved this protocol and proposed
multi-server password authentication protocol in which
the servers do not use public keys and the user does not
require prior secure communication channels with the
In 2003, Lin et al. [3] proposed a multi-server authen-
tication protocol based on the ElGamal digital signature
scheme that uses simple geometric properties of the
Euclidean and discrete logarithm problem concept. The
server does not require keeping any verification table but
the use of public keys makes this protocol computation
intensive. In 2004, Juang [4] proposed a smart card based
multi-server authentication protocol using symmetric en-
cryption algorithm without maintaining any verification
table on the server. In 2004, Ch ang and Lee [5] impro ved
Juang’s protocol and proposed a smart card based multi-
server authentication protocol using symmetric encryp-
tion algorithm without any verification table. Their pro-
tocol is more efficient than the multi-server authentica-
tion protocol of Juang [4]. In 2007, Hu et al. [6] pro-
posed an efficient password authentication key agree-
ment protocol for multi-server architecture in which user
can access multiple servers using smart card and one
weak password. The client and the server authenticate
each other and agree on a common secret session key.
The proposed protocol is more efficient and more user
friendly than that of Chang and Lee [5] protocol.
In 2006, Yang et al. [7] proposed a password based
user authentication and key exchange protocol using two-
server architecture in which only a front-end server com-
municates directly with the users and a control server
does not interact with the users directly. The concept of
distributing the password verification information and
authentication functionality into two servers requires addi -
tional efforts from an attacker to co mp r o mise tw o s e rv e r s
to launch successful offline dictionary attack. In 2008,
Tsai [8] proposed a multi-server authentication protocol
using smart cards based on the nonce and one-way hash
function that does not require storing any verification
table on the server and the registration center. The pro-
posed authentication protocol is efficient as compared to
other such related protocols because it does not use any
symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithm for its
implementation. In 2009, Liao and Wang [9] proposed a
dynamic identity based remote user authentication pro-
tocol using smart cards to achieve user’s anonymity. This
protocol uses only hash function to implement a strong
authentication for the multi-server environment. It pro-
vides a secure method to update the user’s password
without the help of trusted third party. In their paper,
they claimed that suggested protocol can resist various
known attacks. However, we show in Section 4 that their
protocol is insecure in the presence of an active attacker.
In 2009, Hsiang and Shih [10] also found that Liao and
Wang’s protocol is susceptible to insider attack, mas-
querade attack, server spoofing attack, registration center
spoofing attack and is no t reparable. Furthermore, it fails
to provide mutual authentication. To remedy these flaws,
Hsiang and Shih proposed an improvement over Liao
and Wang’s pro tocol. In 2010, Sood et al. [11] found that
Hsiang and Shih protocol is also found to be flawed for
replay attack, impersonation attack and stolen smart card
3. Review of Liao and Wang’s Protocol
In this section, we describe the dynamic identity based
remote user authentication protocol for multi-server en-
vironm ent proposed by Liao a nd Wang [9]. The nota t i ons
used in this sectio n are listed in Table 1 and the protocol
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JIS
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JIS
is shown in Figure 1.
3.1. Registration Phase
The user Ui has to submit his identity IDi and password Pi
to registration center RC so that he can access the re-
sources of the service provider server SJ. The RC computes
 
and i
. Then RC issues the smart card with
secret parameters (Vi, Bi, Di, H ( ), y) to the user Ui
through a secure communication channel.
3.2. Login Phase
The user Ui submits his identity , password and
the server identity SIDJ to smart card in order to login on
to the service provider server SThe smart card com-
** *
iiii and then veri-
fies the equality of calculated value of with the sto r ed
value of Di in its memory. If both values of Di match, the
legitimacy of the user is assured and smart card proceeds
to the next step. Otherwise the login request from the
user Ui is rejected. Then smart card generates nonce
value Ni and computes
 
ii iiiJii
. Afterwards, smart card sends the
login request message (CIDi, PiJ, Qi, Ni) to the server SJ.
3.3. Mutual Verification and Session Key
Agreement Phase
The server SJ computes
 
iiJi Jiiii
 
QHByN, and then compares the computed
Table 1. Notations.
Ui i
th User
th Server
RC Registration Center
IDi Unique Identification of User Ui
Pi Password of User Ui
SIDJ Unique Identification of Server SJ
CIDi Dynamic Identity of User Ui
H ( ) One-Way Hash Function
x Master Secret of Registr ation Center
y Shared Secret Key of Registration Center & All Servers
XOR Operation
| Concatenation
Figure 1. Liao and Wang’s dynamic identity based on multi-server authentication protocol.
S. K. SOOD 329
value of i with the received value of Qi. If they are
not equal, the server SJ rejects the login request and ter-
minates this session. Otherwise, the server SJ generates
nonce value NJ and computes
iJ ii J
and sends the message (MiJ1, NJ) back to smart card of
the user Ui. On receiving the message (MiJ1, NJ), the user
Ui’s smart card com pute s
iJ ii J
compares the computed value of MiJ1* with the received
value of MiJ1. This equivalency authenticates the legiti-
macy of the service provider server SJ else the connec-
tion is interrupted. Then the user Ui’s smart card com-
iJ iJ J
and sends MiJ2 back to
the service provider server SJ. On receiving the message
MiJ2, the service provider server SJ computes
*iJ J
and compares the computed
value of MiJ2* with the received value of MiJ2. This
equivalency assures the legitimacy of the user Ui. After
finishing mutual authentication, the user Ui and the ser-
vice provider server S computes
iiJ J
as the session key.
4. Cryptanalysis of Liao and Wang’s
Liao and Wang [9] claimed that their protocol provides
identity privacy and can resist various known attacks.
However, we found that this protocol is flawed for mali-
cious server attack and malicious user attack.
4.1. Malicious Server Attack
The malicious legitimate server SJ can compute th e value
of Ti, H(Pi) and Bi corresponding to the user Ui during
mutual verification and session key agreement phase.
This malicious server SJ also knows H ( ) function, y and
H(x) because Liao and Wang mentioned that y is the
shared key among the users, the servers and the registra-
tion center and H (x) is used by the legitimate server SJ to
compute . The malicious server SJ can
 
BHP Hx
Mik2, the service provider server Sk computes
iki kk
M2 HBNySID and compares it with the
received value of Mik2. This equivalency assures the le-
gitimacy of the user Ui. After the completion of mutual
authentication phase, the malicious server masquerading
as the user Ui and the service provider Sk computes
iik k
SKHBNNy SID as the session key.
4.2. Malicious User Attack
The malicious privileged user Um can extract information
like y and
BHP Hx
from his own smart
card. He can also intercept the login request message
(CIDi, PiJ, Qi, Ni) of the user Ui to the service provider SJ.
This malicious user Um can compute
mmiiJ iJ
 
BHP Hx. Now this malicious user Um
can choose random nonce value Nm and computes
ii imiJim
and masquerade as the legiti-
mate user Ui by sending the login request message (CIDi,
PiJ, Qi, Nm) to the service provider server SJ. The service
provider server SJ computes
 
iiJm Jiiim
ii im
 
 
yN,Q = HByN
iii ii
Ni during login request message from the user Ui and
ik iik
and compares the equality o f calculated value of Qi* with
the received value of Qi to verify the legitimacy of the
user Ui. Afterwards, the server SJ generates nonce value
NJ, computes
iJi mJ
M1 HBN ySID and sends the
message (MiJ1, NJ) back to the malicious user Um who is
masquerading as the user Ui. On receiving the message
(MiJ1, NJ), the malicious user Um computes
iJi JJ
M2 HBNySID and sends MiJ2 back to the
service provider server SJ. On receiving the message
MiJ2, the service provider server SJ computes
iJi JJ
M2 HBNySID and compares the computed
value of MiJ2* with the received value of MiJ2 to verify
the legitimacy of the user Ui. After finishing mutual au-
thentication phase, the malicious user Um masquerading
as the user Ui and the service provider server SJ computes
imJ J
SKHBNNy SID as the session key.
corresponding to
the user Ui. Afterwards, the malicious server SJ sends the
login request message (CIDi, Pik, Qi, Ni) to the service
provider server Sk by masquerading as the user Ui. The
service provider server Sk authenticates the received
messages by calculating Qi* from the received messages
and checks its equivalency with the received value of Qi.
After that, the server Sk generates a nonce value Nk and
iki ik
M1 HBNySID5. Proposed Protocol
and sends the mes-
sage (Mik1, Nk) back to the malicious server SJ who is
masquerading as the user Ui. On receiving the message
(Mik1, Nk), the malicious server SJ computes
In this section, we propose a dynamic identity based au-
thentication protocol for multi-server architecture using
smart cards that is free from all the attacks considered
above. The notations used in this section are listed in
Table 2 and the protocol is summarized in Figure 2.
ikikk and sends Mik2 back to the
service provider server Sk. On receiving the message
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JIS
Table 2. Notations.
Ui i
th User
Sk K
th Service Provider Server
RC Control Server
IDi Unique Identity of User Ui
Pi Password of User Ui
H ( ) One-Way Hash Function
SIDK Unique Identity of kth Service Provider Server
yi Random Value chosen by CS for User Ui
x Master Secret Parameter of Server CS
N1 R an d om Nonce Value Generated by User’s Smart Card
N2 Random Nonce Value Generated by Server Sk
N3 Random Nonce Value Generated by Server CS
XOR Operation
| Concatenation
Figure 2. Dynamic identity based multi-server authentication protocol.
5.1. Registration Phase
The user Ui has to submit his identity IDi and password
Pi to the control server CS for its registration over a se-
cure communication channel.
Step 1: Ui CS: IDi, Pi
The control server CS computes the security parame-
iii iii
, where x is the secret key of
the CS and yi is the random value chosen by the CS for
the user Ui. The server CS chooses the value of yi corre-
sponding to the user Ui in such a way so that the value of
Ci must be unique for each user. The server CS stores
corresponding to Ci in its client’s database. Then
the server CS issues smart card containing security pa-
rameters (Zi, Vi, Bi, H ( )) to the user Ui through a secure
communication channel.
Step 2: CS Ui: Smart card
All service provider servers register themselves with
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CS and CS agrees on a unique secret key SKk with each
service provider server Sk. The server Sk remembers the
secret key SKk and CS stores the secret key SKk as
corresponding to service provider
server identity SIDk in its service provider server’s data-
Step 3: CS Sk: IDi, H (yi)
The CS sends IDi and H (yi) corresponding to newly
registered user Ui to all service provider servers. Each
service provider server stores IDi and H (yi) in its data-
5.2. Login Phase
The user Ui inserts his smart card into a card reader and
submits his identity , password and the server
identity SIDk to smart card in order to login on to the
service provider server Sk. Then smart card computes
ID *
** **
iiiiii ii
and compares the computed value of Zi* with the stored
value of Zi in its memory to verifies the legitimacy of the
user Ui.
Step 1: Smart card checks ?= Zi
After verification, smart card generates random nonce
value N1 and computes
 
CID=VyHyN, M=HxN 
ii 1i
. Then smart card
sends the login request message (SIDk, CIDi, Mi, Ei) to
the service provider server Sk.
Step 2: Smart card Sk: SIDk, CIDi, Mi, Ei
5.3. Authentication and Session Key Agreement
After receiving the login request from the user Ui, the
server Sk generates random nonce value N2, computes Gi
= N2 SKk and sends the login request message (SIDk,
CIDi, Mi, Ei, Gi) to the control server CS.
Step 1: Sk CS: SIDk, CIDi, Mi, Ei, Gi
The control server CS computes
 
and finds the matching value of Ci corresponding to Ci*
from its client database.
Step 2: Server CS checks Ci* ?= Ci
If the value of Ci* does not match with any value of Ci
in its client database, the CS rejects the login request and
terminates this session. Otherwise, the CS extracts yi
from yi x corresponding to Ci* from its client database.
Then the CS comp utes
ii ii
 
and compares Ei* with the received value of Ei to verifies
the legitimacy of the user Ui and the service provider
server Sk.
Step 3: Server CS checks Ei* ?= Ei
If they are not equal, the CS rejects the login request
and terminates this session. Otherwise, the CS extracts
SKk from
corresponding to SIDk in
its service provider server’s database. Then the CS gen-
erates random nonce value N3, computes
i23 ii1
 
and sends the message (Ai, Di, Fi, Ti) back to the service
provider server Sk. The server Sk computes
NNAHSK from Ai
ii 123
IDDH NNN from Di.
Then the server Sk extracts H(yi) corresponding to IDi
from its database. Afterwards, the server Sk computes
*123i i
and compares Fi* with the received value of F i to verifies
the legitimacy of the control server CS.
Step 4: Server Sk checks Fi* ?= Fi
Then the server Sk sends (Fi, Ti) to smart card of the
user Ui. Then smart card computes
23i ii1
*123i i
and compares the computed value of Fi* with the re-
ceived value of Fi.
Step 5: Smart card checks Fi* ?= Fi
This equivalency authenticates the legitimacy of the
control server CS, the server Sk and the login request is
accepted else the connection is interrupted. Finally, the
user Ui’s smart card, the server Sk and the control server
CS agree on the common session key as
i1 23i
5.4. Password Change Phase
The user Ui can change his password without the help of
control server CS. The user Ui inserts his smart card into
a card reader and enters his identity IDi* and password Pi*
corresponding to his smart card. Smart card computes
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JIS
ii ii
** **
ii ii
 
and compares the computed value of Zi* with the stored
value of Zi in its memory to verifies the legitimacy of the
user Ui. Once the authenticity of card holder is verified,
the smart card asks the card holder to resubmit a new
password Pinew. Finally, the value of
iii iiii
ZHIDPHx and BHIDPPy 
stored in the smart card is updated with
new new
newnew new
6. Security Analysis
Smart card is a memory card that uses an embedded mi-
cro-processor from smart card reader machine to perform
required operations specified in the protocol. Kocher et
al. [12] and Messerges et al. [13] pointed out that all ex-
isting smart cards can not prevent the information stored
in them from being extracted like by monitoring their
power consumption. Some other reverse engineering
techniques are also available for extracting information
from smart cards. That means once a smart card is stolen
by the attacker, he can extract the information stored in it.
A good password authentication scheme should provide
protection from different possible attacks relevant to that
1) Malicious server attack: A malicious privileged
server Sk can monitor the authentication process of the
user Ui and can gather information related to the user Ui.
The malicious server Sk can gather information
 
iiii 1i
CIDVyHyN, MHxN 
ii 1i
during login phase
corresponding to the legitimate user Ui. This malicious
server Sk can not compute IDi, yi and x from this infor-
mation. This malicious server Sk can compute the iden-
tity IDi from Di and can extract H(yi) corresponding to
IDi from its database corresponding to the user Ui during
authentication and session key agreement phase. To
masquerade as the legitimate user Ui, this malicious
server Sk who knows the identity IDi has to guess yi and
H(x) correctly at the same time. It is not possib le to guess
out two parameters correctly at the same time in real
polynomial time. In another option, this malicious server
Sk has to get smart card of the user Ui and has to guess
the correct password Pi in order to login on to the server
Sm. It is not possible to guess the password Pi correctly in
real polynomial time even after getting the smart card of
legitimate user Ui and after knowing the identity IDi of
the user Ui. Therefore, the proposed protocol is secure
against malicious server attack.
2) Malicious user attack: A malicious privileged user
Ui having his own smart card can gather information like
iii iii
ZHIDPHx, VyIDHx 
 from the memory of smart
card. The malicious user Ui can compute the value of H(x)
from this information. The value of CIDm, Mm and Em is
smart card specific and the malicious user Ui requires to
know the values of H(x), ym and IDm to masquerade as
the legitimate user Um. Therefore, this malicious user Ui
has to guess ym and IDm correctly at the same time. It is
not possible to guess out two parameters correctly at the
same time in real polynomial time. Therefore, the pro-
posed protocol is secure against malicious user attack.
3) Stolen smart card attack: In case a user Ui’s smart
card is stolen by an attacker, he can extract the informa-
tion stored in the smart card. An attacker can extract
iii iii
ZHIDPHx, VyIDHx 
 from the memory of smart
card. Even after gathering this information, an attacker
has to guess minimum two parameters out of IDi, H(x), yi
and Pi correctly at the same time. It is not possible to
guess out two parameters correctly at the same time in
real polynomial time. Therefore, the proposed protocol is
secure against stolen smart card attack.
4) Identity protection: Our approach provides iden-
tity protection in the sen se that instead of sen ding th e real
identity IDi of the user Ui in authentication, the pseudo
identification 1
is generated
by smart card corresponding to the legitimate user Ui fo r
its authentication to the serv ice prov ider serv er Sk an d th e
control server CS. There is no real identity information
about the user during the log in and authentication & ses-
sion key agreement phase. This approach provides the
privacy and unlinkability among different login requests
belonging to the same user. The attacker can not link
different sessions belonging to the same user.
iii i
CIDVyHyN 
5) Offline dictionary attack: In offline dictionary at-
tack, the attacker can record messages and attempts to
guess user’s identity IDi and password Pi from recorded
messages. An attacker first tries to obtains identity and
password verification information such as
iii iiii
and then try to guess the identity IDi and password Pi by
offline guessing. Here an attacker has to guess the iden-
tity IDi and password Pi correctly at the same time. It is
not possible to guess two parameters co rrectly at the s am e
time in real polynomial time. Therefore, the proposed
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JIS
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JIS
protocol is secure against offline dictionary attack.
6) Replay attack: In this type of attack, the attacker
first listens to communication between the user and the
server and then tries to imitate the user to login on to the
server by resending the captured messages transmitted
between the user and the server. Replaying a message of
one session into another session is useless because the
user’s smart card, the server Sk and the control server CS
choose different nonce values (N1, N2, N3) in each new
session, which make all messages dynamic and valid for
that session only. Therefor e, replaying old dynamic iden-
tity and user’s verifier information is useless. Moreover,
the attacker can not compute the session key
i1 23i
because the user Ui’s smart card, the server Sk and the
control server CS contributes different nonce values (N1,
N2, N3) in each new session and the attacker does not
know the value of IDi, N1, N2, N3 and H(yi). Therefore,
the proposed protocol is secure against replay attack.
7) Mutual authentication: The goal of mutual au-
thentication is to establish an agreed session key among
the user Ui, the service provider server Sk and the control
server CS. All three parties contribute their random nonce
values as N, Nand N for the derivation of session key
12 3
i1 23i
. The control s er v er
CS authenticates the user Ui using verifier information as
, the service provider
server Sk authenticates the server CS using
*123i i
and the user Ui authenticates the server Sk and the server
CS using
i123i i
. The
proposed protocol satisfies strong mutual authentication.
7. Cost and Functionality Analysis
An efficient authentication protocol must take commu-
nication and computation cost into consideration during
user’s authentication. The cost comparison of the pro-
posed protocol with the relevant smart card based au-
thentication protocols is su mmarized in Tabl e 3. A ssume
that the identity IDi, password Pi, x, yi, nonce values (N1,
N2, N3) are all 128 bit long and prime modular operation
is 1024 bits long as in most of practical implementations.
Moreover, we assume that the output of secure one-way
hash function and the block size of secure symmetric
cryptosystem are 128 bits. Let TH, TSYM and TEXP are
defined as the time complexity for hash function, sym-
metric encryption/decryption and exponential operation
respectively. Typically, time complexity associated with
these operations can be roughly expressed as TEXP
TSYM > TH. In the proposed protocol, the parameters
stored in the smart card are Zi, Vi, Bi and the memory
needed (E1) in the smart card is ) bits.
The communication cost of authentication (E2) includes
the number of communication parameters involved in the
authentication protocol. The number of communication
parameters is {SIDk, CIDi, Mi, Ei, Gi, Ai, Di, Fi, Ti} and
hence the communication cost of authentication (E2) is
384 3128
1152 9128 bits. The computation cost of registra-
tion (E3) is the total time of all operations executed by
the user Ui in the registration phase. The computation
cost of registration (E3) is 4TH. The computation cost of
the user (E4) is the time spent by the user during the
process of authentication. Therefore, the computation
cost of the user (E4) is 8TH. The computation cost of the
service provider server and the control server (E5) is the
time spent by the service provider server and the control
server during the process of authentication. Therefore,
the computation cost of the service provider server and
the control server (E5) is 12TH.
The proposed protocol uses the control server CS and
the service provider server Sk for the user’s authentica-
tion that is why the computation cost of the servers (E5)
is high as compared to Liao and Wang protocol [9]. On
the other hand, the protocol proposed by Liao and Wang
in 2009 totally relies on the service provid er server Sk for
the user’s authentication and hence susceptible to mali-
cious server attack and malicious user attack. The pro-
posed protocol maintains the user’s anonymity by gener-
ating dynamic identity and free from different attacks.
The proposed protocol requires very less computation as
compared to other related protocols and also highly se-
cure as compared to these related protocols. The func-
tionality comparison of the proposed protocol with the
relevant smart card based authentication protocols is sum-
marized in Table 4.
Table 3. Cost comparison among related smart card based authentication protocols.
Proposed Protocol Liao & Wang [9] Hsiang & Shih [10]Chang & Lee [5] Juang [4] Lin et al. [3]
E1 384 bits (0.375 |n|) 512 bits (0.5 |n|) 640 bits (0.625 |n|) 256 bits (0.25 |n|) 256 bits (0.25 |n| ) (4t + 1) |n| bits
E2 9*128 bits (1.125 |n| ) 7*128 bits (0.875 |n|) 14 *128 bits (1.75 |n|)5*12 8 bits (0.625 |n|)9*128 bits (1.125 |n|) 7*1024 bits (7 |n| )
E3 4TH T 5TH T 6TH T 2TH < T TH << T 5tT
E4 8TH T 9TH T 10TH T 4TH + 3TSYM T3T
H + 3TSYM T 2T
E5 12TH T 6TH T 13TH T 4TH + 3TSYM T4T
H + 8TSYM T 7T
t: Number of servers; T: T i me complexity of a modular exponential communication i n : | n | = 1024 bits.
Table 4. Functionality comparison among related smart card based authentication protocols.
Proposed protocol Liao & Wang [9] Hsiang & Shih [10]Chang & Lee [5] Juang [4] Lin et al. [3]
User’s anonymity Yes Yes Yes No No No
Computation cost Low Low Low Low Low High
Single registration Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Session key agreement Yes Yes Yes Yes Y es No
Correct password update Yes Yes No No No No
No time synchronization Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Mutual authentication Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Two factor security Yes Yes Yes No No No
Malicious server attack No Yes No Yes Yes No
Malicious user attack No Yes Yes Yes Yes N o
8. Conclusion
We presented a cryptanalysis of a recently proposed Liao
and Wang’s protocol and showed that their protocol is
susceptible to malicious server attack and malicious user
attack. An improved protocol is proposed that inherits the
merits of Liao and Wang’s protocol and resists different
possible attacks. We have specified and analyzed a dy-
namic identity based authentication protocol for multi-
server architecture using smart cards which is very effec-
tive to thwart different attacks. The proposed protocol
helps the service provider servers and the control server
to recognize the user’s completely by computing their
static identity and at the same time keeps the identity of
the user dynamic in communication channel. The pro-
posed protocol is practical and efficient because only
one-way hash function and XOR operations are used in
its implementation. Security analysis proved that the
proposed protocol is more secure and practical.
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