Modern Economy, 2012, 3, 786-792 Published Online October 2012 (
Fairness Norms and the Incidence of
Environmental Subsidy
Toshihiro Uchida
School of Economics, Chukyo University, Nagoya, Japan
Received August 18, 2012; revised September 20, 2012; accepted September 30, 2012
Although fairness concerns are frequen tly discussed in the real world environmental politics, their effects are relatively
neglected in the environmental economics literature. Using a survey method, this paper attempts to reveal how fairness
norms affect the incidence of subsidy both in the short-run and long-run. The results indicate that statutory incidence
(legal right to receive subsidy) affects people’s fairness norms on who should receive subsidy. In particular it is consid-
ered unfair for a firm to receive a part of the subsidy when it is legally granted to the consumer side. If firms avoid be-
haviors that are considered unfair, the tax and subsidy equivalence theorem may not hold under this situation. Th e sur-
vey results also reveal that fairness norms affect the incidence of subsidy in the long-run, in a sense that th e allocation
of gains that are generated due to subsidy is affected. People find it fair if allocation is made in proportion to firms’ own
effort. Therefore, if an increase in profit is achiev ed by activities directly supported by su bsidy, people find it less justi-
fiable for firms to keep all the gains by themselves and thus firms may be forced to share the gains with consumers.
Keywords: Environmental Economics; Fairness; Social Norms; Subsidy; Tax Equivalence Theorem
1. Introduction
The debate over environmental policies often generates
controversies. Protecting the environment tends to in-
volve trade-offs between the economy and the environ-
ment at least in the short run. Consequently, heated de-
bate often arises over designing how to distribute the
costs and benefits of a policy among potentially affected
entities [1]. For example, introduction of environmental
taxes typically faces strong opposition from the indus-
tries that are likely to bear heavier burdens. Feed-in-tar-
iffs, which attempt to boost renewable energy by provid-
ing financial incentives to renewable electricity produc-
ers, are also causing distributive concern [2,3]. Since
feed-in-tariffs charge higher energy bills to electricity
users to finance the program, the financial burden on a
typical household can become increasingly heavy as re-
newable electricity becomes more prevalent and the total
payments to electricity producers increase.
Although fairness con cerns are frequently discussed in
the real world environmental politics, the issues are rela-
tively neglected in the environmental economics litera-
ture [1]. Of particular interest of this paper is the effect of
fairness norms on the tax and subsidy equivalence theo-
rem. The theorem states that the final distribution of the
burden of a tax (economic incidence) does not depend on
who actually pays the tax (statutory incidence). Or in the
context of subsidy, th e final distribution of the benefit of
a subsidy does not depend on who actually receives the
subsidy [4]. The tax and subsidy equivalence theorem is
considered one of the basic established theories in mi-
croeconomics. However, its empirical validity has been
recently challenged. For example, Kerschbamer and
Kirchsteiger [5] demonstrated using laboratory experi-
ments that the equivalence theorem does not hold due to
a shift in behaviorally relevant social norms. The distri-
bution of subsidy is influenced by behaviors of firms in
the market. If firms avoid the behaviors that are deemed
unfair, the incidence of subsidy may be affected by fair-
ness norms.
In this paper, we attempt to reveal people’s fairness
norms on the pricing behaviors of firms in the presence
of subsidy and investigate how fairness norms can affect
the incidence of subsidy both in the short-run and long-
run. By analyzing these issu es, this paper attempts to add
new empirical evidence to the literature on the role of
fairness in environmental economics. Specific attention
is given to the following two aspects: 1) How statutory
incidence (legal right to receive subsidy) affects fairness
norms and the incidence of subsidy; and 2) How fairness
norms affect the allocation of gains from subsidy in the
long-run. We also discuss a possibility that the tax and
subsidy equivalence theorem may not always hold.
This paper is structured as follows. The next section
opyright © 2012 SciRes. ME
provides brief rev iew of the relevant literature. Section 3
explains the survey method. Section 4 presents results,
and Section 5 concludes the paper.
2. Literature Review
An increasing number of evidence suggests that fairness
norms play important roles in shaping economic out-
comes. A fairness norm refers to “a standard of conduct
that most people hold about what is fair and not fair” [6].
These views form the ethical behavioral principles of
economic agents, which may influence their decision
making processes. The evidence on the effect of fairness
norms on individual decision making has been accumu-
lated in the experimental economics literature.
In the dictator game, a proposer decides to share a
certain amount of money with a responder. The re-
sponder receives whatever amount the proposer decides
to give him, and the proposer obtains the remaining por-
tion. Although standard economic theory suggests that a
self-interested proposer gives nothing to the responder,
typically more than half the proposers give something,
and some even offer a 50:50 split which can be consid-
ered a fair division of the stake [7]. In the ultimatum
game, a responder has an option to either accept or reject
the offer made by a proposer; if the offer is rejected, both
players receive nothing. Thus, money-maximizing indi-
viduals should accept any offer however small it is, and
backward induction suggests that proposers should offer
minimal amount. In reality, however, the majority of
proposers offer 40% - 50% of the stake, and responders
tend to reject low offers, punishing what they consider
unfair offers by giving up their own profit [8]. Similar
punishment behaviors are observed in the public goods
game. In the public goods game, players decide if and
how much they contribute to a public good. When play-
ers are given an opportunity to punish others, free riders
(who do not contribute to the public good) are severely
punished even if punishment is costly to the punisher.
This in turn increases contribution rate to avoid punish-
ment from other players for being a free rider [9]. These
observations imply that some people are willing to give
up their own payoff in order to punish other people’s
behaviors that are against fairness norms, and that
avoiding punishment partially motivates individuals to
behave consistently with fairness norms.
In the context of decision-making of firms, Kahneman
et al. [10] investigated how fairness norms could con-
strain profit-seeking behaviors of firms. They conducted
a survey with a series of hypothetical scenarios and asked
respondents whether they think the pricing behavior of
the firm described in each scenario is fair or not. Through
these questions, they elicited the fairness norms that peo-
ple hold toward pricing and wage setting behaviors of
firms. Their findings are summarized in the dual entitle-
ment theory: the prices or profits at the currently pre-
vailing transactions (reference prices or reference profits)
form the benchmark against which people judge fairness.
People consider that buyers have an entitlement to the
reference prices and firms have an entitlement to the ref-
erence profits. The act of increasing profit by increasing
price from the reference price is generally considered
unfair, and it is considered acceptable only when the
firm’s reference profit is threatened. Kahneman et al. [10]
then attempted to explain market anomalies such as slug-
gish and incomplete market adjustments by the dual enti-
tlement theory. They argued that if firms ignore the enti-
tlement of buyers, the act would cause anger among
buyers and may reduce the demand for the firm’s product
in the long-run. Therefore, even if there are profit-seek-
ing opportunities in the short-run, firms may forgo the
opportunities for the sake of protecting the long-run
profit. This in turn leads to seemingly anomalous market
behaviors of firms. For example, even in the presence of
excess demand, firms may not increase price because
doing so would ignore the bu yers’ entitlement at the cur-
rent price. In this sense, profit-seeking behaviors of firms
are constrained by fairness norms and the behaviors of
firms may diverge from what the standard economic the-
ory predict s.
The role of fairness in the tax and subsidy equivalence
theorem is discussed in Kerschbamer and Kirchsteiger
[5]. In their modified ultimatum game, a tax is levied
either on the proposer or the responder. If a tax is levied,
a certain fixed amount (a tax) is subtracted from the
gross payment that the player was supposed to receive in
the absence of tax. The experimental results show that
contrary to what the equivalence theorem predicts, the
net payoff a player receives changes depending on who
actually pays the tax . The side of the player to whom the
tax is levied bears a significantly larger share of the bur-
den [5]. They argue that the changes in legal obligation
to pay a tax also change social norms regarding who
should bear the tax burden, though they did not show
sufficient evidence to back up this claim.
The above studies combined imply that decision-
making processes of both individuals and firms are af-
fected by fairness norms. Avoiding punishment partially
motivates individuals and firms to behave consistently
with fairness norms. For example, if firms violate the
entitlement of buyers, their long-run profits may decline
through reduced demand for their products and services.
Due to the influence of social norms including fairness
norms, the behaviors of economic agents may diverge
from what the standard theory predicts including the tax
and subsidy equivalence theorem.
3. Methods
The basic research method employed in this study is
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. ME
similar to Kahneman et al. [10]. We conducted a survey
with a series of hypothetical scenarios and asked respon-
dents whether they think the situation described in each
scenario is fair or not. The respondents consisted of a
random sample of 744 residents in Japan between the age
of 20 and 69. We designed a web-based survey and it
was executed in February 2012 by goo Research, one of
the major market research companies in Japan.1 To re-
duce the burden of respondents, we divided questions
into two versions A and B, such that respondents were
assigned to either of them. Version A had 370 respon-
dents and version B had 374 respondents, which gave a
total of 744 samples.2
The survey specifically assumed a hypothetical com-
pany C, which produces next-generation solar power
systems. At the beginning of the questionnaire, back-
ground information on Company C and its products was
explained as fo l l ows: 3
The following questions are based on hypothetical
activities of a company (Company C). Company C
produces next-generation solar power systems for
household use and sells them directly to its con-
sumers. With the use of Company C’s next-genera-
tion solar power systems, consumers can reduce elec-
tricity consumption and air pollutant emission associ-
ated with the electricity consumption. With the pur-
chase of each unit, a household is expected to make
an average contribution to the environment equiva-
lent to JPY 100,000 in monetary terms throughout
the system’s service life. Moreover, if the system’s
efficiency increases with research and development
(R&D), the environmental contribution associated
with the use of the system is expected to surpass
JPY 100,000.
Then, the ensuing questions presented various hypo-
thetical pricing behaviors of Company C in the presence
of subsidy. The distribution of subsidy is influenced by
what kind of pricing behaviors firms take in the market.
If firms avoid the behaviors that are deemed unfair, this
may affect the incidence of subsidy. In this sense, fair-
ness norms can affect the incidence of subsidy. In each
question, we asked respondents to indicate how strongly
they agree that Company C’s course of action is fair.
Through these questions, we infer people’s fairness
norms on the pricing behaviors of firms in the presence
of subsidy and attempt to reveal how fairness norms can
affect the incidence of subsidy. We specifically investi-
gate the following two research questions:
1) How statutory incidence (legal right to receive sub-
sidy) affects fairness norms and the incidence of subsidy.
Kerschbamer and Kirchsteiger [5] argue that the chan-
ges in legal obligation to pay a tax also change social
norms regarding who should bear the tax burden. Their
experimental results show that the side of the player to
whom the tax is levied bears a significantly larger share
of the burden. We investigate whether similar results
hold for the case of subsidy. That is, we examine whether
people think it is fair when the side of the agent to whom
the subsidy is provided receives a larger share of it.
2) How fairness norms affect the allocation of gains
from subsidy in the long-run.
If subsidy is introduced to encourage environmental
businesses or environmentally-friendly products (e.g., the
next-generation solar power systems in our hypothetical
scenario), it is likely to produce gains (benefits) in the
long-run from activities related to subsidy. For example,
profits of the firms may increase or a part of the in-
creased profits may be returned to consumers through
reduced market price. How should the gains be shared
between firms and consumers in the market? We inves-
tigate people’s fairness norms on the allocation of gains
from subsidy in the long-run.
In each question, respondents were asked to choose
one of four answers to express how strongly they agree
that Company C’s course of action is fair. The answers
took the form of ordinal qualitative data, but for the pur-
pose of statistical analyses they were assigned numbers
as follows: Strongly agree = 1, Somewhat agree = 2,
Somewhat disagree = 3, and Strongly disagree = 4.
The survey is structured such that the scenario in each
question is slightly different from others. This allows us
to compare and contrast the effect of a certain specific
factor in forming people’s fairness norms.
4. Results
This section presents the survey results. By comparing
how people’s fairness perceptions change under different
scenarios, we attempt to answer the two research ques-
tions explained in the previous section.
4.1. How Statutory Incidence (Legal Right to
Receive Subsidy) Affects Fairness Norms
and the Incidence of Subsidy
1The use of web-based survey is rapidly increasing in the environ-
mental economics literature. It has been shown that appropriately de-
signed web-
ased surveys can produce reliable results similar to the
conventionally used methods such as mail surveys and telephone sur-
veys [11,12].
2Each version contains 8 questions. The ensuing discussions take only a
art of the questions that are relevant for this study’s research ques-
3The questionnaire was originally written in Japanese. For the purpose
of presentation, a translated version is p resented throughout this paper.
To investigate this issue, we constructed pairs of scenar-
ios, where Company C is entitled to the subsidy in one
scenario and consumers are entitled in the other scenario.
A pair-wise comparison allows us to highlight the effect
of statutory incidence on fairness norms. In the following
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. ME
questions, the subsidy is assumed to be directed to the
research and development expenses of Company C and
therefore consumers do not receive subsidy. The effect of
statutory incidence is investigated under these scenarios.
Question 1.4 Company C produces next-generation
solar power systems for household use and sells
them directly to its consumers. In the past year, each
unit has been sold fo r JPY 1 million (approximately
12,500 US Dollars), which is barely over the break-
even price. To promote the growth of environmental
Indus- tries, the government decided to introduce a
new subsidy for the production of next-generation
solar power systems and Company C now receives a
subsidy of JPY 100,000 for the production of each
unit. Therefore, after receiving government subsidy,
the Company’s break-even sales price becomes JPY
900,000. Company C has decided to continue sell-
ing the systems for JPY 1 million per unit—even
after receiving the subsidy—to fund research and
development required for increasing the efficiency
of its solar power systems.
Do you agree that Company C’s course of action
underlined above is fair (justifiable behavior)?
Please choose one of the following responses.
1) Strongly agree (12.8%)
2) So mewhat agree (48.9%)
3) Somewhat d i s agree (29.4%)
4) Strongly disagree (8.8%)
The percentage of responses is indicated inside the
parentheses after each option. When Company C is enti-
tled to the subsidy, more than half of the respondents
(Strongly agree (12.8%) + Somewhat agree (48.9%) =
61.7%) think it is fair that consumers continue to pay the
same price even after the introduction of the subsidy.
This fairness perception changes when consumers are
legally entitled to the subsidy.
Question 2. … (same as Question 1) To promote the
growth of environmental industries, the government
decided to introduce a new subsidy for the purchase
of next-generation solar power systems and con-
sumers now receive a subsidy of JPY 100,000 for
each unit they purchase from Company C. There-
fore, if each unit is sold for JPY 1 million after in-
troduction of the subsidy, Company C’s profitab ility
remains constant and consumers can effectively pur-
chase a unit at JPY 900,000, which is JPY 100,000
cheaper than before. Company C has decided to in-
crease the price by JPY 100,000 and sell each unit at
JPY 1.1 million after the subsidy program is imple-
mented, in order to fund research and development
required for increasing the efficiency of its solar
power systems. (This means consumers will effec-
tively pay JPY 1 million, which is the same price as
before the introduction of the subsidy).
Do you agree that Company C’s course of action
un derlined abov e is fair (justifiable behavior)? Please
choose one of the following responses.
1) Strongly agree (3.2%)
2) So mewhat agree (26.2%)
3) Somewhat d i s agree (47.6%)
4) Strongly disagree (23.0%)
When consumers are entitled to the subsidy, only
29.4% of the respondents (Strongly agree (3.2%) +
Somewhat agree (26.2%) = 29.4%) think it is fair. The
difference in the means of the answers to Questions 1
and 2 are statistically significant. Both the t-test and the
Mann-Whitney U nonparametric test reject the null hy-
pothesis that the mean is equivalent with p-values less
than 0.01. Under both scenarios, con sumers pay the same
price to purchase a unit and Company C spends the same
amount of money on research and development activity.
However, the behavior of Company C in Question 2 is
judged to b e unfair. A natural explanation fo r this obser-
vation seems to be a change in the social norm. Assign-
ing legal right of subsidy to a different party changes the
social norm regarding who should receive the subsidy. If
people think the party to which legal right is granted
should receive the subsidy, people consider it unfair if
the subsidy is “taken away” by firms when consumers
have the legal entitlement. In essence, this interpretation
is consistent with Kerschbamer and Kirchsteiger [5], who
proposed the role of social norms to explain the failure of
the tax equivalence theorem.
The above interpretation assumes that Company C’s
behavior is judged to be unfair because of the fact that it
ignores consumers’ entitlement to the subsidy, not be-
cause of the price increase by itself. To ensure this as-
sumption is correct, we compare the result of Question 2
with those of the following questions.
Question 3. Company C produces next-generation
solar power systems for household use and sells
them directly to its consumers. In the past year, each
unit has been sold for JPY 1 million, which is barely
over the break-even price. Now due to an increase
in material prices, the production costs have in-
creased, thus raising the break-even price to JPY 1.1
million. Company C has decided to increase the
price by JPY 100,000 and sell each unit at JPY 1.1
Do you agree that Company C’s course of action
underlined above is fair (justifiable behavior)? Please
choose one of the following responses.
4Numbering of the questions is different from the original one in the
survey. 1) Strongly agree (14.3%)
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. ME
2) Somewhat agree (51.9% )
3) Somewhat d i s agree (28.9%)
4) Strongly disagree (4.9%)
A total of 66.2% of respondents consider that increas-
ing the price to avoid incurring a loss is fair. Furthermore,
as shown in the following question, increasing the price
even for the purpose of protecting the existing profit is
considered fair.
Question 4. … (same as Question 3) In the past year,
each unit has been sold for JPY 1 million, and
Company C has been making a profit of JPY
100,000 at this sales price. Now due to an increase
in material prices, the production costs have in-
creased, which makes it impossible to maintain the
JPY 100,000 profit unless sales price becomes JPY
1.1 million. Company C has decided to increase the
price by JPY 100,000 and sell each unit at JPY 1.1
Do you agree that Company C’s course of action
underlined above is fair (justifiable behavior)? Please
choose one of the following responses.
1) Strongly agree (11.2%)
2) So mewhat agree (48.4%)
3) Somewhat d i s agree (33.4%)
4) Strongly disagree (7.0%)
Now 59.6% of respondents think Company C’s be-
havior is fair, which is much greater than the percentage
of respondents who considered fair in Question 2
(29.4%). From these answers, it seems reasonable to
conclude that simply increasing sales price by itself is not
judged to be an unfair behavior even for the purpose of
protecting the existing profit. It is the act of ignoring the
consumers’ entitlement to the subsidy that is considered
As discussed in Kahneman et al. [10], if firms take ac-
tions that are considered unfair, this would cause anger
among buyers and may reduce long-run profits of firms.
In this sense, fairness norms constrain profit seeking
pricing behaviors of firms and affect the incidence of
subsidy depending on which side the subsidy is intro-
duced. Several reasons have been proposed for why the
tax equivalence theorem may fail under certain condi-
tions. Chetty et al. [13] concluded from field experiment
evidence that consumers underreact to less visible taxes
due to bounded rationality, leading to divergence from
the behaviors predicted by the standard theory. Busse et
al. [14] analyzed the incidence of cash incentive promo-
tions in the automobile market. They found that asym-
metric information causes customers to obtain a much
higher proportion of the incentive if a rebate program is
introduced to a customer side rather than a dealer side.
This paper proposes another possible source of the
failure of the tax and subsidy equivalence theorem. The
theorem may not hold because statutory incidence affects
people’s fairness norms on who should receive subsidy,
which may constrain pricing behaviors of firms and
make the behaviors divergent from the standard theory.
In essence, this interpretation is consistent with an ex-
perimental study by Kerschbamer and Kirchsteiger [5].
We do not contend, however, that the equivalence theo-
rem will always fail. Ruffle [4] contends that non-market
forces such as bargaining powers work only in small
markets, and the tax equivalence theorem is strongly
supported in large markets due to powerful competitive
market forces. Therefore, even when strong fairness
norms exist, the situations under which the equivalence
theorem fails may be limited to small markets.
4.2. How Fairness Norms Affect the Allocation of
Gains from Subsidy in the Long-Run
Next, we consider a situation in which gains are pro-
duced (e.g., profits are increased) in the long-run from
activities related to su bsidy, and discuss people’s fairness
norms on how the gains should be allocated between
firms and consumers in the market.
Question 5. Company C produces next-generation
solar power systems for household use and sells
them directly to its consumers. With the aim of
promoting the growth of environ- mental industries,
government subsidy has been provided since last
year for the production of next-generation solar
power systems. Company C has been receiving a
subsidy of JPY 100,000 for the production of each
unit and utilized the received subsidy to fund re-
search and development aimed at increasing the ef-
ficiency of its solar power systems. In the past year,
each unit has been sold for JPY 1 million, which is
barely ov er th e br eak- even price. Now, thanks to th e
research and development supported by the subsidy,
the efficiency of the systems has improved. This has
increased sales, and Company C now makes a profit
of JPY 100,000 per unit if sold at the price of JPY 1
million. Company C has decided to continue using
the subsidy to fund research and development and
sell the systems for JPY 1 million per unit.
Do you agree that Company C’s course of action
underlined above is fair (justifiable behavior)? Ple ase
choose one of the following responses.
1) Strongly agree (12.7%)
2) So mewhat agree (43.8%)
3) Somewhat d i s agree (38.1%)
4) Strongly disagree (5.4%)
In this scenario, Company C’s profit is increased due
to the R&D activities that have been supported by the
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. ME
subsidy. Next scenario considers a situation in which
gains are produced due to Company C’s own efforts that
are unrelated to the subsidy.
Question 6. … (same as Question 5) which is barely
over the break-even price. Now, thanks to cost re-
ductions unrelated to the subsidy, it has become
possible to make a profit of JPY 100,000 if each
unit is sold at JPY 1 million. Company C has de-
cided to continue using the subsidy to fund research
and development and sell the systems for JPY 1
million per unit.
Do you agree that Company C’s course of action
underlined above is fair (justifiable behavior)? Please
choose one of the following responses.
1) Strongly agree (21.9%)
2) So mewhat agree (51.9%)
3) Somewhat d i s agree (22.2%)
4) Strongly disagree (4.0%)
The percentage of resp ondents who con sider Company
C’s behavior to be fair is 56.5% in Question 5 and 73.8%
in Question 6. The difference in the means is statistically
significant. Both th e t-test and the Mann-Whitney U non-
parametric test reject the null hypothesis that the mean is
equivalent wi t h p- va l ues le ss t han 0. 01.
To interpret this re sult, a study by Konow [15] may be
of relevance. Konow [15] investigated people’s fairness
norms toward allocation of output. The study concludes
that one of the cond itions for fairness is that allocation is
made in proportion to adjusted input, which is basically
equivalent to one’s own effort level. Although what we
deal with here is gains, the fairness norms may be based
on a principle similar to the case of output. In the case of
Question 6, Company C increases its profit by efforts not
related to the subsidy. In th e case of Question 5, research
and development itself can be considered its own effort
but the activity is financially supported by the subsidy. In
this sense, not all increase in profit can be attributed to
own effort, thus making some people doubt the fairness
of Company C’s behavior. These observations imply that
fairness norms may also affect the incidence of subsidy
in the long-run, in a sense that the decision of firms in-
volving the allocation of gains from subsidy may be af-
5. Conclusions
This paper attempted to reveal how fairness norms affect
the incidence of subsidy both in the short-run and long-
run. In particular, we investigated 1) How statutory inci-
dence affects fairness norms and the incidence of subsidy;
and 2) How fairness norms affect the allocation of gains
from subsidy in the long-run. Although fairness concerns
are frequently discussed in the real world environmental
politics, the issues are relatively neglected in the envi-
ronmental economics literature [1]. This paper tried to
add new empirical evidence to this literature.
The survey results indicate that even when consumers
pay the same price for a product, people’s fairness norms
change depending on which side the subsidy is intro-
duced. If statutory incidence affects people’s fairness
norms on who should receive subsidy, the tax and sub-
sidy equivalence theorem may not hold. This happens
because it is considered unfair for a firm to receive a part
of the subsidy when it is leg ally granted to the co nsumer
side and thus firms have incentives to avoid behaviors
that are considered unfair in order to protect the long-run
profit. We add a caveat, however, that the failure of the
equivalence theorem is only likely to happen in small
markets in which competitive forces are weak.
The results indicate that fairness norms also affect the
incidence of subsidy in the long-run, in a sense that allo-
cation of gains from subsidy is affected. People find it
fair if allocation is made in proportion to adjusted input.
Therefore, if an increase in profit is achieved by activi-
ties directly supported by subsidy, people find it less jus-
tifiable when firms keep all the gains by themselves.
There are certainly limitations to this study. The sur-
vey questions dealt with specific situations and therefore
the results and their interpretations may not be robust.
Investigating other situations can check the robustness of
the findings of this study. Applying new methods such as
field experiment seems a promising direction of future
research. Levitt and List [16] argue that experimental
results obtained in laboratory settings may not always
hold for more naturally occurring settings, and that field
experiments can complement experimental studies. Simi-
larly, the results obtained in our hypothetical scenarios
may be complemented by field experiments to produce
more robust results and possibly new insights. Future
research can extend th e current study in this direction.
6. Acknowledgements
The author acknowledges financial support from KA-
KENHI (22730203) (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
by the Japanese government).
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Copyright © 2012 SciRes. ME
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. ME
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