Creative Education
2012. Vol.3, No.6, 692-695
Published Online October 2012 in SciRes (
Copyright © 2012 SciR e s .
Exploring Elementary Thai Teachers’ Use of
Mathematics Textbook
Suwarnnee Plianram1, Maitree Inprasitha2
1Department Doctoral Program in Mathematics Education, Facul ty of Education, Khon Kaen University,
Khon Kaen, Thailand
2Center for Research in Mathematics Education, Faculty of Edu c at i on , Khon Kaen University,
Khon Kaen, Thailand
Email: plianram_crm
Received August 23rd, 2012; revised September 25th, 2012; accepted October 16th, 2012
The aim of this study was to compare the approaches to use mathematics textbooks on primary school
in-service teachers in the “Project for Professional Development of Mathematics’ teacher through Lesson
Study and Open Approach”. The methodology is questionnaires-check lists, interviews and open ended
questionnaires. The results on the approaches on teachers’ use of mathematics textbook found that the
percentage of adherence and elaboration decrease and the percentage of creation increase after teachers
attend the project.
Keywords: Teachers’ Use of Mathematics Textbook; Mathematics Textbook
Fan & Zhuo (2007) stated that textbooks are a key compo-
nent of the intended curriculum and various researches have
revealed that the t eaching a pproaches a dopted by classroom t ea ch -
ers and those embodied in the textbooks used in their classroom
were often highly alike. That shows influence of textbooks to
teacher for teaching in classroom. The TIMSS survey also found
that the majority of mathematics teacher used textbook as the
main written source when they selected teaching approaches. In
general the textbooks were recognized as major information
regarding to material content and pedagogical styles in classro om
(Haggarty & Pepin, 2001). The textbooks very much affect the
teachers’ teaching they use it for selecting the topic s to be taught,
planning for teaching and sequence of teaching as well as te ach-
ing techniques (Fan & Zhuo, 2002).
Moulton (1997) suggested that it is difficult to find out how
teachers use textbooks without actually observing them and to
find out what they think about their use without actually asking
them. Because the availability of textbooks does not assure th eir
use, and because their use varies considerably from teacher to
teacher, observing how teachers use textbooks and asking them
why they use them as they do will reveal significant informa-
tion about the teaching-learning process and how it can be im-
Characteristics of Mathematics Textbooks
Characteristics of Thai Mathematics Textbooks
Inprasitha (1997) analyzed first grade to ninth grade Thai
mathematics textbooks; It was found that Thai mathematics
textbooks from first grade to ninth grade contain mostly routine
exercises aiming at drilling computation skills or revising some
rules or principles which have been learnt in the class. There
was a general structure and a basic pedagogical and epistemo-
logical assumption underlying Thai mathematics textbooks. For
the structure, it contains examples that were used to introduce
techniques, rules or principles incl uding a conclusi on about t h o se
techniques, rules or principles. There are a lot of exercises pro-
vided for students to practice those techniques, rules or princi-
ples. The pedagogical assumpti on was that students are exp ect ed
to master the techniques, rules or principles as required in the
curriculum. In this sense, the epistemological assumption (i.e.
how students come to know mathematics) was that the students
have mastered the set of such techniques, rules or principles
which comprise their mathematical knowledge and understand-
ing. Characteristics of textbooks for elementary school: The f irst
part of each unit contains routine exercises for drilling compu-
tational skill, word problems appeared at the end of each unit,
and these word problems are routine exercises, and most of the
word problems in the first and second grades require the stu-
dents to write symbolic sentence before solving the problem.
Inprasitha (2003) suggested that, in Thailand, mathematics
teachers used textbooks more than any other sources of informa-
tion and they were instruction me dia fo r t eac her s, the re wer e up
to 90% - 95%. Teachers used textbook in teaching their mathe-
matics class through lectures follows contents in mathematics
textbooks and assigning the students to do exercise in the text
with most of them still focusing on calculation in topics as well
as short time problem solving for examination preparation. The
mathematics teaching in that sense, was analogous to talking
mathematics only. The students didn’t have an opportunity in
learning by themselves. As a result, they lacked of context or
situation enhancing mathematical learning process especially the
integral mathematics process. It was shown that the textbook was
the most important thing affecting the teacher’s teaching which
also had an impact on the students’ mathematical learning
process as well.
Characte ristics of J a p anese Mathematics T e xt books
According to Murata (2007), Japanese mathematics text-
books used representations to create space for students to ana-
lyze contexts using mathematics. The purpose of the contextual
problems was used for mathematical analysis and explorations
focus on visual representations for support student learning of
mathematics. The Japanese lesson structure is different. A les-
son begins with one problem, students take time to represent,
ex plai n, sol ve, a nd discuss the problem and their approaches to
solving the problem. Problems in Japanese textbooks are often
“worked out” and relevant representations support the entire
problem-solving process. (Mayer, Sims, & Tajika, 1995 cf.;
Murata, 2007). Takahashi (2006) stated that Japanese mathemat-
ics lessons, especially for elementary grades, include a signifi-
cant amount of problem solving. This instructional approach,
called structured “problem solving”, was designed to create in-
terest in mathematics and stimulate creative mathematical activ-
ity in the classroom through students’ collaborative work. The
lesson usually starts wit h students wor king individu ally to solve a
problem using their own mathematical knowledge. After working
with problems, students bring various approaches and solutions
to classroom discussion. The teacher then leads students in a
wh o le - cl a ss d is c us si o n i n order to compare individual approaches
and solutions. This whole-class activity provides students with
opportunities to develop their mathematical abilities including
conceptual and procedural understanding. When we look closely
at Japanese mathematics textbooks, the use of carefully selected
problems and activities for improve mathematics’ concepts and
mathematics’ processes of students.
Teachers’ Use of Mathematics Textbook
Lee (2011) suggested that mathematics textbooks as the fun-
damental resource for lessons, the textbook are always used to
identify the educational objectives and regulate the content and
boundaries of the learning experiences. Thus, mathematics text-
books plays an important role in teachers’ teachin g and studen ts ’
learning processes. Moulton (1997) suggested that when edu-
cators conduct research on textbooks, they most often look at
the quality of the books-their content and format—and their
appropriateness for students in terms of level of vocabulary and
ethnic and gender biases. Assuming that textbooks dictate the
content of most instruction. Educators, parents, and politicians
want to know what the books have to say, what does it matter if
what the book say to make students do not learn from them.
Educators must know based on evidence about how teachers
use textbooks and how their use aids student learning.
Lee (2011) stressed that “making good textbooks does not
necessarily lead to effective use in the classroom teaching” be-
cause some teachers use lessons directly from the textbook and
its organization, others use textbooks as a resource when con-
sidering and selecting context and determining the content or-
der through their own reasons and some teachers never use the
textbooks for their lessons. Then research exists on how teach-
ers use textbooks, especially in the use of mathematics.
Moulton (1997) suggested that it is difficult to find out how
teachers use textbooks without actually observing them and to
find out what they think about their use without actually asking
them. Because the availability of textbooks does not assure th eir
use, and because their use varies considerably from teacher to
teacher, observing how teachers use textbooks and asking them
why they use them as they do will reveal significant informa-
tion about the teaching-learning process and how it can be im-
Context of This Research
Inprasitha (2004) stated that after Thailand had an educa-
tional reform according to National Educational Act 1999, most
of teachers had to develop their own teaching. But, unfortu-
nately, teachers lacked of innovation for developing their own
routine works. Most of them still used traditional teaching em-
phasizing on the contents by overlooking the importance of the
students’ learning process and attitude toward learning with un-
As widely known, Lesson Study is a comprehensive and
well-articulated process for examining and supporting practice
many Japanese teachers (Fernandez, Cannon, & Chokshi, 2003
cf.; Inprasitha, 2004). In fact, recently a number of American
researchers and educators have suggeste d that lesson study m i gh t
be an incredibly beneficial approach to examining practices for
US teachers (Lewis, 2002; Fernandez et al., 2003 cf.; Inprasitha,
Lewis, Perry, & Hurd (2004) stated that “Lesson study is not
just about improving a single lesson. It’s about building path-
ways for ongoing improvement of instruction”.
Watanabe, Takahashi & Yoshida (2008) stated that Lesson
study practitioners need to understand what is involved in the
planning of the lesson. When teachers begin their planning, th ey
initially engage in a practice called kyozaikenkyu (Literally stud y
of instructional materials). This practice is a central activity in
teachers’ everyday practice. It play s a particularly important ro le
in lesson study. However, research indicates that textbooks do
play a central role in schooling for teacher. So, studying text-
books is an important part of the literary study of instructional
Inprasitha (2004) stated that Thailand started innovation of
lesson study for developing the teachers in Mathematics pro-
gram. This attempt was expanded to the teaching professional
development based on the lesson study as well. For application
of lesson study in Thai context, it was developed and modified
to be appropriate with Th ai schools beginning from collabora-
tively design research lesson (Plan), collaboratively observing
their friend teaching the research lesson (Do), collaboratively
doing post-discussion or reflection on teaching practice (See),
wi th f ol lowing characteris t ics :
According to Inprasitha (2010), lesson study in Thai context
consisted of 3 major phases as:
Phase 1: The phase of collaboratively design research lesson
(Plan) among the researcher, co-researchers, and participant te a c h-
ers. Starting from determination of mathematics activities using
in Open-ended proble m. Then, the lesson plan was impleme nted
by using the open approach as teaching apporach.
Phase 2: The phase of collaboratively observing their friend
teaching the research lesson (Do), in this phase, the lesson plan
was used in classroom by teacher. In addition, the teaching in
classroom was observed by researcher team, and other teachers.
The teaching objective was to observe the students’ mathematical
ideas, not consider the teacher’s teaching competency.
Phase 3: The phase of collaboratively doing post-discussion
or reflection on teaching practice (See), regarding to the find-
ings from teaching observation for improving the lesson plan,
and using modified lesson plan in class again in the next year.
Inprasitha (2010) state that in Thailand, the schooling of Ma-
thematics in schools on the project of Mathematics Teaching
Professional Development by innovation of Lesson Study and
Open Approach in 2009 of Cent er for R esear ch in Ma thematics
Education, Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University, using
Copyright © 2012 SciRe s . 693
this approach for teaching professional development by col-
laborating in working according to the phase of Lesson Study
in each week (every Monday for writing lesson plan by using
Japanese mathematics textbook; Gakkoh Tosho Co., Ltd. in
English version, and every Wednesday for reflecting the find-
ings of knowledge management, or every Tuesday for writing
lesson plan, and every Thursday for reflection in knowledge
management together by spending duration after class in 3.30-
5.00 p.m.
This study collected data from fifty-eight primary school in-
service teachers in “Project for Professional Development of
Mathematics’ teacher through Lesson Study and Open Appr oa ch ”
that focus on approaches to use mathematics textbooks while
planning the lesson. The data were collected by Questionnaires:
check lists, interviews and open ended questio nnair es. To compare
the approaches on teachers’ use of mathematics textbook, be-
for e attend the project teachers use Thai mathematics textbook
for planning the lesson and during attended the project teach-
ers use Japanese mathematics textbook was the main resources
to plan the lesson.
Data Analysis
The data were analysed based on framework on approaches
to use textbooks’; adherence, elaboration and creation (Table 1)
(Nicol & Crespo, 2006) to classify the type in teachers’ use of
mathematics textbooks.
Characteristics of teachers’ use of mathematics textbook for
teaching as shown in Figure 1.
Table 1.
The framework on approaches to use textbooks (Nicol & Crespo, 2006).
Approaches to use
textbooks Characteri stics of use
Accepts text as the authority for what and how to
Adheres to one main curriculum resource.
Expects the t ext to provide routines/ structures for
students and teacher.
Makes few or no adaptations to lesson, tasks,
problems, and exercises in text. If adaptations are made
they are superficial (contextual rather than conceptual).
Does not see self as a resource.
Considers text as a guide for what and how to teach.
Considers the text as the main resource but elaborates
it with other resource.
Elaborates and extends textbook lessons, tasks,
problems, and exercises.
Makes conceptual and contextual elaborations.
Sees self as a resource.
Examines text with a “c ritical eye” for its potential
and limitations in deciding what and how to teach.
Considers t he t e x t a s o ne of m a n y r e s ou r c e s f or teaching.
Creates problems an d que stio ns us ing t he te xt to
stimulate ideas for the structure, sequence, and context
of lessons.
Adaptations are conceptual.
Sees self as a knowled geable resource for de si gning
In Figure 1, the mean of number on characteristics of using
mathematics textbooks were as follows:
1) Accepts text as the authority for what and how to teach.
2) Considers text as a guide for what and how to teach.
3) Examines text with a “critical eye” for its potential and limi-
tations in deciding what and how to teach.
4) Adheres to one main curriculum resource.
5) Considers the text as the main resource but elaborates it
with other resource.
6) Considers the text as one of many resources for teaching.
7) Expects the text to provide routines/structures for students
and teacher.
8) Elaborates and extends textbook lessons, tasks, problems,
and exercises.
9) Creates problems and questions using the text to stimulate
ideas for the structure, sequence, and context of lessons.
10) Makes few or no adaptations to lesson, tasks, problems,
and exercises in text. If adaptations are made they are superfi
cial (contextual rather than conceptual).
11) Makes conceptual and contextual elaborations.
12) Adaptations are conceptual.
13) Does not see self as a resource.
14) Sees self as a resource.
15) Sees self as a knowledgeable resource for designing
The results on the approaches on teachers’ use of mathemat-
ics textbook found that the percentage of adherence and elabo-
ration decrease and the perce ntage of creation i ncrease after t e a ch -
ers attend the project as show in Figure 2.
Figure 1.
Percentage on the characteristics of using mathematics textbooks
in teachers’ teaching.
Figure 2.
Percentage of the approaches on teachers’ use of mathematics textbook.
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Conclusion and Discussion
Leung (1992) sta te that teachers in different count ries not only
the mathematics textbooks but also the approaches on teachers’
use of mathematics textbook were different. The structure of Thai
mathematics textbooks consisted of exercise with skill practice in
calculation, and exercise for reviewing rule and principle (Inpra-
sitha, 1997) and struct ure of Japanese mathematic s textbook was
problem solving structure consisted of problem situations, vari-
ous approaches and solutions from students’ mathematical ideas
and important mathematical concept (Takahashi, 2006). Then the
result of this research indicated that the approach of Thai teachers
use of Japanese mathe matics textbook (during attend the pr oject)
were different from Thai teachers’ use of Thai textbooks (before
attend the project.) were the approach on teachers’ use of ma-
thematics textbook; adherence and elaboration decrease and crea-
tion increase after teachers attend the project.
Inprasitha (2010) state that lesson Study in Thai context,
teachers used Japanese mathematics textbooks was the main
resource for implementation of teacher and researcher group
collaboration in planning the lesson for mathematics classroom,
in order to determine the topic of teaching, design the open-
ended problem situation, design and construct the material and
equipment, use for determining the sequence of directions for
activity and the teacher’s questions to be in used in classroom,
as well as using the anticipation in the students’ answer or ideas
that might occur in class in order to prepare readiness of sup-
plementary material (the material using for supporting and
showing the students’ occurred answer/ideas), schedule the
time in each topic to be taught in order to achieve shared goal
of lesson. Lesson Study is the new context for Thai teachers to
improve professional development. Then, Lesson Study were
an important part to supported the approaches on Thai teachers’
use of mathematics textbook during attend the project.
The authors would like to thank the Office of the Higher Edu -
cation Commission, Thailand for supporting by grant fund un-
der the program Strategic Scholarships for Frontier Research
Network for the Ph.D. Program Thai Doctoral degree for this
research, Center for research in Mathematics Education and
Graduate School, Khon Kaen University, Thailand.
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