International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2012, 2, 113-118 Published Online September 2012 (
On a New Method of N-Body Simulations
E. Vilkoviskij
Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute, Observatory, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Received July 4, 2012; revised August 15, 2012; accepted August 30, 2012
The theoretical foundation of a new N-body simulation method for the dynamics of large numbers (N > 106) of gravi-
tating bodies is described. The new approach is founded on the probability description of the physical parameters and a
similarity method which permits a manifold reduction of the calculation time for the evolution of “large” systems. This
is done by averaging the results of calculations over an ensemble of many “small” systems with total particle number in
the ensemble equal to the number of stars in the large system. The method is valid for the approximate calculation of
the evolution of large systems, including dissipative systems like AGN containing a super-massive black hole, accretion
disc, and the surrounding stellar cluster.
Keywords: Galaxies; Nuclei; Methods; N-Body Simulations
1. Introduction
At present the methods of modeling systems of many
gravitating bodies have been highly refined, but appli-
cation of these methods to the calculation of very large
systems containing N ~ 106 - 1011 stars (large globular
clusters, galaxies and their active nuclei) faces major
limitations due to limited computer resources. Further-
more, direct calculation of interactions of every pair of
stars demands time proportional to the square of the
number of stars (gravitating bodies) N in the system, the
whole calculation time (with the calculation time t for
every pair) is proportional to Т ~ t(N)2. Usually, one
needs to carry the calculations out to a time of the order
of the relaxation time trx of the system, which is propor-
tional to the number of the gravitating bodies N. Thus the
real “cost” of the calculations behaves as [1]
TNt tN (1)
Such calculations are difficult or impossible for the
systems with N > 106 due to limited resources of even the
most advanced modern supercomputers, with the fast
processors with about 1 Petaflops (1015 sec1) [1]. Of
course, now many approximate methods are developed,
such as tree-codes [2], which use the averaged descrip-
tions of the gravity for the distant particle groups. But the
classical task of the “direct” calculations of every pair of
the gravitating bodies keeps its central role as the most
precise method.
In the present paper we discuss a new approximate
method for the acceleration of N-body simulations of
large stellar systems. We refer to it as the Aldar-Kose
method, using the name of a cheery hero of the Kazakh
folklore. We discuss its likely areas of application and
limitations of the method. In the accompanying paper [3]
we show with a sample of simulations, that the method
promises essential acceleration of calculations of the
evolution models of stellar systems and active galactic
nuclei (AGN).
2. Statistical and Dynamical Equivalence of
the Gravitating Systems’ Models with
Different Initial Particles’ Distributions
Any numerical calculation of N-body dynamics has to be
started with definition of the initial coordinates and ve-
locities of all bodies, Xni(t0), Vni(t0), where i = 1, 2, 3
corresponds to the Cartesian coordinates and velocity
projections of every n-th of the total N number of the
bodies at the starting time t0 = 0. This initial distribution
is defined usually with the special procedure of random
numbers’ generation, which represents some initial quasi-
equilibrium (with the given full energy of the system)
distribution function of the bodies in the common gravity
As soon as the initial distributions of the coordinates
and velocities of bodies are determined with a random
numbers’ generation, the condition of the “statistical and
dynamical equivalence” of the solutions is implicitly
used in any numerical simulations. Let us analyze the
concept more distinctly. To avoid non-essential details
we simplify the model task supposing equality of the
masses of the stars and ignoring direct (contact) stellar
collisions, so reducing the task to the “gravitating points”
opyright © 2012 SciRes. IJAA
dynamics. Also, for simplicity, further we will ignore the
problem of “primordial binaries”, supposing that their
number is determined with the random numbers in the
initial conditions.
As the stellar systems are open, the achievement of the
exact equilibrium distribution function of the stars’ ve-
locities (in Boltzmann’s sense) is impossible, because the
tendency to statistical equilibrium leads to dissipation of
stars with large energies, which determines slow evolu-
tion of the system due to the “evaporation” of the stars
and the final collapse of the core of the system. The rate
of the evolution is determined with the relaxation time of
the system [4]
ln 0.4
rx cr
where N is the total number of stars in the system,
ln(0.4N) is the so-called “Coulomb logarithm” for stellar
systems, tcr—the crossing time, determined usually as the
time needed for a star to cross the region of the system
containing half of the system’s mass. Note that the nume-
rical coefficients in (2) are known with the precision ~
30% - 50% only; here we give the most commonly used
Let us turn back to the question of equivalence of the
evolution processes in the systems with different (in the
sense of different realization of random numbers choos-
ing) initial conditions. Of course, the concrete orbits of
particles in the systems with different initial conditions
will be completely different, but the dynamical behavior
and the secular evolution of the distribution functions of
the physical parameters of the orbits in both systems will
be equivalent in statistical and dynamical sense, if we are
interested of distribution functions, but not of the con-
crete orbits. Note that the quality of modern computers is
such that the orbits of the particles, calculated in two
simulations with the same initial conditions will be ab-
solutely identical. In contrast, in real stellar systems there
are always some random factors, which lead to a mixing
(random small deviations) of the orbits. As a result, the
distribution functions only, not the concrete stellar orbits
may be compared between a model and real systems.
Consequently, one may speak not about identity, but only
about dynamical and statistical equivalence of a model
and real stellar systems. The situation is similar, in a
sense, (not literally!) to the quantum-mechanics des-
cription: Only the probability description is valid, so the
description with a single numerical calculation is “too
much deterministic” and, in that sense, non-adequate
(fuller analyses of some analogies in quantum mechanics
were discussed earlier in [5]).
In fact, the characteristic times of achievement of the
“chaotic” (statistical) equilibrium in stellar systems are
much shorter than the relaxation time (2), due to the
quick dynamical mixture of the systems [6]. As a result,
the solutions with different initial conditions in the same
system (the “microscopically” different solutions) are
supposed to be dynamically and statistically equivalent.
As a rule, the problem of different initial condition (in
the sense of different random realization) is usually even
not discussed, and the solution for the system evolution
is realized with a single initial condition of stars’ (par-
ticles’) coordinates and velocities distribution.
With particle numbers more than several thousands,
the probability of a deviation from “almost equilibrium”
initial distribution is diminishingly small, but the pro-
blem becomes actual for the systems with comparatively
small number of particles, and for the systems feebly
stable relative to the small perturbations. Because of that,
the question of equivalence of the numerical solutions
became important for comparison of the systems with
different numbers of particles, N1 and N2 << N1.
3. The Dynamical Equivalence of the
Systems with Different Particle Numbers
Let us consider the question of the dynamical equiva-
lence of the evolution of two systems with different par-
ticle numbers, N1 and N2 << N1. To compare the relaxa-
tion processes in the systems it is convenient to use di-
mensionless unit system (the N-body units, NBU [4]),
usually employed in model tasks. In these units, the total
mass of the system is M = 1, its characteristic size R = 1,
and the gravitation constant G = 1. In this system, the
characteristic particle velocity is V = (GM/R)1/2 = 1, the
characteristic particle crossing time Tcr = R/V = 1, and
the characteristic time of evolution of the system (the
relaxation time) is
ln 0.4
We define the concept of the dynamical equivalence of
the solutions for the systems with different particle num-
bers. It is naturally to suppose that the behavior of two
systems with different (but large enough) particle num-
bers N1 and N2 N1 will be dynamically equivalent, if
the physical parameters of the systems are compared at
equivalent moments of evolution, defined by equal evo-
lution time of systems Tev = t/Trx. The evolution times are
measured in N-body relaxation time units of both sys-
tems (one may call these units the NBEU, the “N-body
evolution units” system),
2211rxrx ev
tTtT T (4)
In the NBU system, the time (and the relaxation times)
for both systems are defined through the crossing times,
which are equal to unity (Tcr1 = Tcr2 = 1), and in the
NBEU the evolution time is defined through the relaxa-
tion time. The relation of the “equivalent dynamical evo-
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. IJAA
lution times” in the NBU system is equal to the relation
of their relaxation times:
111 2
ln 0.4
ln 0.4
 (5)
In the NBU system, the sizes and dynamical parameters
of stellar systems are equal, but the particles in the small
(N2) system have masses m2 = m1N1/N2, and the volume
densities of the particles relate as N1/N2. As a result, the
crossing times are equal, and the NBU dynamical evo-
lution times in the systems are related as (5). In the NBEU,
the time units are relaxation times, so the evolution time of
systems in equal (identical) moments of evolution is
universal, Tev = Tev1 = Tev2.
The stellar dynamics in star systems is defined with
superposition of two processes: The motion along the
“smooth” orbits in the averaged gravitation field of the
system, and the “quasi-Brownian” motion as the result of
random approaches of stars and their density fluctuations.
From (4) and (5) it follows that independently of the par-
ticle numbers in the systems, their dynamical properties
and the time behavior of the physical parameters will be
dynamically equivalent in identical moments of the evo-
lutions Tev, defined through the relaxation times of both
similar systems.
4. The Scaling Coefficient of the Dynamical
Equation for the Dissipative Systems with
Different Particle Numbers
Let us consider the behavior of the stellar systems in the
presence of dissipative processes. For definiteness, let it
be the active galactic nuclei (AGN), consisting of the
compact stellar cluster (CSC) with mass M, the central
super-massive black hole (BH) with mass МBH = 0.1М,
and the accretion disc (AD) with the mass Мd = 0.01М,
surrounding the BH. The model is, as they say, the “toy”
one—in the sense that the disc parameters (the mass and
the rotating moment) are considered to be constants, in
spite of the star-disk interactions and the gas and star
accretion to the BH; so the total mass and the total rotat-
ing moment of the system are not conserved—but it is
not important for the further comparative analyses of the
N-body tasks (one can imagine that the accretion disk is
fed by gas from the outer “obscuring torus” of the AGN).
The dynamics of the system, besides the star-star pair
interaction, will be defined with gravitation of the black
hole and the dissipative star-disk interactions [7]. In the
simplest case, the last one is reduced to a friction force,
which is directed opposite to the velocity of the star re-
lative to the gas in the disk Vsd and is proportional to the
square of the velocity, the square of the stellar radius Rs
and the gas density ρ(r). So, the dissipative force is
QR r
where Vsd = VsVd is the (vector) difference of the star
and gas velocities, Vsd is the module of the velocity, and
Q is a coefficient of the order of 10.
In a typical AGN, the mass of the CSC is М ~ 108 MS,
(of the solar masses), and the number of stars in the sys-
tem are N1 ~ 108. Let us compare the evolution of this
“large” (real) system (N1 stars with masses MS = M/N1) to
the evolution of a similar “small” (the representing) sy-
stem with the number of particles N2 = N1/m and with the
same subsystem’s mass relations as in the large one. In
NBU, the masses of the particles M2 = mM1, and the
sizes and masses of subsystems are the same as in the
large AGN system, with the total masses normalized to 1.
The dissipative acceleration per unit mass in the NBU
has to be the same in both systems to keep the net velo-
city change of a particle per disk crossing independent of
m = N1/N2 (one can imagine that groups of m = N1/N2
stars are decelerated coherently in the small system). So,
the dissipative accelerations of the particles are the same
in the both systems,
sd sds
aQR rM
 V (6)
Now, to compare evolution of the small and large sys-
tems, we have to take into account also the difference
between the relaxation times in both systems, to keep the
dissipative and relaxation time-scales comparable. As in
the NBU all sizes and masses of the subsystems (i.e.
CSC, BH and AD), as well as the typical velocities of
particles and crossing times are the same in both large
and small systems, it is natural to suppose, that behavior
(the dynamical evolution) of both systems will be dy-
namically equivalent, if we compare them at equal mo-
ments of evolution (4) of both systems. So, we have to
take into account, that the relaxation time in the small
system is diminished as compared to the large system
according to (5). Due to this, to keep the balance between
the effects of the particle-particle and the particle-disk
interactions, we must multiply the dissipative accele-
ration (6) in the small system by the “scaling coefficient”
of similarity, SС = SС(N2,N1), which is equal to the rela-
tion of numbers of the disk crossing events by stars per
their relaxation times in both systems. So, the scaling
coefficient to equalize the dissipative and the relaxation
time scales in the small system is
 
22 1
ln 0.4
,ln 0.4
 (7)
The introduction of the SC to the dissipative force to
keep the similarity of evolution of both systems is rea-
sonable at least for the cases when the energy changes of
the particles per crossing time (due to the relaxation pro-
cesses and due to dissipative force per crossing time) are
relatively small both in the “large” and the “small” sy-
stems. This circumstance can limit the relation m = N1/N2
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. IJAA
of the particle numbers in the real and the “representing”
model systems.
Now let us take into account that the particle numbers
N2 and N1 in both systems can change in time both be-
cause of the accretion of the stars to the central BH (the
intensity of the process is essentially increased in AGN
as the result of star-disk interactions [7]) and due to the
“evaporation” of the stars from the systems. These ef-
fects can be taken into account with introduction of the
variable relaxation and evolution times. Denoting i = 1, 2
for the large and the small systems, and using t for the
dynamical time, we can write:
 
ln 0.4
rx i
Tt Nt
 
ln 0.4d
Tt t
,out,iibhi i
NtN NtNt
,bh i
out,i are the numbers of stars captured to the BH
and evaporated from the systems. Remind that Tev(t) are
equal in both systems by definition.
The time-dependent N1(t) and N2(t) have to be intro-
duced to the SC as well:
 
ln 0.4
ln 0.4
Nt Nt
Here the number N1(t) is present, which is supposed to be
unknown in the A-K model simulation and has to be de-
fined through N2(t). For that, let us transform (10) from
the NBU time units to the evolution time units NBEU,
defined with (9). Then we have
ln 0.4
ln 0.4
rx ev
rx ev
ev ev
As, by definition,
 
112 2
ev evevev
NTNTN TN T 0, finally we
 
212 2
ln 0.4
,, ln 0.4
where N1/N2 is the relation of initial particle numbers in
the systems. So, in the approximation, the SC depends on
t very slowly (logarithmically).
Using (12), one can calculate the evolution of the
small system (which “represents” the evolution of the
large system), using only the initial relation of the parti-
cle numbers in both systems, and the universal Tev, equal
in both systems.
Here we can see the meaning of approximating re-
presentation of the large system by the small one: The
small system “represents” the large one, but not literally.
The main difference is that we change many disk-cross-
ing events of small particle in the large system, to one
crossing event (with the SC) of a large particle in the
small system. In the first case the crossing point can
move along the disk radius (due to scattering of the orbits
and small distortion of the spherical symmetry of the BH
potential by the disk gravity), slowly changing the con-
ditions of the crossings. In the “small” system the pro-
cess is changed with one event at the single crossing
point. This difference is the main reason limiting the re-
lation m = N1/N2 (see discussion below in the Part 6 of
the paper).
So, the dynamical equivalence of the small and the
large dissipative systems is approximate only and has to
be carefully controlled. The corresponding scaling coeffi-
cients can be obtained for other processes as well, like
the direct (contact) stellar collisions, stellar evolution and
other processes.
5. The Statistical Equivalence of the
Solutions for the Systems with Different
Numbers of Particles: The Aldar-Kose
It is obvious that the above-described dynamical equi-
valence of the small and the large systems does not mean
the statistical equivalence of the model solutions for them,
because the statistical precisions of the solutions are re-
lated as (N2/N1)1/2. The natural way to increase the statis-
tical precision of solutions for the small systems is the
manifold repeated calculations among the ensemble of
small systems. Providing the simulations of small systems
m = (N1/N2) times with different (randomly defined) ini-
tial conditions, and averaging the results over the full
ensemble of the solutions at identical Tev moments, one
will obtain the demanded increasing of the precision to the
statistical precision, achieved with a single model solution
of one large system.
So, we conclude that the mean values of physical pa-
rameters, obtained with averaging over m = N1/N2 model
solutions for the ensemble of dynamically equivalent
“small” systems (every with N2 particles), are equivalent
to those obtained with one solution for the “large” system
(N1 particles), both in the dynamical and statistical senses.
This conclusion has principal meaning for substanti-
ation of the proposed new method (the A-K method) for
the model simulations of evolution of the stellar systems
and AGN, containing compact stellar clusters. Remind
that the “classical” direct method of the N-body simula-
tions of the systems evolution demands spending of the
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. IJAA
calculation time proportional to the third power of the
particle number in the system (1). With the A-K-method
of averaging over ensemble of m = N1/N2 subsystems, the
total demanded time is
 
, (13)
where N1 and N2 are the particle numbers in the “large”
and the “small” systems.
The relation of the calculation times demanded in the
A-K method and the “direct” (Usual Calculations) method
 
TNTNtt NN 
where (tАK/tUC) is the relation of calculation times of
the both methods, demanded for equal time intervals in
the NBU.
6. Possible Limi t ations of the A-K Method
Let us discuss possible limitations of the method. Esti-
mations of the calculation times demanded for equal dy-
namical times (tАK/tUC) in both AK and UC methods
depend on many factors, including the precision de-
manded in the task. The point is that in the “small” system,
imitating (representing) the behavior of the “large” system,
the gravitation accelerations of close particles are larger
than those in the large system. Besides, as mentioned in
the Part 5, the limitations for the SC(N2,N1) do exist. These
circumstances can demand diminishing of the integration
steps and increasing of the calculation time in the A-K
method. But these problems appear in the limited areas of
particles close encounters and the disk crossing in the
large gas density areas. The encounter problem can be
avoided with the “softening parameter” є in the potential
U ~ 1/(r+є), and one can control the gas density in the
disk as well. And, last but not least, because of poor
knowledge of the accretion disks’ structure, one usually
needs not too much precision of the star-disk interaction
calculations close to the BH. All these circumstances in-
crease possible using of the AK-method for the appro-
ximating calculation for the sake of finding the quality
differences of the “evolution tracks” of AGN with dif-
ferent initial properties.
The more definite conclusion about influences of all
such factors can be obtained only with corresponding nu-
merical experiments. The model calculations performed
by us [3] had partly dispelled our anxieties regarding the
possible slowing down of the calculations of the “small”
systems evolution. The possibilities of our computer are
limited, so the largest systems we can calculate (for sev-
eral days) up to the evolution time Tev ~ 2 with the direct
(UC) method are those with N1 32 × 103 particles.
Here, just for illustration, we show a result of calcula-
tion of the stellar orbits’ inclinations to the plane of the
accretion disk (cos(i)) for the inner region of the AGN
with size equal to the outer disk radius (Rad = 0.22), at the
moment of evolution time Tev = 1.7 (Figure 1). The result
for the direct simulation with N = 16 × 103 (16 K particles)
is shown with red line, and the A-K calculations with
numbers of the representing ensemble members m = 4 and
m = 8 are shown with green and blue colors (accordingly,
for N2 = 4 K and 2 K). The “truncated” A-K variant (av-
eraged over 4 instead of 8 solutions with m = 8) is shown
with agenda broken line. One can see that the distribu-
tions are indistinguishable, with larger noise in the last
It appears that the direct calculations of “large” sys-
tems with N1 = 16 × 103 (and N1 = 32 × 103, see [3])
particles, and with the particle numbers in the “small”
subsystem N2 (2 - 4) × 103, both (A-K and UC)
methods lead to practically equal results, but with
smaller representing systems N2 (N2 < 2 × 103) the in-
accuracy and duration of the A-K calculations are
quickly increased. More detailed numerical investiga-
tions of the A-K applications are presented and dis-
cussed in the paper [3].
7. Conclusions
The main conclusions are:
1) The proposed new A-K similarity method for mo-
deling large stellar systems and AGN evolution promises
an essential improvement in the calculation time as com-
pared to the direct N-body simulation. The gain increases
with the number m of small systems in the ensemble.
Though the maximal m is limited by the condition on the
dynamical equivalence precision, the A-K method can
essentially increase the possibilities of model calcula-
tions with “medium” power (and price) computers;
2) The proposed method is approximate, but it is
enough for the quality investigations of evolution of the
complicated systems like AGN, where the main interest
1 × 16
4 × 4K
8 × 2K
4 × 2
1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 1. The distribution of the cos(i) of the stellar orbits’
declinations at the evolution time Tev = 1.7.
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Copyright © 2012 SciRes. IJAA
is the qualitative differences between evolution tracks of
the systems with different initial parameters;
3) Since the statistical precision of solutions for dif-
ferent physical parameters behaves as σ ~ 1/(N1)1/2, the
achievable formal precision of the A-K method is usually
far greater than those obtained from observations. This
permits further optimization of the method using “trun-
cated” A-K method: The number of the small systems for
averaging the physical parameters in the ensemble can be
chosen to be much smaller than m = N1/N2, which further
reduces the demands on calculation time compared to the
“complete” (full) A-K method.
4) Numerical experiments with more powerful compu-
ters are necessary to investigate the exact possibilities
and limits of applications of the method for the solutions
of specific problems of stellar dynamics and AGN evo-
In conclusion, it should be noted that our formulae (8 -
12) are approximate, as we use the concept of the “total”
relaxation time, which possibly is only approximate when
a stellar system changes its spatial structure and symmetry.
This issue will be investigated in future works.
8. Acknowledgements
The author is grateful to M. A. Makukov for the numeri-
cal calculations (to be published in the accompanying
paper [3]), to I. S. Vilkoviskij for useful discussion of the
variable Tev(t), and to all participants of the “STAR-
DISK” project (P. Berczik, R. Spurzem, Ch. Omarov, M.
Makukov, D. Yurin, A. Just) for the elaboration of the
computer code for the direct N-body simulations of AGN
evolution with a single representing stellar system (m = 1).
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