Intelligent Information Management, 2012, 4, 177-180 Published Online September 2012 (
Online Video Editing and Production Skills*
Xiaoyan Lu
College of Media and International Culture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
Received April 12, 2012; revised May 13, 2012; accepted May 22, 2012
Internet video is a video service that can be uploaded on the Internet and played online. As online video post-production
of the key aspects related to the editing work is often the final stage of artistic effects, the acquisition of a certain
amount of online video editing skills is important. It will make people relatively independent of the picture and sound
that mixed together organically, and be more conducive to the recognition of formation system, the color of the web
video and audio clips.
Keywords: Online Video; Internet; Editing Skills
1. Introduction
Internet video is a video service that can be uploaded on
the Internet and played online. Online video post produc-
tion of the k ey asp ects related to th e ed iting work is of ten
the final stage of the artistic effects. Nowadays, the non-
linear editing system is more commonly u sed on network
video material and is combined with 3DSMAX, Afteref-
fect, Photoshop, Flash, Authorware and other software
synthesis technology to highlight the power of Internet
video’s performance and artistic charm.
2. Montage Theory
Montage video editing prov ides a theoretical ba sis for the
network. A complete network video works by a number
of plots is composed by paragraphs, and each paragraph
of a plot consists of the montage of several paragraphs
(or sentences montage). “Montage” is derived from the
French, the original architectural term, meaning compo-
sition, assembly. Later become on e of the main narrative
and performance of its means on creating and editing
video and audio synthesis. With the way of montage,
video enjoys great freedom of space and time jumping.
Montage editing relies on the intrinsic link to create the
lens topic, which guides the audiences to interpret events
and strengthens the events through the combination of
image and sound. What’s more, through the combinatio n
of ways, the director would be able to express his ideas.
Internet video is a collection of the greatest features of
voice, video, text and other elements of advantages,
which can attract the audiences’ attention within a short
time. Therefore, it requires full utilization of this particu-
lar montage editing techniques, and left the audiences
with space of imagination in the meantime.
It is difficult to have an exact accurate conclusion on
the classification of montage. According to the process-
ing view of means of montage, it can be divided into
rhythmic montage, analytical montage, Lenovo montage,
montage and other types of modeling; and according to
the function, it can be divided into narrative montage,
montage and rational expressive montage.
Rhythmic montage segment mainly for the screen of
time, one is such a time slice, the other is the time frame
or clip the situation gradually decreasing and increasing.
Lenovo montage composes of different compared and
conflict contents. Compared the images associated with
one subject by two different groups received from the
event or scene before and after montage, for the expres-
sion of two related feelings caused by a subject. The
montage in the online video advertising is in the highest
frequency of use, which makes up the main concept of
the unity of the performance of concrete problems, re-
flecting the subtle h andling of the ads enh anced the artis-
tic expression of online video advertising.
Many lens in the online video advertising performance
and the group are often different from the situation of a
simple narrative, the performance of the content does not
necessarily have strong logic, then the director or pro-
duction division by modeling similar morphology, mo-
tion and psycholog ical style trend similarity with the fast
way to stack in series screen. We will shape this rela-
tionship due to the formation of art called montage style
*This research was sponsored by Key Research Base of Social Science:
Zhejiang Social Sciences Research Center of Communication and Cul-
tural Planning Issues, and also sponsored by Digital Future and Media
Institute for Social Research of Zhejiang University. In this paper,
results from Experimental teaching demonstration centers in Zhejiang-
Media experiment teaching centre of Zhejiang University.
opyright © 2012 SciRes. IIM
X. Y. LU
montage. Of course, this way of modeling montage pro-
duction methods are generated from the perspective of
the director which can be classified as associative mon-
tage, but feeling a bit far-fetched. It is always presented
as performance-based shape modeling montage and
structure similarity, such as curve similar to the direction,
other art elements similar to the movement.
Montage is a unique way of thinking and artistic im-
ages, and the basic structure of the network video tools.
It not only includes the lens, scenes, paragraphs, and all
the arrangements with the combination of artistic skills,
but also works in post-production and edition, and act as
a guideline for certain internet staff work and audio ma-
terial for the video.
3. Online Video Editing
In the non-linear editing work, the need for video per-
formance, the action, mood, tempo editing point selection
must follow the objective law, in line with the logical
development of things, and meet people’s thi nking habits.
3.1. Different Types of Online Video Editing
A variety of show type video, most of the dance-based,
and its clip point basis having their songs and music
melody, rhythm, phrasing, music section to choose, and
many strengths on the beat in the music switch lenses.
TV type video, most of the development of the plot and
characters depend on changes in emotional choose edit
points. For network interview shows, usually those con-
versations and interviews with the atmosphere to switch
lenses. Network feature documentaries and documentary
video editing shou ld strive to be authentic, especially the
long shots, you should try to ensure the integrity of the
lens to avoid the cut being too small or broken. Competi-
tive sports video, with a strong dynamic, strong dynamic
place should be selected as the switching point.
3.2. Select the Length of the Video Camera
In general, do not view the video camera, video screen
and the number of information constitute the complexity
of the screen will affect the choice of the length of the
lens. On the Scene, the panoramic camera images to stay
longer; the shorter number of close-range shot, close-up
shorter; to screen information, the screen stays longer
with amount of information, and shorter with less of in-
formation; to a complex picture extent, a complex picture
stays longer, shorter and vice versa.
3.3. Video Screen Editing Technique
Errors in the lens during shooting can be compensated to
some extent in post-produ ction by using the sub-cut, cut-
out and fight a shot cut. Sub-cut is to cut a lens into two
or more, cutout is a complete shot in the action to remove
a part of the screen without generating a sense of jump.
Fight a shot cut is repeated splicing, generally used in the
lens case which is not long enough and can not Bupai
(reshoot) before use. These editing techniques contribute
to balance the video rhythm better, in which way the dra-
matic effect can be strengthened by the screen and flu-
4. Online Video Lens Group Received
The network needed for exciting video montage down,
the lens needs to be connected in coherence, for the au-
dience to receive a better understanding of video content.
The different lens combinations will lead to the transfor-
mation sequence of different artistic effects. In addition
to footage of the group means of the optical principles,
switching the camera directly through th e conv ergence of
law, the plot will be more natural and smooth.
4.1. Video Camera Connected to a Logical Group
Shot of the group is required to meet people’s life ex-
perience and in line with the logic of thinking, which is
the basis for the audience to read the video. Therefore,
the lens group must consider the audiences’ visual re-
quirements, lead the audience in mental activity, we must
also meet the visual enjoyment.
Video camera should follow the group and the law of
“move then the dynamic and static access of static, dy-
namic and static phase to the transition”. The action is
consistent to achieve the purpose of smooth and simple
transition; the previous screen done a full body move-
ment then stops, connecting to a movement from rest to
start the lens to achieve a “static access quiet”.
4.2. Shot Group then the Unity of Tone Color
The tone color should maintain consistency, regardless of
network video screen is black and white or color. If the
connection between two lens groups is too brightness or
with strong color contrast (except for special needs),
people would feel awkward, stiff, non-coherent and with-
out a clear expression of content.
4.3. The Rhythm of the Video Camera Connected
Transformation Group
The subject matter, style, style and ambience, character
emotions, plot progress and the rhythm of the lens group
of network video receive a total basis. In addition to
video rhythm performers, camera movement and trans-
formation, the scene reflects the spatial and temporal
changes with music and other factors outside the group
need access to the use of means, which should strictly
adhere to the size and number of the lens. Lens group
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. IIM
X. Y. LU 179
should pay attention not on the seats or the King of mu-
tual coordination and cooperation. If you encounter with
the same flight, even with the Scene with the main screen,
not directly connected group, this screen led screen simi-
lar lack of change in composition. But the picture chan-
ges a bit of a jump will make th e audience an eye move-
ment, destroying the continuity of images and coherence
of thinking. Others such as the direction of the screen,
the length of time controlled by camera, unity of color
and tone, rhythm and harmony and other factors, and that
video editing needs attention which strives to make edit-
ing a harmonious flow of network video screen. It is
necessary to meet people’s logical thinking and teaching
law, which is also rich in artistic expression.
5. Combination of Audio Editing and Sound
and Picture
Sound and picture are two important elements in network
video, the two instruments working together allows on-
line video to be viewed and listened. In network video,
audio language with rich elements of performance of its
forms and manifestations is able to add clear and accu-
rate information to the visualized video. Therefore, the
audiences can not only see and hear, but also feel. The
term of Voices here refers to the concept which consists
of three parts: language, music and sound. Language is
communication and the primary means of transmitting
information, logical, systematic and complete expression
to people’s thoughts and feelings, which includes dia-
logue, narration and monologue. Music, including instru-
mental and vocal music, often in online video in the form
of voice-over, the atmosphere can help screen contrast,
infection audience. Sound refers to all sound except hu-
man voice and music. It has a broad scope, including
almost all kinds of sounds of the nature, such as wind,
thunder, bark and so on. In network video, the audio
mainly subordin ates to the picture environment.
A video clip with non-linear editing is usually a com-
bination of the two parts to be added to the time of se-
lected material line, the audio files will automatically
appear in the associated audio track to correspond with
the associated video and audio. However, in network
video editing process, you may only need a part of the
video or audio, which requires cutting off the relationship
between the two, also known as the melting operation.
Through video and audio solutions chain operations,
non-linear editing system can be decomposed into sepa-
rate video and audio section, which can be moved and
edited individually. Audio files and video files are han-
dled in the same way, which is proceeded by relying on
filters and switch techniques. If this software in Premiere,
sound combinations are divided into three categories:
sound comparison (meaning different sounds simultane-
ously, so that in contrast to the main sound produced in
the contrasting roles), the sound of the coverage (in the
same footage appear on a variety of similar sounds in
parallel, there is a voice above th e sound on the other, to
draw attention to the attention of sound body), sudden
turn of sound and silence (sound and silent alternating).
Sound editing and processing include: play, clip, gain
and gradual change, swing left and right channels and
volume balance adjustment, and the usage of audio mixer
Sound production and production are inextricably link-
ed images, sounds act as bridge, so that the screen is con-
nected smoothly. Rendering the sound is conducive to
the psychological state of characterization and helps
heighten atmosphere, so it still faces painting activities.
Sound and images are together in a certain way, includ-
ing the unity of sound and picture, sound and picture on
the digital picture and sound separation of three types.
Combined with sounds, the correspondence created by
sound and images and that between the pictures is in
consistent with the audio content, which makes visual
information and auditory information simultaneous, and
meets audiences’ needs and enhances picture realism in
the meantime. Some networks, such as live, online news
Tong Qisheng, etc., are generally sound and picture ecu-
menical relations. Sound and picture on the digital sound
and pictures is to maintain the internal relations, but the
sound and the picture is not one to one, they exists in
their own separate basis. However, the organic combina-
tion of clips makes the meaning of sound in accordance
with the contents of the screen, which can be interpreted
from the overall performance of the video content. Sci-
ence and education videos in the network, some descrip-
tion, analysis, explanatory language belongs to the rela-
tionship bet ween sound a n d p i ct ure on the bit.
The immediately points of sound and picture are differ-
ent, the relationship between the formation is of a com-
pletely opposite. The opposition and collision caused by
sound and pictures would result in a strong artistic effect.
Sound and picture are complementary and mutually
reinforcing, understanding and properly handling of rela-
tions between sound and picture can make sound and
picture harmonious, and improve the performance of
network vi deo greatly .
6. Online Video Editing Effects
In the network often need to switch to video games, it
allows the lens to achieve the natural switch to make the
story mo re co here nt and easy. Th e firs t is the tr ansfo rma-
tion scene of the conversion between the lens which in-
cluds the montage and plot and the conversion between
paragraphs transition between paragraphs. In order to
make the network video content be more rational, level
of development clearer, transition effect is in the transi-
tion between scenes in some way needed.
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. IIM
X. Y. LU
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. IIM
6.1. Fade in, Fade out
Fade is a paragraph on the last shot until the black screen
fading away, fading the next paragraph refers to the first
screen shot gradually emerging from a black screen until
the normal brightness, the entire conversion process was
V-changing visual stimuli. The length in the screen of fade
out and is usually 2 seconds each, but the actual editing
should be decided on the basis of TV series plot, mood,
and rhythm. Light change is the most common perform-
ance of Internet video to achieve the conversion of natu-
ral passage with space and time interval techniques.
6.2. Wipe
Wipe, also known as programs, program changes, gener-
ally used for significant differences between the two
large paragraphs of content conversion. Wipe can be di-
vided and assigned to draw. The previous screen to exit
from a screen called the draw direction, the direction of
the next screen, enter the screen is called from a classi-
fied. Slip is the main performance characteristics, that is,
a shot after the previous lens slowly across the screen.
Planning approach, the direction of diversity, such as
about planning, planning from top to bottom, draw poly-
gon, prism program, such as spiral-shaped plan, accord-
ing to the needs of plot development and the direction of
motion picture use a certain form. Wipe the strengthen-
ing of visual effects, rendering emotions or reinforce the
rhythm is very effective, but improper use of this tech-
nique is easy to produce stiff and artificial feeling.
6.3. Dissolve Imaging
Dissolve the video screen before and after a shot of a
screen shot of the overlay of the picture before fading a
shot until the disapp earance of a shot after a clear picture
of the gradual process until fully apparent. In the online
video editin g and production, th e technology changes are
mainly of the following functions: First, for the time of
conversion, said the passage of time; the second is used
for space conversion, said the space has changed; the
third performance is the dream of change, imagination,
memory and other plug Syria, back to Syria occasions;
fourth, the performance of scene changing, dazzling, diz-
6.4. Image Freeze
Freezing the screen image in the last frame for some time
gives rise to visual pause, emphasis and meaning with
the visual impact of instant still screen. It contributes to
highlight or render the scenes, image, demeanor, detail
nd so on. a
6.5. Keying Effects
Keying effects through the control of electrical signal,
pulling out part of the video image by filling with an-
other image to produce a result of one screen embedded
into another screen in a certain part. Images can be syn-
thesized using keying effects, cannot be realized in daily
life to achieve special effects.
7. Conclusions
It is noteworthy that, a network video works will not ap-
ply with too much variety of editing techniques and spe-
cial effects, because too many and complex disorder will
destroy the image showing the subject of video content,
and also destroy the video sense of overall picture.
The acuisition of a certain amount of online video ed-
iting skills will make peop le relatively ind epen d ent of the
picture and sound that mixed together organically, and be
more conducive to the recognition of formation system,
the color of the web video and audio clips.
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