J. Software Engineering & Applications, 2010, 3, 718-722
doi:10.4236/jsea.2010.37082 Published Online July 2010 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/jsea)
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
CRAB—CombinatoRial Auction Body Software
Petr Fiala1, Jana Kalčevová1, Jan Vraný2
1Department of Econometrics, Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic; 2Software
Engineering Group, Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic.
Email: pfiala@vse.cz, kalcevov@vse.cz, jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz
Received February 4th, 2010; revised June 17th, 2010; accepted June 19th, 2010.
Auctions are important market mechanisms for the allocation of goods and services. Combinatorial auctions are those
auctions in which buyers can place bids on combinations of items. Combinatorial auctions have many applications. The
paper presents the CRAB software system. CRAB is a non-commercial software system for generating, solving, and
testing of combinatorial auction problems. The system solves problems by Balas’ method or by the primal-dual algo-
rithm. CRAB is implemented in Ruby and it is distributed as the file crab.rb. The system is freely available on web pag-
es for all interested users.
Keywords: Combinatorial Auction, Complexity, Software System, Generating, Solving, Testing
1. Introduction
Auctions are important market mechanisms for the allo-
cation of goods and services. Auction theory has caught
tremendous interest from both the economic side as well
as the Internet industry. Design of auctions is a multidis-
ciplinary effort made of contributions from economics,
operations research, software sciences, and other disci-
plines. The popularity of auctions and the requirements
of e-business have led to growing interest in the devel-
opment of complex trading models [1]. Combinatorial
auctions are those auctions in which buyers can place
bids on combinations of items, called bundles. This is
particular important when items are complements.
CRAB system is suitable for:
fast generating of standard combinatorial restrictions,
adding specific restrictions,
generating of bundle evaluations with complementa-
rity properties,
solving combinatorial auction problems by Balas’
method or by the primal-dual algorithm,
experimenting, and testing.
The user has to install Ruby interpreter in order to run
CRAB. Needed information is at web pages http://users.
fit.cvut.cz/~vranyj1/software/crab. There is also a possi-
bility to download CRAB (more precisely the file crab.
This design gives a possibility to study and extend the
CRAB system, especially about the implemented models
and methods, by the user. The system is available on web
pages for all interested users.
2. Combinatorial Auctions
Combinatorial auctions are those auctions in which buy-
ers can place bids on combinations of items, so called
bundles. The advantage of combinatorial auctions is that
the buyer can more precisely express his preferences.
This is particular important when items are complements.
The auction designer also derives value from combinato-
rial auctions. Allowing buyers more fully to express
preferences often leads to improved economic efficiency
and greater auction revenues. However, alongside their
advantages, combinatorial auctions raise a host of ques-
tions and challenges [2]. Many types of combinatorial
auctions can be formulated as mathematical program-
ming problems.
The problem, called the winner determination problem,
has received considerable attention in the literature. The
problem is formulated as: Given a set of bids in a com-
binatorial auction, find an allocation of items to buyers
that maximize the seller’s revenue. Let us suppose that
one seller offers a set M of m items, j = 1, 2,…, m, to n
potential buyers. Items are available in single units. A bid
made by buyer i, i = 1, 2, …, n, is defined as
,)( ,SvSB ii
CRAB—CombinatoRial Auction Body Software System
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
S M, is a combination of items, so called bundle.
vi(S), is the valuation or offered price by buyer i for the
bundle S.
The objective is to maximize the revenue of the seller
given the bids made by buyers. Constraints establish that
no single item is allocated to more than one buyer and
that no buyer obtains more than one combination. This
constraint is not necessary but there is a possibility to
generate it in the CRAB system. Bivalent variables are
introduced for model formulation:
xi(S) is a bivalent variable specifying if the combina-
tion S is assigned to buyer i (xi(S) = 1).
The winner determination problem can be formulated
as follows
max)( )(
ii SxSv
subject to() 1, 1,2,...,,
() 1, ,
 (1)
()0, , 1,2,...,.
SSMi n 
The objective function expresses the revenue. The first
constraint ensures that no buyer receives more than one
combination of items. The second constraint ensures that
overlapping sets of items are never assigned. In the
CRAB system a generalization is applied. The set of
items M can be divided in p subsets Pk , k = 1, 2, …, p,
called packages. All combinations of items are generated
in each package. By this way all bundles are generated.
The algorithms proposed for solving combinatorial
auction problems fall into two classes: exact algorithms,
and approximate algorithms. The CRAB system uses
Balas’ method for finding of optimal solutions.
Alternatively, the primal-dual algorithm can be taken
as a decentralized and dynamic method to determine the
pricing equilibrium. A primal-dual algorithm usually
maintains a feasible dual solution and tries to compute a
primal solution that is both feasible and satisfies the
complementary slackness conditions. If such a solution is
found, the algorithm terminates. Otherwise the dual solu-
tion is updated towards optimality and the algorithm con-
tinues with the next iteration. The fundamental work [3]
demonstrates a strong interrelationship between the itera-
tive auctions and the primal-dual linear programming
algorithms. A primal-dual linear programming algorithm
can be interpreted as an auction where the dual variables
represent item prices. The algorithm maintains a feasible
allocation and a price set, and it terminates as the effi-
cient allocation and competitive equilibrium prices are
For the winner determination problem we will formu-
late the LP relaxation and its dual. Consider the LP re-
laxation of the winner determination problem (1):
max)( )(
ii SxSv
subject to() 1, 1,2,...,,
() 1, ,
 (2)
()0,1, , 1,2,...,.
The corresponding dual to problem (2)
subject to
. , ,0)( ),(
, , ),()()(
SiSvjpip i
The dual variables p(j) can be interpreted as anony-
mous linear prices of items, the term
jp )(
is then the price of the bundle S and
jpSvip )()(max)(
is the maximal utility for the bidder i at the prices p(j).
3. CRAB Tool
During the research on combinatorial auctions a need for
input problem generator arose. There is a publicly avail-
able tool CATS [4], developed at Stanford University,
however it has several drawbacks that make it, at least,
hardly usable for our purpose. To fulfill our needs we have
developed our own tool: CRAB. This tool has several
advantages over the CATS, namely:
fast problem generation,
combinations are generated in a more predictable
combinations are generated only in given subset of all
CSV as the primary data format,
fine-grained control over generated problem,
built-in linear problem solver,
multiple output formats.
This tool is implemented in Ruby. Although obvious
programming language of choice for such kind of tools is
C or C++ for performance reasons, we choose Ruby
mainly for its dynamic, agile nature which enables us to
quickly experiment with different approaches.
CRAB—CombinatoRial Auction Body Software System
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
3.1 Overview
The combinatorial auction problem is given by the
number of buyers and the number of all feasible combina-
tions of goods—bundles. For each buyer also prices of
bundles, bids and budget are needed. Number of goods is
read in the vector form where the number of vector
components (comma separated) is equal to the number of
packages. Each vector component corresponds to the
number of goods in the package.
In the first phase there are generated all combinations of
goods in each package (except empty set). This step is
done for every package. By this way all bundles are
generated. The list of these bundles is saved in the file
(*.csv)—one bundle on row—and there are prepared one
column for each buyer. The first row contains column
label and the second row is given for buyer’s budget.
The user can load the file in CSV into a text editor or in
a spreadsheet and fill in the bids (i.e. the price offered by
the buyer for particular bundle) and budgets for each
buyer. If the user uses CRAB only for tests he/she can use
automatically generated prices and budget. In both cases
the final file has to be saved also in CSV format.
In the second phase the file is transformed into the
binary programming problem. The bundles correspond to
variables and bids correspond to prices of objective
function that is maximized. The problem consists of
automatic constraints for each good (each good can be
sold only once) and each buyer (buyer cannot get over his
budget). The user is free to change automatically gene-
rated constraints and remove or add additional (for
example not-typical) constraints. All data have to be saved
in CVS format again.
Finally, the problem might be passes to the built-in
binary programming solver to find out the optimal
solution for given combinatorial auction. If so, the
problem is transformed into form with minimizing object-
tive function with non-negative prices and all constraints
in form “less or equal”. More detailed description of
normalization process is in Sub-section 3.6. Afterwards
the transformed model is passed to the Balas’ algorithm
3.2 Practical Usage
The CRAB tool as well as the source code could be
downloaded from the above mentioned web page and it
can operate in two modes: 1) interactive mode and 2)
command line mode.
Interactive mode
CRAB could be run in interactive mode which means
that the user is prompted for the data interactively. To start
CRAB in interactive mode, type1
ruby crab.rb
in terminal emulator (or command line window on
Windows) from within the directory where the program is
installed. Please note that not all features are available
when running in interactive mode, if you need them, you
have to run it in command line mode described below.
Command line mode
As opposite to interactive mode, the CRAB could
operate in command line mode, which means that all input
data as well as all options have to be supplied on the
command line. This mode allows one to automate tasks
using scripts (and run CRAB non-interactively in night
batch jobs, for instance). To get list of all available
options, type
ruby crab.rb --help
All examples in following sections will be given in the
command line mode.
3.3 Generating Bundles
As we said before, the CRAB can generate combinatorial
problem as specified in Section 2. The principle command
ruby crab.rb --output <outfile> generate --buyers <nb>
--bundles <bundlespec>
where <nb> is number of buyers (non-negative integer
value) and <bundlespec> is vector specifying number of
items in each bundle. Number of bundles is determined by
dimension of the vector. Vector should be entered as
comma-separated sequence of positive integer values with
no spaces in between. CRAB can also generate random
prices for each package as well as budget for each buyer.
Following command will generate combinatorial
auction with four buyers and two packages first with 5
goods, second one with 3 goods and generate random
prices and budgets. Output will be saved to file bids.csv:
ruby crab.rb --output bids.csv generate --buyers 4
--goods 5,3 --randomize
Every single good in generated combinatorial auction
get assigned a unique integer id, starting at one. In pre-
vious example, the first good of first package gets id 1,
second good in first package gets 2. The first good of
second package gets 6, second one gets 7 and so on.
3.4 Output Format
The generated files are ordinary CSV2 files and thus
editable by almost every spreadsheet application. First
row contains only column labels and contains no data.
Second row contains budget of each buyer. Rest of rows
specifies bids of bundles given by each buyer.
First two columns contain only labels and no data. First
column denotes package, second one denotes particular
good combination within the bundle. Bundle is denoted by
id of first and last good in the bundle, the combination is
1Assuming the directory with ruby program is listed in the PATH envi-
ronment variable. If not, fully path to the Ruby interpreter must be
given, such as C:\Ruby\bin\ruby. 2Comma Separated Values, RFC 4180
CRAB—CombinatoRial Auction Body Software System
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
denoted by minus-separated list of good ids. Following
columns contains the bids given by buyers.
For output from the previous command see Figure 1.
User is free to modify the generated file to meet his/her
needs; however the format of the file as described above
must be preserved.
3.5 Transforming Combinatorial Auction to Binary
Programming Problem
Once the combinatorial auction is generated, it can be
transformed to the form of binary programming problem
and passed to binary programming solver afterwards. The
principle command for combinatorial auction transforma-
tion is:
./ruby crab.rb --output <output file> transform --bids
<input file>
where <input file> is CSV file specifying the
combinatorial auction. The form of input file must be the
same as output of generate command. Optionally, you
may use the --format option to specify output format.
CRAB currently supports two output formats: 1) csv
(which is the default) and 2) xa. The first one is the one
used by built-in solver; the latter one could be directly
passed to the XA integer solver [6].
Following command will transform file bids.csv into
binary programming problem, saving the output to file
named problem.cvs using the csv format.
./ruby crab.rb --output problem.cvs transform --bids
Following command will create binary programming
problem specification file as used by the XA solver:
./ruby crab.rb --output problem.lp transform --format
xa --bids bids.csv
Group,Bid,Offer of b1,Offer of
b2,Offer of b3,Offer of b4
Figure 1. Example of output
Output format
As we mention above, the transform command can
generate output files in two formats. In-depth description
of XA format is beyond the scope of this paper. The
CRAB format is ordinary CSV file. The first row and first
column contains only column resp. row labels and no
meaningful data. Remaining but last rows specifies
constraints, last column is constraint’s right hand side,
pre-last column denotes relation. The last row contains
objective function.
3.6 Solving
CRAB contains built-in binary programming solver based
on Balas’ method. The principle command for solving
combinatorial auction is:
ruby carb.rb solve --problem <input file>
where <input file> is CSV file specifying the binary
programming problem. The form of input file must be the
same as output of transform command using the csv
The CRAB tool also provides few options to control the
Balas’ algorithm. The first option controls overall strategy
to walk through the state space. Two strategies are
available: depth-first (specified by --depth-first option)
and breadth-first (which is the default, specified by
--breadth-first option).
Second option deals with branching logic. If --one-first
is specified then the one-filled branch is tried first, if
--zero-first is specified, zero-filled branch is taken first.
One-first strategy is the default one. Based on few experi-
ments breadth-first strategy combined with one-first
strategy gives the best results (by means of number of
iterations required to solve particular problem).
Problem Normalization
As was written above, a binary programming problem
with zero-one variables can be solved by Balas’ method.
Before using Balas’ algorithm the problem has to have the
correct form. In the CRAB system the problem has to
satisfy following conditions:
all constraints have to be in the form “less or equal”,
objective function has to be minimized and
prices in the objective function have to be non-
In the case that constraint is in the equation form CRAB
automatically transforms it into two constraints—one in
the form “less or equal” and the other “greater or equal”.
In the case that constraint is in the form “grater or equal”
CRAB multiplies it by minus one. After such transforma-
tion all constraints are in the asked form.
If objective function is maximized it is multiplied by
minus one and extreme is changed from max to min.
The last problem can be negative prices. As the
problem is binomial (all variables are only one or zero) it
is possible to use binomial substitution where the new
CRAB—CombinatoRial Auction Body Software System
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
variable equals 1—old variable. It is clear that the new
variable is also binomial. After such substitution in whole
model the price for new variable is positive. So it is
necessary to use such substitution for all variables with
negative prices in objective function.
Obviously the problem normalization is implemented
in CRAB. After solving the results is automatically
transformed by backward-substitution and user obtains
the solution of original problem.
Output format
For output of the built-in solver see Figure 2.
As the solver is solving the problem, it prints some sta-
tistical information: total number partial solution in the
queue, delta from last output and values of few other
internal variables. After the solver finishes the computa-
Iteration 1000: 47 solutions in
queue (delta 46)
z_f = 25930.0, z = 32702, z_max =
Iteration 2000: 123 solutions in
queue (delta 76)
z_f = 25930.0, z = 32702, z_max =
Iteration 3000: 269 solutions in
queue (delta 146)
z_f = 25991.0, z = 32702, z_max =
Iteration 4000: 321 solutions in
queue (delta 52)
z_f = 27285.0, z = 32702, z_max =
Iterations done: 4214
Solution: Vector[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0], Z = 5203
Figure 2. Output of the solver
tion, it prints out number of iterations done, the solution
and the value of objective function.
4. Conclusions
Combinatorial auctions are those auctions in which buyers
can place bids on combinations of items, called bundles.
This is particular important when items are complements.
Combinatorial auctions have many real applications. The
proposed CRAB system is a non-commercial software
system for generating, solving, and testing of combina-
torial auction problems. The tool has several advantages;
as fast problem generations, combinations are generated
only in given subset of all items, CSV as the primary data
format, built-in problem solver, to name some of them.
5. Acknowledgements
The research project was supported by Grants No. 402/
07/0166 and No. P402/10/0197 from the Grant Agency
of Czech Republic.
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