Advances in Pure Mathematics, 2012, 2, 226-242 Published Online July 2012 (
Feature Patch Illumination Spaces and Karcher
Compression for Face Recognition via
Jen-Mei Chang1, Chris Peterson2, Michael Kirby2
1Department of Mathematics and Statistics, California State University, Long Beach, USA
2Department of Mathematics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA
Email:, {peterson, Kirby}
Received January 7, 2012; revised February 20, 2012; accepted February 27, 2012
Recent work has established that digital images of a human face, when collected with a fixed pose but under a variety of
illumination conditions, possess discriminatory information that can be used in classification. In this paper we perform
classification on Grassmannians to demonstrate that sufficient discriminatory information persists in feature patch (e.g.,
nose or eye patch) illumination spaces. We further employ the use of Karcher mean on the Grassmannians to demon-
strate that this compressed representation can accelerate computations with relatively minor sacrifice on performance.
The combination of these two ideas introduces a novel perspective in performing face recognition.
Keywords: Grassmannians; Karcher Mean; Face Recognition; Illumination Spaces; Compressions; Feature Patches;
Principal Angles
1. Introduction
There has been a general philosophy in pattern recogni-
tion, arising out of practical necessity to some degree, to
normalize away variations in imagery that appear non-
essential to identification or classification. For example,
in the context of human faces, recognition under uncon-
trolled illumination conditions has historically been one
of the more difficult challenges. In an attempt to over-
come this problem, several algorithms approximately
remove illumination variations in an effort to improve
recognition performance.
A number of papers have appeared recently which il-
lustrate the potential of retaining effects of illumination
variation over an object [1-4]. As a result, more generally,
we are led to consider manners in which the variation in
the state of an object can be used to extract discriminatory
information. Philosophically, this paradigm shift en-
courages the collection and processing of large amounts
of data to represent families of patterns. In this setting,
the challenge now becomes how to encode and compare
large quantities of information for pattern classification.
Because of the need for analyzing massive data sets,
much recent effort has been devoted to developing pat-
tern recognition methods that are based on image sets
[5-8]. Typically, a signal or picture contains much re-
dundant information that may be removed by using, e.g.,
Karhunen-Loève (KL) transform. Each class then has its
own set of representative features extracted from KL
transform that forms a vector subspace (so-called feature
space) of the original pattern space. The subspace method
is a geometrically sound approach since these class sub-
spaces can be used to classify an input sample into the
best fitting class and they tell us something about the
properties shared by all the items in that category. For
this reason, subspace method works extremely well when
samples are selected from a uniformly distributed variation
state. Similarly, methods that are based on image sets
give better performance than the ones based on individ-
ual images since classifiers that depend solely on a single
input sample will be sensitive to outliers and anomalies.
Therefore, to improve and extend the traditional sub-
space method, we consider the case where both gallery
and query subjects have multiple images available and
refer this classification paradigm as the set-to-set method.
Face recognition based on image set matching enjoys a
superior discrimination accuracy and robustness since it
is less sensitive to poor registration and varying environ-
mental conditions. In many applications, such as video
sequence matching, surveillance video tracking, spatio-
temporal modeling, and affine invariant shape analysis, a
set-to-set method provides the most natural platform for
performing classification tasks. While there are multitude
of ways to carry out the actual classification task, it has
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been shown that better performance can be attained
through modeling image sets via linear structures, i.e.,
subspaces [5,7]. This is largely due to the positive effects
inherited from the subspace method mentioned above.
Next, we describe how classification on the Grassmann
manifolds is an obvious choice for performing face rec-
ognition with linear structures.
The collection of multiple images for a single subject
can be mathematically represented by a matrix of size
n-by-k, where k is the number of distinct patterns and n is
the resolution of the patterns. The linear span of the
columns of this matrix forms a k-dimensional vector
subspace in , which can be realized naturally as a
point on the Grassmannian . The detail of this
connection is given in Section 2. Now, performing clas-
sification of sets (of patterns) in their natural setting is
equivalent to performing classification of points on the
Grassmannians. Distance measures on the Grassman-
nians are well-established in this context and can be ap-
plied readily to this problem. Overall, classification on
the Grassmannians is a mathematically simple frame-
work that can be extended to any pattern classification
problem that requires a set-to-set data comparison. While
there are other interesting general pattern analysis prob-
lems that fit naturally on the Grassmann manifold (see
e.g., [9,10], we focus on the ones that emphasize the use
of principal angles, which are the fundamental building
blocks of various unitarily invariant distance functions
between linear subspaces [11].
,GRk n
As mentioned previously, it is evident that there is dis-
criminatory information associated with the manner in
which digital images of a face change under variations in
illumination. Factors which affect these changes include
the texture, color and shape of the face. One of the cen-
tral themes of this paper is that the local information
produced when illumination varies over sub-images of
the face, e.g., facial features such as the eyes, lips or nose,
will still allow accurate classification when placed in the
context of set-to-set comparison via Grassmann mani-
folds. The extent to which local information is individu-
alized is rather surprising and points to two immediate
First, it suggests classification is possible even when a
subject’s face is severely occluded. It confirms with a lot
of prior studies [12-15] that distinct features such as eyes,
lip, and nose possess interesting information that can be
used for classification. Second, it suggests that the in-
formation gained by considering multiple local illumina-
tion spaces may be substantially greater than the infor-
mation gained from considering a single global illumina-
tion space. This second point differentiates our work
from others. Precisely, our work is not to replicate the
fact that local features preserve discriminatory structure;
rather, the discriminatory structure of the whole face via
illumination spaces persists through various ways of
compression where the local feature patch being one of
the many ways to select such reduced representation.
Empirical results that validate this assertion are presented
in Section 4. The classifier statistics was reported using a
measure that is suitable on the Grassmann manifold and
compared with a carefully chosen benchmark algorithm;
both ideas are described in Section 2 as well.
One of the unavoidable consequences of the set-to-set
paradigm is the increased classification runtime com-
pared to single-to-single and single-to-many algorithms.
One way to fix this is to replace the subject’s image set
with an invariant representation that captures the dis-
criminatory variances afforded by the given set of images.
Classification is then done on this invariant structure that
is potentially much quicker to compute. To this end, we
consider the notion of mean subspace on the Grassmann
manifold. Similar to the idea of arithmetic mean in the
Euclidean space, the mean on the Grassmann manifold
minimizes the summed squared distance measured along
the geodesics. Formally, this mean is called the Fréchet
mean, or the Karcher mean if uniqueness criterion is re-
Collectively, this paper improves the face recognition
problem with the original Grassmann (set-to-set) method
in two aspects—by reducing the size of k and n in
,GRk n
. That is, by using the feature patches, we are
essentially reducing the size of n; while by introducing
the Karcher mean, we are essentially reducing the size of
k. We give the details of achieving both types of com-
pression in Section 3. The paper is concluded with Sec-
tion 5 where a brief summary of the work presented will
be given.
2. The Grassmann Method
The geometry of the data sets affects the fundamental
design of a classification algorithm. For example, it is
reasonable to quantify the distance between two points
on the xy-plane embedded in with Euclidean dis-
tance but the same metric should not be used to measure
the distance between two points on the sphere. In any
case, the optimal choice of the metric is the appropriate
geodesic on that space. In this section, we review a geo-
metric framework, so-called the Grassmann method, that
is suitable for the set-to-set classification using linear
subspaces for which the current research is built upon.
The heart of our study centers around ways to improve
the current Grassmann method by means of compression
and will be described in Section 3.
2.1. Matrix Representation for Points on the
A r-by-c gray scale digital image corresponds to a r × c
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. APM
matrix where each entry enumerates one of the 256 (on
8-bit machines) possible gray levels of the corresponding
pixel. After concatenation by columns, an image vector
of length n = rc can be seen as a point in in the
original subspace method, this point will then be pro-
jected into a feature space of a much lower dimension for
classification. We will, however, group k (generally in-
dependent) example images of a subject and consider the
k-dimensional feature subspace they span in . The
connection between this linear subspace to a point on the
Grassmann manifold will be made precise next.
,k n
,, ,ee e
,k n
Pl V
 
Definition 2.1 The Grassmannian GR or the
Grassmann manifold is the set of k-dimensional suspaces
in an n-dimensional vector space Kn for some field K.
Let K be a field and V be a vector space of dimension
n with basis 12 n, it can be shown that the kth
exterior power of V over K can be determined up to iso-
morphism. Then the Grassmannian, GR , can be
viewed as a subset of projective space, , via the
Plücker embedding:
,GR k n
where . This map is injective.
dim k
The homogeneous coordinates on are called
the Plücker coordinates on
,k n
GR [16].
In coordinates, we can explicitly represent a plane
by a unique matrix up to a change of ba-
sis transformation. Let W be a k-dimensional vector sub-
space of V with basis 1
ij i
, and
let ij . Moreover, assume U is the standard affine
open subset of whose first
k × k minor is non-
zero. Then
1, 2,jk
nk k
 .
The matrix B is determined up to right multiplication
by an invertible k × k change of basis matrix. B uniquely
determines B', and B' uniquely determines W. Then the
entries of B' give the bijection of UG with
, i.e., is covered by affine space of
dimension . Consequently,
,GRk n
kn k
m ,GRk n
di =
when the Grassmannian is realized as a sub-
manifold of a projective space.
kn k
It is now clear that points in the Grassmannian are
equivalence classes of n × k orthonormal matrices, where
two matrices are equivalent if their columns span the
same k-dimensional linear subspace, i.e.,
GRk nppqfqQp
,GRk n
where p and q are n × k matrices with orthogonal col-
umns and Ok is the group of k × k orthogonal matrices.
Therefore, the Grassmann manifold can be
identified as the quotient group nknk. Despite
this abstract mathematical representation of the
Grassmannian, one may choose to represent a point on
the Grassmannian by specifying an arbitrary orthonormal
basis stored as a n × k matrix. Although this choice of the
orthogonal matrix is not unique for points on the Grass-
mannian, it does give rise to a k-dimensional linear sub-
space that is obtained via the column space of the matrix
and will serve as are presentative of the equivalence class
on the computer [17].
2.2. Geometry of the Grassmannians
A natural question that follows is the way in which we
measure how far apart points are on the Grassmann
manifold. In the context of face recognition, by realizing
sets of images as points on a Grassmann manifold, we
can take advantage of the geometries imposed by indi-
vidual metrics (drawn from a large class of metrics) in
comparing the closeness of the points. For instance, the
arc length metric and the Fubini-Study metric impose
quite distinct geometries on the Grassmann manifold and
lead to distinct distance measures between points. It is an
open question how to optimally select a metric on a
Grassmannian for the purposes of a given data classifica-
tion problem. See [17] for a list of several commonly
used metrics. We will restrict ourselves to metrics on
,GRk n built as functions of the k-tuple of principal
angles. For instance, in the arc length metric, the distance
,,pq GRkn is written in terms of the prin-
cipal angles
 
In the following paragraphs, we review the definition
of principal angles and an algorithm for computing them.
If and are two vector subspaces with
pan XX
pan YY
, where
are two orthonormal basis ma-
trices, then the principal angles 0π2
 ,
1min dim,dim,kqX Y an
cosmax maxTT
uv uv
between d
e defined recursively by
subject to 22
vv, i and i
1, 2,,1ik. That is, the first principal angle, 1
, is
the smallest angle between all possible linear combina-
tions of unit vectors in and and the second prin-
cipal angle, 2
, is the smallest angle between the spaces
, and so on. The vectors ui and
vi are so-called the ith left and right principal vectors cor-
responding to the ith principal angle. The use of principal
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. APM
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vectors and principal angles help us in answering the
following question: “what linear combination of images
in one set comes closest to a linear combination of im-
ages in the second set?” If we name the sets “left” and
“right”, we can then describe the closest pair of linear
combinations of images as the left and right principal
A numerically stable algorithm that computes the
principal angles between subspaces and is given
in [18]. This algorithm is accurate for large principal
angles (> 108). A sine-based algorithm for calculating
small principal angles is available in [19]. This algorithm,
presented in Algorithm 1, is used in the present paper to
ensure precision of the minimal principal angles. Given
the nature of the data investigated in this paper, we found
it sufficient to consider only the minimum principal an-
gle in measuring the similarity between two points on a
Grassmannian generated by two image sets, see e.g.,
We note that face recognition using principal angles
not in the context of the geometry of Grassmann mani-
folds-can be traced back to the Mutua l Subspace Method-
where the cosine of the minimal principal angle is used
[5]. Since then, the concept of principal angles as a meas-
ure has been widely adopted [6,21-24], though still not as
a way of metric on the Grassmann manifold until re-
cently. Kernel methods for handling nonlinearity in data
in the context of Grassmannian has been proposed as an
extension of [4] and [25] and shown to be successful
Algorithm 1. Small and large principal angles [19].
Inputs: Matrices and
Xn p
Yn pqp, .
Outputs: Principal angles
between and
1) Find ONB and Qx for Qy and
such that
 
Q Y
diag .
xx yyx
QQ QQIQX  .
2) Compute SVD for cosine:
3) Compute matrix
,if rank
x y
Q Q
 
, svd
4) Compute SVD for sine:
uZ Y
1, 2,,:kq
5) Compute the principal angles, for
, if;
, if.
[7,26-28]. Readers who are interested in how the Grass-
mann method compares against other existing set-based
and non-set-based methods in both classifier accuracy
and computational cost are referred to [7,28,29]. In
summary, non-set-based methods are outperformed by
set-based ones which are now shadowed by the rapid
development of kernel methods in the Grassmannian
framework. An extensive review of these methods is be-
yond the scope of this paper.
2.3. Classification on the Grassmannians
Suppose k distinct images of a given subject are available,
we group them to form a data matrix X with each image
stored as a column of X. If the column space of X,
, has dimension k and if n denotes the image reso-
lution, then
is a k-dimensional vector subspace
of , which corresponds to a point on the Grassmann
,GRk n. Under this framework, each set of k
images may be encoded as a point on the Grassmann
manifold. There are various ways to perform classifica-
tion on the Grassmann manifold. Since the heart of this
analysis is to illustrate the discriminatory information
inherited in the subject feature patches when viewed un-
der varying illumination conditions, the only intrinsic
variation presented in each image set is the variation of
As illustrated in Figure 1, images from each image set
belong to a particular subject class and capture a given
feature patch that is pre-defined succeeding the classifi-
cation. Note that the illumination conditions do not need
to be the same across image sets and the number of prin-
cipal angles available between each pair of image sets
depends on the size of the sets. In this simplistic 2-class
classification problem, the probe set (image set 3) is
closer to image set 1 than image set 2, therefore is classi-
fied as subject 1. On the other hand, it is possible to in-
clude two or more states of variations in the image sets;
Figur e 1. Sets of ima ges are realized as points on the Grass-
mann manifold. The closeness of each pair of image sets
may be measured, e.g., by the minimal principal angle, θ1,
between the linear span of the image sets.
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. APM
however, it will become increasingly more difficult to
identify the source of discriminatory information, and
this problem is not considered in the current study.
2.4. Computational Comlexity
Classification on the Grassmann manifold comprises two
major computational steps: an orthogonal basis extrac-
tion and a pair wise angle calculation. The algorithm for
computing principal angles between a pair of subspaces
also consists of two major steps: a QR-decomposition of
the representation matrices and SVD of the inner product
of the orthogonal matrices. The MATLAB qr command
is based on Householder reflections. For a general n × k
matrix representation for a point on , QR-de-
composition using Householder reflections costs
,GRk n
kn k flops. For the same size matrix, the MAT-
LAB svd command costs 21
kn k
23 2
2 .k Ok
flops to reduce
it to a bidiagonal form using Householder reflections. If
singular values are required, it costs for the rest
of the operations.
Typically, and since the SVD is performed on
the k × k covariance matrix, the overall computational
cost for calculating the angles between a pair of points on
is given by
,GR k
,2Ckn nk
Notice that this cost function is linear in n, the image
resolution, and cubic in k, the number of images.
2.5. Grassmann Separability
Since this paper is about matching one set of face images
to another set of face images, the common terms gallery
and probe set are altered here to describe sets of sets of
images. Thus, we consider the gallery data to consist of a
set of points on a Grassmann manifold where eachpoint
in the gallery is generated by computing a basis from a
set of images associated with a given person. Points are
computed in a similar fashion for the probe. Further, we
assume that we know the labels of the points in both the
probe and gallery permitting us to evaluate classification
accuracy. In this section, we will introduce a quantity
that measures the classifying power of the proposed
framework that is appropriate on the Grassmann mani-
Given a set of image sets 12
XX and
an identify map
so that
N where
1, 2,,c
i is a set of class labels. Let the cardinal-
ity of a set, X, be the number of distinct images in X. The
distances between different realizations of subspaces for
the same class are called match distances while for dif-
ferent classes they are called non-match distances. For
simplicity of notations, define Wj , the
within-class index set of subject i and
max max,
im jW
i, the
between-class index set of subject i. We can now define a
quantity that measures how separable the data set is.
Definition 2.2. For an appropriate choice of the met-
ric, d, let M be the maximum of the match distances, i.e.,
min min,.
and m be the mi nimu m of the no n -match distances, i.e.,
Define the separation gap as .
mM Then we
say the set
0.g is Grassmann separa-
ble if
There are two parameters in this definition, i.e., the
choice of the metric and the configuration of the image
sets. In this study, we speak of a set being Grassmann
separable if there exists a Grassmannian distance and a
set configuration such that the separation gap is greater
than zero. Pictorially, if we compile all of the within-
class and between-class distances of a Grassmann sepa-
rable set, its box-whisker plot would resemble something
similar to Figure 2(a) while a set that is not Grassmann
separable would produce a box-whisker plot similar to
that of Figure 2(b).
The Grassmann separability defined such way coin-
cides nicely with a classifier metric termed false accept
rate (FAR) at a zero false reject rate (FRR)1 that is docu-
mented in [30]. This score is the ratio of the number of
non-match distances that are smaller than the maximum
of the match distances divided by the number of non-
match distances. Essentially, the FAR score is capturing
the separation gap described earlier and a zero FAR for a
data set indicates that the data is Grassmann separable for
an appropriate choice of metric and set configuration.
Henceforth, the FAR score will be reported throughout
the experiments as a way to tell how well proposed
framework works. Moreover, due to the nature of the
Grassmann separability criterion, a careful examination
on how the cardinality of the image sets affect FAR
scores will also be investigated in the experiments.
2.6. Benchmark Algorithm
We are sensitive to the concern that similar outcomes
might be observed using direct image set to image set
comparisons. To explore this, we introduce a benchmark
similarity S(X, Y) for comparing multi-still sets X and Y
that exploits only the statistics of the image sets without
imposing any geometric structure on the data. Since the
1For simplicity, we will use FAR to denote FAR at zero FRR.
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Figure 2. (a) Illustration of a data set that is Grassmann
separable; (b) Illustration of a data set that is not Grass-
mann separable.
emphasis of the current study is to examine whether the
discriminatory nature of the points on the Grassmann
manifold persists through various compression schemes,
we use only this algorithm to benchmark the perform-
ance of the proposed framework. Largely due to the na-
ture of the methods and experimental protocols imple-
mented, a direct comparison of our proposed framework
with general face recognition techniques is difficult
without a careful paradigm design.
Recall the familiar Pearson’s r-correlation for two
length N column vectors x and y:
xy x
Corx yN
are the standard deviations and
are the means of the signals x and y, respectively.
Now, for two image sets
 
12 x
Xxx x
12 y
Yyy y
 
,max ,
sx YCorxy
to be the similarity score between a single image
X and the image set Y. Then our benchmark similarity
between X and Y is defined as
SXYsx YsyX
This definition permits a symmetric measure and is
essentially an exhaustive approach in searching for the
best match in image sets.
3. Compressions on the Grassmannians
Let S be a collection of points on a Grassmann manifold
,GRk nn
with each point corresponding to a set of k
digital images each residing in 2. We will consider
two types of compressions of such data that still allow
classification. The first type of compression has the ef-
fect of reducing n while the other reduces k. Both types
of compression yield new collections of points on
Grassmann manifolds. A compression which reduces n
corresponds to reducing the number of pixels represent-
ing a digital image. Reduction in the size of k corre-
sponds to reducing the dimension of the subspace repre-
senting a set of digital images. There might be other
methods for accomplishing either of these tasks while we
will consider reductions in n induced by projections in
Section 3.1 and reductions in k through a Karcher mean
computation in Section 3.2.
3.1. Compression of n in
As demonstrated in [2], the illumination space of a Lam-
bertian object is well approximated by a low-dimensional
linear space. This implies that if D represents a data set
consisting of digital images of a fixed Lambertian object
collected under a variety of illumination conditions and
with a fixed resolution, then a very high percentage of
the energy of D is captured by a low-dimensional linear
space inside the vector space generated by all possible
digital images at the same fixed resolution. As a conse-
quence, illumination spaces are particularly well-suited
2It is not necessary to perform a preliminary reduction of the data using
a method such as the SVD.
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. APM
for classification on Grassmannians.
The approximated illumination space, as captured by a
k-dimensional approximation of the data set D, can be
represented by a point . Given a point
, let q denote the associated k-di-
mensional subspace. In typical settings, where n, m are
much larger than k, one expects a general linear map
to approximately preserve the inter-rela-
tionships among the principal angles between most sub-
spaces of . For instance, suppose Vp, Vq, Vr are three
k-dimensional subspaces of (corresponding to three
points ), suppose further that the
minimal principal angle between Vp and Vq is small
compared to the minimal principal angle between Vp and
Vr. Then under the general linear map L, one expects the
minimal principal angle between
,, ,r GRkn
LV and
q to
be small compared to the minimal principal angle be-
LV and .
There are several families of linear transformations
which are natural and useful to consider in the context of
face recognition. In this paper we will restrict our atten-
tion to a special family of linear transformations known
as patch projections, these should be considered as com-
plementary to patch collapsing. These terms are de-
scribed below:
1) (Patch Collapsing) Consider a partition of the com-
ponents of a vector, V, into disjoint sets 12d.
Patch collapsing is the operation of replacing, for each i
between 1 and d, the components in Pi with a fixed
weighted average of these components. This operation
can be expressed as a linear map, ,
. If L is further required to conserve energy then
and thus is a projection map. An example of
this type of projection is the partitioning of a digital im-
age into regions as provided by the scaling spaces in the
Haar wavelet decomposition. See Figure 3(a) for an il-
lustration of this type.
PP P
PP P
2) (Patch Projection) Given a partition of the compo-
nents of a vector, V, into disjoint sets 12 d.
A family of patch projections is given by the natural pro-
jection maps ||
. An example of a
patch projection is the restriction of a digital image to a
region of the image. For instance, the restriction of a
digital image of a face to the region surrounding the lips.
See Figure 3(b) for illustrations of several patch projec-
Patch projection is the focus of this paper, where a
patch of an image is simply a sub-image with resolution
much less than the original full image. Patch projections
are linear maps and illumination spaces are well ap-
proximated by linear spaces thus it is natural to study
patch illumination spaces through the mathematics asso-
ciated to parameter spaces of linear spaces. A few com-
ments on the relationship between projections and Grass-
mannians are in order.
Let K be the kernel of a linear map . Let
GRk n denote the Schubert variety defined
 
,dim 1.
L induces a natural map
 
since the image of any k-dimensional subspace
under L remains k-dimensional precisely if the point
,pGRkn corresponding to V lies outside of
Suppose dim
, then
is a proper subset
,GRk n and the dimension of
is strictly
less than the dimension of . Thus, with prob-
ability one, a point chosen at random from
,GRk n
,GRk n
will lie in
,GRk nK
,GRk n
. Due to the method we use
to determine points on , the quantization of
pixel values in digital images and the special nature of
patch projections, we are not choosing random points.
Thus it is possible for the corresponding linear spaces to
have a non-trivial intersection with the kernel of the pro-
jection map. However, as one might expect, we have yet
to observe a point accidently chosen to lie within
The computational saving that is accomplished by this
type of compression is on the order of . For exam-
ple, using image patches of 30 × 30 instead of the origi-
nal 200 × 200 will enable a speedup that is roughly 44
times faster for a single pair wise distance calculation.
,GRkn3.2. Compression of k in
The notion of mean is often used as an initial estimator
for studying variability in a distribution. We anticipate
the use of mean subspaces, in object recognition prob-
lems that are cast on a Grassmannian, will provide us a
Figure 3. (a) An example of patch collapsing provided by
the scaling spaces in the Haar wavelet decomposition; (b)
Illustration of patch projections. Patches do not have to be
selected from a connected nor a rectangular region.
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blueprint to embed discriminatory information through
spaces of reduced dimensions. In this section, a quick
overview for calculating the mean subspace on
will be given followed by a proposed algorithm for per-
forming a robust classification at reduced computational
cost. We emphasize that it is the machinery associated
with the Grassmann manifold that permits this construc-
,GRk n
Although the definition of the Karcher mean is well-
established and it is easy to implement an algorithm for
its effective computation (see, e.g., [31,32]), the calcula-
tion of a Karcher mean can be rather expensive. Even on
a relatively small collection of sets, the computation can
fail to finish in a satisfactorily short period of time.By
incorporating low resolution feature patches in construc-
tion of the subject illumination spaces, as suggested in
this paper, the algorithm for calculating the Karcher
mean becomes computationally tractable. We now
briefly review the essential notations and algorithms for
calculating the Karcher mean for collections of points on
the Grassmann manifold.
Given points 1m, the Karcher mean
is the point q* that minimizes the sum of the geodesic
distances between q* and the pi’s, i.e.,
, ,
argmin 2
Rkn m
where is the geodesic distance between p and q
on the Grassmannian. We adopt a SVD-based algorithm
for computing the Karcher mean on a Grassmann mani-
fold as given in [33], which will be reviewed next.
Recall a point corresponds to a k-di-
mensional subspace of and can be represented by a
n × k matrix with orthonormal columns. Two matrices
with orthonormal columns, M, N determine the same
point in
,GRkn if and only if M = NQ for some k
where Ok is the orthogonal group of k × k matrices. The
tangent space to is given by
,R kn
pG n
p Np
nk n
 
where . Notice that is the orthogonal
compliment of p. The EXPp map that takes a point in the
tangent space TG to a point in
,GRk n
ppqpq UV
Θarctan Σ,
given by
Exp :,
hasthe The Logp map that takes a
point in a neighborhood of to a point in
is given by
Log :,
qU GRkn
with , where  and
when it is well-defined. A descent method
that utilizes the Exp and Log maps for finding the
Karcher mean on the Grassmann manifold is given in
Algorithm 2. For convergence results, see [33]. Next, we
describe an novel algorithm that utilizes Karcher mean
,GRk n
to construct a compressed representation
for a given collection of images that captures the intrinsic
variability of the subject illumination space.
Given a set of N images for a fixed subject class and
prescribe a Karcher representation dimension k, repeat
the following two steps for a total of t times, where t is a
number greater than 1 and usually much less than .
The purpose of the repetition is to capture the set vari-
ability exhibited in data set.
1) Randomly split the available data into two disjoint
setsof equal size each containing 2
images and the
data into so that
and are two points on
GR n
, where n is the resolution of the images.
2) Compute the first k left principal vectors of the pair
of subspaces
m and and store the re-
sulting vectors in an n × k matrix, lm.
The collection of t principal vectors,
, corre-
sponds to t points on
,GRk n. A k-dimensional,
, compressed representation of the illumina-
tion feature patch space for the subject class is then given
by the Karcher mean of the set via Algorithm
2 and is denoted by
. A detailed description of the
algorithm is given in Algorithm 3 with a schematic il-
lustration given in Figure 4.
Although Algorithm 3 is expensive even with the
low-resolution patch images due to the number of singu-
lar value decomposition it requires, the actual computa-
tions are done off-line. Moreover, each subject’s k-di-
mensional Karcher representation, with k much less than
Algorithm 2. Karcher mean on
,GRk n [33,34].
Inputs: Points 12
,,, ,
, (machine precision).
Outputs: Karcher mean, q, of
1) Set
2) Find
3) If A
, return q; else, go to step 4.
4) Find the SVD:
Update , go
to step 2.
cosΣsinΣqqV U
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. APM
Algorithm 3. Karcher representation.
Inputs: k (Karcher dimension), t (training iteration), N images for a
fixed subject class.
Outputs: k-dimensional subject Karcher representation, l
1) For each training iteration , do the following:
a) Let Tm and Qm be two matrices such that 2
T and do not intersect trivially. Columns of Tman
Qm are selected from the N input images.
b) Find the first k left principal vectors of the pair of subspaces
and :
,, ,
t t
IR 
,, ,
q q
IR 
Compute the SVD of .
The left principal vectors are
given by columns of . Let the first k left principal vectors be
:,1: klU
2) Find the Karcher mean of
 , with Algorithm 2.
Figure 4. A schematic illustration for Algorithm 3. The
boxed step is repeated t times to create t points on
,GRk n
The square element is then the Karcher mean of the circle
points on
,GRk n
,GRk n
the total number of images available, captures the most
significant discriminatory information and takes much
less space to store on a machine. This way, we can use a
single k-dimensional subspace to represent a subject class
in the gallery, hence using less storage space while
speeding up online classification runtime.
The computational saving that is accomplished by this
type of compression is on the order of . For ex-
ample, using a 3-dimensional Karcher representation
instead of the original 12-dimensional subject subspace
representation will enable a speedup that is roughly 64
times faster for a single pair wise distance calculation.
4. Experiments and Results
In this section, some proof-of-concepts experiments are
designed to demonstrate that the idiosyncratic nature of
subject illumination subspaces persist through two types
of compression on the Grassmannians, . In the
first set of experiments, the value of k is fixed to ten
while n is given by the resolution of the corresponding
feature patch which translates to compression in n. In the
second set of experiments, we explore how the perform-
ance of the classifier changes as we vary values of k,
hence corresponding to compression in k. Since the
Grassmann method does not require a training phase, we
use the common terms “gallery” and “probe” to simply
mean two sets of images used in the classification proc-
4.1. Data Sets
The first data set we use to empirically test the perform-
ance of feature patches in a face recognition problem are
the “illum” and “lights” subsets of the CMU-PIE Data-
base [35], see Figure 5 for an illustration of the illumina-
tion variations on the selected nose patch for a fixed per-
son3. The images are normalized according to known eye
coordinates. The viewpoint is fixed to be frontal and sub-
sets of 21 distinct illumination conditions are used to
form the probe and gallery.
The second data set we consider is a private face data-
base, CSU-PAL, collected in the Pattern Analysis Lab
(PAL) at Colorado State University (CSU). The purpose
of introducing this database is to demonstrate the practi-
cality of the proposed framework given a reliable eye
detector is in place.
The current database (continuously expanding) con-
tains face images of 100 subjects under three different
lighting conditions (illumination variation with ambient
lights on, illumination variation with ambient lights off,
and no illumination variation with ambient lights on) and
ten distinct protocols (still neutral expression, smile,
frown, angry, puzzled, count to ten twice, recite alphabet
twice, say mother and father’s first name twice, little
head movement, lengthy head movement). All video im-
ages are progressively scanned and saved under RAW
format as TIFF files which are then organized under the
naming structure PALI_SSSS_T_C_PP, where SSSS
corresponds to the subject number running from 1 to 100,
T corresponds to the trial number, C stands for the light-
ing conditions, and PP stands for the protocol number.
All files follow this taxonomy with each TIFF images
having an additional 6 digits for the frame number. See
Figure 6 for a set of ten sample images.
Eye coordinates for the entire database were generated
using the Average of Synthetic Exact Filters (ASEF)
algorithm [36] trained on the “illum” subset of the CMU-
PIE Database. In particular, the face images were first
resizedto a 16:9 aspect ratio in order to correct the aspect
3We note that results achieved on the “illum” subset are comparable to
those achieved on the “lights” subset. In the interest of space, they are
not reported here.
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. APM
J.-M. CHANG ET AL. 235
Figure 5. An illustration of the illumination variations for a
fixed subject under the frontal pose in CMU-PIE Database .
Left: “illum” subset; Right: “lights” subset.
Figure 6. Sample images of CSU-PAL Database.
ratio of the images. The Open CV Cascade face detector
[37] was used to detect faces and ASEF was used to lo-
cate the eyes. See Figure 7 for an illustrative example of
the eye detector.
4.2. Compressions of n
For each of the 67 people in the CMU-PIE data set, we
randomly select two sets of images of equal cardinality
with disjoint illumination conditions. Since illumination
spaces can be well-approximated by a 10-dimensional-
linear subspaces [2,38], we randomly select two disjoint
sets of size ten for the points in the probe and gallery.
This process is repeated ten times producing a total of
670 probe points. Now, instead of the whole face image,
selected feature patches are used. Note that the size of n
for each feature was chosen to include the maximum
amount of the feature in the patch across all subjects in
this set of experiments and the compression ratio is
roughly 1/9. The result of this experiment is given in
Figure 8 along with the patch resolutions and the com-
putational time required to calculate the distance between
a single pair of probe and gallery points. Results for the
baseline algorithm are also shown for comparison. No-
tice that while the proposed algorithm performs without
Figure 7. An illustration of the eye detector with ASEF al-
gorithm [36].
error on this task, the baseline algorithm performs poorly
and is computationally more expensive than classifica-
tion on Grassmannians.
It is apparent from the results of the first experiment
that when the cardinality of points in the gallery and
probe is ten, the algorithm is able to separate all people
in the data set using each of the selected patches without
error. To further speed up the classification time and to
see how sensitive the proposed algorithm is to the loca-
tion of the feature patches, we repeat the experiment
while reducing the patch resolution until the perfect rec-
ognition rates cease to exist. Figure 9 gives several ex-
treme conditions where perfect recognition results con-
tinue to hold right before breaking. Notice that the base-
line algorithm is extremely sensitive to patch resolutions
and less efficient. For example, while using 87-pixel lip
patches, the baseline algorithm attains an error rate of
6.82% and it takes 58 times longer to compute. The re-
sults here suggest that locally correlated feature patches
consisting of an extremely small number of pixels pro-
vide sufficient information for recognition.
It is rather curious just how many pixels obtained
through patch collapsing are necessary to retain sufficient
information for recognition. To this end, we employ fea-
ture patches consisting of a random (but the same for
each image) selection of 36 pixels. A set of ten different
illuminations is used for both the gallery and probe.
Hence, the data is represented as points on GR (10, 36).
We find that the idiosyncratic nature of the patches per-
sist in this extreme case. We performed the first experi-
ment again, but now using randomly projected low-di-
mensional patches and still observed error-free identifi-
cation for all people in the CMU-PIE Database. Perhaps
surprisingly, a similar result is observed when we use a
thin horizontal strip of just 33 pixels across the left eye.
The number “36” and “33” used here are more or less
a result of the geometry on the Grassmannians,
The number of principal angles equaling zero is bounded
below by
,GRk n
. For example, two 2-dimensional
subspaces in will necessarily intersect nontrivially
generating at least one (2 × 2 – 3 = 1) principal angle
equaling 0 and the extreme case scenario is that the two
subspaces intersect completely generating two principal
angles equaling 0. On the other hand, two 2-dimensional
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. APM
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. APM
lip nose left eye right eye left cheek right cheek
Resolution 41 × 59 59 × 39 21 × 41 21 × 41 31 × 37 31 × 37
CPU time 0.0037 0.0034 0.0011 0.0011 0.0014 0.0014
Grassmann Methed
FAR 0 0 0 0 0 0
CPU time 0.0254 0.0249 0.0187 0.0187 0.0198 0.0198
FAR 0.3008 1.2234 2.5690 4.8937 2.2388 4.8937
Figure 8. FAR (in %) for individual feature patches w here 10 imagesare used to compute each point in the probe and gallery.
On a 2.8 GHz AMD Opteron processor, the CPU time is how long it takes to calculate the distance/similarity between a probe
and a gallery point in seconds.
lip nose left eye right eye left cheek right cheek
Resolution 3 × 29 35 × 13 21 × 41 21 × 41 31 × 37 31 × 37
Grassmann Methed CPU time 2.7 × 104 6.3 × 104 0.0011 0.0011 0.0014 0.0014
FAR 6.8204 1.2121 3.1592 6.5762 4.1995 0.5812
CPU time 0.0158 0.0171 0.0187 0.0186 0.0199 0.0196
Figure 9. Conditions for achieving zero FAR using proposed algorithm forindividual feature patches where ten images are
used to compute each point in the probe and the gallery. FAR scores for baseline algorithm are also listed for comparison.
subspaces in might not share a direction at all hence
generating zero principal angle equaling 0. Thus, if we
restrict the subspace dimension to ten, i.e., k = 10, then
the ambient resolution dimension needs to be at least 21
in order to allow some wiggle room for non-intersecting
least sensitive to the particular perturbation of registra-
tion we utilized. The results imply that if a human op-
erator registers the gallery patches in their own particular
manner, then another human operator has about two pix-
els of freedom in registering the probe patches if spurious
errors are to be avoided. Of course, expanding the data
sets to include data that is poorly registered will likely
improve this tolerance.
behaviors. In this case, there are = 21 × 19 × 17 ×
13 × 11 × 4 ways to form a 10-dimensional subspace in
. This specification potentially allows a database of
3,879,876 distinct subject to be uniquely represented as a
point on GR (10, 21).
Thus far, we have illustrated a successful model for
performing set-to-set classification of low resolution face
images on a data set that is already “nice”, i.e., images
are registered and cropped. To introduce practicality, we
consider a much noisier database, the CSU-PAL Data-
base that is introduced in Section 4.1. In the interest of
space, we consider only the left eye patches of size 181-
by-71 selected from the high-resolution video frames that
are originally sized 1080-by-1440 in this set of experi-
ments. Similar results can be found on all other feature
patches. Original images were first registered according
to a procedure described in Section 4.1 and then cropped
to the selected feature as shown in Figure 10. Since this
paper concerns with only lighting variations, we consider
the images under file structure PALI_SSSS_1_1_01.
On the numerical side, it is helpful to know whether
human error incurred during image registration has nega-
tive effects on the classification accuracy. To this end,
we repeat the first experiment with varying registration
and examine the classification error rates as a function of
this variation. In the first experiment, feature patch im-
ages were captured by convolving with a fixed-position
mask of 1’s with size equaling the patch resolution. To
generate images of varying registration, this mask is
randomly shifted either horizontally or vertically one
pixel at a time. Classification is repeated for every pixel
shift up to 10 pixels using the new registered images to
obtain error statistics. The lip and nose patches were the For each of the 100 subjects in the CSU-PAL data set,
J.-M. CHANG ET AL. 237
Figure 10. Sample images of left eye patches from the CSU-
PAL Database.
we randomly select two disjoint sets of size p and g for
each subject in the probe and gallery, respectively, for
comparison. In particular, we let the ordered pair, (g, p),
be (10, 10), (20, 20), (50, 50), and (20, 1). For all four
experiments, this process of random selection is repeated
ten times producing a total of 1000 probe points in each
case. The error rate for each experiment is given in Table
The results here show that perfect Grassmann separa-
bility is achieved with a 50-dimensional subject subspace
representation. The fact that it requires many more im-
ages than the empirical dimension of illumination spaces
is possibly due to the fact that the images are acquired
under fewer constraints such as the appearance of eye
glasses. While a near perfect separation result can be
accomplished with a balanced 10-dimensional subspace
representation, the proposed algorithm suffers from hav-
ing an extremely small k value. This result illuminates
the next set of experiments in Section 4.3 where effects
of compression of k are examined.
4.3. Compressions of k
In this experiment, we examine the effect of varying the
number of images used in constructing the probe and
gallery hence corresponding to compression in k. Often
times, it is unrealistic to collect equal numbers of images
at enrollment and during operation. Therefore, it is hard
to avoid comparisons of sets of images of asymmetric
sizes. In such cases, we would like to know the minimal
number of images needed to represent a person while still
achieving perfect separation. Figure 11 shows the classi-
fication error rates for each selected patch. The cardinal-
ity of the probe points increase from 1 to 20 while the
cardinality of the gallery points simultaneously decrease
from 20 to 1. The illumination conditions for the probe
are always disjoint from the conditions in the gallery.
The plot suggests the performance of the algorithm is
optimal when the cardinality of the probe and gallery
points approach each other, i.e., a balanced comparison.
For instance when considering the nose patch, using only
one image per person in the probe and 20 images per
person in the gallery yields an error rate of about 2.2%,
while the error rate diminishes to zero when using three
images per person in the probe and 18 images per person
Table 1. FAR and standard deviation (in %) for the left eye
patches in CSU-PAL database. Cardinalities of the gallery
and probe sets are given in the first row, respectively.
(10, 10) (20, 20) (50, 50) (20, 1)
FAR 0.9 ± 1.350.1 ± 0.03 0 10 ± 88.18
in the gallery.
In the worse case scenario, if it is only possible to col-
lect a single image for each probe, then we would like to
know the minimum number of images required for each
person in the gallery in order to obtain perfect separation.
For this set of experiments, we use a single image for
each probe and let the cardinality of the gallery vary
from 1 to 20. The classification error rates for each of the
selected patches are given in Figure 12. For example,
when using the lip feature, the algorithm performs per-
fectly using 16 images per person. However, when the
cheek feature is selected, even the use of 20 images per
person in the gallery could not force perfect recognition
rates. Suggestively, certain features (e.g., nose, lip) pro-
vide more discriminatory information than others (e.g.,
cheeks) when classification is carried out via Grassman-
nians. This is perhaps not surprising seeing how human
beings recognize novel faces. We often learn someone’s
face from facial features that are more geometrically
curved. The curvature (in the general geometric sense) of
the eye, nose, and lip regions are generally larger than
that compared to the cheek. Therefore, these features are
more pronounced in a 2-dimensional representation of
the face, i.e., a digital image. Moreover, the Grassmann
method is by nature a set-to-set method and one would
expect decreased performance when the number of im-
ages per subject class is scarce. The subspace representa-
tion improves as the number of images approaches the
intrinsic rank (or dimension) of the subject illumination
spaces. This justifies the choice of k = 10 in the experi-
ments conducted in the previous subsection.
However, ideally we would like the dimensionality of
the subject subspace representation to be the upper bound
on the number of images needed to perform classification
for two reasons—reduction in storage and computational
cost. This is especially true for high-resolution video
sequences. For example, if it costs 1 Megabyte (MB) to
store an image, then a database of 103 people each having
103 images would take up 1 Terabyte (TB) of hard drive
space. Although the disk space has become much
cheaper to acquire, cost on the order of this magnitude is
still undesirable. One way to reduce the cost for real-time
storage space and number of comparisons is to exploit
the explicit information afforded by an implicit repre-
sentation; that is, a compact representation that captures
the discriminatory characteristics exhibited in the image
sets. To accomplish this task, we propose the use of
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. APM
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. APM
Figure 11. Classification error rates for each selected feature patch. The cardinality of points in the probe increases from 1 to
20 while the cardinality of points in the gallery simultaneously decreases from 20 to 1.
J.-M. CHANG ET AL. 239
Figure 12. Classification error rates for each selected feature patch. The cardinality of the probe points is one while the car-
inality of the gallery points ranges from 1 to 20. d
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. APM
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. APM
,GRN n
,GRk n
Karcher representation, as described in Algorithm 3, for
image sets on the Grassmannians and illustrate its poten-
tial use for data compression with the following experi-
ment on the CUM-PIE “lights” data set.
The way we validate whether this reduced representa-
tion can be used to replace the original image sets in the
face recognition tasks is to compare the respective classi-
fication error rates. If an error-free classification result
can be achieved on the original , then for a
Karcher representation to successfully compress the
same discriminatory information, the same error-free
result will need to be observed on for
. The optimal result will be an error-free classi-
fication when the compression is at its maximum, i.e.,
when k = 1. We will now describe the specific parame-
ters implemented in this validating experiment.
Let be an n × N matrix that stores all N gallery
images of each subject class for . Denote 1 k
the dimensionality of the Karcher representation
which will be explored throughout the experiment. Fur-
ther let the cardinality of the probe sets be three for all
subjects and store the images in n × 3 matrices, ,
. For a fixed k, Algorithm 3 is used to obtain a
Karcher representation for each subject class,
where P is the total number of subjects in the gallery.
That is, each
,GRk n
resides in and can be
represented by a n × k matrix,
. If we cast the clas-
sification architecture in a distance matrix with the mini-
mal principal angle metric
min j
 
 
, then Karcher com-
pression provides useful compact representation if
P ij
P ij
, where , given that
59 4919
Let N = 16, the k-dimensional Karcher representation
resulted in an error-free classification for k 4 on the lip
patch of the “lights” data set (). In
comparison, using four raw images per subject in the
gallery resulted an average FAR of 30%. In the extreme
case, when only a single raw image is used, the classifier
returns an error rate of nearly 90%; while a 1-dimen-
sional Karcher representation returns a 1% error rate.
Figure 13 tabulates the error rate as a function of the
dimensionality of the Karcher representation as well as
the cardinality of the gallery image set.
The fact that the compression of a raw point on
4, 4159
GR to a Karcher representation on
, without diminishing performance, indi-
cates the promise of Karcher compression in the context
of classification of image sets via Grassmannians. On the
contrary, when using k raw images for each gallery point,
the error rate never reaches zero for any 1 k 8. The
fact that using a 4-dimensional Karcher representation
achieves a perfect recognition result while using four raw
images in the gallery does not indicates that Karcher
representations are able to pack useful discriminatory
information in a more efficient manner. This technique
can potentially be used to enable compact representations
computed from video sequences or data sets where a
large number of images is available for the gallery.
5. Summary and Discussions
In this paper, a geometric framework for the general
classification problem with image sets is reviewed. The
power of the method is due, in part, to the fact that the
geometry and statistics of the Grassmann manifold are
well-understood and provide useful tools for quantifying
the relationships between patterns. We made precise how
this geometric framework is translated in practical set-
tings. We show by ways of experiments that the pro-
posed Grassmann method is robust against resolution and
dimensionality reduction which corresponds to compres-
sion in both k and n in
,GRk n.
Although there might be other ways to accomplish ei-
ther of these two compressions, we consider compression
in n induced by mathematical projections and compres-
sion in k through the proposed Karcher representation.
Empirical results collected on a public database, CMU-
PIE, and a private database, CSU-PAL, verify claimed
success in employing a compressed representation
through the use of Karcher mean and mathematical pro-
jections on the Grassmannian in set-to-set classification.
These results are reported through an appropriate meas-
ure on the Grassmann manifold that coincides with a
classifier metric termed false accept rate at a zero false
reject rate, FAR for short.
The work presented here originated from our goal to
push the Grassmann method to a breaking point. While
Figure 13. Error rate comparisons with k-dimensional
Karcher representation and k raw images for points in the
gallery corresponding to lip patches. Three images are use d
to compute points in the probe.
J.-M. CHANG ET AL. 241
one may have many images in the gallery, often a very
small portion of that set or the images is utilized. We are
making identifications using illumination variations on a
portion of the face. The results shown here provide an
implementation blueprint in practice. Imagine a labeled
gallery point where each image is of a person whose face
is 95% occluded so that all you can see of the face is a
fixed portion of the cheek. Now build a collection of
such cheek image gallery sets for different people. The
results in the paper suggest that you can determine from
a probe cheek image set (if you again allow variation in
illumination conditions) whether the probe cheek image
matches another cheek image set in the gallery and which
gallery set it matches. For this paper, we are imagining
the scenario where a gallery has been built from the en-
tire face. Now a probe person’s images are collected
within which “almost” their entire face is obscured. Our
method requires we know which portion of the face is
not obscured. Then we build a gallery of people’s illu-
mination spaces at this known portion of the face and
make our comparisons to the probe on the Grassmannian.
An emphasis should be drawn to the fact that feature
patches typically have a sufficiently small resolution, e.g.,
50 - 100 pixels, such that the machinery of the Karcher
mean is computationally tractable. A major contribution
of the paper is that the Karcher mean computed on the
Grassmannians can be used to compute a reduced repre-
sentation of the gallery while still maintaining error-free
recognition on the illumination patches. We speculate
that this approach will pay increased dividends with lar-
ger data sets. We further remark that other parameter
spaces such as Stiefel manifolds and flag manifolds also
present opportunities for extensions of these ideas. Addi-
tionally, although we focus on illumination as the source
of state variation, we remark that other variations in state,
such as those obtained by multi-spectral cameras, also fit
within this framework.
6. Acknowledgements
This work is partially supported by NSF DMS and DCCF
grant MSPA-MCS 0434351 and DOD-USAF-Air Force
FA-9550-08-1-0166. The authors gratefully thank the
computing resources provided by the Pattern Analysis
Laboratory at Colorado State University. The authors
would also like to thank David Dreisigmeyer for helpful
discussions concerning the Karcher Mean and David
Bolme for providing the eye coordinates of the CSU-
PAL face imagery using ASEF.
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