I. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences. 2008; 1: 1-103
Published Online February 2008 in SciRes (http://www.SRPublishing.org/journal/ijcns/).
Copyright © 2008 SciRes. I. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences. 2008; 1:1-103
Efficient DPA Attacks on AES Hardware
Yu HAN1, Xuecheng ZOU, Zhenglin LIU, Yicheng CHEN
Department of Electronic Science & Technology, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan, P.R.China
E-mail: 1husthyt@gmail.com
This paper presents an effective way to enhance power analysis attacks on AES hardware implementations. The
proposed attack adopts hamming difference of intermediate results as power mode. It arranges plaintext inputs to
differentiate power traces to the maximal probability. A simulation-based AES ASIC implementation and experimental
platform are built. Various power attacks are conducted on our AES hardware implementation. Unlike on software
implementations, conventional power attacks on hardware implementations may not succeed or require more
computations. However, the method we proposed effectively improves the success rate using acceptable number of
power traces and fewer computations. Furthermore from experimental data, the correlation factor between the hamming
distance of key guesses and the difference of DPA traces has the value 0.9233 to validate power model and attack
Keywords: Security, AES, Differential Power Analysis (DPA), Power Model, Correlation Factor
1. Introduction
The security in mobile applications [1] is of crucial
importance because a large number of nodes may be
exposed in a hostile environment. And if only one node is
captured by attackers, the impact to the whole network
can be devastated. Therefore, various cryptographic
services required for these applications involve not only
solutions for data protection but also self-implementation
concerns. Mobile nodes are usually equipped with
hardware coprocessors which are used to perform security
protocol. If they are captured by attackers, side-channel
information leakages, such as timing, power consumption
and electromagnetic radiation, may be monitored for
cryptanalysis. Among them, differential power analysis
(DPA) [2] poses a serious threat to the security of
different cryptographic implementations because it is
practical, non-invasive, and easy to repeat.
Power analysis attacks exploit the correlation [3]
between the data and the instantaneous power
consumption of cryptographic devices. As this correlation
is usually very small, statistical methods should be used
to exploit it efficiently. In a power analysis attack, an
attacker first creates a hypothetical power model of the
cryptographic device at a very abstract level. In practice,
each cryptographic algorithm designed operates only
small parts of the secret key, called subkey, at certain
period. Thus, the attacker can write a simple computer
program that executes the algorithm at that period. The
program calculates the intermediate result of this part for
all possible subkey guesses. These values allow for
predicting the power consumption, which is related to the
inputs of cryptographic algorithms and subkey guesses.
Next, the attacker feeds the same inputs to the real
cryptographic device and measures its power
consumption. Then the attacker correlates the predictions
of the power model with real power consumption. For all
wrong key guesses, the predictions will not correlate with
the real measurements, but for the correct key guess, there
will be a visible peak for the power analysis traces. In
order to set up the correlation, predictions from different
power models and statistical methods must be tested.
AES [4] is a new symmetric block cipher standard,
which was issued by the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST) on November 26, 2001. AES has
special particularities suitable for area- and power-
constrained applications. Hence, the secure AES
implementation can greatly affect the nodes in severely
resource-constrained networks. AES is a round-based
symmetric block cipher and can be implemented
efficiently on all kinds of platforms. The standard key
size is 128 bits. But for some applications, 192 and 256-
bit keys can be supported as well. The round consists of
four different operations, namely, SubBytes, ShiftRows,
MixColumn, and AddRoundKey. Each operation maps a
128-bit input state into a 128-bit output state. The state is
represented as a 4×4 matrix of bytes. The number of
rounds depends on the key size. For a 128-bit key (AES-
Copyright © 2008 SciRes. I. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences. 2008; 1:1-103
128 is our concern), the round starts with a single
AddRoundKey operation followed by 9 identical
computation rounds. And, a slight difference is that the
final round has no MixColumns operation. Figure 1 shows
an AES-128 encryption diagram, and more details can be
found in [4].
In this paper, we conduct a successful DPA attack on
an AES hardware implementation to examine its security.
The remainder of the article is organized as follows. We
review related work in section 2. Section 3 addresses the
principle of our presented attack. A simulation-based
experimental environment and power acquisition are
presented in section 4. Experimental results and
discussions are provided in section 5. Finally, we
conclude in section 6.
2. Related Work
One of the most typical targets of power analysis
attacks is the smart card, which is capable of performing
secure computations. It consists of a (typically, 8-bit)
processor, together with ROM, EEPROM, and a small
amount of RAM. The cryptographic software basically
operates on 8-bit data blocks because of the 8-bit
architecture. In the original paper [2], P. Kocher et al.
announced a DPA attack against the DES implementation
in smart card microprocessors. In [5], T. S. Messerges et
al. extended the research and presented experimental data
and attack details. E. Brier [6] enhanced power analysis
attacks using correlation factor between power samples
and hamming weight of the handled data. All of these
attacks have been extensively proved to be effective on
symmetric and public-key encryption schemes in smart
Contrasted to software implementations in smart cards,
hardware implementations in FPGAs and ASICs are
usually required for their ability to deal with high
throughput. They allow parallel computing and have a
more flexible architecture (as they are under the control
of designers). Due to different processing behaviors and
physical characteristics, a simple hamming power model
can not be used to predict the power consumption of
hardware implementations. Hardware implementations
may leak less data-dependent power information to resist
DPA attacks than software implementations. Recent
publications [7, 8] show that DPA attacks has effectively
defeated hardware implementations on cryptographic
circuits as well. However, it requires a number of power
measurements and a high computational complexity. To
retrieve a secret key, an attacker must know more
implementation details to deduce more precise power
models. And he has to perform more complex statistical
analyses to pre-process power data.
An important improvement has come with the
appearing of high-order DPA [9]. This type of attacks
generalizes DPA attacks by simultaneously considering
multiple samples that correspond to several intermediate
values within the same power trace. Template attack is
presented as a new variant of power analysis attack.
According to [10], this is the strongest form of side
channel attack possible in an information theoretic sense.
However, these new attacks require a deeper knowledge
of the experimental device and more time consuming to
mount. In this sense, it is therefore much less general. We
have no comparison with attack results of these new
methods in this paper.
According to above discussions, our work aims to
improve first-order DPA attacks by developing a simple
attack strategy against AES hardware implementations
with fewer computations and more generality.
3. Principle of Improved DPA Attack
Current power analysis attacks [2][5][6][7][8] exploit
the fact that the power consumption of a device executing
a algorithm depends on the intermediate results handled.
In these DPA attacks, random plaintext inputs and
hamming model are used. Further, we assume that the
differences between two different power measurements at
the same sampling time are also related to the differences
of the intermediate results at least to a certain degree.
Thus, we deduce an improved power model with
hamming difference of intermediate results, not hamming
weight or hamming distance power model. In addition,
partial plaintext inputs are fixed to set up DPA traces.
Power attacks can be divided into single-bit DPA and
multi-bit DPA. In a single-bit DPA attack, a certain bit of
intermediate result is predicted. It is used to split the
power measurements into two sets, of which the means
are computed and subtracted. For multi-bit DPA, multiple
bits of intermediate results are predicted. In the two
contexts, we have to verify the peak of bias signal by
observing DPA traces. It is often subjective. The CPA is
presented when a correlation factor between the outputs
of power model and real power traces is shown.
Correlation factors can be directly compared in different
Figure 1. AES-128 encryption flow
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Copyright © 2008 SciRes. I. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences. 2008; 1:1-103
CPA traces at cost of computational complexity. Our
improved DPA approach overcomes these drawbacks in
the following analyses.
3.1. Improved Power Model
We suppose that at time t an intermediate result, I(x, t,
k), which is an n-bit word, only depends on plaintext x
and key k. Therefore, the general hamming weight model
[6] based on a zero reference state for power consumption
can be defined as
.)],,([)( bktxIaHtP += (1)
Here a denotes a scalar gain between the hamming
weight H and the instantaneous power consumption P(t),
and b is a hardware-dependent constant. Considering a
plaintext x1 with corresponding intermediate result I1, we
can obtainbktxIaHtP+= )],,([)( 111 . Similarly, when
another plaintext x2 results in the opposite intermediate
result I2, the corresponding instantaneous power
consumption isbktxIaHtP += )],,([)( 222 . Then, we
can get the maximal difference of the power model in an
absolute value:
where n is 128 for AES. This means that the power
consumption of the whole circuit tends to be maximal.
There is still the possibility even though an 8-bit subkey
is concerned.
SubBytes is the sole nonlinear operation of AES,
which consumes a majority of the area and power of AES.
In addition, any intermediate result that occurs after
MixColumns depends on 32-bit of the round key. This
lead to a large number of subkey guesses needed to be
tested, which is impractical. Furthermore, the subkey used
for guessing should be the original key without key
expansion. Accordingly, the intermediate results to
predict power consumption target the output byte of the
initial AddRoundKey or the output byte of following
SubBytes. Each of them is a function of the plaintext byte
and corresponding subkey guess. If the first byte subkey
(denoted as Ks) of the first round key is targeted, and x1,
x2 are the two corresponding plaintext bytes in two
encryptions. We use the hamming difference of
intermediate results under two different plaintext inputs
as our power model, which shown as Figure 2. The
predictions of the power model are given as follows:
.)()( 21 IaHIaHP −= (3)
For the target after AddRoundKey, I1=Ks
x1 and
I2=Ks x2. Whereas for the target after SubBytes,
x1) and I2=SubBytes(Ks
x2). We
consider two cases: I
1=0x00 and I2=0xff regardless of
which target. Here plaintext byte x1 is for the former and
x2 for the latter. Thus, we can derive the corresponding
plaintext bytes for each subkey guess Ks from the
maximal prediction of the improved power model.
3.2. Improved DPA Traces
The generic power analysis attacks pay little attention
to the choices of plaintexts during power sampling. The
plaintexts are usually assumed random. But, for our
improved attack, we first set plaintext bytes as x1, x2
obtained from the hypothetical power model, separately.
Then, keeping other plaintext bytes random can result in a
uniform distribution of remained partial bits of the
intermediate results. And their influence on real power
measurements can be eliminated if the number of random
plaintext inputs is enough. Finally, for each subkey guess,
we can prepare two plaintext sets as follows, each of
which contains m plaintexts.
111 miPTixiKsSKsS
where PTi[119:0] denotes 120 random plaintext bits, and
they are the same in S1 and S2. Therefore, we can derive
the plaintext inputs from the hypothetical power model
for every subkey guess. Since there are 256 AES subkey
guesses, the total plaintext number of two sets is 512×m.
For each subkey guess Ks, we perform AES
encryptions using the above two plaintext sets in real
power acquisition stage. And two power trace sets can be
obtained, denoting E(S1(Ks), t) and E(S2(Ks), t). DPA
trace between the two cases is presented as follows for
the subkey guess Ks.
when the correct subkey is assumed, a peak can be
identified since it is obviously higher than other subkey
guesses. In addition, we do not need to use the averaging
statistics since the numbers of power traces in two sets are
Figure 2. The improved hamming difference power
Copyright © 2008 SciRes. I. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences. 2008; 1:1-103
4. Power Acquisition in Simulation-Based
There is now a demand to evaluate the DPA resistance
of AES circuits. Thus, a typical hardware implementation
of AES has been developed. The experimental conditions
are shown in TABLE 1.
Table 1. Experimental Conditions
Our AES implementation [11] is unfolded, including
16-byte registers for storing the intermediate results for
each round of operation. All registers are set zeros when
starting the encryption. The remainder combinatorial
circuits perform SubBytes, ShiftRows, MixColumns and
AddRoundKey operations. Each round operates during
one clock cycle. And, we implemented the SubBytes unit
with a classic GF architecture [12], which is especially
suitable for resource-constrained applications.
Figure 3. The power trace of the first two clock cycles
measured for one AES encryption
During the power acquisition stage, the clock
frequency applied to the system was 2.5 MHz and the
sampling frequency was 1 GHz. The initial key addition
operation occurred during the first clock cycle. And the
result of this operation was written into register at rising
edge of the second clock cycle. Hence, in the simulation-
based power acquisition environment, we only measured
the power consumption of the target period (the first two
clock cycles of every encryption operation) during an
AES encryption. 800 data points for two clock cycles
during each encryption were acquired. One power trace is
shown in Figure 3. The main component of power
consumption is dynamic power consumption caused by
data switching. The power trace in Figure 3 approaches
the minimum from the 30th data point after the rising
edge of the clock cycle, which is due to the critical path
delay. To reduce computational complexity, a pre-
processing technique was necessitated to eliminate the
last 350 data points during every clock cycle. We
considered those remaining 100 data points for two clock
cycles as the instantaneous power consumption related to
the target intermediate results.
5. Experimental results and discussions
5.1. Experimental results
We first conducted original power attacks on our AES
implementation in the experimental environment, which
involved singe-bit DPA, multi-bit DPA and CPA. We
could not retrieve the right subkey from single-bit DPA
and multi-DPA using 6000 power measurements. A CPA
attack on the intermediate results of AddRoundKey
revealed the correct subkey based on 4000 power
measurements. As to the intermediate results of SubBytes,
none of these attacks was successful. Successful CPA
results are shown in Figure 4. The black plot denotes the
Figure 4. Correlation coefficients for 256 subkey guesses
during two clock cycles
correlation coefficient traces for the correct subkey guess
0x74, whose peak is a little higher than the second
highest point for incorrect subkey guess 0x16. In addition,
an attacker can learn the moment of time when the
instantaneous power consumption has a maximal
correlation with the intermediate results of AddRoundKey
by observing Figure 4. It also means that the AES
hardware implementation has a maximal probability to
leak data-dependent power at 5ns and 454ns during its
encryptions. These two moments are closely related to the
first AddRoundKey operation and the affine
transformation of SubBytes operation, respectively. Thus,
we conclude that these linear operations in the AES
implementation result in more data-dependent power
Description- languages Verilog-HDL
Design technology UMC CMOS 0.25µm 1.8v
Logic synthesizer Synopsys DesignCompiler v200509
Power simulator Synopsys PrimePower v200406sp1
PC spec. CPU: Ultra SPARC450MHz,
Memory: 4GB, OS: Solaris9
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leakages than other round operations.
We performed the improved power attack on the
intermediate results of AddRoundKey and SubBytes,
respectively. Like CPA, the correct subkey was extracted
only for the intermediate results of AddRoundKey, and we
took m = 10, denoting 5120 power measurements. Figure
5 shows the results of our improved attack. The peak for
our improved DPA traces also occurs at about 4ns after
starting AES encryption. That means the chosen plaintext
inputs according to the improved power model generate
the maximal DPA signal when attacking the first
AddRoundKey. In addition, the bias signal of the
improved DPA trace between the peak and the second
highest point is about 1.1mW, which provides a more
effective comparison to the above results of CPA.
5.2. Discussions
From the results of our improved DPA, we compute
the hamming distance HD between the subkey guess Ks
and the extracted subkey Kr as following.
)()( KrKsHKsHD
= (6)
Since each power trace for attacking AddRoundKey
contains 50 data points, we assume the sum of these
samples as interesting DPA traces, computing as follows.
tKsEKsE (7)
Then, we also compute the difference P between
the two interesting DPA traces corresponding to subkey
guesses as follows.
)()()( KrEKsEKsP ∆−∆=∆ (8)
The correlation factor between HD and Pis 0.9233,
which shows that P has a perfect linear relation with
HD. Therefore, we confirm that hamming power model is
valid for our proposed method, and the correct subkey has
been retrieved.
Single-bit DPA attacks have been successfully
conducted on cryptographic software implementations in
smart cards, but it is often not the fact for hardware
implementations. It is due to their differences in
processing behaviors and physical characteristics. Multi-
bit DPA can upgrade the peak level by encrypting a large
amount of random plaintexts. But sometimes it is
impractical. CPA exploits the data-dependent power
leakage in a statistical way, which has been proved to be
effective on both software and hardware implementations.
However, in comparison with our improved DPA, CPA
uses the correlation coefficient which needs to compute a
mass of expectations, variances and square roots. Only
summing and subtracting are required in our improved
DPA. Further, the proposed DPA peak can be verified
more objectively than original DPA attack.
6. Conclusion
In this paper, an effective DPA method to retrieve the
secret key from an AES hardware implementation is
presented. Based on the improved power model, we can
prepare the corresponding input plaintext bytes for every
subkey guess in advance. In addition, our DPA traces can
be built through simple summing and subtracting
operations instead of complex statistical techniques. As
the partitioning criterions of single- and multi-bit DPA
are usually abstract and simple, these two DPA methods
can not retrieve any useful information even with 6000
power measurements. Although the CPA attack can
extract the right subkey based on 4000 power
measurements, its computational complexity sometimes
exhibits a bottle-neck. Compared with the methods
mentioned above our proposed DPA excels them in
both effectiveness and computation requirements.
Furthermore, the perfect linear relation validates the
improved DPA attack and the power model by analyzing
experimental data.
7. Acknowledgement
The research described in this paper has been
supported by High technology Research and
Development Program of China under grant
2006AA01Z226 and by Scientific Research Foundation
of Huazhong University of Science and Technology
under grant 2006Z001B.
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