Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2012, 5, 483-491 Published Online July 2012 ( 483
State Based Static and Dynamic Formal Analysis of UML
State Diagrams
Fahad Alhumaidan
Department of Computer Science, College of Computer Sciences and Information Technology, King Faisal University, Hofuf, KSA.
Received March 28th, 2012; revised April 25th, 2012; accepted May 11th, 2012
Design and specification is a serious issue in software engineering because of the semantics involved in transforming
the real world problems to computer software systems. Unified Modeling Language (UML) has been accepted as a de
facto standard for design and specification of object oriented systems. Unfortunately, UML structures lack defining se-
mantics of a system. Formal methods are proved powerful, particularly, at requirement specification and design level.
For a moment, formal methods are not welcomed because of much use of mathematics in formal languages. Therefore,
a linkage between UML and formal methods is required to overcome the above deficiencies. In this paper, a new ap-
proach is developed by integrating UML and Z specification focusing on state diagram considering both the syntax and
semantics. It is believed that this new approach will be effective and useful both at academics and industrial level. The
resultant formal models of the approach are analyzed and validated using Z/Eves tool.
Keywords: UML; State Diagram; Formal Methods; Z Notation; Validation and Verification
1. Introduction
In software e ngineerin g, requi rements anal ysis and desi gn
specification is a challenging task because transformation
of real world issues to verifiable computer models has
made it a really hard problem. Formal description of sys-
tem’s requirements plays a vital role at initial phases of
software engineering. Formal specification is the mathe-
matical description of a system that may be used to con-
struct the consistent system in a systematic and unambi-
guous way. If we are a ble to describ e form al specification
of a system then it can easily be proved and demonstrated
the correctness of the required system using computer
verification tools. Formal description of a system has
obvious advantages over the existing traditional ap-
proaches, for example, an incorrect and inconsistent de-
sign can be changed and modified before its implementa-
tion reducing the software construction cost. Formal
methods, based on discrete mathematics such as logic, set
theory or graphs, are mathematical techniques used to
describe formal description ensuring quality of software
systems. But formal methods are not as used at industrial
level as their benefits are observed. This is because, for a
moment, the software industry people do not have much
mathematical background as required in real software
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standard
set of notations and diagrams for specifying, visualizing
and constructing artifacts of software systems as well as
for business modeling and other non-software systems [1].
UML is a mult i-lingual graph based de facto standard used
for design and development of object oriented (OO) sys-
tems, despite the fact that its semantics is still semi-form al
and allows ambiguities in design of a system [2]. Fol-
lowing are few major issues in modeling using UML
diagrams being hybrid and visual language:
UML structures are based on graphical notations and
are prone to causing errors.
The hidden semantics of UML allow ambiguities at the
design level of computer software systems.
The same system needed to be developed can be de-
scribed by multiple notations or diagrams which may
cause inconsistency or ambiguity in design of it.
UML model may have multiple interpretations that
means, the recipient of the design may not find what
the author(s) has put in the diagrams.
To overcome the above issues, modeling power of
UML can be enhanced by defining semantic rules in a
formal way for the diagram s used in design of a system [3].
This is because, unfortunately, much of the UML struc-
tures are based on graphical notations having informal or
semi-formal definitions which are prone to cause errors [4]
as mentioned above. As a result, there is need of forma-
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State Based Static and Dynamic Formal Analysis of UML State Diagrams
lizing UML diagrams to get full benefit at design level
capturing complete functionality of the system to be de-
veloped. This integration of formal notations and UML
diagrams will result an approach for complete, consistent
and correct modeling of a system. Z notation is a formal
language, having computer tool support, used to describe
and analyze the systems increasing confidence at an ab-
stract level of specification. In this paper, state diagram is
transformed to Z specification following syntax and se-
mantics rules for modeling of statics and dynamics of a
system. This work is pa rt of our ongoing project on inte-
gration UML and formal methods [5]. There exists a few
work formalizing UML and formal methods presented in
the next section in which mostly it is focused on syntax of
the diagrams. In our work, instead of defining only syn-
tactical mapping between UML and Z we have proposed
and developed a conceptual model by capturing its se-
mantics hidden under th e diagrams. The major objectives
of this research are:
Identifying and proposing an integration of UML and
formal approaches to be useful in modeling of com-
plex software systems
Investigating and providing syntactical and seman-
tics-based rela t i onships betwe e n most commonly used
UML diagrams and Z notation
Analyzing and proving correctness of the proposed
integration of above approaches
Developing an approach to provide an automated tool
support to transform the UML abstract models to Z
For rest of the paper: In Section 2, related work is dis-
cussed. Approach used is presented in Section 3. Integra-
tion of state diagram and Z notation is given in Section 4.
Finally conclusion and future work are discussed in Sec-
tion 5.
2. Related Work
Although there exits a lot of work [6-10] on integration of
approaches but there does not exists much work on linking
UML diagrams with formal approaches. This is because
the hidden semantics under the UML diagrams cannot be
transformed easily into formal notations. It is mentioned
that only closely related work is discu ssed in this section.
For example, [11] have developed Alloy Constraint Ana-
lyzer tool supporting the description of a system whose
state space involves relational structures which are com-
plex in nature. By the tool it is possible to analyze and
develop a model by investigating the consequences of
given constraints by an incremental approach. An ap-
proach is demonstrated using XML which is in fact a
transformation tool to analyze visualize Timed Commu-
nicating Object Z (TCOZ) models into various UML
diagrams animating specification with a multi-paradigm
programming language as discussed in [12]. It is de-
scribed a way of creating tables and SQL code for Z
specifications according to UML diagrams in [13]. A case
study is discussed by a formal verification method for
Cooperative Composition Modeling Language (CCML)
in [14]. In another work, a relationship is investigated
between Petri-nets and Z notation in [15]. An integration
of B and UML is presented in [16]. It is investigated the
reliability issues using fuzzy logic and petri-nets in [17].
The mathematical induction technique is used to prove
correctness of recursive programs in [18]. Formalization
of the UML is proposed by focusi ng on basic const ructs of
class structures by taking simple case studies in [19]. A
tool is developed in [20] which takes UML class diagram
in the form of petal files, ASCII format files generated by
Rational Rose, and evaluates it automatically and pro-
duces a list of comments. Activity model is proposed by
ontology based formal method in [21]. A comparison of
UML, state-charts, Z, petri nets and fuzzy logic is pre-
sented by taki ng a sim ple case study on com merce system
in [22]. Some other work is listed in [23-25].
3. Tools and Methods
An introduction to approaches used in this research is
presented. First merits and demerits of UML are listed.
Then introduction to formal methods is given. The rea-
soning of formalizing UML with Z specification is pro-
3.1. UML
UML has various benefits for modeling of systems. For
example, UML is a semi-formal language in which each
element of the language is strongly defined [26]. That is
you are confident when modeling a particular facet of a
system, it will not be misleading. UML is a concise and
easy to understand language [27]. The entire language is
made up of simple and straightforward concepts and no-
tations. It is comprehensive language and describes all
important aspect of a system. Although UML is not a
formal language but it has enough expressive power to
handle massive and complex systems [28]. It is the result
of best practices in modeling of systems using object-
oriented concepts and has proved a successful modeling
practice. UML has become a de facto standard for mod-
eling of systems using object oriented technology [29].
Despite the above benefits, UML lacks with some im-
portant concepts and for a moment cannot be used for the
complete design and specification of a system [4]. For
example, UML lacks formal semantics. Meanings are
hidden under diagrams which create ambiguities and
misinterpretations at the implementations level. That is
why integration of UML with formal languages is re-
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3.2. Formal Approaches
Formal methods are based on mathematical techniques
and notations for specification, development and verifi-
cation of software systems particularly in the area of
software engineering [30]. Use of formal methods for
software design is motivated by the belief that appropriate
mathematical analysis can contribute to the reliability and
robustness of software design [31]. In addition, the use of
formal methods in the development of high integrity
safety or security systems is highly recommended [32].
Formal methods can be used at different levels of mod-
eling and specification [33] as described below.
At a basic level of applying formal methods, formal
specification may be described and then program can
be developed in an informal way. This is assumed as
most cost-effective option in applications of formal
methods for systems development.
Formal development and verification may be used to
produce a pr ogram in a form al m anner. At thi s level o f
applications, proofs of properties from the specifi-
cation to a program may be conducted. This is con-
sidered as most appropriate level of applications in
high integrity systems including safety or security
Theorem proving techniques can be used to conduct
proofs which are fully machine checked in a formal
manner. Of course this is expensive way but is only
applied if the cost of failure is high.
Formal methods may be classified in terms of property
oriented and model oriented methods [34]. Property ori-
ented methods are used to describe software in terms of
properties, constraints and invariants whereas model ori-
ented methods are used to construct a model of a system
[35]. Although there are various tools and techniques
available for formal notations but at the current stage of
their development in formal methods, it needs an integra-
tion of formal techniques and traditional approaches for
the complete design and description of a system.
3.3. Z Notation
Z notation is a model oriented specification language
based on set theory and first order predicate logic used at
an abstract level [36]. In this research, Z is selected to link
with UML because of a natural relationship which exists
between these approaches. T h e Z is based upon set theory
including standard set operators, comprehensions, Carte-
sian products a nd p ower sets. On the other hand, t he logic
of Z is formulated using first order predicate calculus. Z
allows organizing a system into smaller components
known as schemas which are helpful at design level for
managing a system. The schema also defines a way in
which the stat e of a system can be desc ribed and hence can
be used for modeling the dynamics of a system as well. A
promising aspect of Z is its stepwise refinement that is
verifiable and can be used from an abstraction into an
executable code.
3.4. Z/Eves Tools
The Z/Eves is used in this research because it is one of the
powerful t ools used for the a nalysis of Z speci fication [37].
The Z/Eves mathematical toolkit includes the declaration
of all the constants of the standard mathematical toolkit
and provides useful theorems about these constants. The
Z/Eves is used to analy ze the sy stem ’s sche m a expa nsio n,
precondition calculation domain checking, syntax and
type checking, and general theorem proving. Any speci-
fication written in a formal notation does not mean that it
is correct, complete and meaningful. It is user responsi-
bility to make an appropriate use of the tools insuring
correctness of the model. The remarkable feature of for-
mal specifications which outclass all other traditional
means of informal specification is that a formal specifi-
cation can be checked and analyzed for the presence of
typographical and syntactical errors. The Z/Eves tool
provides various exploration techniques to prove the
properties of the system.
4. State Based Formal Analysis
In this section, formal analysis of UML state diagram is
presented. At first, approach used in this research is dis-
cussed. Then dynamic behavior is described based on the
static definition of state diagram.
4.1. Proposed Approach
Although formal methods have a well-defined syntax and
semantics but these are at the early stage of development
and, hence, it needs an integrated tool support for the
complete and consistent development of software system s.
UML has become a de facto standard for design of object
oriented systems. Therefore, it needs to define a rela-
tionship between UML diagrams and formal techniques
which is analyzed an d established in this research.
Some important fundamentals including use cases,
class diagrams, sequence diagrams, state machine, will
be selected for linking with formal approaches enhancing
the modeling power of complex systems. In this way,
UML will be extended by applying Z notation syntactic-
cally and semantically. A mapping defining relationship
between these approaches will be established to be useful
for correct and complete modeling of systems. The re-
sultant formal models of the approach will be verified
and validated using Z/Eves toolset. The proposed theory
will be applied to some real World problem proving its
effectiveness. The overall process of formalization and
validation is shown in Figure 1.
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State Based Static and Dynamic Formal Analysis of UML State Diagrams
Figure 1. Proposed integration of UML and formal meth-
4.2. Formal Models
A set of definitions used in the formal model is presented
in this section. The state identifier and event are repre-
sented as S and Event respectively both as set types. For
simple specification, the basic set types are used. In the
definition of a transition from one state to another the
guard is defined as a Boolean type. A state can have three
possible values that are active, passive or null represented
as Active, Passive and null respectively. The type of state
can be simple, concurrent, non-concurrent, initial or final.
[S, Event]
Boolean ::= True False
Status ::= Active Passive Null
Type ::=Simple Concurent Nonconcurent Initial
In modeling using sets, we do not impose any restric-
tion upon the number of elements and a high level of
abstraction is supposed. Further, we do not insist upon any
effective procedure for deciding whether an arbitrary
element is a member of the given collection or not. As a
consequent, our sets S and Event are sets over which we
cannot define any operation of set theory. For example,
cardinality to know the number of elements in a set cannot
be defined. Similarly, the subset, union, intersection or
complement operations over the sets are not defined.
The state diagram is a collection of states related by
certain types of relations. In the definition of a state, state
identifier, its type, status and set of regions is required.
Region is defined as a power set of se quence of states. The
state is represented by a schema which consists of four
components described above. All these components are
encapsulated and put in the Schema State given below.
The invarian ts over the schema are defined in the second
part of schema.
®name: S
®type: Type
®status: St at us
®regions: F (seq S)
®regions = 0 Þ type = Sim pl e
®# regions = 1 Þ type = Nonconcurent
®# regions > 1 Þ type = Concurent
In the state diagram, if the re is no region in a state then
it is a simple state.
If there is exactly one region in a state then it is termed
as non-concurrent composite state.
If there are two or more regions in a state then it is
concurrent composite state.
The collection of states is represented by the schema
States which consists of four variables. The mapping
substates from State to power set of State describes type
of a state.
®start: State
®states: F State
®substates: State § F State
®target: State
®start ä states
®start ë target
®start ä dom substates
®states ë 0
®As: State | s e dom substates ¥ s e states
®As: State | s e states ¥ s ë start ¦ s ë target ¦ s . typ
ë ®Simple Þ s e dom substates
®target ä states
®target ä dom substates
The start state is not in the collection of states.
The start state is not the target state.
The start state does not belong to domain of substates
mapping that is it has no sub-state.
The set of states is non-empty.
For any state, s, if it is in the states and is no t the start
or target state and not the simple state then it belongs
to domain of sub-states.
The target state does not belong to states.
The target state of the state diagram does not belong to
domain of the sub-states.
To move from one stat e to a not her, a t ransi ti on m ust be
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State Based Static and Dynamic Formal Analysis of UML State Diagrams 487
fired. The transition consists of three compon ents that are
event, guard and action. Action is, in fact, a sequence of
events in the definition of the transition . The transition is
defined by a schema Transition in Z notation wh ich con-
sists of three variables which are event, guard and action
as given blow.
®event: Event
®guard: Boolean
®action: seq Event
The complete state diagram is represented by the
schema StateDiagram as given below. The schema con-
sists of set of states of all possible events and the transition
function. The transition function takes a state and se-
quence of events and returns a new state.
®events: F Event
®transitions: State x Transition § State
®As1: State | s1 e states ¦ s1 . type ë Final
® ¥ Es2: State; tran: Transi t i on | (s2, tran) e dom
®transitions ¥ s1 = s2
®As3: State; tran: Transition | (s3, tran) e dom transi-
® ¥ Es4: State | s4 e states ¥ s3 = s4
®Aev: Event | ev e events
® ¥ Es1, s2: State; tran: Transition
® | (s1, tran) e dom transitions
® ¦ s2 e ran transitions ¦ transi tions (s1, tran) =
® ¥ ev = tran . event v ev e ran tran . action
®As3, s4: State; tra n : Tr a nsit i on
® | (s3, tran) e dom transitions
® ¦ s4 e ran tran sitions ¦ transitions (s3, tran) =
® ¥ Eev: Event | ev e events ¥ ev = tran . event v ev
e ® ran tran . action
®As5: State; tran: Transition
® | (s5, tran) e dom transitions ¦ s5 . type ë Final
® ¥ Es6: State | s6 e st ates ¥ transitions (s5, tran)
= s6
For every no n final st ate in the state diagram , there is a
transition which can be fired over it.
For every state over which a transition is fired , it must
be in the collection of states of the state diagram.
For every event in the set of possible events, there
must be two states and a transition over these states
such that the event is in the transition and it is included
in the sequence of events called action which must be
executed after the guard condition of the transition is
For any two states s1 and s2, there exists an event e
such that transitions (s1, e) = s2.
For every non-final state there is a transition which
acts on it and results a new state, that is, the transition
function is defined over every non-final state.
In the state diagram, it is possible that when a transition
is fired, it may result the same state. The reflexive relation
is satisfied over such states. That means there exists a
collection of states in the state diagram over which the
reflexive relation is required to be defined. Similarly, it is
also possible that when a transition is fired from one state
s1 to another state s2 there exists an inverse transition
which can be fired from s2 to s1 that is there exists a
collection of states over which the symmetric relation is
defined. Finally, when a transition is fired from one state
s1 to another state s2 and then a new transition is fired
from s2 to s3 t hen a composit e transition can be fi red from
s1 to s3 that is the transitive relation exits over the state
All of these possible relations are defined by a schema
StatesRelations given below. The schema consists of four
components that are state diagram, reflexive, symmetric
and transitive relations. All of these compone nts are put in
the first part and invariants are defined over the relations
in the seco nd part of the sche ma for the well-define d-ness.
®reflexive: State j State
®symmetric: State j State
®transitive: State j State
®As: State | s e states
® ¥ (s, s) e reflexive
® Û (Etran: Transition | (s, tran) e dom transi-
® ¥ transitions (s, tran) = s)
®As1, s2: State | s1 e states ¦ s2 e states
® ¥ (s1, s2) e symmetric
® Û (Etran1, tran2: Transition
® | (s1, tran1) e dom transitions ¦ (s2,
tran2) e ®dom transitions ¥ transitions (s1, tran1)
= s2 ¦ tran ®sitions (s2, tran2) = s1)
®As1, s3: State | s1 e states ¦ s3 e states
® ¥ (s1, s3) e transitiveÛ (Es2: State; tran1, tran2 :
®Transition | (s1, tran1) e dom transitions ¦ s2 e
® ¦ (s2, tran2) e dom transitions
¥ transitions ®(s1, tran1) = s2 ¦ transitions
(s2, tran2) = s3)
For a state in the collection of states, the relation is
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. JSEA
State Based Static and Dynamic Formal Analysis of UML State Diagrams
reflexive over it if there exists a transition which re-
sults the same state after firing the transition.
Two states are in the collection of symmetric states if
there exists two transitions where each one is an in-
verse of the other.
A state is in the collection of transitive states if it is one
of the three states over which transitiv ity is defined to
describe the transitive relations.
To identify and define the loops, sub-states and super-
states a schema ComputingStates is described below. The
schema consists of five components namely state dia-
gram, input state, loops, sub-states and super-states. The
state diagram is given as input in the schema for all the
functions computing loops, sub-states and super-states of
a given state. The loops variable returns all the states
over which transitio n function returns the same state. Th e
subs! variable computes all the possible sub-states, if
exist, of a given state. And similarly the sups! variable
evaluates all the possible super-states, if exist, of a given
®state?: State
®loops!: F State
®subs!, sups!: F State
®state? e states
® = { s: State; tran: Transition
® | (s, tran) e dom transitions ¦ transitions (s, tran)
= s ¥s}
®subs! = { s: State; tran: Transition
® | (state?, tran) e dom transitions ¦ transitions
®(state?, tran) = s ¥ s }
The input state must belong to collection of all the
states of the state diagram.
The loops are computed by taking a state and the
transitions which return the same state.
The sub-states of a given state are calculated by using
the recursive definition of the transition function.
The super-states of a given state are calculated by
using the recursive definition of the inverse of the
sequence of transition functions by changing the
source and target states with each other.
In this section, a sequence of possible transitions and
events of the state diagram is described when moving
from one state to another of the diagram. The specifica-
tion is given using the schema Protocol which consists of
four components named as state diagram, sequence of
transitions, start state and target state. From start state the
protocol is initiated, at end state it is ended. And the se-
quence of transitions is used to move from start to end
state. The algorithm of moving from start to final state is
given below in addition to few invariants required.
®protocol: seq Transition
®start: State
®target: State
®start e states ¦ target e states ¦ 1 ø # protocol
®Es: State; tran: Transition; evts: seq Event
® | (start, tran) e dom transitions
® ¦ transitions (start, tran) = s ¦ tran . guard = True
® ¦ start . status = Active ¦ s . status = Passive
® ¦ 1 ø # evts ¦ tran . event = evts 1
® ¦ (Ai: N | i e 1 .. # evts - 1 ¦ i + 1 ø # evts
® ¥ ((tran . action, i) e applies$to
® ¦ evts (i + 1) = tran . action i)) ¥ protocol 1 =
®Ai: N | i e dom protocol ¦ 2 ø i ¦ i ø # pr otocol - 1
® ¥ Es1, s2: State; tran: Transition; evts: seq Event
® |(s1, tran) e dom transitions ¦ transitions (s1,
tran) = s2
® ¦ tran . guard = True ¦ 1 ø # evts¦ tran . event = evts 1
® ¦ (Ai: N | i e 1 .. # evts - 1 ¦ i + 1 ø # evts
® ¥ ((tran . action, i) e applies$to
® ¦ evts (i + 1) = tra n . act i on i)) ¥ prot ocol i = t ran
®Es: State; tran: Transition; evts: seq Event
® |(s, tran) e dom transitions¦ transitions (s, tran) =
® ¦ tran . guard = True ¦ s . status = Active
® ¦ target . status = Passive ¦ 1 ø # evts
® ¦ tran . event = evts 1 ¦ (Ai: N | i e 1 .. # evts - 1 ¦ i
®+ 1 ø # evts ¥ ((tran . action, i) e applies$to
®¦ evts (i+1)= tr an .action i)) ¥prot ocol (# protocol ) =
The start state is in collection of states of the dia-
The target state belongs to the collection of the
There exists a transition which takes start state and a
sequence of events and returns the next possible state.
There exists a sequence of transition(s) possibly
single transition which takes state next to start state and
traverses to reach the state previous to the target state.
There exists a transition which takes the state pre-
vious to target and returns the target state.
As there may exist many ways of reaching from start
to target state depending upon the input of events. It
means, it needs to describe all the possible ways in mov-
ing from start to target state. For this purpose a new
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schema Protocols of type power set of Protocol is de-
fined. The schema describes the possible ways by using a
recursive definition of the Protocol schema as given be-
®protocols: F Protocol
®Apr: Protocol | pr e prot ocol s ¦ pr . protocol
® e F (Z x :action: P (Z x Event); event: Event;
guard: ®Booleanò) ¥ pr . start e pr . states ¦ pr . tar-
get e pr . ®states ¦ 1 ø # pr . protocol
®Apr: Protocol | pr e prot ocol s ¦ pr . protocol
® e F (Z x :action: P (Z x Event); event: Event;
guard: ®Booleanò) ¥ Es: State; tran: Transition; evts:
seq Event
® | (pr . start, tran) e dom pr . transitions
® ¦ (pr . transitions, (pr . start, tran)) e ap pl i e s$to
® ¦ pr . transitions (pr . start, tran) = s
® ¦ tran . guard = True ¦ pr . start . status = Active
® ¦ s . status = Passive ¦ 1 ø # e vt s ¦ tran . event = evts 1
® ¦ (Ai: N | i e 1 .. # evts - 1 ¦ i + 1 ø # evts
® ¥ ((tran . action, i) e applies$to
® ¦ evts (i + 1) = tran . act ion i)) ¥ pr . protocol 1 =
®Apr: Protocol | pr e prot ocol s ¦ pr . protocol
® e F (Z x :action: P (Z x Event); event: Event; guard:
® ¥ Ai: N | i e dom pr . protocol ¦ 2 ø i ¦ i ø # pr .
®prot ocol - 1 ¥Es1,s2:State;tran:Transition; evts: seq Event
® | (s1, tran) e dom pr . transitions
® ¦ pr . transitions (s1, tran) = s2 ¦ tran . guard =
® ¦ 1 ø # evts ¦ tran . event = evts 1
® ¦ (Ai: N | i e 1 .. # evts - 1 ¦ i + 1 ø # evts
® ¥ ((tran . action, i) e applies$to
® ¦ evts (i + 1) = tran . action i)) ¥ pr . protocol i =
For a protoc ol, there exists a tr ansition and seque nce of
events which take start to the next possible state.
There exists a sequence of transition(s) and sequence
of sequence of events which traverses all the possible
states except the start and target states.
For each protocol, there exists a transition and se-
quence of events which reaches to the target state
based on the above rec ursive definiti on o f pr ot ocol.
5. Conclusion and Future Work
Unified Modeling Language (UML) is used at initial
phases because of having much support of diagrams
whereas formal methods are useful at the later stages of
software development because of having rigorous mathe-
matical and co mputer tools suppo rt. In this way, UML a nd
Formal Methods are both useful for design and specifica-
tion of software systems therefore integration of these
approaches was required for a systematic development.
To facilitate the software development process an auto-
matic generation of specification from diagrams will be
much useful to capture the hidden semantics under the
UML diagrams. In this research, UML state diagram is
linked and formalized using Z achieving above objective.
The most relevant work [38-40] was considered as start-
ing point fo r this research. In add ition to above fo llowing
benefits are observed: 1) An approach is developed by
linking UML to Z notation by defining a relationship
among fundamentals of these semi-formal and formal
techniques; 2) The reusability issue is addressed by de-
fining the components and devel opi ng rec ur sive ap proac h
to be useful easing the development process; 3) The re-
sultant approach will be useful in the systems develop-
ment and construction of automated tools for generating
specification from the UML state diagram; 4) Mostly,
students use UML for designing the projects, this new
approach will facilitate them to improve the design at
initial stages of their project development.
The research work on formalization of some other
important diagrams, using Z notation, of UML including
use case and sequence diagrams is in process and will
appear soon.
6. Acknowledgements
I would like to acknowledge Software Engineering Re-
search Group at the Department of Computer Science,
King Faisal University, for their valuable comments.
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