Vol.2, No.5, 494-505 (2010)
doi: 10.4236/ns.2010.25062
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/NS/
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Stability analysis of primary emulsion using a new
emulsifying agent gum odina
Amalesh Samanta, Durbadal Ojha, Biswajit Mukherjee*
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India; Corresponding Author: biswajit55@yahoo.com
Received 1 February 2010; revised 10 March 2010; accepted 18 March 2010.
Gum odina and various parts of the plant Odina
wodier are traditionally used in Indian folk me-
dicine. Here an effort was made to investigate
the efficacy of gum odina as new pharmaceuti-
cal excipients, in particular, as an emulsifying
agent. Primary emulsion was prepared using
wet gum method taking oil: water: gum (4:2:1)
with gum acacia powder as an emulsifying
agent. This was used as a standard control
formulation. In case of experimental emulsions
the primary emulsion was prepar ed by same wet
gum technique taking oil: water: gum (4:2:0.5)
(gum content was just a half of gum acacia) by
using gum odina powder as an emulsifier. The
gum odina as emulsifying agent provided a sta-
ble emulsion at a very low concentration as
compared to the amount required for other con-
ventional natural emulsifying agents. Stability
studies of the emulsion were made as per the
ICH guideline to study thermal stability, photo-
sensitivity, pH related stability and stability in
presence of oxygen. The emulsion type was
identified by staining techniques (dye test by
using Sudan III) as o/w type preparation without
creaming or c racki ng ev en after long stora ge f or
24 months at 25°C. It was found that the emul-
sion containing gum odina produced more sta-
ble emulsion at a much lower amount as com-
pared to the emulsion stabilized by gum acacia.
Keywords: Emulsifying Agent, Gum Odina,
Odina wodi er
Use of various gums as pharmaceutical excipients is
nothing new. As a stabilizer and thickening agent, use of
natural gum has been found in the literature about five
thousand years back [1]. Some natural or induced-exuda-
tion of normally neutral or slightly acidic complex of
polysaccharides or partially acetylated polysaccharide or
heterogeneous polysaccharide are obtained as a mixture
with calcium, potassium and magnesium salts [2-3]. As a
natural defense mechanism to prevent infection or dehy-
dration many trees and shrubs are known to produce an
aqueous thick exudation when the plants bark is injured
[4]. Eventually the solution dries up in contact with
sunlight and air and a hard transparent brown-tint glass
like mass is formed. This solid exudation is commonly
known as natural gum [4-5]. Some of the gums used
frequently now-a-days as pharmaceutical excipients and
/or in food industry are gum acacia, gum tragacanth,
gum Karaya etc. Gum acacia is mainly used in the con-
fectionary industry. Traditionally it is used in candies to
provide the appropriate texture so that they do not ad-
here to the teeth. Gum acacia is used in chewing gum as
a coating agent [6-7] and is also used as emulsifier in
soft drink industries [8]. Pharmaceutically gum acacia is
still used as a suspending agent, emulsifier, adhesive and
tablet binding agent [9-11]. In cosmetic industry it is
used as a stabilizer in lotions and protective creams,
where it increases viscosity, imparts spreading properties
and maintains a protective coating [4].
Gum tragacanth is used in ice creams to provide tex-
ture to the product [12] and acts as a thickener and pro-
vides texture for chewy sweets such as lozenges [13].
Gum tragacanth is widely used in pharmaceutical indus-
try as an effective suspending agent. Gum tragacanth is
used as a stabilizer in dermatological creams and lotions
and it also provides a protective coating [14-15]. Sus-
pending properties are used in jellies and tooth paste
giving spreadibility and a shiny creamy appearance
Gum Karaya is well-studied for stabilizing low pH
emulsion such as sauces [18]. Due to the water binding
capacity of Gum karaya it extends the shelf-life of baked
goods. It is widely used as stabilizer, thickener, texturiser
and emulsifier in foods. Powdered Gum karaya is widely
applied on dental plates as an adhesive [19]. It is used as
a bulk laxative, and also used as an adhesive in leak-
A. Samanta et al. / Natural Science 2 (2010) 494-505
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/NS/
Openly accessible at
proof sealing rings for post surgical drainage pouches or
osotomy bags and in skin lotions [20-22].
In recent past we described the use of gum odina
(Figure 1(a)) as an excellent sub stitute of starch paste as
a tablet binder [23]. Odina wodier, Roxb. family Ana-
cardiaceae is a large tall tree (Figure 1(b)) found in de-
ciduous forest in India, Myanmar, Srilanka, China, Ma-
laysia, Cambodia and Philippin e Islands [24]. It is popu-
larly known as Kashmala, Odimaram, Jiol in local lan-
guage and in English it is called Rhus olina [25]. Various
parts of this plant have been found to be used as medi-
cines in Ayurveda. The leaves have been reported to use
in Elephantiasis of the legs [25]. Juice of green branches
is used as an emetic in case of coma or insen sibility pro-
duced by narcotic. The dried and powdered bark is found
to use as tooth powder by poor villagers [24]. The bark
extract has been reported to be useful in vaginal trouble,
curing ulcer, heart diseases etc. [26].
In the presence study we investigated and compared
the emulsifying property of the gum odina (obtained
from Odina wodier, Roxb. Family Anacardiaceae) with
respect to that of a well-known natural gum emulsifier
(gum acacia) and the stability aspects of emulsion pre-
pared wit h t he gum.
1.1. Materials and Methods
Chemicals procured for preparing emulsion were cod
liver oil (E. Merck Ltd, Mumbai, India) and acacia pow-
der (E. Merck Ltd, Mumbai, India). All other chemicals
were of analytical grade and used as received if not oth-
erwise mentioned.
1.2. Collection of Gum Odina
Gum was collected from the tree Odina wodier, Roxb.,
family Anacardiaceae during Autumn in the month of
August from the Mandal Ghat of Jalpaiguri, West Bengal,
India. The gum was the natural exudates on the bark of
the tree. It was collected in a dry condition . After collec-
tion of the gum, the entire work was carried out in the
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur
(a) (b)
Figure 1. (a) Transparent reddish brown needle shape gum liberating from the bark of the plant; (b) Tree of Odina wodier,
Roxb., family Anacardiaceae.
A. Samanta et al. / Natural Science 2 (2010) 494-505
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/NS/Openly accessible at
2.1. Form ula for Prep arat ion of Prim ary
Formulation was developed by conventional “wet gum”
technique [27]. Formula for primary emulsion was pre-
pared using “wet gum” method taking oil: water: gum
(4:2:1) with gum acacia powder as an emulsifying agent.
This was used as standard control formulati o n. In case of
experimental emulsions (test sample) the primary emul-
sion was prepared by the same “wet gum” technique
taking oil: water: gum (4:2:0.5) (gum content is just a
half of gum acacia) by using gum odina powder as an
emulsifier (Table 1).
2.2. Procedure for the Preparation of
3.75 gm of experimental gum (gum odina) was taken in
a mortar and thick mucilage was prepared by taking 15 ml
of water using a pestle . Then to it , required volume (30 ml)
of cod liver oil was added drop-wise with constant and
uniform clockwise trituration to make a primary emul-
sion [27]. Final volume was adjusted to 90 ml with water
(Table 1).
2.3. Stability Study of Emulsion
2.3.1. FTIR Study
IR grade KBr with a drop of respective emulsion was
compressed into pellets by applying 5.5 metric tons of
pressure in a hydraulic press and scanned over a wave
number of 4000 cm-1 - 400 cm-1 in a FTIR spectropho-
tometer 8400S Shimadzu.
2.3.2. Thermal Stability
Prepared emulsions were kept (test and control) at dif-
ferent temperatures namely 20°C, 40°C and 60°C for
one month by following ICH guideline [28]. Samples
were taken out and FTIR spectroscopy was done.
2.3.3. Stability at variable pH
Initial pH of the prepared emulsion was 4.75. To de-
termine the stability at different pH values, the emul-
sion were adjusted at different pH conditions namely 2,
7.4 and 10 by using 0.1(N) HCl and 0.1(N) NaOH as
applicable and kept for one month both for test and
control. Then the FTIR spectroscopic studies of the
sample were done.
Table 1. Composition of primary emulsion.
Control Experimental
Cod-liver oil-30 ml.
Water q.s - 90 ml
Acacia powder-7.5 g
Cod-liver oil-30 ml.
Water q.s - 90 ml
Gum odina powder - 3 .75 g
2.3.4. Photo-Stability
To determine the photo-stability, the formulations (the
test and control samples) were exposed to 40 watt
(2216.16 CP), 60 watt (3656.66 CP) and 100 watt
(5540.4 CP) using electric bulbs. That was adjusted 6
inches above the formulations kept in transparent glass
bottle capped tightly in a clo sed chamber for one month.
Following this study FTIR spectra were determined and
compared with the samples not exposed to ligh t (i.e. kept
in a dark place at 4°C) [29].
2.3.5. Oxygenation of Emulsion and FTIR Study
To analyze the susceptibility of the prepared emulsion
containing gum to oxidation, 30 ml of emulsion in a
glass bottle of 50 ml capacity was con tinuously exposed
to a stream of O2 (5 L/min) for 1h and the samples were
capped tightly and kept for 15 days before being ana-
lyzed by studying their FTIR spectra.
30 ml of emulsion in a glass bottle of 50 ml capacity
was continuously exposed to inert environment by using
a stream of N2 (5 L/min) (considered as control against
oxidation) for 1 h and the samples were kept for 15 days
before being analyzed by studying their FTIR spectra.
3.1. Viscosity of Emulsion
Dynamic viscosity of the prepared emulsion was measured
using Brook-field rotational viscometer TV-10 (Toki San-
gyo Co. Pvt.Ltd, Tokyo, Japan) rotated at 60 rpm for one
minute. The length and diameter of the cylinders were 10.5
cm and 3 cm respectively. Length and diameter of the
spindles were 6.4 cm and 1.8 cm respectively.
3.2. Test for Id en tif ying Emulsion Type (Dye
Several tests are available for distinguishing between o/
w and w/o type emulsions. They include tests of misci-
bility, dye test, electrical conductivity measur ements etc.
We adopted for dye test here.
3.3. Dye Test
Prepared emulsion (10 ml) was triturated with Sudan III
(0.05 g) and a drop of it was placed on a microscope
slide, covered with a cover-slip and examined under a
3.4. Cracking of Emulsion
This involves coalescence of the dispersed globules and
separation of the disperse phase as a separate layer. Re-
dispersion cannot be achieved by shaking and the ad-
A. Samanta et al. / Natural Science 2 (2010) 494-505
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/NS/
Openly accessible at
vantages of emulsification are lost and accurate dosage
is impossible. Simple visual observation (of the stored
samples about 24 months) was the means to detect
3.5. Creaming of Emulsion
Creaming may be defined as the formation of a layer of
relatively concentrated emulsion and this conditions
favours breakdown of the interface and consequent coa-
lescence of the oil globules and therefore, the emulsion
may eventually crack. By shaking, creaming may disap-
pear in many cases. Simple visual observation technique
(of the stored sample about 24 months) was the method
adopted here to determine creaming.
The various parts of Odina wodier have been used in
Ayurveda and traditional Indian folk medicine (24). We
have recently reported the gum of this plant as a tablet
binder, effective at a much lower concentration as com-
pared to the other available natural binders and further,
the gum is devoid of toxicity [23]. In the present study
we have mainly focused on the utility of the gum as an
emulsifying agent of natural origin and the stability as-
pects of emulsions prepared usi ng t hi s emulsifyi ng agent .
The dynamic viscosity of prepared emulsion (4:2:0.5)
was measured using Bookfield type rotational viscome-
ter TV-10, rotated at 60 rpm for one minute and the vis-
cosity was 14 centipoises.
Several tests are available for the differentiation of
types of primary emulsions i.e. o/w and w/o type emul-
sions. These tests are miscibility with water, Dye test
and Electrical conductivity measurements etc. [27]. Dye
test is a very common test to determine the types of
emulsion. The dispersed globules were appeared ‘red’
due to oil soluble dye Sudan III and the continuous
phase was ‘co lourless’ (Figure 2) in the present study.
Stability of emulsion was analyzed by comparing the
FTIR spectra of the freshly prepared experimental emul-
sion (Figure 3) and the stored (24 months) experimental
emulsion (Figure 4). Physical interactions were detected
between wave number 700 cm-1 and 600 cm-1 upon pro-
longed storage as compared to the freshly prepared
Figure 2. Determination of o/w type of emulsion i.e. dispersed oil globules appeared ‘red’ and continuous phase ‘col-
A. Samanta et al. / Natural Science 2 (2010) 494-505
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/NS/
Figure 3. FTIR spectra of fr eshly prepared e xp erimental emulsion.
igure 4. FTIR spectra of stored (24months) experimental emulsion kept at room temperature.
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Thermal stability of emulsion was analyzed by study-
ing the FTIR spectra of the emulsions stored at 20°C,
40°C and 60°C for 30 days (Figures 5-7). Interactions
were detected in the wave numbers between 2700 cm-1
and 720 cm-1 for the samples stored at 40°C and 20°C;
and wave number at 3461 cm-1, 2099 cm-1, 1646 cm-1,
718 cm-1 in case of the sample stored at 60°C (Figures
7-9). The types of interaction have been discussed in
details in discussion section.
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The impacts of variable pH on emulsion stability
were detected by changing the pH of emulsion at 2,
7.4 and 10; these were stored for 30days at room tem-
perature. This was followed by the FTIR spectroscopy
and the data indicate that there were variations in
wave numbers in the range between 3500 cm-1 and
2600 cm-1 and also at 1744 cm-1 at pH 7.4 (Figures
For studying the photostability, the emulsion was ex-
posed to 60 Watt (36 56.66 CP) for 30 d ays and the FTIR
spectra were compared with the experimental emulsion
stored in the dark for the same period. There were physi-
cal interactions detected in the range of wave numbers
between 3600 cm-1 and 2800 cm-1 (Figure 3 and Figure
11) and also in the range between 2400 cm-1 and 1700
cm-1. Otherwise no predominant variations in the FTIR
spectra were detected when photo-exposed samples were
To know the stability of emulsion exposed to oxida-
tion, samples were exposed either to oxygen or nitrogen
(which was used as control) as specified earlier. No in-
teractions were detected upon oxygenation except some
minor peak variation at the wave numbers 2665 cm-1,
3457 cm-1, 1437 cm-1, 1148 cm-1 (Figures 12 and 13).
However, all the characteristic peaks of the gum were
Creaming and cracking of the stored emulsions (24
months) were also visually observed but no such phe-
nomenons were detect e d.
Figure 5. FTIR spectra of thermal stability of emulsion at 20ºC.
A. Samanta et al. / Natural Science 2 (2010) 494-505
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Figure 6. FTIR spectra of thermal stability of emulsion at 40ºC.
Figure 7. FTIR spectra of thermal stability of emulsion at 60ºC.
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Figure 8. FTIR spectra of emulsion with pH 2.
Figure 9. FTIR spectra of emulsion with pH 7.4.
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Figure 10. FTIR spectra of emulsion with pH 10.
Figure 11. FTIR spectra of photo stability of emulsion at 60 Watt. (3656.66 CP).
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Figure 12. FTIR spectra of oxygenated emulsion.
Figure 13. FTIR spectra of nitrogenated emulsion.
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In this study capability of gum odina as an emulsifying
agent was investigated. Viscosity of the experimental
emulsion was found to be 14 cP which suggests that it
was a thicker emulsion and the emulsion would remain
stable for a longer period.
Dye test with Sudan III (oil soluble dye) showed that
dye was distributed in the form of droplets throughout
the colourless continuous phase. This proves that oil
formed the dispersed phase and water was the continu-
ous phase and it was an o/w type of emulsion. Thus o/w
emulsion may be prepared using gum odina as emulsi-
fying agent.
When the spectra were compared, in some cases
peak height varied. It may be due to the presence of
variable amounts of ingredients present in the pellet.
There were interactions detected in the wave range
numbers between 700 cm-1 and 600 cm-1. This zone is
the known stretching vibration zone of CH-alkane and
OH (H bonded and normally out of plane). Hydrogen
of the fatty acid might have formed weak hydrogen
bond or bond due to Van der Waal force or dipole mo-
ment with OH- group of water predominantly upon the
long storage.
In the cases of thermal stability analysis, samples were
kept at 20°C, 40°C and 60°C for 1 month (Figures 5-7)
and compared with the freshly prepared sample (Figure
3). Changes in peaks in wave numbers between 2700 cm-1
and 720 cm-1 may be possibly due to interaction between
ketonic and aldehyde groups in the fatty acids by forma-
tion of H-bonding or weak bondings such as Van der
Waal forces or dipole moments, since the zone between
2690 cm-1 and 2840 cm-1 are the medium intensity and
1720 cm-1 - 1740 cm-1 and 1710 cm-1 - 1720 cm-1 are
strong intensity carbomile stretching vibration zone and
720 cm-1 - 725 cm-1 is the weak intensity bending vibra-
tion zone of CH2 rocking [30]. Reaction at the 1646 cm-1
and 718 cm-1 might be due to the opening of α and β un-
stauration and interaction with OH-group or H due to
heating or CH2 rocking. Possible weak bond formation
between OH-group and carbonyl might have taken place
at the wave range between 3200 cm-1 - 3550 cm-1 as this
zone is popularly known for variable and strong OH free
and OH bonded stretching vi brati on zone.
Emulsion adjusted at different pH conditions (2, 7.4
and 10) and stored for 30 days were analyzed using
FTIR spectroscopy and data were prepared with the
freshly prepared emulsion (pH -4.5). There were interac-
tions between wave number 3500 cm-1 and 2600 cm-1
and at 1744 cm-1 at pH 7.4. The vibration at 3500 cm-1,
2600 cm-1, 1744 cm-1 may be explained due to the weak
bond formation of OH and carbonyl group present in
water and fatty acid or between carbonyl or CH group of
fatty acid and OH of water since these zones are the
known stretch ing vibr ation zon es of OH and C=O group.
By studying the FTIR spectra of the samples kept at dif-
ferent pH and the freshly prepared sample (Figures 8-10)
it may be stated that emulsions at pH 7.4 was more sta-
ble as compared to pH 2 and pH 10, considering the in-
teraction patterns. Least interactions comparing to the
freshly prepared and stable emulsion, was detected in
case of emulsion with pH 7.4.
In case of photo-stability study, interactions might be
due to the formation of weak bonds such as hydrogen
bonds or bonds due to Van der Waal force or dipole
moment between OH and C=O, since in the interaction
zone predominant functional groups were OH and C=O.
It suggests that the emulsion is photo-stable.
Peak variations at 2665 cm-1 and 3457 cm-1 of samples
exposed to oxygen were probably due to the possible
weak bond formation between OH and COOH of water
and fatty acid respectively, since these are the known
stretching vibration zones of OH and C=O [30]. Peak
variations at 1437 cm-1 and 1148 cm-1 could be due to α-
CH2 bending or C-C-C bending of fatty acid carbons,
since, 1400 cm-1 - 1450 cm-1 are the bending vibration
zone of α-CH2 and 1148 cm-1 is the medium intensity
C-C bending vibration zone [30]. Thus, upon FTIR
spectrum analysis, it may be stated that the emulsion is
not susceptib le to ox idation , since th e reaction s were d u e
to physical bond formations. However, oxygenenation
might have a role to induce such bond formations as they
were not noticed in case of the samples exposed to N2.
Cracking may be caused by any chemical, physical or
biological effect that changes the nature of the interfacial
film that exists between oil and water [31]. These tend to
make it less stable. But here, after long storage of pre-
pared emulsion for 24 months, no coalescence of dis-
persed globules of oil was noticed. Hence, no cracking
was observed in the said period.
Creams may be formed as a layer of relatively con-
centrated emulsion and this condition favors breakdown
of the interface and consequent coalescence of the oil
globules and therefore, the emulsion may eventually
crack [31]. After a long storage of the emulsion for 24
months there were no cream formations on the upper
surface of emulsion.
When experimental emulsions were compared with
the prepared acacia emulsion (considered here as con-
trol), it was found that requirement of gum odina was
50% of the amount of acacia required for preparation of
primary emulsion. Further, gum odina produces a stable
emulsion which can be stored at least for 2 years.
Thus, gum odina may be used as an emulsifying agent
to prepare o/w primary emulsion.
The study was supported financially by Dr. V. Ravichandran Endow-
ment Trust, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.
A. Samanta et al. / Natural Science 2 (2010) 494-505
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/NS/
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