Vol.1, No.1, 1-9 (2010)
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/as/
Agricultural Sciences
Modification of water application uniformity among
closed circuit trickle irrigation systems
Hani A.-G. Mansour1*, Mohamed Yousif Tayel1, Mohamed A. Abd El-Hady1,
David A. Lightfoot2, Abdel-Ghany Mohamed El-Gindy3
1Water Relations and Field Irrigation Department, National Research Centre, Giza, Egypt; *Corresponding Author:
2Soil & Plant and Agricultural Systems Department, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA
3Agricultural Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Received 2 April 2010; revised 30 April 2010; accepted 5 May 2010.
The aim of this research was determine the ma-
ximum application uniformity of closed circuit
trickle irrigation systems designs. Laboratory
test s carried out for Two ty pes of closed circuit s:
a) One manifold for lateral lines or Closed cir-
cuits with One Manifold of Trikle Irrigation Sys-
tem (COMTIS); b) Closed circuits with Two
Manifolds of Trikle Irrigation System (CTMTIS),
and c) Traditional Trik le Irrigation System (TTIS)
as a control. Three lengths of lateral lines were
used, 40, 60, and 80 meters. PE tubes lateral
lines: 16 mm diameter; 30 cm emitters distance,
and GR built-in emitters 4 lph when operating
pressure 1 bar. Experiments were conducted at
the Agric. Eng. Res. Inst., ARC, MALR, Egypt.
With COMTIS the emitter flow rate was 4.07, 3.51,
and 3.59 lph compared to 4.18, 3.72, and 3.71 lph
with CTMTIS and 3.21, 2.6, and 2.16 lph with TTIS
(lateral lengths 40, 60, and 80 meters respec-
tively). Uniformi ty varied widely within individual
lateral lengths and between circuit types. Under
CTMTIS uniformity values were 97.74, 95.14, and
92.03 %; with COMTIS they were 95.73, 89.45,
and 83.25 %; and with TTIS they were 88.27,
84.73, and 80.53 % (for lateral lengths 40, 60, 80
meters respectively). The greatest uniformity
was observed under CTMTIS and COMTIS w hen
using the shortest lateral length 40 meters, then
lateral length 60 meters, while the lowest value
was observed when using lateral length 80 me-
ters this result depends on the physical and hy-
draulic characteristics of the emitter and lateral
line. CTMTIS was more uniform than either
COMTIS or TTIS. Friction losses w ere decreased
with CTMTIS in the emitter laterals at lengths 40
meters compared to TTIS and COMTIS. There-
fore, differences may be related to increased
friction losses when using TDIS and COMDIS.
Keywords: Trickle Irrigation; Closed Circuits;
Manifold; Lateral; Flow Rate; Uniformity
Trickle irrigation has been used since ancient times when
buried clay pots were filled with water, which would
gradually seep into the grass. Perforated pipe was intro-
duced in Germany in the 1920s and in 1934, Nobey ex-
perimented with irrigating through porous canvas hose at
Michigan State University. Plastic microtubing and vari-
ous types of emitters began to be used in the greenhouses
of Europe and the United States.
Qualitative classification standards for the production
of emitters, the emitter discharge rate q (m3/h) has been
described by a power law, =
qkH, where operating
pressure head H (m), emitter coefficient (k), and expo-
nent (x) depend on emitter characteristics [1]. Capra and
Scicolone [2] indicated that the major sources of emitter
flow rate variations are emitter design, the material used
to manufacture the lateral line, and precision. According
to [3] the main factors affecting trickle irrigation system
uniformity are: 1) manufacturing variations in emitters
and pressure regulators, 2) pressure variations caused by
elevation changes, 3) friction head losses throughout the
pipe network, 4) emitter sensitivity to pressure and irriga-
tion water temperature changes, and 5) emitter clogging.
Similarly, according to the manufacturer’s coefficient of
emitter variation (CVm), have been developed by ASAE.
CVm values below 10% are suitable and > 20% are un-
acceptable [4]. The emitter discharge variation rate (qvar)
should be evaluated as a design criterion in trickle irriga-
tion systems; qvar < 10% may be regarded as good and
qvar > 20% as unacceptable [5,6]. The acceptability of
micro-irrigation systems has also been classified accord-
H. A.-G. Mansour et al. / Agricultural Sciences 1 (2010) 1-9
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/as/
ing to the statistical parameters, Uqs and EU; namely, EU
= 94%-100% and Uqs = 95%-100% are excellent, and
EU < 50% and Uqs < 60% are unacceptable [7]. Ortega
et al [8] calculated emission uniformity (EU), pressure
variation coefficient (VCp), and flow variation coeffi-
cient per emitter (VCq) at localized systems and reported
that they were 84.3%, 0.12, and 0.19, respectively. They
classified the systems unacceptable for VCq > 0.4 and
excellent for VCq < 0.1. In addition to pressure variation
along irrigation tape, variation in emitter structure or
emitter geometry has been known to cause poor uniform-
ity of emitter discharge [1,5,9]. Differences in emitter
geometry may be caused by variation in injection pres-
sure and heat instability during their manufacture, as well
as by a heterogeneous mixture of materials used for the
production [1]. Berkowitz [10] observed reductions in
emitter irrigation flow ranging from 7 to 23% at five sites
observed. Reductions in scouring velocities were also
observed from the designed 0.6 m/s (2ft/s) to 0.3 m/s
(1ft/s). Lines also developed some slime build-up, as
reflected by the reduction in scouring velocities, but this
occurred to a less degree with higher quality effluent. In
their treatments they generally used approximate friction
equations such as Hazen-Williams and Scobey, neglected
the variation of the velocity head along the lateral and
assumed initial uniform emitter flow. Warrick & Yitayew
[11] assumed a lateral with a longitudinal slot and pre-
sented design charts based on spatially varied flow. The
latter solution has neglected the presence of laminar flow
in a considerable length of the downstream part of the
lateral. Hathoot et al [12] provided a solution based on
uniform emitter discharge but took into account the
change of velocity head and the variation of Reynold’s
number. They used the Darcy-Weisbach friction equation
in estimating friction losses. Hathoot et al [13] consid-
ered individual emitters with variable outflow and pre-
sented a step by step computer program for designing
either the diameter or the lateral length. In this study we
considered the pressure head losses due to emitters pro-
trusion. These losses occur when the emitter barb protru-
sion obstructs the water flow. Three sizes of emitter barbs
were specified, small, medium and large in which the
small barb has an area equal or less than 20 mm², the
medium barb has an area between 21-31mm² and the
large one has an area equal to or more than 32 mm². The
objectives of the present research were:
1) Recovery the problem of pressure reduction at the
end stage of lateral lines.
2) Investigate emitter discharge application uniformity
and its dependence on operation pressures and Laterals
lengths (40, 60, and 80 m).
3) To compare emitter discharge uniformity between
tow type of closed circuits (COMTIS and CTMTIS) and
traditional trickle system (TTIS).
2.1. Site Location and Experimental Design
This experiment was conducted at Irrigation Devices and
Equipments Tests Laboratory, Agricultural Engineering
Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Cairo,
Egypt. The experimental design was randomized com-
plete block with three replicates. Three irrigation new
lateral lines 40, 60, 80 m long that were installed at con-
stant level and under ten operating pressures 0.2, 0.4, 0.6,
0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, and 2.0 bar for ten minutes at
each pressure. Details of the pressure and water supply
control have been described by [14], to evaluate the
Built-in Dripper (GR), discharge, 4 lph design emitter
spacing of 30 cm at 1 bar nominal operating pressure in
order to reach an modified way to resolve the problem of
lack of pressure at the end of lateral lines in the tradi-
tional trickle irrigation system.
2.2. Trickle Irrigation Components
The components of closed circuits the trickle system
include, supply lines, control valves, supply and return
manifolds, trickle lateral lines, trickle emitters, check
valves and air relief valves/vacuum breakers. Figures 1
and 2 show the closed circuits of trickle irrigation sys-
tem: 1) Closed circuit with Tow Manifold of trickle Irri-
gation System (CTMTIS) and 2) Closed circuit with One
Manifold of trickle Irrigation System (COMTIS) while
Figure 3 is 3) Traditional of Trickle Irrigation System
(TTIS). Supply lines provide water to the supply mani-
folds of the system after passing through the zone con-
trol valve in systems with more than one zone. The sup-
ply manifold distributes water to the individual trickle
laterals within the zone. The laterals then connect to a
return manifold. Along the supply and return manifold,
air relief/vacuum breakers are installed at the highest
point of the manifolds to allow air to enter the system
during depressurization [15]. The return manifold is used
during system flushing to collect water from the laterals
and carry it to the return line which returns to the pre-
treatment device. Prior to connecting the return manifold
to the return line a check valve is installed to prevent
water from entering the zone during the operation of
other zones.
max min
CV q
qi q
UC q
H. A.-G. Mansour et al. / Agricultural Sciences 1 (2010) 1-9
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/as/
Figure 1. Layout of Closed circuit with Tow Manifolds of Trickle
Irrigation System (CTMTIS).
Figure 2. Layout of Closed circuits with One Manifold of Trickle
Irrigation System (COMTIS).
Figure 3. Layout of Traditional Trickle Irrigation System (TTIS).
qmax and qmin are maximum and minimum emitter
discharge, respectively, q and S are the mean and
standard deviation, respectively, of discharge (q), and n
is the number of emitters.
Emission uniformity of the quarter was calculated us-
ing the equation [8]
25 100
EU (4)
is the mean of the lowest 0.25 of emitter dis-
The coefficient of variation in this calculation refers to
the depth of water applied. This statistical uniformity
coefficient describes the uniformity of water distribution
assuming a normal distribution of flow rates from the
H. A.-G. Mansour et al. / Agricultural Sciences 1 (2010) 1-9
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/as/
Application uniformity of a system is affected by hy-
draulic design, topography, operating pressure, pipe size,
emitter spacing, and emitter discharge variability. Dis-
charge variability is due to manufacturer’s coefficient of
variation, emitter wear, and emitter plugging [7]. Table 1
illustrates the acceptability depending on the range of
statistical uniformity. ASAE [16] also represents flow
variation through the Christiansen Uniformity Coeffi-
 (5)
Cu = the uniformity coefficient %,
q = the mean emitter flow (lph), and
q = the mean absolute deviation from the mean
emitter flow (lph).
An additional method of evaluating the application
uniformity of a system is described in [17]. This method
uses a distribution uniformity using the average depth of
application of the lower quartile over the average depth
of application (Equation (8)). This method has been used
by USDA and NRCS since the 1940s.
avg .lowquarterdepth
avg .depthofwateraccumulatedinaallelments
DUlq 
 
2.2.1. Head Loss in a Pipe
The head loss in pipes due to water flow is proportional
to the pipe’s length.
where J = The head loss in a pipe is usually expressed by
either %.
The head loss due to friction is calculated by Hazen-
Williams equation [18]:
121 8524 87
12110 ()..
J.x D
J = head loss is expressed by (m/100 m) or %.
Q = flow rate is expressed by m³/h.
D = Inside diameter of a pipe is expressed by mm.
C = (Hazen-Williams coefficient) smoothness (the
roughness) of the internal pipe, (the range for a commer-
cial pipe is 100 – 150)
For polyethelene tubes when diameter < 40 mm and (C
= 150) [19,20].
For laminar flow [21] where R 2000 the coefficient
Table 1. Methods of comparison of statistical uniformity [7].
Method Ac-
ceptability Statistical Uniformity, Us (%)
Excellent 95-100
Good 85-90
Fair 75-80
Poor 65-70
Unacceptable <60
of friction is given by:
in which R, Reynolds number is given by:
R (10)
R = Reynolds number,
V = flow velocity (m/s),
D = inside diameter (m), and
ν = kinematic viscosity of irrigation water.
Critical velocity could be calculated by (10) and the
following equations.
For turbulent flow (3000 R 105) the Blasius
equation can be used:
For fully turbulent flow, 105 R 107, Watters and
Keller [22] recommended the following equation:
2.3. Statistical Analysis
All the collected data were subjected to the statistical
analysis as the usual technique of analysis of variance
(ANOVA) and the least significant difference (L.S.D)
between systems at 5% had been done according to [23].
3.1. The Effect of Closed Circuits at Different
Laterals Lengths on Emitter Discharge
and the Cumulative Flow Lines Subsidiary
1) Closed circuits with tow manifolds of trickle irriga-
tion system (CTMDIS):
Data of Figures 4(a), 4(b) and 4(c) indicate the effect
of closed circuits with tow manifolds of trickle irrigation
system (CTMTIS) at different laterals lengths (40, 60,
and 80 m) on dripper flows and the Cumulative flows
lines subsidiary. Under the lateral lines length (40 m),
emitter flow was the highest value (4.18 lph), then came
the lateral line length (60 m) value was 3.72 lph. The
lowest value was 3.71 lph achieved under lateral line
length (80 m). While as for the cumulative flow under
lateral length (80 m) was the highest (990.0 lph), then
lateral length (60 m) (744.0 lph), while the lowest value
of the cumulative flow was 599.9 under lateral length
(40 m) as shown in Figures 4(a), 4(b) and 4(c) at (1.0
bar) operating pressure and under the laboratory condi-
tions as stated by [14,22,24,25]. There were significant
differences at the 5% level in the emitters flow and the
cumulative flows between any two lateral lengths of
CTMTIS. The increase in emitters flow and the cumulative
H. A.-G. Mansour et al. / Agricultural Sciences 1 (2010) 1-9
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/as/
Cumulative Flow (Lph)
0510 1520 25 3035 40
Dripper flow( L/h)Cumulative(L/h)
Dripper flow(L/h)C umulative(L/h)
0510152025 30 35 40 45 50 55 6065 70 75 80
Drippe r flow(L/ h )Cumu lative(L/h)
Figure 4. Comparing emitters flow uniformity between differ-
ent lateral lines lengths in a closed circuits by using tow mani-
fold lines (CTMTIS).
flows under CTMTIS were 23.21%, 23.36%; 30.11%,
30.10% and 41.78%, 41.74% under lateral lengths 40; 60
and 80 m, respectively in comparison with the control
values of traditional trickle irrigation system TTIS as
shown in Table 3 and the same Figures 4(a), 4(b) and 4(c).
2) Closed circuits with one manifold of trickle irriga-
tion system (COMTIS):
Data of Figures 5(a), 5(b) and 5(c) indicate the effect
of closed circuits with one manifold of trickle irrigation
system (COMTIS) at different laterals lengths (40, 60,
and 80 m) on emitter flows and the Cumulative flows
lateral lines. According to emitter flows of the laterals
lengths could put in the following ascending orders
Lateral Length 60 m (3.51 lph) < Lateral Length 80 m
(3.59 lph) < Lateral Length 40 m (4.07 lph). Concerning
to cumulative flow per line, it is obvious that the lateral
lengths under study when using (COMTIS) method
could be arranged in the following ascending order Lat-
eral Length 40 m (541.0 lph) < Lateral Length 60 m
(702.0 lph) < Lateral Length 80 m (958.0 lph). On the
other hand under (TTIS) at different laterals lengths (40,
60, and 80 m) on emitter flows and the Cumulative
flows lateral lines. According to emitter flows of the
laterals lengths could put in the following descending
orders Lateral Length 40 m (3.21 lph) < Lateral Length
0510 15 20 25 30 35 40
Dripper flow(L/h)C umulati ve ( L/h)
Cumulative Flow (Lph)
Emitter Flow (Lph)
Emitter Flow (Lph)
Lateral length (m)
(a) (a)
Lateral length (m)
0510 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Dripper f low( L/h)C umulative(L/h)
Emitter Flow (Lph)
Cumulative Flow (Lph)
Emitter Flow (Lph)
Cumulative Flow (Lph)
Lateral length (m)
Lateral length (m)
Cumulative Flow (Lph)
0510 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Dripper flow(L/h)Cum ulative(L/h)
Emitter Flow (Lph)
Emitter Flow
Cumulative Flow (Lph)
Lateral length (m)
(c) (c)
Lateral length (m)
Figure 5. Comparing emitters flow uniformity between differ-
ent lateral lines lengths in a closed circuits by using tow mani-
fold lines (COMTIS).
60 m (2.60 lph) < Lateral Length 80 m (2.16 lph). Con-
cerning to cumulative flow per line, It is obvious that the
lateral lengths under study when using (TTIS) method
could be arranged in the following descending order
Lateral Length 80 m (576.7 lph) < Lateral Length 60m
(520.0 lph) < Lateral Length 40m (426.0 lph) as shown
in Figures 6(a), 6(b) and 6(c) at (1.0 bar) operating
pressure under the laboratory conditions as stated by [14,
There were significant differences at the 0.05 level in
the emitters flow and the cumulative flows between any
two lateral lengths of COMTIS. The increase in emitters
flow and the cumulative flows under COMTIS were
21.13%, 21.26%; 25.92%, 25.90% and 39.83%, 39.81%
under lateral lengths 40; 60 and 80 m, respectively in
comparison with the control values of traditional trickle
irrigation system TTIS as shown in Table 3 and the same
Figures 6(a), 6(b) and 6(c)). We can note from the Fig-
ures 4-6 that the flow of emitters became a regular at the
end of the line, such as first-line using the methods
amended (CTMTIS and COMTIS), and this was due to
irregular pressure lines, the Sub-corrected methods
compared with the system of traditional as well as from
the values of the percentages of decrease in pressure
values in Table 2.
H. A.-G. Mansour et al. / Agricultural Sciences 1 (2010) 1-9
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/as/
3) Uniformity coefficient under different lateral lengths
of closed circuits methods:
0510 15 20 25 30 35 40
er flow
line flow
Emitter Flow (Lph) Emitter Flow (Lph)
Emitter Flow (Lph)
Uniformity coefficient under CTMTIS were the high-
est values (97.74%; 95.14% and 92.03%), then COMTIS
(95.73%; 89.45% and 83.25%), while the lowest values
of uniformity coefficient was 88.27%; 84.73% and
80.53% under TTIS when using three laterals line
lengths (40, 60 and 80 m), respectively as stated by [4],
as shown in Table 3. That LSD 0.05 value was (2.5) and
(2.1) show there are significant differences in uniformity
coefficient between all lateral lengths in each connection
methods of irrigation, with the exception of that between
CTMTIS and COMTIS in the same lateral lengths 40m.
The increases percentage in uniformity coefficient under
CTMTIS were 9.68%; 10.94% and 12.49 %, while the
increases percentage under COMTIS were 7.79%; 5.27%
and 3.26% at three lateral lengths 40, 60, and 80 m, re-
spectively relative to TTIS. According to the uniformity
coefficient, the interaction between the connection
methods and lateral lengths treatments was significant,
as stated [5,6,8,26] about the classification of acceptabil-
ity of trickle irrigation system.
Lateral length (m)
0510 15 20 2530 35 40 45 50 55 60
Dripper flow(L/h)Cumulative(L/h)
Cumulative Flow (Lph)
Lateral length (m)
0510 15 20 25 30 3540 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Dripper flow( L/h)Cumul ative( L/h)
Cumulative Flow (Lph)
The variation is in uniformity coefficient between the
lateral lengths under CTMTIS and COMTIS according
to LSD at 0.05 values and Figure 7. Due to hydraulics,
and adjusted friction loss in lateral lines values for new
irrigation methods are shown in Figure 8.
Lateral length (m)
4) Effect of closed circuits methods and lateral length
on friction loss:
Figure 6. Comparing emitters flow uniformity between differ-
ent lateral lines lengths under trickle traditional system (TTIS).
Table 2. Effect of the closed circuits irrigation methods on emitter flow and cumulative flow.
Irrigation Method Lateral
Emitter Flow
Reduction Pres-
Cumulative F low
40 4.18 3.70 555.9
60 3.72 5.60 744.0
CTMTIS 80 3.71 7.00 990.0
40 4.07 3.99 541.0
60 3.51 6.10 702.0
COMTIS 80 3.59 8.90 958.0
40 3.21 8.35 426.0
60 2.60 13.87 520.0
TTIS 80 2.16 30.58 576.7
LSD 0.05 0.03 0.24 3.3
Table 3. Effect of closed methods and lateral lengths on uniformity coefficient (%) and friction loss (bar).
Irrigation con-
Variation (CV)Acceptability
By ASAE 1996 Friction
40 97.74 0.08 Excellent 0.050
60 95.14 0.06 Excellent 0.130
CTMTIS 80 92.03 0.12 good 0.170
40 95.73 0.07 Excellent
60 89.45 0.16 good
80 83.25 0.23 good
40 88.27 0.18 good
60 84.73 0.22 good
80 80.53 0.28 fair 0.400
LSD 0.05 0.21 0.01
H. A.-G. Mansour et al. / Agricultural Sciences 1 (2010) 1-9
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/as/
Figure 7. Effect of lateral length on uniformity coefficient under closed circuit
with one or two manifolds of trickle irrigation system (COMTIS) or (CTMTIS).
Figure 8. Effect of lateral length on friction loss under closed circuits with one or two
manifolds of trickle irrigation system (COMTIS) or (CTMTIS).
According to friction loss as shown in Figure 8, the
lowest values (0.05; 0.13 and 0.17 bar) were under
CTMTIS, then COMTIS values of friction loss were
0.08; 0.17 and 0.25 bar, while the highest values were
under TTIS (0.114; 0.221 and 0.4 bar) when using three
lateral lines lengths (40; 60 and 80 m), respectively as
stated by [11-13]. The variation in uniformity coefficient
between the lateral lengths under CTMTIS and COMTIS
according to LSD at 0.05 values and Figures 3 and 4.
Due to hydraulics, and adjusted friction loss in lateral
lines values for new irrigation methods are shown in
Figure 8.
As shown LSD 0.05 values in Ta b l e 4 there are sig-
nificant differences in friction loss values between all
lateral lengths and all methods. The decrease percentage
in friction loss under CTMTIS were 56.14%; 41.17% and
57.50%, while the decrease percentage under COMTIS
were 29.82; 23.07 and 37.50 at three lateral lengths (40;
60 and 80), respectively. According to the friction losses,
The interaction between the connection methods and lat-
eral lengths treatments was significant and the main rea-
son of increase uniformity coefficient of closed circuits
methods CTMTIS and COMTIS is that the friction loss
decreased significantly under these methods Data as we
can note the data in Tables 3 and 4.
The study is confirms that the closed circuits of trickle
irrigation systems (CTMTIS) and (COMTIS) by some
modifications in manifolds and laterals are; generally,
polyethylene pipes of (0% slope) fixed level and fitted
with similar and equally spaced emitters whose dis-
charges usually decrease in the head losses along the
lines with flow direction which led to that increase in the
above-described Uniformity coefficients as shown in
Tables 3 and 4 and Figures 7 and 8. Many investigators
provided approximate solutions for the problem of
trickle irrigation lateral design. Among the earlier inves-
tigators were [14,22,24,25].
5) Effect of different operating pressures on emitters
discharge of lateral lines closed circuits:
In Table 5 we can be observed there was a direct rela-
tionship between the operating pressures and the average
discharge of lateral lines along the lines in all cases and
this is logical. When operating pressure 0.8 bar was un-
der used CTMTIS method, the average of emitter dis-
charge when lateral length 40 m was 4.48 lph and when
using the COMTIS and the value of the average dis-
charge of emitter was 4.20 lph under the same length of
the line.
While with the change in the operating pressure it’s
increased to 1.0 bar. When the length of lateral lines was
H. A.-G. Mansour et al. / Agricultural Sciences 1 (2010) 1-9
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/as/
Table 4. Effect of operating pressures 1.0 bar on the flow parameters of PE lateral tubes.
LL (m) of
TTIS LL (m) of
CTMTIS LL (m) of
Parameters 40 60 80 40 60 80 40 60 80
No. of
emitters 133 200 267 133 200 267 133 200 267
Emitter (Q) (lph) 3.21 2.60 2.16 4.18 3.72 3.71 4.07 3.51 3.59
Total (Q) (lph) 427 520 577 556 744 990 541 702 958
Velocity avg. m/s 0.94 1.62 1.97 0.86 1.54 1.88 0.91 1.73 1.92
Renold Number 3234 3489 3612 3238 3001 3062 3859 3753 3810
Flow Type Turbulent
Critical Velocity 0.89 1.58 1.93 0.82 1.48 2.83 0.87 1.68 1.85
f = ε /d 0.23
Hf (bar) 0.114 0.221 0.400 0.050 0.130 0.170 0.080 0.170 0.250
ε /d = Roughens Coefficient; LL = Lateral Length (m); Rn > 3000 = Turblent flow; Rn < 3000 = Laminar flow.
Table 5. Effect of operating pressures (bar) on discharges of the closed circuits.
Discharge values (lph)
Lateral lengths(m) of
TTIS Lateral lengths(m) of
CTMTIS Lateral lengths(m) of
40 60 80 40 60 80 40 60 80
0.2 1.35 1.26 0.89 2.00 2.15 2.30 1.66 1.48 1.11
0.4 1.50 1.39 1.01 2.60 2.35 2.63 2.00 1.84 1.53
0.6 1.84 1.58 1.15 3.87 3.35 3.67 2.88 2.31 2.25
0.8 2.25 1.82 1.37 4.38 3.74 3.74 4.20 3.40 3.37
1.0 2.93 2.18 1.73 4.48 3.94 3.86 4.33 3.57 3.68
1.2 3.10 2.49 1.98 4.52 4.02 3.94 4.41 3.69 3.71
1.4 3.24 2.98 2.23 4.59 4.11 4.15 4.53 3.78 3.80
1.6 3.47 3.35 2.52 4.64 4.27 4.31 4.64 3.96 3.92
1.8 3.65 3.49 2.88 4.70 4.33 4.43 4.70 4.15 4.13
2.0 3.84 3.55 3.32 4.76 4.48 4.56 4.76 4.35 4.26
*The shading areas are all discharge values at the nominal pressure (1.0 bar) and the discharge values above stander discharge value (4.0 lph).
*Standard value of GR dripper Built-in is (4.00 lph at Operating pressure 1.00 bar ).
alues above (4.0 lph) when press more 1.0 bar no accepted because they need high energy.
40 m, the average value of the discharge in this case was
4.48 lph under using CTMTIS While the average value
of the discharge was 4.33 lph with using the COMTIS
method. The lateral lines at all cases of Control TTIS
and lengths 60 and 80 m under used (CTMTIS, COM-
TIS), the average value of the discharge didn’t reach the
nominal value for this type of emitters (GR Built-in)
where the nominal value for this type of emitters is 4 lph
at the operating pressure is 1.0 bar as shown in Table 5.
It could be concluded that:
Irrigation systems at 40, 60, 80 m could be arranged
according to emitters flow, the cumulative flow, and
uniformity coefficient in the following ascending order:
TTIS < COMTIS < CTMTIS. Irrigation systems at 40,
60, 80 m could be arranged according to friction losses
of lateral lines in the following ascending order:
The increases percentage in uniformity coefficient
under CTMTIS were 9.68%; 10.94% and 12.49 %, while
the increases percentage under COMTIS were 7.79%;
5.27% and 3.26% at three lateral lengths 40, 60, and 80 m,
respectively relative to TTIS. Was reached values higher
than the standard value for the discharge of this emitters
type, a 4 L/h at operating pressure 1.00 bar by using a
closed irrigation systems at a low operating pressure
0.8 bar, giving an important indicator of energy saving
operation using these modifications to the trickle irriga-
tion system. Under using the CTMTIS and COMTIS
when Lateral Length 40 m we got on a 4.38, 4.20 L/h,
respectively, Finally, observed data recommend that ap-
plication CTMTIS when lateral length are 40, 60 and 80 m,
COMTIS when lateral length 40 and 60 m and TTIS when
lateral length 40 due to an increase the emitters uniform-
ity (above 85% UC) and low friction losses (less than
20%) in lateral lines, which led to constant pressure
along the line sub-flow and balance at the end of the line
such as the beginning.
H. A.-G. Mansour et al. / Agricultural Sciences 1 (2010) 1-9
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/as/
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